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Week beginning 15th June 2020- Year 5

These activities are based on Blodden’s Quest – Please go to the school website to the home learning page and watch the videos




. Click on the link: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/

Watch the video for each lesson and then do the activity sheet. The activity sheets are included in this pack.

Summer term – Week 4 – Lesson 1

Area of rectangles.

Summer term – Week 4 – Lesson 2

Equivalent fractions

Summer term – Week 4 – Lesson 3

Converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa.

Summer term – Week 4 – Lesson 4

Compare and order fractions less than one.

Everyday Maths

When Spain played Belgium in the preliminary round of the men's hockey competition in the 2008 Olympics, the final score was 4−2.

What could the half time score have been?Can you find all the possible half time scores?How will you make sure you don't miss any out?

In the final of the men's hockey in the 2000 Olympics, the Netherlands played Korea.  The final score was a draw; 3−3 and they had to take penalties.

Can you find all the possible half time scores for this match? 

SPAG (Spelling and Grammar)

Before completing the SPAG work watch this short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSE3OiRGlgE

Bronze Activity

Silver Activity

Gold Activity


Watch Video 1 on the school website

Write your build up using the Success Criteria from last week

Watch Video 2 on the school website

Analyse mac’s short adventure dilemma

Using short sentences and hidden things to create suspense.

Using a variety of sentence openers


Read at home every day

Complete the reading comprehension

Topic (geography and history)

This week were going to be learning about latitude and longitude.

Watch this clip:


TASK 1: Complete the sentences below.

The imaginary line the runs around the middle of the earth is called _______________________.

The half above the equator is called the __________________ hemisphere.

The half below the equator is called the __________________ hemisphere.

Lines of _______________ run around the earth (east/west).

Lines of _______________ run from the top of the earth to the bottom (north/south).

The line that runs through London is called the _________________________ and is at 0 degrees.

TASK 2: Draw and label as many of the ‘imaginary lines’ you have just learned about on the blank map at the back of the pack.

TASK 3: Using the map with the lines of latitude and longitude on it what would be the coordinates of the following locations?

The first one has been done for you.

1) Somewhere in Europe? – Latitude is 60 degrees north and Longitude is 20 degrees east. Right on the coast of Sweden.

2) Somewhere in Africa.

3) Somewhere in South America

4) Somewhere in North America.

5) Somewhere in Asia.

6) Somewhere in Oceania.

7) Somewhere in the Indian Ocean.

8) Somewhere in the South Pacific Ocean.

9) Somewhere in the North Atlantic Ocean

10) Somewhere in the North Pacific Ocean.

Art/Design Technology

Observational drawing:

For the next few weeks, we are going to be focussing on our skills of observational drawing (accurately drawing what is in front of you by looking at it carefully) and sketching. First watch this video then complete the work sheet at the back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HQE0XLvibM

Then have a look at this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqFv7WcG2dw which talks you through the basics of how to draw a simple object. Feel free to make a little sketch pad like she has done in the video. We’ll be using this over the next few weeks. When you have watched the video, choose a simple object from your house or garden and have a go at sketching it. Remember to draw the outside line first then do some of the more pronounced inner lines.

Good luck!


For the next few weeks we are going to be focusing on forces and mechanisms.

First remind yourselves what we mean by a force. This BBC bitesize page has got lots of information about all sorts of forces. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/znmmn39

Now watch this video about simple machines. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvOmaf2GfCY

TASK 1: At the back of this pack is a work sheet. Identify the type of simple machines that you see in the pictures.

TASK 2: Take a look around your house. How many simple machines can you identify? Choose a simple machine that you find and see if you can describe how it makes your like easier and how it works. Try and include some of the following vocabulary – Lever/inclined plane, mechanism, force, load, direction, opposite, upward, downward, motion.

E.g. The door handle on my living room door is a type of lever called a wheel and axle. It helps by operating a mechanism which keeps the door closed. Force is applied to the handle in a downward motion. The rotates the axis inside a wheel which operates a mechanism which opens the door.

Extension: Draw a diagram, including labels to showing how your simple machine works. Remember to label the forces on there as well.

Summer term 1 – Week 4 – Lesson 1

Summer term 1 – Week 4 – Lesson 2

Summer term 1 – Week 4 – Lesson 3

Summer term 1 – Week 4 – Lesson 4

English Lesson 2 – WMAG dilemma

Winston and Hannah were close behind but cannoned round the corner straight into a woman pushing a pram.

“Watch where you’re going,” she yelled, stumbling but grabbing the handle.

“Sorry,” they mumbled. Hannah got up and examined her cut knee. She looked as if she was going to cry.

