old dogs new math 2

Post on 13-Aug-2015






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Old Dogs New MathJen MaxwellMath SpecialistRyerson Elementary January 13, 2015

Let’s take a quick survey...

How many of you enjoyed math as a child? As an adult?

How many of you are comfortable helping your elementary child with their math homework?

When Kids Do “Old Math”

“Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”

Albert Einstein

Math Can Be… FUN?! How we learned... (old

math)How our children are

learning…(new math)

❖ Quiet classroom-teacher directed

❖ Students completed worksheets independently for practice

❖ Learned the rules-

“Ours is not to question why, just invert and multiply”

“Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally”


★ more about collaboration and investigation

★ teaching methods that help children understand the underlying math

★ develops number sense★ Strategy based

BRIDGES~ 30+ “Work Place” games per school year

Why all the “new” methods?

● HOW WHY● “Promotes confidence in what children are doing, rather than try to remember a

procedure”● “To provide maps rather than remember lists of directions”● “As children progress the mathematical ladder, all the techniques eventually join up

with what you did in school” ● “Play and curiosity are essential parts of math. If not exposed as intriguing and

enjoyable, it’s unlikely they will ever develop an appetite for it”

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn”

- Benjamin Franklin

Overcome Fear of Math

“Anything worth learning takes effort and math is no different.”

There IS value (honor) in getting stuck, or even getting a problem WRONG.

Allow yourself the flexibility to think. You are probably better than you think you are.

No more excuses: “I’m bad at math” does not justify remaining bad at math.

Addition Facts: NOW

Multiplication FactsSuggested, strategic order in which to learn basic facts:

x 10 x 5x 2x 4x 8x 9x 3x 6x 7

How would YOU solve….

399 + 426

600 - 485

Any of these??

Number Line

Linking + to -


Traditional Algorithm

How would YOU solve...

25 x 16

64 ÷ 4 = ?

Any of these??



Halve & Double

Double Double

Grid Method

It’s not the algorithm! Using the Grid Method (partial product) for Multiplication

Why is Math Different Now VimeoMath Plus Academy

The Grid Method How does it relate to algebra?

(a + b) x (c + d)

How many of you remember FOIL? (First, Outer, Inner,


ac + ad + bc + bd

The strategies we are teaching them now will help

them make sense of the

math they will learn later!


Unit A Working Through Five: Numbers to Five & Ten

Unit B Five & Ten, Do it Again! Numbers to Ten

Unit C How Much How Many? Paths to Adding, Subtracting &


Unit D Shaping Up: Two-Dimensional Geometry

Unit E Ten and Then Some: Numbers Beyond Ten

Unit F Problems All Around Us: Weight & Place Value


Unit A Numbers All Around Us

Unit B Equal: To Be or Not To Be: Developing Strategies

Unit C Leapfrogging: The Number Line

Unit D One of These Shapes Is Not Like The Others: Geometry

Unit E The Problem With Penguins: Figure the Facts

Unit F To 100 and Beyond!


Unit A Figure the Facts

Unit B Climbing the Beanstalk: Place Value & Measurement

Unit C Sizing it Up! Measurement

Unit D How… is 1,000? Place Value

Unit E Name it, Make it, Shape it, Break it, Build it, Move it,

and Compare it: Geometry

Unit F The Ants Go Marching 10 by 10

GRADE 3Unit 1 Addition & Subtraction Patterns

Unit 2 Introduction to Multiplication

Unit 3 Multi-Digit Addition & Subtraction

Unit 4 Measurement & Fractions

Unit 5 Multiplication, Division & Area

Unit 6 Geometry

Unit 7 Extending Multiplication & Fractions


Unit 1 Multiplicative Thinking Unit 5 Geometry &


Unit 2 Multi-Digit Multiplication & Early Division Unit 6 Multiplication & Division, Data &


Unit 3 Fractions & Decimals Unit 7 Patterns & Problems

Unit 4 Addition, Subtraction & Measurement

Questions? Just ask!


Free Apps from the Math Learning Centerhttp://catalog.mathlearningcenter.org/apps

Games, parent letters, and more: http://www.mathlearningcenter.org/resources/families

Online tutorials: https://www.khanacademy.org

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