ola tunander (parapolitics - ''deep state'' researcher) -- short scholarly...

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Research Professor Ola Tunander International Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)

Short Scholarly Biography 1985-2007 • Tunander headed PRIO:s Foreign and Security Policy Program 1995-2000. He

has recently been heading a couple of PRIO:s Strategic Institute Programs on European security.

• Tunander has organized several international conferences and contributed to a number of projects and inquiries for ministries of foreign affairs and defence.

• He has lectured at universities, military staff schools and ministries and given presentations at international conferences world-wide.

• He has initiated projects for East-West dialogue, Norwegian-Russian dialogue and Chinese-Nordic dialogue financed by Norwegian ministries of foreign affairs and defence.

• He has written or edited twelve books on security politics, military strategy, geopolitics and political philosophy. Several of them have been used as text books at universities and military colleges in Europe and United States.

• He has contributed to numerous books and journals (including peer-reviewed journals like Review of International Studies, Geopolitics, Cooperation & Conflict, Security Dialogue and Journal of Peace Research).

• He has been peer-reviewer for several journals like the Harvard-based Interna-tional Security (Kennedy School of Government), the European Journal of Inter-national Relations, and the London-based Millennium: Journal of International Studies (London School of Economics). He was also on the advisory board for the latter journal.


1. In the mid 1980s: Doctoral Project and Appointed Senior Researcher at PRIO Tunander wrote his master thesis in History of Economics at the University of Gothenburg in 1980 after having completed his courses in Human Geography and History of Science and Philosophy. He worked as a journalist/author and wrote several articles for the Swedish literary magazine Ord & Bild and for the philosophical magazine Res Publica. He was based in Stockholm up to 1987, while writing his doctoral thesis at Tema, Linköping University (Sweden) on military technology, maritime strategy and geopolitics of Northern Europe. From 1985, he headed a Nordic study group, ‘The New Europe’ (within the Nordic Summer University). The study group consisted of scholars and diplomats discussing the possibilities for a Europe that would be more autonomous, more unified and less determined by a US and Soviet hegemony. He was also on the board of that university. Tunander wrote several articles on the European borderland and the Nordic Region. One article: ‘Grey Zone and Buffer Zone – The Nordic Borderland and the Soviet Union’, was published in the Nordic Journal of Soviet & East European Studies (vol. 4, no 4, 1987). He also published three books:

• På Autobahn mot sekelskiftet (Lund: Symposion, 1985) was a study about the future

society, terrorism and complex technological systems. The original manuscript was written as a report for the Swedish Institute for Futures Studies.

• Den Svarta Duvan (Lund: Symposion, 1985) was a collection of essays about tech-nology, history and security politics. Several of these essays had earlier been pub-lished in the Swedish literary magazine Ord & Bild.

• Norden och USAs Maritima Strategi – En Studie av Nordens Förändrade Strategiska Läge (Stockholm: FOA, 1987) was an analysis written for the Swedish Defence Research Establishment (FOA) about the new US maritime strategy (as a draft manu-script for his doctoral thesis).

Tunander contributed a chapter, ‘Avskräckningens logik’ (the logic of nuclear deterrence), to a Swedish book (Håkan Wiberg, ed. Farväl till Avskräckningen?, Lund University Press, 1989). The book project was financed by the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Tunander also published an article, ‘The Logic of Deterrence’ in the PRIO journal Journal of Peace Research (vol. 26, no. 4, 1989). After the publication of this article, he became member of the editorial committee of the latter journal. He also wrote a report on the change of Swedish defence doctrine for the Swedish Board on Psychological Defence. Also this report became part of his future doctoral thesis. After Asbjørn Eide at PRIO was appointed director of the new Human Rights Institute in Oslo in 1987, one research position became vacant at PRIO. Tunander applied for this position and was ranked as number one. In 1988, Tunander finalized his doctoral thesis on US Maritime Strategy and Northern Europe, on geopolitics, semiotics and ‘body language of states’. He was appointed Senior Research Fellow at PRIO and given a tenure position. In 1989, he defended his doctoral thesis. 2. In the late 1980s: Projects on Naval strategy and East-West Dialogue Tunander participated or co-organized conferences and meetings with central figures from the US Navy and the Soviet Navy on naval strategy and confidence-building measures at sea. Among the participants were also people from the KGB and the CIA such as present Russian Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov and former Director of the CIA Admiral Stansfield Turner.


