offertory 2016 needed st. joseph catholic church 13 2016.pdf · offertory 2016 needed 150 e. first...

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Offertory 2016 Needed

Balance to cover expenses Week $3375.00 Month $13500.00

Nov 1st $ 542.00 $12,958.00

Nov. 6th $3,708.00 $ 9,250.00

Nov. 13th

Nov. 20th

Nov. 24th

Nov. 30th


“As stewards we are accountable to God for our time, talent and treasure. We return to the Lord, the giver of all our gifts, a truly grateful first share of our time, talent and treasure. “Como cristianos corresponsables, somos responsables ante Dios, por nuestro tiempo, talento y tesoro. Le regresamos al Señor, el dador de todos nuestros dones, la primera porción de nuestro tiempo, talento y tesoro con verdadero agradecimiento.

St. Joseph Catholic Church 150 E. First St P.O. Box 1315 Prineville, OR 97754 Rev. Fr. Joseph Kunnelaya T, Administrator

Vigil Mass Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday Mass 9:00 am English 12:00 Noon Spanish

Thirty third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 13, 2016 Parish Office Administrative Assistant: Anne Greenwood Office Hours: Monday -Thursday 9:00am-12:00 noon and 1:00 pm- 5:00 pm Office: 541-447-6475 Rectory: Evenings 7pm-9pm 541-420-4458 Office Fax 541-416-9141 Email:

Sacraments Sacrament of Penance Saturday: 3:00 - 4:00 pm Other times by appointment Sacrament of Baptism or Marriage Contact Fr. Joseph for preparation Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick Mass Intentions Nov.12th – Nov.18th Sat. 8am – Betty Salgado (Sp Int) Sat. 5pm – Fern Shepard (RIP) Sun. 9am – Loren & Rachel Scheel (RIP) Sun. Noon – Misso Pro Populo Mon. 8am – Gloria Wilcox (health) Tues. 8am – Frank Davis (RIP) Wed. 8am – Jim Blankenship (RIP) Thurs. 8am - Bruce Greenwood (SP.Int.) Fri. – 12:15pm- Harold Godat (RIP) 1 hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament following Mass

Mass Schedule

Sun. Rosary: half hour before Mass Date: November 20th, 2016 Led by: Knights of Columbus Daily Readings Nov.14th - Nov. -20th Mon – Rev.1:1-4, 2:1-5; Lk. 18:35-43 Tues – Rev. 3:1-6, 14-22; Lk. 19:1-10 Wed - Rev. 4:1-11; Lk. 19:11-28 Thurs – Rev. 5:1-10; Lk. 19:41-44 Fri – Rev. 10:8-11; Lk. 19:45-48 Sat – Rev. 11:4-12; Lk. 20:27-40 Sun. – 2Sam. 5:1-3; Col.1:12-20; Lk.23:35-43

Please Remember the Following: Lloy McDaniel; Linda Arian; Lorin; Jack Thompson; Ron & Tanya Deasly; Dan Browning; Patricia Carroll; Savanna King; Rita Witchman; David & Carol Leonard; Billie Lanier; Kate Erickson; Born Family; Dan Christ; Linda Christ; Sammi Pedersen; Bob & Lola Godat; Fred Vandehey; Gal Kessel; Debbie Enneberg Carmen Orsi; Katie Jordon; Mindy Hopfer; Joanne Besio; Mike Mulvihill; Ida Resz; Jennifer Christy; Chuck & Dee Wettstein; Paul Paquin; Carlos Coit; Rosemary Boe; Jeff Born; Peggy Kasberger; Glen Johnston; Jessie Sharp; Hazel Engstrom; Ann Pedersen; Jan Sletager; Richard Moore; Hans Kaumanns; Margaret Tomaszewski; Jim Lanning; Cal and Bernice Dubisar; Dolores Myers; Heather Messick; Family of Ralph and Mary Lee; Jeanne Enos; Kim Remppel; Deborah Horrell; Hernan Enrique Caceres; Verconica Natalia Chavez; Maria Sol Montel; Veronica Rodriguez; Luz Alejandra Bringas,; Carolina Silvia Brizuela Perez; Rodolfo Martin Arruabarrena; Gustavo Caceres, Susan Markie, Ben Ryan, Sandy Salgado, Michelle Reynolds, Anne Pimentel Hehr; Nettie Irene Downing for the special intentions of our parishioners and others.

