oakthorpe primary school - oakthorpe.enfield.sch.uk...2 version 9 16.01.2021 oakthorpe primary...

Post on 23-Jan-2021






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Version 9 16.01.2021




Mrs J Garrad Persons undertaking the assessment: Headteacher/ Senior Leadership Team/ School Business Manager

Work Activity being assessed:

Risk Assessment for Schools in response to Coronavirus in the Spring term 2021

Risk Assessment Number:

Version 9

Date of assessment: 16th January 2021

Date of next review: 12th February 2021 or sooner if Government Guidance changes

Version 8 changes 4.1.21 in red Version 9 changes 16.1.20 in green


Version 9 16.01.2021



This Risk Assessment and Action Plan sets out the decisions taken and measures put in place by Oakthorpe Primary School in Autumn Term 2020 to ensure that the school continues to operate in a safe way. In order to achieve this the school will adhere to the systems of controls as defined by the Department of Education guidance (updated 7.1.21) This updated version includes additional information regarding the opening the school to key worker and vulnerable children from 5.1.2021. This is in response to government announcement that all schools will be closed until at least February Half term (12.01.2021). Oakthorpe Primary School will provide remote education for the majority of pupils and provide on-site provision for the children of critical workers and vulnerable children. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/actions-for-schools-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak/guidance-for-full-opening-schools (updated 30.12.2020) This risk assessment includes updates included in the following documents:

1. Contingency Framework for Education and childcare settings published 1.1.2021 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-contingency-framework-for-education-and-childcare-settings

2. Restricting attendance during the national lockdown: schools. Guidance for all schools published January 2021

https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/950510/School_national_restrictions_guidance.pdf Systems of control which must be adhered to in this risk assessment: The measures remain just as important during the period where attendance is limited from 5.1.21

1. minimise contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does, do not attend school

2. Where recommended, the use of face coverings in schools 3. clean hands thoroughly more often than usual 4. ensure good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach


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5. introduce enhanced cleaning, including cleaning frequently touched surfaces often, using standard products such as detergents 6. minimise contact between individuals and maintain social distancing wherever possible 7. where necessary, wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) 8. always keeping occupied spaces well ventilated

Numbers 1 to 5 and number 8 must be in place in all schools, all the time. Number 6 must be properly considered and schools must put in place measures that suit their particular circumstances Number 7 applies in specific circumstances Response to any infection

9. Engage with the NHS Test and Trace process 10. Manage confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) amongst the school community 11. Contain any outbreak by following local health protection team advice

Numbers 9-11 must be followed in every case where they are relevant

LOCATION: Oakthorpe Primary School, Tile Kiln Lane, N13 6BY

WHEN DOES THE ACTIVITY TAKE PLACE Monday -Friday 8am- 3.15pm. Cleaning daily from 6am (Site closed from 4pm daily)

NHS 111

NHS - 111 - COVID-19

HSE - Making your workplace COVID secure



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Government guidance:

GOV.UK - Guidance NHS Test and Trace how it works (updated 11.1.21)

GOV.UK - Stay at home guidance for households with possible coronavirus (COVID-19) infection

GOV.UK - Guidance on coronavirus testing (who is eligible for a test and how to get tested) updated 12.1.21

GOV.UK - Safe working in education, childcare and children’s social care settings (including the use of personal protective equipment PPE)

GOV.UK - Safe working in education, childcare and children's social care

GOV.UK Guidance for Schools Coronavirus - COVID19

GOV.UK - Guidance - COVID-19: cleaning of non-healthcare settings outside the home

HSE - Handwashing-using hand sanitiser - Coronavirus review due on 29.1.21

GOV.UK - Contacts: Public Health England (PHE) Teams

NHS Testing and Tracing for Coronavirus

GOV.UK - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Safer travel guidance for passengers

GOV.UK - Guidance on Shielding and Protecting People who are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable from COVID-19 updated 7.1.21


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Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health - Guidance on Clinically Extremely Vulnerable Children and Young People

GOV.UK - Guidance New National Restrictions from 5 November

GOV.UK - (Press Release) Extra mental health support for pupils and teachers

GOV.UK - Coronavirus (COVID-19): how to self-isolate when you travel to the UK

GOV.UK - Guidance for food businesses on Coronvarius (COVID-19)

HSE - Legionella risks during the Coronavirus pandemic

CIBSE (Chartered Institution Building Services Engineers) Emerging from Lockdown

CIBSE (Chartered Institution Building Services Engineers) Coronavirus, SARS-COV-2, COVID-19 and HVAC Systems

HSE - Air Conditioning and Ventilation during the Coronavirus Pandemic

GOV.UK - Health & Safety on Educational Visits

GOV.UK - Protective Measures for Holiday/After-School Clubs and Other Out of School Settings updated 8.1.21

GOV.UK - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance on phased return of sport and recreation

GOV.UK - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance


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GOV.UK - Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions

Coronavirus (COVID-19): implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings GOV.UK - What parents/carers need to know about early years providers schools and colleges COVID-19 updated 8.1.21 Nursing Times - Paper Towels (much more effective) at removing viruses than hand dryers GOV.UK Coronavirus (COVID-19) Safer Travel Guidance for Passengers HSE - Using PPE at work during the Coronavirus pandemic HSE - PPE in non-healthcare work during the (COVID-19) pandemic HSE - Respiratory Protective Equipment PPE - Fit Testing Basics


Version 9 16.01.2021


What are the hazards?

Who is at risk and How would they be harmed?


What is currently done to reduce / control the risk?

What further action do you need to consider to

control the risks?

-What more can be done to reduce risk?

Action by whom, by when?


Increased risk of infection due to mutations of the Coronavirus.

All staff, pupils and others may be at greater risk of contracting the virus as with current new variant is also prevalent as well as the original strain. At this time the Government advise that the new variant does not appear to be more harmful.

All mitigation measures listed throughout the risk assessment are still relevant. The increased chance of infection highlights the importance of adherence to control measures. Where practicable consider reviewing controls and monitoring/checks on behaviours and controls taking place.

Advice and guidance is being constantly updated and particular attention should be given to guidance, should any be produced, where it refers to any required measures relating to the new variant.


