off shore drilling tender purchased t shore drilling tender purchased h t aramco form....

Post on 28-Jan-2021






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  • Off shore Drilling Tender Purchased h T Aramco

    form. The ADT-1, which msuurer 250 feet in length with 60-foot beams. dnwn ten feet ofwnrer. It I# a fully oon- Wried, neU-~ffioient drllllng tsnder wlth mud puqp., mud .ysbm.wtongempoa for mud. oement, m t e r piw. Dimel

    A m m has plrchased a new offshore drilling tender to rs- g r c e the "@ern Muy" brrge, Whlob ..nL&Mfeetcd m t e r Dm. 20 a t 51fani.w. The

    &New 0 r l a a m . a u plrchued from tiut c m p w for (1,8M,OOO. T b or& to b. o W t k s A D T - l ~ o ~ D ~ ing Tender-1) 18 now imd.1- go&g nsonssug m ~ c a t i o ~ to prepare it fo? w e in A m - 00's offshore d m p-.

    The ADT-I ia scheduled to leave New Orleans March SO under con by the Wt Company of Holland, the same company thrt worked on the salvage operation of the"@een Mary." Arrival is tentatively scheduled for annroximstelv June 1. The

    pople. Ammo0 arew. will liva .baud the teader i ~ t s r d of living on silOI0 .dl oom- muting by hunch, u w u the OM* with tks " q a MUY.'' The ADT-1 h not a "Queen Maw-tupl b u s tsadsr;rntber it has a duped hUIl desiped for s e d c e & deep open wetar. Tbe pew tsndr,r Plso has a landi40plrtfrVxhforhelloopter* however, there sre no present plane for wing bellooptsrs for s ~ c i n g tks tender.

    The ADT-1, formerly the "Carl B. Andnrnm." had been

    K n u d a p#. 2)

    Tha ADT-1.h f o r m Yorl B.*rdenonmof h ~ n & l l l i r p ~ n y , b & w Ollsarg mrr p~chBed bykDmcolast weak tomplcsa the affihwa drilling bargmmQubsn Mary'runk I a t Bc.20 ofF Safaniya.

    ~mitCornpan~ isiorking under a relativelv close deadline he- Theater Groups Present Play in Each District cause towing operations of this type must clear the Arabian &a before the monsoon season which b e g i ~ early June. By the time the ADT-1 I# plt into servicein theGulf.tbe cawtrill be appmumamly $LTOO.MH).

    Aramoo'snew d r l l b g tm&r will flt hh the &horn drlll program esDbU.hed for the Le Twmeau&hore drll-plnt-

    - - - -

    The Weather Live theater reached a cre- W r g e Keufman-Moss Earl scendo hArameo communities farce. "George WasNngton h t week with lhe presentation SleptHere,"despiteita age,stlll of "Oeom WasMngWn Slept provides masterfully wmlc Bern" MnrBh 7, 8 in AbqPtq, moments. "Nude with Violin" Mnrch 8, 9 Lou Anderson played witA in Ru Rnura, and 'The 8mnd show-stealing aplomb. Golds ofMurder,"bfa~~h 11 and12 in Ryne. ns the mainstay of the Dhahnn. city family delivered the play'i

    Tbe w q Ployera louoched more ploseni lines. ths dnmn festival with the Veteran playere Jobn Ohah

    and Anna Griffin coukibuted steadying hands W the pmduc- Uon. Completing the cast were Pat McCoy, Beverly Ellbacher, Chuck Adams, Sherlene Ed- wards. Magaret Eberenz, Maynard StEeMpard, corky Wring. A. E. Rutan, CIem Marino, Noel King, Elmer Perkins, Jr.. and Wulette Whel&el.

