Öredev 2011 - beyond method - tobias fors

Post on 08-Jul-2015






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You've seen development methods come and go. If it seems like the methods were never good enough, that's because they weren’t. No recipe can be the right one always. But, we don't need to throw our methods away; we need to look beyond them, towards how we think. In this session, you will see how systems thinking tackles the counter-intuitive nature of many challenges. Your existing knowledge of how agile works will be complemented with an understanding of the principles on which it works.


Citerus - Tobias Fors, 2011 - tobias.fors@citerus.se, @tofo

Beyond Method

Tobias Fors, Citerus AB




tobiasfors.seciterus.se scrumtips.se

Using Systems Thinking to Deepen Your Mastery of Agile


1. Why systems thinking?

2. A brief history of thinking

3. Using systems thinking to understand agile

4. Looking forward


”Without changing our patterns of thought, we will not be able to solve the problems we created with our current pattern of thought.” – Albert Einstein

Quoted in Ackoff, Recreating the Corporation, Oxford University Press, 1999


A brief history of thinking


A system is …

… a whole consisting of several parts, where:

‣ Each part can affect the whole

‣ The way each part affects the whole depends on what at least one other part is doing

‣ Each subgroup of parts adheres to 1 and 2

This is Ackoff’s definition

Machine Age Thinking: Analysis

1. Identify the parts

2. Try to understand each part

3. Merge into an understanding of the whole

Systems Age Thinking: Synthesis

1. Identify the larger whole

2. Understand the larger whole

3. Understand our system based on the role it

plays in the larger whole

Att sälja och ta betalt för kunskap, Britt-Marie Ahrnell, Liber, 2002.

Using systems thinking

to understand agile

My hypothesis:

Understanding systems ➙

understanding agile ➙

better success rate



Looking forward


For more, see Ackoff, Idealized Design, Wharton School Publishing, 2006.

Thank you!




If you want to learn more

Idealized Design, by Russell Ackoff

Re-creating the Corporation, by Russell Ackoff

An Introduction to General Systems Thinking, by Gerald M. Weinberg

Becoming a Technical Leader, by Gerald M. Weinberg

Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision-Making, by Sam Kaner

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