HYGIENE PROCEDURES (Systems of Control 3,5)

Getting or spreading coronavirus by not washing hands or not washing them adequately

Staff Parents Pupils Visitors Contractors

Follow the HSE guidance on cleaning, hygiene and hand sanitiser HSE - Handwashing-using hand sanitiser - Coronavirus - Provide water, soap and drying facilities at wash stations

- Put in place monitoring and supervision to make sure pupils are following controls - Put signs up to remind people to wash their hands

SBM/HT in place prior to summer term end and extended for autumn term Posters in pupil and adult toilets


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All control measures continue to be in place from 4.1.2021

- Provide information on how to wash hands properly and display posters - Provide hand sanitiser for the occasions

when people can’t wash their hands

- Provide information to staff and pupils about when and where they need to wash their hands - Additional hand washing stations in temporary classrooms - If people can’t wash hands, provide information about how and when to use hand sanitiser – sanitiser stations located at key entry points (reception, 2 x key staff entrances and all classrooms) - daily check by site manager for handwashing supplies and sanitiser Recent guidance (Jan 2021) notes that Covid-19 is ‘an easy virus to remove when it is on skin. This remains true for the new variant. Regular and through

Completed by 4.9.2020 and ongoing SBM by 4.9.2020 Daily – by site staff In place – replace posters where necessary Additional wash basins have been purchased and will be used in temporary classrooms – in place by 7.9.2020 Additional sinks have been used for temporary classrooms. Now can be relocated 2.11.2020


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hand cleaning is going to be needed for the foreseeable future.’

Staff briefing (online) and email updates include reminders of Systems of Control 4.1.21 and 5.1.21

Getting or spreading coronavirus in common use high traffic areas such as staff rooms corridors, toilet facilities, entry/exit points and other communal areas

All staff

Careful monitoring and procedures for: .

➢ areas where people will congregate,

e.g. rest rooms, canteens, changing rooms, reception, meeting rooms, , tea points, kitchens etc leave non-fire doors open to reduce the amount of contact with doors and also potentially improve workplace ventilation fire doors should normally be closed; HOWEVER; WHERE AREAS ARE OCCUPIED- providing staff are briefed to only keep open whilst area/vicinity is in use, there is robust monitoring on procedure, the Fire Risk Assessment is amended and records of briefing to staff maintained, then fire doors can be kept open to improve ventilation-

➢ areas where there are pinch points

meaning people can’t meet the social distancing rules, e.g. narrow corridors, doorways, , storage areas

- Put in place monitoring and supervision to make sure people are following controls put in place, e.g. following hygiene procedures, washing hands, fire door controls - Near-miss reporting may also help identify where controls cannot be followed or people are not doing what they should Staff briefing 3.9.2020

Year group briefing meeting – team leaders – 3.9.2020 Review staff rooms now that building works are complete. 2.11.2020 Split space for Year 4 Set up space for year 3 (conference room- ensure fully equipped Staff room layouts to allow seating 2m apart Seating spaces apart in offices. Review office layouts to maximise space 2.11.2020


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➢ areas and equipment where people will

touch the same surfaces, such as in kitchens, e.g. kettles, shared condiments etc Agree the combination of controls you will put in place to reduce the risks. This can include but is not limited to:

➢ limiting the number of people in rooms

so that social distancing rules can be met, e.g. stagger breaks, have maximum occupancy numbers for meeting rooms

➢ reorganise facilities in communal areas

such as spacing out tables in meeting rooms, canteens etc so social distancing rules can be met

➢ where possible put in place physical

impervious barriers (e.g. Perspex in reception areas) to reduce contact

➢ increase the use of online meeting

facilities, even for people working in the same building, to reduce the number of people moving around

➢ keep surfaces, such as kitchen sides

and tables, in communal areas clear for people to sit and eat at to make cleaning easier

Signs in place to notify staff of rooms that are out of bounds and rooms with limited capacity Timetables in place and shared with staff 17.7.2020 and 3.9.2020 Perspex in place in training room, office and reception area Staff meetings online in autumn term and LA courses primary online Additional cleaning to continue during key worker provision.

By start of Autumn term 2020 SLT – completed Completed Check signage around school and renew and replace 2.11.2020 SBM/admin team


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➢ put signs up to remind people to wash

and sanitise hands and not touch their faces

Getting or spreading coronavirus by not cleaning surfaces, equipment and workstations System of control 5

Staff and pupils Cleaning company (WGC)

Use the guidance on cleaning and hygiene during the coronavirus outbreak https://www.hse.gov.uk/coronavirus/working-safely/cleaning.htm - Identify surfaces that are frequently touched and by many people (often common areas), e.g. handrails, door handles, vehicle door handles (inside and outside), shared equipment etc and specify the frequency and level of cleaning and by whom - Reduce the need for people to move around your site as far as possible. This will reduce the potential spread of any contamination through touched surfaces - Avoid sharing work equipment by allocating it on personal issue or put cleaning regimes in place to clean between each user - Identify where you can reduce the contact of people with surfaces, e.g. by leaving open doors that are not fire doors, providing contactless payment, using electronic documents rather than paperwork

- Put in place monitoring and supervision to make sure people are following controls, i.e. are implementing the cleaning regimes implemented Additional cleaning during daytime for toilets and frequently touched areas - Provide instruction and training to people who need to clean. Include information on:

➢ the products they

need to use

➢ precautions they need

to follow

➢ the areas they need to


All staff. Briefing for lunch staff 7.9.2020 Meeting with SBM and mangers from WGC (cleaning company) prior to summer break to establish patterns of cleaning SBM/Cleaning supervisor ongoing


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- Identify other areas that will need cleaning to prevent the spread of coronavirus - Identify what cleaning products are needed (e.g. surface wipes, detergents and water etc) and where they should be used, e.g. water and detergent on work surfaces etc - Keep surfaces clear to make it easier to clean and reduce the likelihood of contaminating objects - Provide more bins and empty them more often - clean things like reusable boxes regularly - Put in place arrangements to clean if someone develops symptoms of coronavirus at work. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-decontamination-in-non-healthcare-settings/covid-19-decontamination-in-non-healthcare-settings

- Cleaning products ordered in bulk before Summer break and frequent stock checks by SBM and finance officer Staff reminders at briefing meetings (3.9.2020) Bins ordered and in place around school Sprays, paper towels in each room and sanitiser Additional cleaning to continue during key worker provision. Cleaning to focus on occupied spaces

Finance officer/SBM/site manager Ongoing All staff Final H&S check before pupils return on 7.9.2020 and ongoing checks by cleaning and welfare staff H&S check on 4.1.21 prior to start of term

Potential transmission of virus from desks, monitors, keyboards and mouse

All staff Desks to be located 2 metres apart if possible. If appropriate, staff to be provided with their own portable keyboard and mouse for use (take with them to use at whichever

Office staff have own computers and supplies to clean desks.

Admin staff - completed Phones in corridors back in use - Oct


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System of control 5

desk is made available) or clean between use by different users. Clear desk policy will be applied so as to enable effective cleaning Enhanced cleaning regime - including desks every night

Staff to work from home wherever possible. Class teachers may deliver the

2020 - wipes provided by all telephone

Poor workplace ventilation leading to risks of coronavirus spreading https://www.cibse.org/coronavirus-covid-19/emerging-from-lockdown System of control 8

All staff Follow guidance on heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) Updated guidance on ventilation ● natural ventilation – opening windows

(in cooler weather windows should be opened just enough to provide constant background ventilation, and opened more fully during breaks to purge the air in the space). Opening internal doors can also assist with creating a throughput of air

● natural ventilation – if necessary external opening doors may also be used (as long as they are not fire doors and where safe to do so)

Further advice on this can be found in Health and Safety Executive guidance on air conditioning and ventilation during the coronavirus outbreak and CIBSE coronavirus (COVID-19) advice.