Fr. Joseph’s Corner… Since the Sacrament of Reconciliation of Advent is going to be on Dec. 1st, Friday at 6:30pm, Fr. Joseph is giving us lessons to prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. And this is in 4 parts please make sure you read your bulletin every week. Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) Part – 2

Scriptural Roots: The Sacrament of Reconciliation has its scriptural roots.

The New Testament is full of instances where Jesus forgives sins of men and women for

which he was accused by the Pharisees and

Sadducees as blaspheming as it was understood that only God can forgive the sins

of others.

The most memorable stories in the bible are:

1. The prodigal son 2. The woman caught in adultery (Jn 8:11), 3. The thief on the

cross 4. Peter after his betrayal of Jesus.

Every encounter is very personal and intimate. Eg. The adulterous woman, publicly

humiliated, condemned by people.....Jesus forgives....does not condemn

Jesus says, “The son of man has not come to

call the virtuous but call the sinners to repentance” (Lk 19:10) He came to call the

sinners and therefore he was accused of being glutton, drunkard, friend of tax collectors and

sinners. Jesus accepts us once we acknowledge we are sinners.

Today more people seem to ask why to go to

a priest for confession to tell our sins? Why not directly to God.

When we are sick we go to a doctor. He gives

medicine. He is not the one who heals. You might have seen the caption, “We give

medicine, God heals”. But someone has to give medicine. It has to be a human being.

The one who gives medicine is not God. God

does the healing. The same way the priest at the confessional is only taking the place of a

doctor. He is in the place of Christ. He absolves sins in the name of Jesus. He is very

much in blood and flesh and therefore subject to sin. But it is Jesus who forgives. It is God

who forgives.

You share your problems with a counsellor or a psychiatrist who lengthens the sessions to

earn more money. Confession is very different. The priest doesn’t charge anything.

The counsellor doesn’t absolve sins but the

priest does. You go healed in your internal self.

At the Mass when the priest says the prayer over bread and wine be believe that the bread

and wine are changed into the body and blood of Jesus. In the same way when the priest

forgives sins and absolves Jesus does it. He


Jn 20:23 Jesus tells Peter, “If you forgive

sins they are forgiven, if you retain....” Jesus has given that power to forgive sins.

So the priest comes as a tangible sign of

God’s presence. He is God’s agent but very much in flesh and blood like any one

of us. So, confession is much more than go to a counsellor or a psychiatrist. A

counsellor doesn’t forgive sins. God’s

grace comes with forgiveness. The blood of Jesus washes our sins.

(Continued… week) Prayerful wishes, Fr. Joseph

Rosary Schedule November 13th – Eucharistic Ministers November 20th – Knights of Columbus November 27th – The Youth

The Knights of Columbus Offer breakfast every first Sunday of the month after the 9am Mass.

Social Time Please join us for coffee after the Sunday 9:00 am Mass Sunday Coffee Hour Schedule November 13th- Betty Viescas November 20th- Carol Smith November 27th – Albina Stagnoli

Choir Practice Choir on Wednesday’s from 5:00pm – 6:00 pm

Respect Life News "One who has hope lives differently”. What can we do to give hope to those with an unplanned pregnancy or suffering from an abortion? ~Pope Benedict XVI~

For Pregnancy Support Please Contact:

Madras:(541)475-5338 Prineville:(541)447-2420 Redmond: (541) 504-8919 For Post Abortion Healing: Rachel's Vineyard Post Abortion Healing Ministry 877 HOPE 4 ME (877-467-3463) There is a Catholic Foster Care Home just opened in Bend. It is run by Sisters. Phone: 541-588-2416 Address: Cardinal Otunga House Foster Care Home 3387 NE Stonebridge Loop Bend, Or. 97701

