oct 2015 mid-apr 2016 2015 – mid-apr 2016 prepared by the european jewish congress, member of the...

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OCT 2015 –

mid-APR 2016

Prepared by the European Jewish Congress,

Member of the Advisory Board of the

European Parliament Working Group on


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AUSTRIA .................................................................................................................................... 5

REPORT: Antisemitic incidents in Austria up by more than 80% ........................................... 5

Austrian MP: Zionist money Jews are the global problem .......................................................... 5

Racist epithets daubed on gravestones at Jewish and Muslim cemeteries .................................... 6

CZECH REPUBLIC ................................................................................................................... 6

Gravestones toppled at a Jewish cemetery .................................................................................. 6

FRANCE ...................................................................................................................................... 6

POLL: Most French believe Jews responsible for rise in antisemitism .................................... 6

REPORT: SPCJ publishes statistics and analyses on antisemitism in France in 2015 .............. 6

POLL: More than 40% of French Jews considering “Aliyah” ................................................. 7

REPORT: France is the largest source of “Aliyah” for the second consecutive year ................ 7

Antisemitic graffiti scrawled on French synagogue .................................................................... 8

Jewish teacher attacked in Marseille .......................................................................................... 8

Toxic substance injures congregants at synagogue near Paris ..................................................... 8

French court sentences man to four years in jail for assault on Jews ........................................... 8

Jean-Marie Le Pen celebrates victory with antisemitic tweet ...................................................... 9

French far-right magazine fined for anti-Jewish incitement ........................................................ 9

Marseille school student charged after making antisemitic threats .............................................. 9

Jewish teacher stabbed in antisemitic attack ............................................................................... 9

Former Nazi camp in eastern France vandalized....................................................................... 10

Man with knife attacks three Jews in Marseille ........................................................................ 10

Assault on French Jewish academic follows antisemitic threats ................................................ 10

French school makes Jewish and Muslim pupils wear red and yellow discs .............................. 11

GERMANY ............................................................................................................................... 11

REPORT: Attacks on German Jews at five-year high ........................................................... 11

Several Jewish cemeteries and monuments vandalized ............................................................. 12

Two arrested in Germany for running neo-Nazi website ........................................................... 13

"Jews Out" graffiti campaign on Berlin neighbourhood ............................................................ 13

Berlin court convicts Danish imam for antisemitic incitement .................................................. 14

Eurovision singer accused of antisemitism and homophobia .................................................... 14

Security guard attacked outside Israeli embassy in Berlin ......................................................... 14

Women smash windows of German synagogue ........................................................................ 14

Swastika drawn on Jewish community centre in Germany........................................................ 15

GREECE ................................................................................................................................... 15

Antisemitic demonstration in Thessaloniki ............................................................................... 15

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Greek Orthodox monk makes antisemitic threats at anti-government rally in Athens ................ 16

Greek Jews protest antisemitic cartoon in leading newspaper ................................................... 16

Athens Jewish cemetery vandalized ......................................................................................... 17

Greek official blames Germans and Jews for prescription drug woes ........................................ 17

HUNGARY ................................................................................................................................ 17

Hungarian mayor blames Jews for Paris terror attacks .............................................................. 17

ITALY ....................................................................................................................................... 18

Anti-Jewish blacklist ............................................................................................................... 18

Potential Milan mayoral candidate wants ban on Hebrew preaching in synagogues .................. 18

Jewish man stabbed in Milan restaurant ................................................................................... 19

Italian football chief voices antisemitic and homophobic comments ......................................... 19

Rome incurs the wrath of Jewish rosary bead sellers ................................................................ 19

IRELAND .................................................................................................................................. 19

Irish Jews slam property developer's Nazi reference ................................................................. 19

LATVIA ..................................................................................................................................... 20

Latvian MP claims "clever Jews" undermining national security .............................................. 20

Far-right Latvian MPs to join annual SS veterans march in Riga .............................................. 20

LITHUANIA ............................................................................................................................. 21

March commemorates Nazi collaborators in Lithuania ............................................................. 21

Mass murderer Breivik makes Nazi salute in court ................................................................... 21

POLAND ................................................................................................................................... 22

REPORT: Antisemitism appearing in some Polish textbooks ............................................... 22

Poland's US ambassador says he was smeared for Jewish roots ................................................ 22

Polish man indicted for burning Jewish effigy .......................................................................... 23

Polish right-wing leader says anti-government demonstrations funded by "Jewish banker" ....... 23

Antisemitic graffiti painted at Polish Jewish cemetery .............................................................. 24

Jewish effigies burned at far-right demonstration in Poland ...................................................... 25

Polish defence minister condemned over Jewish conspiracy theory .......................................... 25

SLOVAKIA ............................................................................................................................... 25

Slovak far-right party sues NGO for anti-Nazi exhibition ......................................................... 25

SPAIN ........................................................................................................................................ 26

Spanish street sign honouring local Jew vandalised .................................................................. 26

Madrid jihadists planned to kill Jews ....................................................................................... 26

SWEDEN ................................................................................................................................... 27

Swedish Jews excluded from Kristallnacht commemoration over security fears ....................... 27

Protesters in Malmo chant Death to the Jews............................................................................ 27

THE NETHERLANDS ............................................................................................................. 28

Dutch students decorate Jewish colleague's room to look like Nazi camp ................................. 28

Johan Cruyff subjected to antisemitic abuse at Dutch football match ........................................ 28

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UNITED KINGDOM ................................................................................................................ 29

REPORT: Third of British Muslims say Jews have too much power in UK ......................... 29

REPORT: Antisemitic incidents down by 22% from record high .......................................... 29

REPORT: Explicit antisemitism remains rare in UK media and political discourse ............... 30

REPORT: Jews have lowest rate of unemployment in Britain............................................... 30

UK Conservative activist suspended after comments about Jews and Christians ....................... 30

UK local councilor tweets "Hitler was greatest man in history" ................................................ 31

UK Muslim school teaching that Jews are "plotting world domination" .................................... 31

Oxford Labour students mocked victims of Paris attacks .......................................................... 32

English football fans banned from matches after making fascist salutes at Jews........................ 33

Jews attacked with gas canisters in London .............................................................................. 33

British teens face trial in Poland over theft from Auschwitz ..................................................... 33

Scottish Jews protest to SNP over politician's antisemitic retweet............................................. 34

UK Labour leader condemns "Jewish money comments" by MP .............................................. 34

Protesters harass Jews with antisemitic abuse outside British party conference ......................... 34

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OCTOBER 2015 – Mid-APRIL 2016


REPORT: Antisemitic incidents in Austria up by more than 80% Thursday, April 07, 2016 - The number of antisemitic incidents reported in Austria increased

more than 80% in 2015, the Austrian Forum against Antisemitism said. The group said that

reported internet postings denouncing Jews more than doubled during that time. The forum,

which began monitoring antisemitic incidents in 2003, said 465 incidents were recorded during

2015, over 200 of them being internet postings hostile to Jews. The total number of internet

postings reported to Austria's constitutional protection authority as offensive remained stable

in 2015, but the number of postings liable to be used in criminal proceedings doubled compared

to 2014, according to an interior ministry spokesman. "The whole picture is terrifying," Oskar

Deutsch, president of the Jewish Communities of Austria (IKG), the country’s EJC affiliate, said.

