МІНІСТЕРСТВО ОСВІТИ І НАУКИ УКРАЇНИ · 2019. 12. 3. · 2 udc 336.76...

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NOVEMBER 29-30, 2019



UDC 336.76

Digitalization of agrarian management: materials of the international scientific and

practical conference – 29-30, November– Kyiv: NULES of Ukraine, 2019. – 107


Editorial board members:

Nadiia P. Reznik – Head of Department of Management named after Professor

Yosyp S. Zavadskyi, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor.

Anna M. Slobodianyk – Ph.D., associate professor of the department of

management named after Professor Yosyp S. Zavadskyi, secretary organizing


Krystyna P. Dramaretska – Ph.D., senior lecturer of Department of

management named after Professor Yosyp S. Zavadskyi.

The collection includes materials of the international scientific-practical

conference «Digitalization of agrarian management», which was held on November

29-30, 2019 at the Department of Management named after professor Yosyp S.

Zavadskyi, Faculty of Agrarian Management of the National University of Life

and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.

The publication is intended for a wide range of readers who are interested in

the issues outlined.

The works are printed in the author’s edition. The authors are responsible for

the accuracy, reliability and content of the submitted materials.

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,



Akymenko Olena, Petrovska Alina, Zholobetska Maryna,

Skrytskyi Dmytro




Alaa Alshaban Tabit Niama




Arefieva Olena, Polous Olga, Arefiev Volodymyr, Kopcha Yuri




Arefieva Olena, Piletska Samira, Miahkykh Irina, Arefiev Serhii




Balanovska Tetiana, Gogulya Olga, Koshchenko Kateryna,

Troian Alina, Yazlyuk Borys



Boyko Ludmila, Bieliaieva Nataliia, Bay Sergiy



Burliai Alina, Nesterchuk Yulia, Nepochatenko Olena,

Naherniuk Diana



Chobitok Viktoriia, Obydiennova Tetiana, Us Yulia,

De’myanenko Tetiana, Skoromna Olena




Danylenko Anatoliy, Satyr Larysa, Novikova Victoria, Shust Olena



Davydova Oksana, Kashchena Nataliia, Staverska Tetiana,

Chmil Hanna



Galaieva Lyudmyla, Volovodenko Lesya



Gavkalova Nataliia, Lola Yuliia, Prokopovych Svitlana,

Sybirtsev Volodymyr, Diachek Vitalii



Gumeniuk Yuriy, Gumeniuk Olena, Huhul Oksana, Kolinets Lesya,

Tsokol Olha



Hudzynskyi Oleksii, Sudomyr Svitlana, Hudzynska Yuliia,

Zhukovs’kyi Maksym



Ilchenko Victoria, Bondarenko Vladislava, Koroliova Oksana,

Petrovska Svitlana




Illiashenko Sergii, Shypulina Yuliia, Gryshchenko Olena,

Illiashenko Nataliia




Karachyna Natalia, Samofalova Mariia, Bilyak Yulia,

Drahnieva Natalia



Kasianova Natalia, Smerichevskyi Serhii, Klimova Olena,

Kolbushkin Yurii



Kharchenko Hanna, Kharchenko Volodymyr, Tereshchenko Svitlana,

Kadebska Eleonora




Koval Elena, Kravchuk Natalia


Kozhukhіvska Raisa, Sakovska Оlena, Skurtol Svitlana,

Kontseba Serhii, Zhmudenko Viktoriia




Kyzym Mykola, Khaustova Viktoriia, Reshetnyak Elena,

Danko Natalia





Larina Tetiana, Kupalova Halyna, Tkachuk Vadym,

Blahodatnyi Andrii



Lehenchuk Serhii, Valinkevych Nataliia, Vygivska Iryna,

Khomenko Hanna



Levkina Ruslana, Levkіn Arthur, Petrenko Anna, Kolomiets Natalia



Mnykh Olga, Kostiuk Olha, Dalyk Volodymyr, Zaitseva Anna DIGITALIZATION OF ECONOMY AND ASSESSMENT OF



Ostapchuk Anatolii, Alekseieva Kateryna, Artiukh Tetiana,

Zorgach Alona



Ostapchuk Tatiana, Kupalova Halyna, Hudzynska Yuliia,

Butsenko Liudmila




Petrushka Ihor, Yemelyanov Olexandr, Petrushka Tetyana,

Koleshchuk Orest




Plakhotnik Olena, Korenyuk Petro, Serhieieva Natalia, Gavryluk Juliia





Prokhorova Victoriia, Korzh Roman, Mrykhina Oleksandra,

Koleshchuk Orest, Mirkunova Tamara




Prokhorova Victoriia, Korzh Roman, Mushnykova Svitlana,

Bozhanova Olena




Reznik Nadiia, Ostapchuk Anatolii, Alekseieva Kateryna,

Cherkasov Andrii, Fedun Igor




Rogoza Nataliia, Rogoza Kostiantyn


Sakhno Andrii, Salkova Iryna, Broyaka Antonina,

Priamukhina Nataliia



Sayapin Serhii, Skrypnyk Andriy



Saychuk Oleksandr, Kolpachenko Nadiia, Martynenko Oleksandr,

Honcharenko Oleksandr



Skrylnyk Andrii, Chevhanova Vira, Khadartsev Oleksandr,

Kulakova Svitlana




Skrypnyk Andriy, Klimenko Nataliia, Galaieva Lyudmyla,

Koval Tetiana



Stepasyuk Ludmila, Dramaretska Krystyna, Titenko Zoia,

Babiak Nataliia



Taran Natalia, Krasnorutskyy Oleksii, Reznik Nadiia,

Slobodianyk Anna, Guley Stanislav


Tkachenko Alla, Chernysheva Olena, Sevast`yanov Rodion,

Krainik Olena




Tkachenko Alla, Levchenko Nataliіa, Pozhuieva Tatyana,

Сhupryna Nataliіa





Tkachuk Vasyl, Zinovchuk Vitalii, Tarasovych Lyudmyla,

Yaremova Maryna



Tretiak Anton, Hunko Liudmyla, Medynska Nataliia,

Hetmanchik Ivanna



Yazlyuk Borys, Guley Stanislav, Guley Anatolii




Zaitsev Yurii, Ponomariov Oleksandr, Krasnorutskyy Oleksii,

Slobodianyk Anna, Guley Anatolii




Zakharova Yelyzaveta, Patsai Bohdan



Zubko Tatyana, Kovshova Iryna, Sydorenko Oksana








Akymenko Olena Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Petrovska Alina

Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Zholobetska Maryna

Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Skrytskyi Dmytro

Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv, Ukraine

The study of the digital economy as a part of economic activity that relies on

the use of digital technologies is explained by the need for digital transformations

of business and sector structures of the Ukrainian economy. The digitalization of

the economy has already become a priority for the development of most civilized

countries. Singapore, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Estonia, Japan, Israel are

leading digital economies that have taken digital development in the areas of

transport, education, electronic equipment and the latest technologies.

Throughout the world, the share of the traditional economy is shrinking and

the digital economy is increasing, providing huge benefits for countries and

businesses. The scale and nature of such activities are changing rapidly: the digital

economy, its size and complexity of the structure are growing rapidly. Its direct

impact on economic processes in each country is obvious

In Ukraine, similar processes began to actively develop a little later than in

economically developed countries, due to a number of circumstances (political and

regulatory environment; low efficiency of Ukrainian law-enforcement bodies;

judicial system; problems with protection of intellectual property; low level of

business development of new technologies; outflow of staff capital).

But the process continues: the government adopts regulations on the

development of the digital economy and society, and created a Ministry of Digital

Transformation. Therefore, the study of digitization of the economy as the main

impetus for the development of an open information society is timely and relevant.

The purpose of the article is to investigate the reasons for the gap of Ukraine

with European countries in the development of the digital economy.

The methodological basis of the article is a set of general scientific and

special research methods, among which it is necessary to distinguish system-

structural analysis – in specifying and ordering the category digital economy»,

dialectical, method of analysis and synthesis – to summarize the principles of

digitalization, to study scenarios of digital economy development in Ukraine

assessing the criticality and necessity of dramatic changes in the economic context

(evolutionary and target).

Characteristics of the results obtained. The article explores digital

development and determines its role in improving the competitiveness of Ukraine.

The definition of the digital economy has been given as an economy where the key


factors and means of production are digital data (binary, information, etc.) and

network transactions, as well as their use as a resource, which can significantly

increase the efficiency and productivity of activities and value for products and

services received. It has been outlined the reasons for Ukraine’s lag in the

implementation of digitalization, namely: political and regulatory environment;

low efficiency of Ukrainian legislative bodies, judicial system; problems with

protection of intellectual property; low level of introduction of new technologies

by business; low impact of IT on the emergence of new business models; outflow

of human capital. The principles of digitalization have been analyzed.

It has been proved the expediency of choosing the target development

scenario by the state: the main motivation of Ukraine is ability of digital

technologies to rapid increase in productivity and efficiency of economy and

business (which leads to complete transformation of the old system and

modernization due to digital technologies); a key strategy is a focus on the internal

market; key initiatives are formation of motivation, demand, and digital needs for

digital technologies among consumers (business, government, and citizens). It has

also been proven that the development of e-governance, the rapid and high-quality

provision of information services to citizens is one of the important areas of

cooperation between the European Union and Ukraine.

In addition to the benefits for ordinary citizens, the development of digital

infrastructure will mean reducing corruption, improving the business climate,

creating new jobs (respectively, cessation of migration), reducing Ukraine’s

economic backwardness from developed countries and further sustainable,

innovative and intensive economic growth.




Alaa Alshaban Tabit Niama National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Two of the most perspective sectors of the domestic economy in modern

conditions are agriculture and IT. These are business opposites that are different

poles of technological advancement: online industry and business, tied to the place

and time. Despite tradition and conservative nature, agriculture generates 17% of

GDP and 40% of foreign exchange income in Ukraine [1].

However, these indicators, as well as the high incomes of agricultural market

participants, are mainly achieved not by technological breakthroughs, but by

extensive industry factors, the main ones being the low cost of land rent and the

low cost of labor.

According to expert estimates, innovative technologies on a continuous basis

use no more than 10% of about 40000 farms [2].

Agro-holdings are the engine of scientific and technological progress in

agro-industrial complex. Large companies are innovating not only in production,


but also in all related fields – resource management, personnel, procurement and

more. The cost of high-tech developments for the largest market players is $ 5-7

per hectare. For example, the innovation budget of one of the largest agroholdings

– Myronivsky Khliboproductin 2018 was over $ 2.5 million [2].

The speed of introduction of new technologies is usually inversely

proportional to the scale of the company – because of the complexities of

management that are common to large farms. And the structure of modern

agricultural holdings is multilevel and bureaucratic, which impedes the rapid

introduction of innovations.

Another problem is social. The increase technological efficiency

automatically reduces the need for workers. McKinsey estimates that till 2030 the

current workforce may be reduced by 15% through automation and, as a result,

productivity gains [3]. The downside of high technology is increasing wages for

other employees.

However, the most important factor hindering the introduction of innovation

in agriculture is human. First and foremost, there is a lack of competent staff

capable of managing sophisticated machinery and / or systems, as well as a

reluctance to take responsibility for it – often mechanics and tractor drivers are

afraid to sit behind the wheel or touch the keyboard, realizing that the cost of an

error is thousands of dollars.

SmartFarming founder A. Belenkov calls another reason for the slow

implementation of innovative strategies in the agricultural sector – the delayed

economic impact of the introduction of high technology, especially in the crop

sector. According to him, despite the fact that today some companies are

undercapitalized in terms of modern technology, only few of them are willing to

invest a lot of money in the upgrade, knowing that the effect will be short-lived.

However, there are no alternatives to implementing innovative strategies in

the agricultural business. Any innovative developments in the company are first

tested on pilot projects, thus testing their effectiveness. At the same time, only half

of the pilot projects reach mass implementation, and from this half – 2/3 give the

business a real benefit. Among other things, for example, HarvEast company

implemented a fuel consumption monitoring system – refueling of all equipment

and refuelers is carried out using RFID cards. Modern irrigation systems are

installed on 1100 hectares, the company is working on their automation so that

irrigation modes can be controlled from the tablet.

Despite the leading role of the agro-industrial complex, Ukraine is lagging

behind the developed countries in terms of agricultural productivity. The causes of

this phenomenon are de-industrialization of agricultural production, low crop

yields, over-employment and irrational production organization. In this case, the

greatest potential for implementing innovative strategies and technologies may be

for medium-sized farms, which are more adaptable and capable of rapid change.

Most likely, they will be the driver of innovation in the Ukrainian agro-industrial

complex – both due to the increase of their own capacity and due to the inevitable


transformation of very large agrarian units, including – under the influence of the

introduction of the land market.

The Agrohub Innovation Agenda research, which covered more than 150 top

managers of agro-companies with a bank of land of various sizes, identified three

major priorities for Ukrainian agrarians’ innovation [3]. The first is precision

farming. The popularity is explained first of all by a clear economic effect: the use

of technology allows to save an average of 15% of fertilizers, fuel and PPE, and

optimize field management. The second priority is innovation in the accounting

and analysis of soils and crops. The third direction is the company ERP-

management systems, which allow to control the scattered land masses all over the

country and to control a large number of people. They also help minimize the

effects of drought.

In the world, agrarian technologies solve more global problems: creation of

artificial meat, vertical farms, breeding of new varieties of plants, etc. At the same

time, the cost of innovation is about an order of magnitude higher than in Ukraine.

Thus, in the field of plant breeding, the global innovation cost index is at least 15%

of turnover [3]. Corteva Agriscience company, which specialized in products and

technology for farmers over the past two years, has invested more than $ 2 billion

in digital development: research, lab equipment and digital technology.

The main differences between the Ukrainian high-tech solutions and the

global ones are their goals and focus. In Ukraine, technologies are mainly aimed at

strengthening control and countering theft, while foreign strategies for innovation

in agribusiness are aimed at increasing the yield and overall efficiency of

production and marketing.


1. State Statistics Service of Ukraine. – URL: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua.

2. Innovation and agribusiness: why the future willin such alliance. –



3. National Innovation Agenda Report – URL: https://agenda-report.





Arefieva Olena National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Polous Olga National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Arefiev Volodymyr Prima Leader Group, Kyiv, Ukraine

Yuri Kopcha

National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine


As the economy moves to a fundamentally new level, accompanied by the

widespread use of digital technologies, its competitive advantages and

opportunities for further modernization are largely determined by existing and

realized human capital. Opportunities for economic, social and technological

modernization of a particular society are determined by people: their education,

qualifications and experience. In today’s Ukrainian realities, human capital as a

factor of innovative development in the digital economy has received little

attention, which prevents enterprises from adapting to the pace of technology and

technology updates in a timely manner. Efforts of the national innovation system

are directed, first of all, to the development of innovative infrastructure and to the

formation of effective institutions, which should become the basis for improving

the efficiency of its functioning.

The main purpose of this study is to assess the impact of intellectualization

of human capital development in the digital economics on the improvement of

economic security of enterprises. To achieve this goal have been determined

following tasks: most problematic factors for doing business in Ukraine in the

context of intellectualization of human capital was systematized; reasons that lead

to increasing motivation to receive education that will be appropriate digital

economic conditions was installed; approaches to the formation of economic

security potential management mechanism of enterprises in the digital economics

were proposed; the interconnection of the process of intellectualization of human

capital and economic security of enterprises in the digital economy was specified.

Despite the increase in positions in Global Competitiveness Index ranking,

the most problematic factors for doing business in Ukraine and, as a consequence,

for enhancing its investment attractiveness for foreign investors, among all other

whole four positions are relegated to factors that affects the formation and

development of human capital – not enough educated workforce, poor (low) work

ethic in the national workforce, lack of ability to innovate (innovation), restrictive

labor standards.

Information and communication technologies should become an integral part

of the educational infrastructure, including, actively, integration into the

educational and professional programs of socio-humanitarian specialties, because

they have a direct impact on the efficiency and quality of the learning process,

opening new opportunities to the applicants for gaining more up-to-date,

innovative knowledge. This statement emphasizes the need to develop digital

competences of different nature, which are explored by a number of leading

international organizations in the world.

Human capital intellectualization accompanies the entire manufacturing

process of modern enterprises, increasing its efficiency and simplifying economic

security management at all levels. The key role is played by issues related to

theoretical and practical principles of implementation of innovative processes in

production, which are accompanied by the need to develop new approaches to the

process of realizing the potential of economic security of enterprises.

The result of the information revolution and the transition to the digital


economy should be an increase in the number of intellectual workers. The process

of intellectualization of spheres of human activities and its direct influence on

improving economic security provokes the need for continuous management

innovation, the search for new and improvement of existing systems and models of

management, which characterize new level of economic development.

Significant systemic changes necessitate the justification of a new paradigm

of economic growth in the absence of economic stability, dynamism and

uncertainty, which give rise to the need for a new synthesis of fundamental

theoretical and methodological structures that reveal the topic of growth

boundaries in the substitution of knowledge. The quality of economic growth is

viewed through the prism of the interconnection of changes in the technological

basis of social production and social structure. The intellectual economy is

interpreted, firstly, as a radical reform of the system of social relations and,

secondly, as an essential criterion for the changes that take place and determine the

results of the functioning of national and world economies. In our opinion, the new

socio-economic relations, which envisage profound structural changes in the

economic system, transformation of economic behavior and the resource base,

determine the current quality of economic growth and the level of economic

security in the digital economy.




Arefieva Olena National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Piletska Samira

National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Miahkykh Irina Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Kyiv, Ukraine

Arefiev Serhii Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Kyiv, Ukraine

The article deals with the essence of the digital economy on the basis of

research of theoretical approaches, their systematization from the point of view of

introduction of information resources and platforms, and from the viewpoint of

introduction of qualitative changes in production relations. The goal of the article

is to summarize the approaches to the essence of the digital economy, to

substantiate the prerequisites for its development, to offer ways for the

implementation of its components and model elements and interconnections of

innovation activity of enterprises in the digital economy. In order to achieve this

goal, the following tasks are set: to analyze trends in the implementation of

innovation processes and activity of enterprises in the respective areas; to justify

the factors of innovation activity by economic levels and to determine their effect

by components; to suggest a mechanism for innovation activity by economic level


to stimulate enterprises to innovate and enhance the capacity of the business. The

methodological basis of the article is the methods of scientific cognition, which

allow to reveal the essence of the digital economy, to substantiate the prerequisites

for its development, the ways of implementation of the digital economy

components; systematization – to identify factors that hinder the innovation

activity of enterprises; scientific abstraction – with the aim of forming the

theoretical generalization and conclusion.

It is established that the development of business models of the digital

economy causes changes in the logic of competence formation and their use in the

business processes of the enterprise, which provides an increase in its innovative

activity. The prerequisites, characteristics, factors influencing the development of

innovative activity of enterprises in the digital economy have been determined. It is

suggested considering the digitization of the real sector through the

commercialization of production and consumer demand, as well as the banking

sector as a source of financial resources and capital formation of enterprises. The

necessity to consider the benefits of the digital economy at economic and social

angles is justified, which allows to combine economic transformations at the

enterprise level and social adaptation of the personnel to the organization of

changes in economic activity. It is suggested the adaptation of enterprises to the

introduction of digitalization as a strategic process based on the establishment of

appropriate links between the objects, since it is multivariate with technological

constraints and unexpected influences of socio-and-economic factors in the

implementation of innovative activity. The development of predictions and

preventive measures is based on the fulfillment of the information function, since

the qualitative, adequate, reliable and timely information is needed for the

qualitative prediction of risks, threats and the definition of effective measures. It is

suggested considering the information function of the mechanism from the

standpoint of centralization, systematization and processing of input information,

forming on its basis recommendations for ensuring the emergence of potential

economic security of the enterprise.

It is concluded that the innovative activity of enterprises in the period of

digital transformation of the economy is a system of measures aimed at supporting

the innovative activity of enterprises in order to achieve long-term goals of their

operation, connected with the implementation of innovative methods of work,

which contribute to ensuring the production and competitiveness of production.

The digital economy contributes to the commercialization of current knowledge of

enterprises, technologies and equipment. The prerequisite for their efficient

functioning is the development of innovative activity of enterprises, which

contributes to the development of innovative products with new qualities and

reduces the diffusion of innovation. In the context of the digital economy, support

for the innovation activity of enterprises plays an increasingly important role in

ensuring the functioning of complex production and economic systems, which is

the enterprise. Information and its effective use become a strategic resource for

those enterprises that are transitioning to intellectual management, as the market


structures change, the qualitative components of the segments in which the

enterprise operates, the role of unique advantage is enhanced. The implementation

of the suggested approach to the development of innovative activity of the

enterprise requires significant accounting for specific accumulated knowledge and

is more mobile to change information in the decision-making process.



Balanovska Tetiana National University of Life and Environmental Science, Kyiv, Ukraine

Gogulya Olga National University of Life and Environmental Science, Kyiv, Ukraine

Koshchenko Kateryna

«VideCom» Company, Kyiv, Ukraine

Troian Alina National University of Life and Environmental Science, Kyiv, Ukraine

Yazlyuk Borys Ternopil National Economic University, Ternopil, Ukraine

The process of digitalization has long embraced all spheres of human

activity, and it is the turn of such traditional industries as agriculture. At this stage

of human development, increasing yields is attractive from the point of view of

increasing the profitability of the agricultural business, but not yet from the point

of view of the food crisis. For a long time, the competitiveness of farmers

depended only on the amount of land, the vagaries of the weather and the

experience of agronomists that are not enough in the modern world. Agricultural

companies that are actively introducing technological innovations can harvest more

in a smaller area than its competitors with a larger field but without innovations.

The paper reveals the relevance of the expediency of digitalization of the

agricultural sector, shows the experience of farmers from different countries in the

implementation of precision farming technologies and monitoring systems, and

also the main aim of paper is to show the prospects and profitability of introducing

agricultural technological innovations.

Such a model worked for many years: there is an agronomist who solves all

problems and tasks basing on his knowledge. But the human brain cannot hold and

analyze as much information as a computer can. Especially in matters of statistical

analysis, estimation, correlation of different circumstances among itself.

Therefore, digitalization in the agricultural sector is the transfer to the

information system of a huge array of data describing all the characteristics of the

fields: agrochemical, physical and chemical, climate history, crop history, history

of pesticide application, norms, productivity of land, etc. This is the information

that must be used so that the system, for example, correctly calculates the

production plan. Proper data handling is the key to the efficiency of the agricultural

business in modern conditions of technological growth.


Digitalization is, in fact, a new format for using data to make the right

business decisions.

Processes, data, algorithms are very important components for the modern

model of work of agricultural companies. A reliable history of fields, quality

guides and algorithms will help the system better than any person to forecast the

results and plan actions to achieve effective indicators.

The introduction of such a system requires a large number of new devices,

gadgets that help to realize the project. For example, field sensors are able to signal

the moisture content in the soil – this is very important as part of the spring sowing

campaign. You can see the dynamics of changes in these field indicators online.

On the other hand, if we talk about monitoring, a lot of start-ups and

technologies have already appeared that allow analyzing satellite photos or photos

from drones in a different way. Due to the knowledge base and machine learning

algorithms, the first symptoms of diseases or the appearance of weeds can be

recognized from the photos. You can pre-identify the problem, plan and implement

preventive measures.

The agricultural business is turning into a business that requires maximum

precision, the most accurate, jewelry handling of data. This will help in achieving

two key goals: grow more and manage costs efficiently, achieving optimal

efficiency from each field.

The maximum productivity of land depends on the specific climatic zone,

specific soils. All fields have its own limit, and if this limit is not known, the

agricultural producer can spend super expensive hybrids, fertilizers on this field,

without ever achieving an increase in productivity.

In the current agrarian economy, when world product prices are not rising,

good cost management is a very important aspect. But if all the data is not

converted to digital format, downloaded into the appropriate system, then there is

no need to talk about a breakthrough, an increase in domestic production and the

efficiency of Ukrainian farmers.

Agricultural business is a type of activity that is based on a huge amount of

data. Until recently, all this information was accumulated by an agronomist. He

defined what would be good for his farm next year: what crop rotation to use;

which hybrids to buy; what are the norms of fertilizers in order to get optimal

productivity. In addition, to grow a good crop and optimally use land resources is a

difficult task and requires constant monitoring, which cannot be carried out

efficiently in large areas. High-tech solutions, including precision farming, helps to

solve this task in modern agriculture. The experience of American farmers vividly

demonstrates the profitability of introducing precision farming tools, despite of the

sufficient land supply of the American continent. The future of the agricultural

sector belongs to the technological innovations. When the process of «technology

race» is already actively gaining momentum in the world, countries like Ukraine,

in spite of vast field areas, should already be introduced into this process so as not

to remain at the end of the chain of successful agricultural producers.

Agricultural business is a type of activity that is based on a huge amount of


data. Until recently, all this information was accumulated by an agronomist. He

defined what would be good for his farm next year: what crop rotation to use;

which hybrids to buy; what are the norms of fertilizers in order to get optimal

productivity. In addition, to grow a good crop and optimally use land resources is a

difficult task and requires constant monitoring, which cannot be carried out

efficiently in large areas. High-tech solutions, including precision farming, helps to

solve this task in modern agriculture. The experience of American farmers vividly

demonstrates the profitability of introducing precision farming tools, despite of the

sufficient land supply of the American continent. The future of the agricultural

sector belongs to the technological innovations. When the process of «technology

race» is already actively gaining momentum in the world, countries like Ukraine,

in spite of vast field areas, should already be introduced into this process so as not

to remain at the end of the chain of successful agricultural producers.



