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OasisSta2.doc 7 April 2023

>>Data burst, received by the Blackbird, 14 November 2194 A.D./C.E. or 0 Terran Galactic Era

>>Galactic Standard Linguacode 3, Olvar science channels

Welcome, fellow sentients, to Oasis Station! Gateway between the civilizations of the Olvar, Trinoids, and Nethians and the unclaimed worlds of the Milky Way's Orion Arm! Where else can you find Kharvamid scientists alongside Trade Guild negotiators, newly Uplifted sapients with their ancient patrons, and travelers from dozens of solar systems!

Cruise our data nets for plans to the orbital habitats, to find like-minded beings, and to keep up on news of the latest entertainments. For your safety, we recommend staying within environments for your own atmosphere and gravity tolerances. Also, note that different biological and cultural activities may be taboo to certain species, so check with our protocol droids first!

History: After the Battle of Capricornus X2 <Visit the fine museum and re-enactment at Hip 103039>, various groups began to settle this system, which lacked inhabitable planets. As a crossroads mere parsecs spinward of Kuvor's Veil, Oasis

Station has been the go-to destination for merchants, explorers, and tourists for <hundreds of Earth years>.

Some speculate that this star system has been inhabited before, and others believe that in some time, the chain of habitats could form a true Ringworld (but not without a lot more mass). Whatever your interests, the appeal of Oasis Station is now!

Highlights: Do you like food? Then visit the many fine establishments in our biospheres! What about the arts? Catch a performance during a nebula cruise, or view items from hitherto unexplored worlds at our emporium of curios! Why leave the action to others? We have contests of skill and chance to challenge any being, group, or vessel! If you're more of a technical bent, Oasis Station can always use talented engineers. Of course, all of our matching services are discreet....

News: In the biggest archaeological discovery in recent memory, an honest-to-goodness Precursor jump gate was found! Some Ru'ulok are contesting possession, so a joint task force is protecting and examining the Transit artifact....


OasisSta2.doc 7 April 2023

Fellow role-players, here is more history of the sector around Oasis Station:

-13 billion T.G.E.: The Big Bang.

-6 billion to -3 billion T.G.E.: The Elder Epoch -- Precursor species arise in or near the Milky Way Galaxy's Orion Arm. Early interstellar societies flourish and decline in cycles. Several species, later called "Elder Races," evolve beyond purely four-dimensional physical forms. The epoch ends with the first major engagements of the "Chaos Wars"; time and space are disrupted, and the Precursors (mostly) disappear.

-3 billion to -1 billion T.G.E.: The Arcane Epoch -- The Pangavi, the youngest of the extradimensional species, fights with its peers (some later venerated as gods or demons) over "interference" with more primitive cultures.

-1 billion T.G.E.: The current epoch begins, as the Pangavi are fragmented and "cast down," gradually rebuilding in Transit space.

-500 million T.G.E.: The Zarkonians are believed to have evolved in the Milky Way's Sagittarius Arm.

-250 million T.G.E.: Dinosaurs roam the Earth. Unknown species obtains genetic samples to begin stocking Beta Canum Venaticorum (see 5a.21).

-3 million T.G.E.: Trinoids begin slower-than-light space travel, and Nethian civilization begins. Humanity evolves.

-50,000 T.G.E.: The end of the last Terran Ice Age.

-20,000 T.G.E.: The current wave of interstellar civilizations begins. The Ma'ari, "Dwellers in the Clouds," and Zarkonians attain faster-than-light Transit by this time at the latest.

-12,000 T.G.E.: The Cetarans, Nethians, and Trinoids develop Transit capability. The beginnings of recorded human history.

-8,000 T.G.E.: Sazometa's teachings lead to the Jennesett among the Trinoids, who stop "Uplift" (bringing other species to sentience) after the Metaderpods.

-6,000 T.G.E.: The Olvar and Ru'ulok achieve Transit. The Cestolar rebel against their Olvar "Uplift" patrons.