(SOURCE : Israel National News)

* * *

Austrian MP: Zionist money Jews are the global problem Monday, November 02, 2015 - Suzanne Winter a member of the Austrian Parliament from the

extremist right-wing Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ), agreed with a Facebook post that wealthy

pro-Zionist Jews are the source of the world’s problems. Oehlmann Hans-Jörg wrote on Winter’s

Facebook page: “The Zionists money Jews are the global problem. Europe, and in particular

Germany, are now getting what they deserve from Zionist Jews, particularly rich Zionist Jews in

the USA, for the century-long persecution of Jews in Europe. According to the Zionists, Europe,

particularly Germany, should be cut off as economic competitors to the US." Winter responded

to the post: “It is great. You are taking the words right out of my mouth. There are a lot of things

I am not allowed to write. Therefore I’m even more pleased about courageous, independent

people.” Winter appeared to have deleted the exchange on her Facebook page but viewers

preserved screen shots. (SOURCE : The Jerusalem Post)

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* * *

Racist epithets daubed on gravestones at Jewish and Muslim

cemeteries Thursday, October 22, 2015 - Jewish and Muslim cemeteries in the Austrian Alps were defaced

with Nazi insignia and xenophobic slogans. The incidents occurred at the Jewish cemetery in

Hohenems and at the Muslim cemetery in Altach, near the country’s border with Switzerland.

Gravestones and buildings at the two sites were defaced. (SOURCE : The St. Galle Tagblatt)


Gravestones toppled at a Jewish cemetery Wednesday, October 21, 2015 - 20 tombstones were knocked over at a Jewish cemetery in a

southern Czech town. The vandalism discovered occurred in Safov, about 120 miles southeast

of Prague, the local media reported. (SOURCE : The Times of Israel)


POLL: Most French believe Jews responsible for rise in

antisemitism Tuesday, February 02, 2016 - 60 % of French people believe that Jews bear at least some

responsibility for recent rises in antisemitism, according to a new poll by the Ipsos market

research firm. According to French media reports, the 18-month study, which was sponsored by

the Fondation du judaïsme français, also found that 56% of Frenchmen believe that Jews have a

“lot of power” and are richer than average while more than 40% said that Jews are “a little too

present in the media.” About 13% agreed that “there are a few too many Jews in France,”

perhaps helping to explain why “three-quarters consider it difficult to be a Jew in France” and

40% are considering emigration. (SOURCE : The Jerusalem Post)

* * *

REPORT: SPCJ publishes statistics and analyses on antisemitism

in France in 2015 Thursday, January 28, 2016 - A report by France’s Society for the Protection of the Jewish

Community (SPCJ) has noted spiraling and increasingly violent antisemitism during 2015.

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Antisemitic acts perpetrated on French soil are recorded by SPCJ in close cooperation with the

country’s Interior Ministry. Among the findings of the report were, inter alia:

808 antisemitic acts committed in France in 2015 led to filing a complaint.

29 people (men, women, children and babies) were taken hostage in a kosher supermarket

on 9 January 2015. 4 people were executed.

For the first time, antisemitism in France reached a very high level regardless of the armed

conflict in the Middle East.

Once again in 2015, Jews, who represent less than 1 % of the total population, are the target

of 40 % of all racist crimes committed in France, and 49 % of racist violent acts committed

against people.

In France, there were on average two antisemitic acts perpetrated every day in 2015.

In 2015, many victims of antisemitic acts said that they preferred not to file a complaint for

antisemitic insults, threats or light violence, while others were executed a few months earlier

because they were Jews. (SOURCE : SPCI)

* * *

POLL: More than 40% of French Jews considering “Aliyah” Thursday, January 21, 2016 - According to the results of a next poll, more than 40% of French

Jews are interested in making Aliyah or immigrate to Israel. Pollsters at IFOP spoke with more

than 700 self-declared Jews, asking them about their preferences regarding a range of issues.

The French Jewish community is the largest in Europe and the third largest in the world. Among

the findings: 43% are thinking, or have thought about, immigration to the Jewish state. Given

France’s approximately 600,000 Jews that could mean that around 200,000 people are

considering Aliyah. (SOURCE : EJP )

* * *

REPORT: France is the largest source of “Aliyah” for the second

consecutive year Thursday, December 24, 2015 - For the second consecutive year, France is the largest provider

of Jewish immigrants to Israel with a record total of 7,328 newcomers in 2015. The number of

French citizens who immigrated to Israel under the Law of Return from January 1st to December

1st 2015 constituted a 10% increase over the 6,661 French immigrants who came during the

corresponding period in 2014. In all of 2014, a total of 7,238 immigrants came from France. 2014’s

total, which was the highest since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, was surpassed

in November 2015 with the arrival of 468 French Jews. (SOURCE : The Times of Israel)

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* * *

Antisemitic graffiti scrawled on French synagogue Monday, March 14, 2016 - Antisemitic graffiti including swastikas were scrawled on the outside

of the synagogue in Verdun in eastern France. The graffiti was discovered next to stone Torah

tablets at the entrance to the building. (SOURCE : L’Est Républicain )

* * *

Jewish teacher attacked in Marseille Tuesday, January 12, 2016 - A Turkish teenager who stabbed a Jewish teacher with a machete in

the southern French city of Marseille told police he had acted in the name of the Islamic State

group. The attack, which left the 35-year-old teacher with an injured shoulder and hand,

occurred in broad daylight in the south of the city, prosecutor Brice Robin said. The 15-year-old

ethnic Kurd assailant rushed the victim from behind and stabbed him in the shoulder, then

chased after him for a few meters until he fell, Robin said. The victim fended off the assailant by

kicking him and using the Torah he was carrying, which was damaged in the scuffle, as a shield,

the prosecutor said. (SOURCE : Le Monde)

* * *

Toxic substance injures congregants at synagogue near Paris Wednesday, December 16, 2015 - A number of congregants at a synagogue near Paris suffered

irritations to the eyes and throat after a toxic substance was placed on the code machine at the

entrance to the building. Firemen were called to the synagogue in Bonneuil-sur-Marne to deal

with the substance. The incident occurred shortly after prayers in the synagogue following the

ending of a shift by soldiers guarding the site. (SOURCE : JSS News)

* * *

French court sentences man to four years in jail for assault on Jews Thursday, December 10, 2015 - A 32-year old man who attacked three Jews including one of the

victims with a knife in Marseille received a four-year jail sentence from a court. Eighteen months

of the sentence were suspended by the court. The attacker, Farid Haddouche, was found guilty

of armed voluntary based on religious affiliation as well as assault on a public official.

(SOURCE : Le Figaro)

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* * *

Jean-Marie Le Pen celebrates victory with antisemitic tweet Monday, December 07, 2015 - Jean-Marie Le Pen, the former leader of the far-right Front

National and MEP, celebrated his party topping the poll in regional elections in south-eastern

France with a tweet mocking another candidate’s links with the Jewish community. Le Pen’s

granddaughter, Marion Maréchal Le Pen topped the poll with 41 % in the elections ahead of

centre-right candidate and mayor of Nice Christian Estrosi. Le Pen tweeted a picture of Estrosi

dancing with local Jews the same evening at a Chanukah lighting ceremony in Nice with the

cryptic message: “Against bad luck, good heart”. It was retweeted over 700 times before Le Pen

removed it. (SOURCE : Le Figaro )

* * *

French far-right magazine fined for anti-Jewish incitement Tuesday, November 24, 2015 - The editor of the French far-right publication Rivarol, Fabrice

Bourbon, has been fined 4,000 euros by an appeal court for incitement to hatred against Jews.

In January 2014, Rivarol published an article entitled “The unacceptable Jewish thought police”,

attacking the decision of France’s Council of State to ban performances by antisemitic comic

Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala. The article referred to the Council of State as “a rabbinical court” and

stated that French people were living under “full Jewish tyranny”. The Court of Appeal doubled

the fine originally imposed by a decision of the lower court. (SOURCE : OJIM)

* * *

Marseille school student charged after making antisemitic threats Monday, November 23, 2015 - A pupil at a private school in Marseille in southern France has been

charged with a public justification of terrorism after antisemitic comments he made in class after

a minute of silence was held for the victims of the terror attacks in Paris. “The attacks happened

because of the Jews, it’s normal.” Patrick Fabre, 19, said in a feedback session about the attacks.