Tunander participated at a Harvard University-US Navy conference, at a Finnish International Affairs Institute conference, at Pugwash conferences for East-West dialogue and naval arms control, and at a number of Norwegian conferences. He contributed to two books from these conferences; one was published by Westview Press, Boulder (Colorado) and the other by Sage in London. He wrote:

• ‘Four Scenarios for the Norwegian Sea’, in Kari Möttölä, ed., The Arctic Challenge – Nordic and Canadian Approaches to Security and Cooperation in an Emerging International Region (Boulder & London: Westview Press, 1988).

• ‘Naval Hierarchies – European ‘Neutralism’ and Regional Restraint at Sea’, in Sverre Lodgaard, ed., Naval Forces – Arms Control and Confidence-Building (London, Newbury Park & New Delhi: SAGE Publications, 1990) with contributions by former Defence Minister Johan Jørgen Holst, by Barry Blechman (Center for Strategic and International Studies), Steven Miller (Kennedy School of Government), Robert Wood (Naval War College), Kari Möttölä (Finnish Institute of International Affairs), Jan Prawitz (Swedish Ministry of Defence), Admiral Elmar Schmäling (Federal German Navy), Admiral Carsten Lutken (Royal Norwegian Navy) and Michail Kokeev and Alexander Churilin (both from Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

In 1989, Tunander was invited to visit several US institutes and colleges, and he contributed to a number of conferences. He discussed naval issues at the Kennedy School of Government (Cambridge), Naval War College (Rhode Island), Rand (Washington and Santa Monica, Cali-fornia) and Center for Strategic and International Studies (Washington). He also discussed these issues at the State Department (the Policy Planning Staff), the Pentagon (the Naval Staff) and the White House. He gave lectures at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey (California), and he presented his doctoral thesis, the book Cold Water Politics, for the US Navy analysts at the Center for Naval Analysis at the Pentagon.

• Cold Water Politics – The Maritime Strategy and Geopolitics of the Northern Front (London: Sage, 1989).

At Naval War College, Tunander was received by its dean, Robert Wood, and by Professor Donald Daniel, who told that they used his book Cold Water Politics as a text book at the War College. In Sweden, the Swedish Defence College (Militärhögskolan) used his book Norden och USAs Maritima Strategi as one of two major text books, and Tunander was flown in to address the entire course. He also gave a lecture on the book for the Swedish Defence Ministry. Tunander’s English-language book and book chapters on naval matters were favou-rably reviewed in English scholarly journals like International Affairs and Journal of Stra-tegic Studies, and the US Naval War College Review (1992) wrote the following about his Cold Water Politics: ‘What Dr. Tunander has written is brilliant, and a welcome relief from the stale reprocessing of commonly held information characteristic of the genre writing about the Soviet navy…. This invaluable book will be of interest to Americans for the lessons offered in the subtleties of seapower’. In the early and mid 1990s: Projects on Norwegian-Russian Dialogue Tunander gave lectures and wrote several contributions for books and journals about the new US military strategy, about the war in Kuwait and Iraq and about the US concepts of a post-Cold War ‘contingency force’ and a ‘new world order’, for example:

• ‘Bush’s Brave New World: A New World Order - A New Military Strategy’. Bulletin of Peace Proposals / Security Dialogue (vol. 22, no. 4, 1991).


• ‘Hav, murar och streck i sanden - En ny militär världsordning’, in Per Ahlin & Pål Wrange, eds, Den eviga freden? - Perspektiv på en ny världsordning. (Stockholm: Juristförlaget, 1992), with contributions by Anders Stephanson (Colombia University, Jan Hallenberg (Stockholm University), and Martti Koskenniemi (University of Hel-sinki).

Tunander continued to participate at naval conferences and Baltic Sea conferences in Finland, Sweden, Germany and Russia; at Nordic and Baltic State conferences in the Scandinavian countries, Finland, Estonia and Latvia, and at Arctic dialogue conferences in Alaska, Canada, Scandinavia and Russia. He lectured in Anchorage, Alaska, in Florence in Italy and at the Kenyan Diplomatic Academy in Nairobi. He also continued to write articles and book chapters about naval issues and geopolitical change in Northern Europe, and he continued his work as head of the Nordic study group on ‘a New Europe’. Together with Steven Millier from SIPRI and Kennedy School of Government, he participated at the Finnish Kuhmo Academy on the border to Russia (after 1989 also in Kostamuchsa in the Soviet Karelen) and he contributed a chapter, ‘The Two Norden: The North and the South, or the East and the West?’ to a volume edited by Lassi Heininen and Jyrki Käkönen, Arctic Complexity – Essays on Arctic Interdependencies (Tampere Peace Research Institute, 1991). He also wrote a similar article for Bulletin of Peace Proposals / Security Dialogue (vol. 22, no. 1, 1991). In Oslo, Tunander participated in the Clausewitz seminar inititated by today’s director of the Norwegian Institute of Strategic Studies, Jon Bingen. The Clausewitz seminar was a small study group of scholars such as Bingen at the Norwegian International Affairs Institute (NUPI), Anders Kjølberg at the Norwegian Defence Research Institute (FFI) and Tunander at PRIO; diplomats, Einar Ansteensen, former head of the Foreign Ministry’s Policy Planning Division and Sverre Jervell Deputy Head of the same Division; and military officers including today’s Norwegian Chief of Defence, General Sverre Diesen, today’s Chief of Staff, Lieu-tenant-General Arne Dalhaug, retired Commodore Jacob Børresen and retired Commander Roald Gjelsten. The seminar was first hosted by Bingen at NUPI, then by Tunander at PRIO and after that by the Military Staff School. Tunander contributed to its second yearbook:

• ‘Norden och havet’ in Bent Bull & Anders Kjølberg, eds. Norge i det politiske kraftfeltet – Norden og USAs betydning for Norsk Politikk (Oslo: Cappelen / Europa-programmet, 1993).

Tunander made several trips to Russia (Leningrad/St Petersburg, Novgorod, Moscow and Murmansk) together with his PRIO colleague, Professor and retired US Navy Captain, Robert Bathurst within the framework of PRIO’s Norwegian-Russian dialogue project (Bathurst was a former Assistant Naval Attaché to Moscow, a Chief of US Naval Intelligence Europe and former Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School and at the Naval War College, where he was the holder of the Admiral Layton Chair of Intelligence).

• Tunander and Bathurst went in 1992 on a ‘Military History’ tour to Russia with officers from US Navy Intelligence, US Army Intelligence and US Air Force Intelligence and the CIA, and had conversations with Russian counterparts.

• Tunander and Bathurst had conversations with later Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Valentin Selivanov at his office in the Admiralty (Leningrad) and with Russia’s later First Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Finance Anatoly Chubais at the Leningrad mayor Anatoly Subchak’s office (now head of Russia’s United Energy System).

• Tunander and Bathurst invited Russian retired generals and admirals to Oslo to give presentations, meet Norwegian counterparts and meet Norwegian defence scholars at the Defence Research Institute (FFI).

• Tunander and Bathurst established contacts between Norwegian NGOs (Bellona) and Russian counterparts for the study of environmental hazards in the North.


• Tunander was in 1993 heading a Norwegian delegation of defence researchers (from FFI and PRIO incl. Bathurst) and representatives from the Norwegian Navy and Norwegian Ministry of Defence at a seminar on a former Soviet naval intelligence ship. Tunander’s opposite number was the former legal adviser to the Soviet Navy, General Pyotr Barabolja, and the former Commander of the Soviet Pacific Fleet and former Deputy Defence Minister of the Soviet Union, Admiral Nikolai Amelko.

The Norwegian-Russian dialogue project was also extended to the early preparations for the Norwegian Barents Region initiative, which was agreed upon by Foreign Minister Thorvald Stoltenberg and Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev in 1992 and launched in 1993. The initia-tive had its origin in the ‘New Europe study group’, and Tunander co-edited a volume:

• The Barents Region – Cooperation in Arctic Europe (London: Sage 1994) with a foreword by then former minister Thorvald Stoltenberg and with contributions by the two foreign ministers Andrei Kozyrev and Johan Jørgen Holst (this was Holst’s last contribution before he died in late 1993). The book included contributions by several Norwegian scholars as well as by the PRIO scholars Robert Bathurst and Pavel Baev. Tunander’s chapter had the title: ‘Inventing the Barents Region – Overcoming the East-West Divide’. The book was used as a text book at several universities in Northern Europe.

Also as part of the Norwegian-Russian dialogue project, Tunander contributed (together with Norwegian Prime Minister Thorbjørn Jagland, Norwegian Foreign Minister Bjørn Tore Godal, Russian Foreign Minister Jevgenij Primakov, Norwegian Chief of Defence General Arne Sollie and the Russian and Norwegian ambassadors) to a Norwegian-Russian special issue of the Russian Foreign Ministry journal International Affairs. The journal was also published in Russian. Tunander’s contribution had the title:

• ‘New Russian-Norwegian Relations – A Complex Partnership’, International Affairs, vol. 43, no. 4, 1997.