-4,000 T.G.E.: Slower-than-light generation ship crashes in Central Asia. Beginnings of the "Vanished Lands." Civilization on 96 Piscium B/"Venice" collapses (see 5a.23).

-2,000 T.G.E.: The end of civil wars (later romanticized) among the Olvar. Colony on GL 884/"Cold Miser" founded and later abandoned (see 5a.25). The Gustrall and Nolath develop Transit. The interstellar cults of the Cyclists and Anodytes founded.

-1,000 T.G.E.: The Nethians and Ru'ulok overthrow oppressive caste systems. The Battle of Capricornus X2, in which the Cestolar switched sides, forcing a truce between the Olvar and Ru'ulok empires and ending their expansion into the unclaimed space containing the Sol system and other backwater worlds (see 5a.26). The Gustrall conduct "Uplift" on the Aerdari and others and conquer neighboring systems. More Terran genetic samples relocated to Beta Canum Venaticorum/"Boobulon."

-400 T.G.E.: The Encegulans, Laransans, and Meorr acquire Transit. Oasis Station expands to be a ring of orbital habitats daisy-chained around a star about 40 parsecs from Sol (see 5a.27).

-250 T.G.E.: Kroac teaches his code of honor among the Gustrall; despot Ozniez rises on Laransu. Unofficial and secret contact resumes between galactic species and Terrans after first radio signals reach the Olvar and Ru'ulok. Harbingers of the Order of Submission reenter the Orion Arm (see 5b.4), and the "Dawn's Retreat" begins its final mission (see 5b.17). The end of World War II and the "Golden Age" of human science fiction.

-100 T.G.E.: Laransu is devastated by Zarkonian forces. The Trinoids and Nethians found the Kharvamid Alliance. Aquarian/Salvorain mining expedition stranded near Precursor ruins at Van Maanen's Star (see 5a.18). Ecocrises on Terra and the Sol system's First Interplanetary War. Humans conduct "Uplift." The "Chengdu" slower-than-light generation colony ship leaves Earth (see 5b.23). The United Earth Authority is established.

-30 T.G.E.: Second Interplanetary War -- Mars Confederation and "Synths" rebel against Terran megacorps, gain limited independence (see 5a.9). Humans colonize Venus (see 5b.9) and the outer Sol system (see 5a.14, 5b.18).

-10 T.G.E.: Aquarians and Polarians report contact with the Zarkonian Armada. The Encegulans raid Tharia, and the "Takers" faction rises among the Ru'ulok. The United Ecumenical Movement is formed. The Kutalrin lay a trap near Cetus Eridani (see 5a.20).

0 T.G.E. (2194 A.D./C.E.): Open and official First Contact between galactic societies and humanity, which gains Transit technology. The adventures of "Jason Delmar" begin, as well as those of the crews of the P.T.S. "Venture," the "Blackbird," and the "Appomattox."


OasisSta2.doc 7 April 2023

In one future, humanity has begun to colonize the Sol system, but ecological degradation and internecine conflicts persist. Open and official First Contact with Galactic societies, themselves at war, threaten Terra's very survival. Will heroes rise to the challenges?

Two aliens and their human allies encountered xenophobes and megacorporate intrigues on and around Earth. After visiting factionalized Mars and acquiring a starship, they continued their mission of diplomacy and exploration to Titan, Tyche, and Alpha Centauri. From Van Maanen's Star, the Olvar scout ship evaded a trap at Cetus Eridani and met priestesses and miners at Beta Canum Venaticorum before journeying to Oasis Station....

Player Character roster for the Team 1 (5a), crew of the Blackbird, in Gene D.'s "VORTEX" space opera campaign, using

FATE 3e Starblazer Adventures and Bulldogs, spring 2012

-"Syzygy" [Brian W.]-Trinoid (trilateral amphibious alien) xenologist with an organic laboratory and a pet cat named "Mr. Sniffles"

-"Tela" [Sara F.]-female Tharian (winged reptilian humanoid alien) escapee from the Encegulans, engineer

-"Chris McKee/Agent Prometheus" [Josh C.]-male Terran cyborg human sniper working for eugenicists at Black Box Security Co.