A teacher asked him to think about his comments but Fabre continued: “If I meet a Jew in the

street, I’ll beat him up. They must all die. Either way you'll see everyone will be Muslim.” Fabre

has a wide record of criminal infractions. He has been expelled from the school.

(SOURCE : La Marseillaise )

* * *

Jewish teacher stabbed in antisemitic attack Thursday, November 19, 2015 - A history teacher at a Jewish school in the southern French city

of Marseille was stabbed by three people shouting antisemitic obscenities. According to reports,

the men approached the teacher, asked if he was Jewish then stabbed him. They hurled

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antisemitic abuse and also shouted support for ISIS. The stabbing came as France was on

heightened alert following the Islamist attacks that killed 129 people in Paris.

(SOURCE: The Local )

* * *

Former Nazi camp in eastern France vandalized Tuesday, November 10, 2015 - A former Nazi detention camp in eastern France has been defaced

with graffiti. Buildings at the camp at Fort Queuleu, in Metz, were found covered in graffiti

described of being of a “pornographic nature”. "These desecrations attack the memory and the

protection of this site, an important historical place and regional memorial where many people

suffered and perished”, the Association for the Metz-Queuleu Fort said. During WWII, up to

1,800 Jews and Resistants were imprisoned at the fort before their deportation. The site also

served as an annex of Struthof, the only concentration camp in France.


* * *

Man with knife attacks three Jews in Marseille Monday, October 26, 2015 - A rabbi and two Jewish worshipers were attacked by a man armed

with a knife near a synagogue in Marseille, in southern France. One of those attacked was

seriously wounded after being stabbed in the stomach. Local police arrested the attacker, who

was drunk at the time. He was heard to shout antisemitic statements during the attack. The

three men were walking to the morning's prayer service when a man attacked them with a knife,

all the while yelling antisemitic remarks. A second congregant rushed to intervene and was

stabbed in the process. The first two are believed to have avoided any physical harm. The

wounded victim is a woman in her fifties. She was stabbed twice in the stomach and badly

wounded, but doctors said that her injuries were not life-threatening. (SOURCE: Le Parisien )

* * *

Assault on French Jewish academic follows antisemitic threats Wednesday, October 14, 2015 - A French-Jewish university director, who has been the subject of

an antisemitic campaign of intimidation, was assaulted outside his home near Paris. An

unidentified individual attacked Samuel Mayol, the director of the Technical University

Institution, or IUT, while Mayol was walking his dog in the Parisian suburb of Saint-Denis, the

Tribune Juive weekly reported. The assailant bashed Mayol’s head three times against a wall,

causing him concussion and multiple lacerations. The assailant fled the scene after the attack.

Mayol, who was speaking to a friend on his cellphone when the attack occurred, sustained

minor injuries. His attacker told him: “We are going to bump you,” which in French slang also

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means to kill. Mayol filed a criminal complaint for assault with police, who are investigating the

attack as a possible hate crime. According to the French daily Le Figaro, the antisemitic

intimidation against Mayol began at his workplace in February, when he received anonymous

threats on his life. In May, a Star of David was painted on the doors of the office of a member of

the IUT faculty, and five of Mayol’s colleagues received text massages reading: “You too will fall.

You work for Jews.” (SOURCE: Ha’aretz )

* * *

French school makes Jewish and Muslim pupils wear red and yellow

discs Wednesday, October 07, 2015 - A French School has sparked outrage after making Jewish and

Muslim pupils wear red and yellow discs around their necks at meal times. Children at

Piedalloues primary school in Auxerre, Burgundy, who did not eat pork were ordered to wear

red discs and those who did not eat meat to wear yellow discs. Parents have removed their

children from the school, furiously branding the practice reminiscent of the yellow stars Jews

were forced to wear under the Nazi occupation. Local councilor Malika Ounes said: 'It's

revolting. It reminds you of the darkest times. Practices like this are not acceptable. 'No one has

the right to impose this on children.' (SOURCE: Daily Mail)


REPORT: Attacks on German Jews at five-year high Wednesday, October 07, 2015 - Antisemitic crimes have risen to a five-year high in Germany,

according to a new report which finds it is recording more incidents than any country in Europe.

There were 1,596 recorded hate crimes against Jewish people in 2014 in the country, the highest

level since 2009 and a greater level than recorded in any other EU state. It was an increase from

1,275 in 20013, and it reverses a long-term trend of declining incidents. Jewish leaders have

warned of hundreds of thousands of Jews are preparing to emigrate from Europe in the face of

resurgent antisemitism. EU officials warned against “singling out” Germany, with the official

report by the bloc’s Agency for Fundamental Rights cautioning that data collection is patchy

with some countries refusing to count antisemitic attacks at all, while others are more

scrupulous. The German figures suggest that the country’s far-Right still poses a greater threat

to Jewish communities than jihadism. Some 1,342 of the perpetrators were classed as “right

wing”, seven were “left wing” and 176 were motivated by “foreign ideology”.

(SOURCE: Daily Telegraph)

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* * *

German anti-immigrant party compares itself to Jews under Hitler Thursday, March 17, 2016 - Germany’s right-wing AFD party has compared itself in a Facebook

post to Jews persecuted by the Nazis. The party's local branch in Krefeld, western Germany,

commented on an article about one organisation's refusal to accept AFD members, and

speculated that soon party supporters will be forced to wear “blue stars” - a reference to the

yellow Stars of David, which Jews were forced to wear by the Nazis during the Second World

War so that they could be easily identified. (SOURCE: i24)

* * *

Several Jewish cemeteries and monuments vandalized Monday, February 08, 2016 - Acts of vandalism were reported at several German Jewish

cemeteries and memorials. Unidentified individuals defaced dozens of “stumbling block”

memorials in the Tempelhof-Schöneberg district of Berlin, covering them with grey paint,

according to police, who are investigating the incident. The small, brass blocks set into sidewalks

note the last dwelling place of Jews who were deported, usually to Auschwitz. On International

Holocaust Remembrance Day, a Jewish cemetery in the town of Kropelin, near Rostock, was

desecrated. Unknown perpetrators knocked down on January 27 six gravestones, according to

a report in the Nordkurier online newspaper. Vandals have targeted this cemetery several times

in recent years. (SOURCE: Haarertz )

* * *

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Two arrested in Germany for running neo-Nazi website Thursday, January 28, 2016 - The German government banned a far-right Internet platform that

it accused of spreading “racist, xenophobic, antisemitic, homophobic and anti-Islamic content,”

and federal prosecutors said two people were arrested. The ban on the Altermedia Deutschland

platform is “a clear sign that the rule of law doesn’t allow hate crime,” Interior Minister Thomas

de Maiziere said. The prosecutors’ office said that two Germans, identified only as Jutta V. and

Ralph Thomas K. in line with German privacy rules, were arrested on suspicion of founding a

criminal organisation and incitement. (SOURCE: Times of Israel )

* * *

"Jews Out" graffiti campaign on Berlin neighbourhood Sunday, January 24, 2016 - Berlin’s Alt-Mariendorf district continues to see a campaign of

antisemitic graffiti. Following 2015’s spate of antisemitic vandalism, the Jew-hating slogans have

continued to appear in the area. At the beginning of January 2016, the Alt-Mariendorf

underground station and its surroundings were daubed with graffiti including, “Who is Rotschild

[sic]? Western Terror Jews [sic] out!”, a swastika and several “Jews Out” and also the initials

“JF”. “JF” may be a reference to the Junge Front (Young Front). The Junge Front was the youth

movement attached to the Volkssozialistische Bewegung Deutschlands/Partei der Arbeit (the

VSBD/PdA), a far-right political party that was founded in Germany in 1971 and banned in 1982.