To balance the need for increased ventilation while maintaining a comfortable temperature, the following

- maintain air circulation systems in line with manufacturers’ recommendations Air conditioning units services during Summer break

New heating system is responsive to outdoor temperature and radiators have thermostat values to adjust room temp which will help to ensure comfort levels are maintained particularly in occupied spaces.

SBM/Site manager By 1.9.2020 Update to staff 2.11.2020 Parents to be aware that in colder weather pupils may need additional layers of clothes due to increased ventilation in school – via letter to parents of children attending school from 4.1.21


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measures should also be used as appropriate:

● opening high level windows in preference to low level to reduce draughts

● increasing the ventilation while spaces are unoccupied (e.g. between classes, during break and lunch, when a room is unused)

● providing flexibility to allow additional, suitable indoor clothing. For more information see School uniform

● rearranging furniture where possible to avoid direct drafts


Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) Adults

GOV.UK - Guidance on Shielding and Protecting People who are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable from COVID-19

People who are defined as clinically extremely vulnerable are at very high risk of severe illness from COVID-19. If they have been told by a clinician/GP that they are CEV or have one of the listed conditions

If you are clinically extremely vulnerable you should follow resumed shielding guidance and should not attend work, school, college or university. You should limit the time you spend outside the home.


If they think there is a good clinical reason why they should be added to the Shielded patients list, they should discuss their

They are strongly advised to work from home. If they cannot work from home, they should not attend work for this period of restrictions. This advice is prone to review due to national and local restrictions in place. All updates to be

updated Individual risk assessment info from LA sent to all staff 15.1.21


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described in guidance.

concerns with their GP or hospital clinician.

distributed and discussed with all staff

Increased risk of infection and complications for vulnerable workers: Staff who have higher risk factors to Covid-19 Such as: ● Shielding staff ● Clinically

vulnerable (over 70 or underlying health conditions)

● Pregnant ● BAME ● Carer for a

vulnerable person ● Men over 40) Use of the building by staff with disability, & new mothers

WHO Staff with protected characteristics HOW Emerging evidence suggests that alongside underlying health conditions, there are key demographic factors that can affect people’s vulnerability or is a ‘risk factor’ in relation to COVID-19. Such as: Older people, Men (from 40 and over), and people from Black and Asian and Minority Ethnic communities (BAME) and a combination of these factors.

Managers/headteachers should consult with their employees to determine who can come into the workplace safely taking account of a person’s journey, caring responsibilities, protected characteristics, and other individual circumstances. Extra consideration should be given to those people at higher risk Consider with the staff member if it is more suitable for them to in lower risk work or work remotely in the interim, and take HR advice of any other measures if needed. Managers to discuss with and consider needs of staff with disability or pregnant and new mothers how the adjustments in the office will impact on them or might pose a new or different risk to them. Considering whether you need to put in place any particular measures or reasonable adjustments to take account of duties under the equalities legislation.

Put systems in place so people know when to notify you that they fall into one of these categories, e.g. they start chemotherapy or are pregnant. Headteachers to have regular discussions with staff in these risk factor groups - consider risk factors and perception of the staff member. Where there is agreement that the risk factors can be mitigated with the existing control measures in the risk assessment to everyone’s satisfaction no change is needed. However, if there is increased risk for a staff member despite existing control measures the headteacher will provide support and make

Pre Autumn term phone calls to staff previously shielding or supporting shielding family members to establish availability to work have been completed , Individual risk assessments completed in spring/summer 2020 have been reviewed and updated.


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The causes of these increased risk factors are not yet fully understood, and further research is taking place. Disability might impact on how staff can move around the building or use the adjusted workplace.

Please consider evacuation procedure for such staff that might be needed in an emergency.

necessary adjustments to mitigate those risks. It may be that an individual risk assessment can help to discuss issues Updated risk assessments for staff where required. Confirmation that pregnant women in third trimester should not attend school (30.12.20) Previously shielding staff informed of updated guidance and informed that they will be working at home.

Staff with COVID-19 symptoms and potentially spreading to staff and others System of control 1

Virus could spread to all

Staff who become symptomatic should self-isolate for 10 days. If a staff member is a household contact of someone who becomes symptomatic (the case) the staff member should self-isolate for 14 days. If the staff member starts symptoms they need to self-isolate for 10 days from that date Staff may also use community testing facilities for rapid testing

Inform staff in briefings 3.9.2020 and 7.9.2020 (change from previous guidance) Information leaflet to parents

SLT Inform staff via staff update and on INSET day 2.11.2020 Frequent updates sent to all staff and parents with testing facilities in Enfield

Exposure to workplace hazards

Staff Follow our guidance on PPE during the outbreak

Put systems in place to keep PPE supplies under

Ongoing HT and all staff


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because it isn’t possible to get normal PPE https://www.hse.gov.uk/coronavirus/ppe-face-masks/non-healthcare/index.htm System of control 7

https://www.hse.gov.uk/coronavirus/ppe-face-masks/index.htm There are a very limited number of settings where PPE is needed for protection from coronavirus, e.g. healthcare. This line only considers PPE for workplaces that don’t need it for protection from coronavirus - Identify tasks where exposures to hazardous workplace substances may happen and put in place measures to protect people – PPE should not be the first choice, it should be the last. Substitution or engineering controls should be put in place in the first instance - Identify which tasks you need PPE for and specify the right protection factor needed for those tasks https://www.hse.gov.uk/coronavirus/ppe-face-masks/non-healthcare/supply-issues-and-working-safely.htm (Please note – face coverings are not PPE and are not required to be worn in the workplace.

review so you can take action if necessary before you run out Regular review by welfare officers and reordering in advance PPE equipment available in welfare rooms and small supply in each classroom (masks, apron, gloves,)

Checks of PPE equipment prior to start of term. 4.1.21 completed

Getting or spreading coronavirus through workers living together and/or

Workers – Identify members of staff who live or travel together and discuss with them if operating within different bubbles in school

Discuss with staff members who live and/or travel to work together to agree how to prevent the

HT – by 4.9.2020


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travelling to work together

risks of spreading coronavirus

Mental health and wellbeing affected through isolation or anxiety about coronavirus Potential for Stress or Anxiety caused by fears associated with the virus, isolation, potential bereavement situations or other effects from the changes to living and working.