-"Aughest-vor..." [Jason E.R.]-male human from the Lemuria orbital city, onetime dilettante, solar-sail racer, pilot

-"Lt. Kevin Reese" [Bruce K.]-male Terran human, burned-out officer and explorer in the Interplanetary Patrol

-"Scoop Chang" [Rich C.G.]-male Jovian "near-human," interstellar reporter kidnapped by the Olvar; psi interested in First Contacts

-"Tariq Asrad Saladin" [Beruk A.]-male Terran "near-human," seeker of enlightenment and investigator met aboard the Ma'ari ship Cyan Horizon

-"Gombo Shisel" [Rich L./absent]-male Mongolian/Martian human, former horse rancher and wilderness survival expert

-"Dr. Bucket" [Non-Player Character]-United Earth Authority astromech robot assigned to the Blackbird

-"Kedar" [N.P.C.]-male Tharian mechanic, boyfriend of Tela

>>Extraterrestrial species:

-Aerdari: Avians "Uplifted" by the Gustrall

-Aquarians/Polarians [created with Carlo R.]: Amphibious humanoids with colonies in a few systems; threatened by Zarkonian Armada

-Boobulons: Green-skinned, three-breasted humanoids on planet "Henson/Hefner" near Beta Canum Venaticorum; Syzygy believes they're derived from Terran stock by the Encegulans

-Cestolar: Literal-minded, badger-like former Olvar clients; prospectors encountered at Tyche

-Cetarans [created by Byron V.O.]: Plesiosaur-like amphibious miners, non-aligned

-Daragi: silicon-based giants, slow architects

-Dwellers of the Clouds: Gas-giant dwellers met near Alpha Centauri

-Dwivarn: Reptiles uplifted by the Ru'ulok, claim it's the other way around

-Encegulans: Slug-like slavers from whom Tela escaped

-Gryphons: Flying animals partly "Uplifted" by the Olvar

-Gustrall: Orange-furred, hooved, antlered, velociraptor-like warriors

-Kutalrin: Robotic scavengers/raiders with hive mind, used "Squltures" and T-inhibitors to trap unwary vessels near Cetus Eridani

-Laransans [created by Erik B.L.]: Long-lived telepathic humanoids

-Ma'ari [created by Jenna R.P.]: Diminutive humanoid wanderers

-Meorr [created by Dave F.R-B.]: Lion-like berserkers

-Metaderpods: Misshapen former "Uplift" clients of the Trinoids

-Nethians: Blue insectoid engineers, Kharvamid Alliance members

-Nolath: Arachnoid engineers (see Team 2/Appomattox notes)

-Olvar: Arboreal mammal-like pranksters and mystics; co-founders with the Trinoids of the Kharvamid Alliance

-Pangavi: Extradimensional entities, related to Precursors?

-Precursors: Ancient starfaring species capable of massive engineering projects such as those near Van Maanen's Star; current whereabouts unknown

-Ru'ulok: Heavy-gravity reptilian traders

-Salvorain: Descendants of Aquarian miners near Van Maanen's Star

-Sulishi: Furry snails, interstellar caretakers

-Tharians [created by Sara F.]: Gargoyle-like, pre-FTL aliens; see Tela

-Tolimanian mantiles: Reptilian/insectoid xenomorphs (hostile life forms), pack hunters that communicate via subsonics, encountered near Alpha Centauri

-Trinoids [developed by David I.S., Brian W.]: Three-armed, barrel-trunked xenobiologists; see Syzygy

-Venetian land whales, carnosaurs, and lampreys: indigenous life forms encountered near BD+04-123, or 96 Piscium

-Xenoids: Synthetic beings created by aliens, similar to humanity's "Synths" (robots/A.I.s, "Uplifted" animals, genetically engineered humanoids)