The VSBD/PdA represented a socialist-leaning version of Nazism. After it was banned, many of

its former members founded the Nationalist Front. (SOURCE: The Everyday Antisemitism)

* * *

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Berlin court convicts Danish imam for antisemitic incitement Thursday, December 10, 2015 - A German criminal court has fined Danish imam Sheikh Abu Bilal

Ismail for incitement to hatred after convicting him of calling at a Berlin mosque for the

extermination of Jews during Israel’s Operation Protective Edge. Ismail was fined €1,300 for

delivering a fiery anti-Western and anti-Jewish sermon in which he said it was necessary to

“destroy the Zionist Jews...,” and to “count them and kill them to the very last one. Don’t spare

a single one of them... Make them suffer terribly.” The verdict said that Ismail considered Jews

as “criminals who kill prophets and children and Jews are worse than wild beasts in the world

of the jungle,” and that “Allah should kill Jews.” (SOURCE: The Jerusalem Post)

* * *

Eurovision singer accused of antisemitism and homophobia Monday, November 23, 2015 - A German singer was accused of utilising antisemitic and

homophobic lyrics and will not sing for Germany in the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest in

Stockholm. The German broadcaster NDR withdrew its proposal to send him. Thomas Schreiber,

coordinator of German broadcasters ARD, said: "Xavier Naidoo is a brilliant singer who is,

according to my own opinion, neither racist nor homophobe. It was clear that his nomination

would polarise opinions, but we were surprised about the negative response. The Eurovision

Song Contest is a fun event, in which music and the understanding between European people

should be the focus. This characteristic must be kept at all costs”. The ongoing discussion about

Naidoo could harm the image of the Eurovision Song Contest. (SOURCE: The Eurovision TV)

* * *

Security guard attacked outside Israeli embassy in Berlin Monday, November 23, 2015 - A security guard was attacked outside the Israeli embassy in

Berlin, after a man brought along a backpack with wires sticking out. The package was found to

be fake. No injuries were reported. (SOURCE: The Morgenpost )

* * *

Women smash windows of German synagogue Thursday, November 19, 2015 - Two drunken women destroyed several windows of a synagogue

in the German city of Cottbus. The women, aged 21 and 36, were arrested. The women had

already attempted to destroy the windows of the only synagogue in Brandenburg.

(SOURXE : The Berliner Zeitung )

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* * *

Swastika drawn on Jewish community centre in Germany Tuesday, November 17, 2015 - Local

police are investigating a swastika

graffiti and what appeared to be a

vehicle registration number which

were drawn on the wall of a Jewish

community centre in Leipzig,

Germany. (SOURCE: The Juedische



Antisemitic demonstration in Thessaloniki

Monday, March 07, 2016 - Antisemitic messages were marked at a rally against Greece’s new

electronic ID cards which gathered hundreds of people in the centre of Thessaloniki. Lay people

and members of the Greek Orthodox organisation “Agios Vasileios” protested the “instruments

of Antichrist and the New World Order” holding religious icons, banners, Greek and Byzantine

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flags. One of the banners featured the message: “No to the citizen card. There is only one

enemy: International Zionism.” Antisemitic publications with titles including “The Jewish-Zionist

vampire Soros is thirsty for Greek blood” were available for purchase during the demonstration.

(SOURCE: The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism )

* * *

Greek Orthodox monk makes antisemitic threats at anti-

government rally in Athens Monday, February 15, 2016 - A demonstration in central Athens attended by thousands of people

included a speech by a controversial Greek Orthodox monk named Methodios, who warned

Jews that they should be careful that “a Greek Hitler” could emerge. The monk said in his

remarks that “all of those who fell in the name of faith and nation” are waiting for us to take

back what belongs to Greece. He continued that these foreigners should “leave us alone” and

then switched his rage towards Jews— saying that “we don’t need their money” and that if

Jews complained that Hitler killed them, they “should be careful that a Greek Hitler doesn’t rise

one day”. (SOURCE: The Pappas Post )

* * *

Greek Jews protest antisemitic cartoon in leading newspaper

Tuesday, November 03, 2015 - Greece’s

Jewish community has protested after one of

the country’s main newspapers published a

caricature of a former finance minister as a

“Jewish moneylender.” The image, which

shows Yanis Varoufakis wearing a giant black

skullcap and counting bags and coins of gold,

was published in Ta Nea, one of the country’s

largest newspapers and usually associated

with the center-left.

(SOURCE: The Central Board of Jewish Communities of Greece )

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* * *

Athens Jewish cemetery vandalized Friday, October 23, 2015 - The main Jewish cemetery in Athens was vandalised with swastikas

and anti-Jewish graffiti. “F**k Jews” and a Nazi swastika were sprayed on one of the cemetery

walls. A swastika and the German word “Raus,” meaning “get out,” along with the tag C-18 was

sprayed on the cemetery gate pillar. C-18 refers to Combat 18 Hellas, a small neo-Nazi group

operating in Greece. The group posted pictures on its website and claimed responsibility for

what it called the “beautiful artistic intervention at the Jewish cemetery.” The Jewish

community of Athens in a Greek-language statement condemned the vandalism perpetrated by

“cowardly Nazis” and called on Greek authorities to find and prosecute the perpetrators. Greek

society must condemn the attack, the statement said, because “tolerance of these phenomena

affects the whole society.” The cemetery, in a neighborhood on the outskirts of Athens, serves

the current Jewish community.(SOURCE: The Times of Israel )

* * *

Greek official blames Germans and Jews for prescription drug woes Friday, October 16, 2015 - A Greek official has warned the country’s parliament that a pending

bill to open up the Greek drug market to cheap generic drugs was the result of a conspiracy

between Germany and Jewish groups. Dimitris Giannakopoulos, the president of the Hellenic

Association of Pharmaceutical Companies, said 11,000 Greek jobs would be lost, while blaming

the measure on pressure from Jewish groups in order to benefit Israeli generic drug makers.

“Five years ago we said that Israeli companies are hiding behind all this. Whoever is familiar with

the sector of medicines and has not yet understood that they are trying to favour the Israeli

companies is either stupid or irrelevant, or manipulated,” said Giannakopoulos.

(SOURCE: The Forward)


Hungarian mayor blames Jews for Paris terror attacks Tuesday, December 01, 2015 - A Hungarian news site has published a recording made during a

city council committee hearing in the western Hungarian city of Szentgotthárd. The purpose of

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the meeting was to discuss the government’s proposal to expand a nearby refugee camp. Gábor

Huszár, who has served as the mayor of Szentgotthárd since 2010, apparently sought to placate

concerns over the prospect of a nearby refugee camp being expanded by arguing that refugees

had nothing to do with the November 13th terrorist attacks in Paris, which he blamed on Israeli-

backed “business circles”, i.e. Jews. In the recording the town’s mayor, Gábor Huszár (Fidesz),

can be heard explaining the following: “Everyone should just take my word for it. What

happened in Paris is clear evidence that certain business circles, dare I say business circles which

are likely backed by the Jewish state, are trying to pit Christian Europe against the Islamic State.

Therefore, the existence of this camp can have nothing to do with the Paris terror attacks.”

