october 2011 green living monthly

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Our goal is to bring useful local information and tips to individuals, organizations and businesses that every day are joining the collective movement towards more responsible stewardship of our environment and planet.


Green LivingMonthlyOctober 2011 • greenlivingmonthly.com

Saying “NO” to GMOs

Breast Thermography:An Alternative to Mammograms

Fair Trade and Everyday Possessions

2 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • October 2011

Fair trade is a system that not only aims to pay fair wages, but also to support participatory workplaces; ensure environmental sustainability; supply financial and technical support; respect cultural identity, offer public accountability, and educate consumers about the choices that they can make in their regular shopping habits. Fair trade businesses foster long-term and direct relationships with producers in the developing world, because they know these connections are a highly effective way to help producers help themselves. Fair trade is not about charity; it uses a fair system of exchange to empower producers and to create sustainable development.

Fair Trade?W

hat i


October 2011 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • 3

Vol. 1 Issue 3October 2011

Contributing Writers:

EditorChris Ellis




November 2011Deadline:

Wednesday October 17

Advertising Copy and Event Listings must be submitted by the above date. Please call if you have any questions.

Green Living


Our goal is to bring useful local information and tips to individuals, organizations and businesses that every day are joining the collective movement towards more responsi-ble stewardship of our environment

and planet.


PublisherDana R. Michie



Crisp air; bright reds, yellows and oranges; big piles of autumn leaves and rosy-faced children all are a part of our Northwest October.This issue of Green Living Monthly celebrates the gifts of the earth during this harvest time. It is the month for Non-GMO and Fair Trade; all natural foods and products of our earth.It is also Breast Cancer Awareness month. I don’t think I know of anyone who has not been affected themselves or by a loved one by this disease. We hope to motivate you to take charge of and nurture your own good health, which could very well be your best defense in the prevention of this disease.Green Living Monthly pays tribute to those who’ve left this earth, those who have survived and those who have fought endlessly to prevent and find a cure.

Frog Artist,Kristi Stout Hello to Autumn

Chris Ellislakespokanemedia.com



2 What is Fair Trade4 Breast Thermography: An Alternative to Mammograms5 What is Holistic Dentistry PART 26 Know Your Local Farmer7 Saying NO to GMO’s9 Fair Trade and Everyday Possessions11 Children and Organic Foods: Coupons & Organics11 Recycle & Reuse with Recycle Sally12 Desktop Injuries13 Permaculture13 Organic Pets - How Pets Keep Us HealthyCover: Courtesy of


Dr. Alycia Policani, ND Dr. Armand DeFelice DDS

Member of Main Market Co-opKim HarmsonTrish Vieira

Maree KoolstraTerry Southworth

Abigail LenchMichael Pilarski

Nectar of Life Coffee Advertisng

4 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • October 2011

both procedures yearly. As always, a combination of complementary and conventional medicine provides the best outcomes for the health of the patient. Because physiologic changes always predate structural changes, thermography has great potential for earlier detection of the disease. Thermography has undergone extensive research since the 1950’s and the FDA approved thermography as an adjunctive diag-nostic breast cancer screening procedure in 1982. So again, the best aids we have currently available to us in the early detection of this dis-ease are a combination of mammography and thermography yearly. And even more importantly, working with your physician on changing risk factors regarding lifestyle that can lead to the increased risk of developing breast cancer and therefore preventing the disease. What a concept. The research showing that thermography in combination with mammography aids in much greater sensitivity and detection of possible breast cancer has been there for over half a century. So why isn’t our health insurance paying for the procedure? Why don’t we see constant commercials to get our routine mammogram and thermo-gram every year? Good questions that I don’t know how to answer. It is unconscionable that women are prevented from having this pos-sibly life saving diagnostic procedure because they can’t afford to pay out of pocket for it. It’s time for us to be proactive ladies. We need to demand that we have access to the best possible diagnostic proce-dures for the early detection of this awful disease. Many foundations and organizations have been obtaining and spending billions looking for a cure and in all this time, they are not even close.

Breast Thermography:An Alternative to Mammograms

Concerns over breast cancer have crossed all of our minds, espe-cially if you are a woman, at least once in our lives. We are constantly bombarded by images of women fighting breast cancer, pleas for do-nations by various organizations to combat the disease and have a whole month devoted to it stomping it out of existence. But what, if any, strides have truly been made to aid early detection or dare I say, prevent, this horrible disease in the past 10, 20 or even 30 years? It seems the medical community’s answer has been mammograms. Mammograms, mammograms, mammograms. But do they really aid in early detection? They certainly aren’t preventative and may even increase the risk of developing breast cancer if some claims can be believed. The fact of the matter is that mammography is a study of anatomy. It looks at breast structure. When a tumor has grown large enough (about 4 billion cells) and dense enough to block an x-ray beam, it produces an image on the x-ray plate and therefore can be detected by the radiologist. It takes years for a tumor to grow, so no, mammograms cannot aid in early detection. Thermography on the other hand, is a test of physiology. It does not look at anatomy or structure, it reads infra-red heat radiating from the surface of the body. The first use of thermography came in 1957 when R. Lawson discov-ered that skin temperature over a cancer in the breast was higher than that of normal tissue. Cancer cells produce something called an-gioneogenic factors which aid in establishing blood flow to the tumor. Increased blood flow means increased heat. Researchers have been searching for decades for a tool that can identify breast cancer quickly and reliably. The earlier the indication of abnormality, the earlier the intervention and treatment, leading to better outcomes. Neither mam-mography nor thermography can diagnose breast cancer. They are simply diagnostic tests that show a possible disease process and initi-ate further exploration. A large number of studies conducted on thou-sands of women around the world have proven thermography’s role in the early detection and monitoring of abnormal breast physiology and the establishment of risk factors that may lead to the develop-ment or existence of cancer. In the US, William Hobbins, MD, estab-lished in a study looking at 37,050 women, a yield of 56 cancers per 1000 thermograms. This is compared to the BCDDP studies which yielded 5.6 cancers per 1000 mammograms. A large study in France found 73% accuracy in the diagnosis of 486 breast cancer patients using thermography. Worldwide retrospective studies have found thermograms were positive in a minimum of 71% and maximum of 93% of patients with breast cancer. An abnormal thermogram is 10 times more significant as a future risk indicator for breast cancer than first order family history of the disease. A persistent abnormal ther-mogram carries with it a 22x higher risk of future breast cancer. That all being said, mammograms and thermograms are not antagonistic. They are looking at structure and function, respectively. It’s compar-ing apples to oranges. They are not competitive procedures and it is the untrained clinician that views them as such. The procedures should be viewed as complementary and every woman should have