Boyko Ludmila Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kiyv, Ukraine

Bieliaieva Nataliia

Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kiyv, Ukraine

Bay Sergiy Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kiyv, Ukraine

In the conditions of globalization, the active introduction of the latest

information and communication technologies in different spheres of life is a

necessary and justified process. This process provides better services for the

population, reduced budget expenditures while improving the quality of services,

upgrading transport infrastructure, energy, supporting small and medium-sized

businesses, reforming the social sphere of city life, improving the quality of health,

education and environmental problems solving. All these positive changes

contribute to the sustainable development of society and the state as a whole.

The emergence of a new digital infrastructure, including wireless networks,

mobile devices and technologies, contributes to a radical shift in information

technologies, their integration into all manifestations of socio-political and

economic life of society, the formation of a new theoretical concept of industrial

society – information society. As modern information and communication

technologies work with information in digital form, so usually it is used the term

«digital society» (as a synonymous) when we talk about such a category as an

information society.

A digital society is a society created as a result of industrial revolution on

the basis of information and telecommunication technologies and information that

embraces people’s knowledge. Digital society is socially transformed and aimed to

help individuals and communities to use knowledge and ideas that help people to

realize their potential and fulfill their aspirations, add a great opportunities to


human intelligence, and create resources that change the way of social work and

social life. The economy of such a society is called a digital economy.

Digital economy is characterized by high added value, faced with numerous

obstacles, many developing countries cannot adequately respond to the demands of

the digital economy. The digital economy is also referred to as the

Internet Economy, New Economy, or Web Economy. The largest players in the

world market are digital economy companies – Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon

and others, which are among the most expensive companies in the world in terms

of market capitalization. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is rapidly driving

transformational disruption across every sector. An estimated 70% of new value

created in the economy over the next decade will be based on digitally enabled

platforms. Digital technologies should be a driving force for innovations in the

Ukrainian economic system. Digitalization of the economy and life spheres will

create new jobs, make Ukrainian business more competitive and less resource

oriented, attract new investors. Digital transformation is a daunting task. Countries

that have reached the highest level of digital maturity have had to deal with

complex cultural, organizational, and technical issues, and only counting of all

these factors have made these transformations successful. The widespread use of

digital technologies, extensive digital infrastructures are contributing to the

economy digitization.

Digital transformation is a daunting task. Countries that have reached the

highest level of digital maturity have had to deal with complex cultural,

organizational, and technical issues, and only counting of all these factors have

made these transformations successful. In order to become digital leaders today in

specific areas of the economy, it is necessary to identify priority digital projects

which are implemented by specific organizational teams. Digital teams should

focus on three key functional activities, namely, develop a digital strategy, manage

digital activity through their national companies, and turn their digital

implementation into an operational advantage.

One of the main problems with the digital economy development in Ukraine

is the lack of a systematic state policy in this area. It is necessary to create a unique

model of the digital economy development of Ukraine, which will fully take into

account not only the available resources, but also the national and cultural features

of Ukraine. The newly created model should not be one that replicates the

experience of highly developed countries, but one that «jumps» it. At this stage of

development this «digital leap» is important for Ukraine because it will have a

positive impact on the country’s image in the international arena, on the well-being

of the population and on socio-economic development in general.

Therefore, today the digital economy in Ukraine is the basis not only for

improving the economy, but also for the effective functioning of public

administration and business. The use of information and communication

technologies in economic activity is important and necessary, given all the changes

that are taking place in Ukrainian society at present times. The widespread use of

digital technologies, extensive digital infrastructures are contributing to the


economy digitization in Ukraine. In general we can say, that the level of the digital

economy development influences on the competitiveness of the state, region, city,

village, settlement and growth of well-being of Ukrainian citizens in general.



Burliai Alina Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine

Nesterchuk Yulia Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine

Nepochatenko Olena Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine

Naherniuk Diana

Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine

Agriculture is constantly confronted with the opportunities and risks of

technological advancement, which requires a study of their environmental impact.

An important element of the greening of agricultural production is the introduction

of digitization. In theory and economic policy, it is regarded as an integral part of

the fourth industrial revolution and is closely intertwined with material and

biological technologies. Businesses are much more likely to use innovative IT

solutions that have a positive impact on productivity and streamline production

than ever before. Therefore, an important task of modern economic science is to

study the risks of digitization in the field of environmental protection.

The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical aspects of digitization,

practical experience and prospects for its implementation in the agricultural sphere

of economy, to evaluate the economic and environmental effects of the

introduction of digital technologies in agriculture.

The theoretical and methodological basis of research is a modern economic

theory, a systematic approach to the study of economic and environmental aspects

of agricultural development, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on

the digitization of agriculture.

In the process of research were used the general scientific and economic

methods: monographic method; design and construction method; methods of

analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction for the purpose of studying the

economic and environmental consequences of the digitization of agricultural


Materials of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, World Bank and

personal studies of the authors became the information base of the research.

The results of the research show that digitization is an inevitable trend of

modern society, which contributes not only to improving the economic efficiency

of functioning and competitiveness of the agricultural sector, but also allows

reducing the burden on natural resources and the environment as a whole.

To date, the share of the global digital economy has a rapid upward trend, it


is a priority for many economically developed countries and accounts for more

than 20% of the total economy. In Ukraine the processes of creation of the digital

economy are at the stage of formation and have not yet reached the full level.

Ukraine has seen an increase in the level of digitization in agriculture, which

is a significant part of the country’s economy. The industry accounts for about

12% of GDP and accounts for nearly a fifth of the country’s workforce. With the

introduction of digital technologies, the agricultural sector can become more

refined, environmentally friendly and responsive. This means lowering information

and operating costs, providing better services, creating new jobs and simplifying

the process of establishing links between farmers, processors, intermediary

structures and consumers.

The main prerequisites for the digitization of the agricultural sector are the

optimization of the costs of finance, time and resources (fuel, fertilizers, plant

protection products); improving the accuracy of calculations and planning; increase

in production productivity; rational use of nature; improving animal welfare;

greening of production, etc.

Digital agriculture means the creation, development and application of

innovative methods for the use of information and communication technologies in

the agricultural sector of the economy.

The development of digitization in agriculture has a significant economic

effect, which is manifested in increasing the efficiency of agricultural production

and increasing the competitiveness of the industry. At the same time, it is

important to note the positive environmental impact of agricultural de-

industrialization, which contributes to the sustainable development of society.

The main environmental consequences of the digitization of production

processes in agriculture have been established. These include reducing the load on

land resources, reducing soil structure and reducing its compaction, reducing the

amount of fertilizers and plant protection products, reducing the level of emissions

into the atmosphere, reducing soil structure by identifying the need for lime and

diagnosed excessive salinity or alkalinity, economic impact on the environment of

chemicals through their optimum application according to the mapping of fields

and crops, creation of an archive of data on natural and climatic conditions of the

territory. It can be concluded that digitization of production processes in

agriculture has a positive impact on the greening of the industry.

The practical significance of the theoretical statements, proposals and

recommendations being investigated is that their implementation will help to

determine the environmental consequences of the digitization of the agricultural

sector of the economy. This will improve the environmental situation, increase the

competitiveness of products, ensure the production of environmentally safe food

and agricultural raw materials, while increasing soil fertility, improving the

employment market in rural areas and creating favorable conditions for working

and living in the countryside.





Chobitok Viktoriia

Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Obydiennova Tetiana Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Us Yulia

Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Demyanenko Tetiana Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Skoromna Olena Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaev,

Kharkiv, Ukraine

New conditions of operation require the introduction of revolutionary and

creative directions for the sustainable development of modern enterprises. The

development of IT technologies, the transition to innovation and technological

development is the basis for the emergence of a new format for the existence of an

economic system – a new digital economy, which is qualitatively different from

the classical economy, based on the use of the potential of human knowledge and

the trends of vector-innovative development. The article deals with the problem of

using information resources to form the basis of innovative development of

business entities in the new digital economy, which is quite relevant and requires

further development. The new digital economy, as a process of formation and

development of the world economy in the conditions of introduction of scientific

achievements and creative knowledge, has its advantages and disadvantages, which

are considered in the article.

The authors consider the basic components of the new digital economy:

information and communication technologies, education (fundamental and

production of innovations); intellectual services (all types of business consulting,

information mediation, marketing services, analytics, etc.).

The main element of the formation of a new digital economy is the use of

information resources, which are the result of the interaction of the processes of

functioning and automation of information systems in all spheres of functioning of

market players. Each enterprise uses a large array of information resources in its

activities. The authors classify the information resources of the enterprise.

In modern conditions of functioning the effective methodology of

quantitative and qualitative assessment and forecasting of information resources

needs has not been fully developed and tested, but it is possible to outline and

scientifically substantiate the process of managing information resources by

studying the information needs of the enterprise. In the work of the authorities, the

system of information resources management was formed as the basis of the new

digital economy.


In the course of economic activity, enterprises use technical tools to work

with information resources, the amount of automation, the type and intensity of

which is characterized by the essence of specific information technology.

Today, for the effective functioning of enterprises in any sector of the

economy of Ukraine, it is necessary to use and research a large amount of

information resources, so it is necessary to involve specialists with relevant

knowledge and skills in the field of ICT. The combination of knowledge,

peculiarities of conducting business activities and effective management of

information resources will provide an opportunity to achieve the goals and obtain

an effective level of development of domestic enterprises.

The introduction of innovative digital business management systems

(business operations processing), the control of production activities, the support of

corporate values and the management of personnel contribute to the effective

management of information resources in enterprises.

Thus, managing the information resources of business entities is a

prerequisite for sustainable development and efficient management in the new

digital economy.



Danylenko Anatoliy

Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine

Satyr Larysa

Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine

Novikova Victoria

Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine

Shust Olena

Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine

The aim refers to specification of environmental, socio-economic and

technological aspects of public administration of rational use of agricultural land in

modern conditions. The concepts of land management and sustainable land use are

given. Under the rational use of lands it is proposed to understand the most

effective (in terms of meeting the needs of the state and society) method for their

involvement in the production process, taking into account natural, economic,

political and social conditions in accordance with existing principles of interaction

between nature and society.

The results of the analysis concern of the modern methods of combating

irrational conduct of agricultural activities on the national level. It is offered to

develop a policy framework and regulatory support of the processes of agricultural

land management; to increase the size of fines for violation of land legislation; to

use differentiated land tax depending on the degree of environmental economic

activities; to use differentiated taxes, fees and fines depending on the actual non-

compliance and standards in the field of land use and protection. The problem of


ecological management at the level of economic entities is studied and mainly

covers the issue of principles, features of positioning, as well as the importance of

a balanced use of agricultural land. Methods of economic incentives for

responsible land use for agricultural producers are offered. Pros and cons of

existing economic approaches to the sustainable use of agricultural land are

established. They include the lack of state programs to promote rational use of

agricultural land, low investment in agriculture ecology, lack of lending programs

of measures to increase soil fertility and so on. The effect of digitization on the

state administration of rational use of agricultural land is investigated. The main

directions of the impact of digitalization of the state administration of the

agricultural land use process have been clarified, only the rational and responsible

use and availability of agricultural land; rational use of agricultural land,

improving the efficiency of agricultural production and supply of agricultural

products; rational holistic planning and management of the process of agricultural

land use; ensuring the purity of agricultural land; rational use of agricultural land

and prevention of biodiversity loss. The analysis of the development of electronic

administrative services in the sphere of land relations of Ukraine on the principle

of their extraterritoriality is carried out. It was found that the development of

digital infrastructure relating to the identification and trust, open data, public

services and e-government so complicated uneven infrastructure development of

fixed broadband in urban and rural areas of Ukraine.

Modern ways of organizing the rational use of land at the state level

combine incentives for rational use of agricultural land and a system of penalties

for failure to comply with the land use standards established by the state. Current

methods of promoting the rational use of agricultural land are to provide tax and

credit benefits; exemption from payment of land; compensation to agricultural

producers of the lost income share due to land conservation; the use of accelerated

depreciation. In addition, it is proposed to develop the basics of policy and

regulatory support for regulatory processes for agricultural land management;

increase the amount of the fine for violation of the land legislation; differentiate

land tax depending on the level of environmental friendliness of economic activity

and the state of application of environmental management principles; differentiate

taxes, fees and penalties depending on the level of actual non-compliance with

standards and regulations in the area of land use and protection; to develop

electronic administrative services in the field of land relations on the principle of

their extraterritoriality.

Effective use of land resources of Ukraine in the digital economy will be

possible provided the optimal combination of economic and administrative

management methods, which should be embodied in the complex economic

mechanism of rational use of agricultural land, which should be implemented at the

state level. The development of such mechanism is the purpose of further scientific





Davydova Oksana Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Kashchena Nataliia Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Staverska Tetiana

Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Chmil Hanna Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Digital globalization and Ukrainian integration into the global economic

space have speeded up digitalization and determined it as a driver of increased

competitiveness, economic activity and sustainable development of economic

entities. Steady modernization of existing and creation of new digital and

information technologies necessitates changes in the format of business models of

business entities, approaches to their management. Radical changes in the strategy

of business development and enterprise management processes under the influence

of digitalization in the near future will become necessary prerequisite of viability

and development in the digital ecosystem «state – business – society». In view of

this, the purpose of this work is determined as study of the world experience and

prerequisites for the transition of enterprises to digital management and

development of the reference model of the economic activity and enterprise

development digitization management.

It is proved in the research paper on the base of preconditions and

implementation possibility research of the digital transformation international

experience, that the systematic state approach to the use of «digital» technologies

stimulates the open information society development, which is an essential factor

for improving productivity, creating jobs and improving the quality of Ukrainian

citizens’ life. Realization of priority targets of digitalization provides the

optimization of digital infrastructure and infocommunications, modernization of

security systems, competitiveness and economic activity of economic entities

increasing as well as realization of sustainable development goals on innovative


Digitalization leads to the emergence of new formats of doing business and,

accordingly, requires the formation of new approaches to enterprise management,

its activity and development, which allow forming their own ecosystem of

information and communication interaction with different stakeholders, which is

based on partnership, client-orientation, innovativeness and synergy. The basic

vectors of digital transformations of enterprises’ business process management are:

оmnicanality of customer service (with tools of adaptability, variability, scoring,

analytics and forecasting); infrastructure, partnerships, collaboration (for providing

partnerships and business scaling); cross-functionality of digital databases (for

enhancing possibilities of business processes modeling with simultaneous

minimizing time and labor costs); innovations and investments (for providing


innovative search and effective investment); data protection (for identifying the

risks with the aim of protect own business information and personalized customer

base); standardization and interoperability (for providing data compatibility and

protection against market threats); the value of the product (for stimulation the

value of the product by the stakeholders); professional competencies (for providing

professional competencies and human capital development).

It is substantiated that the enterprise management digitalization requires the

definition and rethinking of forms, trends, methods, technologies and digital

engineering tools, innovation policy and corresponding corporate culture,

communication mechanisms between all management units for quick

implementation of changes.

The applied artificial intelligence is the most effective digital management

transformation technology; it bases on big data tools and allows visualization,

cross-cutting planning, modeling and correction of business process management

in real time. This technology, by integrating with analytics applications and

services for work with smart devices, hybrid networks and other components of the

digital world, allows optimizing business processes management infrastructure and

provides the creation of digital platforms for the accumulation of information, its

analytical processing and transmission for decisions making. The approach to the

digitalization of economic activity management and sustainable development of

domestic enterprises is proposed with taking into account the global experience of

business administration digitalization.

The results of the work prove that the implementation effectiveness of

management actions and measures for enterprise management digitalization, its

activity and development depends on the selected digital transformation

technologies, the possibility of relevant data information arrays forming, their

analytical processing and presentation for certain decisions making in real time.

The reference digitalization model of economic activity management and

enterprise development is elaborated; its distinctive feature is the integration of

three platforms (information, analytical and management) in one management

loop, which allows obtaining the synergistic effect of the management process

digital transformation at all its levels. The model’s functioning bases on the

application of freely distributed information content, own databases, open software

of the analytics platform and business process management integration platform

which implements data integration technology and digital applications integration

technology that provides their consistent sharing use.

The practical implementation of the proposed digitalization model of

economic activity management and sustainable development of the enterprise

allows gaining strategic benefits from business processes conversion and managing

them into digital format, providing the management process optimization and the

possibility of decisions making in real time.



Galaieva Lyudmyla National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Volovodenko Lesya Zaporizhzhya National University, Melitopol, Ukraine

The rational use of regional resources to improve the living standards of the

region’s inhabitants is very relevant at the current stage of development of the

Ukrainian economy, because apart from the heterogeneity of the regions

development, due to geographical location, availability of resources, competition,

state of the internal market, there are also external factors – global market

influence, climate change, etc. [1,2].

There are no completely reliable survey-based statistics on inter-regional

trade in Ukraine. Effective and mutually beneficial inter-regional turnover, in

particular between regions that produce mainly industrial and agricultural products,

can be an important factor in increasing their competitiveness and reducing the

difference in average incomes. In industrialized regions, per capita income is

generally higher than the national average, but their food costs more than in

agrarian and mixed regions [3].

The study of the possibility of mutually beneficial trade between the regions

of the country in the short and long term with the aim of enhancing the

competitiveness of enterprises of different profiles and, as a result, improving the

well-being of the population of the country showed some of its peculiarities. A

dearth of data has limited formal explorations of interregional trade but greater

attention should be directed to this form of connectivity between regions [4].

The kind of the model and interregional trade data may have a substantial

influence on modeling results [5].

Thus, the additional profit of the producer in the agrarian-oriented region,

provided that the production is directed to the industrial-oriented region, can be

described as a model:

)( 212 ppqIno , (1)

where oIn – extra profit;

2q – share of products of agricultural oriented region directed to the

industrialized region.

1p – prices in the industrialized region;

2p – prices in the agricultural oriented region.

At the same time, it is clear that 12 pp .

That is, prices for agricultural products in the agricultural-oriented region

will be objectively considered lower than for the same products in other regions

(industrial-oriented and mixed).

It should be noted that, despite higher per capita income in industrialized

areas and, consequently, greater opportunities to purchase food, the demand for

important livestock products such as meat and milk in these regions is lower,


which has a corresponding impact on imported products.

In the short term, the number of products produced does not change, and

therefore the moment will come when a sufficient number of products will be

brought to the industrial-oriented region and prices will be equal in both regions. If

this trend continues, supply will at some point exceed the demand and the price in

the industrial region for agricultural products will start to decline.

That is

21 pp .

Then the real profit that the entrepreneur will receive will

be: )()()( 2222122222212 ppqppqpqpqqpqInr


where qqq ,, 21 respectively, consumption volumes in the industrialized

region, the agrarian oriented region and the whole country.

At the same time in the short term:

111 qqq

– supply in the industrialized region, taking into account the

supply from the agrarian oriented region.

)(, 21222 qqqqq

– supply in the agricultural oriented region

(we take into account that the quantity of agricultural products imported into the

industrial region is equal to the quantity of products exported from the agricultural


That is, the profit consists of the income received in the industrial region to

which is added the income received in the agrarian region and deducted the income

received before the beginning of inter-regional trade:

In this case, the first addition in the right-hand side of equation (2) can be

both positive (profit) and negative (loss) depending on the initial regional price

difference and the quantity of goods sent to the industrialized region, in addition it

is significantly less than module from the second application, which is always

positive. Thus, short-term inter-regional trade will be effective, ie it will yield

profits, mainly at the expense of the inhabitants of the producer region.


1. Скрипник А. В. Світова фінансова криза та енергоефективність

економіки України / А. В. Скрипник, Л.В. Воловоденко // Моніторинг

біржового ринку / Національний університет біоресурсів і

природокористування України, 2014. №11(30). С. 18-22.

2. Розробка концепції національної політики адаптації сільського

господарства України до зміни клімату / Заключний звіт завдання Служби

експертної підтримки ClimaEastCEEF2016-083-UA , 2017. 102 p.



3. Sargento A., Ramos P., Hewings, G. Inter-regional trade flow

estimation through non-survey models: An empirical assessment./ Economic

Systems Research / Economic Systems Research, 2012. Vol. 24 (2). P. 173-193.

4. Hewings G., Oosterhaven J. Interregional Trade Models. /Handbook of

Regional Science.Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.P.903-922.


5. Johansen U., Egging R., Ivanova O. Regional policy and the role of

interregional trade data: policy simulations with a model for Norway /Regional

Studies, Regional Science 2018, Vol.5 (1), P.312-331.



Gavkalova Nataliia Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Lola Yuliia Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkov, Ukraine

Prokopovych Svitlana Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkov, Ukraine

Sybirtsev Volodymyr

Banking and Insurance Central Ukrainian National Technical University,

Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine

Diachek Vitalii

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine

In the 21st century, no country in the world can stay away from the process

of global informatization of the society. The development of the Internet

technologies is getting to a level where it requires transformation of interaction

among community, government and business. One of the tools of such

transformation is the introduction of e-government service. E-government makes

the administrative process convenient, efficient, transparent, and fully accountable

to the community in each country. The mechanism for measuring its progress and

level of development, as well as predicting its impact on the socio-economic and

political situation of the countries of the world, is especially relevant for the

development of the world e-government.

Hypothesis 1. Developmentofe-governmenthas non-line influence the

economic and socio-political level of societies in the countries.

To carry out the research, the global indices and variables of economic and

socio- political development were selected: E-Government Development Index

(EG), The Democracy Index (DI), The Doing Business (DB), The Global

Competitiveness Index (GC).

The objects of research are 105 countries of the world. The variablesare the

data for 2017. The countries without sufficient data were excluded from the


A pair correlation matrix was constructed. High values of the even

correlation coefficients make it possible to assume that there is a fairly close direct

linear relationship between all indicators. The closest linear relationship exists

between EG and GC and the weakest (0.62), but also statistically significant –

between DI and DB.

To study the effect of EG on GC, DB, and DI we construct a complex linear

regressionusing STATISTICA package. Unknown parameters are estimated with


the help of ordinary least squares method (OLS).

The data of regression equations are statistically significant on the whole by

Fisher criterion, and by certain parameter’s by Student’s criterion. There is no

autocorrelation of mistakes (statistics of Darbin-Watson approximately equals to 2,

and cyclic coefficient of autocorrelation is rough 0). So we draw a conclusion that

the given model can be used for analysis.

The methods of neural network modeling were used to solve the link

regression problems between e-government development and the indicator of

different society spheres. Despite the fact that we consider the system of three one-

factor models neural network modeling was chosen, because it allows us to find

high quality models that are built automatically without the expert’s involvement

during the training process. These methods were implemented with the StatSoft’s

software package STATISTICA Automated Neural Networks (SANN).

The data set contains three target changes (GC, DB, DI) and one predictor

(EG). To teach the network, we set its type – a multi layer perceptron (MLP), that

is a feed forward neural network architecture with unidirectional full connections

between successive layers. It’s the most popular network architecture in use today.

As a result of training we received a set of 10 constructed networks. Two of

the best were selected. The performance is characterized by the coefficient of

determination (the closer it is to 1, the better the approximate data in the

model).SANN uses the determination coefficient between the targets of the data

and the outputs (predictions) of the network as a performance measure.

The selection of the best networks was carried out according to the values of

the test and validation sample correlation coefficients. In both cases the output

activation functions are Exponential function. The quality of the constructed

models can also be estimated using correlation coefficients.

Since more than one network is selected in the grid of active neural

networks, an overlapping scatter plot is created. These graphs give opportunity to

visually evaluate in three-dimensional space how well a target is related to the

network outputs: GC, DB, DI.

Due to high quality of the constructed neural networks, we can use them for

making predictions, namely, we can implement the last step of the Stage 3 of the

proposed research algorithm.

The predicted values of the linear model are quite significantly different

from meanings that gives neural networks for predicting targets (with using logistic

function). It should be noted that the gradual development of e-government leads

to the gradual improvement of ease of doing business, socio-economic

attractiveness and development of democracy in countries.

Implementing e-government has to reduce the cost of delivering government

services, and ensure better contact with citizens all areas, stimulate the emergence

of local e-cultures and strengthen democracy. To study the influence of e-

government on different society development factors were used correlation and

regression analysis (for the linear model) and the methods of neural network

modeling. The results showed that there is a close relationship between the


development of e-government and the development of the economic, social and

political sphere of society. The constructed nonlinear model has higher quality than

the linear model system.

This research study provides insights that may be useful in improving the e-

Government resource and services.

Further studies require an analysis of the changing impact of e-Government

development on the economic, social and political level of country development

over a period of time. Moreover, attention should be paid to the fact that e-

government progress can affect different spheres of society over time. This is due

to the fact that informatization of the society is a complex uneven process that

requires modern technical equipment and acquisition of information competencies

by civil servants and potential users of electronic services.



Gumeniuk Yuriy

Ternopil National Economic University, Ukraine

Gumeniuk Olena Ternopil National Economic University, Ukraine

Huhul Oksana Ternopil National Economic University, Ukraine

Kolinets Lesya Ternopil National Economic University, Ukraine

Tsokol Olha National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

The process of socialization as a new challenge in current conditions has

been studied. It has been proved that social development plays the key role in the

measures of the century we are living at. The evolution of the attitude to

socialization among the scholars has been considered. The importance of

developing social partnership mechanisms in the conditions of the current reality

has been shown. The situation in Ukraine in relation to the state of the social

development has been outlined and looked at.

The large-scale civilization transformations caused above all by the rapid

development of scientific and technological progress since the end of the last

century have touched all branches and spheres of social life of the countries and

caused the change of place of a person with its needs for development. In today’s

economic environment, the social component of development has not simply

evolved into an identical economic development component but has often begun to

determine the latter. That is why theoretical studies of social processes in public

life, its socialization, and mechanisms for achieving social agreement are relevant

in our time.