-Zarkonians [created by Gene D., Carlo R., Bill B., Jon B., and Ray C.]: Tentacled crustaceans with an interstellar armada; homeworld unknown

-Zurmiz Krott: Scouts cobbled together by the Zarkonians

-"Uplifted" (genetically modified) Terran animals (see the works of David Brin):

--Avidians: birds, usually parrots--Canids: dogs/wolves--Chims: chimpanzee--Crocoloids: alligators and crocodiles (see "Deep Dish")--Delphines: dolphins and orcas--Felinoids: great cats (see "Jasmine")--Gorths: gorillas, orangutans, and other great apes--Minotaurs: bovines--Octopoids: octopi and squids--Ursoids: bears


OasisSta2.doc 7 April 2023

Fellow role-players, because of this week's company meetings, I'm still working on updates for the latest "Pathfinder"/Skype: "the Vanished Lands" and FATE 3e "Vortex" Team 2 sessions. In the meantime, to prepare for next week's "Vortex" Team 1 space opera game, here are more notes regarding Oasis Station:

Oasis Station is a huge set of orbital habitats daisy-chained around a star about 40 parsecs from Sol. Each of them is equivalent to the human cities orbiting Earth and other planets. There are hundreds of permanent structures, some as small as a capsule or docking scaffold, and others as large as a spinning torus or cylinder or a hollowed-out asteroid. Millions of sentients gather at this crossroads of interstellar commerce.

For astrogational purposes, Oasis Station is divided into 12 sectors. Each one has its own life support, law enforcement, media, trade, and docking authorities. I've listed some highlights unique to each sector.

>>Sector: 1, "The Shining Sisters" (Syzygy, Tela, Kedar interested in)-Governance: Corporatist-Population: Ma'ari, Nethians, Daragi (silicon-based giants)-Notable sites: Tulver's Caverns (mining megacorp), Nebula Opera

>>Sector: 2, "Heaven's Burden"-Governance: Theocracy-Population: Laransans, Jennesett Trinoids-Notable sites: Cluster University, Anodyte Hospital

>>Sector: 3, "The Hunting Lodge"-Governance: Tribal/clan council-Population: Olvar, Gustrall, Ru'ulok-Notable sites: Raptor's Retreat (restaurant), Whittler's (artist


>>Sector: 4, "The Old Warrior"-Governance: Feudal militarist-Population: Gustrall, Meorr, Nethians, Ru'ulok-Notable sites: Emporium of Curios, Nabu Survey Society

>>Sector: 5, "The Dueling Suns"-Governance: Oligarchy-Population: Ru'ulok, Encegulans, Ma'ari-Notable sites: Monastery of Infinite Forms, Cyclist Cathedral

>>Sector: 6, "The Grower"-Governance: Corporatist/Communist-Population: Sulishi (furry snails), Olvar, Trinoids (encountered

Zurmiz Krott)-Notable sites: Smiling Goddess Food Court, Worker's Paradise


>>Sector: 7, "The Righteous Stinger" (Chris interested in)-Governance: Militant libertarian (lawless reputation)-Population: Nethians, Nolath, Cestolar-Notable sites: The Flux Farm (weapons shop), Ballister's Courts

>>Sector: 8, "The Lagoon"-Governance: Tribal democracy-Population: Trinoids, Aquarians, Polarians, Cetarans-Notable sites: The Wave Spa, Kelp Preserve

>>Sector: 9, "The Skies Below"-Governance: Telepathic links-Population: Dwellers of the Clouds, Aerdari (Gustrall clients),

Pangavi-Notable sites: Visitor's bay, methane/hydrogen habitats

>>Sector: 10, "The Rusted Link" ("Dragonfly" visited; guide VX-7)

-Governance: Artificial intelligence technocracy-Population: Cestolar, Kutalrin, Metaderpods, Xenoids-Notable sites: The Privateer's Perch, The Arc Shops