Dr. Alycia Policani graduated from Eastern Washington University in 1996, with a B.S. in Hu-man Biology and went on to the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, where she achieved her doctorate in naturopathic medicine in 2000. She has ten years of experience in private prac-tice as sole proprietor of Evergreen Naturopathic. Dr. Policani practices as a primary care physician with emphasis on women’s health, menopause, and thyroid disease using science based natural medicine. Dr. Policani grew up in Spokane, pur-suing many outdoor activities that allowed her to

develop a deep appreciation for nature, ultimately leading her down the path to naturopathic medicine. When she is not at the office you can find her horseback riding, gardening, hiking or travelling with her husband and son.

Dr. Alycia Policani, ND


October 2011 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • 5

What Cancer Cannot Do Author: Unknown

Cancer is so limited...It cannot cripple love.It cannot shatter hope.It cannot corrode faith.

It cannot eat away peace.It cannot destroy confidence.

It cannot kill friendship.It cannot shut out memories.

It cannot silence courage.It cannot reduce eternal life.It cannot quench the Spirit.

In our office, we have found that the average patient with mercury fillings has an improperly functioning im-mune system that is down to 25% or less – definitely not the 100% we want it to be. We find that there are several other functional body measurements that are definitely not ideal.

After the mercury has been removed and the individ-ual has detoxed using our innovative and simple methods, then the functional measurements return to ideal and the vast majority of all the symptoms disappear. It’s truly amazing!

There is a great deal involved in diagnosing, discuss-ing and treating mercury toxicity, from measuring the electrical currents that run through the fillings to individ-ualizing detox programs. This is why we start our first visit for removal of silver fillings with a consultation to determine how; we can achieve the best result for each individual patient.

In our opinions, your overall health and longevity is dependant on ridding your body of these horrible toxins. If you are interested, please call and schedule with us (509) 327-7719.

The following is a list of Symptoms caused by Chronic Mercury Toxicity published in the International Dams newsletter of 1996. Symptoms of Chronic Mercury Toxicity 


•  irritability •  anxiety/nervousness, often         with difficulty in breathing •  restlessness •  exaggerated response to      stimulation      •  fearfulness   •  emotional instability =      lack of self control =        fits of anger, with violent,             irrational behavior •  loss of self confidence •  indecision •  shyness or timidity, being            easily embarrassed •  loss of memory •  inability to concentrate •  lethargy/drowsiness •  insomnia •  mental depression,              despondency •  withdrawal •  suicidal tendencies •  manic‐depression •  numbness and tingling of      hands,  fingers, toes, or lips • muscle weakness progressing to      Paralysis •  ataxis •  tremors/trembling of hands,     feet, lips, eyelids or tongue •  incoordination •  myoneural transmission failure     resembling Myasthenia Gravis •  motor neuron disease (ALS) •  Multiple Sclerosis  HEAD, NECK, ORAL CAVITY            DISORDERS •  bleeding gums •  alveolar bone loss •  loosening of teeth •  excessive salivation •  foul breath •  metallic taste •  burning sensation, with      tingling of lips, face •  tissue pigmentation     (amalgam tattoo of gums) 

•  leukoplakia•  stomatitis •  ulceration of gingival,      palate, tongue •  dizziness/acute, chronic vertigo •  ringing in the ears •  hearing difficulties •  speech and visual impairment =        glaucoma =        restricted, dim vision 


EFFECTS •  food sensitivities, especially to         milk and eggs •  abdominal cramps, colitis,  diverticulitis or other G.I. complaints •  chronic diarrhea/constipation 


EFFECTS • abnormal heart rhythm • characteristic findings on EKG =      abnormal changes in the S‐T           segment and/or lower =  broadened P wave •  unexplained  elevated serum      triglyceride •  unexplained elevated cholesterol •  abnormal blood pressure, either       high or low  


•  repeated infections    =       viral and fungal =       mycobacterial   =         candida and other yeast                    infection •  cancer •  autoimmune disorders =      arithritis =      lupus erthematosus (LE) =      multiple sclerosis (MS) =      scleroderma =      amyolateral sclerosis (ALS) =      hypothyroidism   

SYSTEMIC EFFECTS•  chronic headaches •  allergies    •  severe dermatitis      •  unexplained reactivity  •  thyroid disturbance •  subnormal body temperature •  cold, clammy skin,      especially hands and feet   •  excessive perspiration,       w/frequent night sweats •  unexplained sensory      symptoms, including pain •  unexplained numbness    or burning sensations •  unexplained anemia =           G‐6‐PD deficiency •  Chronic kidney disease =        nephritic syndrome =        receiving renal dialysis =        kidney infection •  adrenal disease •  general fatigue •  loss of appetite/with or    without weight loss •  loss of weight •  hypoglycemia   


What is Holistic Dentistry?Written By Dr. Armand DeFelice DDS


Dr. Armand graduated from the University of Washing-ton School of Dentistry and opened his own dental practice in 1959. He has been at this current location since 1966.