Parish News

All Eucharistic Ministers old and new: There will be a meeting Tuesday, Nov. 15th 6pm in the Church with Fr. Joseph, please attend. All Altar Servers old and new: There will be a mandatory meeting Wednesday, Nov. 16th 6pm in the Church with Fr. Joseph. All Lectors old and new: There will be a meeting Thursday, November 17th 6pm in the Church with Fr. Joseph., please attend. In this year of Mercy, The Sacrament of Reconciliation of Advent is Thursday December 1st at 6:30pm. We will have 3 priests and the Bishop for confessions. Spanish will be spoken by two of our priests. Please attend. Share Your Love, Life and Faith with Me I invite everyone to spend time with me so we can become friends and work together as we build St. Joseph’s Catholic faith community. I will visit you in your home, or, you are welcome in mine. In the months ahead I would like to learn more about you, your family, your trials and your joys. As we learn more about each other, we can find ways to strengthen our Parish life and each other. I am available at any time. However, we should make arrangements in advance to avoid scheduling conflicts. Contact me or

the parish secretary at 541-447-6475 or Thank you and God bless you. I look forward to a future filled with many friends at St. Joseph’s Prineville. Yours in Christ Fr. Joseph

Bible Study has started on November 9th with 22 participants. The Topic of the Bible studies is, “Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Advent”

Altar Flower Announcement The following women are providing for the altar flowers in our church for the month of November Sandy Shiver and Cookie Benton. Please thank them for their support and work in this effort. We need more volunteers to serve at the Senior Center on days that the Catholic Church is on duty. This is one day per month. Volunteers should call Joyce Jollo 541-923-5562

Reflection on 33rd Sunday

of Ordinary Time

1st R. Mal. 3:19-20a Res. Ps 98:5-6, 7-8, 9 2nd R. 2 Th. 3:7-12 Gospel Accl. Lk. 21:28 Gospel Lk. 21:5-19

Thirty third Sunday - C

Introduction: The central theme of

today’s readings is “The Day of the Lord” or the “Second Coming” of Jesus in glory, as Judge, at the end of the world. They warn us about the final days of the world, our own death and the final judgment. Scripture lessons: Malachi, in the first reading, foretells this Day, which will bring healing and reward for the just and punishment in fire for the “proud and all evil doers.” Although St. Paul expected that Jesus would return during his lifetime, he cautions the Thessalonians, in the second reading, against idleness in anticipating the end of the world. Paul advises the Thessalonians that the best preparation

for welcoming Jesus in his “Second Coming” is to keep working and doing one’s duties faithfully, as he did. Today’s Gospel passage clarifies that the date of the end of the world is uncertain. Signs and portents will precede the end, and the Christians will be called upon to testify before kings and governors. The Good News is that those who persevere in faithfulness to the Lord will save their souls and enter God's eternal kingdom. Christ’s Second Coming is something to celebrate because he is going to present all creation to his Heavenly Father. That is why we say at Mass, "We proclaim Your death, O Lord, and profess Your Resurrection, until You come again." Since Luke's community had experienced much persecution, today’s Gospel gives them a cheering reminder: don't give up because God is always with us. Jesus' promise of the protective power of a providing God was meant to encourage His disciples to persevere in Faith and its practice. Jesus later adds the signs of the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the world, to prepare His disciples and to remind them to rely upon Him for Salvation, not their own power.

Life messages: 1) We must be

prepared daily for our death and private judgment. We make this

preparation by trying to do God’s will every day, leading holy lives of selfless love, mercy, compassion and unconditional forgiveness. In order to do this, we must recharge our spiritual batteries every day by personal prayer, that is, by talking to God, and listening to Him by reading the Bible. Daily examination of our conscience at bedtime, asking God’s pardon and forgiveness for the sins of the day, will also prepare us to face God any time and give an account of our lives. 2) We need to attain permanence in a passing word by leading exemplary lives. We must remember that our homes, our Churches and even our own lives are temporary. Our greatness is judged by God, not on our worldly achievements, but on our fidelity to our Faith and its practice in our loving service of others. How our faithfulness is expressed each day is the most important thing. We are to persevere in our Faith, in spite of worldly temptations, attacks on religion and moral values by the atheistic or agnostic media, threats of social isolation, and direct or indirect persecution because of our religious beliefs. Let us conclude this Church year by praying for the grace to endure patiently any trials, for they are essential to our affirmation of Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

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