    Jlnr Edens dirscted the pro- duction, snd was nsaisted by Jlm Owen, CUff Camemn. Chuck Beebe, BtevenBiael, Bffl Chenaurlt. Ted Uli.aey. Earl Hoffman, Dick Ibanez, Gloria Leichtenbeg, Eether Foster, Doria Grant. Irene Hendrick. Wultne Edens. Johnnie Gcyon, 5 l l a Ivss, and Ethel Mac- Donald.

    The Rae T a w s Players tackled Noel Coward's "Nude with Violin" and provided an evening of llght, aubtle wit. Dr. Paul Baser . am a "Liful -r gave an excenentlp emp6asized per- formaace of an "Ugly American. "

    fCarbwd a, #age 22)

    March 1 - 18 Temp. Hum.

    Ahpeiq Mnx. 98' S8 Mh. 50' 10

    nhahran Max. 86' 72 Wn. 52' 12

    Rns Tanura Mnx. 81° 100

    Beekhuis of AOC is 30-year Man Gulf Basketball Opens Tomorrow

    moved toNew York when A n m - co beadntarters were laded there and in J Q 1952 wu M- signed to Db.hrm. He stwed in mudl Anbia tao and-a-half years until he au sent to AOC,

    1 The m e , in January lS06. flrat ns Executive Vice Presi- dent and latar ns hmident.

    ween Juliana of the Nether- lands named Beekhuis an Officer of the order of 0 N q e N ~ s n u in 1968. The iumlgni. of the order wan prerrented to him by Bnron mn Wijabemn. &usosm#ter of W a a ~ a u r .

    TEE BAGLIE - EPntI H. Beekhuis, healdent. AZSmCO O w r s e a s C o ~ . T h e Ifseue, who b~ s p o t 14 ymra of service wi thAmc0, celebrat- ed SO years of aervioe with AGC, Aramoo and afflbted companies Jan. I. At a recep- tion held in Hotel Winebrug, Vice Preeident, AOC, Llataa P. Bilb presented Beekhuis with a Soyear pin aud antch.

    Beekhuis starred his lone career in the oil laebartry with staodard ofl Ccmww cb: Cali- fomiaat theRichmond Refinery in 1931, then trPaaferred to the Bpn Francis00 Office.

    When Texnco Ine. obtained loterest in the Bahrain Island petroleum Ops~t lons in 1981 Beekhdn transferred to Caltex' New York OPiice in charge of acaounting for Bapco. Re was shifted to the orwdzation wNch is now Caltex-Indonesia In 1989 and was stationed in Djakartp and in Medan. [lumrtnr, unW FEbruuy 1941.

    Beekhuis na, later employ- e d b y A m m n , ~ C s w o ) u Chief Accountant in the B.n Praaclsea offloe. Later be was made B e c r e w .od T ~ u - urerand t k n Compholler. Be

    The 1961 W Basketball fourth place. toururonmentwill open tomorrow lu the second game df the at 2 p.m. in the Dhabran Gym- toumanmt the DbPhran Beam w i u m with the undefated and the Airfield Rockete, who league champion Airfield Fly- Ued for second place durhn ers facing tb fourth-place the regular eeason, wll l tangle Airfield Jete. st 4p.m.

    The Jete earned the final Thewinnemof the two gaesa berth in the WuIUament h t wffl meet Friday at 4 p.m. tc Friday aflerlloon by defeating determine the 1961 tatmamen1 tks Rns Rnura Blue Devfls, champion. Thwdsy'n loslag 72-84, at Rns Tanurn. The team will play a coasolatiorr two team had enbred the final game for thlrd place a t 2 p.m. @%me of the ~ w a tied for PrMog.