Dr. Armand has advanced certification in orthodontics, TMJ and facial pain, holistic dentistry, CRA, neural therapy, nutrition and occlusion. His passions are providing biocom-patible dental materials, mercury removal and enhancing structural balance.

Dr. Armand has written a manual of his own original work on the diagnosis and detoxification of mercury toxicity by muscle response testing”, and has taught seminars on this to the Holistic Dental Association.

Symptoms of Chronic Mercury Toxicity

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and More at:


6 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • October 2011

Smoke from burning leaves and wood is as

harmful as cigarette smoke and can

contribute to birth defects, cancer and lung

disease. Not only is outdoor burning dangerous,

but it is illegal in most communities and can

carry large fines. Chip or compost your yard

waste instead of burning. And

NEVER burn your garbage. This fall,

start really protecting your family.

For clean healthy alternatives to

burning, visit our website.



Taking the “buy local” movement up a notch by “Knowing your Farmer”!

The new trend to buy local and the desire for consumers to eat bet-ter, has resulted in an increase of farmers markets across the country some 17% in 2010. While all of this is good news for many of us, there should be a much deeper level of accountability concerning your food source. Buying local has many ben-efits to the consumer including, qual-ity, freshness, nutrition, and taste, to name a few. It is much documented that food which is picked or sold at its peak and is purchased directly, without long expensive travel times is much higher in quality, and tastes better. (It makes one wonder why we opt for the other variety at all.)

Here at Spokane’s Family Farm we foster a much more passionate level of accountability and transpar-ency. We believe that you should actually “know your farmer”, under-stand his passion and scope out his ethics. When you actually take the time to “know your farmer” you get a true sense of what goes into producing your food, where your food comes from, why the farmer is passionate about producing your food, and the all important when is the optimum time for your food to be available for consumption? A close relationship with your farmer/pro-ducer helps you stay safe, as your food has an amazing traceability. All of the recent Listeria, E. coli and salmonella outbreaks that have af-fected thousands in recent weeks nationwide; proves the point that traceability should take on an enor-mous priority with the consumer.

Knowing your local farmer takes on a new meaning when you can actually visit the farm where your food is produced. It can become a very enjoyable and informative fam-ily event to see it all firsthand togeth-er, deeply bonding family members as they make nutrition decisions as a unit. The movement to bring the

family closer as they enjoy family meals together only enhances the romanticism of buying local. It brings the food experience and nutrition together as well as adding an ele-ment of excitement to a necessary daily activity sometimes viewed as a mundane daily chore.

A beautiful visual would be a connected family visiting openly around their table, enjoying fresh roasted root vegetables and sweet corn, complimented by tasty stir fried grass fed beef strips, and a glass of fresh cream on top milk. As they enjoy their nutritious and simple but delicious meal, they feel a special peace as they recall their recent family trip to the very farm(s) that produced their evening meal. This romantic vision of a family’s meal table sure beats the more real-istic version we have all witnessed, of the tired and hungry family rush-ing through the drive up for burg-ers and fries. It’s not rocket science to figure out which scenario has a more lasting positive effect on our next generation.

by Trish Vieira

Know Your Local Farmer


October 2011 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • 7

Some call them “Frankenfoods,” an ominous reference to the monster of popular legend who was pieced together by irresponsible science and ulti-mately turned on his creator.

But the technical name for crops that have had their genes engineered in a particular way is GMOs, or genetically modified organisms.

You might say that GMOs take a scientific shortcut to natural problems. Cassava and sweet potatoes that are resistant to certain types of virus. Cotton and egg-plants that produce their own insecticide. Soybeans and corn that are resistant to popular herbicides such as Roundup.

It sounds ideal. And if single genes controlled single traits, it probably would be. But genes tend to work in combination with other genes, and each ob-servable or desirable characteristic is often controlled by something like a special combination of “switch-es” in an intricately connected network rather than a simple on/off button.

Yet we’re asked to put a lot of faith in GM crops. They’ve been touted as a surefire way to overcome poor crop yields, to reinvigorate the food produc-tion of countries most affected by climate change and to end world hunger.

As a result, they have made stealthy but staggering inroads into the con-ventional food supply. A 2007 Time magazine story stated that “GM crops

accounted for 61% of all the corn planted in the U.S. and 89% of all the soy-beans” the previous year. The same piece described how GMOs were becom-ing so widespread that they were contaminating organic farms.

“GMOs are more prevalent than you might think,” says Chris Harris, Interim General Manager at the Main Market Co-op in downtown Spokane. “You can find them in the most unlikely places, like baby formula*. They also wind up in meat and dairy through cows that are fed GM corn and hay.”

To that end, the Main Market Co-op and other concerned food provid-ers are working with the Non-GMO Project; a nonprofit consortium that aims to identify and verify non-GMO products and educate consumers about the risks and falsehoods of GM crops.

Some of those falsehoods have already become platitudes — for example, that GMOs have been suf-ficiently tested on humans over a long-term basis, or that they are the only possibility of meeting the nutri-tional demand of Earth’s rapidly growing population.

“It’s important to maintain a healthy skepticism toward GMOs, especially when companies and indus-trial farmers with vested financial interests are telling

us not to,” says Harris.

The Non-GMO Project states that the effects of GMO’s on humans have only been examined in a single study. Despite the potential problems it un-

Saying “NO” to GMOsWritten by Members of Main Street Market Co-op

SAY NO!Continued on Page 8

*Some vegetable oils & fats, milk proteins, plant pro-teins and maltodextrin - GLM

8 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • October 2011

DeFelice Holistic Family Dentistry

DeFelice Holistic Family Dentistry

Energetically biocompatible, scientifically natural Dentistry- delivered with loving care!