In 1995, PRIO was reorganized into four programs or divisions and one leader for each program. Tunander was appointed head of PRIO’s Foreign and Security Policy Program. He was the leader of this program until his sabbatical in 2000. In the 1990s: Projects on European Geopolitics and the Nordic Region Tunander wrote articles and book chapters on regional cooperation and geopolitical transfor-mation of Northern Europe. He wrote on the Nordic relations to the EU for newspapers and journals. He wrote chronicles for the Swedish Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet and for the Norwegian Aftenposten and Dagbladet. He wrote several articles for literary magazines such as the Danish Kritik, the Swedish Ord & Bild and the Norwegian Samtiden, and he wrote articles for the Bulletin of Peace Proposals (later Security Dialogue), for the Swedish Interna-tional Affairs Institute journal Internationella Studier and for the Norwegian International Affairs Institute journal Internasjonal Politikk. He was on the advisory board for the latter journal.

• Tunander wrote a chapter on ‘The Strategic Significance of the Nordic-Baltic Region’ for a study made at the Norwegian International Affairs Institute (Sverre Jervell et. al. The Baltic Sea Area – A Region in the Making, Oslo: The Europe Program, Cappelen, 1992). Other contributors were Ole Wæver, Iver B. Neumman, Pertti Joenniemi, Lena


Jonson as well as Russian and Baltic scholars. Tunander wrote a report on the same subject for the Europe Program.

• He wrote the chapter on ‘Norway and the Nordic Region’ for Norway’s political science text book on Norwegian foreign policy (edited by Torbjørn Knutsen, Gunnar Sørbø & Svein Gjerdåker, Norges utenrikspolitik, Oslo: Cappelen, 1995; 2nd edition in 1997).

• He wrote chapters on the Nordic region for two volumes published by The Olof Palme International Centre in Stockholm. One chapter ‘Norway’s Post-Cold War Security – The Nordic Region Between Friend and Foe or Between Cosmos and Chaos?’ was written for an edited volume: Visions of European Security – Focal Point Sweden and Northern Europe (Stockholm: Olof Palme International Center, 1996) with contributions by Alexei Arbatov, Clive Archer, Charles Kupchan, Kari Möttölä and by Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Lena Hjelm-Wallén, Danish Defence Minister Hans Hækkerup and former President of the Finnish Social Demo-cratic Party Ulf Sundqvist. Tunander also wrote a chapter, ‘Norway, Sweden and Nordic Cooperation’ for a volume edited by Lassi Heininen and Gunnar Lassinantti, Security in the European North – From ‘Hard’ to Soft’ (Stockholm: Olof Palme International Center, 1999) with contributions by senior scholars and diplomats including the US ambassador to Sweden Lyndon L. Olson.

• He lectured on Norway, the Nordic Region and NATO for the Norwegian Defence College and Military Staff School and for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

• He wrote the Norwegian Foreign Ministry text on ‘Nordic cooperation’, which was published on the Government website Odin and translated into several languages (Tu-nander’s piece replaced the article on the same topic written by Arne Olav Brundtland in the 1970s).

As leader of the ‘Europe study group’, Tunander organized seminars and conferences on regional cooperation, region-building initiatives and geopolitical change – on security, territory and identity – in collaboration with now Professor Ole Wæver (Copenhagen), now Professor Kristian Gerner (Lund/Uppsala), now Professor Iver B. Neumann (Oslo) and now Deputy Defence Minister Espen Barth Eide, all from his ‘New Europe study group’. He orga-nized a conference in Sala di Lorenzo il Magnifico, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, and at the European University Institute in Fiesole in 1992, where scholars and diplomats discussed the emerging structure of the new Europe. He organized conferences on ‘walls’ as metaphors for dividing lines between ‘us’ and the ‘other’ – the ‘Muslim Other’ and the ‘Russian Other’ – about migration, diplomacy and dialogue, and about the possibility to reach beyond the tension of the cultural divide. These conferences resulted in two book volumes written or edited by Tunander:

• Murar – Essäer om makt, identitet och territorialitet (‘Essays on Power, Identity and Territoriality’, Ålborg: NSU, 1995) with a collection of Tunander’s essays on ’walls’ as physical, cultural and military dividing lines and about region-building projects as instruments to overcome these divides.

• Europa och Muren – Om ‘den andre’, gränslandet och historiens återkomst i 90-talets Europa (‘Europe and the Wall – On the “Other”, the Borderland and the Return of History in Europe of the 1990s’, Ålborg: NSU, 1995) with contributions by Ola Tunander, Ole Wæver, Iver B Neumann, Uffe Østergaard, Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Anders Björnsson, Pavel Baev, Peter Burgess, Kristian Gerner and Ulla Holm and with an introductory essay by Wæver and Tunander on the ‘New Medieval Europe’.