>>Sector: 11, "The Swift Course" ("Morifaiwet" visited, serviced)-Governance: Feudal aristocracy-Population: Olvar, Gustrall-Notable sites: The Regatta Hotel (concierge Mr. Blix), The

Lancer's Club, Observation Lounge

>>Sector: 12, "The Merging" ("Morifaiwet," "Tiger Hawk Sandstorm")-Governance: Overall Oasis Station command (galactic Trade

Guilds), communications -- Port Authority-Population: Boobulons, Encegulans, Metaderpods, Ru'ulok-Notable sites: Ruby Lantern Resort, Uplift Institute

Here again are the quasi-Non-Player Characters you'll be using. Don't forget to flesh them out using FATE (Aspects: Concept, Motivation, Secret) when you get a chance!

-Squad 1 (opposite Aughest-vor, Syzygy, Chris, Tariq, Mr. Sniffles, and Dr. Bucket on the "Blackbird")

-Ibor vos Talshun [Rich C.G.]-male Cestolar (badger-like alien) trader looking for entertainment; took bored Aughest and Chris to the Ruby Lantern Resort (and later Tariq, Tela, and Chris) to “the Merging”

-Mr. Blix-xenoid (alien robot) concierge at the Regatta Hotel in the Swift Course; told Aughest about the elite Lancer's Club and solar-sail races, directs Syzygy, Kevin, and Scoop to the “Swift Course’s” observation deck to see and be seen

-Boobulon dancers, Encegulan slavers-aliens in the Ruby Lantern, nearly trapped Aughest and Chris

-Slurshac-Encegulan slaver at the Ruby Lantern Resort in the Merging

-Squad 2 (opposite Kevin, Tela, Scoop, and Kedar on the "Dragonfly")

-Nylca of clan Firehoof [Brian W.]-female Gustrall (orange-furred, antlered, flightless raptor) fierce and well-known mercenary, met with Tariq, Tela, and Chris at moonset in “the Merging” regarding the Precursor jump gate; says she knows some of the guards at undisclosed location and acquires pass card to get close to the jump gate

-Kzp'trn ("Kezip'torn") [Jason E.R.]-male Nethian (insectoid alien) mechanic looking for "isoquantum fracture compensators"

-VX-7-xenoid guide to the Rusted Link and "Privateer's Perch"-Faisala-female Olvar collections agent, plying Ru'ulok with Graal juice

and Vamec sauce-Gworr [Jason], Keferr [Josh C.], and Mundarr-male Meorr

(leonine berserkers; created by David F.R-B.) party animals-Yoshi Tanaka-female Terran Felinoid (panther synth) hanging out with

the Meorr; talked with Scoop-Rugar, the "Claw of Might"-male Gustrall fighting fellow "organic" in

the A.I.-dominated upper level of the "Privateer's Perch"-Rundel Tosk-male Cestolar (literal-minded, badger-like alien) owner of

the ship the “Lodge,” met at the “Privateer’s Perch” and coerced into providing lodgings for the crew of the "Dragonfly" by Nycla

>>Other N.P.C.s at Oasis Station:

-Plorb [Beruk A.]-male Aquarian (amphibious humanoid) diplomat, asked Lt. Reese for help defending/placing refugees from the Zarkonian Armada and helped fight Zurmiz Krott

-Kerenar [Bruce K.]-male Ru'ulok (heavy-gravity reptilian alien) trader selling virtual reality (VR) headsets; tells Chris that a relative, Serenar, is among the scientists studying the jump


OasisSta2.doc 7 April 2023

gate; his "Punisher" won Oasis Station solar-sail regatta, narrowly defeating Aughest-vor's "Island of the Moon"

-Turvel Dosk [Rich D.]-male Cestolar (literal-minded, badger-like alien) smuggler met with Nycla and Kerenar; tells Tela that he can provide a ship to get close to the Precursor device

-Selenium [Josh C.]-Trinoid (trilateral amphibious alien) rogue biologist, helps Syzygy synthesize anesthetic spores to quell riot, wants samples of Zurmiz Krott