Armand V. DeFelice, DDSLoretta A. Rosier, DDSLouise C. DeFelice, DDS

4703 N. Maple Street Spokane, WA

(509) 327-7719

Check out our new website at:


6 traders, almost every item they sell is a Fair Trade product. Not only are producers treated fairly through minimum prices and social premiums, but other practices of the trading relationship are conducted in concert with Fair Trade values and goals. For example, SERRV builds the capacity of producers to respond to market trends, to learn best practices, and awards grants to buy tools and equipment.

Credit: Photo thanks to www.charlessteinbergphotography.com

Beads to Bricks at BeadforLife

Many people are familiar with the term ―free trade,‖ which has played a major role in countries’ trade policies in the past few decades. While free trade policies need reform, Fair Trade adds a complementary business model to such reform. The table below summarizes key differences:

Free Trade is NOT Fair Trade

How does Fair Trade Differ from Free Trade?

Free Trade Fair Trade

Main goal: To increase nations’ economic growth

To empower marginalized peo-ple and improve the quality of their lives

Focuses on: Trade policies between countries

Commerce among individuals and businesses

Primarily benefits:

Multinational corpora-tions, powerful business interests

Vulnerable farmers, artisans and workers in less industrialized countries

Critics say: Punishing to marginalized people & the environ-ment, sacrifices long-term

Interferes with free market, inef-ficient, too small scale for im-pact

Major actions:

Countries lower tariffs, quotas, labor and environmental standards

Businesses offer producers fa-vorable financing, long-term rela-tionships, minimum prices and higher labor and environmental standards

Producer compensation determined by:

Market and government policies

Living wage and community im-provement costs

Supply chain: Includes many parties between producer and consumer

Includes fewer parties, more direct trade

Key advocate organizations:

World Trade Organization, World Bank, International Monetary Fund

Fairtrade Labeling Organization, World Fair Trade Organization

covered, that particular study has had no follow-up. Studies on the effects of GMO’s on animals, however, have revealed issues like stomach ulcers, enlarged livers, and alterations in blood biochemistry.

“If even a fraction of these animal health issues play out in humans, there’s cause for serious concern. Yet, due to the lack of information, there are probably more people worried about the fluoridation of drinking water than the genetic-level manipulation of some of our most common foods,” Harris says.

SAY NO!Continued from Page 8 Even with the host of uncertainty that surrounds GM crops, the onus is

entirely on the consumer to act as his or her own dietary gatekeeper. GM in-gredients are not labeled in a clear way, if at all, and even organic foods can contain GM ingredients through contamination or certification loopholes. For example, certified organic foods in the US can still contain up to 30% GMO’s.

The easiest way to be sure that every possible step has been taken to avoid GM ingredients in the fresh or prepared food you are buying is to look for a trustworthy non-GMO certification such as the one that has the back-ing of the Non-GMO Project. This certification is above and beyond organic certification and requires the same stringent ingredient testing and tracing as most organic labels.

Harris says the Non-GMO Project Verified label will help consumers make educated choices about the food they eat.

“Identifying GMOs shouldn’t have to turn supermarket shopping into a research experience,” he says. “But until conventional food producers come clean and GM ingredients are more clearly marked, sometimes it can be. That’s why we at the Main Market are trying our best and working with the Non-GMO Project to prevent GM products from even reaching our shelves.”

There are other basic steps consumers can take.

Prior to grocery shopping, they can visit the Non-GMO website and pa-tronize its “Supporting Retailers” that have pledged to uphold the project’s tenets and commitment to natural sustainability.

Buying products that are marked as 100% organic in the US and Canada is generally safe. The US and Canadian governments do not allow manufac-turers to label something 100% organic if it has been genetically modified or been fed GM feed. The same goes for eggs.

Above all, consumers can get to know their farmer. This isn’t as impos-sible as it sounds. It can be done by signing up for a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program, by shopping at area farmer’s markets and ques-tioning the growers directly, or by shopping at local retailers that have estab-lished close relationships with the region’s farmers.

October 2011 is Non-GMO Month. For more information, visit the Non-GMO project at www.nongmoproject.org.

October 2011 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • 9

Fair TradeContinued on page 10

Take a moment to consider some of your everyday possessions. Where were your shoes made? How about your bag or back-pack? What were the working conditions for the people who made them? Who farmed the coffee that you drink or the olive oil that you cook with and what impact do their farming practices have on our environment? As con-sumers living in a globalized economy, your purchases matter. The simple choices that we make each and everyday have a profound impact on our planet and people all over the world. Fair Trade strives to make that impact positive and socially just for all.

In 1998, four key international organiza-tions created a widely accepted definition of Fair Trade: “a trading partnership based on dialogue, transparency, and respect, that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contrib-

utes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions, and securing the rights of disadvantaged producers and work-ers – especially in the South,” (FINE 1998) Simply put, Fair Trade principals seek to cre-ate positive economic, spiritual, environmen-tal and cultural health for everyone involved.

Perhaps the most widely known princi-pal of Fair Trade is to provide a fair and livable wage for artisans. As a strategy for poverty alleviation and sustainable development, pro-ducers set their prices – not large corporations. These prices are based on the true cost of labor time, materials and related factors of doing business. Fair Trade promotes producers inde-pendence and the opportunity for education, community development and the sustainable growth of their businesses.