(SOURCE: The Budapest Beacon )


Anti-Jewish blacklist Monday, December 21, 2015 - Rome prosecutors opened an investigation into a list of prominent

Jewish individuals published on the pro-Palestine Radio Islam website. The long list of names,

mentioning prominent people in the media, acting and business worlds, includes journalists such

as Enrico Mentana and crusading anti-Mafia reporter Roberto Saviano as well as executives such

as Fiat Chrysler Chairman John Elkann. One of the subtitles of the website list reads "the Jewish

monopoly in the mass media in Italy" and the page also includes links to documents alleging

Jewish influence in the country. Police are making checks and the web page may be blacked out,

ANSA sources familiar with the investigation said. (SOURCE: ANSA)

* * *

Potential Milan mayoral candidate wants ban on Hebrew preaching

in synagogues

Thursday, November 26, 2015 - An ally of former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and

presumed right-wing candidate in Milan's mayoral elections has sparked outrage in Italy by

suggesting that Arabic, Hebrew and other foreign languages should be banned from sermons

in mosques, synagogues and all places of worship. Alessandro Sallusti – a popular pundit and

editor in chief of the conservative daily Il Giornale, which is owned by Berlusconi's family – made

the suggestion on a talk show broadcast on Italy's RAI state TV. (SOURCE: Ha’aretz )

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Jewish man stabbed in Milan restaurant Friday, November 13, 2015 - A Jewish man in his 40s was stabbed outside a kosher restaurant in

Milan. The man, described as Orthodox and an Israeli citizen, was attacked by a person who was

masked. The attacker drew a knife stabbing the man nine times. (SOURCE: Tel Avivre)

* * *

Italian football chief voices antisemitic and homophobic comments Monday, November 02, 2015 – Italian football federation president Carlo Tavecchio is under

pressure again for alleged discriminatory remarks, this time reportedly aimed at Jews and gays.

Tavecchio made the remarks to online outlet Soccer Life while discussing the sale of an amateur

league's headquarters to real estate mogul Cesare Anticoli. "It was bought by that lousy Jew,

Anticoli," Tavecchio is heard saying on an audio recording of the conversation posted on the

website of the leading Italian daily Corriere della Sera website. (SOURCE: RTL )

* * *

Rome incurs the wrath of Jewish rosary bead sellers Friday, October 16, 2015 - Hundreds of Jewish rosary bead sellers who were given their licences

to sell Catholic souvenirs in Rome by the Vatican two centuries ago, are rising up in revolt over

new restrictions on their trade. The street vendors, who offer images of Christ and saints, as

well as Roman souvenirs, are furious at being banned from selling near the Colosseum after the

city decided to clear out hawkers. “The Jewish rosary bead sellers are a Roman tradition which

risks being destroyed,” said Fabio Perugia, a spokesman for Rome’s Jewish community. Jews

were first given licences by the Vatican to sell religious paraphernalia at St Peter’s in the early

19th century, allegedly to spare Christians the sinful job of making a profit from images of Jesus

and God. “Another possible reason is that the Vatican simply wanted to humiliate Rome’s Jews,”

said Mr Perugia. (SOURCE: The Times )


Irish Jews slam property developer's Nazi reference Wednesday, October 07, 2015 - The Jewish Representative Council of Ireland (JRCI), the

country’s EJC affiliate, has said it is greatly disquieted by the reference to Auschwitz at the end

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of property developer Johnny Ronan’s statement of evidence to the Oireachtas Banking Inquiry.

“That such a discredited phrase would be used and then translated into Irish is beyond

comprehension,” said Maurice Cohen, chairman of the JRCI. At the end of his statement to the

banking inquiry, in which he claimed the National Asset Management Agency (Nama) destroyed

his business, Johnny Ronan wrote: “‘Arbeit macht frei’ nó, i nGaeilge, ‘Tugann saothar saoirse’.”

(The German phrase, followed by the comment, in Gaelic, “in English, ‘Work sets you free’.) The

phrase, which translates as “work sets you free”, was written over the entrance to Nazi

concentration camps in Auschwitz, Sachsenhausen and Dachau, amongst others.

(SOURCE: The Irish Times)


Latvian MP claims "clever Jews" undermining national security

Friday, March 11, 2016 - Karlis Seržants, a high-ranking member of the Latvian Parliament or

Saeima and part of the ruling coalition, delivered a remarkable interview on Latvian public

radio's LR4 Russian-language channel in which he blamed "clever Jews" for some of the nation's

main problems. After talking about changes to Latvia's national security laws, Seržants - a

member of the Greens and Farmers Union political grouping and a member of the Saeima's

national security committee - then veered into anti-Jewish conspiracy theories. The former

journalist and television presenter said those working to undermine the Latvian state were

"mostly people of a very smart nationality with lawyers [among them]." Asked if he was

referring to Russians, Seržants replied: “No, I mean the Jewish ethnicity.” Challenged by the

interviewer over his statement, Seržants clumsily attempted to backtrack by praising the

cleverness of Jews as a nationality: "Well, no I'm not saying it's only [Jews], but Girs,

Gaponenko... who else do we have... Zhdanoka, Koren [all prominent pro-Russia activists] -- they

are Jews I believe. I am not a chauvinist, absolutely not, and that is exactly why I am telling that

being of Jewish ethnicity means being very smart." (SOURCE: The Public Broadcasting of Latvia)

* * *

Far-right Latvian MPs to join annual SS veterans march in Riga Friday, March 11, 2016 - Latvian Waffen SS veterans and their supporters, including several

members of parliament, are set to march in the capital Riga in an event that has become an

annual tradition. At least several members of the rightest All for Latvia party will join the parade,

which marks Latvian Legion Day – an unofficial holiday honouring those who fought in the anti-

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Soviet Latvian Legion – a unit of the Waffen SS, according to reports by the Baltic Course and

TASS news agency. A counter-protest march is also scheduled to be held. Around 67,000 of

Latvia’s prewar population of 70,000 Jews died in the Holocaust. According to the Baltic Course

news website, many Latvians were forced into service in the Legion and “saw the German army

as a lesser of two evils.” “For many of these soldiers, the choice to join the Latvian SS Legion

was a result of the brutal Soviet occupation between 1940 and 1941, during which tens of

thousands of Latvians were executed or deported to Siberia. Many soldiers naively believed

that, if they helped Germany win the war, Latvia might be rewarded with independence or

autonomy,” the site asserted. (SOURCE: The Jerusalem Post )


March commemorates Nazi collaborators in Lithuania Thursday, February 18, 2016 - Approximately 250 Lithuanians attended a march commemorating

nationalists who are accused of complicity in the murder of Jews during the Holocaust. The

march in Kaunas, a city 65 miles east of Vilnius, was organised on Lithuania’s Independence Day

by the Union of Nationalist Youth of Lithuania under the banner “We Know Our Nation’s

Heroes.” The so-called heroes celebrated at the march were all involved in the Holocaust or in

fighting alongside Nazi Germany. Organisers named at the beginning of the march included

Jonas Noreika, who is believed to have helped murder Jews, and Juozas Ambrazevicius-Brazaitis

— the leader of a local pro-Nazi government. The remaining four names were Adolfas

Ramanauskas-Vanagas, Povilas Plechavicius, Kazys Skirpa and Antanas Baltusis-Zvejas.

(SOURCE: Haaretz)

* * *

Mass murderer Breivik makes Nazi salute in court Wednesday, March 16, 2016 - Mass-murderer Anders Behring Breivik made a Nazi salute as he

arrived in court for his lawsuit against the Norwegian state, which he accuses of violating his

human rights by holding him in isolation. Breivik, who killed 77 people in Norway in 2011, has

sued the state for breaching two clauses of the European Convention on Human Rights, one

which prohibits “inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment,” and one which guarantees

the right of respect for “private and family life” and “correspondence.”

(SOURCE: The Times of Israel)

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REPORT: Antisemitism appearing in some Polish textbooks Friday, November 20, 2015 - Nationalism and antisemitism are present in some history textbooks

in Poland, a new report has found. The report, “Antisemitism is not an option,” by the Czulent

Jewish Association in conjunction with the Autonomia Foundation, analysed 142 Polish history

textbooks used in formal education settings accepted by the Polish Ministry of National

Education and 29 used in informal education settings. The report was presented to the Polish

Ombudsman’s office in Warsaw. Previous research on the subject took place in 2001-2004.