-Hannah Nydari [Sara F.]-female Olvar (arboreal, mammal-like alien) tourist wearing the robes and plasma sword from a Terran serial, rescued from Zurmiz Krott by Lt. Reese and company; actually the missing Kharvamid Alliance agent

-T'chlk T'cha [Rich C.G.]-male Aquarian solar-sail pilot of the "Heart of the Ocean," killed by Kutalrin (shark-like xenoids); room at the Regatta Hotel later destroyed in mysterious blast

-Prada Deville [Sara F.]-female Gustrall, wealthy racer of the pink "Crusher," which was entangled by force fields

-Blurb [Brian W.]-Encegulan (slug-like alien) repo agent, pilot of the Olvar vessel "Eron"

-Laksha [Josh C.]-male Nolath (spider-like alien) pilot, crashed into by Blurb's "Eron"

-Marvog-male Cetaran (plesiosaur-like alien; created by Byron V.O.) miner, supplying raw materials to Oasis Station construction teams; acting as aide to Plorb, reports on Zurmiz Krott attack

-Cyril-male Olvar [arboreal, mammal-like alien] wearing antique aviator’s clothing, met in “Swift Course’s” observation deck; interested in seeing the “Morifaiwet”

-unnamed Sulishi (furry snail)-security officer at “the Grower,” Tariq, Chris, and Tela bluffed to get past

-Zurmiz Krott-Zarkonian xenoid -- predatory biomechanical probe with bulbous body and tripod legs that can inflict cannibalistic madness; fought in the Smiling Goddess Food Court

-unnamed Aerdary-member of Gustrall client species [see David Brin’s “Uplift” novels] resembling a chocobo, seen by curious Tela

>(not yet used):-Meshi Chabo-female Laransan (long-lived telepathic humanoid)

refugee and pilgrim, looking for holy sites-Selfrana Lenk-female Ma'ari (diminuitive pale wanderer) sage, contact

of "Felana" [Jenna R.P./N.P.C.]-"Szechuan"-Trinoid station guide, contact of Selenium (and "Syzygy?")-Kraythor-male Ru'ulok "Taker" sharing advanced technologies -Pangavi-multidimensional aliens, related to Precursors?

Ru'ulok: Stanno, Keezo, Qoocno Andaf, Avaux, FeeataBuara, Geyyevge, Kiruun, Snolambac, Chalartu, Raabaak,

Graybukk, FrobukkNorsssk, Lunkdel, Druksk, Varcck, Ruundel, Porzek, Krevpor,

Growlya, NakgussGustrall: Kruost Vel'leb, Irith Uu'vel, Gurazs Nan'tey, Rayov Drak'lya,

Rettov Sei'skar, Kora Vil'ag, Yebarn, Torkett Aam'sey, Yebyel Ylin

Nethian: Konoc'ma, Aranor'bec, Kla'ma, Malch Racus, Natfort'us, Zenmub'bec, Haam'ik, Zenko'ugi, Haa'an

Olvar: Margie Tophen, Roata Mithwyr, Kieran Larbo, Tu Pegan, Penoasam, Ipkrak, Tekbrac, Nesba, Tralru, Tuknel

-Links:Google Search: Ringworld daisy chain orbital habitatsTraveler RPG wiki orbital complexesTop 10 theoretical structures




OasisSta2.doc 7 April 2023

Team 1 (5a), crew of the Blackbird, tabular notes for Gene D.'s Boston-area "Vortex" space opera campaign, using Fantastic Adventures in Tabletop Entertainment (FATE) 3e Starblazer Adventures/Mindjammer, Bulldogs, Diaspora, and Limitless Horizons, as of spring 2012