However, despite the differences in approaches and methodology, scholars

from different economics schools and fields have agreed that market mechanisms


need regulation, and the key feature of achieving social orientation of the market

system is the fulfillment of the state functions to support and develop the social

sphere, create a system of social guarantees and protection of different sections of

the population. Such regulatory influence on the part of the state is fully in line

with the interests of the market and business. The state is responsible for

maintaining competition, preventing crises, conflicts, shaping consumer demand,

the system of government orders and so on. In social terms, the state develops and

implements internal and external socio-economic policies, forms the legal bases of

economy aimed at stable provision of high standards of living and employment of

the population provides social protection, creates conditions for the effective

development of the whole society.

At the same time, the social responsibility of economic entities of different

forms of ownership, including those of the private sector of the country’s

economy, is that the purpose of their activity is gradually ceasing to be solely profit

maximization, and now the satisfaction of social needs and interests of workers is

decisive. That is, there is an awareness that the existence and development of a

business is inseparable from the social environment in which the business operates.

The main directions of ensuring such responsibility are the desire to provide the

market with quality goods and services, creating the right working conditions for

the able-bodied population, preserving the environment, setting wages at the labor

cost level, paying taxes to social insurance funds.

In addition, in the new social conditions, there is a change in the qualitative

characteristics of labor resources. The limited number of manpower, the dynamics

of their age characteristics (the «aging of the nation»), and the increasing need for

highly skilled workers have led to changes in the attitude of business to the

employee. Previously, in industrial production, which was extensive, economic

efficiency depended on the degree of exploitation of the workforce, which acted as

a means of maximizing economic effect. At the present stage, the employee can no

longer be considered as a means of maximizing profits, and investment in human

resources development is not only necessary but also economically viable. The

importance of state regulatory influence on the processes related to the

reproduction of labor resources (on the demographic situation in the country, on

the improvement of educational, qualification characteristics of labor resources,

financial support of social events, etc.) has increased. In developed countries, the

introduction of social mechanisms at different levels has created a powerful layer

of the so-called middle class as the basis of a developed society.

In such circumstances, it is difficult to talk about the implementation of

certain quality of life standards and the like. However, as is well known, any

economic crisis carries with it hidden opportunities for development. Ukraine’s

image in the world has significantly increased in recent years. It is now well known

that Ukrainians want to live in a democratic society, strive to ensure the realization

of European values, including social values, in domestic territories. Ukraine was

indeed perceived as part of Europe.

In our opinion, the activation of socialization processes in Ukraine is


possible through the introduction of mechanisms of social partnership at all levels,

the consolidation of society, the search for certain compromises. Solving economic

problems undoubtedly continues to be a key aspect of socialization, since it is

practically impossible to reach social compromise in a context of general




Hudzynskyi Oleksii National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Sudomyr Svitlana SS NULES of Ukraine «Berezhany agrotechnical institute», Berezhany, Ukraine

Hudzynska Yuliia

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Zhukovs’kyi Maksym National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

The system approach to the formation of the intellectual and creative

management potential of business social and economic systems is substantiated in

the article.

The system approach to the formation of an effective mechanism of

management of sustainable development of business social and economic systems

with the priority of value orientation, intellectual and creative management

potential and social responsibility on the synergy basis has been developed.

The new system approach is based on (the main components):

– developed system thinking about formation of social and economic entities

as system entities in their dynamically developing aspects and in the organically

balanced unity of their components;

– system reinterpretation of scientific social and economic categories

according to the direction of development and transformation;

– possible types of behavior of business organization social and economic


– value orientated views such as: priority target units: the main criteria of

evaluation of the activity of business social and economic systems and the

effectiveness of management systems;

– types of management by the directions of the activity and types of business

social and economic systems behavior;

– synergy component as the main system requirement in substantiation of

the integrated criterion of evaluation of the effectiveness of business social and

economic systems and their management;

– information technologies of management process in the system of

accounting and analytical support of social and economic business entities


– system knowledge of subjects of business social and economic entities



– management potential as the system integrity;

– innovative component of business social and economic systems as the

main basis of intellectual and creative potential;

– intellectualization of the system of social and economic relations, filling

with new content of intellectual potential of the subjects of managerial activity;

– civilized system of social responsibility and control.

The methodology of our scientific approach requires a revision of the

existing system of training specialists both in management and specialists in the

design of business social and economic systems as system integrities with the

creative and innovative potential that is developing dynamically and intellectual

one in the context of intellectualization of social relations.

Our interpretation of the concept of «social responsibility» of a subject of

management of social and economic systems is considered as system responsibility

to the society as a social and economic system integrity by the subjects of demand

(consumers), contact audiences, subjects of functional control and responsibility

and companies’ employees according to:

– maintenance, retention and provision of sustainable development of

ecological, social, economic environment in their organic unity as the fundamental

basis of existence and vital activity of the humanity;

– maintenance and development of values, standard, generally accepted

norms of behavior;

– maintenance and development of the organization culture, organization

behavior, organization interaction, social climate as the fundamental basis of

communication connections and power relations;

– support and development of the system of relations of power-ownership,

subject-subject, subject-object, etc. in the system of interests of internal and

external direction;

– discharge of obligations to the interest subjects, etc.

The system of factors that we take into account in substantiating the criteria

for evaluating the effective management of social and economic systems that

underlie the development of semantic models based on the goal settings of value

orientations is formed. The key directions of the development of types of reaction

and behavior of social and economic systems are substantiated. The main aspects

of the systematic approach to the formation of the potential of social and economic

systems management are revealed. The methods of determination of synergy effect

of realization of the potential of social responsibility and intellectualization of

social and economic systems management has been developed.



Ilchenko Victoria National Transport University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


Bondarenko Vladislava

National Transport University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Koroliova Oksana National Transport University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Petrovska Svitlana National Transport University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Digitalization of the transport sector of the economy is by far the only

possible way out of this difficult environmental situation in large cities of Ukraine

and other countries. The technogenic human impact on the environment causes a

number of environmental problems, first of all, in cities – it is air pollution due to

the functioning of road transport. Transport is one of the most powerful factors of

anthropogenic impact; especially air pollution and noise pollution are among the

most serious technogenic loads on environmental components. An increase in the

number of vehicles leads to an increase in traffic intensity, which leads to transport

problems in urban conditions. This creates the need for new innovative solutions to

improve the quality of life of people in large cities. As the first stage in the

development of an ecosystem of standards for smart cities, scientists today

consider mobility as a service (MaaS).

Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is a new concept for custom and eco-friendly

mobility services. Mobility as a service provides consumers with flexible, efficient

and convenient services covering multiple modes of single window transport. Also,

MaaS makes it possible to provide new transportation services (e.g. carsharing,

joint travel, etc.) in the context of strong IT support for new mobility services,

access to services at any time and anywhere, and use real-time information time.

The global automotive industry is now experiencing an unprecedented

period of declining car sales. The influence of several factors caused this tendency.

First, the steady increase in environmental requirements for cars in the EU

leads to the gradual transition of carmakers to the production of electric vehicles.

Secondly, the current generation of young people does not want to buy a car

for ownership, and this trend is already evident.

Thirdly, carsharing is becoming increasingly popular around the world when

many people use one car. Particularly successful since the beginning of the 21st

century, it has developed in large urban agglomerations of developed and

developing countries.

The term «carsharing» appeared in the mid-1970s during the oil crisis in

1973, but only in the late 1990s due to the emergence of GPS navigation and the

development of innovative security systems, the service of short-term car rental

began to spread in the US and Europe.

Сarsharing is a model of a short-term minute or hourly car rental. Car search

and contract signing are done through the app on a smartphone. The service is as

simple as possible: the user books the car with the application, finds it on the map,

and once the trip is done, the car can be left in the city or on the marked parking.

Payment is only made for the actual use of the vehicle. The driver requires a

driving license and experience only.


Currently, there are three main types of carsharing:

1) Free-floating. This is a short-term rental that involves trips within one

locality. In this case, the consumer can pick up and leave the car in different

parking places, which is very convenient. The booking of the car is made through

mobile applications or at the companies engaged in the carsharing;

2) Peer-to-peer. The consumer rents transportation from owners or

companies specializing in rental services through aggregator sites. The main

advantage of such a service is its low cost;

3) co-ownership of transport. A group of residents or colleagues buys a

car for sharing. This is often done by large organizations, homeowners’

cooperatives, etc.

Often such services are residents of cities that can not afford a purchase of a

personal car and do not want to bother themselves with loan commitments; do not

require the daily use of their own vehicle and wish to minimize the cost of

maintaining it; constantly faced with dense road traffic and difficulties with

parking; care for the environment in their city.

The benefits of carsharing include:

a) possibility to rent transport for a short time, the payment is made for

actual use;

b) 24/7 access to cars of different makes, classes, body types or capacity;

c) location of vehicles parked in all areas of the city;

d) simple booking – no need to go to the office of the company and sign

a contract;

e) comprehensive service – fuel, washing, insurance, and transport

depreciation are included in the price of the service;

f) the ability to leave the car in the nearest parking lot – you do not have

to go strictly to the site of the company;

g) most of the rental vehicles are of the latest generation, equipped with

systems to reduce exhaust toxicity and save fuel costs (for example, hybrid electric

cars and electric cars);

h) the use of telematics systems to monitor the vehicle and analyze driver

behavior in real-time. Smart driving can also be attributed to MaaS services.

Among the key performance criteria for telematics systems are the following:

improved driving safety; control of fuel consumption and emissions (including

CO2) in transport; timely service of a vehicle; on-the-go optimization; reducing the

risk of car theft and more.

i) reducing the number of cars in the population, which has a positive

impact on the ecology of large cities. On average, one carsharing 6-20 replace

personal cars;

j) incentives to reduce car use. People who use short-term rentals reduce

the number of unnecessary trips, walk more, and cycle more often;

k) the cost of a short-term car rental is cheaper than a taxi (in the

European Union – 2-4 times cheaper).

Carsharing appeared in Ukraine in the summer of 2017 and has not gained


much popularity. The service is available only in Kyiv and Odesa, but the car can

be taken from a few companies. For the further development of this service, a

high-quality mobile application is not enough. This requires a significant

investment in a great increase in the fleet of eco-friendly vehicles, arrangements

with insurance companies, and owners of car parks where you can pick up or leave

your car.

Shared trips are becoming more common in the world, including:

• typically, this occurs through the mediation of firms that specialize in

this field and charge for their services fee. The people who would like to rent as

well as to rent out the car register their accounts on the website of the carsharing

company. The fare depends on the type and time of use of the vehicle;

• ridesharing. With the use of a mobile app (like Uber), drivers can

share trips with other companions to any place (e.g. work, home, business trips);

• shared taxi. With the help of a modern smartphone app, a customer of

a transportation company can find other passengers heading in the same direction.

The travel time will increase, but the cost will be greatly reduced;

• route on demand. It is the average between a taxi and a regular bus.

Passengers pre-book a ride on a smartphone, reserve a seat, and receive fair

payment, and the possible time of arrival of the bus at their chosen seat. Their

booking is then compared to other passengers who wish to travel to the same (or

close) destination. A smart technology platform calculates the shortest and fastest

route for picking up or disembarking all onboard customers instead of following a

fixed route. The service is as personalized as possible, passengers receive text

messages indicating their arrival time, bus number, and their driver’s name.

Realizing that «new mobility» – carsharing services – is a product of the

future, global carmakers, leasing and transportation companies are increasing their

investment in the market every year.

There are several reasons why automakers may cooperate with carsharing


1) to better understand the psychology of people who do not want to buy

a car;

2) the opportunity to sell your new models not only to carsharing


3) perspectives on the development of unmanned technologies. The

convenience of an autonomous on-demand taxi – cloud transport – will quickly

become the dominant form of transportation, displacing not only private cars but

also public transport. Car manufacturers are interested in being the first to enter the

market of such taxi services.

Carsharing will become the basis of transportation for the future. Shortly, the

main customers of the auto business will not be private individuals, but the

corporate sector and car services, and the strength of the brands that brought up the

previous generations have been weakened. This trend is already quite evident in

the US and Europe, and Ukraine is on this path of development.

Therefore, the rapid urbanization of the Ukrainian population, the increasing


demands of people for personal mobility have led to a great burden on urban road

networks and the environment, economic and social problems. The implementation

of innovative digital solutions will help urban development, address transportation,

and the needs of urban systems. But it should be noted that Ukraine’s digital

transformation can be achieved through partnerships between the state, business,

and citizens.

The results of the study can be used as a source of information for the

implementation of the digital transformation of the infrastructure of large cities of

Ukraine to improve their environmental status.



Illiashenko Sergii

National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Kharkiv, Ukraine

University of Economics and Humanities, Bielsko-Biala, Poland

Shypulina Yuliia National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Kharkiv, Ukraine

Gryshchenko Olena Sumy State Pedagogical University, Sumy, Ukraine

Illiashenko Nataliia National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Kharkiv, Ukraine

Nowadays the main strategic goal of companies can be described as the

improvement of the efficiency in order to achieve higher profitability. Under these

circumstances, information systems and technologies should be considered as key

tools that allow achieving higher levels of business efficiency and productivity.

They allow businesses to create new products and services, as well as brand new

business models. Innovations in ICT and management information systems have

led to significant changes in managerial methods, processes and vision.

The aim of the research is the development and justification of theoretical

and methodological foundations of the information support system’s formation for

marketing innovative decisions.

To achieve the goal of the study the following methods and instruments

were used: comparative and statistical analysis; method of generalization; system

and structural analysis; structural and logical modeling; fundamentals of marketing

and management; scientific findings devoted to the study of information support of


The literature review has revealed that studies of numerous researchers deal

with issue of information support of management activity. They examine the

information system in general and the management information support in

particular as a prerequisite for effective management, and note the close

relationship between the management process and information flows. However, the

particular attention should be paid to studying the peculiarities of information

systems implementation at Ukrainian enterprises and the distribution of functions


of information systems components in the process of developing and

implementation of marketing innovative decisions.

As a result, the authors have developed the principles of forming an

information support system for marketing innovative decisions in Ukrainian

companies. The functions, marketing information system’s structure and its

components interactions, sequence and content of stages of marketing innovative

decisions development and creation, information flows interactions scheme are


The information support of the process of development, adoption and

implementation of marketing innovative decisions depends on the means and

sources of its formation. The development, adoption and implementation of

marketing innovative decisions process uses information from three sources:

experience; research (specially organized marketing researches on investigated

problems); expertise.

Information support of business couldn’t be accomplished without building

an appropriate marketing information system. Implementation of which assists to

solve not only basic economic problems, but also to carry out a deeper analysis,

such as determining consumer priorities and requests, identifying future strategic

actions, determining market trends, and, as a result, more informed decision-

making resulting in positive impacts to the company’s competitiveness.

The functions of marketing information system components during the

development, adoption and implementation of marketing innovative decisions

process are analysed and the nature of the information provided by MkIS and the

threats to decision-making are explored, the ways to overcome such threats are


Marketing information system can be an important tool for business

activities (including innovative activities) of a company and provide a number of

competitive advantages, namely: performance and prospects of economic activity;

company’s flexibility and adaptability; information security and awareness;

distribution and implementation of information resources; development and

implementation of innovations. Key problems in marketing information system

functioning in Ukrainian companies are identified.

The research results contribute to the theoretical and practical principles of

innovation management in terms of increasing the level of information support for

marketing innovative decisions in Ukrainian companies. Further research should

focus on improving the methodological tools for supporting marketing innovative




Karachyna Natalia Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine

Samofalova Mariia National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine


Bilyak Yulia

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

Drahnieva Natalia

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

The interpretation of the category «model of economic behavior of the

enterprise» as a generalized description of the economic behavior of enterprise is

formed with the help of a system of appropriate logical (and/or mathematical)

dependencies, which reflects the nature and essence of economic activity, as a

consequence of the relevant determinants. This interpretation is a synthesis of the

established position for the definition of the category «model of economic

behavior», the essence of the model of economy as a conditional vision of the

economy which is designed to simplify the process of its research in the context of

personification the enterprise with the micro-model of the economy and own view

to the nature of the researched process.

The variability of modern models of economic behavior of enterprises is

disclosed in the context of the relevant generalization criteria: strategy of activity,

mechanism of adaptation to market conditions, transformation of economic

conditions and readiness for adaptation. The author’s position concerning the

determination such types of models of economic behavior of enterprises as

production-oriented, rent-oriented and mixed is substantiated. These models do not

contradict other models, which had been determined by scientists and probably

logically include such models, because, acting in market or close to market

(mixed) conditions, each of the three models can be conservative or active;

destructive, constructive, or mixed. In the basis of the model of production-

oriented economic behavior of the enterprise means the production development,

which is revealed as a diverse process of change of technology and technology,

improvement the organization of production units, production processes,

improvement (but not excluded, and deterioration) of economic activity indicators

of the enterprise.

The mixed economic behavior model is characterized by the combination of

production development with other activities (rent, leasing, financial transactions,

investment etc.). The model of rent-oriented behavior is a reflection of the absence

of productive development, entrepreneurial foundations based on providing social

and productive activity and satisfying the self-interest of the most important agents

without any benefit for enterprise.

The coherence of certain models of economic behavior of enterprises is

established and characterized. Model of production-oriented behavior can include

sufficiently large variability models with other signs: active, mixed, conservative;

destructive, constructive, mixed; approximate to reform, market, mixed. Relatively

to the mixed economic behavior model, it is almost responsible for the full

combination of the production-oriented behavior model except for the active and

market-based behavior model. At the same time, the model of rent-oriented

economic behavior generalizes conservative and destructive models.

In the context of digital space, based on the statistics of the activities of 13


enterprises, the modeling of economic behavior of enterprises is made in

correlation with the revealed variability of the models of economic behavior of

enterprises. The results of the study show that among 13 enterprises, only 4

enterprises operate using the model of production-oriented behavior, including 3

enterprises characterized by active, constructive and market behavior.

The presented theoretical, methodological and applied research proves that

there are a number of variations in the models of economic behavior of enterprises,

which are mutually consistent in the corresponding set of characteristics. However,

the most methodological determined and which are possible to use as analytical

tools are offered by the author models of production-oriented, mixed and

rentoriented enterprise behavior. Regarding further prospects of research, we

consider it necessary to extend the methodological tools for evaluating the activity

and development of enterprises from the position of models of their economic




Kasianova Natalia National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Smerichevskyi Serhii National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Klimova Olena National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Kolbushkin Yurii National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

The possibilities of digitalization should become a point of growth for

economic systems when the classical tools of increasing efficiency begin to

exhaust themselves. The main goals of digital transformation are to increase the

speed of decision-making, increase the variability of processes depending on the

needs and characteristics of the client, and reduce the number of employees

involved in the process.

The problem of identifying the main drivers of digitalization of the economy

requires the study of the possibility of implementing digital transformation by

enterprises of Ukraine. A typical problem of modern domestic enterprises is the

gap between automated production and outdated forms of management. The level

of technology development in the world is such that if earlier individual functions:

accounting, warehouse, design, etc. were automated, today, fully digital production

management is possible. All mentioned above determined the aim of the paper – to

assess the digitalization potential of Ukraine’s economy and identify the

problematic issues of digital technologies at industrial enterprises. For the

transition to the digital form of business, it is necessary to conduct a digital

transformation of business entities, which implies the use of the entire pool of

modern information and communication technologies.


The effectiveness of transformation processes depends not only on the

power of external influences but also on the potential of enterprises and the

economy as a whole to perceive these impacts. In this regard, the first stage of

development of the strategy of digitalization of the economy of Ukraine has to

become a stage of an assessment of the potential of digitalization. Under the

potential of digitalization of the economy of Ukraine, we will understand the

combination of resources and catalysts that make it possible to use these resources

to achieve the goal of the digital transformation of the system, increasing its

competitiveness in the digital economy. Digitalization resources determine the

ability of the digitalization system and act as its sources. Catalysts are conditions

that ensure optimal use of available resources to achieve the strategic goal of

digitalization. Catalysts accelerate the transformation of innovative ideas into

innovative products. The main components of catalysts are proposed to include the

motivational mechanism, digital culture, the level of readiness of organizational

and managerial elements for digitalization.

The proposed approach to assessing the potential of digitalization of the

economy is based on the need to quantify the individual components of the

resources and catalysts, to determine their harmony under the strategic goal and

taking into account the degree of involvement of the enterprise in digital processes.

The application of econometric analysis of digitalization potential allowed

identifying the essential resources of digitalization and building a model of

multiple regression. The leading factors of digitalization are the share of

enterprises that use digital technologies in economic activity; total expenditures on

innovation activities in the country; the percentage of information and computer

technologies in the GDP of the country.

Evaluation of the impact of the catalysts on the digitalization of the economy

is implemented using the Fuzzy Logic Theory. The structure of the model for the

catalysts impact evaluation contains four submodels: model of digitalization

potential dependence on the level of professionalism and qualification factors;

model of potential dependence on financial and investment state; model of

dependence on the state of infrastructure support of digitalization processes; model

of dependence on management actions and organizational support.

The results of the simulation allow concluding that the indicators of the level

of digitalization potential of the Ukrainian economy based on expert assessment

and those based on a harmonious concept differ. The interpretation of the results

obtained is based on E. Harrington’s desirability function. The digitalization

potential of Ukraine is below average level: the digitalization of the economy

conducted at an average level, educational activities carried out at a sufficiently

high level but have no particular impact on the level of the digitalization potential.

According to the level of catalysts impact, the digitalization potential is in

the range of the average level of activation (75 %). That is, after the transformation

process completed in the steady-state mode, the level of the digitalization potential

of the economy will make forced harmonic oscillations with the same frequency,

but with different amplitude. Furthermore, the interval value of the resource


potential of digitalization will determine the boundaries of digital transformation in

the country.

The developed model allows estimating with sufficient reliability the

dynamics of the potential level of digitalization of the Ukrainian economy at

known statistical and expert values of input parameters.

Taking into account the results of the simulation, we can identify the main

problems of digitalization of the economy of Ukraine:

personnel problem – specialists who work currently are not ready for


changing the structure of the labour market in favour of specialists who work

with information;

outdated education system – the knowledge provided does not meet the

requirements of production digitalization;

deficient lifetime level of fixed assets of enterprises and organizations for

the transformation processes implementation;

lack of government support for the digitalization of industry.

Overcoming those problems requires to equip enterprises with cyber-

physical systems without stopping production gradually; to combine the ability to

manage unstructured content and intelligent enterprises with analytics capabilities;

to implement educational and infrastructure projects regardless of changes in the

related processes; to step up financial investment state support for digital





Kharchenko Hanna

National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Kharchenko Volodymyr National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Tereshchenko Svitlana Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy, Ukraine

Kadebska Eleonora Volyn Institute named after Vyacheslav Lypynsky Interregional Academy of

Personnel Management, Lutsk, Ukraine.

Nowadays traditional methods of agriculture often lead to reduction of

production volumes, decrease of soil fertility, increase of content of residues of

chemical fertilizers and other chemical elements in agricultural production. That is

why organic production is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. It should be

noted that nowadays the organic products market is one of the most dynamic and

promising areas of agricultural production. Organic agricultural production is a

prerequisite for the food security of the country, that provides healthy nutrition and

is based on innovative developments of alternative land usage and conservation of

natural resources. The objective of this study is to determine the amount of organic


production per capita by forecasting and developing strategic directions for

increasing organic production that will contribute to sustainable economic growth.

It is determined that economic sustainability of agricultural formations is achieved

by improving the educational level of employees, implementing scientific and

technological breakthroughs, improving the quality of products, increasing

revenues of enterprises with the help of diversification of their activities.

Methodological basis of the study has been mathematical mechanism of

system analysis, economic-mathematical modeling and multidimensional statistical

analysis. In order to study the dynamics of organic products consumption per

person the model of the Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA)

was used. This technique does not foresee any structure of the time series data, but

only applies an iterative approach to determine the admissible model from the

aggregate of the models under study. Next, it was compared the selected model

with the data sources and to verify the correctness of the time series description.

The investigated model was considered adequate if the residuals were small

enough and did not contain useful information. Otherwise, with not appropriately

chosen model, it was necessary to repeat the selection process, but with the use of

the new model.

To ensure the accuracy of forecast such indicators were used: MAD (Mean

Absolute Derivation), MSE (Mean Squared Error), MAPE (Mean Absolute

Perceptible Error), which are used for comparing and evaluating different

investigated models.

Results of the research showed that in 2020 the amount of organic products

consumed per capita (euro) is forecasted to increase in average by 30 %, that will

enable agricultural enterprises to strengthen the production potential level. This

increase in organic products consumption per capita will allow the effective

formation and development of the resource potential of agricultural formations,

which in turn will contribute to the increase in the level of efficiency of production

and economic activity of agricultural formations and to the ensuring of food

security in the country.

In order to increase the organic products consumption and ensure the

sustainable development of agriculture, strategic directions for the development of

organic production were proposed. These suggestions should be based on a

systematic and integrated approach. The main strategic directions should be

divided into: economic, legislative, environmental (ecological), informational,

productional and socially oriented ones.