“There are factual mistakes, distortions of history, as well as open and covert nationalistic and

discriminating content which may lead to the strengthening of prejudice and antisemitism,”

Makowka-Kwapisiewicz said. (SOURCE : The Times of Israel)

* * *

Poland's US ambassador says he was smeared for Jewish roots Thursday, April 07, 2016 - Poland’s ambassador to the United States said he and his family were

the targets of a “campaign of harassment, slander and lies” launched by the far-right media over

his Jewish origins. Ryszard Schnepf, in a Facebook post, said the campaign started with an article

written in the Gazeta Polska, a right-wing Polish language weekly news magazine. The article

noted that Schnepf’s father was Jewish and helped Soviet intelligence in the 1950s while

working for the Polish Embassy in the United States. Schnepf related in the post that he was

stopped by the police and beaten in March 1968 amid the campaign in Poland to force out as

many as 20,000 Jews. It also recalled that Schnepf was arrested in March 1980 at a University of

Warsaw lecture on charges of spreading anti-government propaganda. During the

interrogation, he was told “his place is in Israel.” “Today, the authors of the campaign refer to

those patterns,” Schnepf wrote on Facebook. “No, I’m not afraid for myself. I learned to live on

the edge. I’m afraid, however, for my children, that someone could also say to them ‘get out!”

Schnepf’s non-Jewish mother, Alicja, and her mother hid Jews in Warsaw during World War II.

(SOURCE : The Times of Israel )

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Polish man indicted for burning Jewish effigy

Monday, March 07, 2016 - Polish prosecutors indicted for incitement a construction contractor

from the western city of Wroclaw who burned an effigy of a Jew at a protest rally against Muslim

immigration. Piotr Rybak, an entrepreneur from Wroclaw, may face up to two years in jail if

convicted of the charges leveled against him for his actions. Prosecutors are also considering

indicting additional people in connection with the events on November 18, when Rybak was

photographed setting fire to an effigy of an Orthodox Jew with side locks, according to the

daily. The incident was part of a rally by 200 people who gathered to protest EU requirements

that Poland accept refugees from Syria and Iraq. (SOURCE: Haaretz )

* * *

Polish right-wing leader says anti-government demonstrations

funded by "Jewish banker" Monday, December 21, 2015 - Anti-government protesters who have held rallies in Poland faced

dual accusations aimed at discrediting them. The prime minister said they are the work of

opposition members angry about losing power and privileges, while the leader of a different

right-wing party said they were financed by a "Jewish banker." Protest organisers deny both

claims and decried the use of antisemitic language that they said is being used as a political tool.

(SOURCE: The Yahoo News)

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Antisemitic graffiti painted at Polish Jewish cemetery Friday, December 18, 2015 - Vandals painted antisemitic and pro-ISIS graffiti at the Jewish

cemetery in Sochaczew, in central Poland. The graffiti, painted in the cemetery, included the

slogans: “Holocaust never happened,” “Allah bless Hitler,” “Islamic State was here,” “Islam will

dominate,” and “F**k Jews.” It was painted on the Ohel Tzadikim memorial. The local

Sochaczew Museum, which cares for the cemetery, has appealed to residents of the city for help

in removing the damage. (SOURCE: The Times of Israel)

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Jewish effigies burned at far-right demonstration in Poland Thursday, November 19, 2015 - Dozens of demonstrators in the western Polish city

of Wroclaw participated in burning effigies of Orthodox Jews fully equipped with peot (side-

curls) and black hats. The demonstration was part of a larger protest against Poland accepting

Syrian refugees. The demonstration took place on a portable stage in front of the Wroclaw city

hall. Police contained the demonstration but allowed it to happen, with no formal complaints.

(SOURCE: Wyborcza )

* * *

Polish defence minister condemned over Jewish conspiracy theory Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - Poland’s newly appointed defence minister has been

condemned for entertaining the possibility that a fraudulent document claiming to show there

is a Jewish plan for world domination may be real. Antoni Macierewicz is one of a number of

controversial appointments the right-wing Law and Justice Party made after securing an

absolute majority for the first time in the country’s general election. His appointment could

complicate Poland’s relations with NATO and EU allies as they seek to contain Russia.

Macierewicz told listeners to Radio Maryja in 2002 that he had read Protocols of the Elders of

Zion, a pamphlet that purports to be a Jewish plan to control the global economy and media,

but which has been exposed as a hoax. He acknowledged there was debate about the

pamphlet’s authenticity, but told a listener: “Experience shows that there are such groups in

Jewish circles.” (SOURCE: The Guardian)


Slovak far-right party sues NGO for anti-Nazi exhibition Tuesday, November 17, 2015 - The far-right People's Party Our Slovakia (ĽSNS) of Marian Kotleba

has filed a criminal complaint against an exhibition on resistance during World War II that took

place in the town of Banská Bystrica, arguing that it promoted Zionism which was a crime. The

Slovak police are dealing with the case, their spokesman Mária Faltániová told the Czech News

Agency. The Post Bellum SK nongovernmental organization that prepared the exhibition

rejected the accusation. The exhibition presented the life story of a Slovak Jewish woman,

Štefánia Lorándová, who helped Slovak refugees in Hungary get false identity documents during

the war, among others. It included the information that Lorándová was a member of the Zionist

movement Hashomer Hatzair. Kotleba's party argues that the text promotes the Zionist

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movement and adds that a United Nations General Assembly resolution from 1975 considered

Zionism a form of racism and racial discrimination. Post Bellum SK said in reaction that this

resolution was annulled in 1991. (SOURCE: The Prague Post )


Spanish street sign honouring local Jew vandalised Wednesday, December 16, 2015 - A street name sign honouring a Spanish Jew was damaged in

the southern city of Torremolinos amid a debate over the municipality’s decision to celebrate

Chanukah. The sign named for David Haim Melul, the founder of the local Jewish community,

was knocked down, the online edition of the local newspaper Diario el Sur reported. The

vandalism occurred as local politicians were debating the placing of a neon sign reading “Happy

Chanukah,” which critics said was in violation of the separation between religion and

government. The criticism came from delegates of the centre-right Popular Party to the

municipal government of Torremolinos, where one of the ruling parties is the left-leaning

Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party, the newspaper reported. (SOURCE: The Forward )

* * *

Madrid jihadists planned to kill Jews Monday, November 09, 2015 - A suspected jihadist cell recently apprehended by Spanish anti-

terrorist officers planned to kill Jews and policemen in Madrid, authorities said. The three

alleged members of the cell, who were arrested, were Moroccan nationals living in Spain on

valid staying permits. According to the findings of the investigation that led to their arrest, they

considered themselves affiliated to the Islamic State terrorist organisation but never traveled to

the Middle East to participate in fighting there. The three remained in contact online and

planned to carry out attacks similar to the ones perpetrated by Amedy Coulibaly.

(SOURCE: The Times of Israel )

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Swedish Jews excluded from Kristallnacht commemoration over

security fears Tuesday, November 10, 2015 - The Jewish community of Sweden was not invited to an annual

anti-Nazi event commemorating Kristallnacht due to a perceived “security risk”, the Swedish

newspaper Norrköpings Tidningar reported. The organizers of “Umeå against Nazism,” held in

the city of Umeå, said that antisemitic and anti-Israel protests have occurred at past events and

that it would be an unsafe environment for Jews. “In previous years, we have had a lot of

Palestinian flags at these rallies, and even one banner where the Israeli flag was equated with a

swastika,” said the organizers. Organizer and local Workers’ Party member Jan Hägglund said,

“The Jewish community wasn’t invited because we assumed they might be uncomfortable

around that sort of thing.” The event centres on Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass, the

massive pogrom against Austrian and German Jews that many consider to have marked the

beginning of the Holocaust in 1938. Some city officials did invite the Jewish community to rallies

in protest of this exclusion, including a ceremony initiated by Umeå’s first deputy chairman of

the municipal government. (SOURCE : The Algemeiner )

* * *

Protesters in Malmo chant Death to the Jews Wednesday, October 21, 2015 - Hundreds of protesters in the Swedish city of Malmo were filmed

chanting in Arabic about slaughtering Jews and stabbing soldiers. Pro-Palestinian groups

organised a rally in the city centre against what they consider Israeli violence and to show

solidarity with Palestinians amid deadly measures taken by Israeli authorities to stop the recent

spate of attacks on Jews in Israel and the West Bank. Isaac Bachman, Israel’s ambassador to

Sweden, posted on his Facebook account a video taken at the rally showing hundreds chanting

“’slaughter the Jews, stab soldiers.” In other slogans, the chanters encouraged “heroes to carry

out attack after attack” and to “start a third intifada.” "These are extremely troubling instances

of a grotesque but nevertheless very real – and murderous – incitement which must be dealt

with by the full force of the law,” Bachman wrote. (SOURCE : The Jerusalem Post)

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Dutch students decorate Jewish colleague's room to look like Nazi

camp Monday, November 23, 2015 - University students in the Netherlands redecorated a Jewish

classmate's dorm room to look like a Nazi death camp.