Both books were products of his work for the ‘New Europe study group’. The former book also included a philosophical work:


• ‘With the World Spirit on Horseback – A Round-Trip to Berlin: From the Metaphy-sics of the Wall to the Metaphysics of the Mirror’) also included as a chapter in a book by Peter Burgess, Cultural Politics and Political Culture in Postmodern Europe (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1997).

As leader of PRIO’s Foreign and Security Policy Program, Tunander organized international conferences on European geopolitics and European security identity. One conference in Oslo in 1996 on Post-Cold War Europe resulted in a volume that Tunander edited together with Pavel Baev and Victoria Einagel.

• Geopolitics in Post-Wall Europe: Security, Territory and Identity (London: Sage, 1997), with contributions by the above-mentioned scholars, Wæver, Neumann and Østergaard, and by non-Scandinavian European scholars like Christopher Cviic (Ro-yal Institute of International Affairs), Pierre Hassner (Centre d’Etudes et de Recher-ches Internationales), Shireen Hunter (Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Washington) and Edward Mortimer (Financial Times and later press secretary of UN General Secretary Kofi Annan).

Wæver wrote a chapter on today’s metaphorical empires, Østergaard on European historical empires and Tunander on the EU as a hierarchical regional entity, which made Hassner describe Tunander, Wæver and Østergaard as ‘the Nordic Imperial School’. Tunander wrote an introductory chapter on geopolitics and a major chapter on Post-Cold War geopolitics:

• ‘Post-Cold War Europe – a Synthesis of a Bipolar Friend-Foe Structure and a Hie-rarchic Cosmos-Chaos Structure?’, in Tunander, et.al., eds, Geopolitics in Post-Wall Europe – Security, Territory and Identity (London: SAGE Publications, 1997).

This chapter presented a new logic of geopolitics with European states focusing on centrality rather than on territory with several nations/states (like the Czechs) willing to cut off their less developed peripheral regions and nationalities (like the Slovaks) in order to get closer to Brussels and the EU. The book was used as a text book at several European universities including University of Oxford. As leader of the Foreign and Security Policy Program and leader of the Strategic Institute Program on European Security Identities, Tunander organized a Nordic conference on this very issue in 1999. Together with Peter Burgess, he edited another volume with partly the same contributors as in the former book:

• European Security Identities – Contested Understandings of EU and NATO (Oslo: PRIO, 2000). In this volume, Tunander wrote one chapter: ‘The Informal NATO, or NATO als Gemeinschaft: the Case of Sweden’ that discussed NATO and the ‘dual structure’ of the state.

In these years, Tunander wrote several articles on Swedish-German versus Anglo-Saxon geo-politics published in peer-reviewed journals

• ‘Geopolitikes fader – Rudolf Kjelléns “Staten som livsform”’, Internasjonal Politikk, vol. 56, no. 3, 1998 (a similar article appeared in Danish in Kritik vol. 166, 2003).

• ‘Swedish-German Geopolitics for a New Century – Rudolf Kjellén’s ‘The State as a Living Organism’”, Review of International Studies, vol. 27, no. 3, 2001.

• ’Swedish Geopolitics: From Rudolf Kjellén to a Swedish ‘Dual State’, Geopolitics, no. 10, autumn, 2005.

• ‘Geopolitics of the North, Geopolitik of the Weak – A Post-Cold War Return to Rudolf Kjellén’, Cooperation & Conflict, vol. 43, no. 2, 2008.


Tunander also wrote about the geopolitical development in Turkey and Central Asia and about the construction of alternative Turkish identities:

• ‘A New Ottoman Empire? – The Choice for Turkey: Euro-Asian Centre vs. National Fortress’, Security Dialogue (vol. 26, no. 4, 1995). This article was also translated in-to Spanish and has been cited in European, Turkish, Russian and American texts.

