old indian trick

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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a play for Leader (a man) and Chorus (3 people mixed) . . . written in 1982



a Play for Leader and Chorus

Larry Goodell2012

this play was written in 1982

Photo: “Here Chiricahua Apache men run a 100 yard race at a picnic event. Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian, Catalog number:


Copyright © 2012 Larry Goodell

write the author for performance rightsduende digital book

duende press2012

po box 571 placitas, new mexico 87043 USA





Leader (man)Chorus (3 or more mixed voices)

(Play can be rehearsed but not memorizedand is read from the page. Leader & Chorus may standbefore lecturns or sit at a table)

LEADER: Ancient Indian rock drama

rock drama drama drama bums drama

CHORUS: drama drama

LEADER: rock bums drama bums

CHORUS: ancient Indian rock drama crackling voices in the chorus

LEADER: crackling voices in the chorus mellowing

CHORUS: mellowing


LEADER: single solo rising staticing

CHORUS: disappearing nearing the destination

LEADER: nearing the destination, floating moving on it over it ancient Indian rock drama floating over the map

CHORUS: map reading map reading contour developing developing

LEADER: drama bumming bummed out crack disappear mellow out

CHORUS: ancient Indian rock drama

LEADER: floats over disappearing act getting fat disappearing

CHORUS: getting fast disappearing

LEADER: ancient Indian disappearing act old Indian drama trick

CHORUS: old Indian trick

LEADER: disappearing fast fast disappearing only chards and low walls left


CHORUS: ancient Indian rock drama only chards and low walls left

LEADER: are you kidding

CHORUS: I'm kidding you

LEADER: you're kidding who

CHORUS: I'm kidding you

LEADER: bummed out running I'm kidding you

CHORUS: we're still in the running

LEADER: you're running

CHORUS: over the map

LEADER: the map runneth over

CHORUS: we've hit the corners

LEADER: the map runs over and hits the corner so you're in the running

CHORUS: we run over the corners we float over the map

LEADER: run over the water the drama begins

CHORUS: the drama ends where the drama begins ancient. wives and children grown up men and children grown up men and wives and women children husbands grown up women running the race


LEADER: grown up men and women children run the race the old rock drama rocking the run

CHORUS: clocks the run

LEADER: running fast

CHORUS: clocking the run

LEADER: running the turn

CHORUS: and around the turn

LEADER: turning the bum rock out of the turn

CHORUS: opens the stretch running the world

LEADER: around the world a single solo ancient modern fat and thin running trick

CHORUS: we run to lose our paunches

LEADER: an ancient Indian running trick?

CHORUS: we run to lose our paunches no mystery I know of stub a toe

LEADER: you stub a toe no mystery I know of I run to lose my paunch I lost it somewhere along the way


CHORUS: I lost my paunch along the run over land, sea, mountains down the hill ran into you

LEADER: ran into me along the way

CHORUS: taught you a dirty trick

LEADER: you ran into my life and taught me and my wife a dirty trick

WOMAN FROM CHORUS: come home you're running running too far from home you taught me this running trick I'm running from you you're running from me

CHORUS: I'm running away we're running away from each other

LEADER: I'm running to lose my paunch

WOMAN: I'm running, just running and now I want to stop

CHORUS: I'm stopping, I'm stopping I taught you the trick I stop.

LEADER: I'm stopping only my heart is beating my heart runs on


CHORUS: that is the trick you stop running and your heart runs on

LEADER: Dear, come here.

WOMAN: I'm here, we're here bump bump bump so that's the trick

you run

CHORUS: we run

LEADER: we ran

WOMAN: we run

CHORUS: bump bump bump the heart on the wall doesn’t stop bumping unless it falls

WOMAN: an ancient old forbidden trick the heart in the wall doesn’t stop bumping unless it falls

LEADER: I lose my paunch I stop running my heart keeps bumping fat to thin fast & skinny I'm all by myself I've run away from you

WOMAN: out of the cave you run the house, the road away out of the car you just kept on running


CHORUS: we ran away from you

LEADER: my heart keeps running away from me I keep after it but now I'm still I just sit here tired of work pick up this rock and drop it

CHORUS: drop drop drop on by

LEADER: drop on by

WOMAN: drop on in

LEADER: drop back in

CHORUS: see you, neighbor

LEADER: that's a favor

WOMAN: bring the pie

LEADER: rock on by

CHORUS: we're the neighbors by a by

LEADER: rock on by

WOMAN: bake that pie

LEADER: apple pie

CHORUS: we're the neighbors


LEADER: come on by

WOMAN: by & by

LEADER: we're home from running now we sit and eat our pie

CHORUS: now we sit and eat our pie then we'll run then we'll run

LEADER: but now we sit and eat our pie

WOMAN: apple, apple, apple pie.


write the author for performance rightsduende digital book

duende press2012

po box 571 placitas, new mexico 87043 USA larrygood@comcast.net

Plays by Larry Goodell

Hot Art and Other Plays

Alfalfa, a Radio Play, presented on KUNM-FM and the Vortex Theater simultaneously 5Oct1975

Left and Right, a Play 12Oct1975Captain Armor (actors loved it but we didn’t do it) 14Oct1975Hot Art 19?Oct1975Body Palace, a Play for Two Women, premiered at the Vortex Theater with Terry

Boren & Constance Ash, Ned Sublette directing 21Oct1975The Football Game, a Responsive Reading, premiered at the Armory for the Arts,

Santa Fe, impromptu, presented at the Vortex Theater 24Oct1975A Fifth Apart, premiered at the Vortex Theater

with Ned Sublette & the author 1976Rabbit Stew, performed at the Armory for the Arts, “Words” program, Santa Fe 1976

Later Plays

Verging on Female Territory 25Aug1976(?)Billy the Kid in Bed with His Stereotype, a Radio Play 25Aug1977

premiered on KUNM-FM, along with Body Palace (Radio Premiere), Radio Perfomance Project 1977 11October1977

Presentation of the Goddess, for Ned Sublette Jan1977Jock Art, a Dance Play 1977Julia Child Taoist Incarnate, premiered, “Words” program, Santa Fe Jan1979

Pecos Bill, a “full length” Radio or Read Play, presented at KUNM-FM as part of NedSublette’s Radio Performance Project 1979 1979

Each Other, a Duo, presented on KUNM-FM by Marilyn Pittman & Larry Goodell,also at the Zocalo Theater in Bernalillo, New Mexico, by Marcia Latham& the author Feb-Mar1980

In Our One Way, a Radio Play for Two Men with Low Voices 23Jun1980Down in Jujitsu Land 21Jul1980The Fairy Baboons 9Dec(#2)1981Old Indian Trick, a Play for Leader and Chorus 1982

Spirit Talk, premiered at Coronado State Monument (Kuaua), Bernalillo, NewMexico, with Bill Pearlman & the author 12May1994

The Disappearing Corpse, a Play To Be Read Aloud(for Sara Kane) 2002


a Play for Leader and Chorus

Larry Goodell2012

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