The incident, reported by Dutch daily Volksrant, involved

members of Leiden University's Minerva Society,

Holland's oldest student association. As part of an

apparent hazing ritual, several seniors redesigned the

room of a freshman student living in university housing. That student is believed to be Jewish,

the daily noted. Volkskrant obtained a video of the room, which shows mass graves painted on

the floor, barbed wire hanging from pipes and the German words "Arbeit macht frei" spray

painted on the room's walls. The words, meaning "work makes you free" are a reference to the

signs Nazis hung at the entrance to several concentration camps, most notably Auschwitz in

Poland. Train tracks, likely a reference to the railcars which Nazis used to transport Jews to

death camps, were also displayed on the walls, as was a Nazi swastika made out of sticks. Leiden

University is reportedly considering disciplinary action, including expulsion, against the students

responsible for the disturbing prank. (SOURCE : CFCA)

* * *

Johan Cruyff subjected to antisemitic abuse at Dutch football match Friday, October 30, 2015 - An investigation is underway after legendary Dutch footballer Johan

Cruyff was subjected to antisemitic abuse during a match between Vitesse and Ajax. Cruyff

recently announced he had been diagnosed with lung cancer and thanked fans across the world

for their "emotional and heart-warming" tributes. At football grounds across his native

Netherlands, where Cruyff is widely considered to be the greatest player the country has ever

produced, a standing ovation was staged in the 14th minute in tribute to the famous number 14

shirt he wore for Holland. However, during the Eredivisie game between Vitesse and Ajax, a

banner was unfurled at the GelreDome with the inscription JHK, meaning Joden Hebben Kanker

with English translation: the Jews have cancer. Vitesse are said to be horrified at the antisemitic

banner and have promised to find those responsible. A statement on the club's website stated:

"We will do our utmost to identify the perpetrators of this banner. We call on other supporters

to help us identify that person because such behaviour is not appropriate for a club like Vitesse.

(SOURCE : The International Business Times)

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REPORT: Third of British Muslims say Jews have too much

power in UK Tuesday, April 12, 2016 - An extensive new poll taken across the United Kingdom has revealed

that British Muslims were more likely to hold antisemitic views than other British citizens. The

poll, broadcasted on Channel 4, found that more than a third of British Muslims surveyed

believed "Jews have too much power in the UK" and had undue influence in the media, financial

institutions and the business world. More than a quarter of those sampled also agreed that Jews

were responsible for most of the world's current wars. Polling Company ICM conducted the

survey and aired their findings in a new documentary titled What do British Muslims Really

Think. The ICM poll surveyed 1,081 British Muslims and discovered that British Muslims were

more inclined to believe in antisemitic conspiracy theories than the national average. For

example, asked if they "agreed" with the suggestion that Jewish people had too much power

in Britain, 35% of British Muslims responded in the affirmative, compared to just 9% in the wider

population. The poll also found that 31% of British Muslims thought Jews were too influential in

government compared to 7% in the national average; while 39 % said that Jews have too much

power in the media compared to just 10% nationally. (SOURCE: The Jerusalem Post)

* * *

REPORT: Antisemitic incidents down by 22% from record high Thursday, February 04, 2016 - The number of antisemitic incidents documented in 2015 in Britain

was lower by 22 % than the record figure in 2014, the Jewish community’s security umbrella said.

The Community Security Trust, or CST, counted 924 antisemitic incidents in 2015 compared to

the 1,179 incidents recorded in 2014, the group wrote in its annual report. Still, the 2015 figure is

the third-highest total ever recorded by CST in the more than three decades it has been

monitoring antisemitism in Britain. The second-highest annual total was 931 incidents in 2009.

Of the 2015 incidents, 86 were violent assaults, 9.3 percent of the total. Of the 86 cases of

violence, four were categorized as extreme because they resulted in grievous bodily harm or a

threat to life. In one incident, a 17-year-old Jewish teenager was beaten unconscious at a train

stop in Manchester. The “abusive behavior” category in the 2015 report comprised 685

incidents, including verbal abuse, hate mail, graffiti and hate speech on social media.

(SOURCE: The Times of Israel)

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REPORT: Explicit antisemitism remains rare in UK media and

political discourse Monday, November 30, 2015 - The use of Nazism to attack Jews and Zionists in Britain is on the

rise, according to a leading antisemitism watchdog. A report published by the Community

Security Trust, which monitors antisemitism in Britain, revealed an unprecedented level of Jew-

hatred. The growth of social media was having a clear impact on the spread of antisemitic

discourse, threats and themes than ever before. British Jews contacted the charity to say they

felt the conflict in Gaza and between Israel and the Palestinians was “creating a climate of

unusually heightened antipathy and hostility” towards the Jewish community. CST’s report,

Antisemitic Discourse in Britain, charted issues in 2014. CST said explicit Jew hatred – attacks on

Jews simply for being Jewish – remained rare in British public life and within mainstream political

and media discourse. (SOURCE: The Jewish Chronicle)

* * *

REPORT: Jews have lowest rate of unemployment in Britain Friday, October 30, 2015 - British Jews suffered a bigger drop in their employment rate than any

religious group between 2008 from 2013 but still have the lowest rate of unemployment,

according to a new report. Employment rates among Jews fell by over 7% to 68.8 % in 2013,

according to a new report, Is Britain Fairer? The state of equality and human rights 2015

published by the Equality and Human Rights Commission. But only 3.2% of Jews were

unemployed - compared to an average unemployment rate of 11.6 for religious minorities.

(SOURCE: The Jewish Chronicle )

* * *

UK Conservative activist suspended after comments about Jews and

Christians Wednesday, April 13, 2016 - A senior member of the UK’s governing Conservative Party group in

the northern city of Bradford has been suspended over comments relating to Christians and

Jews. Abdul Zaman, who is deputy chair of the association in the area is believed to have made

remarks about Jews in Mirpuri, a Pakistani dialect, during a local elections meeting. According

to the Urban Echo, Zaman said: “Why should we let our daughters dishonour us… We will not

give up the Biradri (clan) which is handed down from our forefathers…We must send a clear

message to the Christians and the Jews”. Following these alleged remarks, the Labour MP for

Bradford West, Naz Shah, wrote a letter of complaint to David Cameron. She was quoted in the

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Telegraph and Argus as saying she had “grave concerns” over such comments, adding: “Mr

Zaman was speaking very passionately about clan politics, women, Jews and Christians and

defying equality values while endorsing misogyny and antisemitism.” Barry Whitaker, chairman

of the association, refuted Shah’s claims, saying: “I did not hear a single word of complaint

about anything that was said.” “She (Naz Shah) is accusing Abdul Zaman of misogyny and

antisemitism. He did use the word ‘Jews’. He was talking about Jews and Christians joining with

us, unifying with us and being as one, rather than as separate entities. Unification is good.”