Ganesh Himal Trading is a Spokane based Fair Trade import business and one of the countries leading importers of goods from Nepal. They have worked hard to cultivate Fair Trade practices and promote the concept of Fair Trade since 1984. They partner with ar-tisans (particularly women and refugees) who produce beautiful, handcrafted quality prod-ucts that reflect the richness of their Nepali culture. The goal is to build respectful trading relationships which empower individuals to move more confidently into their future and create sustainable change within their culture at the grassroots level. The story of Laxmi and her daughter, Sudha illustrate this beautifully:

Laxmi is a traditional weaver in Nepal and remarkable woman who did not receive any education as a child. Her dream was to

provide an education for her three children and her husband’s work did not provide enough. Laxmi approached ACP (the Asso-ciation for Craft Producers) 20+ years ago and asked them to help her to earn her own money through her weaving. They agreed and they also helped her set up a savings account. Lax-mi saved enough to send her three children to the same school and her daughter received a Masters in Social Work from Tribhuvan Uni-versity. In the meantime, Laxmi organized 60 women in her village to work with ACP and they also started saving. Today the weaving group is going strong and the men in the vil-lage actually work for the women. Sudha has returned to her village and is the director of the weaving group and actually oversees her fa-ther. As the women have gained more respect and power through the income they have gen-erated, they have set up health camps, learned about women’s rights, and participated in a mock constitutional assembly learning how to vote. None of this would have been remotely possible 20 years ago in Nepal but through hard work and access to fair income that the women themselves control, they have made a monumental cultural transition. This is the type of transition that Fair Trade seeks to pro-mote.

Another important aspect of Fair Trader is the cultivation and education of worldwide environmental stewardship. By using eco friendly farming practices, recycled or raw materials found in nature, Fair Trade sup-ports sustainable practices that minimize our environmental footprint. Baskets woven from native (often organic) grasses, eco chic bags made from recycled rubber inner tube tires and folk art sculptures fashioned from road-side trash such as pop and beer cans are just a few examples of how talented artisans make use of readily available materials.

Tropical Salvage is a Fair Trade furni-ture company with a simple business model: “we salvage wood and use it to do business that creates positive economic, social and

by Kim Harmson, Kizuri

Fair Trade and Everyday Possessions

10 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • October 2011

Spokane's Family Farm...."Where milk comes from"

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Go to spokaneriverkeeper.org or call 464.7602 for ticket info

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Music by Jesi B. & The All Rites

...for a fishable & swimmable Spokane River

Fair TradeContinued from page 9

environmental impacts.” However, raising global awareness about preservation of the earth’s rainforests is a critical part of their mis-sion. Tropical Salvage has worked diligently with the local community and has funded and implemented a conservation, education and reforestation project where over 500 trees rep-resenting thirty five native species have been planted in Jepara, Indonesia.

People shopping at Kizuri are often struck by the beautiful craftsmanship, variety and quality of Fair Trade goods these days. Over the years, through long term, respectful

business relationships, artisans have devel-oped the skills needed to succeed in the global marketplace while still honoring the age old traditions of their culture. It is the story, rela-tionships and consumer commitment to Fair Trade principals of social justice that fuel this dynamic movement.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said: “I have the audacity to believe that people eve-rywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, quality, and freedom for their spir-its. I believe that what self-centered men have torn down, other-centered men can build up.” Fair Trade works towards making this a real-ity.

October 2011 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • 11


By Maree Koolstra

Don’t toss your old CDs away...unless it’s into a mounted basket! That’s right, “CD Golf”. Write the players names on the CDs with a felt pen to avoid confusion during scoring. Entertain tots too young to play golf by turning the CDs into a craft project. Provide glue and assorted objects: nuts, bolts, ribbons, felt- you name it- to transform the CDs into cool creatures.

Decorate the house! Cover a wall in a media or kid’s room

with CDs for a glitzy retro wallpaper effect. Ditch the old beaded doorway and replace it with multiple strands of CDs, (tied togeth-er with fishing line). Use the same technique for a new spin on curtains: a privacy curtain; even a room divider. Dress up your dining table with shiny trivets and candle holders: Glue thin cork slices on the bottom of a CD to form a trivet. Place a fat candle on top of the “trivet”and enjoy the flickering light. Write your guest’s name on a CD, glue on a few bobbles, and pull a cloth napkin though the hole. Voila, a napkin holder and place card all in one! CDs make great coasters too. (Sprinkle salt on the coast-ers first to avoid embarrassing “CD cling”). Back in the kitchen, measure the perfect single serving of angel hair pasta by filling the CD hole with the uncooked noodles.

Get practical outside. Besides the obvious CD yard art op-

portunities, glue CDs to sturdy stakes to mark your driveway and walkways. Come winter, secure CDs to the tops of your steel cau-tionary posts to reflect headlights. In the garden, CDs make cute plant markers, with plenty of room to describe the item. Carefully thread a CD over a young plant stalk. This will keep weeds at bay while the seedling grows. In a month or so, watch with amaze-ment as the CD rises off the ground, taking flight with its new host!

Last but not least; write your sweetie a note on a CD and tuck

it into their purse or briefcase for a pleasant surprise later in the day. If you happen to work in one of those small office cubicles, position a CD to reflect an unan-nounced visitor. No more eaves-droppers!

Remember: Always recycle, reuse.

Recycle & Reusewith Recycle Sally

Recycle & Reusewith Recycle Sally

Recycle, Reuse your CDs

I love coupons. I’ve been known to spend hours matching up my cou-pons with the sale flyers from local stores. I’ve watched the extreme couponing shows on TV and dreamt of pulling off an extreme shopping trip of my own. I’ve maximized my savings a time or two where I walked out of the store with free groceries. I love saving money and feeding my family well.