Further increasing of organic products consumption requires a systematic

approach. First and foremost, it is necessary and important to create the conditions

for proper stimulation of agricultural producers, reducing the risks of organic

production. It is important to note that the increased level of production and

consumption of organic products will contribute to the improvement of social and

environmental state, integrated rural development and improvement of population




Koval Elena National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

Kravchuk Natalia National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

Energy crisis prompts European countries for searching an alternative

sources of renewable energy. Ukrainian alternative energy sector is considered as

one of the most fast-growing and attractive European market among the

developing economies. This is explained by the advantageous geographical

conditions in Ukraine and favorable legal framework. Also Ukraine has a high

intellectual, creative and innovative potential but it does not use it in implicitly,

which leads to deceleration of the economic growth and hamper the development

of bioeconomy [1]. An actual innovative source of economic growth is


The largest share of biomass in the total contribution of all Renewable

energy sources take place in Estonia – 93.1%, Latvia – 87.6%, Poland – 87.3%,

Finland – 86.3%, Hungary – 85.7%.Leaders in biomass energy use in Europe are:

Lithuania – 33.6%, Finland – 33.5%, Sweden – 31.9%, Estonia – 26%, Latvia –

22.9% [3].

In National Renewable Energy Action Plan Ukraine the target of producing

11% of its energy from renewable sources by 2020 is established [2]. Main sources

of biomass are forestry and agriculture. Both sectors are well-developed in

Ukraine. Felling of wood followed by the wood processing and production of

finished products is the source of various wastes and residues. Ukraine takes the

7th place in Europe in wood stock after Russia, Sweden, France, Germany, Poland

and Finland.

In the structure of consumption of biofuels in the EU-28, the largest share –

69% or 89.5 million tons of oil equivalent per year, comes from solid biomass

(except charcoal), biogas (12%) is second only to biofuels [2]. To meet the targets

set by Ukraine’s National Renewable Energy Action Plan for biomass by 2020 it is

necessary to widely involve energy crops (along with agro-residues) in energy

production. For Ukraine the most suitable energy crops are willow, miscanthus and

poplar. The area under energy crops in 2020 is estimated to be over 118,000 ha.

The supply side of the market is represented by the forestry and wood

processing companies and crop and animal farms that are sources of biomass.

Pellet producers process available waste into pellets. Biomass-to-energy facilities

produce electricity and heat for a variety of users: industrial, commercial, and

residential. Although agricultural companies have direct access to biomass, they

are not its leading users for energy production. In total, 11% of the agro-companies

use their agricultural waste for burning in their own boilers.

There are several examples of agricultural biogas plants in Ukraine. They are

Ukrainian biogas plants are already implemented at pig, cattle and chicken farms,

at sugar plants, breweries and other food production enterprises, using a broad

diversity of raw materials such as pig and cattle manure.


There are currently about 10 larger electricity-producing biogas plants in

Ukraine. Some of them are: Biogas plant of Ecoprod in Volnovas; Biogas plant in

the Obukhov district Kyiv (biogas from waste deposit); Biogas plant Seaside

landfill in Mariupol, Donetsk region; Biogas plant of the Rokitnyansky sugar

factory (Kyiv region); Biogas Plant of Myronivsky Hliboproduct, handling the

dung of the Oril-Leader Poultry Farm in the region of Dnipropetrovs’k [1].

Therefore, Ukraine has a considerable natural potential for generating energy

from most of the renewable sources – proper solar radiation level, powerful wind

potential on the coasts and in the mountains and large-scale resources for biomass

production. Ukraine will accelerate the formation of the bioeconomy, the main

purposes of which are: the need of economic security; whole economic system

integrity; government control in socio-economic development; balance of

economic structure; strengthening of national awareness.


1.Ukrainian Energy Market (2018). URL:



2. Lakyda P.I., Vasylyshyn R.D., Matushevych L.M., Zibtsev S.V.

Utilization of biomass of Ukrainian forests for energy purposes in conditions of

global climate change // Science bulletin of National forest technical University of

Ukraine. – Lviv, 2009. – Vol. 19.14. – P. 1822 [in Ukrainian].

3. Renewable Energy (2017). URL:





Kozhukhіvska Raisa Uman National University of Horticulture, Uman, Ukraine

Sakovska Оlena Uman National University of Horticulture, Uman, Ukraine

Skurtol Svitlana

Uman National University of Horticulture, Uman, Ukraine

Kontseba Serhii Uman National University of Horticulture, Uman, Ukraine

Zhmudenko Viktoriia Uman National University of Horticulture, Uman, Ukraine

In recent years the importance of modern information and communication

technologies in the economic and social life has steadily increased. The Internet

creates new opportunities to provide services and meet needs. Tourism enterprises

are interested in making a big profit from their sales and want the customers to

give their preferences to them. The tourism services sale using Internet

opportunities as one of the important tools of a tourism enterprise brand formation


can provide additional benefits in forming a positive image of a tourism enterprise

and enhancing consumer loyalty, since Internet allows providing unlimited amount

of information. In this case, the amount of information consumed is determined by

the user himself. Compared to traditional advertising technologies, Internet makes

it possible to provide a dialogue with the consumer, to establish feedback and, in

terms of investment, it is much cheaper. Taking into account the above, the study

of online sales features and the scope of online services use by consumers of

tourism products is a matter of current interest.

The purpose is the study of the peculiarities of Internet services use by the

tourism product consumers in Ukraine.

Without a clear understanding of the social nature of I-customer orientation

and its peculiar characteristics, it is impossible to apply the customer-oriented

approach correctly and for the good of society. Besides, it seems to be impossible

in the absence of results of empirical research including the corporate employees

and customers as respondents.

The method of survey is used to conduct an empirical research. There are

plans to use a questionnaire-based survey in the Internet to interview the target

audience, І-consumers of tourist services and managers of tourist enterprises. In

this manner, one can achieve the values of I-customer orientation of the enterprise

as realized by managers and customers, as well as their ideas of just what kind of

social customer-oriented technologies would be applied at the enterprises. The data

obtained by employing the method combinations will allow for the analysis of

application of І-customer which oriented technologies by tourist enterprises and

comparison them with the customer preferences.

The struggles that exist in the modern world and the technological revolution

have a global impact on the service establishments functioning, as well as on the

way of services delivery and contact with consumers. This has led to the

emergence of such phenomena as the Internet business (the I-business).

The components of І-business are: security, flexibility; integration. These

components are intended to lay the groundwork for the latest marketing strategy

built between the І-business and І-consumer, that is, a consumer who meets the

needs via the Internet, based on feedback. Without a clear understanding of the

social nature of I-customer orientation and its peculiar characteristics, it is

impossible to apply the customer-oriented approach correctly and for the good of


The deals with the peculiarities of Internet use by the tourism services

consumers. Determined that the compared to traditional advertising technologies,

Internet makes it possible to provide a dialogue with the consumer, to establish

feedback and, in terms of investment, it is much cheaper. The data representing the

social characteristics of the sphere of Ukrainian Internet consumers are

generalized. The main reasons and motives for making online purchases by

tourism services consumers are indicated. The barriers that hinder the further

development of Internet commerce and the promotion of online tourism services

have been identified. Quantitative and qualitative research on the use of tourism


Internet services in Ukraine has been carried out.

Has been summarized that among the main universal reasons that motivate

the population to use І-services are: the time-saving; variety of proposals;

convenience; overcoming geographical and temporary barriers; finance saving.

The research findings can be used as a source of information on the behavior

of consumers of tourism services in the process of forming innovative marketing

strategies for tourism enterprises.

As a result of the conducted researches it should be noted that the main

reasons and motives for making online purchases of tourism services are: time

saving; variety of offers; convenience; overcoming geographical and temporary

barriers; financial saving, etc.

Among the reasons and obstacles to the development of І-commerce and

promotion of І-services in the tourism sector are: low awareness of the population

about the benefits of Internet commerce in the tourism sector; inability to check the

quality of tourism services; distrust of travel companies and agencies operating on

the Internet; sale of prepaid tours; the absence of a legal framework to regulate

virtual commerce, especially concerning reimbursement of poor tourism services.




Kyzym Mykola Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of the National

Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Khaustova Viktoriia Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of the National

Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Reshetnyak Elena V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Danko Natalia

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Digital technologies are rapidly transforming society, making a significant

contribution to achieving sustainable development goals, creating new

opportunities for the emergence of innovative technologies and products, changing

the existing technologies and products, forming new and modernizing traditional

knowledge. The essence of the digital economy is considered with regard to

several scopes of relevance, namely, Core: Digital (IT/ICT) Sector (Hardware

manufacture, Software & IT consulting, Information services,

Telecommunications); Narrow Scope: Digital Economy (Digital services, Platform

economy); Broad Scope: Digitalized Economy (Sharing economy, Gig economy,

e-Business, e-Commerce, Industry 4.0, Precision agriculture).

Digitalization is radically changing life sciences and results in

transformation of industrial production, teaching methods and technologies;


emergence of new financial tools, customer centric business models, organization

and methods of scientific research, forms of employment in science. However, the

digital economy can lead to an increase in the inequality between advanced

countries and developing ones, which cannot keep pace with changes in the

modern world. Nations that want to be competitive in the future need to develop

digital technologies using their own scientific potential. Therefore, considering

problems of development of science under conditions of countries’ adapting to the

digitalization of the economy is of relevance today.

The complexity, multidimensionality, and ill-structuredeness of problems

associated with countries’ adapting to the digitalization of the economy require

applying the cognitive approach.

Thus, the aim of the article is studying problems of development of science

under conditions of countries’ adapting to the digitalization of the economy with

the use of the cognitive approach.

The article proposes a methodological approach to studying problems of

development of science under conditions of adapting to the digitalization of the

economy, which consists of the following stages: Stage 1. Studying the research

object, which includes: describing a problem situation, compiling a catalog of

problems on the basis of a priori analysis, forming blocks of problems, compiling a

primary cognitive map, determining the degree of importance of problems ( with

the help of the Analytic Hierarchy Process developed by T. Saaty) and the

relationships among them (based on calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient

and linguistic variables, which were measured using the developed scale in

accordance with the Fibonacci series), constructing a cognitive model for studying

the problems.

The proposed methodological approach allowed to build a cognitive model

for studying problems of development of science under conditions of a country’s

adapting to the digitalization of the economy. The development of the cognitive

model is carried out using the example of Ukraine.

The presented model for studying problems of development of science in

Ukraine under conditions of adapting to the digitalization of the economy reveals

risks and helps identify opportunities for reforming the scientific sphere. It is

proved that the lack of clear priorities in the field of development and

implementation of digital technologies at the state level can result in an increase in

the gap between the level of innovative and economic development of advanced

countries and Ukraine. The decrease in the share of innovatively active enterprises

and the unwillingness of Ukrainian businesses to introduce digital innovative

developments exacerbates the country’s economic problems, results in a drop in its

global competitiveness. The lack of adequate funding for the scientific sphere and

the outdated material and technical base of research organizations makes it

impossible to develop competitive scientific products in the field of digital

technologies. The low level of communication and integration between Ukrainian

scientific organizations and the international scientific community does not allow

taking part in the development of modern digital technologies corresponding to


international standards. All this leads to unsatisfactory results in the field of digital

technologies, exacerbation of the current problems and a slowdown in the

processes of Ukraine’s adapting to conditions of the digital economy.

The conducted research allows to conclude that there is a need for reforming

the scientific sphere in Ukraine. Taking into account the existing trends, it is the

only way to ensure the functioning of socio-economic systems under conditions of

the digitalization of the economy without a decline in the level of the country’s

competitiveness and economic security.



Larina Tetiana

Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Kupalova Halyna

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

Tkachuk Vadym National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Blahodatnyi Andrii National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

In the conditions of globalized processes and transition to new forms of the

industrial enterprise’s economic functioning are in the stage of constant market

transformation and reformation, searching for the most rational ways of managing

these processes. The opportunities and benefits offered to businesses must be

underpinned by a plan of appropriate actions, a model for their rational

implementation on a competitive basis. The implementation of the entity’s

development model provides important strategic solutions to the problems and

challenges that may be encountered by the enterprise. The leading role in these

processes is given to the mechanism of the enterprise’s strategic development

formation. The main purpose of this mechanism is to ensure the rationality,

effectiveness and economic feasibility of the enterprises’ functioning and the

implementation of their business processes.

Therefore, a problem of content, structure, rationality of use in the

management system of development strategy is constantly in the field of scientific

discussion. For effective formation and practical implementation of the enterprise’s

strategy development, a necessary condition is development of a special

mechanism that provides a choice of development strategy and meets the needs of

the enterprise. That is why the study of theoretical and applied aspects of the

mechanism of the industrial enterprise’s strategic development formation is

extremely relevant and occupies one of the defining places in the strategic

management system.

All strategies form a set or matrix of development strategies. Their

combination determines a model of the enterprise’s development, stages and

phases of development. At this stage, the selected strategy is evaluated, namely:


the key success factors that characterize the development strategy; predicting the

future results according to goals; identifying the alternative types of strategies.

This allows you to determine whether the chosen strategy will lead to the

achievement of the company’s goals.

The stage of the plan creation and measures for the strategy implementation

includes: the process documentation and making a decision to carry out a

comparative analysis of the selected strategies, the definition of the «Strategic set»

of the organization, the strategy of specialized types of activities, the strategy of

the main business subsystems. The strategy development includes: strategic plans

(tasks, standards, organizational concept); tactical plans (business programs),

operational planning.

Creating a strategy development is the basis for an overall the enterprise’s

strategic plan. The company chooses sections and indicators independently, based

on its own positions, taking into account its own resources. For the strategy

implementation, the resource needs are identified, the ways of their mobilization,

the plan for creating and executing the budget strategy.

The implementation process of the enterprise’s strategy development and

control over its implementation predicts the practical implementation of: defined

plans and measures aimed at implementation of creating enterprise’s development

strategy; the progress monitoring of implementation of the development strategy

and necessity definition for its correction; implementation evaluation of the

strategy and taking into account the implementation disadvantages when

developing the next or changing the existing strategy; control over maintaining the

existing values of strategic development indicators, the organization activities and

the strategic management effectiveness of the enterprise as a whole.

The final stage predicts the effectiveness evaluation of the industrial

enterprise’s strategy development based on a comparison of the level development,

direction, sphere or specific indicator before and after the measures

implementation; calculation of achievement percentage of strategic changes.

The conducted researches have shown, that the industrial enterprise’s

strategy development is rather complex and creative process that requires high

accuracy and qualification of management personnel. Generalization, allowed to

present the mechanism of the industrial enterprise’s strategy development on the

basis of algorithm of step-by-step actions: from formation of purpose and goals,

definition of strategy development and results prediction to its practical realization

and efficiency evaluation, this is implemented at five levels: corporate level,

business level, functional level, technical level, operational level and modular

level. The practical implementation of the proposed algorithm by the economic

entities will contribute to the complexity, systematic and validity of strategies

development in each business context.




Lehenchuk Serhii

Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine

Valinkevych Nataliia

Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine

Vygivska Iryna

Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine

Khomenko Hanna

Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine

Modern economic conditions require solving the issues of efficiency of

functioning of domestic enterprises performing venture activities and

corresponding main provisions of the Strategy of development of high-tech

industries for Ukraine until 2025. In this context, the issue of developing the

concept of information support for the venture capital management of innovative

enterprises in the conditions of formation of a post-industrial society is a question

of acute need. The development of the concept of information support of venture

capital management of enterprises in the conditions of formation of post-industrial

society is quite new and relevant for the modern world and especially for Ukraine,

as well as the intensification of innovation processes.

In the course of solving certain research tasks, general scientific and special

research methods were applied (theoretical generalization, system approach,

formalization, analysis), which are the basis for developing accounting and

analytical support for managing venture activities of innovative enterprises in the

conditions of risk and economic transformations in Ukraine and the world by

improving the capital market infrastructure in terms of the venture industry,

minimizing information management risks of venture activities, improving the

system of tax calculations of subjects of the venture industry and etc.

Studies of accounting and analytical support of venture capital management

over the past few decades have become a central issue in the scientific works of

many scientists, which is caused by the gradual formation of an innovative model

of economic development and the emergence of a venture industry. In the works of

scientists, the basic theoretical and methodological principles of the functioning of

the venture capital industry, the particularities of the implementation of venture

capital activities and the directions of development of accounting for and analytical

support of its implementation have been developed.

The basis of the study of information support of venture activities of

enterprises can be grounded on the following developments:

–the concept of organizing a modern venture capital industry, specifying the

peculiarities, mechanisms, and identifying specific objects of accounting and

analysis of venture activity;

– theoretical and organizational provisions of accounting for the costs of

venture capital activities of venture capital enterprises indicating the degree of risk

and the need for venture capital;


– the directions of reforming the legislation of Ukraine regarding the

implementation of venture activities of the enterprise;

– accounting and analytical support for managing venture financing of

innovative enterprises in conditions of risk and economic transformation.

To develop the theoretical foundations, as well as the organizational and

economic principles of building a system of accounting and analytical support for

the management system, it is necessary to resolve the following tasks: to identify

and analyze the needs of internal and external (existing and potential venture

investors) users of accounting information on venture activities of enterprises; to

identify and classify risks associated with venture activities of enterprises,

formulate ways to minimize them; to develop a system of accounting reserves to

minimize the risks of venture capital enterprises; to develop a business model of a

venture company, which will serve as the basis for building a system of accounting

and analytical support for its management; to develop risk-oriented models for

processing and presenting information on venture activities of enterprises

(financial, managerial, tax, engineering), which will act as the means of generating

operational, tactical and strategic information for managerial decision making; to

develop a system of internal and external accounting reporting on the status and

results of venture activities of enterprises, taking into account the requests of

domestic and foreign investors, as well as institutional investors; to form

information support and a methodology for the formation of strategic scorecards

for risk-oriented management of venture activities of enterprises based on the use

of a balanced scorecard; to develop a regulation (standard) of accounting for

expenses of start-up companies, which will allow providing information about

them from the moment of their creation and throughout the entire period of their

functioning; to develop a methodology of economic analysis of venture activities

of enterprises at different stages of their life cycle, taking into account

improvements in the existing accounting and analytical system of the enterprise; to

suggest an assessment procedure and risk management algorithm for venture

capital enterprises to minimize their negative economic consequences.

Thus, in modern conditions, solving the problems of developing information

support for the process of creating innovative infrastructure and attracting venture

investments in the innovative activities of business entities by domestic and foreign

investors is one of the priority tasks for researchers.



Levkina Ruslana Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Levkіn Arthur Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Petrenko Anna University of Technology «STEP», Kharkiv, Ukraine


Kolomiets Natalia

Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkiv, Ukraine

The article analyzes the agrarian enterprises business processes management

and enterprises which providing their activity, based on the digitization

technologies and other innovative solutions. High rates of technological and

technological upgrades for their implementation require constant monitoring and

implementation of innovative solutions in the agricultural management field and

established economic links with organizations, which create and spread such


The innovation implementation in a broad sense contributes to the labor

productivity growth, saving resources, reducing costs, increasing production and

sales, and improving efficiency.

Authors propose to consider the digitalization technologies application in

embryo transplant enterprises (laboratories) that provide agricultural enterprises

with cattle embryos. The software, in combination with the biotechnology laser

embryo division system, allows authors to automate the process and ensure its high

quality, and the mathematical model formalization – to transfer the process

methodology to almost all areas of animal husbandry. The result within Ukraine is

the livestock herds restoration and higher productivity level transition in the

direction of the slaughter weight and milk yield increasing, and improving the

corresponding indicators of enterprises, industry, economy of the country. Such

technologies form the requirements for agrarian management system, a

qualitatively new level of professional education and behavior of specialists, which

motivates to the end result. The formation of the agrarian management system as a

whole requires the digitalization tools involvement in the process of innovations

implementation. Thus, embryo transplant enterprises (laboratories) can and should

make extensive use in addition to special (surgical) equipment and state-of-the-art

laser equipment, digital equipment, software, IT tools.

The state of embryo transplantation technologies development in animal

husbandry and its improvement possibility through biotechnological processes

automation and digitization with the use of a laser embryo division system allows

increasing the process’ quality indicators. The system consists of a source of laser

radiation, collimating optics, a rotating mirror, a focusing optical system, an

inverted microscope and a device. This device provides the functions of

digitization of the biotechnological process and management of the viability of

cattle embryos for agricultural enterprises. The system consists of: a laser radiation

source, a collimating optics, a rotating mirror, a focusing optical system, an

inverted microscope and a device. This device provides the biotechnological

process digitization functions and the cattle embryos viability management for

agricultural enterprises. Algorithms that visualize the process of laser control and

laser beam focusing are implemented by computer software. It is the «brain» of the

biotechnological system and requires optimization of all system components’


Therefore, authors have solved the problem of technical means operating


parameters optimization by biotechnological process automation and digitization

means of elite farm animals’ embryos laser division. The thermal stability

(viability) of the resulting embryo portions is ensured by controlling the parameters

of the moving radiation source and the embryo temperature field limitations. The

quality functional of the embryo division biotechnological process is formulated

with the laser system help, which allows to take into account the basic parameters

of this process and to offer its optimality criterion. The formalized parameters

constraints system of the laser embryo division biotechnological process provided

the opportunity to move to the operating parameters values substantiation of the

technical means, which provides quality embryo division biotechnology based on

the laser system. The hardware implementation of the laser division method of

early embryos in animal husbandry and the software developed application on the

mathematical model basis on bioobject laser beam trajectory optimization of

software allow increasing the accuracy of focusing.

The research results practical significance, proposed methods, mathematical

models and tools is to create the conditions for the industrial breeding technology

implementation and reproduction Ukraine’s livestock.

In fact, the digitization of this process in the sense of device control that

improves the embryo fission quality by implementing algorithms for laser beam

control visualization and focusing accuracy.

At the corporate executives’ level, there is an awareness of the importance

and expanded production regularity, increasing profitability through the

innovations implementation, whose key function in the agrarian management

system is to create conditions for innovative receptivity to all types’ innovations

implementation, including digital technologies.




Mnykh Olga

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine

Kostiuk Olha

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine;

Dalyk Volodymyr

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine

Zaitseva Anna

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Abstract. The article shows the relevance of the implementation of the

digitalization policy in the agricultural sector of Ukraine at different levels of

government, which is characterized by high losses, regardless of the growth rate.

The export-oriented agribusiness sector, which holds a significant share of GDP

(15-17%) and accounts for about 40% of foreign exchange earnings in total export

revenue, has not been able to strengthen its competitive position in international


markets serviced by the development of new marketing metrology management

and logistics, both for the purpose of improving resource management efficiency

and for identifying new sources of value and knowledge based on knowledge in

Industry 4.0, Agriculture 4.0.

The limited opportunities for diversification of the development of different

types of economic activity and markets in the agricultural sector of Ukraine due to

illiterate state economic policy put agrarian management and various related

market agents in the face of modern challenges and the need to actively seek

adequate responses to dynamic market conditions. The reproduction of the old

model of agriculture in Ukraine has aggravated the starting conditions for its

development with the increased impact of new globalization challenges at the stage

of building Industry 4.0 and the formation of new signs of competition in

international markets.

Generalization of the world experience of digitalization and priority

directions of research and development of startups in the agrarian sector,

identification of the main reasons for the passivity of domestic agribusiness in the

processes of digitalization and its lagging behind the growth rate of the Ukrainian

IT sector and identification of new opportunities for transformation of the

informational sector , where a new foundation of capital accumulation is laid

through the digitalization of business processes and management ińsko decisions is

the main purpose of this study. The enriched global experience in digital economy

management proves the benefits of a policy that is viewed from different


The transition to a new stage of information support for agribusiness

management systems based on the digitalization of production and economic

processes, management decisions and transactions is caused by certain factors that

force market agents to switch to new agribusiness models and introduce

international communication technologies with different market entities

internationally (type B2B, B2I, B2C).

The evolution of agribusiness and interconnected market structures based on

the achievements of the scientific progress entails a critical rethinking of different

economic theories: competition, comparative advantage, protectionist policies,

socially-oriented and environmental marketing, ecology, systems and systems

analysis, free market, value formation.

Although, farmers are spatially divided, each of them is a participant in the

formation of a culture of economy, development of social and economic process of

formation of value and value and is in some way integrated into the national and

international system of statistics and rating comparisons through indicators of

environmental friendliness of agriculture, technologies used, labor productivity,

productivity of cultures, developed innovations. At the same time it is the subject

and object of agrarian management in a multilevel economy and a market agent in

domestic and international transactions.

In the last decades of the development of agribusiness in the context of

globalization processes, large agroholdings and investors are stepping up export-


import operations in industrial, consumer and stock markets, which is accompanied

by the development of business practices in related industries and focusing on the

competitive value management system. , the implementation of stringent

requirements for environmental friendliness in the agricultural sector and

environmental friendliness of food products, exchange of good practices to

agribusiness management, technology transfer and commercialization of business

ideas, with appropriate profitability assessment at each stage of implementation,

contract logistics and marketing control principles development, information

support improvement and CRM and HRM systems development that simplify the

relationship management process with clients, and partners. A modern model of

agribusiness has become in demand, adequate to the opportunities and constraints

of the market environment, competitive conditions or conditions of co-operative

relations, which open up new opportunities for enrichment of knowledge and

exchange of experience.

The long technological backlog of the agricultural sector in Ukraine in terms

of digitalization is a consequence of the absence of a state ecosystem development

policy, an effective mechanism for smart specialization of regions, and a public-

private partnership to support innovators, and a poor quality of the institutional


These sectors are detached in terms of both current and strategic

development goals and their resource provision. It is necessary to create clusters

(network economics) based on digital transformation maps in industries with the

maximum integration of innovation 4.0 into Ukraine’s food security strategy,

which requires specific scientific and applied research. Only the development of

the domestic manufacturing industry based on the effective interaction of

economy, science and business will determine the demand for digital innovation as

a component of smart specialization policy



Ostapchuk Anatolii

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Alekseieva Kateryna

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Artiukh Tetiana

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Zorgach Alona

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

It is a well-known fact that the process of digitalization has interfered into all

the spheres and branches of economy and changed drastically the life of people.