Tunander was used as a peer-reviewer on books on the Nordic Region for academic public-shers like Routledge. He was also used as a peer-reviewer by several journals like Geopolitics and Political Geography, Security Dialogue, Journal of Peace Research and Co-operation and Conflict, the Harvard-based International Security (Kennedy School of Government), the European Journal of International Relations, and the London-based Millennium: Journal of International Studies (London School of Economics). After Tunander’s book Geopolitics in Post-Wall Europe, he was recruited to the advisory board for the latter journal (2000). In 1998-99, Tunander was member of the board of PRIO, and in 1999-2002 he was Norwegian representative on the board of the Nordic International Studies Association (NISA), which organizes the Nordic scholars on International Relations. He was also a referee for a Norwe-gian Defence Institute project funded by the Norwegian Foreign Ministry. In the 1990s, Tunander had written another Swedish scholarly volume and a number of inter-nationally recognized contributions (incl. three edited volumes and several articles in peer-reviewed journals): firstly, on security, military strategy and world order; secondly, on geopo-litical traditions and geopolitics of ‘walls’, territory and identity; and thirdly, on regional entities and region-building in Northern Europe. In 2000, after an international evaluation, he was appointed Research Professor (with qualifications corresponding to a university professor or, in other words, to one additional doctoral degree in a field different from the first one). In the late 1990s and the early 2000s: Empirical Studies and Generation of Theory about the Dual State and the Informal Networks of the West. In late 1990s, Tunander wrote a draft book manuscript and several articles on terrorism and dual state that he had to put aside because of other projects. He also wrote book chapters and articles about the importance of informal ties and informal structures in the world of security politics. He participated regularly at the Cold War History seminars of the Nobel Institute and at the policy analysis seminars of the Norwegian Atlantic Committee, and he went with the latter on a Hercules aircraft to visit the NATO Headquarters SHAPE outside Brussels. He also participated in NATO-funded conferences on security politics in Oslo, the Czech Republic and in Paris, and he participated in intelligence history conferences in Amsterdam and Oslo. After interviews with US former Secretaries of Defense James Schlesinger and Caspar Weinberger, former Chiefs of Naval Operations Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, former directors of the CIA William Colby and Schlesinger, former chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General John Vessey and local chiefs of defence and chairmen of the NATO Military Committee General Herman F. Zeiner Gundersen and General Vigleik Eide, Tunander came to the conclusion that the informal Western structures were almost as important as NATO’s formal structures. Particularly, when it comes to Sweden, this fact was striking. See his ‘Dual State’ article for the journal of Geopolitics and his ‘Informal NATO’ (‘NATO als Gemeishaft’) chapter in Burgess & Tunander (Oslo: PRIO, 2000). See also his book chapters:

• ‘Den kluvna maktens ansikten’, in Anders Björnsson & Peter Luthersson, eds, Eli-terna som abdikerade (Stockholm: Carlssons, 1998).


• ‘Sveriges Relationer till NATO’, in Sven Eliaeson and Hans Lödén, eds. Nordisk säkerhetspolitik inför nya utmaningar (Stockholm: Carlssons, 2002). This book has contributions by several of Sweden’s most prominent security policy scholars such as Kristian Gerner, Krister Wahlbäck, Ove Bring, Gunnars Åselius, Ulf Bjereld, Bengt Sundelius, Ingemar Dörfer and Bo Huldt.

and his articles:

• ‘The Uneasy Imbrication of Nation-State and NATO: The Case of Sweden’, Nordic Journal of International Studies – Cooperation & Conflict, vol. 34, no. 2, 1999 (this article has been frequently cited internationally and has appeared on university rea-ding lists).

• ‘A Criticism of Court Chroniclers’, Nordic Journal of International Studies – Co-operation & Conflict, vol. 35, no. 4, 2000.

Tunander emphasized the role of NATO, not only as a defence alliance strictly speaking but as something more unified that did not disappear after the Soviet threat was gone. NATO was also a political entity more in line with what Carl Schmitt called a ‘Grossraum’. Tunander studied a large amount of formerly classified documents and made hundreds of interviews, which also made him able to explain the covert submarine operations in Swedish waters in the 1980s. He relied on his network of senior naval officers and intelligence officers in several countries. Already in an early phase, he was approached by a former assistant to the US Secretary of Navy and assistant to the US Chief of Naval Intelligence. In 2000, Tu-nander’s conclusions were confirmed publicly on Swedish TV by former US Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger and by former British Secretary of Navy Sir Keith Speed, which was followed by demands for a government-appointed inquiry. In April 2000, after these revelations, Tunander’s colleague Robert Bathurst went to the USA to get more detailed information from his extensive US Navy Intelligence network. A few months later, after Bathurst’s death, Tunander was recruited as a civilian expert to the Swedish Government-appointed inquiry (on covert submarine operations in Swedish waters) led by the former UN Weapons inspector to Iraq and Sweden’s ambassador to Washington, Rolf Ekèus. This inquiry was financed by and located at the Swedish Ministry of Defence (The official report: Perspektiv på ubåtsfrågan, Stockholm: SOU 2001:85). In parallel, Tunander wrote his own Swedish book (Hårsfjärden, Stockholm: Norstedts, 2001, pp. 406), which was launched at a seminar at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs. The book was presented in all major Swedish newspapers. Tunander also presented his work at the Norwegian Nobel Institute in 2003 in its series on the Cold War History. The following year he published his scholarly English volume:

• The Secret War against Sweden (London & New York: Frank Cass, 2004, pp. 358) with a preface written by Britain’s most eminent navy scholar, the Editor of Frank Cass Navy History Series, Geoffrey Till; and with a foreword written by Brigadier General Lars Hansson, the Regional Commander for the Swedish Coastal Defence forces.