I’ve heard many times, “I would love to use coupons but we prefer to eat organic foods/gluten free/milk free etc. and there just aren’t any cou-pons for that.” I beg to differ. I will agree that using coupons to purchase organic or speciality diet foods can be a bit of a challenge but I’m usu-ally up for a challenge. Couponing for organic foods is a bit harder but the savings is worth the effort. I use many web sites to help me purchase my organic groceries at a discounted rate. Driscolls.com is a company that specializes on organic berries, mam-bosprouts.com , udisglutenfree.com, coupons.com, organicfoodcoupons.com, and bestorganicfoodcoupons.com all offer coupons that can help you save while blessing your family with a lower grocery bill. If the site asks for a zip code then experiment with codes from around the country and you can sometimes hit a treas-ure trove of great coupons that were marketed for a different area but can be used here as well. Blogs like the-couponposse.com and tammileetips.com are local and offer a wealth of information on coupon match ups in our area. You can also go directly to the manufacturer’s website of your favorite products and look for a spe-cial offers/coupon button. If a cou-pon isn’t offered then find the con-tact us button and ask if they have

any coupons that they can offer you. Most companies are happy to help out loyal customers.

Printing off coupons on your computer will require you to down-load a coupon printing app. to your computer. Most sites will allow you to print off the coupon twice from each computer. If you have more than one computer in your home use each computer for extra savings. Af-ter you print off your coupon, hit the back button a couple of times and print off a second one. Printing off coupons can use a lot of ink and pa-per but a couple tricks can keep that cost down too. The stores care about the front of your coupon so use re-cycled paper to print your coupons. Print only the coupons that you know you will use or will trade/share with others. Set your printer to print a quick copy and to print in black and white.

Organize your coupons in a way that makes sense to you. Some la-dies I know use an envelope system others use a binder. I am a fan of the binder system. I printed off an in-dex page and page dividers at www.thekrazycouponlady.com and use baseball card holders in between the pages to hold my coupons in a large binder. I also decorated my cover. Couponing can be hard work and I wanted to remind myself that I do it for my family. My kids help me keep track of expiration dates and help me cut out the coupons to fit my coupon binder. They love to hold the cou-pons in the store as we fill our cart with savings. While couponing can be tedious at times, the savings for my family and the ability to purchase more of the quality groceries I like to make it worth the extra effort.

Couponing and Organic FoodsCouponing and Organic Foods

Terri Southworth, Sandpoint

12 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • October 2011

A lot of us spend time working or playing at the computer most of the day. If you’re not careful, slouching at a desk all day or typing away at a computer keyboard can lead to painful and disabling strains in your wrists, shoulders, elbows, and back. Even students from grade school through col-lege spend much of their time on the computer. Keyboarding class is a must and whenever researching for a paper or homework, the internet is the sole provider of information.

We used to believe that occupations like construction caused most on-the-job injuries, however, someone who works at a computer is putting con-siderable stress on their wrists, shoulders, neck and spine, and this can cause some really painful work-place injuries. A lot of tension and pain related to the neck and upper back as well as headaches, can be related to working at the computer. Repetitive motion injuries like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome have become increasingly prevalent in recent years, as more and more people spend long hours in front of a computer screen.

Today, it’s not just the administrative assistant who uses a computer. Most corporate executives spend their work day in front of a computer, too. When the work day ends, many people go home and surf the net for hours on their own computers.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome alone affects approximately 230,000 people every year and accounts for nearly half of all workplace illnesses, costing the country nearly $800 million in health care benefits and rehabilitation. Other injuries include low back pain, postural and spinal stress, and tendinitis— conditions that can affect a person’s work, as well as make life painful.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is the compression of the median nerve at the wrist, which may result in numbness, tingling, weakness, or muscle atrophy in the hand and fingers. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is common in people who perform repetitive motions of the hand and wrist, such as typing. When the wrist is poorly positioned, there isn’t enough space for the median nerve to travel to the hand. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by pressure exerted on the median nerve at the point where it passes through the wrist. The median nerve supplies sensation to the thumb-side of the ring finger. It also supplies movement to part of the hand. The nerve enters the hand between the wrist bones (called the carpal bones) and the tough membrane that holds the bones together (the transverse carpal ligament). This space is called the carpal tunnel. Since the passageway is rigid, any swelling in this area can cause compression of the nerve (this is also called entrapment of the nerve).

To reduce the possibility of suffering one of these painful and possibly disabling injuries:

• Make sure your chair fits correctly. There should be 2 inches between the front edge of the seat and the back of your knees. Ideally, the chair should tilt back so you can rest while you’re reading what’s on the screen.

• Sit with your knees at approximately a 90 to 120-degree angle. Using an angled foot rest to support your feet may help you sit more comfortably.

• Position your computer monitor so the top of the screen is at or below eye level, with adequate lighting and no glare.

• Keep your wrists in the neutral position, not angled up or down, while you type. A wrist rest can help.

• Take periodic stretch breaks. And if you do suffer from strains or inju-ries on the job, see a doctor of chiropractic.

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Desktop Injuries!Dr. Abigail Lench, Renew Chiropractic











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“Exploring Pathways to a Positive Future”

http://inlandnorthwestpermaculture.com or call 509-486-4056

November 4-6, 2011 Spokane, Washington Spokane Falls Community College

Inland NorthwestPermaculture ConferenceNovember 4-6, 2011 Spokane, Washington

Spokane Falls Community College

Inland NorthwestPermaculture Conference

October 2011 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • 13

Bill Mollison, the co-founder of permaculture said that “Permaculture is nothing new re-arranged into more harmonious relationships”. What he meant is that thoughtful re-arrange-ment of current resources (including human resources) can yield impres-sive results. Spokane has the land base, natural resources, soil, water and human resources to become a garden of Eden. There are a lot of wasted resources in Spokane and a lot of under-utilized human resourc-es. How can things be re-arranged in Spokane to yield a stronger local economy, more local self-reliance and a more livable Spokane? This will be one of the topics of discus-sion on November 4-6 at the Inland Northwest Permaculture Conference which will be held at the Spokane Falls Community College.