    The Flyers' 12 cmnsecutiw

    AlME Convonfion Sot March 27 - 29

    The regional meetiw of the &iew of Peholeum ED@- were of -, will be held Y.rcb 27-29 in W.bnm. where the mudl Anblm flw4ar wil l entertain representatives Of the o ~ z a t i o n fmm ofl compm(en 14 the Middle Enat- ernoomtries. ouests number- lruesus EXPmted from 9rtu. B.bmin, h, Iraq, the NfMItnl zone. Kuwait. Lehn- on. EUmps d the unltsd mtes.

    vlcWrles dwing the regular searroo mark6 the seconU time in league history that a team has completed its echedule without a defeat. The 1953 Flyem accompUsbed thin feal over a 16-game meanon, goiw on to capture the tournamen1 championship alm. The 1961 Flyern. paced by high-scorbg, high-Jumping. hlgh-ji&w Jim Llmith, are favored to mp the tournament bunting, bu! the Racketa, wltb the Real Mc- Coy, and the Dhahran Bears, Mth prolific pold-maker H d e Janotta, poae threatu ta the Flyera' nspintions.

    At Home To be Held By Consul General

    On the accnsion of his fortb- wmlng depaslnre from the Enstera Province, the Ameri- can Consul Oened. Wdter K. SchwI~, will he at home at hie residence in the compound of the Conslrlate Oeaeral m Thure- day, March 23, between 6 .od 1 in the rhernoon. Any one desiring to call will be moat co- welcome.

  • 'em=----@ - .r &m n=*,, aet .- wmw pm m=d.sp m mu-sao mwP amqs -no ps)3erod Jo spen am slws q- - aspclel eg)wv -l==Soq-wpFo* snn slmMorll*Erlrrar3a 3- am mu PDlbwm .feAmfl 1 uwa 1-Mlv aql e-wnd 4 pappep stran 'aereao~ '=I -mas amn%a ol aw 8- pn ,,a u-a" am slrl

  • r Shoppsrr' Guide Grocery Sp.c#ls 1 cncewaln t h e ~ r y s t o r e a

    Ill al-lalcbr offera 1- ud jUtrfgUing urpl of OWSly ST- rlved imports. The hncy Fwds Mro hu a new supply of H e w produota irom the U.8.. them Crlnlrle ma m e ohlp.di11 ilicas. muetaId woe, ud hot doe, hlb.ow, ladla and sweet nllabss. New .oyp hlln include

    is .1M way ~ e f u l foI ww. Other HeDr bnnds Include

    mrouwi orsale wltb mu&- roams, epaghetU sruca aith

    A I I W

    OlRL SCOUT JAMBOREE held Mmah 9 in tt* W r o n gymnotiurn w 5 ro publicim GlrlSswt Week March 12 thrwgh 18 in tha three dirtrich. Af the h b m m h u t l md h l s a n t o r t o i m d gwk with dhplop of Saout work and o progmn on the t h n n 'Honot th. I b t ond km t h o F u t ~ n . ~

    noodle dlnner, atmlned &cks,n and oerepll. Doxes 1ltUe oe& c h m ~ ud bottles of clam juioe a re on the &elves. S ~ t e r cardlen and Henhay'a W e n wffl be on u l e shortlg.

    mullq Qmcery &re bur MOtlU 0 h a o k t a ~ Md cddw. M well M large bottleaofLogClMnsynrp.

    Acmm thn street from Ruflq'a, the .I-Npbdhab ma-

    ! & u t ~ ~ o ~ n t e r

    McCarthy, Fugate Rahimahl961 Golf Champions Ras Tanura's Jim Mccclrt4y

    defeated Dr. E a ~ 1 Vlergon the 3% bole In a oloeely m- tested batUe In the champlon- ship night oftheRnblmPh Club Ch.mpl0~hip for 1W1.

    M w J nl@e la tin new champion oi tha women's dlvl- slon by Pirtlle of her viatory over Ellen Plank laat Rlday. m. Rlgnte had a m e w saore of ST on the front o h .

    In the men'@ f l n t Wht , ROJ Berrrprdf was the bemer over QBne Blckmao. Rnnk R.mrd defeated Bod Biemlller to wln the honor5 tn the eecond Uight. * R d , Ran TiuWaln perennial friend of golf, took the eopbs for t h ~ third nlgbt with his vlctoy oser Bob Marrow.