That is why it is necessary to study this process in its close connection to human

development. We can observe penetration of the digital technologies in the day-to-

day life of people, changes in the ways they spend time and money. The processes


of digitalization essentially change the process of business doing, domestic

businesses of different countries become integrated into the world economy; the

turnover of the sales on-line is rising constantly. The term «digital economy» has

been being spread all over the world since the middle of the 90-s years of the

previous century. It was the period when it became understandable that only a

country that managed to implement digital technologies into all spheres of lives of

people will survive in the new conditions. Nowadays digitalization defines the

prosperity of the country and all the developed countries of the world have been

being stimulated the digital processes by different means. Agrarian sector plays a

very important role in the economy of Ukraine. This is proved by the statistical and

economic reports. The agrarian sector is closely connected to the social

development because of the large quantity of people living in the villages. Thanks

to the agrarian sector many young people obtain their chances for better life. The

Ukrainian economy has met many crises, but agrarian sector remained the leading

sector of the Ukrainian economy. There are very favorable conditions in Ukraine

for developing of the agrarian sector and these conditions define its development.

Nowadays there are vivid achievements in the process of digitalization of the

agrarian sector. Ukrainian agrarian companies use innovations which have no

analogues in any other branch of industry of Ukraine. To develop the process of

digitalization of the agrarian sector of Ukraine it is necessary to meet challenges

which are partly the challenges met all over the world and partly they are specific

for our country. There are two things which define the production process in the

agrarian sector. These are technologies in different digital forms and trained people

for using these technologies. In case if people are not ready to use these

technologies because of lack of education for example or being reluctant to do this

a staff crisis inside the company can occur. Taking into consideration everything

mentioned above the current research has been oriented at highlighting the main

challenges of the digitalization of the agrarian sector in terms of human


The results of the research can be used as a source of information concerning

the steps in digitalization of agrarian sector in order to provide proper economic

and human development.

As a result of the carried out research there should be noted the main

challenges of the digitalization of the agrarian sector in current conditions. These

are simultaneous implementing of innovations and preparing people in the villages

to using them. There are basic and enabling conditions, which are to be met

obligatory in order to transform the agriculture digitally in different contexts. The

basic ones can be seen as the minimum conditions needed to implement

technology. These are availability, affordability, possibility to connect, different

educational programs raising informational skills of people and stimulating

Government policies for digital development. Enabling conditions include the

factors which can lead to adoption of the technologies by wide quantities of people

working in the agrarian sector. These are Internet, mobile phones and social media

using, digital skills development, and support for digital culture in the agrarian


sector. Unfortunately there are still problems with providing the «digital literacy»

among people in the rural areas. There is lack of relevant skills among teachers and

there is no enough material and technical providing of the schools in the villages.

Even the Internet connection has not covered all the area of Ukraine. To meet the

challenges of digitalization of agrarian sector of Ukraine in terms of human

development it is necessary first of all to provide a public policy aimed at

stimulating the «digital literacy» in the villages and overcoming the resistance to

digitalization in the agrarian companies.

To achieve the formulated goal of the research and to fulfill the stated tasks a

set of well-known scientific methods and techniques have been used. The method

of logic synthesis has been applied in order to well-ground theoretically the

importance of studying the challenges of digitalization of the agrarian sector in

terms of human development. Using the methods of analysis and synthesis allowed

showing the importance the agrarian sector for the economy of Ukraine and the

present achievements in the digitalization of it. The method of finding logical

connections was used to demonstrate the necessity of simultaneous providing

innovations and preparing workers for manipulating them. Method of building

schemes and models has been used for a visual representation of results of the

research and their schematic representation.

It is worth saying that digitalization does not only change the economic life

but it brings essential transformations into the human development process in the

direction of its simplifying and raising its quality, creating new working places and

changing the way of thinking of people. There should be noted that the term

digitalization has not yet obtained one meaning. It is connected to knowledge,

information, or network. In our mind the process of digitalization can be

understood as process the digitalization of significant amounts of knowledge and

data, which leads to qualitative changes in human and economic development. It is

implemented through transformation of information into digital forms.

The agrarian sector of Ukraine can be considered a leader of the economy in

the macroeconomic measures. It possesses the potential to become a leader in the

world measures, although the export of agrarian products still mostly contains raw

product and products with low added value. But even this fact can be explained by

the specifics of the domestic agriculture, in particular large areas with fertile soil

quality which can be used for yields rising and their following selling. A unique

feature of the sector is the availability of a wide variety of natural resources and

extremely favorable conditions for its development. Among such conditions there

are geographical position that provides a connection with the whole world, fertile

land which makes up two-thirds of the entire territory of Ukraine, weather and

climate conditions and people able to work in the fields.

It is the agrarian sector of Ukraine where the successful debt restructuring

projects, investment and infrastructure projects and the activity of donor

organizations as well as technical assistance projects can be observed. The

Ukrainian agrarian companies have been recently introducing the new digital

technologies and providing the new methods of working in order to catch up with


the requirements of the current world. Such progressive digital technologies as

Farming Management System (satellite online monitoring), GPS navigation,

mapping, drones, and networks of weather station are used in the fields and in the


However to develop the process of digitalization of the agrarian sector of

Ukraine it is necessary to meet challenges which are partly the challenges met all

over the world and partly they are specific for our country. There are two main

things which define the production process in the agrarian sector. These are

technologies in different digital forms and trained people for using these

technologies. In case if people are not ready to use these technologies because of

lack of education for example or being reluctant to do this a staff crisis inside the

company can occur. There are examples in the history of the world when people

even ruined the new equipment showing their resistance to implementing it. Today

the resistance to digitalization is not normally showed so brightly but as matter of

fact it is often hidden (latent) and dangerous anyway. In such conditions education

and training become very important because thanks to them it is possible to

minimize the shock and stress caused by innovations, in particular by

implementing of digital technologies, to get people perceived that the changes are

needed. In such conditions managers of agrarian companies of Ukraine are now

introducing educational and training programs for their employees to make it not

so difficult to accept digital changes but anyway there is evidence of firing of

people because of crises caused by providing digital technologies. Public support

through public policy aimed at digitalization of agrarian sector is also important


Thus digitalization of agrarian sector plays a crucial in current conditions in

Ukraine as well as in other countries of the world. This is due to the facts that on

the one hand nowadays the agrarian sector can be considered a locomotive of the

Ukrainian economy; on the other hand digitalization is a process that brings

qualitative changes in all spheres of life raising both economic and human

development. Digitalization of agribusiness is a task set by major market players

and industry leaders. It is important for them to get stably high yields at optimal

costs, to produce high-quality, but at the same time cheap products. And high

technology plays a key role in this. Simultaneously thanks to digitalization life of

people alters qualitatively, new working places are being created, the way of

thinking of people changes and the life standards rise.

Today we can witness a lot of important new innovations and technologies

introduced by representatives of big agrarian companies and implemented into the

process of production of the agrarian goods. But the main problem that arises here

is low preparation of people in the rural areas to manipulate these technical

achievements. The solution to the problem is providing of Government supportive

programs for lifting the e-literacy of people in the villages, facilitating of

conditions and creating digital culture.





Ostapchuk Tatiana Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine

Kupalova Halyna

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

Hudzynska Yuliia National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Butsenko Liudmila National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

The prospect of digitization as a competitive advantage of domestic

agricultural enterprises is substantiated in the article. The basic directions of

digitization in the agricultural sphere are defined, in particular: analytical

platforms – interactive databases for managing the economy; precision farming

technologies – sensory means of monitoring the physical and chemical state of

plants and soil, which allow to correct agronomic measures promptly, reducing the

risk of resources and funds wasting; marketing platforms that facilitate

communication with consumers and counterparties by presenting comprehensive

product information and terms of engagement.

A methodological aspect of determining the usefulness digitization to

enhance the competitiveness of enterprises is proposed. It is based on the classical

approach to evaluating the competitiveness of enterprises, such as polygon of

competitiveness. Taken as a basis for such criteria as financial position, efficiency,

effectiveness of sales, the competitive potential of enterprises, environmental

friendliness of production, social efficiency, enterprise image, product

competitiveness. These criteria comprehensively cover the system of

competitiveness formation, revealing it from the standpoint of socio-economic and

environmental-economic responsibility.

The list of indicators for determining partial indicators of competitiveness,

including the level of digitization as a factor of formation of competitive

advantage, and the integral indicator of competitiveness as a whole based on the

selected criteria, is offered. This approach allows the implementation of

digitization in the system of performance evaluation of the enterprise,

comprehensively assess the level of competitiveness of the company in a highly

competitive environment and predict the results of potential organizational and

economic changes for the future.

The actual state of development of agricultural sector digitization has been

analyzed, in particular the technologies responsible for planning, business process

management, sales of products, as well as communications with potential buyers

through various channels, in particular CRM (Customer Relationship

Management) and BPM (Business Process Management) systems have been


evaluated. It is established that the widespread bpm’online platform in Ukraine,

which contains tools for customer relationship management and business process

management, enables planning and recording external meetings in the application,

demonstrating to the customer available agricultural products and immediately

ordering, which determines its convenience and efficiency on optimization of

management processes in the enterprise.

The main prerequisites and obstacles to the digitization of the agrarian sector

in Ukraine have been identified. In particular, the prerequisites to be considered

such as: the presence of all the natural areas of the country spatial heterogeneity of

soil, physical, chemical, agrochemical properties, which requires the use of

individual measures for specific sites to obtain the best results; the rapid

development of the agro sphere in recent years, which determines the availability

of capital, business, market relations, which, together with various factors, already

provides Ukraine with the first position in the world for certain types of products;

successful commercial activities of numerous companies producing the necessary

equipment, software, technologies; successful experience in developing accurate

farming systems and interactive management systems by Ukrainian enterprises.

The expediency of digitization of agricultural enterprises in order to increase

their competitiveness from the point of view of compliance with the concept of

sustainable development is substantiated. From an economic point of view, it is a

means of reducing the costs of organizing individual production and economic

operations and optimizing the process of managerial decision-making. From an

environmental point of view, investing in digitization is justified, since

contributing to the reduction of agricultural chemistry while improving farm

efficiency means limiting their migration beyond the topsoil, thereby reducing soil,

summer, weather, hydro, and soil pollution as a whole. From a social standpoint,

the introduction of «digital» technologies will help to increase the attractiveness of

working in the agro-sphere, translating field workers into offices, raising their level

of economic culture and environmental awareness.




Petrushka Ihor Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine

Yemelyanov Olexandr Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine

Petrushka Tetyana

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine

Koleshchuk Orest

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine

The development and implementation of innovations at enterprises should

ultimately ensure the growth of their profit at the expense of transition to the


manufacturing of new or improved products, changes in technological processes,

sales promotion, etc. In particular, an important reserve for increasing the profits of

enterprises is the implementation of innovative resource-saving technological

changes, first of all, technologies that provide for the saving of energy resources.

At the same time, the question of how significant is the role that energy-saving

technological changes play or can play in the future among other areas of

innovative activity of enterprises arises. In other words, the problem arises of

assessing the impact of energy-saving technological changes on the level of

innovation of enterprises, and, accordingly, on their profitability.

The main purpose of this study is to assess the impact of energy-saving

technological changes on the level of innovativeness of agro-industrial enterprises

in the conditions of digitalization. The indicators of evaluation of the

innovativeness of enterprises are systematized. The indicators characterizing the

influence of the innovative activity of the enterprise on the economic efficiency of

its functioning are proposed.

The methodological approach to assessing the impact of energy-saving

technological changes on the level of innovativeness of the enterprise is

substantiated. This approach is implemented on the example of the agro-industrial

enterprises of Ukraine.

The conducted study showed that it is reasonable to distinguish five groups

of indicators, which assess the level of innovativeness of the enterprise, namely:

indicators of the volume of innovative activity of the enterprise for a certain period

of time; indicators of the amount and quality of innovation resources of the

enterprise; indicators of the level of novelty of innovations that were developed

and implemented at the enterprise; indicators of the impact of innovative activity

on economic performance; indicators of the impact of innovative activity of

enterprise on its competitive advantages. Among the listed groups of indicators to

assess the impact of energy-saving technological changes on the level of

innovativeness of enterprises, first of all, the indicators of the fourth group should

be used. In particular, there are two indicators, namely the share of enterprise profit

from the implementation of innovative activities in the total amount of its

operating profit in the reporting period and the relative profitability of the capital

of the company by its operating profit through the implementation of innovative

activities. To assess the impact of energy-saving technological change on the level

of innovativeness of enterprises, these indicators should be calculated twice

accordingly with and without the application of enterprise’s energy-saving

technologies, and then find the difference of their values.

As shown by the empirical analysis, the average level of innovativeness of

the investigated agro-industrial enterprises on their operating income ranges from

0.246 for horticulture to 0.527 for the processing of livestock products. Thus for all

types of economic activity which are considered, the level of innovativeness of the

enterprises which carried out energy-saving technological changes considerably

(on average more than twice) exceeds the level of innovativeness of the enterprises

which did not conduct energy-saving technological changes. It should also be


pointed out that there is a strong influence of energy-saving technological changes

on the level of innovation of agro-industrial enterprises in terms of their operating

profit. In particular, the average level of innovativeness of the investigated

enterprises that have implemented energy-saving technologies is 0.484. At the

same time, the average value of the indicator of assessment of the impact of

energy-saving technological changes on the level of innovation of enterprises is

0.331. Thus, approximately 68% of the level of innovativeness of the investigated

agro-industrial enterprises, which have carried out energy-saving technological

changes, is conditioned by this realization.

At the same time, according to the managers of the investigated agro-

industrial enterprises, the main obstacle to the implementation of energy-saving

technological changes is the lack of necessary information. One of the means of

overcoming this obstacle is the digitalization of agricultural business in Ukraine.

Especially, it concerns the creation of databases on manufacturers and consumers

of energy-saving equipment, as well as indicators on the basis of which the

economic efficiency of investment projects for the purchase of such equipment is






Plakhotnik Olena

Dniprovsk State Technical University, Ukraine

Korenyuk Petro

Dniprovsk State Technical University, Ukraine

Serhieieva Natalia

National scientific centre «Institute of agricultural engineering and

electrification», Ukraine

Gavryluk Juliia

National University of Life and Environmental Science, Kyiv, Ukraine

The main focus in the development of socio-economic formations, and in

particular industrial production, is shifted to the use of fundamentally new

progressive technologies (built on the principles of the active use of

environmentally friendly materials, safe ways of disposing of production and

human wastes, non-waste production, material and energy efficiency and etc.),

modern outputs with new consumer properties.

The need to accelerating the processes of digitalization and digital

transformation of the economy is proved in order to achieve competitive positions

in the emerging digital space of the new world economy.

At the theoretical and methodological level, it has been proved that the

development and implementation of mechanisms for controlling the technical and

technological component of innovation in the context of the digital transformation


of socio-economic systems will contribute to increasing the strategic potential of

subjects of the real sector of the economy, increasing their adaptive capabilities

and strengthening competitive advantages.

In the new economic conditions, all domestic economic entities aiming at

stable functioning are forced to go through the process of digital transformation,

which is understood as the introduction of modern technologies into the business

processes of socio-economic systems at all levels. It implies not only the

installation of modern equipment or software, but also fundamental changes in

approaches to management, corporate culture, and external communications. As a

result, the profitability and business activity of the enterprise increase and it gains a

reputation as a progressive and modern organization.

Digitalization issues for the innovative development of Ukrainian industry

are the number one priority. They find a place in specifying the development

strategies of the leading sectors of the national economy, especially export-oriented

ones. They provide the flow of processes based on digital technologies. More and

more digital products are emerging that provide digital, computing,

telecommunications, and networking devices. At the same time, the digital

economy is increasingly seen as a set of social relations that are formed as a result

of the use of electronic technologies, as well as technologies to ensure the analysis

of large volumes of information to optimize the processes of forecasting, planning,

output and consumption of science intensive and high-tech products, as well as

increasing the level of economic development of the country.

The systematization of scientific work in the field of studying the factors

influencing the innovative activity of an enterprise made it possible to develop the

following classification of factors influencing the effectiveness of innovative

processes, as well as to justify groups of factors (barriers) that impede the

development and implementation of technological innovations in the context of

structural changes in the global economy caused by its digitalization.

A very important stage in the development of relevant indicators is the

formation of the information area on which they are defined. First of all, it is about

the content of the initial indicators and their indicators, which are able to assess the

effectiveness of the implementation of technical and technological innovations in

enterprises of the real sector of the economy, while they should be objective

characteristics of the relevant influence factors and can be obtained on the basis of

official statistical information. The definition of the integrated performance index

for the introduction of technical and technological innovations in enterprises of the

real sector of the economy in the context of structural changes in the world

economy caused by its digitalization and the corresponding sub-indices in its

structure is based on a four-level hierarchical model, i.e., the integrated

performance indicator is a vector with the types of sub-indices components on

influence factors.

The developed hierarchical model allows us to build several types of sub-

indices, differentially by hierarchy levels, for a deeper analysis of the current level

of effectiveness of the introduction of technical and technological innovations in


enterprises of the real sector of the economy in the context of structural changes in

the world economy caused by its digitalization.

This approach provides an opportunity to accurately determine the main

factors (and the degree of their impact) that affect the effectiveness of the

introduction of technical and technological innovations in enterprises of the real

sector of the economy in the context of structural changes in the world economy

caused by its digitalization and justify management decisions in the structure of the

corresponding management mechanism.

The practical implementation of the methodology for assessing the

effectiveness of the innovative economy activating in the context of structural

changes in the world economy caused by its digitalization is based on statistical

data on the value of the relevant indicators (financial, economic, socio-economic,

technical, technological, institutional and legal factors) for a certain period of time.

This involves the use of official materials of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine,

namely: structural statistics indicators for business entities, indicators of cost,

availability and condition of fixed assets of enterprises of Ukraine by type of

economic activity, capital investment by type and source of formation, indices of

industrial products produced and sold and other technical and economic indicators

of industrial enterprises.

As the main directions of enhancing and development of technical and

technological innovations of enterprises in the real sector of the economy in the

context of structural changes in the world economy caused by its digitalization

we should consider: effective state support of innovative programs for the

development of production enterprises (especially export-oriented), attraction of

venture capital , increasing the financial stability of the enterprise, increasing the

flexibility of production processes, the use of advanced methods of organizing

production, labor and enterprise management.



Prokhorova Victoriia

Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Korzh Roman

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine

Mrykhina Oleksandra Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine

Koleshchuk Orest Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine

Mirkunova Tamara

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine

Digital technologies are both a market and a vehicle for the emergence and

development of new markets, they have actualized the importance of market

phenomena and effects (convergence, spillover effect, diffusion of technologies,


etc.), which have a colossal influence on the economic evaluation, transfer, and

commercialization of innovations. In this regard, one of the important scientific

and practical tasks for economists is to develop a methodology for the evaluation

of innovative technologies, which would take into account the modern features of

digitalization and would increase the competitive position of technologies.

The purpose of this study is to substantiate the method of evaluation the cost

of innovative technologies in the digital economics. The object of the work is the

process of assessing the cost of innovative technologies, the subject – theoretical,

methodological and applied foundations of evaluation of innovative technologies

in conditions of the digital economics.

Generally, there are three approaches to the evaluation of the product in the

world: profitable, costs, comparative. Among the most common approaches to

assessing the value of innovative technologies, consider comparative. The study,

the results of which are presented in this work, was conducted in the field of

industrial electronics in Ukraine (for example, LLC «Diada Group», Kyiv), thus

the basis is the legal document – the Methodology for Assessing Property Laws of

Intellectual Property, approved by the Order of the State Property Fund of Ukraine.

Using a comparative valuation approach, it is important to have reliable data

on prices and other conditions of objects-analogs, the validity of their selection,

taking into account the mutual dependence between the factors by which they are

compared, etc. In practice, during the determination of the cost of innovative

technologies, it is quite difficult to establish the size of the cost of objects-analogs,

but it is possible to know the market prices, from which you can move to the cost

of the analyzed technology. So, according to the comparative valuation approach,

the price of the estimated technology can be determined at the price level of its

analogs on various grounds, namely:


where: Pint– price of innovative technology, border units; Pa– the sale price

of similar technology, border units; m– the number of features for comparison;

ΔPaj– correction in the price (+, –) of the sale of a similar technology, according to

the j-feature of comparison. The number of selected objects-analogs is more than

one of the number of correction factors, that is, n = k +1, where n – the number of

objects-analogs; k – the number of correction factors. In accordance with the

equation (1), the evaluation object is compared with each of the selected analog

objects and the formation of a system of linear equations for this, gave the

expression for correction:

, (2)

where: x0j – the value of j-that coefficient of correction for the object of

estimation; xaj– the value of j-that coefficient of correction for a-analog; ΔPj–

contribution to unit price of j-that coefficient of correction.Taking into account (2)

and based on mathematical transformations and for ease of further solving, the

system of linear equations is written in matrix form:


Gradation of qualitative assessments of the factors influencing the pricing of

innovative technology (1…10)has been developed: the weakest influence (1,0-1,9);

weak influence (2,0-3,9); average influence (4,0-5,9); strong influence (6,0-7,9);

the strongest influence (8,0-10,0).

For the formation of the price of a set of devices of smooth start, protection

and braking of three-phase asynchronous electric motors of LLC «Diada Group»

nine objects-analogs were selected (Siemens, Carlo Gavazzi, Danfoss, Samsung,

Powtran, ABB, SV Altera, LLC «NPF Oberon») and market factors which

influence the pricing for this production were substantiated (according to the

mutual correlation of factors): the level of consumer utility of the technology; the

level of market willingness for the acceptance of the technology; indicator of the

technology potential to generate market effects (convergence, spillover effect,

diffusion, multiplicative effect, etc.); the level of knowledge-intensity of the

technology; the level of competitiveness of the technology; the level of the legal

protection of the technology; the level of the social impact of the technology; the

level of environmental friendliness of the technology.

15 experts from the subject area participated in the work, whose opinions

were tested for consistency using the concordance factor. Applying the software

package MATLAB, is calculated. Calculations have shown that taking into

account the relevant market conditions and aggregating them, in the analyzed

period on the device of the smooth start of LLC «Diada Group» it is possible to set

the price of 85.6 thousand UAH. This is a price that takes into account the

characteristics of the market, the behavior of its consumers at a particular time.

Other elements of the resulting matrix for the soft-start device show the price

adjustment, according to the economic value of the influence factor.

The peculiarity of the method of evaluation of innovative technologies in the

framework of a comparative valuation approach is the matrix structure, which

contributes to the flexibility of accounting and/or adjustment of factors of influence

of the market environment on the technology at a particular time. This allows

increasing the efficiency of pricing. The method can be used as a basis to

substantiate the pricing strategy of innovative technologies or to make tactical

management decisions regarding their market development in the digital




Prokhorova Victoriia

Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Korzh Roman

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine


Mushnykova Svitlana

National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

Bozhanova Olena National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

Recently, the necessity of digitization of all levels of the national economy,

from meso-, macro-levels to micro-levels has been determined. This is due both to

the need to enter the world community, to further expand the markets for products,

goods or services, and to ensure the development of domestic national markets,

improve competitiveness, etc. However, there are some obstacles to implementing

effective socio-economic development today. In this case, there is an unstable

economic situation in country where there is a real sector of the economy, and,

above all, it is caused by the influence of external factors such as: the general

economic situation in the country, the volatility of political expectations, the

imperfection of regulatory and regulatory activity, antitrust regulation, etc. This,

first of all, affects the performance of each individual enterprise and the direction

of the vectors of their economic development, the formation of internal factors

affecting the level of security of development. Therefore, the digitalization of

enterprise security management is one of the priority places in its management

system. The key objective of digitalization is to meet public needs in the most

efficient way through the introduction of digital technologies and platforms. On the

other hand, existing methods of analyzing the impact of factors on the level of

security of enterprise development require generalization and concretization in the

appropriate conditions of enterprise functioning. It is the use of cognitive methods

of analysis that makes it possible to take into account the factors of external and

internal influence for poorly structured systems such as enterprises.

The introduction of digitalization as an innovation in economic processes is

necessitated by the need to enter the world community, in order to further expand

the markets for products, goods or services, to ensure the development of domestic

national markets, increase the level of competitiveness, etc. The digitalization of

enterprise security management is one of the priority places in the enterprise

management system. The key objective of digitalization is to meet public needs in

the most efficient way through the introduction of digital technologies and

platforms. On the other hand, existing methods of analyzing the impact of factors

on the level of security of enterprise development, need generalization and

specification. It is the use of cognitive methods of analysis that makes it possible to

take into account the factors of external and internal influence for poorly structured

systems such as enterprises.

In the digital economy, the key place of any enterprise’s resource is

occupied by information resources expressed by digital data: numerical, textual,

etc. The use of digital data as a resource in managing enterprise development

security can significantly improve the effectiveness of management decision

making by defining more scenarios while reducing the time to analyze relevant



Adhering to the basic principles in the digitalization of the security

management of the development of the enterprise, it is possible to completely or

partially (depending on the conditions of functioning of the existing) to avoid the

negative consequences of the influence of factors of external action. To date, a

large number of principles for digitizing the economy as a whole and the real

sector separately have been formulated and generalized. However, considering the

digitalization of development security management as an innovative process in the

enterprise management system, the general scientific and specific principles of

digitalization are highlighted.