Frank Cass & Routledge ‘Naval Policy and History Series’ is the most prestigious series for naval literature in Europe with contributions by Milan Vego, John Hattendorf, Jurgen Rohwer and Geoffrey Till. Tunander’s contributions in this field (including his 2004 book, his three articles for the Zurich/Washington-based Parallel History Project in 2002-2005, and his con-tributions for the Norwegian and Swedish Royal Naval Society Journals) played a significant role for the new Danish Government appointed inquiry on the history of the Cold War and for its report in four volumes: Danmark under den kalde krig (Copenhagen: DIIS, 2005). In a


separate article, the co-author of the report, Frede P. Jenssen (Arbejderhistorie, no. 4, 2006), writes that any contribution to this field of research that does not take Tunander’s information and analysis from his 2004 book into account ‘must be characterized as irrelevant from a professional point of view’. Tunander’s work also played a significant role for the major Finnish volume on the history of the Cold War Suomi kylmässä Sodassa (Helsinki: Otava, 2006) written by Colonel and Docent Pekka Visuri, Senior Research Fellow at the Finnish Defence College. Visuri also wrote foreword for Tunander’s larger volume on the nationality issue.

• Spelet under ytan – Teknisk bevisning i nationalitesfrågan för ubåtsoperationen mot Sverige 1982 published by the research program ‘Sverige under kalla kriget’ [SUKK], (‘Sweden during the Cold War’): report no. 16, (Gothenburg University & Stockholm University, 2007, pp. 282). Forewords by the authors of the new Finnish, Danish and Norwegian volumes on Cold War history (Pekka Visuri, Frede P. Jensen and Jacob Børresen) and by the Regional Commander Brigadier General Lars Hansson.

In 2004-2005, German-French TV channels, Arte and ZDF, made a documentary film, In feindlichen Tiefen, based on Tunander’s work and with interviews with Tunander. This 50-minutes documentary was shown simultaneously in Germany and France in 2005 and has been aired in large parts of Europe. In 2006, the film was sold to several European countries and to Australia. In summer 2007, the film was shown every night for one month by another German TV channel. A shorter Finnish documentary about Tunander’s work was shown on Finnish TV in 2005 and a longer Swedish documentary based on Tunander’s work was aired in 2007. This latter 50-minutes documentary on the Swedish TV channel 1 was followed up by another Swedish TV-program, by several contributions by Tunander and others in Swedish newspapers Expressen and Svenska Dagbladet and by an interview with Tunander in UK Sunday Times. After 11 September 2001; Projects on Terrorism and Transformation of World Order Tunander has given priority to his earlier projects on terrorism, dual state and world order with a Research Council of Norway (RCN) project, ‘Europe and the USA – Democracy and Security after September 11’, a Norwegian Defence Ministry project on the ‘War on Terror and Securitization of Global Politics’ and a project on the ‘Securitization of the Public Sphere’ within a Europe-wide Challenge program on ‘Liberty and Security’ financed by the EU 6th Framework Program. The first RCN project was part of a larger Strategic Institute Program, ‘Europe Looking Outwards’, led by Tunander. Papers were presented at conferences and workshops in Washington, Montreal, Copenhagen, Paris, the Hague, Side (Turkey), Oslo and Melbourne (Australia) in 2004-2006.

• One paper, ‘War on Terror and US Transformation of World Order’ was presented at a NATO-funded Ankara University conference (Side, Antalya) and was published as a chapter in a Turkish volume International Security Today – Understanding Change and Debating Strategy (Aydin & Ifantis, 2006), SAM, Turkish Foreign Ministry.

• A study ‘War on Terror and Pax Americana’ was first presented at another NATO-funded Ankara University conference and was published in a US volume: 9/11 and the American Empire (Griffin & Scott, Northampton: Olive Branch Press, 2006). The book was reviewed by US former Assistant Secretary of Treasury and assistant editor of the Wall Street Journal, Paul Craig Roberts, as ‘the most important book of our time’. Ray McGovern, in the 1980s Chairman of US National Intelligence Estimates and of the US President’s Daily Brief, wrote that this book ‘confronts the American


people – indeed the people of the world as a whole – with an issue second to none in importance and urgency. [I give this book] my highest possible recommendation.’ Tunander’s chapter was also published in Danish (Kritik, 2006).