The word ‘Permaculture’ was originally coined in Australia by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren in the mid-1970’s. The word “permacul-ture” itself came from the notion of establishing “permanent agriculture” or “permanent culture. Over the last 30 years, permaculture has grown to become a global grassroots move-ment involving hundreds of thou-sands of people. Permaculture of-fers a huge storehouse of solutions, strategies and practical techniques. If permaculture was implemented on a planetary-wide scale in cities, farms and homes the world would become a garden of Eden.

Permaculture and some food production techniques for Spokane County.

Permaculture is a design science to establish sustainable human set-tlements. Permaculture has a code of ethics, a set of principles, a design methodology, and draws on numer-ous strategies and techniques from around the world and throughout history. Permaculture is the premier design system for sustainable food production. In addition to the plant landscape, permaculture also considers trans-portation, energy, buildings, water supply, community economics, and the social fabric of life. Every type of habi-tat can be put to good use whether dry, marshy, rocky, sandy, clay, ripar-ian, seaside, urban, and so forth. One of the goals in permacul-ture is to increase the number of habitats on site to enable a wider range of plants to thrive.

Permaculture teaches how to design productive and beauti-ful yards, farms and properties at the individual property scale. Permacul-ture principles and methodology can be applied anywhere in the world. Each site is unique and each client is unique, thus each permaculture de-sign will be different.

Intensive vegetable gardening

techniques can quickly produce large amounts of food in small spaces, but intensive gardening is not for everybody or everywhere. Perma-culture emphasizes the creation of low-maintenance, self-reproducing ecologies. The proportions of native plants, non-native plants, long-lived perennials, fruit trees, food plants, etc are determined by the client’s

goals and nature’s dictates.Restoration of na-

tive habitats and native species is a component of

permaculture. We can assist nature to regenerate healthy biospheres. This means soils get richer, forests in-crease, trees get bigger, biodiver-sity increases, the web of complexity of relationships in-creases, more ox-ygen is produced

and more carbon is stored. At the same

time, the productivity of the landscape to meet human needs dramatically increases. Human land-scapes which have permaculture ap-plied to them will look wilder, be wilder, be more bio-diverse, be more productive, be more beautiful and will run itself to a large extent.

One of the key premises of per-maculture design is to minimize out-

side inputs. The inputs of one part of the system are met by the outputs of other parts. More cycling of nu-trients, energy, water, etc. The site not only uses less inputs but the out-puts greatly increase including food and other useful products, as well as fulfilling environmental functions such as wind abatement and shade. An additional goal is aesthetic beau-ty, color, fragrance and outdoor liv-ing space. Permaculture emphasizes low-maintenance, perennial plants (less work); and, depending on the client, varying amounts of intensive gardens. Individuals and families achieve greater self-sufficiency and collectively the region as a whole does.

A Few Strategies & Techniques

• Composting & woody biomass.• Increase food plant diversity.

• Rooftop gardens.• Utilization of walls and vertical

spaces.• Sidewalk trellises.

• Water harvesting, roof catchment systems.

• Parking lot overstories.• Nitrogen-fixing plants.

• Sheet-mulching.• Grow BioIntensive gardening.

• Garbage pit gardens.• Bio-remediation.

• Myco-remediation.• Integrating livestock.

• Seed and plant propagation networks.

• Native plant restoration.• Native plant restoration &

wildcrafting.• Forest gardens.

This list of eighteen was made

with urban gardeners in mind. There are several hundred more which could be listed such as beekeeping, double-dug beds, wind power, aqua-culture, mini-ponds, herb spirals, creating wildlife habit, container gardening, winter gardening, agro-forestry, grey water, hedgerows, aq-uaponics, suntraps, etc, etc. These are just a few of the strategies and techniques in permaculture’s tool kit. Permaculture is more then just the sum of the elements in the system, it is also arranging them in proper re-lationship to each other to maximize beneficial inter-relationships.

A Spokane Permaculture Study

Group was started January 26, 2011 so that Spokane folks interested in permaculture could meet, exchange info and work together. A monthly meeting is held on the 3rd Tuesday each month. For more info contact Mary Kate at marykatewheeler@gmail.com

by Michael Pilarski, Friends of the Trees Society

14 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • October 2011

In this column we usually talk about holistic and natural ways to keep your pet healthy. I’d like to pay tribute now to those pets who actually keep us healthy and active. There has been a bond between humans and animals for thousands of years. Recently, in Israel, a 12,000 year old human skeleton was found buried with his (her?) hand resting on the skeletan of a wolf pup. The relationship may have started with humans wanting animals for protec-tion, but more likely, for companionship.

It is not so different today. But today there is more and more evidence of animals as pets actually enhancing humans’ health. Children who grow up in a home with pets learn to care and nurture a vulnerable being. In return, many times that pet becomes the child’s “confidant” and best friend.

Many hospitals and nursing homes are bringing in trained animals as spe-cial therapy assistants. I remember several years ago visiting a good friend in the hospital who had cancer. During our visit, “Rusty,” a gorgeous Golden Retriever was brought in by his handler. Rusty came up to the bed and rested his head beside my friend as she petted him. His handler then brought a chair and placed it next to the bed as Rusty climbed up. He put his paw gently on the side of her bed. He visited for about twenty minutes, much to my friend

(and everyone else’s) delight. In leaving, Rusty climbed off the chair, sat next to the bed, bowed his head and prayed for my friend. There was no doubt in my mind that that twenty minutes probably did more for her healing than any drug she had been taking.

There is much research on pets and their affect on people with heart dis-ease. Studies show that pet owners with heart disease had a 3% less chance of dying than those without pets. That puts having a pet in a category with other positive healthy impacts like not smoking, a healthy diet, stress reduction, exercising regularly and having close relationships with family and friends.