Character Syzygy Tela Chris McKee Aughest-vor... Lt. Kevin Reese Scoop Chang Tariq A.SaladinRole-player Brian W. Sara F. Josh C. Jason E.R. Bruce K. Rich C.G. Beruk A.Species Trinoid Tharian Cyborg human Human Cyborg human Mutant human "Near" humanHomeworld Hydronicus Tharia Terra, N.Am. Lemuria L-5OC Terra/Namor Jovian colonies Terra (Turkey)1. High concept Xenologist Mechanic/thief Master sniper Pilot for hire Burned-out cop Interst.Reporter Seeker/Dervish2. Foibles Great Tr.burden Weak to cold Looks like fun Megacorp scion Any pretty face Alien optimist Code of honor3. Starting out We do life right Relentless One shot, 1 kill Scandalous Psych training Jovian orphan Monastery4. Sidetracked Lost In Translat. Hunted A new man Mistrust fund Late wifeHeath. Olvar kidnap Wandered5. Guest star Cat, Mr.Sniffles Encegulans Men In Black Cousin Raine I.P.'s Mr. Gray Miss Kitty Other Imm.6. Motivation Xenophilia Tinkerer? Enlightenment Pol.:Friend2all Defend Earth First Contacts! Enlightenment7. Adventuring Slow,ponderous Eng.DoItW/Prec Get2the bottom Solar sail racer Curious8. New aspect? It's safe, really! Creepy robots! Slayer of evil

Apex skill, +4 Mysteries(tech) Engineering Guns (rifle) Pilot Rapport Genurgy (psi) Investigation

Good skill, +3 Academics Athletics Alertness Resolve Guns (pistol) Mental Bolt AlertnessGood skill, +3 Science! Stealth StarshipGunner Resources StarshipSystems Resolve (will) EnduranceGood skill, +3 Telepathy

Fair skill, +2 Engineering Alertness Fists Alertness Athletics Academics AthleticsFair skill, +2 Rapport Burglary Stealth Intimidation Investigation Alertness Fists/brawlingFair skill, +2 Resolve Flight Survival Leadership Pilot Contacting ResolveFair skill, +2 Resources Starship systems Resolve StarshipGunner StarshipSystem Science: medic Science: medicFair skill, +2 Starship system Weapon: staff

AverageSkill+1 Art Endurance Academics Deceit Alertness Academics DeceitAverageSkill+1 Burglary Guns Athletics Empathy Contacts Burglary EmpathyAverageSkill+1 Contacting Investigation Endurance Gambling Empathy Investigation GunsAverageSkill+1 Empathy Resolve Intimidation Guns Fists Mysteries (psi) MysteriesAverageSkill+1 Guns Sleight of hand Investigation Rapport Leadership StarshipSystem StarshipSystem

sAverageSkill+1 Investigation Survival Leadership StarshipSystem Resolve Survival SurvivalAverageSkill+1 Pilot Weapons ResourcesAverageSkill+1 StealthAverageSkill+1AverageSkill+1AverageSkill+1AverageSkill+1Stunt 1 Biology genius Eagle eyes In my sights Blackmail I can drive it Chitin armor Combat dodgeStunt 2 Gills(optional?) Grease monkey Military grade Cosmopolitan Ladies' man FortressMind Imm.(Mystery)Stunt 3 Univ. gadget 1x Universal gadget Pers. gear, rifle Flying jock Military grade? Per. artifact Martial artsStunt 4 Arcane secrets Wings Pinpoint-SB191 ShootOnTheRun Postcognition ToughnessStunt 5 Still standingStunt 6 Truth scanStunt 7Fate points left 4 3 5 4 3 2 3Equipment Laboratory None, disguise Blaster pistol Solar sail boat Bionic leg Fedora(artifact)Prime weapon Blarp gun EMP blaster Mini, MW rifle Pistol Pistol Mental Bolt Collapsing staffSecond weapon Gyroc pistol EVE hovercam Laser pistolShip function Science, medic Engineer Gunner Pilot, astrogator Marine Comm/medic Medic/survivalOther notes Dr. Bucket Light armor TigerHwkSndst

EMP gr./trident

See also notes for "Gombo Shisel."