All staff - Follow guidance on stress and mental health - Have regular keep in touch meetings/calls with people working at home to talk about any work issues - Talk openly with workers about the possibility that they may be affected and tell them what to do to raise concerns or who to go to so they can talk things through - Involve workers in completing risk assessments so they can help identify potential problems and identify solutions - Keep workers updated on what is happening so they feel involved and reassured

Further advice and support - Share information and advice with workers about mental health and wellbeing - Consider an occupational health referral if personal stress and anxiety issues are identified SLT agenda item for weekly meetings. Information previously circulated to all staff and frequently revisited SLT to recommence work towards Sandwell Mark (see separate action plan) Consideration given to members of staff who may prefer to work from school and be on rota.



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Provision for them to work from school in a safe way if requested SLT calls to staff known to be unwell or have other challenging circumstances - ongoing

Contracting or spreading the virus by not social distancing System of control 6

Staff and Visitors - Identify how you can keep people apart in line with social distancing rules in the first instance. This may include:

➢ holding meetings virtually rather than

face to-face

➢ staggering start/end times

➢ rearrange work areas and tasks to

allow people to meet social distancing rules

➢ providing facilities to help people

walk or cycle to work, e.g. bike racks

- Identify where it isn’t possible to meet social distancing rules and identify other physical measures to separate people. This can include:

➢ physical screens

- Put in place arrangements to monitor and supervise to make sure social distancing rules are followed - Provide information, instruction and training to people to understand what they need to do - Provide signage and ways to communicate to non-employees what they need to do to maintain social distancing From guidance: “In primary schools where social distancing is not possible in indoor areas

Review CPD timetable of meetings – by 11.9.2020 Ensure staff have access via devices in their own room for remote access to meetings. Set up conference room for socially distanced meetings. 2.11.2020 As local rates increase: following half term: SLT members at gates to wear visors


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Increased measures to protect people. This can include:

➢ enhanced cleaning regimes

➢ increase in hand washing

➢ limiting the amount of time people

spend on the task

➢ placing staff back-to-back or side-by

side rather than face-to-face when working

➢ ‘cohorting’ work teams so they

consistently work together

➢ improving ventilation

- Display signs to remind people to socially distance Key worker provision – limiting the number of adults and children in school due to the National lockdown from 6.1.21 will restrict the number of people in school and staff and pupils will have reduced contacts within school allowing for greater social distancing

outside of classrooms between members of staff or visitors, for example in staffrooms, headteachers will have the discretion to decide whether to ask staff or visitors to wear, or agree to them wearing face coverings in these circumstances.” Reception area not to be accessed by staff – staff informed 3.9.2020 Staff on rota for key workers and other staff to work from home. Focus on keeping staff in school to the number required to run the key worker provision. Staff who need to come to school to collect resources to support remote learning must not mix with other staff and if they need to come into school to deliver the home learning this must

Additional requests to parents to wear masks Newsletter - HT Renew signs outside school - Admin staff Key messages/reminders to staff 2.11.2020 Virtual induction for new staff 4.1.21 includes safeguarding and H&S


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be done in a room by themselves. All PPA to be remote.

New and Expectant Mothers Contracting Corona virus, whilst at work or using public transport. NOTE: New or expectant mothers under Government advice are designated as Clinically Vulnerable (CV), and those at 28 weeks as Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV).

Infection of Covid 19 and resultant illness with a wide range of symptoms. The effects of this disease are still being learned about and can vary. New and expectant mothers are vulnerable, meaning they may be at higher risk of severe illness from coronavirus.

Carry out and regularly review the New and Expectant Mothers risk assessment for the individual, (EACH TRIMESTER) and do everything reasonably practicable to protect the worker from harm Discussion with the new or expectant mother should take place before any physical return to the school/workplace. Schools should support expectant mothers in particular those in the CEV group (28 weeks) to work from home in the first instance. Where it is not possible to work from home, ensure robust measures to mitigate risks: Expectant mothers can return to work as long as the workplace is COVID secure. Individual COVID-19 Risk Assessment for those at increased risk version 5a and for New and Expectant Mothers Briefing version 6a. sent to pregnant staff

Particular care to follow the social distancing guidelines, by keeping 2 metres away from others wherever possible or 1 metre, plus other precautions. There will be changes (ongoing) in government advice and possible outbreaks of COVID; this will require a full review of measures and this assessment. Expectant mothers to seek advice from Midwife Note updated guidance from Royal College of Gynaecologists https://www.rcog.org.uk/en/guidelines-research-services/guidelines/coronavirus-pregnancy/covid-

HT/Expectant mothers to complete risk assessment – by 3.9.2020 Review meetings have taken place. Advice from medical professions sought if necessary Sent to pregnant members of staff Oct 2020 Risk assessments updated. 5.1.21 Working from home arrangements agreed and confirmed by staff members. Updated New and Expectant mothers


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19-virus-infection-and-pregnancy/#coronavirus Updated guidance 30.12.2020 Staff in third trimester now classed as CEV and instructed to work from home. There will be changes (ongoing) in government advice and possible outbreaks of COVID; this will require a full review of measures and this assessment.

briefing sent to pregnant staff 15.1.21

Staff who have a protected characteristic (e.g. disability) Use of the building by staff with protected characteristics (e.g. disability, pregnancy & new mothers, religion)

WHO Staff with protected characteristics HOW Disability might impact on how staff can move around the building or use the adjusted workplace

Will need to consider staff that have protected characteristics. Headteachers/Managers to discuss with and consider needs of staff with protected characteristics and how the adjustments in the school will impact on them or might pose a new or different risk to them. People are in the ‘clinically vulnerable’ category and are advised to follow the relevant guidance available for clinically vulnerable people. Considering whether you need to put in place any particular measures or

Put systems in place so people know when to notify you that they fall into one of these categories, e.g. they start chemotherapy or are pregnant Staff know to notify HT of any changes in circumstances Review individual risk assessments with staff

HT/line managers by 4.9.2020 Follow up phone calls made to shielding staff members were made before the end of term


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reasonable adjustments to take account of duties under the equalities legislation. Carry out or employee needs risk assessments if appropriate

prior to start of term in light of any changes to government guidance

Staff who may otherwise be at increased risk from coronavirus (COVID-19)

Staff New advice for those identified through a letter from the NHS or a specialist doctor as in the group deemed clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV or shielding list) was published on 13 October. The guidance provides advice on what additional measures individuals in this group can take tailored to each Local COVID Alert Level.

All staff can continue to attend school at all Local COVID Alert levels.

New Advice

Guidance change from 2nd December at end of National Restrictions that CEV staff may return to work

Review individual risk assessments with staff prior to start of term in light of any changes to government guidance Continue to review in light of national guidance relating to Teirs and national lockdown which is in place from 6.1.21

By 4.9.2020 HT and individual staff members HT Phone calls made to staff and risk assessments updated By 30.11.2020

Teachers working from home and pupils using DSE equipment.