(SOURCE: The London Jewish News)

* * *

UK local councilor tweets "Hitler was greatest man in history" Monday, April 11, 2016 - A councilor from Britain’s principal, opposition Labour party has been

suspended by the party for posting a message on her Twitter account claiming that Hitler was

the “greatest man in history”. The councillor also tweeted that former Labour leader Ed

Miliband would never be Prime Minister because he was Jewish, and suggested that Iran could

develop a nuclear weapon to “wipe Israel off the map”. Following the allegations, Labour leader

Jeremy Corbyn insisted the party is “absolutely resolute” on tackling “abhorrent” antisemitism.

Corbyn said there is “no place for any racism of any sort” within the party and said swift action

is taken in any cases which come to light. The allegations over Gurbuz follow a series of incidents

involving antisemitic comments by Labour activists, including one who was suspended after

posting tweets referring to Jews with “big noses” and describing Hitler as a “Zionist God”. A

Labour Party spokesperson said: “Councillor Gurbuz has been suspended from the Labour Party

pending an investigation.” (SOURCE: The London Jewish News )

* * *

UK Muslim school teaching that Jews are "plotting world

domination" Monday, April 04, 2016 - A private Muslim school in the North of England is teaching its students

that Jews are plotting to take over the world, and its founder quotes a notorious antisemitic

tract in the written material he disseminates. Islamic Tarbiyah Academy in Dewsbury, Yorkshire

teaches some 140 students of elementary school age in classes that take place after the school

day ends, Sky News reported. The report described the academy’s founder and leader, Mufti

Zubair Dudha, as “a respected cleric from the orthodox Deobandi sect, which is thought to

control half of all mosques and madrassas in the UK.” But, the report continued, Dudha has

produced flyers that quote the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a forged text produced in Russia

at the turn of the last century that purports to outline Jewish plans to take over the world.

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Furthermore, the report stated, Dudha has instructed Muslims to be ready to “expend … even

life,” in order to bring about a world that is in line with “Allah’s just order.” (SOURCE: The Times

of Israel )

* * *

British Labour Party suspends activist for antisemitic tweets Wednesday, March 16, 2016 - Vicki Kirby, the vice chair of a local branch of Britain’s opposition

Labour Party south of London who tweeted Jews have “big noses” and “slaughter the

oppressed”, has been suspended from the party after MPs attacked the leadership's lack of

action. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s office had initially rejected calls for her suspension by

saying the offensive messages had been previously investigated and led to discipline, adding

they would only act on “new evidence”. (SOURCE: The Daily Telegraph )

* * *

Oxford Labour students mocked victims of Paris attacks Monday, March 07, 2016 - According to evidence seen by the Sunday Times, members of the

Oxford University Labour Club allegedly condoned the antisemitic attacks on synagogues in

Paris in 2014 and mocked the Jewish mourners and victims of the 2015 Paris supermarket attack

when the funerals were on television. A report of an inquiry into alleged Jew-hate at the Labour

Club claims that some members allegedly displayed “poisonous” antisemitic attitudes.

(SOURCE: The Jewish Chronicle )

* * *

British Muslim channel warned over antisemitic comments Tuesday, February 23, 2016 - An Islamic TV channel in the UK has been warned by the

broadcasting standards regulator Ofcom that it faces sanctions after showing antisemitic

lectures by a preacher who called Jews a “cursed race”. Peace TV Urdu was found in breach of

TV standards for broadcasting two recorded lecturers by the late Dr Israr Ahmad. The overall

effect would have been to “promote highly negative antisemitic stereotypes about and

attitudes towards Jewish people,” Ofcom stated in its decision. “In our view the terms used to

describe Jewish people such as ‘like a cancer’, ‘evil genius,’ ‘their poison,’ ‘cursed people’,

‘cursed race’ were particularly strong and inflammatory,” the watchdog stated.

(SOURCE: The Jewish Chronicle )

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English football fans banned from matches after making fascist

salutes at Jews Tuesday, January 12, 2016 - Two fans of English football club Southampton have been banned

from attending English Premier League games for three years for making “fascist salutes” and

“racist gestures” at Jewish fans during a match. Thomas Flynn, 22, and Michael Haydon, 23,

pleaded guilty to using threatening, abusive and insulting behaviour in a religiously-aggravated

public order offense. The men were charged at a Premier League match between Southampton

and Tottenham Hotspur. Haydon and Flynn also reportedly made hissing sounds meant to

resemble the sounds of Nazi gas chambers. (SOURCE: The Jerusalem Post)

* * *

Jews attacked with gas canisters in London Friday, January 08, 2016 - A group

of strictly Orthodox Jews was

reportedly attacked, in what is

believed to be an antisemitic

incident. Reports suggested two

men and a woman in the

Tottenham area of north London

were pelted with gas canisters by a

gang of three men who shouted:

“Hitler is on the way to you. Heil Hitler, Heil Hitler, Heil Hitler.” The men were driving a pick-up

vehicle, according to volunteer Jewish security group Shomrim. The alleged victims were

shopping at the Tottenham Hale retail park – and were believed to have been targeted because

of their visibly Jewish dress. (SOURCE: The Jewish Chronicle)

* * *

British teens face trial in Poland over theft from Auschwitz Thursday, December 31, 2015 - Two 17 year-old British boys could face up to 10 years in prison for

stealing items from the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau museum in Poland. An indictment was

filed with the Regional Court in Krakow. Museum guards stopped the teenagers while they were

on a trip with the independent Perse School in Cambridge. The teens were found to have hidden

in their bags fragments of a hair clipper, glass from the barracks and buttons taken from the

area of the former Birkenau camp called “Canada,” where during the war stood warehouses

filled with items looted from Jews. The teens initially pleaded guilty and were levied a fine as

punishment. They were allowed to return to Cambridge. Polish prosecutors say the teens

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withdrew their admission of guilt, saying they were not aware that the items had special cultural

significance. (SOURCE: The Jerusalem Post )

* * *

Scottish Jews protest to SNP over politician's antisemitic retweet Thursday, November 12, 2015 - Scottish Jews have complained to the Scottish National Party

(SNP) and its leader over an antisemitic retweet sent by one of its politicians. The Scottish

Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC) showed concern over “a grotesque caricature based

on traditional antisemitic stereotypes and neo-Nazi imagery”, endorsed by one of the

SNP’s elected politicians, Sandra White. SCoJeC wrote in a statement on their website: “We are

utterly appalled that any MSP should have seen fit to disseminate such a bizarre and hateful

image as the right-hand side of the picture, which, as we have pointed out to the First Minister,

is reminiscent of the very worst of Nazi propaganda.” (SOURCE: The Jewish News )

* * *

UK Labour leader condemns "Jewish money comments" by MP Wednesday, November 04, 2015 - Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of Britain’s principal opposition

Labour Party, has condemned one of his own MPs, Sir Gerald Kaufman, for making “completely

unacceptable” remarks about the Jewish community. Kaufman, the longest-serving MP in the

Commons, was hauled into a meeting with the party’s parliamentary managers, known as

“whips”, after he talked about how “Jewish money” was influencing the governing

Conservative Party. “It’s Jewish money, Jewish donations to the Conservative party – as in the

general election – support from the Jewish Chronicle, all of those things, bias the

Conservatives,” Kaufman said. (SOURCE: The Guardian )

* * *

Protesters harass Jews with antisemitic abuse outside British party

conference Monday, October 12, 2015 - Police did nothing as a protester shouted "Get back to Auschwitz"

at two men wearing kippahs as they left the governing Conservative party’s annual conference

in Manchester. Greater Manchester Police have been under increasing pressure over their

handling of protesters at this year's conference, some of whom spat at and abused those

entering and leaving the venue. Stephen Woods, chairman of Wythenshawe and Sale

Conservative Association, said he witnessed "disgusting" antisemitic abuse directed at two men

he had met the previous night at Conservative Friends of Israel meeting.”

( SOURCE: The Times )

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