With digitalization, the use of a cognitive approach to managing the

enterprise’s development security becomes more effective through the use of

digital platforms: BlockChain, Digital Marketing, CRM & BPM, Digital Insurance

– by which it is possible to increase the number of scenarios to form a generalized

model of the situation and choose the best management solution in the enterprise

management system.

The cognitive approach, combined with the digitalization of enterprise

security development management, is focused on the activation of intellectual

processes in presenting a problematic situation in the form of a formalized model.

This is possible when using a cognitive map, which is a set of interrelated

underlying factors and objects of the situation in the form of an oriented sign

graph, in which its vertices are signs of the situation, and the arcs between them

represent are cause and effect relationships, among which are the positive and the

negative. With a positive connection, increasing the value of the factor-cause leads

to an increase in the factor-consequence, with a negative – to its decrease.

An apparatus of sign and weighted oriented graphs is effectively used to

describe cognitive models. The weights of the arcs of the cognitive model are

determined either by statistical information processing or expertly. Changes in the

values of factors are introduced step by step to determine the response of the

system, after which, through multicriteria selection, many favorable scenarios to be

ranked are determined. Cognitive analysis and modeling allow you to investigate

the problem, take into account changes in the environment, determine the response

of the system. For cognitive models, there is a requirement for their stability with

respect to single impulse effects.




Reznik Nadiia National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Ostapchuk Anatolii

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Alekseieva Kateryna

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


Cherkasov Andrii

Institute of Personnel Training at the State of Employment Service of Ukraine,

Kyiv, Ukraine

Fedun Igor

Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine

The new reality requires providing digital technologies into all spheres of

economy. This causes many problems especially for small agrarian producers.

They need support in attracting funds from different sources. This leads to

development of cooperation between the state and business.

In our country we can observe the intensifying of the process of cooperation

between the Government and business in different spheres of economy. Especially

this touches the real sector of economy, the agrarian sector, medicine, education,

infrastructure branches (transport, housing and communal services) and military-

industrial complex. The gap between the countries which provide digital

technologies into their economy and those which do not manage to do that

continues growing. It is possible nowadays to provide urgent digitalization of all

the branches of economy and in particular of the agrarian sector through involving

of such new and progressive form of cooperation between the private companies

and the state as public-private partnerships.

Agrarian sector plays crucial role in the economy of Ukraine and the

production of the sector is a basis for food security of the country. According to the

statistical data the agrarian sector of Ukraine has been recently showing the

increase of all the indicators. Simultaneously the agrarian sector has a crucial

social significance because of its close connection to human development. Very

often the agrarian sector becomes a social lift for the young people born in the


At the same time there have not been enough attempts done in Ukraine to

implement working public-private projects oriented at digitalization of agrarian

sector of economy. All the public-private projects were implemented in other

spheres and branches of economy. It is high time to start such projects in the

agrarian sector of economy in order to make it possible to stimulate the digital

processes in the sector because of its important economic and social role. Public-

private partnership model can be provided to stimulate the digitalization of rural

areas by concluding contracts between public and private partners in agricultural

production and representatives of the social sector in villages.

In this connection the research aimed at studying the problem of creating

public-private partnerships in the agrarian sector of Ukraine to stimulate its urgent

digitalization as a priority of development is relevant and corresponds to the

challenges of the current reality.

The results of the research can be used as a source of information concerning

providing public-private partnerships oriented at digitalization of agrarian sector in

current conditions in Ukraine in order to stimulate the economic and social

development as a whole.

With the help of providing of public-private partnership in the agrarian


sector it is possible to start projects aimed at organizing precision agricultural

schemes via digitalization of the logistic process of the agrarian products. For

example, involving block chain technologies is one of the examples of raising the

effectiveness of the process and lowering the risks.

Thanks to such projects in the agrarian sector it is also possible to implement

effective mechanisms of control over the produced agrarian products. It is obvious

that Government should provide control over the health of the animals, climate and

environment, water management and development of the villages. A lot of these

important things are not guaranteed by the market and require the public support.

Stimulating of the public-private projects oriented at digitalization of the

agriculture makes it possible to meet such public interests as control over the food

safety. For instance, implementing of public-private projects in the system of

control of the animals’ health via digital technologies does not require the direct

public penetration into the market but allows providing control over the food of

animals, their diseases, etc. The market mechanisms are not touched and the

Government control is carried out. But this is possible only through creating

electronic animal cards containing information about what they eat, what they are

sick with, with what drugs they are treated, and the like, i.e. by providing the

digitalization of the production process. Digitalization of the agrarian sector also

allows automating and optimizing procedures of quality control of food products in

the supermarkets, making this information more open and transparent.

To fulfill the stated tasks of the research a number of scientific methods have

been used. The method of analysis and synthesis to analyze the role of the agrarian

sector in the economy of Ukraine and work-out the main solutions to the problems

in it through providing public-private partnerships oriented at digitalization of the

sector. Using the method of logical conclusions allowed summing up the

information and offering the SWOT-analysis of providing the public-private

partnerships oriented at digitalization of the agrarian sector. Using the method of

constructing schemes made it possible to present visual schemes of the research.

There was also used the statistical method to show some important figures

indicating the importance of the agrarian sector for the economy of Ukraine.

Providing of the public-private partnerships in the digitalization of the

agrarian sector can become an important step in the development of the sector and

it can stimulate the economic growth. Importance of agriculture to the Ukrainian

economy becomes more visible in the context of foreign trade. Over 2010 – 2017,

share of agricultural products in total export increased from 21% in 2010 to 44% in

2017, while share of agricultural products in total imports fluctuated around 10%.

Agricultural exports have been the largest export category since 2013. In 2017, its

share was almost twice larger than that of the second largest export category

(ferrous and nonferrous metals). Agricultural production is the basis for food

security of a country, which is determined by the following criteria: sufficiency of

food consumption, availability of food consumption, reasonable standards of

healthy eating for one person and food independence, i.e. the share of food imports

in total food consumption.


There has not been given a unique definition to the term public-private

partnership. The scholars have not yet come to some consensus. They define it as

indirect privatization, as a form of optimizing the process of implementation and

provision of public goods to the public or give other definitions. However there is

something common in all their points of view. It is the statement that under a

public-private partnership one can understand any interaction between the state and

private capital. Thanks to the public-private partnership creation of greater value

added through providing digital technologies into economy can be provided that

can lead to stimulating of economic development in the long run.

Despite all these facts which show the importance of the agrarian sector for

the economy of Ukraine there have not been enough attempts to implement

working public-private projects oriented at digitalization of agrarian sector of

economy and there are many obstacles in Ukraine in the process of implementing

such projects. Among such obstacles there is penetration of certain business groups

into political circles and lobbying their interests there in an illegal corrupt way.

This prevents implementing of the process of institutionalizing relations between

the state and business in the sector. The united business elite frequently becomes a

part of state or municipal government and starts to care about their own economic

interests. Unfortunately there can be seen the formation and development of

powerful oligarchic clans able to initiate not only economic, but also political

shocks in case of any threat to their monopoly impact on the legal government and

non-government structures. Digitalization of the agrarian sector through providing

the public-private partnerships becomes a difficult assignment in the conditions.

It is necessary to admit that there are some important steps done in the

direction of institutionalization of relations between the state and business. They

are adoption of Law of Ukraine «On Public-Private Partnership» and other

important legal documents. Now it is possible to choose a form of cooperation

between the public sector and agribusiness (concession, agreement, leasing).

Choosing the form of the agreement defines the form of management of an

agrarian enterprise.

There is positive experience in the world that should be taken into

consideration by the Ukrainian agrarian sector of economy. Choosing a form of

public-private partnership it is possible to pick up such form as contractual

farming. It is a comparatively new and progressive institutional form oriented at

increasing agricultural productivity through its digitalization, especially in small

farms. By involving farmers in the block chain, contract farming gives

opportunities for development from natural to commercial farming, in particular

for small owners, and can provide access to loans, technologies and markets. Both

public and private agribusinesses need investments and resources. In agrarian

business, contract farming virtually (thanks to the involved digital technologies)

eliminates the need to buy resources for farming. As for the state, contract farming

allows controlling over the food security also via digitalization of the process. It is

a very convenient form for instance in the poultry farming and promotion of

aquaculture. As a matter of fact fish and poultry have the qualities to quickly spoil


and it is very difficult to deliver the finished products by agribusiness enterprises.

Development of public-private partnerships, including contract farming helps

making the process «digital» and fast.

So that in current conditions in Ukraine it is necessary to provide new forms

of cooperation between the state and private agrarian business in the direction of

digitalization of it. The agrarian sector plays a crucial role for the economy of

Ukraine and some indices prove its primer position in it. Its development

contributes a lot to the development of the whole country. Besides it bears a set of

very important functions connected to both economic and social development, such

as food security, agrarian products logistics to the final consumers, control over the

animals’ health, providing of the appropriate life level in the villages and becoming

a social lift for people living there. Implementing public-private partnerships

oriented at digitalization of agrarian sector can stimulate its development under the

Government control on the paritybasis without direct penetration of the state in

agrarian business stimulating the competition in the sector. To do this it is

necessary to overcome the present institutional and bureaucratic barriers in



Rogoza Nataliia National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Rogoza Kostiantyn

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

The globalization of the world economy is associated with a harsh increase

in the activity of transnational corporations, which create regional and global

industrial networks, where the share of the traditional economy is shrinking and the

digital one is increasing, providing powerful benefits for countries and businesses.

Today, the European Union is literally digitizing its economy, increasing the global

impact of the latest technologies and growing revenue from e-commerce, data

sharing and services. The realities of the global world require precisely such

conditions for the modernization of economies and the creation of clear rules for

the new innovation era, but the time to implement them is short.

The main space of the digital economy is the Internet. But it should be

understood that not only the Internet determines its directions of development – it

is about technology as a whole. The digital economy is consumer oriented.

Therefore, you can often hear instead of «digital economy» – on-demand economy.

Statistics show that the most widespread technologies are in the countries with the

highest ratio of GDP to the working population. Ukraine is in the process of

European integration and this process requires solving complex and important

problems in the plane of its economic methods on a digital basis. However, the

digital economy remains an area with untapped potential for Ukraine. The digital

economy involves the digital transformation of all spheres of life, giving them

significant economic and social effects. All this opens up new powerful


opportunities for the state, society and citizens.

The idea of «digital economy» is derived from a concept known since the

1960s: first, Daniel Bell’s theory of «information economy», later transformed into

the concept of «network society» or «network economy» by Manuel Castells.

Domestic works of N. Kraus, S. Kolyadenko, I. Malik, N. Meshko, A. Filipenko

and others are devoted to the problem of formation of new models of economies,

including the digital economy. But at the same time, many of the problems that the

digital economy is producing and delivering remain insufficiently addressed.

The European Union’s Digital Economy Initiative has been an extremely

important step for social development, strategies for developing traditional sectors

of the economy and public administration, and now is a field with unrealized

potential in both the European Union and Ukraine.

The prospect is to create a Digital Community that combines the

communication markets of 28 EU Member States and non-EU countries to

simplify the process of sharing information, enhance the security of systems and

data protection to enhance the business opportunities of the digital community.

Ukraine and the other 5 EaP partner countries are considered by the European

Union as top candidates for gradual integration into the Digital Single Market,

which is an important unchanging item of the EU Digital Agenda through the

creation of the Digital Community and the digital economy [1]. Limit values

(€ 10,000 and € 100,000) will be introduced in the EU from the new year for cross-

border e-services, and the MiniOneStopShop (MOSS) system will be

implemented, which is designed to simplify VAT – small and medium-sized

businesses reporting.

Responding to today’s challenges, the Government, in conjunction with Hi-

Tech Office Ukraine and market experts, has developed and approved the Digital

Economy Concept and Plan for Ukraine by 2020 [4].

The Concept defines the basic principles of a digital economy based on

information and communication technologies and digital technologies, and data is

a key resource of the digital economy, it generates and provideі electronic-

communication interaction through the operation of electronic-digital devices,

tools and systems. The definition of digitalization in the context of influencing the

main productive economic indicators as well as improving the quality of life of

Ukrainian citizens is also given. The main purpose of the Concept is to implement

the accelerated scenario of digital development, as the most relevant for Ukraine in

terms of challenges, needs and opportunities. The Concept also outlines the

principles of digitization and outlines key measures for their implementation. The

main goals of digital development and the areas of digital development are

identified: harmonization with digital initiatives, Digital Agenda for Europe,

Digital Single Market. Co-operation and development projects in the following

areas are presented: Interoperability and eServices; electronic identification (eID);

open data.

Therefore, the Concept is actually a roadmap for the digital transformation

of Ukraine’s economy. And in order for everything to work, many laws and


regulations still need to be developed and adopted. However, the first step towards

implementing digital services has already been made.

The following digital products and services are already operating today as

innovative trends in today’s socio-economic environment:

BlockChain – built by certain rules, a continuous sequential chain of blocks

containing information. Based on this, you can define blockchain as a way to store

and reconcile a database, each participant has a copy;

Digital marketing is a set of promotion tools in which digital channels are

involved. Internet marketing has evolved into digital marketing, which uses

integrated methods of on-line strategy, site and mobile application development,

creative and copywriting, contextual advertising and SMM as well as other

interactive products;

CRM & BPM CRM – a system for sale: ready processes for managing all

types of transactions. Bpm’online CRM combines the capabilities of Customer

Relationship Management (CRM) and Business Process Management (BPM). This

is the first application developed on the bpm’online platform;

Grid technologies are a geographically distributed infrastructure that

integrates many different types, which user can access from anywhere, regardless

of their location. Grid provides a collective distributed mode of access to resources

and related services within globally distributed organizations (enterprises sharing

global resources, databases, specialized software).

Digital Insurance – allows insurance companies to reduce costs and improve

customer service. Digitization provides standardization and improves the quality of

responses and services provided. A significant benefit of Digital Insurance is that it

reduces the likelihood of fraud and improves the security of your insurance

operations. In addition, the implementation of cloud platforms provide insurance

companies with greater speed, flexibility and scalability, improve responsiveness

and optimize processes;

TeleHealth – Digital technologies for remote medical services and physician


Today, Ukraine is at a unique stage of development when there is a chance

to make the so-called «digital leap» in key areas of the economy. That is, quickly

move to a new stage of development in these areas, bypassing the intermediate

stages, and starting to use modern systems at once, bypassing several generations

of technology. Ukraine will either fall behind for lifetime from the world or

integrate into the overall trend.

A breakthrough is possible only if global «digitization» covers all spheres of

society, and the creation of digital infrastructures is a major factor in increasing

citizens’ access to the global information environment and knowledge. Traditional

sectors of the economy and public administration will also benefit from the

introduction of data-driven analytical services.


1. Asia and Pacific: Building on Asia’s Strengths during Turbulent

Times. / International Monetary Fund. World Economic and Financial Surveys.


Regional Economic Outlook. 2016. [Type of medium]. Volume(issue). Available


2. Digital economy. [Online]. Available:


3. Digital strategy 2030 – SlideShare. [Online]. Available:


4. Kontseptsiia rozvytku tsyfrovoi ekonomiky ta suspilstva Ukrainy na

2018-2020 roky[Online]. Available: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/67-2018-


5. Rohoza N. Asymmetry of information in agricultural sector of

ukraine. Roma, Italy, Economics and Finance, 2017, pp. 89–96.

6. Ukraine to switch to the «digital economy». What do you mean?

[Online]. Available: /https://www.ukrinform.ua/rubric-society/2385945-ukraina-


7. N. M. Kraus, O. P. Goloborodko, K. M. Kraus. Digital economy:

trends and perspectives of the abangard change of development. 2018. № 1.

[Online]. Available: http://www.economy.nayka.com.ua/?n=1&y=2018



Sakhno Andrii Vinnytsia Finance and Economics University, Ukraine

Salkova Iryna Vinnytsia National Agricultural University, Ukraine

Broyaka Antonina Vinnytsia National Agricultural University, Ukraine

Priamukhina Nataliia

Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine

The issues of economic development and the impact of digitization,

digitalization and globalization processes on it are now more acute in Ukraine than

ever. The agricultural sector, which is the main national budget-forming industry,

remains a prospective direction for the development of the state’s economy.

Unfortunately, rural areas remain at a disadvantage due to poor digitalization,

resulting in brain drain of skilled professionals who move to urban areas. Some

farmers do not even have access to the Internet and consequently agribusinesses

have got poor opportunities for growth. digital economy contributes to the

development of an innovative information space in agriculture.

The significance of the digital economy should be seen in the context of

specific sectors of the national economy. An assessment of the role of the digital

economy should be carried out according to the data on the types of economic

activity (KVED – 2005) in agriculture, in particular: cultivation of annual and

biennial crops, plants reproduction, animal husbandry, cultivation of perennial

crops, mixed farming, supporting and after harvesting activities in agriculture,


hunting, catching animals and providing related services, forestry and other

forestry activities, logging, harvesting wild-growing non-timber products,

provision of support services in forestry, fishing, fishery (aquaculture). The most

optimal representation of the development of the digital economy in Ukraine is the

level of computer technology introduction, in particular: the production of

electronic components and boards, computers and peripheral equipment,

communication facilities, electronic household appliances for receiving, recording

and reproducing sound and images, instruments and equipment for measuring,

researching and navigating, watches, radiological, electro-medical and electro-

therapeutic equipment, optical instruments and photographic equipment, magnetic

and optical data carriers.

The impact of the digital economy on the development of the agricultural

sector was investigated, using the M. J. Farrell’s method of analyzing the

functioning environment. For this purpose, two factor indicators were used –

personnel costs (L), value added for production costs (K), as well as the resultant

indicator – the volume of sales (goods, services) (Y) based on the website data of

the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.

Using the data, the coefficients of coverage of the volume of sales (goods,

services) of personnel costs (L / Y) and value added at production costs (K / Y)

were calculated. As a result of calculating it was found that in two cases it exceeds

«1»: hunting, catching animals and the provision of related services (1,952), and

fishery (aquaculture) (1,036). Thus, for these two types of activities, personnel

costs exceed the volume of sales (goods, services).

The highest coefficient of coverage of the volume of sales (goods, services)

of value added at the cost of production is fishing (3,005), and the lowest is the

reproduction of plants (1,460). according to the calculations, it can be concluded

that types of economic activities for the production of computers, electronic and

optical products should be considered as having an impact on economic activity in

agriculture, within the framework of which the development of the digital

economy is studied.

Based on the method of analysis of the functioning environment, the line of

technical efficiency based of the need to minimize personnel and production costs

is a line consisting of items «Harvesting of wild-growing non-timber products»,

«Cultivation of perennial crops», «Plants reproduction», and «Hunting, catching

animals and providing related services». The line consisting of items «Harvesting

of wild non-timber products», «Growing annual and biennial crops», «Fishing»,

«Fishery (aquaculture)», «Hunting, catching animals and related services»

indicates the availability of technical efficiency based on the need to maximize the

volume of sales (goods, services). The positions of the types of economic activities

for the manufacture of computers, electronic and optical products are not

components of any line of efficiency. It was revealed that the current state of the

agricultural sector in Ukraine does not significantly depend on the influence and

provision of the digital economy.

Modeling of the digital economy development in the context of the state of


the types of economic activity in agriculture was carried out minding the need to

form new lines of efficiency from the standpoint of the manufacture of computer,

electronic and optical products. Thus, new boundaries of technical efficiency for

economic activities in agriculture, forestry and fisheries were identified. As a

result, specific indicators of agricultural production can be calculated, which upon

achieving technical efficiency, they will be obtained in case of cost reduction and /

or increase in the volume of sales (goods, services).

It is proposed to carry out the development of the agro-industrial complex

based on priorities for achieving the technical efficiency of economic activities

related to the manufacture of computers, electronic and optical products. An

assessment of the development of the digital economy in the context of the state of

the types of economic activity in agriculture the features of the backlog were

revealed and the prospects for the development of agricultural activities through a

fundamental reorganization of the economy by developing the manufacture of

computer, electronic and optical production were evaluated. The need of the agro-

industrial complex of Ukraine for modern information developments that will

increase the volume of sales and reduce production and personnel costs is

substantiated. Research indicate the necessity for further adjustments to the line of

technical efficiency by the method of analyzing the functioning environment in

order to develop digital technologies in agriculture, forestry and fisheries.



Sayapin Serhii

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine

Skrypnyk Andriy

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine

According to the Law on Agricultural Advisory Activities [1], advisory

activities are a set of actions and measures aimed at meeting the needs of personal

peasant and farms, business associations, other agricultural enterprises of all forms

of ownership and management, as well as the rural population in improving the

level of knowledge and improvement practical skills of profitable housekeeping.

The main purpose of the advisory activity is to improve the standard of living of

the rural population through the introduction of innovative management methods.

However, according to the available statistics, income sharing processes continue

in rural areas, and the growth rates of urban population nominal incomes continue

substantially exceed similar indicators for rural areas. In January-August 2019,

agricultural output at nominal prices amounted to UAH 405.6 billion (January-

August 2018: UAH 394.3 billion). Increase in agricultural output [2] was observed

only in agricultural enterprises (11.8% in January-August 2019 to the same

previous period 2018) while in households the decrease was 2.3%.

The main source of households innovations is the large agricultural business

(contact method), which closely cooperates with global innovation centers.


However, this way of diffusing innovation is not always effective because it does

not take into account the scale effect. Approximately UAH 30 million (5 million

USD) was spent on extension services financing from 2007 to 2011, after which

funding was discontinued, and the existing advisory services and advisers are

operating on a small-scale, self-supporting basis [5] without public funding.

However, this does not mean that the existing agricultural advisory

infrastructure is able to address the increasing flow of issues arising from the rapid

changes that have taken place in the recent economic and social environment. In

our opinion three basic problems which must be dissolved by extension: 1) the

transition to the land market, 2) global climate change, which already affect the

development of our agrarian sphere, 3) the tendency to increase the share of

renewable energy. It should be emphasized that broadband Internet penetration into

rural areas has increased recently, and although access problems remain, the

process will continue. Therefore, the dissemination of useful information for rural

areas through the Internet will prevail.

In Ukraine, the total rural population at 1.01 2019 was 12.9 million,

accounting for 30.59% of the total population [2]. Of these, 7.6 million are of

working age (16-59 years). Therefore, the demand for urgent issues of rural

development is likely to grow and be met not through a cost ineffective network of

consulting points (rental of premises, staff salaries, field trips and other costs), but

rather through an electronic advisory system with Internet access which becoming

more and more widespread among the rural population.

The implementation in Ukraine of the system of electronic agricultural advisory

was based on the previous experience of developing information and reference

systems of advisory guidance using international experience [3].The practical

experience gained has shown the high efficiency of the use of electronic platforms

for consulting activities [4]. The concept of a modern vision of the organizational

structure of resources for access to the electronic agricultural advisory system is

presented in Fig.1.

The starting point for navigating the user for advice or advisory information

may be the information-analytical portal of the Ukraine APC, the official web-site

of the National Association of Agricultural Advisory Services of Ukraine, or

directly the electronic agricultural advisory system.

Each of the resources presented in the scheme is self-sufficient in purpose

and functionality, as shown by the practice of their operation. However, for the

high efficiency of this tool, you need to consider the presented resources as a

system of interconnected web resources through mutual integration at the

organizational and program level. However, if we analyze the performance of these

web resources, we can make not too optimistic conclusions about the levels of

filling them with useful information and traffic.

In our opinion, filling the content at the expense of the state budget will lead

to expenses by an order of magnitude lower than the potential costs of establishing

a classic advisory service, so we propose the following list of topical issues that

should be included in the priority:


1) introduction of the land market: the level of prices that will be established

under different variants of implementation, regional and local characteristics,

trends of rent changes; 2) renewable energy: payback period of individual types,

impact of environmental component, green tariff and electricity tariffs, cooperation

in energy use [6]; 3) climate and weather risks: objective assessment of changes in

the main factors affecting yields, the use of technologies for risky farming areas to

which almost the entire territory of Ukraine already applies. Having basic

recommendations in the open access will allow to seek in-depth consultations on a

contractual basis.

Інформаційний підкаталог

Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture

Inform-analytical portal of

Ukraine APC



(main portal menu items)

Rural development



Agrarian extension





Agricultural advisory services,

register of services





Agricultural advisers and expert advisers,

official register of advisers





National Association of

Agricultural Advisory Services

of Ukraine


Electronic Advisory System


The system of electronic

training courses


Agrarian Sector of Ukraine




Navigation between Ukraine APC internal


Navigate between the resources of the e-

advisory system pool and the transition

point from the registers of the APK portal to

the designated resources of that system

Figure 1. Organizational structure of resources for access to the e-farm

advisory system web resource pool


1. Law of Ukraine «On Agricultural Advisory Activities» No. 1807-IV of

June 17, 2004 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:–



2. Ukraine socio-economic development. Archive 2019



3. S. Sayapin, M. Shvidenko Implementation of the e-advisory system in

Ukraine // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference

«Sustainable Development Goals of the 3 Millennium: Challenges for Universities

of Life Sciences» 23-25.05.2018, NULES of Ukraine. – pp.445-447.

4. Sayapin S. Why the system of electronic advisory (on the example of

Agroua.net web portal) is beneficial// The collection of scientific works of Sworld

(CIT: 314-457). – 2014.- Volume 17, Issue 3 (36), pp. 50-53.

5. Kalna-Dubiniuk T., Litovchenko A. Estimation of the effectiveness of

information and consulting support for the dissemination of innovative

biotechnologies in conditions of risk and uncertainty // APC Economics. – 2014. –

№ 1. – pp. 70-75.