• A third 2006 project is a global project organized by the Asian Law Centre in Mel-bourne (Australia). Tunander contributes, in this case, with a chapter, ‘Democratic State vs. Deep State – Approaching the Dual State of the West’, for a book Govern-ment of the Shadows – Parapolitics and Criminal Sovereignty (Lindsey & Wilson, London: Pluto Press & University of Michigan Press, 2008) with contributions by Prof. Alfred McCoy (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Prof. Peter Dale Scott (Uni-versity of California), Prof Leslie Holmes (University of Melbourne), Prof. Vicenzo Ruggiero (University of Pisa), Prof Mark Findlay (University of London) and Prof. Henner Hess (University of Frankfurt).

• Tunander is the author of a chapter on similar problems, ‘The Dual State and the Sovereign – A Schmittian Approach to Western Politics’, which is included in a Da-nish edited volume about the conservative German political philosopher Carl Schmitt (Mikkel Thorup, ed., Den ondeste mand i live? Lesninger om og mod Carl Schmitt. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, 2007).

Some reports and articles made by Tunander have been published in 2006 as contributions to a Europe-wide project, ‘Challenge’ (on Liberty & Security) in its report for the EU Commis-sion, including contributions like

• The Dual State and the Sovereign: A Schmittian Approach to Western Politics, Challenge Second Annual Report to the European Commission (7.3.3 Work package 3 – Deliverable No. 32), Challenge, Brussels.

• Terrorism, Securitization and a Unipolar World Order, Challenge Second Annual Report for the EU Commission 2006 (7.3.6 Work package 3 – Deliverable No. 44), Challenge, Brussels.

• From Coalition to Collision: Neo-conservatives, Terrorism and Transatlantic Relations, Challenge Second Annual Report for the EU Commission 2006 (7.3.7 Work package 3 – Deliverable No. 44), Challenge, Brussels.

• War on Terror and US Transformation of World Order, Challenge Second Annual Report for the EU Commission 2006 (7.3.8 – Deliverable No. 44), Brussels.

In addition, Tunander has, in collaboration with PRIO Director Stein Tønnesson and PRIO Security Program Leader Peter Burgess, written a 2005 report, ‘Terrorism and crisis manage-ment’ (terrorist profiles and scenarios), for the Norwegian Foreign Ministry. Tunander has also written a 2007 policy report ‘The Global Security System after 9.11 – Significance to Norway’ for the Norwegian Ministry of Defence. In 2006-2007: The Nordic-Chinese Dialogue Project Tunander is involved in a Nordic international relations dialogue with the Chinese Institute of International Studies (CIIS). The project is financed by the Norwegian Foreign Ministry. Am-bassador Ma Zhengang, Co-chairman of the Chinese Foreign Affairs Committee and Presi-dent of CIIS, has been Tunander’s counterpart in these discussions.

• Tunander organized a Chinese-Nordic roundtable conference in Oslo in March 2007 with diplomats, the director and scholars of the China Institute of International Stu-dies and with directors and scholars of the Nordic institutes of international affairs and peace research.


• Tunander is co-organizing a larger Chinese-Nordic Peace Research Conference that will take place in Beijing in April 2008 to broaden the dialogue between Nordic and Chinese scholars of international relations.

In connection with the March conference, Ambassador Ma (also a former Chinese Ambas-sador to London, head of the Foreign Ministry’s North-America Division and Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs) spoke at PRIO together with Tunander and Norwegian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Raymond Johansen. China’s rapid economic growth and the increased Chi-nese openness and turn to Scandinavian political concepts like ‘common security’ has made this dialogue not only relevant and possible, but also increasingly important. In 2006, Tunander made a presentation on the ‘US Strategy for a New World Order’ in Beijing at the first international forum of the China Association for Military Science. At this conference, there were a large number of Chinese generals and colonels as well as represent-tatives from the US Naval War College, Rand and US Army War College, and senior officers and scholars from various Asian countries (Russia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, South Korea, Japan, the Philippines and Singapore) as well as from the UK, France and Sweden and Nor-way. China’s Chief of Military Intelligence, General Zhang Qinsheng presented the concepts of ‘common security’, ‘confidence-building measures’ and UN operations, which are certain-ly close to the concepts of Scandinavian Social Democracy. Tunander has also lectured on China for the Norwegian Defence College. In conclusion

• Tunander has an important academic experience as a senior research fellow, re-search professor and leader of major research programs.

• he is a recognized international scholar on security politics, naval strategy, geo-politics and terrorism

• he has had an important role in initiating various dialogue projects, some of which have been politically most significant.

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