Staff working from home and pupils studying from home. Musculoskeletal disorders as a result

For Schools with access to Schools Health & Safety Team Service, refer to the Schools Hub advice sheets; “DSE Self Assessment – COVID-19 – Sheet No. 4 and Working from Home for Schools – COVID-19 CBT Advice Sheet”.

Further information on how to set up a workstation for short duration home working and also what to do for

SBM by 18.1.21 to circulate DSE info to all staff


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of using DSE at home for a long period of time

Follow guidance on display screen equipment in the HSE Protect homeworkers page HSE - Protect home workers - Coronavirus (COVID-19) There is no increased risk for people working at home temporarily but if this arrangement becomes long term the risks should be assessed - For all people working at home using display screen equipment (DSE) put in place information and training on how to protect themselves, e.g. take regular breaks, stretching exercises, set the equipment up properly - For people working at home longer term complete a DSE assessment with them and identify what equipment is needed to allow them to work safely at home - Schedule or build in breaks of minimum

of 5 minutes every hour for pupils studying.

long term home working can be found on HSE’s HSE - Protect home workers - Coronavirus (COVID-19) It is important to consider breaks from this work. 5 minutes every hour is better than 15 minutes every 2 hours. Consideration to how this can be scheduled in could include actual separate breaks or in lesson time outs


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What are the hazards?

Who is at risk and How would they be harmed? (e.g. staff, public, contractors)


What is currently done to reduce / control the risk?

What further action do you need to consider to

control the risks?

-What more can be done to reduce risk?

Action by whom, by when?

SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT Systems of control 2,3,4,5

Potential transmission of virus from working within enclosed spaces, including Reception Office Classroom Staff Kitchen areas/Staff rooms Printers Meeting rooms Toilets System of control 6

Minimising contact – as much as possible endeavour to group pupils into a grouping (‘bubble) of one full class size and keep each ‘bubble’ separate. Key worker provision (from 5.1.21) is to group pupils in year group bubbles. Max 8-10 pupils who are kept in consistent groups Maintain separate entrance and entry points for each year group and adults. Timing of school day 8.45am – 3.15pm Separate desks for each pupil. Set up space a front of class for the adult. Where possible teachers should try to maintain distance from children and ideally 2 metres distance from adults. If teachers need to come into close contact, avoid face to face contact and try to minimise the amount of time spent within 1 metre of

Put in place monitoring and supervision to make sure people are following controls put in place, e.g. following hygiene procedures, washing hands, following one-way systems Adults assigned to a class and the majority of time in school is spent within the class bubble. Drop off, pick up, playtimes and lunch times are organised by year groups Dining hall rota in place from 3.11.2020 organised to use different exits and entrances into dining halls

In place prior to autumn term Staff informed 17.7.2020 and informed of any changes on 3.9.2020 Staff briefing and updates to include information on practical ways to support social distancing eg not handing out lunches


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children. This might not be possible with children who have complex needs or need close contact. Encourage pupils to maintain social distancing within their bubble, although it is recognised this might not be possible with younger children. Classrooms – desks placed side to side and front facing Avoid large gatherings such as assemblies with more than one bubble. Premises Staff should carry out their usual health and safety checks (i.e., fire safety checks, regular flushing regime) to ensure the building remains safe. When timetabling, bubbles should be kept apart and movement around the school kept to a minimum. Passing briefly in the corridor or playground is low risk, but avoid creating busy corridors, entrances and exits. Consider limiting the number of people in rooms so that social distancing rules can be met, e.g. stagger breaks, have maximum occupancy numbers for

and year groups to be separate. School Closure from 13.11.20 – arrangements reviewed and decision made to remain in classes until the end of the Autumn ter. Assemblies will be virtual in Autumn term No concerts in autumn term Phase meetings will be virtual in autumn term Review prior to parents consultations and arrange phone calls or online meetings Plan in place and shared with staff 17.7.2020 Communicated to parents 16.7.2020 and reminders by email and on website

and equipment. Pupils to collect resources from fixed points. Share with staff 2.11.2020 Reviewed by SLT at weekly meetings in light of changes in guidance Review and update prior to


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meeting rooms Staff to use unoccupied classrooms for lunch rather than smaller staff rooms where social distancing may be less possible or where good ventilation is less possible.(from 4.1.21) Reorganise facilities in communal areas such as spacing out tables in meeting rooms, so social distancing rules can be met Where possible put in place physical impervious barriers (e.g. Perspex in reception areas) to reduce contact Consider staggered break times and lunch times (and time for cleaning surfaces in the dining hall between groups).New rota in place for use of dining hall from 3.11.20 Fixed/standalone sanitisers stations or containers of hand sanitiser will be set up at various locations including entry and exit points. If possible open windows to ventilate rooms/corridors. Toilets - operate social distancing if possible. Maintain hot water and soap at wash hand basins.

From Guidance: reminders to staff: Where staff need to move between classes and year groups, they should try and keep their distance from pupils and other staff as much as they can, ideally 2 metres from other adults In place in main office and training room Staggered timetable in place and information sent to parents at end of summer term and reminders sent before commencement of term

commencement of autumn term SLT by 4.9.2020 Updates to staff at beginning of 2nd half term 2.11.2020


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Meeting rooms – will have signage with maximum number of occupants to maintain 2 metre distance. Reduce face to face meetings where possible and use other digital/remote means. Consider use of shared staff spaces to help distance staff. Minimise use of staff rooms but ensure sufficient rest breaks for staff. Printers - social distancing if possible, Cleaning wipes available at printers for touch points. Using back-to-back or side-to-side working (rather than face-to-face) where possible. Hand washing on entering all classrooms to have soap and sanitiser. Hand sanitisers available in class and pupils reminded to clean/wash their hands frequently. No unnecessary equipment to be brought into school. Pupils encouraged to bring their own pencil cases from home.


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Pupils to be reminded regularly of the importance of social distancing both in the School and outside. Additional support for SEND and children with challenging behaviour may need to be considered. Plan activities which can be undertaken outdoors with the pupils. Regular cleaning regime of classrooms and outdoor play equipment. Classroom based resources, such as books and games, can be used and shared within the bubble; these should be cleaned regularly. Resources that are shared between classes or bubbles, such as sports, art and science equipment should be cleaned frequently and meticulously and always between bubbles, or rotated to allow them to be left unused and out of reach for a period of 48 hours (72 hours for plastics) between use by different bubble Staff to raise any concerns with the SLT as soon as possible.