6. Kudin T., Sayapin S. Small bioenergy from the point of view of

ecological and economic optimization // APC Economics. – 2019 – №9 – pp. 43-




Saychuk Oleksandr

Educational and Scientific Institute of Technical Service, Ukraine

Kolpachenko Nadiia Educational and Scientific Institute of Technical Service, Ukraine

Martynenko Oleksandr

Educational and Scientific Institute of Technical Service, Ukraine

Honcharenko Oleksandr Educational and Scientific Institute of Technical Service, Ukraine

The work is devoted to the analysis of mechanical engineering parts quality,

on the basis of which innovative technologies of their production were developed.

These are engine cylinder liner sleeves of high-strength cast iron cast by the

centrifugal method on machines of horizontal type and case details of the

agricultural machinery with alternating and identical section made by stationary

method from gray cast iron and carbon steel.

Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign sources of scientific

information, data on the production of body parts made of high-strength and gray

cast iron have been generalized, regulatory and technical documentation on the

requirements to quality assessment, crystallization conditions and metal structure

formation have been studied. Factors in the operation of parts affecting changes in

the properties of cast iron are considered. Much attention is paid to changes in

chemical composition of alloys, methods of modification and the effect of their

deviations on quality and properties of metal castings, structure, occurrence of


various defects, as well as methods of their recovery.

Statistical analysis and planning of the experiments were performed both

directly on the castings and comparatively on the rings selected from them. The

analysis has revealed that the main factors of deviation are: chemical composition,

metal structure, presence of non-metallic inclusions, clogging of charge materials

with different chemical components, as well as preparation of equipment prior to

pouring of metal and technology of its modification.

The effect of chemical composition, non-metallic inclusions, modifying

impurities, deviations in the phase composition (appearance of carbides, coarse

inclusions of graphite) and their influence on the properties and formation of

defects were assessed by methods of statistical analysis.

A new approach with the evaluation of all the formed phases by photographs

of different magnifications and obtained by the method of optical-mathematical

description was used for a detailed study of the structure of different zones in the

restoration of defects, which allows us to substantiate the advantages of the

proposed technology.

Optical-mathematical method of research is one of the complex methods

based on the detection of previous metallographic, electron-microscopic, locally

spectral evaluations of the chemical and phase composition of cast iron. To change

the degree of its manufacturability, various methods and parameters for the

introduction of modifying impurity were used. This is practically free secondary

raw material from the disposal of ammunition, specially ground and processed for

their use.

This research method has been used for the first time not only to identify the

qualitative and quantitative composition, different zones of the recovered layer, but

also to search for, to ensure the maximum bonds of the same phases between the

recovered deposition zone, transition, the base, because it forms the maximum

adhesion strength and minimizes stresses. In addition, the way and place of stresses

in homogeneities in the surfacing zones and around the rough inclusions of

graphite that are the places of defective zones formation were analyzed. Their

influence on changes in the dislocation structure and diffusion processes was


The methodological approach was based on studies of microstructure

photographs obtained on an optical microscope «MIM-8M», an electronic «YEOL

JSM-6390LV», scanning «YSM-820» Link «YEOL» with magnifications from 70

to 1000 times.

The photographs of micro- and electronic images of structures were

analyzed optically-mathematically to evalute the homogeneity of the phase

distribution and to identify those that would provide the greatest connection

between local recovery zones and the primary (original) cast iron.

On the basis of the performed researches the following results have been


Statistical analysis of the quality of gray iron parts of agricultural machinery,

according to which the Hc measurements were made, has revealed that the level of


this characteristic on the surface has different indicators, varying from 4,3 to 8,0

A/cm, and on the inside – they reach 5,0 – 9,4 A/cm, indicating the formation of

defects more often in this area. By metallographic and micro-X-ray spectral

studies, zones with disturbances of the metal quality (cracks, pores, local stresses,

structural deviations of the liquidation phenomena with the formation of non-

metallic inclusions) were established, where the Hs indexes increased and reached

7,8-11,3 A/cm.

A new approach to assessment of structure formation at the restoration of

body parts from gray iron has been developed based on detection of defects and

structure in them by non-destructive method according to the Hs indices and opto-

mathematical method.

Recovery of defects by melting, using a detonation charge from the disposal

of ammunition, has confirmed the effectiveness of such a modifying impurity use

when dosing it into a liquid solution of gray iron.



Skrylnyk Andrii Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University, Poltava, Ukraine

Chevhanova Vira Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University, Poltava, Ukraine

Khadartsev Oleksandr Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University, Poltava, Ukraine

Kulakova Svitlana Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University, Poltava, Ukraine

The modern realities of globalization processes indicate that the ability to

overcome socio-economic problems depends on the potential capabilities of the

domestic agricultural industry to adapt to new world innovative forms, methods

and tools of growing and selling products. So domestic agriculture faces new

challenges: to master new innovative technologies for digitalization of economic

processes in the agricultural sector, to adopt a new system of world values and

production quality, to achieve European standards for sustainable development, to

provide a basis for inclusive development of employment processes and the

redistribution of public goods.

The authors of the article argue that the implementation of these tasks is in

the plane of an innovative approach to managing economic processes in the

agricultural sector and is the main challenge and prospect for Ukraine to achieve

«Industry 4.0». Today, domestic agricultural enterprises need to change their

approach to introducing the latest technologies into production and concentrate all

available investment resources in this direction. The share of the digital economy

in the GDP of advanced countries until 2030 will reach 50-60%., in Ukraine, this

figure can be at 65%, provided that the economic processes of the agricultural

complex are digitalized, provides agricultural producers and processors with real


opportunities to increase profitability and reduce operating costs.

The paper concludes that the digitalization of economic processes in the

agricultural sector of Ukraine will create unique opportunities for ensuring the

internal balance of the consumer market, increasing the stability of rural areas and

increasing the competitiveness of the agricultural business environment of Ukraine

at the international level.

The authors identified the main goals of the digitalization processes of

representatives of the agribusiness of Ukraine and argue that in the future 5-6

years, Ukraine will carry out an innovative transformation of the agricultural sector

to 40% of fixed assets and 75% of intangible assets, while the rates of market and

innovative transformation will be set by agricultural holdings.

Based on the results of an expert assessment of the financial and economic

status of domestic agricultural holdings (KERNEL, ASTARTA), representatives of

small and medium-sized agribusiness, the authors of the article formed the most

probable structure of investment resources that can form a platform projects for the

development of digitalization of the agricultural sector of Ukraine. It should be

noted that today agricultural holdings in Ukraine have a sufficient supply of their

own investment resources and a significant potential of attracted investment

resources through the sale of securities. At the same time, representatives of small

and medium agricultural businesses can only rely on grants (USIDO, GIZ, etc.)

and financing of technical assistance projects of the European Union. Given the

rather high payback of digital agribusiness technologies in Ukraine, representatives

of small and medium agribusiness do not have obvious investment resources for

their implementation. Therefore, to increase their competitiveness, it is necessary

to develop a number of regional programs of technical and financial assistance for

the implementation of digitalization projects, and the removal of project payback

periods up to 3 years. The authors of the article note that the deeper the

digitalization technologies will penetrate into the agribusiness of Ukraine, the more

detailed should be the staff retraining program, both at the individual company

level and at the regional level. This will make it possible to preserve the personnel

potential of agricultural companies and balance regional labor markets.



Skrypnyk Andriy National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine

Klimenko Nataliia National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine

Galaieva Lyudmyla

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine

Koval Tetiana National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine


In recent decades it has been practically proven, that due to climate change

there is a process of shifting the area of cultivation of a number of crops in the

northern direction. With the change of the average annual temperature and the

amount of accumulated heat, the agro-climatic zones of Ukraine – the Steppe,

Forest-steppe and Polesie – undergo dramatic changes, having significantly shifted

to the north. Ukraine consists of three agroclimatic zones: Steppe, Forest-steppe,

Polesie. This classification was made according to the ratio of precipitation to the

amount of accumulated heat. Due to the changes in the average annual temperature

and the amount of accumulated heat, these agroclimatic zones are shifting, and

therefore, these changes affect the management of plant growing.

Due to the increase of the duration of the basic time interval, the temperature

in the areas (which was insufficient for the cultivation of a certain crop several

years ago) begins to steadily exceed the thresholds and the crop begins to

cultivated successfully [1]. For many regions, there is already information on the

losses of agricultural production from climate change [2,3].

It should be emphasized that climate change is not the only factor of

affecting the benefits of agricultural producers. A significant factor influencing the

choice of crops is the level of agricultural products prices of the global and

domestic raw material market and the cost of acquiring the means for the

production process.

The studies were conducted according to the State Statistics Committee of

Ukraine on the acreage of individual crops in all regions from 2000 to 2018 [4].

For research the traditional Ukrainian sunflower, corn and wheat were

selected, which occupy the largest part of the area and provides the highest income

from agricultural export. In total these three crops occupy approximately 50% of

all acreage.

It should be emphasized that Fig. 1 does not reflect the cultivation area, but

the data from crop area where the crop was harvested. Therefore, to the random

factor of crop selection the influence of weather risks is added. This explains the

fact that the area under wheat remained in the range of 5-7 million hectares during

2000-2018 except in 2003, when they decreased to 2 million hectares due to the

crop freezing during spring frosts.

Another thing with the cultivation of corn and sunflower. The corn area has

grown over the studied time interval from 1.0 to 4.5 million hectares, sunflower

area – from 3.0 to 6.4 million hectares.

We believe, that the process of growing sunflower and corn areas is fully in

line with the growing demand for these crops in the domestic and global food

markets. Hence, the area distribution achieved by 2018 is likely to remain as it is

with minor fluctuations.


Figure 1. Dynamics of change of areas under corn, sunflower and wheat in

Ukraine in the period of 2000-2018 (thousand hectares)

Source: own calculations

Consider the yield factor as a reason for changing the climate zone for the

cultivation of each of the considered crops.

For almost all considered crops, the highest yield was observed in the

Forest-steppe area (Table 2), however, the average values of Polesie yields are

better than those of the Steppe in the 2000-2018 time interval.

Using the Student’s t-criteria, we analyzed the significance level of the

difference between average yields in the Steppe and Forest-Steppe [5]:





















SL yy , average yields of Forest Steppe and Steppe;

22 ; SL yield variance;

SL nn , –the number of observations.

Let’s make t-statistics estimates for three crops:


For all three crop the yields at Forest-Steppe compared to Steppe are more

significant. The highest level of significance (the probability of errorof the

hypothesis deviation concerning the equal yield in the Forest Steppe and Steppe) –

0.05 for wheat, for corn and sunflower the significance level does not exceed



Table 2. Statistical yield indicators for the years 2000-2018 by climatic

zones (c/ha)



Steppe Forest Steppe Polesie

Indicator Indicator Indicator

Crop Average


The standard






The standard






Wheat 28,5 7,5(1,7) 35,2 10,1(2,3) 31,7

Corn 35,9 8,2 (1,9) 54,6 14,6(3,3) 55,4

Sunflower 25,0 6,2(1,4) 35,4 11,6(2,7) 31,2

Source: own calculations

This demonstrates the extremely high yield stability of selected crops in the

forest-steppe zone compared to the yield in the steppe zone. A similar situation is

observed when comparing yields in the Steppe and Polissya (the yield in Polissya

is much higher).

Moreover, studies have shown that this process has a positive dynamic. The

difference in crop yields across different climatic zones increases over time and the

NullHypothesis H0 (lack of this tendency) is rejected at an extremely low level of

significance (with confidence exceeding 99.9%), where spatial and temporal

information were combined to build the model.

The studies used panel regression of area dependence in different climatic

zones from time andlatitude.

The northward shift factor should be reflected in the product of the time

andlatitude factors.

It turned out that this effect is relevantonly for one crop – corn. Further

studies (except of data on crop structure, yields and other indicators of agrarian

business) should include information on weather and climatic conditions in

farming areas.


1. How do weather and climate influence cropping area and intensity


2.Xiong W., Holman I.P., Lin E., Conway D., Li Y., Wu W. Untangling

relative contributions of recent climate and CO2 trends to national cereal

production in China // Environmental Research Letters. 2012. Vol 7. P.14 – 44.

3. Tao F., Yokozawa M., Liu J., Zhang Z. Climate-crop yield relationships at

provincial scales in China and the impacts of recent climate trends // Climate

Research. Vol. 38. P. 83 – 94.

4.Державна служба статистики України URL: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua.

5. Dowdy S., Wearden S. Statistics for Research // 1982. – USA. – P.214-


6. Croissant Y., Millo G.Panel Data Econometrics in R: The plm Package //

Journal of Statistical Software, 2008. Vol.27(2). URL





Stepasyuk Ludmila National University of Life And Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine

Dramaretska Krystyna National University of Life And Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine

Titenko Zoia

National University of Life And Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine

Babiak Nataliia Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Ukraine

The process of integration of Ukraine into the world economic community

should be based on the specialization profile of the Ukrainian economy with the

identification and enhancement of unique competitive advantages of the industry-

specific level. In the contemporary context, competitive advantages are the basis of

effective performance of an economic entity in the long run, which means that the

economic entity’s competitiveness is ensured by its competitive advantages, as

they allow for offering goods to the consumer that are of obvious value to them.

In the age of economic globalization, the issues of competitiveness come to

the fore and the extent to which they are solved largely determines the economic

and social status of any country. Ukrainian integration into the global economic

space requires domestic manufacturers to produce competitive goods. The

transformation of market relations between economic entities in the agrarian sector

and the enhancement of competitiveness and efficiency of agricultural production

are directly related to the development of foreign agricultural trade. Ukraine’s

place in the global food market is determined by the quantity of exported products,

export volumes and price. The dairy industry in Ukraine is ranked 10th in the world

in milk production (about 2%), which is why a significant amount of its production

is exported. Achieving stable income from exports of agricultural raw materials

and food products requires constant monitoring of the agri-food markets, as well as

systematic and effective diagnostics of competitiveness of tradable commodities in

the world market.

The operation of the livestock products market exerts a considerable impact

on the economic potential of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine and the level

of national food security in particular, as it provides the essential foods for the

population and raw materials for the processing industry.

Fiercer competition, the need to increase the supply of animal husbandry

products, improve their quality, boost the profitability of production and levels of

consumption of the products lead to the objective necessity for comprehensive

research aimed at studying the issues of analyzing the competitive environment

and identifying the main trends and threats to strengthening own positions.

Pricing has a decisive influence on the development of the industry, because,

on the one hand, prices stimulate the increase in supply, and on the other hand,

they significantly affect the solvent demand of the population. During the

formation of the market prices of milk and beef, the following factors are


determinant: the value-for-money factor in terms of resources and market capacity,

the level of supply of domestic products, consumer incomes, etc. [1, p.51].

Analyzing the market structure and assessing the level of its monopolization

requires studies on the degree of concentration of sellers in the market, and as

ancillary information the use of data on the level of market (monopoly) power of

sellers and non-strategic factors of market structure.

As noted by scientists [2 p. 16], concentration indicators characterize the

degree of uneven distribution of production or sales of goods between economic

entities, as well as the possibility of influence of each of them on the general

conditions of circulation of goods in the relevant market.

The estimations show that the concentration level in Ukraine animal

husbandry market is low, as the Herfindahl-Hirschman index is 32.71 and 30.57

respectively, which is less than 1000 (Table 1). It is analytically established that

20% of all agricultural enterprises sell 55.5% of milk and 49.35% of beef.

Therefore, these markets are not highly concentrated, which is explained by

the fragmentation of producers. Studies show that in 2018, 1471 enterprises of

Ukraine (or 17.7% of all) were engaged in the sale of milk, it should be noted that

in 2012 their number was 2010 (21.9%). Concerning the sale of cattle meat, in

2018 only 19.6% or 1627 enterprises were engaged in the sale of this type of

products, for comparison in 2012 their number was 2230 (24.3%).

Expanding markets in the domestic and global economic space, enhancing

the image of Ukraine and enterprises in particular, require accelerating the process

of harmonization of national legislation with European and world requirements.

However, it is logical that in the current situation of raw material shortages,

processors are more concerned not only with the quality but with the problem of

their availability in sufficient quantity and at an affordable price. But it should be

noted that for the economy as a whole, improving the quality of production will

mean strengthening the position of domestic enterprises in the domestic market and

expanding opportunities to enter foreign markets.

In the conditions of globalization tendencies of the world economy, the task

is to study the theoretical prerequisites for ensuring the competitiveness of

enterprises. In the international economy, with modern integration processes, there

are many problems, both at the practical and theoretical levels. Undoubtedly, one

of the most important is the development and implementation in practice of a

system of agricultural products competitiveness indicators system, which would

fully characterize the efficiency of enterprises. There is no clear system of

indicators of product competitiveness at the moment. Different authors allocate

their range of indicators to evaluate the competitiveness of a product only in a

particular market.

Considering the above, the main directions of improving the efficiency of

the animal husbandry industry should be: creation of new and reconstruction of

existing mechanized large-scale farms with the use of modern developments in the

field of meat and dairy cattle breeding; ensuring mutually beneficial integrative

relationships «production – processing – marketing» on the basis of a


comprehensive state program of industry development; development of special

lending programs, etc. The investigated industry requires significant state support

that would shape the economic attractiveness of animal husbandry production and

facilitate the expanded reproduction of animal husbandry. All this in combination

can shorten the payback period of investments in the industry.


1. Pshenychnyi O. Price formation. Agro Perspective. 2012. №3 P.51-52.

2. Gorniak O.V. Theoretical approaches to measuring the level of

concentration and monopolization in modern markets. Bulletin of the OSU them.

I.I. Mechnikov. 2014. vol.17 vol. 1 (6). C14-23.


Taran Natalia

Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Krasnorutskyy Oleksii Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Reznik Nadiia National University of Life and Environmental Science, Kyiv, Ukraine

Slobodianyk Anna

National University of Life and Environmental Science, Kyiv, Ukraine

Guley Stanislav Ternopil National Economical University, Ternopil, Ukraine

High technologies have penetrated into all spheres of production, and

recently they have been applied even in such traditional industries as agriculture.

Technology development also has influence on the appearance of new company

functions and motivates the appearance of new professions and new types of

services. In order to understand the future of innovative development in the field of

agricultural enterprises, it is necessary to forecast what technologies the future and

what related professions will arise in the near tomorrow that demonstrates the

relevance of this paper. In addition, we need to know what condition of this market

is now, which areas are actively developing, and which are only just beginning to

be implemented into the agricultural sector. The paper answers on these questions.

Agrarian business is changing rapidly. The development of technology and

new technical investigations force farmers to implement new and to compete with

each other. Habitual combines and seeders are modified beyond recognition, the

number of workers per 1 ha of farmland is reduced significantly. Nevertheless, the

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) continues to talk

about the threat to food security. External factors which have influence on the

productivity and saturation of the market with food often reduce supply in the face

of growing demand. Therefore, the first position is the need to implement new

technologies into the agricultural sector, which will help to solve emerged

problems and respond in time to adverse changes of climate, of the environmental

and other factors. What is the near future of agriculture? What changes is expected


and what should be prepared for? What technological innovations in the agrarian

sector have already taken its niche among world producers of agricultural crops,

and what are just starting to gain popularity?

The main aim of the paper is to find out the current condition of things in the

agricultural technology market, to demonstrate the effect of technology

implementation in different regions of the world and to define the future of

technological innovations and services in the agricultural sector.

Technology develops at an astonishing pace, and if earlier it had a greater

influence on relatively new and high-tech industries, now the time has come for

traditional and conservative businesses. The agricultural sector was no exception.

But the list of technologies that will greatly influence on the development of this

direction in the coming years is adjusted from year to year. Many technologies

have already conquered farmers, but there is still a whole range of solutions that in

the near future will be implemented into the agricultural industry.

At this stage of development of technological innovations, the market of

precision farming is most actively developing. Along with hardware and software,

precision farming has been growing rapidly since 2014 with an indicator of 2.3

billion euros, in 2018 it amounted to 3.7 billion euros, and by 2020 it is expected to

grow to 4.5 billion euros with 12% of CAGR (Compound annual growth rate). The

potential of the precision farming market exceeds even the global agricultural

equipment market, which is growing at a much slower pace with 4% of CAGR till

2.4 million vehicles in 2020.

The technologies are actively developing and due to this, new agricultural

giants may appear on the market. Small companies that are no longer afraid to

implement technological innovations may soon become leaders of the agricultural

market. And large companies, on the contrary, lose its positions, because they have

not used its resources so optimally, even if they have a larger agricultural land.

Future novelties will be relevant for all spheres of human production, but in the

face of the arising food crisis due to the progressive growth of the world’s

population, they are simply necessary precisely in the agricultural sector.

Therefore, the introduction of at least the most accessible new products should

already be thought out by all representatives of the agricultural business, so as not

to be left behind its competitors.



Tkachenko Alla National University «Zaporizhia Politechnic», Zaporizhia, Ukraine

Chernysheva Olena

Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Sevast`yanov Rodion

National University «Zaporizhia Politechnic», Zaporizhia, Ukraine

Krainik Olena

National University «Zaporizhia Politechnic», Zaporizhia, Ukraine


The article is devoted to the formation of the scientific and methodic

providing based on the estimation of the product competitiveness for the energy

saving as for a component of the tire enterprises strategic development. It was

noted that the current stage of development of the tire production is characterized

by trends of growth of the level of the population motorization, the changing

customer requirements to the operational characteristics, the aggravation of

environmental problems of production and operation of tires as well as the

formation of a regulatory framework for their solution in the countries with high

volume consumption of tires. The global trends in the tire markets are the increase

in requirements to the environmental friendliness and economy of tires. These

requirements form the parameters of the estimation of quality of tires by the

consumers and determine the directions of competitiveness development of the tire

enterprises. Since a car consumes 10% of fuel due to tires, it is advisable to take

the energy efficiency into account as an impact factor on the production and

consumer characteristics of tires when estimating of the competitiveness of the tire

enterprises products. The energy costs amount from 5% to 9% in the cost structure

for the production of tires. The main items of energy costs in the cost of production

are costs of electricity and water vapour. The environmental problems of tire

production were revealed. These problems include high energy intensity,

application of environmentally harmful materials, air pollution indoor of

production, contamination of water drains. Fuel consumption as well as high noise

during the movement of the car, formation a rubber dust, and growth of the amount

of used tires are regarded as environmental issues in the consumption of tires. The

quantitative estimation of the level of competitiveness of the tire products by the

integral indicator that is calculated as an average arithmetic indicator weighted

according to the conditions of sales on the markets of each group of tires on the

base of the complex indicators of competitiveness for every model of standard size

of tires in the conditions of production and consumption is offered in this research

work. This approach to the estimation of the product competitiveness allows tire

enterprises to take into account aspects of the energy efficiency in the production

and consumption of the model of standard size of tires as well as to make the

market positioning of the energy-saving tires. In the conditions of production the

energy saving is determined by the equipment energy intensity (rubber mixing and

vulcanizing), whereas in the consumption conditions it is determined by fuel

consumption by car. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the energy saving in the

tire enterprises at the production and consumption aspects, which should be taken

into account in the system of the enterprises’ strategic development as a necessary

condition of the product competitiveness providing. Based on the components of

the integral indicator of estimation of the level of competitiveness of the model of

standard size of tires, it was proved that the rolling resistance coefficient and the

content of silica acid filler are the defining indicators of energy efficiency in the

group of tires for passenger cars. The product energy efficiency should be

estimated by means of the indicators of tire weight and pressure level inside the

tire in the groups of tires for trucks and tires for agricultural machines. The level of


weight of indicators of energy efficiency as components of the indicator of tires’

quality in the conditions of consumption is: for tires for passenger cars 10%, for

tires for trucks 12%, for tires for agricultural machines 25%. By the investigation

of the innovative technologies of the leading world manufactures, it was revealed

that the efforts of producers are aimed at improving the level of quality of tire

products according to key consumer characteristics: grip, rolling friction,

aquaplaning, level of noise and vibration, protecting the tire against puncture,

mileage, load and safety, the dependence of the pressure inside the tire on the mass

of the load. Innovative technologies provide quality, above all, due to material and

construction components of tire production: the composition of the rubber

compound and materials inside the tire, construction materials, elements, pattern

and height of tread, construction of tire profile. The leading world manufacturers

create brand technologies that allow positioning of the energy-saving tires among

products of the similar standard size in dependence on the competitive advantages

in their production and consumption. They also conduct research and development

on the application of new materials, including the materials from renewable

sources, in the recipes of rubber compounds and constructions of tires to increase

the energy efficiency of the products. The application of new materials in the tire

production allows achieving the required properties of rubber with less energy

costs for rubber mixing and vulcanization as well as reduces the rolling resistance

while increasing tire grip for operation of tires. Achieving energy efficiency as a

component of product competitiveness should become the basis for the strategic

development of tire enterprises.




Tkachenko Alla

National university «Zaporizhia Politechnic», Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

Levchenko Nataliіa

National university «Zaporizhia Politechnic», Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

Pozhuieva Tatyana

Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Сhupryna Nataliіa

Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

The author’s suggestions for improving the method of assessing the

effectiveness of the implementation of state environmental policy of the country by

supplementing the list of common environmental performance indicators,

indicators of the decoupling phenomenon, which are based on indicators of

economic growth in both the country as a whole and individual industries are

outlined in the article.

It is substantiated that in the face of aggravated global food and climate

change problem, intensifying the search for ways to solve them for the agrarian


business of Ukraine with its powerful potential and favourable natural and climatic

conditions opens ample opportunities.

Therefore, agrarian business should be recognized as one of the most

promising areas of business in Ukraine in the light of these problems.