    Ed Blodsett downed flnaUt Bruce McElmy to win the fourth night and BobpaeetooL the ilffhnight.

    In tho women's flrat flight, Afnxine Biemlller bslrtsd Elea- noT Hamilton in the fi0.l. of that event.

    L u t h e ~ - f i 0 . l . at D W - mn, mn c3aagIlP.T rn Kmwu&l* Obudr Don- away defeated M e mvage, aad 80tny. Weathen Pod BML Webb w n by default In the absence oftheir oppweata John Mmbenohe(d and Bud Meyer.

    First fllghtwimera were P.111 Johnson over Vol W1IIIPar. Bud Stewaft over lynn MUam, Blackle Baker over Bert Con- gletoo, and Mes Luplen over J M K6m.

    In the womoa'e toamey, Helen Stewart won onr Betty Meyerby delurlt,Auh Weclth- ere defeated Maq O'Brlen on the 18th hose. Halea Mauder-

    15th Garden Show 3mith Completes 25Service Yeam Dirl &out troojln wlll dle-

    pLyprdonandpLet rmterirla at "(Mem T0d.g and To- mmmu,"the lmh mmuE4 spring Qarden rBm of (be Dh.bna Worn'. Gmup sobduled for M a d XI from

    vntll8p.m. lntbe StulJght Room.

    other Wmmuni~ O T p U h - uom which wffl m c i p t e in tbe prdsa shor a r e APAR wlth a booth of g*M MI &r ule at ull. event only, and the newly-formed Duden Qmup, whichwlU offer for lule bouae- pIanta at reanoapble pr1cas. There wffl d o be a sgaoinl axhlb1Uon of mohlch. gTown in Dh.bna, and a dm* to daermiDe the W m r a of two aeta d a U m &aware. Tbs whola wmmuulq Is

    Invlted to mbmlt eahiblm ad to aturd the @n ahon.

    Mrs. Daniel Whitley

    RAS TAN- - Jack Smith. mDjoinedBhrdardoIl Colrr m y of California March 16, LW6, WIU mmplets 28 year@ d s s n i o e i n t b e o i l lndw&y amorroa.

    amitb m t w e d c i d u a plls Lriverudr&wr, tMsi.rrllll YJ A n m w in Nonmber. 10L'I. o wo* In the StndI and meld - Win at Bridge

    Anmoo in the 8an ~ n n o l a c b ofnoe Makwh 15.1846. reached

    m r l n s dlvl~~pn, in i~66 in material phnntns and fore-

    NcmedTo Dean's List

    CHAMPION Dorh kr hokb tt* t q h y -dmd her for win- ning the Fifth Annwl WaunC Mshnbouling mumaunt hmld

  • .J4E+,vn9.

    I~II am aos vn s.nm erlr 4 mrmrr s8n 'm~ '.ISJanq38 '&'a 'sa1S: pm 'am 30 nos '&no3 m=m pmwwd m, 10 0-P '-Iw08 Pard w=a - '4I '8amm rll s,uoaq 01 paru~~

    IL,' e LI s - UP' (I 1 a neP&i DL?' 01 I 3 Q-m D09' 8 81 d J-W LZP' 01 I d q0-s(I DPL'PI 02 3 m-0 'aw H qv (.,w tt mmwxl BIIPJJM omam

    P82'SSE' t Z WuM WZ' WE' P Z aWosla 262' 009' P I .noom FOV'SW' I 9 -3 'lW 'lad am

    SDMQNVU RIRJ mlwlPu wu.arow m4mu1 p.ploq .s nw .- 0,- ma sol P- .am sanroa rw 4 .sm..nn morla "gouea rmu p.oml oq'm ow Pm no om ¶W 'n* -1 !-I wawaan pP@ amw 3 Asn 4 lhld mwm

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