Updated EYFS guidance states ‘materials can be handled by a small, consistent group of children of no more than 15 at a

Reminders to staff 3.9.2020 Systems of control to be in place: frequent handwashing by pupils and surfaces and equipment washed between groups. School will limit the group size to 4/5 children and use in small teacher led groups


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time, and that no one else outside this group can come into contact with it malleable material for messy play (for example sand/water/mud) can be used and cleaned - including being replaced - in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, where applicable. For example, see managing risk in play provision: implementation guide

Key Worker Provision

Children to be grouped in year group bubbles. Maximum group size dependent by class size but no more than 8-10 children per class size.

Classrooms used throughout the school to allow for separate working spaces. (Ladybirds, 1M, 2P, 3C,4F, 5S, 6R)

2 adults per year group (dependent on SEN need) Supervisory assistants to provide lunch breaks

PPA for staff in school provided by sports coach


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Increased risk of infection and complications for vulnerable pupils Shielding advice for all children re-instated from Jan 2021.

Pupils who are shielding

Note: Shielding advice is currently in place and children who are clinically extremely vulnerable are advised not to attend education or childcare. If a doctor has confirmed that a child is still clinically extremely vulnerable, the advice is that they should not attend nursery, school or college during the period of national restrictions. If this is the case for a child, the parent will receive a letter confirming this advice. Children who live with someone who is clinically extremely vulnerable, but who are not clinically extremely vulnerable themselves, should still attend school in all local restriction tiers.

Put systems in place so people know when to notify you if they fall into one of these categories Welfare officers to update all medical plans prior to commencement of autumn term and care plans updated Daily briefing notes updated for medical needs shared with class teachers Individual phone calls made to parents of previously shielding pupils

Welfare officers and SENCO By 7.9.2020 Welfare officers to keep records updated if medical advice is given by GP or clinician Update phone calls made to parents of previously shielding children 4.1.21

Individual children with complex needs attending school

Pupils with complex needs may find the change in routines more challenging to manage and behaviours may pose additional risk of virus transfer

Daily routines are maintained where possible. Staff working one to one regularly wash hands Surfaces to be wiped if children lick or stroke them Washing of equipment that pupils have been in touch with Maintain regular communication with parents

Risk assessments complete and shared prior to commencement of autumn term Children with ECHPs are eligible to attend provision with key worker children SEN team to call all parents and inform them

SEN team Review dates agreed with parents and adhered to


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Staff supported to manage the risks as they arise and risk assessments for individual pupils are agreed and shared with all parties Visors available if required due to close physical working

and discuss on site provision. In agreed exceptional and/or individual circumstances they will learn remotely Individual risk assessments carried out for children in school if required

MANAGING A SUSPECTED CASE AND TEST & TRACE (Response to any infection 9, 10, 11)

Potential transmission of Covid-19 Coronavirus from staff/pupils with symptoms Systems of control 1,6,9,10,11 Continue to adhere to this process for children and staff in school from 4.1.21

WHO ● Pupils ● Staff ● Visitors to

School Premises

● Cleaners ● Contractors ● Vulnerable

groups (i.e., pregnant workers, those with underlying health conditions, elderly etc.


The Summary below is taken from the COVID-19 London Schools Resource Pack , written by London Coronavirus Response Centre and Public Health England, London

1. Isolate case: Ensure the case has been tested and is isolating as appropriate

2. Identify contacts: Conduct a risk assessment to identify contacts who will need self- isolate, and provide them with the appropriate advice

3. Escalate as appropriate: Inform the appropriate team about the situation,

4. Share information: Provide information to parents, staff, and your local authority

Staff Briefings, Internal communication Line managers will offer support to staff who are affected by Coronavirus or has a family member affected. Consistent monitoring of staff absence because of covid-19 contact / symptoms to ensure prompt return to work – daily reporting of staff absence to revert to calls to HT phone.

Staff briefing during INSET day 3.9.2020 Support staff 7.9.2020 Emailed to all staff Information distributed to parents at beginning of term


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The virus is spread by droplets from coughs and sneezes and droplets picked up from surfaces

Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 should not attend School and report to the Headteacher Staff should access NHS 111 online which is an online interactive and personal checklist: https://111.nhs.uk/covid-19 Staff who become symptomatic should self-isolate for 10 days. If a staff member is a household contact of someone who becomes symptomatic (the case) the staff member should self-isolate for 14 days. If the staff member starts symptoms they need to self-isolate for 10 days from that date. If a staff member or pupil is a household contact of someone who becomes symptomatic (the case) the staff member or pupil should self-isolate for 14 days from when the case first had symptoms. If the staff member or pupil starts symptoms, they need to self-isolate for 7 days from that date.

Staff, pupils to be reminded on a regular basis to wash their hands for 20 seconds with water and soap and the importance of proper drying with disposable towels. Also reminded to catch coughs and sneezes in tissues – Follow Catch it, Bin it, kill it and to avoid touching face, eyes, nose or mouth with unclean hands. Consider making tissues will be made available throughout the School. To help reduce the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) reminding everyone of the public health advice Internal communication channels and cascading of messages through Senior Leadership Team will be communicated to all staff concerned.


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If staff/pupil develop symptoms whilst at work, inform line manager at school and immediately go home. Staff who become symptomatic or feel ill during the school day should immediately leave the premises and call the HT or office to inform them. They should not move around the school and contact other people. If medical care is essential then the person with them should don PPE equipment in the same way as if dealing with pupils The school will provide information of how to get tested. Provide information about returning to work when safe to do so. The school will provide a test kit to pupils and staff in exceptional circumstances If a child is awaiting collection, they should be moved, if possible, to a room where they can be isolated behind a closed door, depending on the age and needs of the child, with appropriate adult supervision if required. Ideally, a window should be opened for ventilation. If it is not possible to isolate them, move them to an area which is at least 2 metres away from other people.

Regular updates are provided by the LA and circulated to staff and parents The guidance states: It is for schools to determine how to prioritise the distribution of their test kits in order to minimise the impact of the virus on the education of their pupils.” This can include giving tests to staff. All staff and parents to be aware of the procedure – use of flowchart (displayed prominently throughout school) Room upstairs by staffroom is identified as an isolation room and has signage and PPE equipment

SBM/admin team via email to all staff and parents HT attended webinar briefing 7.9.2020 Staff and parent updates include information including community testing centre details for rapid testing


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If they need to go to the bathroom while waiting to be collected, they should use a separate bathroom if possible. The bathroom must be cleaned and disinfected using usual cleaning products and normal household bleach before being used by anyone else. Please see advice on cleaning if someone develops symptoms in school If an adult with Covid symptoms leaves the premises during the school day they should inform their line manager of recently used spaces and toilets if used. This is to allow for those spaces to be cleaned following the guidance https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-decontamination-in-non-healthcare-settings/covid-19-decontamination-in-non-healthcare-settings PPE must be worn by staff caring for the child while they await collection if a distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained (such as for a very young child or a child with complex needs). More information on PPE use can be found in the safe working in education, childcare and children’s social care settings, including the use of