OasisSta2.doc 7 April 2023

Quasi-Non-Player Characters for crews of the Blackbird and Dragonfly, tabular notes for Gene D.'s Boston-area "Vortex" space opera campaign, using Fantastic Adventures in Tabletop Entertainment (FATE) 3e Starblazer Adventures/Mindjammer, Bulldogs, Diaspora, and Limitless Horizons, as of spring 2012

Character Hannah Nydari Kerenar Ibor vosTalshun Nycla Cl. Frhf. Selenium Kzp'trn PlorbRole-player Sara F. Bruce K. Rich C.G. Brian W. Josh C. Jason E.R. Beruk A.Species Olvar Ru'ulok Cestolar Gustrall Trinoid (sharer) Nethian AquarianHomeworld1. High concept Tourist/scout Pilot/VR agent Trader Mercenary Rogue biologist Mechanic Diplomat2. Foibles Painfully literal No idle chatter Don'tQmethods Logical3. Starting out Kharvamid A. Trade guilds Merchant Queralchk's 2Lg Want samples Game prodigy4. Sidetracked Wanted by Kh. Needs money Exiled 4 "Uplift" Logic gladiator Wanted by Kh.5. Guest star Compromised Taker Kraythor Seamy underb. Encegulans Bimzel CetaranMarvog6. Motivation Hunted Strong take want Looking 4 ent. Go big! Evolve to apex Looking 4work Looking 4 allies7. Adventuring Looking 4 spies 3 Meorr Light on her feet Guide Szezhuan Care to wager?8. New aspect? Want jump gate Knows all... Isn't it lovely?

Apex skill, +4 Stealth Piloting Resources Intimidation Science (bio.) Engineering Diplomacy

Good skill, +3 Deceit Athletics Fists Alertness Intimidation AlertnessGood skill, +3 Gather info. Deceit Diplomacy Contacting Resolve ResolveGood skill, +3 Guns Endurance Fists

Fair skill, +2 Alertness Contacts Athletics Athletics Deceit Endurance ResourcesFair skill, +2 Athletics Resolve Burglary Endurance Mysteries GamblingFair skill, +2 Guns Resources Rapport Might Stealth StarshipSystemsFair skill, +2 Resolve Survival Weapons Survival WeaponsFair skill, +2

AverageSkill+1 Contacts Endurance Alertness Gambling Athletics DeceitAverageSkill+1 Fists Fists Mysteries (gate) Guns Empathy GunsAverageSkill+1 Repair Intimidate Pilot (starship) Resources Intimidation InvestigationAverageSkill+1 Sleight of hand Rapport Stealth Resolve Investigation MightAverageSkill+1 Survival Starship systems Survival Stealth Might Starship GunnerAverageSkill+1 Stealth Resources StealthAverageSkill+1 SurvivalAverageSkill+1AverageSkill+1AverageSkill+1AverageSkill+1AverageSkill+1Stunt 1 Clever disguise Con-man Animal comp. I'm on top of it Drug dealer ComputersStunt 2 Hide plain sight Flying jock Claws Martial arts +3 Modified vision Danger senseStunt 3 Martial arts Grease wheels 5-min. friends Run interference Parts is parts Inner strengthStunt 4 Intergal.Rapport Headquarters Serpent's tongue Waste disposalStunt 5 One hit to body P. gadget(st.bl.) Subtle menaceStunt 6Stunt 7Fate points left 4 3 2 3 3 4Equipment Clothing VR headsets Strobe balls Bug matrix Biomodifications F'nethArmBladePrime weapon Gauss pistol Shok stickSecond weapon Martial arts Snare bolosShip function Surveillance Pilot Pilot Permits, bugs Plastic surgeon Engineer DiplomatOther notes Has a ship DecoricatorColl. At Arc ShopsOpposite Aughest-vor Syzygy, Chris Tariq, Chris Tela, Kedar Scoop Chang Tela, Kedar Lt. Kevin ReeseLocations The Merging Lt. en. shield Privateer'sPerch Arc Shops


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