“I can’t see Mac anymore,” Winston announced when the woman had gone on her way. “I thought we’d catch up with him by the ducks.”

A few minutes of racing along the sodden paths in the park, finally convinced the children that they had lost Mac. But they could not give up yet. Grandma. Winston was keen to keep trying. Hannah wanted to report him missing to the police. They both wished their Mum was with them. While arguing about the best course of action, they left the park and made their way up the High Street.

“We’re never going to find him by ourselves,” Hannah persisted. “I bet he’s frightened now, poor little thing.”

“I should hope he is!” Winston said, rather unkindly. “Look at the trouble he’s put us to! Oh look,” he yelled. “A bus! Come on! Let’s go home and phone Mum.” Before Hannah could argue, he had pulled his sister onto the bus and paid their fares.

Success Criteria

Using ‘empty’ words, e.g. ‘someone’ to create suspense

Employing suspense words such as ‘suddenly’, ‘without warning’

Using short sentences to be dramatic

Varying sentence openings

English Lesson 3 – Using short sentences and hidden things to create suspense

His heart pounded. His hands shook. Sweat poured. He could feel dark eyes watching him from the corner.

In the sentences above I have used short sentences to add to the suspense and introduced something hidden, this lets the reader know there is something there, but the characters are still unaware. These two techniques are great for building suspense.

Finish the sentences below creating sentences full of suspense:

1) Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye….

2) My heart pounding in my chest, I thought I could hear….

3) As the vast door of the alien craft opened I could feel…

Now can you create a paragraph using short sentences and a hidden character?

English Lesson 4 – Using a variety of sentence openers

To keep the reader interested we need to change how we start out sentences. If we use the same opener it can seem like a list. Open up one of your favourite books at any page. Fill out the tally chart below to see how they have used different sentence openers, there are two rows left free to add your own categories, if you find something else.




Adverbs or fronted adverbials

A word or group of words that describes or adds meaning to words other than nouns.


Words that link ideas together e.g. although, however, after,


A action or something that is being done


Starting with a feeling


Words describing an noun

Proper noun/ pronoun

The name of a person or place or something that has been used to replace that e.g. I, we, she, he

Reading comprehension

The noise was deafening. Shouting, screaming, laughing, shrieking – it was so thunderous. I thought my head was about to explode. I took a deep breath, breathed out, inhaled again, then dipped down until my head was completely under water.

Silence. Peace.

It was like a radio being switched off. I sat down at the bottom of the swimming pool and opened my eyes. The chlorine in the water stung, but better that than not seeing what was coming and being kicked in the face. I would’ve liked to stay down there for ever, but within seconds my lungs were aching and there came a sharp, stabbing pain in my chest. My blood roared like some kind of angry monster in my ears.

I closed my eyes and stood up slowly. If I had to emerge, it would be at my own pace and in my own time – no matter how much my body screamed at me to take a breath as fast as I could. I was the one in control. Not my lungs. Not my blood. Not my heart.

‘Cam, are you all right?’ I opened my eyes. Marlon stood in front of me, his green eyes dark and huge with concern. I inhaled sharply, waiting for the roaring in my ears to subside. The pain in my chest took a little longer. ‘’Course! I’m fine,’ I replied a little breathlessly.

‘What were you doing?’

‘Just sitting down.’

Marlon frowned. ‘Is that smart?’

‘I was just sitting down. Don’t fuss. Sometimes you’re worse than Mum and Dad,’ I said.

‘If your parents find out that you’re here every Tuesday instead of at my house, I’m the one who’ll get it in the neck – and every other bodily part,’ Marlon pointed out.

I smiled. ‘If you don’t tell them, I won’t.’

‘How can you be so calm about it? Every time we come here, I’m terrified some grown-up who knows your family is going to spot you and tell your parents.’ Marlon looked around the pool anxiously, as if expecting his words to come true at that precise moment.

‘Marlon, you worry too much.’ My smile broadened as the pain in my chest lessened.

‘How long were you under water?’

‘A few seconds. Why?’

‘I really don’t think you should . . .’

I’d had enough. ‘Marlon, bog off!’ I snapped. ‘You’re getting on my last nerve now!’

‘I was just . . .’

‘I know what you were doing, and you can stop it,’ I said firmly. ‘You’re beginning to cheese me off.’

1. What noises can Cam hear that make the atmosphere sound ‘thunderous’?

2. Which simile does the author use to describe Cam’s blood ‘roaring’?

3. What does the word ‘emerge’ mean?

4. What does Marlon feel most anxious about? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

5. How do you think Marlon feels when Cam snaps at him? Use evidence from the text to support your answer?



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