PPE is available in located in Welfare room


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personal protective equipment (PPE) guidance. Schools should ask parents and staff to inform them immediately of the results of a test: ● if someone tests negative and they feel

well and no longer have symptoms similar to COVID-19, they can stop self-isolating

● if someone tests positive they should self-isolate for 10 days from onset of the symptoms and only return to school once symptoms have stopped (except for loss of smell/taste or a cough whist can persist even when the infection has gone(

A record should be kept of all visitors with sufficient detail to support rapid contact tracing if required by NHS Test & Trace.” Following notification of a positive case within school – Refer to the flowchart – appendix 1 and 2 of this document DfE HELPLINE: Phone: 0800 046 8687 Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 6pm

Updated visitor policy And paper copies of visitors – kept in safe Ensure contact details for agency staff are kept by line manager and HT in case out of hours contact is needed Copies of documents kept in shared drive and paper copies on notice board in HT office Advisors will inform the school of actions to taken based on the latest Public Health England advice. Advice also available from LA corona.virus@enfield.gov.uk Updated Q & As on website for information to parents

Parents may use the online weekend and school holiday reporting system set up on the website 23.10.2020 Parents informed by email of this system of reporting Admin staff SENCO/HT/SBM 2.11.202 HT/SLT HT/SBM following a case


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Please see below for definitions of close contacts

Potential transmission of virus from pupils presenting complex needs or challenging behaviours (e.g. spitting and biting)

Consider what measures are needed to manage behaviour and/or personal protective equipment that might be needed. Children, young people, and students whose care routine already involves the use of PPE due to their intimate care needs should continue to receive their care in the same way.

Risk assessments completed by SEN team for individual pupils prior to start of Autumn term and reviewed regularly Reviewed for Spring term 2021 if required

Completed. Review by SENCO and SEN team


Handling Deliveries/Collections

Bulk order on a half termly basis of consumables, breakfast club and sanitary supplies Local arrangements to be made whether deliveries made external to the building or to pre-allocated area as appropriate. Staff wiping the outer surfaces of delivery boxes before handling/relocating/sorting the delivery Wash hands after handling deliveries/packaging.

System in place whereby deliveries are left outside the reception areas and delivery drivers do not enter school Where parents need to come to school to collect equipment or food (eg laptops or food parcels) the admin team will organise this so parents arrive at allocated times. Parents do not enter the school and handover is competed outside wearing masks. Limit collection of

Admin team – in place Summer term 2020 Completed and ongoing System in place from 4.1.21


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laptops to one parent at a time. Any other visitors must come to site before 8am or after 3.20pm eg contractors as part of planning for flooring refurbishment. Visitors policy for Covid adhered to.

Potential transmission of virus from visitors/parents Systems of control 1,5,2 9

Parents to observe social distancing when dropping and picking children from school. Where possible, only one parent to pick/drop the children. Staggered school start and finish timings to avoid crowding by the school gates. Parents visiting reception office to wait outside. When queues are likely, parents to maintain 2 metre distance. Social distancing arrangements put in place with good signage, floor markings etc Parents will be allowed into the school by appointment.

Where parents wish to discuss any concerns with the teacher, this to be done outdoors maintaining social distance. Notices displayed in Reception office reminding the parents not to send their child to school if they or anyone in the household have symptoms and to remind the public to practice social distancing when on school site. Call and check in operation from 7.9.2020 – parents may call school from 8.15am and speak to welfare officer

Completed 3.9.2020


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Fixed/standalone sanitisers stations will be set up at various locations including entry and exit points. Screens installed at reception desk. Staff are to regularly wash hands or use hand gel frequently i.e. on arriving at work, after handling parcels/post/books, moving from room to room. Reduce intake of any paper documentation from parents. Advise parents to email any documentation. Where it is unavoidable, staff to ensure wash and sanitise hands regularly. Interviews, where possible, will be held virtually. Where it is deemed essential to observe a member of staff then a risk assessment will take place prior to the interview and control measures will be in place including informing the interviewee prior to the school visit. From Guidance: “Supply teachers, peripatetic teachers and other temporary staff can move between schools. They should ensure they minimise contact and maintain as much distance as possible from other staff. Specialists, therapists, clinicians and other support staff for

Parents informed of drop off and collection arrangements prior to commencement of autumn term Remote parents evenings organised for Autumn term (Nov 2020) DfE's guidance: “it may be appropriate for schools to consider a flexible approach to interviews, with alternative options to face-to-face interviews offered where possible.” All supply staff and visitors to be made aware of the control measures the school has in place See section above re. collection of devices and food

SLT – as need arrives for interviews during the Autumn term SLT and admin team Non-essential visitors to school cancelled 4.1.21


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pupils with SEND should provide interventions as usual”.

Potential transmission of virus from contractors attending the school site

Contractors to be notified in advance not to attend the premises if they have symptoms Attendance by contractors notified to reception desk in advance Contractors to sign in and declare they do not have symptoms. Site manager to ensure area of the work is clear before-hand. Any pupils and staff to leave that area. Site manager/SBM and lead contractor to liaise with and monitor the contractor maintaining social distancing where possible. Supervised and limited access to other parts of the building

Staff to observe and ask any contractors to leave the building if they have symptoms Log of contractors on site and declarations made that contractors are not displaying symptoms Contractor displays appropriate signage in areas used by staff Assigned facilities for contractors are agreed and reviewed at contract meetings. Agreed area for compound and access into school so contact with staff and pupils is minimal SBM and HT to attend contractors meeting. H&S is on each agenda and records of actions and agreements are kept in meeting minutes.

Risk assessments in place a regularly reviewed by contractors LA and school Copies available if requested In place – 2.9.2020 Heating installation works completed by 2.11.2020. Compound in playground removed week beg 2.11.2020


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Contractors to provide separate Covid risk assessments to school

Kitchen Operations/food preparation

The kitchen will be fully open from the start of the autumn term. School kitchens can continue to operate, but must comply with the guidance for food businesses on covid-19 guidance for food businesses on coronavirus (COVID-19).

Online refresher training for all staff including food hygiene for kitchen staff Consistent monitoring of staff absence because of covid-19 symptoms/contact to ensure prompt return to work. Reduced number of staff on site from 4.1.21 HCL will continue to provide hot meals for pupils

Catering risk assessment received from HCL on 2.9.2020 Catering meeting with HCL/SBM/HT/AHT 22.10.20


Travel between schools or other travel whilst at work

Supply teachers, peripatetic teachers and/or other temporary staff can move between schools. They should ensure they minimise contact and maintain as much distance as possible from other staff.

