offshore external corrosion guide

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 8/2/2019 Offshore External Corrosion Guide


    Corrosion policy

    Regulation 5 of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 requires that Every employer shall

    ensure that work equipment is maintained in good repair. To achieve this requirement, the associated guidance to

    the Regulations provides further information on three maintenance management options.

    OSDs preferred option is that dutyholders use planned preventive maintenance, thereby precluding deterioration.

    However, where a dutyholder allows components to degrade and/or corrode as part of a condition-based option,

    performance standards must exist which define the point at which the component needs to be repaired or

    replaced. Such performance standards should be quantifiable and capable of being measured effectively and


    The performance standards need to be supported by sound engineering justification and should be consistent with

    the basis of design, taking account of any changes to service conditions. This should include the necessary safety-

    related strength and/or serviceability requirements of the component necessary to define the quantitative

    performance standard.

    Where such components are part of Safety Critical Elements, the components should be verified by an IndependentCompetent Person. Such verification should include both the justification for and ongoing compliance with the

    performance standard.


    This guide is intended to enable OSD inspectors to make consistent judgement on the extent of external

    corrosion related to the installations hydrocarbon systems. The guide identifies a sample of six common forms

    of external corrosion and provides information on:

    I where to look; and

    I what to look for.

    The six areas of concern are:

    I corrosion under insulation (CUI);

    I firewater mains and deluge system;

    I flanges and plant bolting;

    I valves;

    I pipe supports and pipe coatings; and

    I threaded plugs.

    Health and Safety


    Offshore external

    corrosion guide

    1 of 5 pages

  • 8/2/2019 Offshore External Corrosion Guide


    Corrosion under insulation

    Where to look What to look for

    General target areas I Water traps, eg low points,

    brackets, penetrations,support rings

    I Areas of personnel traffic

    I Insulation terminations

    Cladding condition I Rusty surface/corrosion holes?

    I Joint sealant condition?

    I External condensation/icing?

    Penetrations I Sealed/sealant in good

    (eg branches, supports, condition?

    structural members) I Signs of water ingress/wet


    I Salt encrustations around


    Joints I Are the joints generally in

    good condition?

    I Insulation visible through joints?

    I Deformed/poor fit?

    Damaged insulation I Deformed?

    I Signs of being walked on?

    I Impact damage?

    Corrosion I CUI inspection programme?

    management I Personnel protection replaced

    by cages?

    I CUI problems/failures?

    2 of 5 pagesOffshore external corrosion guide

    Health and Safety


    Firewater mains and deluge systems

    Where to look What to look for

    General target areas I Mixed metals, non-metallic?

    I Spray and monitor nozzles

    I Temporary repairs

    I Valves

    I Flanges

    Spray and monitor I Blocked?

    nozzles I Salt encrustations?

    I Corrosion products?

    Temporary repairs I Number?

    I Leaking?

    I Repair type?

    Flanges I Leaks?

    I Dissimilar metals?

    Valves I Leaks?

    I Dissimilar metals?

    Non-metallic piping I Leaks?

    I Joint condition?

    I Local colour changes?

    Corrosion management I Is it a wet or dry system?

    I What is the inspection programme?

    I How often is the deluge system

    tested?I What is the corrosion

    management programme?

    I What is the failure history?

  • 8/2/2019 Offshore External Corrosion Guide


    3 of 5 pagesOffshore external corrosion guide

    Health and Safety


    Bolts and nuts

    Where to look What to look for

    General target areas I Mixed metals


    ValvesI Flanges

    I Pumps

    I Xmas trees

    I Corroded bolts/threads

    I Fractured bolts

    I Nuts grossly enlarged by

    corrosion product

    Corrosion protection I Unprotected

    I Grease

    I Denso tape

    I Galvanised

    I Nickel-plated

    I Corrosion-resistant alloy

    Corrosion management I What is the inspection


    I What is the failure history?


    Where to look What to look for

    General target areas I ESDVs

    I Xmas trees

    I Choke valves

    I Pressure relief valves

    I Drain valves

    I Block valves

    What to look/ask for I Corroded handles/wheels?

    I Corroded valve stems?

    I Leaking stems?

    I Leaking flanges?

    I Leaking valve bleed plugs?

    I Are valves properly supported?

    I Paint condition?

    I Corrosion-resistant materials?

    Corrosion management I What is the valve test


    I What is the inspection


    I What is the failure history?

  • 8/2/2019 Offshore External Corrosion Guide


    4 of 5 pagesOffshore external corrosion guide

    Health and Safety


    Pipe supports and pipe coatings

    Where to look What to look for

    General target areas I Piping


    Pipe supportsI Spring supports

    I Fretting surfaces

    What to look/ask for I Paint condition?

    I Thick corrosion deposits?

    I What are the paint and fabric

    maintenance programmes?

    I What action is taken to ensure

    areas around pipe supports are


    Corrosion I What external corrosion

    management problems have there been?

    Threaded plugs

    Where to look What to look for

    General target areas I Valve bodies

    I Xmas trees

    I Piping usually low and high

    locations on pipe work

    What to look/ask for I Are pipe plugs rare or


    I Are there dissimilar metal


    I Condition of threads?

    I Leaking pipe plugs?

    I Rust stains?

    Corrosion management I Replacement by non-threaded


    I No dissimilar metals

    I Replacement and thread

    inspection programme

    I What failures have there been?

  • 8/2/2019 Offshore External Corrosion Guide


    Published by the Health and Safety Executive 09/06

    Health and Safety


    5 of 5 pages

    This booklet is not available from HSE Books. It can be downloaded from the HSE website at:

    Crown copyrightThis publication may be freely reproduced, except for advertising, endorsement or commercial purposes.

    First published 09/06. Please acknowledge the source as HSE.

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