Therefore, a number of strategic documents and regulations have been

adopted in order to make the country a strong and independent government of

Ukraine that creates the foundations for the economic development of agricultural

production. Among them, special attention is paid to «Agro-strategy-2030», which

is expected in the next decade to create in Ukraine a world food supermarket and

an organic hub.

It is emphasized that the increase in agricultural production is accompanied

by environmental threats, which requires the government to ensure a balanced

environmentally-oriented development of agrarian business, and thus to meet the

interests of future generations in food security and reducing the rate of eco-system


It is emphasized that to estimate the rate of depletion of an eco-system with

the increase in agricultural production due to the effect of decoupling (from

English decoupling is demarcation, separation, separation, disruption of

communication), which undoubtedly makes the study of the method of its

assessment quite relevant.

We emphasize that the most accurate and complete interpretation of it is

considered to be an eco-centric approach, which focuses primarily on the

environmental component of economic growth, which is primarily related to

human impact on the environment and the conservation of natural resources. The

author’s definition of the concept of «decoupling» by the eco-centric approach as a

change in the level of existing (expected) environmental threats as a result of

economic growth is proposed in the article.

It is proved that ensuring the change in the volume of gross production of

agricultural production is, first of all, capital investments aimed at expanding,

updating and modernizing the material and technical base of the agricultural

business. Multiple nonlinear dependences are determined according to the results

of correlation-regression analysis of statistical data of the dynamics of capital

investment and output of agricultural production, as well as CO2 emissions into the

atmosphere from stationary sources of pollution are determined by.

It is stated that the list of indicators of the evaluation for implementation of

the state environmental policy, determined by the Law of Ukraine «On the

Fundamental Principles (Strategy) of the State Environmental Policy of Ukraine

for the period up to 2030» of February 28, 2019 No. 2697-VIII needs to

complement the indicators of the decoupling phenomenon based on economic

growth indicators of the country as a whole and of the individual industries, which

will make clear and prudent decisions on investing capital in the development of

agricultural business, increasing agricultural production, saving the environment

and using natural resources to meet the modern needs of mankind and the interests

of future generations in food security, safety and health.




Tkachuk Vasyl Zhytomyr National Agroecological University of Ukraine, Zhytomyr, Ukraine

Zinovchuk Vitalii Zhytomyr National Agroecological University of Ukraine, Zhytomyr, Ukraine

Tarasovych Lyudmyla

Zhytomyr National Agroecological University of Ukraine, Zhytomyr, Ukraine

Yaremova Maryna Zhytomyr National Agroecological University of Ukraine, Zhytomyr, Ukraine

The article deals with the substantiation of the role and opportunities of

involving digital marketing tools for the promotion of the bioeconomy in Ukraine.

The strategic development goals of our country include the necessity to form its

bioeconomic potential. Also, the focus is on socially oriented approaches to

agricultural business (first of all, separation of economic, environmental and social

blocks in the context of operational goals of strategic growth). Taking into account

the above, the article provides the substantiation of the need to establish the

bioeconomy. The need to become aware of the problems of developing a socially

oriented business on a bioeconomic basis in Ukraine makes it urgent to convey to

the society the importance of changing the concept of further development, which

will follow not only human-centric but also ecocentric paradigms. This is made

possible through the active use of modern digital technologies, one of which is


Along with the argument that digital technologies are becoming an everyday

tool and a way for business systems to function, it has been empirically proven that

socially-oriented and economically justified digitization acquires a permanent

status in the field of inclusive growth, which will ensure the sustainability of

business and economic development. In turn, the involvement of innovative levers

for regulating socioeconomic processes is the prerogative of implementing the

strategy of sustainable development of Ukraine. It is concluded that the digitization

of the bioeconomy in the field of social digital transformation determines the

imperatives for the development of the Ukrainian economy, and the digitization of

its agricultural sector is considered one of the key tasks of the new government of

our country.

In order to visualize the concept of implication of digital marketing in the

process of the establishment of the bioeconomy, the criteria for identifying its

benefits were systematized; they include the target audience (stakeholders), the

sphere of influence on it (exogenous and endogenous business environment) and

marketing channels and tools), that is, bioeconomy as a strategic vector for

promoting the ecologization of the social and environmental processes of human


It is substantiated that the unpredictability of the external marketing

environment has a significant impact on the modeling and forecasting of business

processes within the framework of individual bioeconomic systems, the outline and


features of which are a sort of an indicator for the formation of appropriate toolset

for promoting bioeconomy among the public. It is emphasized that the expediency

of using immanent digital marketing toolset is determined by specific conditions,

opportunities, needs and tasks of stakeholders with clearly defined strategic

positions and their own vision of strategic mission in the field of the intensification

of bioeconomic processes.

The developed model of digital marketing implication in the field of the

bioeconomy is based on the configuration of the corresponding effects in terms of

economic, social and environmental benefits, that is, sustainable growth will be

ensured. The promotion of the bioeconomic direction of business development will

give an opportunity to obtain a synergetic effect, which will be manifested through

the social aspect (energy independence, production of high-quality food and non-

food products, increasing the level of food security, creating new jobs, improving

the standard of living of the population); environmental aspect (preservation of

biodiversity, environmental enhancement, saving fossil fuels, mitigation of climate

change); economic aspect (restoration of innovative bio-production, increase of

competitive ability of products, contributing to the economic development of the


The effectiveness of digital marketing in the process of dissemination of

knowledge about the bioeconomy as a modern socially oriented way of organizing

business will be ensured through such basic principles as interactivity (active

involvement of economic entities to interact with the brand (bioeconomy);

unlimited promotion (no territorial restriction when disseminating information

about the bioeconomy among the public); accessibility and relative simplicity of

information resources; distribution of the marketing product (bioeconomy) in the

business space for expansion and interest of target audience; specification of the

formation of information resource. The generalized format of applying digital

marketing tools and defining marketing channels for promotion of the bioeconomy

will ensure the consolidation of efforts of all stakeholders in order to create

favorable conditions for running bio-based business. This is a determinant for the

sustainable development of Ukraine and for the civilized development of modern




Tretiak Anton

Institute of Economics and Ecology of Nature Management, State

Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management, Kyiv, Ukraine

Hunko Liudmyla

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Medynska Nataliia

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


Hetmanchik Ivanna

Separated subdivision of NULES «Boiarka College of Ecology and Natural

Resources», Kyiv, Ukraine

Human society uses a huge amount of natural resources at the current level

of science and technology development: not only minerals, but wildlife. That is

why the preservation and careful attitude towards nature is high-priority task for all


Аt the end of 20th – at the beginning of 21st century the need of the creation

of continuous network of nature conservation objects became definitely clear.

Under such circumstances, the problems of the formation of ecological

network of Ukraine become more relevant.

In the system of land management of any country, the planning of use and

protection of lands and other natural resources is the most important function that

determines the possibilities of environment conservancy.

Nature Reserve Fund of Ukraine takes a little more than 6% of the territory

of Ukraine. Herewith, the percentage of natural reservations is 6,4%, biosphere

reservations – 9,1% and national parks – 23,9% of this Fund.

The formation of environmental land use, under the conditions of the new

land relationships is made on the basis of the eco-economic value of natural

resources and biodiversity, natural landscapes that are not much changed by

anthropogenic activities or in the result of the reconstruction of natural and

economic systems of land use, identification of property rights to land and other

natural resources etc. by the method of planning.

By taking into account that the local schemes of eco-network are not related

to the planning documentation and in the existing planning documentation eco-

network planning cannot made, we suggest to develop independent planning

projects in terms of the designing of the eco-network components in the light of the

territories of village councils.

Detailed and current methods and standards for the planning projects

development in terms of the planning of the territory of structural elements of local

eco-network currently do not exist. That is why lets uncover the problems and

approaches to the planning.

According to the project, land with valuable species of plants listed in the

Red Book of Ukraine, which are not mentioned on the regional scheme of the

ecological network, should be included to the key areas of the ecological network.

The planning project in terms of the organization of the territory of structural

elements of eco-network will give the possibility to provide the compliance with

the restricted regime of anthropogenic activity on the proper territories.

Around the location of the rare plants, a buffer zone, represented by forest

lands. On highly-eroded and degraded soils, it is necessary to establish a

restoration area in which priority measures will be taken to restore the original

natural state. On others – to carry out remedial actions. Some lands of recreative

territories can be included to the key area or the connective territory after taking

appropriate measures.


The proposed change of the land use regime caused the corresponding

actions for their transformation. An important component of the technology of

planning works in Ukraine is the obligation of electronic documentation to be

subsequently submitted to the State Land Cadastre.

As a result of project changes in the structure of land, the ecological

representativeness of the structure of environmental land use is improving, which

is a positive aspect in the evaluation of the territory. Evaluation of the effectiveness

of management of environmental land use is related to the legitimate creation

(planning) of boundaries of territories of structural elements of the eco-network,

information on land rights and other natural resources and territorial restrictions

(burdens) in the use of land and other natural resources within their boundaries,


In the process of design changes, the structure of agricultural land use has

changed as well as its value according to the normative monetary valuation.

The value of agricultural land use increased by 966,51 thousand USA or

22,45 %. So, the planning projects on the formation of components of eco-network

in the context of the territories of village councils will allow to ensure compliance

with the limited mode of economic activity in the respective territories, taking into

account the requirements for rational use and protection of land, preserving the

natural diversity of landscapes, environmental protection, maintaining the

ecological balance. However, the cost of land use is not decreasing, but rather





Yazlyuk Borys Ternopil National Economic University, Ternopil, Ukraine

Guley Stanislav Ternopil National Economical University, Ternopil, Ukraine

Guley Anatolii

Ternopil National Economical University, Ternopil, Ukraine

Digitalization and rapid penetration of information technologies into the

processes of economy creates the newest innovative basis of functioning for the

development of fintech-ecosystems as well as new approaches to analytics,

forecasting and managerial decisions. Such rapid growth in the development of the

digital media environment is due to the emergence of a new digital economy –

Industry 4.0, which is accompanied by the processes of virtualization of financial

flows through the circulation of crypto currency in the Internet based on advanced

blockchain technologies and asymmetric encryption which ensure the reliability of

transactions and operation. Digitalization is becoming a driver of the public

development as it is able to provide economic efficiency, quality and standard of

living for society.


In current conditions more thorough research of the levers of added value

creation in the spheres of social and economic life of society and the development

of fintech ecosystems are needed. In this connection our purpose is to study the

socio-economic effects of the introduction of digital technologies and innovative

IT systems in the main target markets of Industry 4.0.

In Ukraine, advanced innovative technologies are partly used in

manufacturing industries. A prime example is the agro-industrial, mechanical

engineering and mining industries, where leading companies are increasing their

investment from 30 to 90% through the digitalization of major technological


According to experts’ point of view, the greatest effect from the introduction

of digital technologies can be achieved in high-tech sectors of services and high-

tech branches of industry [1]. The positive trend of digitalization provides the

increase of economic indices. It expands rapidly to niches of business environment

and influences the value-added levers via advanced technological solutions. In

particular there are such visible results provided: reducing costs of quality

assurance by 10-20%, increase of productivity of technological functions as a

result of automation labor by 45-50%, reducing equipment downtime by 30-50%,

productivity gains by 3-5%, reducing product maintenance costs by 10-40%,

reducing product launch times by 20-50%, forecasting accuracy levels of consumer

demand by 85%, reducing the cost of stock holding by 20-50%.

Significant economic effects from the implementation of advanced

technological solutions in business processes are ensured in the following


1. Improving product quality through the innovative capabilities of digital

quality management IT systems, advanced business process control (ADR),

business process statistical control (SPC);

2. Improving the efficiency and safety of work through the innovative

capabilities of IT systems for robotization of production processes, remote

monitoring and control, digital control of labor efficiency, automation of

intellectual and physical labor.

3. Increasing the capacity of production equipment through the innovative

capabilities of predictive maintenance IT systems, additional reality in

maintenance, flexible routing and use of equipment, remote monitoring and


4. Improvement of technological equipment functioning mode through

innovative capabilities of IT systems of energy saving, product informatization,

optimization of technological capacity of production equipment.

5. Improvement of post-warranty support technologies through the

innovative capabilities of self-service IT systems with the help of virtual

technologies, remote after-sales and predictive services.

6. Accelerating the launch of products at the market through the innovative

capabilities of IT systems of rapid modeling and experimentation, parallel

designing, open information and communication environment between the


manufacturers and the clients based on IT innovation.

7. Ensuring accuracy in demand forecasting through the innovative

capabilities of IT systems in forecasting consumer demand and production of

goods according to the data obtained.

8. Improving of logistic processes through innovative capabilities of IT

systems of optimization of batch sizes and sales chains in real time, 3D printing.

According to the IMF forecasts, the introduction of the digital economy in

Ukraine will affect the growth of economic indicators in particular additional GDP

growth by 5% already in 2021. Priority sectors for the development of Ukraine’s

digital economy include: the legislative environment, public administration,

infrastructure, the «smart city» concept, information security, personnel and

education, digital health, research and development. The main organizational tasks

aimed at implementing the process of digitalization of the domestic economy

include: development of digital infrastructure as a platform for the digital

economy; improving and adapting Ukrainian legislation to EU standards in the

digital field; introduction of mechanisms of state support for digital economy

development; development of digital literacy of society in accordance with the

requirements of the new economy; formation of the system of information security

and protection of intellectual property; digitization of the real economy through the

development of Industry 4.0 infrastructure, digital financial services, digital

workplaces, start-ups; digitization of major spheres of society, including digital

identification, digital transformation of high school and development of STEM

education, implementation of Health and e-security systems, implementation of the

concept of «smart cities» [2].

The carried out research of the socio-economic effect of digital technology

and innovative IT systems implementation in the main target markets of Industry

4.0. proved that qualitative changes in the process of digital transformation should

be evaluated through indicators of the level of satisfaction of business and society

with the implemented programs, i.e. creation of digital infrastructure, support of

domestic developers and manufacturers in the IT sphere, regulatory mechanisms,

training of competent personnel, development of remote medicine, IT -Systems in

transport and logistics, improving energy efficiency, security, education and many

other areas of life being.

So that, the greatest impact of the introduction of digital technology can be

achieved in high-tech sectors of the service industry and high-tech industries.

Innovative capabilities of IT systems in business processes provide growth of

economic indicators mentioned above. Besides, new technologies can improve the

functioning of the labor market, reducing the risks of professional imbalances and

adapting the professional competencies of employees to the innovative vectors of

development of companies, regions, and states.


1. HSE: Digitalization is potentially a major factor in GDP growth –

[Electronic resource]. – access mode:http://kp.crimea.ua/2019/04/18/vshe-



2. Tolubko V.B. Information infrastructure based on 4G and 5G is the basis

of creating a digital future – [Electronic resource]. – access mode:







Zaitsev Yurii Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Ponomariov Oleksandr Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Krasnorutskyy Oleksii Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Slobodianyk Anna National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Guley Anatolii Ternopil National Economical University, Ternopil, Ukraine

The relevance of paper lies in understanding that population is growing and,

at the same time, the need for food requires new methods of agriculture. Modern

technologies help agrarian producers to improve yields in conditions where

suitable fertile lands are decreasing every year and climatic conditions become

unpredictable. In addition to global problems, agrarian producers face the

competitiveness of large agrarian giants when business exists in tough market

conditions. The use of the modern tools for improvement of productivity has

influence on the big number of agricultural enterprises. The main obstacle to the

widespread dissemination of these tools is the lack of experience in using modern

means and technologies, including monitoring. The article discusses the most

available method for entering to a new level of digitization, namely, monitoring

with the help of satellites and drones. This method of increasing yields is widely

used in the world, but is only beginning to gain popularity in Ukraine. The

information which is provided in the article will help agricultural producers to

assess the need of implementation of these tools for their own businesses and to

understand the benefits of a particular method of monitoring. The paper explains in

an accessible way the advantages and disadvantages of modern methods of

monitoring, mechanism of its action and implementation; provides a comparison of

the quality of information of satellites and drones, and considers the problems and

prospects of these methods of monitoring in the future.

Crop monitoring helps to gather key data on the future prospects of the crop.

Monitoring can detect plant diseases, quality of seedlings, weeds in the field and

more. You can also identify plant growth variations in different areas of the field,

identify the causes of these deviations, and adjust further actions.


Monitoring is a time-consuming process. It needs to spend a lot of time

regardless of the area of the fields.

In the particular case, the agronomist must inspect the condition of the crops

on his own and circumvent the fields at least every few days. If the crops have

reached more than a meter in height, then the analysis is complicated.

Crop monitoring allows timely improvement of plant growth condition and

increased yield at the final harvest stage.

Ukraine is one of the largest exporters of agricultural products due to the

large number of fertile soils, good climate and water resources. All this defines the

great potential of the country in the agricultural business. However, insufficient

information on the crop can lead to loss of profitability for the agricultural

business, even under favorable conditions.

The market offers a large number of modern monitoring methods, but the

most common are the use of satellites and drones. These methods have made many

agricultural producers competitive enough for the international agricultural market.

The main aim is to show the necessity to implement the modern

technologies into agricultural business, to demonstrate its profitability and to

introduce with the most popular tools, which successfully used in the world.

Today, there are many ways of crop monitoring during the season, but the most

effective are modern technologies that require special attention. These include the

use of satellites and drones, leaf diagnostics, analysis of soil samples and so on. It

is the use of modern monitoring methods that will help agricultural producers to be

competitive in the national and international market of agricultural products.

Agrarians need to pay attention to satellite monitoring to spend less

resources, grow more high-quality crops and increase profit. This will help to

achieve high results without high costs.

By 2050, approximately 9.8 billion people will live on Earth and food

demand will grow by 60%. In parallel, the climate will change and the amount of

resources (water and suitable land for agriculture) will continue to decline. In this

regard, representatives of the agricultural industry around the world today have to

look for ways to optimize all processes.

Precise farming and satellite monitoring may seem incomprehensible,

inaccessible and optional today, but, in fact, the future lies with it. So far, only 10-

20% of Ukrainian farmers use new technologies. There is reason to believe that

they will occupy the top business positions in the future.

The main aim to article to light profitability and prospective of modern

monitoring methods. Drones and satellites are not often considered in scientific

literature but today it is important to provide agrarian producers with all accessible

information about it. Practically, the main problem of Ukrainian agrarians to

understand that the modern methods of monitoring are not so expensive and

complicated. Low price of land and labor are simpler method to increase profit of

agrarians. It is not need of qualified specialists and no need to study something

new. But today agrarian business goes on the new level of development and in the

immediate future quantity of lands will not save without knowledge about


scientific approaches to increase the yield. Digitalization as well as any process

needs to be implemented consistently, step by step. And the best decision is to start

with the cheapest and the simplest way of digitalization that is implementation of

the modern methods of monitoring.



Zakharova Yelyzaveta,

Student of grade 10,

«Irpin Lyceum of Innovative Technologies – Junior Academy of Sciences»

Kyiv region

Patsai Bohdan,

Ph.D. of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, As. Professor,

«Irpin Lyceum of Innovative Technologies – Junior Academy of Sciences»

Kyiv region

According to active Ukrainian integration into the world economic space and

usage new types of currency, including a cryptocurrency, at the present stage of

investment markets` development individuals get new opportunities for effective

using own financial resources to increase them. Enhancing the possibilities is

accompanied by increasing financial risks related to the loss of cash and other

investment values that accompany any investment activity.

Modern mathematical analysis models of individuals` activity should be

applied within the domestic investment market to optimize the use of savings and

take into account the many factors that influence final investment decisions.

The relevance of the topic is determined by current challenges of the

investment market facing the individuals seeking to invest a cash in order to obtain

extra risk-based income in the current market context.

There are a number of mathematical models actively used within their

functional purpose in investment theory. Generally, researchers focus on

investment portfolios formation of establishment of different types of property. In

Ukraine, an issue of using financial resources of households was considered as

investment capacity by academics Alekseienko M., Vatamaniuk O.Z., Haidamaka

E.N., Dorofeieva N., Ilchenko T.M., Lebed V.N., Pasazhko T.S., Panchyshyn S.,

Savluk M., Smovzhenko T.S. However, this issue is still relevant due to the lack of

validity of the investment directions chosen by individuals during decision-making

and changing market economy environment.

The aim of the study is to form an optimal investment individual’s portfolio.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been highlighted:

- to analyze the diverse components of the investment portfolio;

- to form a list of securities that will be used in the presented

mathematical model;

- to explore mathematical models for an optimal investment portfolio



- to form an optimal investment portfolio according to risk-based

investment strategies.

The object of the study is a development of modern methods and models

used in the process of forming the optimal investment portfolio.

The subject of the study is a development of economic relations in the

measurement of such factors that influence the formation of an investment

portfolio of an individual.

The methodological basis is Markowitz’s, quasi-Sharp models, methods of

analysis and synthesis.

The practical significance of study:

- mathematical models used in the formation of investment portfolios

have been analyzed;

- a comparative analysis of investment portfolios containing different

types of securities, in particular a cryptocurrency, has been obtained under the

volatility of the Ukrainian economy;

- residual risks of selected assets have been established;

- the optimal investment portfolios have been formed for each strategy:

«maximal income» and «minimal risk».


1. Portfolio investment. Textbook / A.A. Peresada, O.G. Shevchenko, Yu. M.

Kovalenko, S.V. Urvantseva. – Kiev, 2004. – 408 p.

2. Patsai B.D. Research of Operations: Workshop – Irpin: National University

of the State Fiscal Service, 2017. – 212 p.

3. Savchuk V.P. Optimization of the stock portfolio [Electronic resource] /VP

Savchuk, V. Dudka. – 2001. – Source:


4. Moiseenko I.P. Investing. Textbook / IP Moiseenko., 2006

5. Yurchuk N.P. The use of economic and mathematical methods

inmanagement of innovative development of economic systems / N.P. Yurchuk. –

2015. – №18. – P. 28–32.

6. Dovbenko M. The Modern Theory of Portfolio Investment / M. Dovbenko,

O. Dovbenko. // Zh. Economy of Ukraine. – 2005. – №4. – P. 81–92.




Zubko Tatyana Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine

Kovshova Iryna

National University «Kyiv-Mohyla academy», Kyiv, Ukraine

Sydorenko Oksana National University «Kyiv-Mohyla academy», Kyiv, Ukraine


The base of this research was to study theoretical and methodological

provisions for implementation of neuromarketing tools within food companies to

define the main needs and wishes of young people.

Nowadays business mainly uses rational arguments to increase the awareness

of the interested parties (consumers, intermediaries, partners, investors etc.)

regarding foodstuffs. The main hypotheses of the rational approach to the effect on a

society are:

before to make a decision whether to buy foodstuffs a consumer looks

for information and carries out an independent research keeping in mind and

comparing the available data on different alternatives;

the intermediaries rationally determine needs and wishes by choosing

the most advantageous offer based on the price and quality correlation;

the managerial stuff of food companies has to use rational and logical

arguments to create a loyalty of intermediaries, partners, investors and consumers.

In this approach the available tools are incomplete due to the absence of the

emotional component, which is now becoming more and more significant for the

millennial consumers who are gradually increasing their presence at the food


Therefore, the goal of this article is the development of theoretical and

methodological provisions and practical recommendations for implementation of

neuromarketing tools within food companies to define the main emotional, rational

and behavioral responses of millennials and to form new consumer preferences taking

into account the society digitization factor.

The authors have developed and proposed the motivational model of effect of

neuromarketing stimuli on the food industry and society.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the research has formed the

concepts of the modern socio-economic theory, neuromarketing and behavioral

economy. The research is grounded on the dialectic method of studying the effect

of neuromarketing tools on the food industry. Within the framework of this

approach, general scientific and specific methods have been used, in particular:

comparison – to determine the advantages and disadvantages of different groups of

neuromarketing tools; a survey – to carry out a pilot research of emotional, rational

and behavioral responses of millennials when buying foodstuffs; mathematical

modeling – to evaluate the data obtained during the experiment and to define the

Ukrainian society digitization trends; analysis and synthesis – to create a

mechanism for implementation of neuromarketing tools in food companies;

induction and deduction – to make conclusions based on the study results.

In the course of the study it has been established that due to society

digitalization the Ukrainian millennials gain some different emotional, rational and

behavioral responses when choosing and buying foodstuffs. To confirm the basic

hypothesis a pilot study of consumer preferences. The level of conjugation of

psychological attitudes to the choice of foodstuffs has been revealed and

calculated, as well as the levels of the Ukrainian students’ income. The

motivational model of effect of neuromarketing stimuli on the food industry and


society has been developed.

Trends of Ukrainian millennial digitalization when buying foodstuffs have

been analyzed and prospects of development of neuromarketing tools in the food

industry have been defined. It has been concluded that implementation of

neuromarketing tools by food companies will contribute to establishing emotional

ties with interested parties to understand their conscious and subconscious needs

and wishes and create associations for pleasant experience of communication.

Scientific novelty of the study results lays in development of a motivational

model of applying neuromarketing stimuli for food companies’ effect on a society.

This model contains a three-level set of actions and is based on the features of

emotional, rational and behavioral responses of millennials when choosing and

buying foodstuffs in view of society digitalization.



Digitalization of agrarian management

Materials of the international scientific and practical conference

Responsible for release: Nadiia P. Reznik

Proof reader: Anna M. Slobodianyk

Make-up: Christina P. Dramaretska

Original layout prepared at the National University of Life and

Environmental Sciences of Ukraine: 03041, Kyiv, Heroiv Oborony str., 15

Signed for printing 11.10.2019. 60x84 / 16 format. paper offs. № 1.

Acc-publ. sheets 6.77. Circulation 100 cop.

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