Review policy for visitors by end week 1

SLT by 11.9.2020 SLT by 4.9.2020


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Travelling to and from school

Arrange staggered starts to keep bubbles apart as they arrive and leave school (without reducing overall teaching time). If pupils or staff wear face coverings when they arrive at school, they must be instructed not to touch the front of their face covering during use or when removing them. They must wash their hands immediately on arrival (as is the case for all pupils), dispose of temporary face coverings in a covered bin or place reusable face coverings in a plastic bag they can take home with them, and then wash their hands again before heading to their classroom. Guidance on safe working in education, childcare and social services provides more advice. Identify staff groups of workers who travel to work together. Staff should be aware that travel in the same vehicle is considered close contacts and that in the case of one person tested positive then the other would need to self-isolate. Public transport services (routes which are also used by the general public): ● consider staggered start times to

enable more journeys to take place outside of peak hours

Parents informed (17.7.2020) and pre Autumn term reminders Distribute TFL leaflets to parents


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● Encourage greater use of walking, cycling or own car rather than public transport if possible

● Families using public transport should refer to the safer travel guide for passengers


Extra-curricular provision

Schools should consider resuming any breakfast and after-school provision, where possible, from the start of the autumn term. Try to keep pupils within their year groups or bubbles where possible. If it is not possible to maintain bubbles being used during the school day then schools should use small, consistent groups. Breakfast club during key worker provision Separate KS1/KS 2 children. Each year group to be sat on separate tables with maximum possible gap between tables. Systems of control adhered to. Limit food choices. Equipment washed daily in dishwasher.

Breakfast club in place for beginning of term Organised in bubbles. Parents must pre-book Arrival time is limited to 8-810am Review provision at end of Autumn Term 2020 and begin to plan for re-launching in Spring term subject to risk assessment. In light of updated guidance whilst after school clubs are permitted a decision has been made that during the continued high rates of local infection and national lockdown that clubs after school will not

By 4.9.2020 HT/DHT breakfast club staff Parent survey for key worker provision gives an option for breakfast club – responses required by 3.1.21


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recommence before feb half term.

TRIPS DofE advise against domestic (UK) overnight and overseas educational visits at this stage see coronavirus: travel guidance for educational settings. in the autumn term, schools can resume non-overnight domestic educational visits and conduct a risk assessment.

No trips are booked for autumn term No trips arranged for spring term 2021

SLT to review in light of updated guidance by October half term

Potential enhanced infection risk from music (e.g. singing, playing wind/brass instruments)

No singing assemblies planned for autumn term or singing within class. Be aware of updated guidance Guidance update 3.12.2020 Playing outdoors

Playing instruments and singing in groups should take place outdoors wherever possible. If indoors, consider limiting the numbers in relation to the space.

Playing indoors - If indoors, use a room with as much space as possible, for example, larger rooms; rooms with high ceilings are expected to enable dilution of aerosol transmission. If playing indoors, limiting the numbers to account for ventilation of the space and the ability to social distance. It is important to ensure good

Review with music services at beginning of autumn term Risk assessments in place and limited 1:1 instrumental teaching/tuition in school has recommenced On site musical tuition is cancelled for Spring term 21 Adjustments noted from guidance 3.12.2020 are


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ventilation. Advice on this can be found in Health and Safety Executive guidance on air conditioning and ventilation during the coronavirus outbreak.

Singing, wind and brass playing - should not take place in larger groups such as choirs and ensembles, or assemblies unless significant space, natural airflow (at least 10l/s/person for all present, including audiences) and strict social distancing and mitigation as described below can be maintained.

Social distancing

In the smaller groups where these activities can take place, schools should observe strict social distancing between each singer and player, and between singers and players, and any other people such as conductors, other musicians, or accompanists. Current guidance is that if the activity is face-to-face and without mitigating actions, 2 metres is appropriate. Pupils should use seating where practical to help maintain social distancing.

Seating positions

Pupils should be positioned back-to-back or side-to-side when playing or singing (rather than face-to-face) whenever possible. Position wind and brass players so that the air from their instrument does not blow into another player.

still in place but limited during Spring term due to lower numbers of pupils in school


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Physical education, sport and physical activity (enhanced risk via exhalation during exercise)

Outdoor sports should be prioritised where possible, and large indoor spaces used where it is not, maximising distancing between pupils and enhanced cleaning and handwashing Pupils will be kept in their consistent small groups and PE lessons will be outdoors where weather allows. Limit use of equipment. Sanitise if required. Pupils wash hands at beginning and end of lesson. Sports coach to maintain distance whilst teaching year group bubbles.

PE leader to adjust curriculum – in the first instance athletics units will be taught and dance units with no contact Sports Coach induction 4.1.21 – includes H&S/covid updates.

Review as guidance is updated. HT, PE lead and dance teacher

Accidents, security and other incidents:

In an emergency, for example, an accident or fire, people do not have to stay 2m apart if it would be unsafe. People involved in the provision of assistance to others should pay attention to sanitation measures immediately afterwards including washing hands.

Include in staff briefing 3.9.2020

All staff

Recruitment Recruitment can continue and the school will make use of remote interviews. If it is essential to bring a candidate into school for a necessary part of the process (eg bringing in paperwork) then candidates will be made aware of the systems of control and be asked to wear a face covering

Training school, SLT and admin team


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Fire Evacuation Procedures during the COVID-19 Pandemic

All occupiers of school buildings. Evacuations require movements of large amounts of people which may compromise social distancing etc.

Generally review procedures consider lower frequency of fire drills, - refer to the Schools Hub advice sheets; “Fire Evacuation Procedures” – COVID-19 – Sheet No. 5 Bubbles spread throughout school and no change needed to exit doors in spring term 2021

Fire drill to be carried out during Spring term 2021


Link to LA guidance in the event for a local outbreak: https://new.enfield.gov.uk/services/community-safety/local-outbreak-control-plan-community-safety.pdf Definitions of Close contacts: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-for-contacts-of-people-with-possible-or-confirmed-coronavirus-covid-19-infection-who-do-not-live-with-the-person/guidance-for-contacts-of-people-with-possible-or-confirmed-coronavirus-covid-19-infection-who-do-not-live-with-the-person#what-is-meant-by-a-contact

A ‘contact’ is a person who has been close to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 anytime from 2 days before the person was symptomatic up to 10 days from onset of symptoms (this is when they are infectious to others). For example, a contact can be:

● people who spend significant time in the same household as a person who has tested positive for COVID-19

● sexual partners

● a person who has had face-to-face contact (within one metre), with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, including:

● being coughed on

● having a face-to-face conversation within one metre

● having skin-to-skin physical contact, or

● contact within one metre for one minute or longer without face-to-face contact

● a person who has been within 2 metres of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 for more than 15 minutes

● a person who has travelled in a small vehicle with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or in a large vehicle or plane near someone who has tested positive for COVID-19


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Appendix 1


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Appendix 2

top related