“I believe the day is coming when doctors will sometimes `prescribe’ pets instead of pills,” says Dr. Leo Bustad, Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Washington State University. “What pill gives so much love, makes its owner feel safe, stimulates laughter, encourages regular exercise, and makes a person feel needed?”



November 4-6, 2011Spokane, Washington, Spokane Falls Community College

The INPC conference will bring together permaculture people from around the Inland Northwest as well as interested people in the Spokane area. The event will feature over 60 workshops, hands-on activities and discussion groups. Applying permaculture to the

city of Spokane will be one of the discussions. There will be a free, public presentation Thursday night by Jan Spencer at the Salem Lutheran Church, 425 W. Broadway. On Friday there will be field

trips. Friday evening to Sunday afternoon INPC will be held at the Spokane Falls Community College. Details can be found at <http://

inlandnorthwestpermaculture.com>. or contact Michael Pilarski, (509) 486-4056, michael@friendsofthetrees.net

How pets keep us healthyBy Chris Ellis


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October 2011 • GreenLivingMonthly.com • 15

Downtown Spokane Farmers’ Market Saturdays - 8am - 1pm

Liberty Lake Farmers’ Mar-ket - Saturdays, 9am-1pm

Millwood Farmers’ Market - West Valley, Spokane, Wednesdays, 3-7pm

South Perry Farmers’ Market - South Hill, Spokane, Thursdays, 3-7pm

Downtown Spokane Farmers’ Market Wednesdays- 8am - 1pm (starts June)

Clayton Market & Small Ani-mal 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm Sundays @ Clayton Fairgrounds

Lake Spokane 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Saturdays – Jun 25 – Aug 28. Vendors needed.

Montfort School Community Center Thursday 4pm - 7pm 1915 W Monroe Road, May 19 - Oct 13

Springdale Sunday Market11:00 am – 4:00 pm July 10 – Aug 28. Vendors needed.


FLeA-MArkeTCottage industry advertising for as little

as $50 Mo. Call for details. 467-3826

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AT Sun PeoPLe DrY GooDSFirst Friday with Amy Sinisterra - Friday, October 7th from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.FREE. No Preregistration Required. Everyone is welcome to attend!Amy Sinisterra, photographer and teacher at North Central High School, will showcase her new photographs of cars and the banal yet visually interesting places we park them. Work will be on display in the entryway to the Spokane Public Market through October.

Composting 101 Workshop - Saturday, October 8th from 10:00 a.m. to NoonFREE. Preregistration Required - only 20 spaces available. Register at the store or online at www.sunpeopledrygoods.comThis is a FREE workshop sponsored by the Spokane Regional Solid Waste System’s Master Composters/Recyclers Program! Marilyn & Chris Carothers, local urban homesteaders and Master Composters/Recyclers, will lead the group through the best ways to do outdoor composting covering hot composting techniques, slow composting techniques, and all the basics you need to turn your kitchen waste into compost gold!

Film Showing of “Biomimicry: The Nature of Things” - Sunday, October 9th from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.FREE. No Preregistration Required. Everyone is welcome to attend!David Suzuki series based on the acclaimed book by Janine Benyus. Biomimicry is a new science that studies nature’s best ideas and then imitates these designs to solve human and environmental problems.

Sustainable Energy Fair - Saturday, October 22nd from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. FREE. No Preregistration Required. Everyone is welcome to attend!See what is happening in alternative energy. EcoDepot will be on-hand to discuss going solar and using wind power at home. Test drive an electric car, learn to weatherize your home, discuss green architecture solutions for

your home with Architect, Kelly Lerner for just 5 cents, and be introduced to masonry ovens.

Film Showing of “Fuel” - Sunday, October 23rd from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.FREE. No Preregistration Required. Everyone is welcome to attend!Award-winning documentary offering a comprehensive and entertaining look at energy in America: a history of where we have been, our present predicament and a solution to our dependence on foreign oil.

Permaculture: Ethics & Principles Workshop - Saturday October 29th from 10:00 a.m. to NoonFREE. No Preregistration Required. Everyone is welcome to attend!Beth Mort will be presenting material from her recent stint at the Bullock Permaculture Farm on Orcas Island. Come learn about what makes permaculture, or permanent culture, so amazing. Groups will also analyze a typical suburban garden lot for application of these principles.

**For additional information about any of our events, please contact Juliet at juliet@sunpeopledrygoods.com

AT SPokAne MASoniC TeMPLeDesigner bra fashion show, “Beyond Pink.” October 7, 5-9pm. A fun-raiser with proceeds to go to women who can’t afford thermography.509.863.7776/509.981.4703 or BeyondPink.net

“Dirty Martinis for Clean Water,” by Spokane River Keepers. Friday, October 21st, 6pm in the Falls Room. $25. 464.7602. SpokaneRiverKeepers.org

AT CHinA BenD WinerYGrape Stomp, Saturday October 15 - Noon - $5.00 Admission5:00, 3751 Vineyard Way Kettle Falls, WA 99141 (509) 732-6123www.chinabend.com

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Nectar of Life Coffee Company is the Inland Northwest’s first 100% kosher, organic, and Fair Trade certified coffee roaster. We are partnered with Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Fair Trade and

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Only the finest Arabica, organic, Fair Trade coffees are used to craft Nectar of Life’s exquisite blends. Nectar of Life currently source coffees from the following countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Sulawesi and Sumatra Indonesia. All blends are developed by Master Roaster and Cofounder, Martin Jennings. Coming from the wine industry, Martin has used his years of winemaking experience and extensive sensory training to become a master of coffee blending. Nectar of Life is simply the finest kosher, organic Fair Trade coffee available.

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