o lady mother of the church

Post on 12-Mar-2022






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209 Woodcliff Avenue ~ Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677



Our Mission

Called by our baptism and nourished by the Eucharist, the parishioners of Our Lady Mother of the

Church, acknowledge our mission to teach, share and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Inspired by the

Holy Spirit, we create a welcoming environment, enthusiastically gather and worship to praise God,

and strive to imitate the life of Jesus as we reach out beyond our own faith community.


Monday-Friday 8:30am


Saturday 5:30pm &

8:00 pm (in classroom)

Sunday 8:30am, 10:30am & 6:00 pm

Holy Days

See bulletin for schedule of Masses


Saturday 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm

Parish Directory

Patricia Keenaghan,

Director of Religious Education

(201) 391-7400


Deborah DiPiazza,

Faith Formation Aide

Domenick Panfile,

Director of Music

Judi Quinn, Administrative Secretary

(201) 391-2826


Vito Delzotto,

Parish Council President

Fr. Sean Manson, Pastor

Fr. Siffredus Rwechungura,

Parochial Vicar

Stan Fedison, Deacon


Parish Office Hours

Monday - Wednesday

9:00 am - 4:00 pm


9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Closed Friday Until After Labor




‘Is it lawful for a husband to divorce his wife?’

Years ago, my uncle Gerry and aunt Maggie had a disagreement, there

seemed no hope of them reconciling, so much so that Gerry took a piece

of chalk and drew a line down the middle of their living room - across the

floor and up the walls, telling Maggie “That’s your side of the house, and

this is mine”.

He forgot that they had asked the parish priest to celebrate Mass in their

house. The priest came, and Mass began, with a makeshift altar set up in

the middle of the living room. Maggie sat on one side of the line, Gerry

on the other. At the sign of Peace, the priest waited. They sheepishly

gave each other the sign of Peace, and Mass was able to continue. Gerry

erased the line he had drawn. It was not their peace, but the Peace of

Christ that was given and received. They didn’t get divorced, and went

on to have eight children, and a house full of laughter.

In Jesus’ day there were two main schools of rabbinical thought regarding divorce. One held that divorce was permissible

only for serious reasons, the other that divorce should be given at will.

The question is asked of Jesus by the Pharisees not because they want to be taught, but because they are seeking to trip

him up in his answer. Whatever he says, he will have to side with one school or the other, thus making enemies.

Which side does he choose? Neither. He refers to Scripture, specifically the first pages of the Book of Genesis, which

speak of God’s original design for the relationship between man and woman in Marriage.

The Old Testament expresses the relationship of God and his people as a marriage covenant. God is espoused to his

people in a Covenant. Jesus is the incarnate fulfillment of this marriage Covenant. He is the bridegroom, betrothed to

his bride, the Church.

How many times could Jesus have divorced us? Many. Individually we are sinners, and institutionally the Church has

done things that are shameful to even mention. If that is not good enough reason for the Covenant to be broken, what


But the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, has never divorced us – individually or institutionally.

The love of God is such that there is always a possibility of repentance and reconciliation. Sin does not define who we

are, it is a fall from grace, a lack of truth, the truth found in the unbreakable bond that unites the Bridegroom to the Be-


If God’s ways were our ways, it would all be over. The Church would cease to exist, and individually we would each be

standing on the wrong side of an indelible line.

But He has never divorced us. The love that unites him to his Bride is stronger than any transgression, any infidelity, any

sin. It is in this love, this Peace, that we are betrothed to Him, and betrothed to one another.

May the Peace of the Lord be with you.


For everything there is a season and a time for

every purpose under heaven.”

Ecclesiastes 3:11

“A time to be healed”

Parish sick list: Marie Barrett, Mr. & Mrs. Bischoff,

Rev. Bob Connor, Arlene Desposito, Ethel Dubrowski, Ed

Evans, Deacon Stan Fedison, Carol Franco, Trevor Gies-

berg, Tom Harrington, Jennifer Hartmann, Brad Jones,

Joachim Jung, Vivienne Knopp, Ivy LaRegina, Genna

Lepore, Julia Geraghty, Rosemary Levin, Robert Libonati,

Jessica Livingstone, James Murphy, James Ranazzo, Bill

Reynaldos, Carol Schmidt, Tara Shankman, Bro. Kevin

Smith, Bob Staab, Tom Woodhour, Eric Vanderleif and

Bryce Werner

“A time to mourn”

“A time for war and a time for peace”

Tyler Aiello, Ryan Brady, Lcpl. Joseph Ryan and Seamus



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Saturday October 2

The Holy Guardian Angels

5:30 pm Norma Shinners

Sunday October 3

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary

Time; Respect Life Sunday

8:30 am Katherine Gallagher

10:30 am Albert & Dorothy Aste

6:00 pm People of the Parish

Monday October 4

St. Francis of Assisi

8:30 am Margaret Kelly

Tuesday October 5

Bi. Francis Xavier Seelos

8:30 am Special Intention

Wednesday October 6

St. Bruno; Bi. Marie Rose Durocher

8:30 am People of the Parish

Thursday October 7

Our Lady of the Rosary

8:30 am Mary Ellen Carabello

Friday October 8

8:30 am George & Peter Lutz

Saturday October 9

St. Denis and Companions;

St. John Leonardi

5:30 pm Dave Duffy

Sunday October 10

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary


8:30 am Dave Duffy

10:30 am John Pappas

6:00 pm Mary Rizzo & Lucille Lotito

Stewardship of Treasure

My Parish, My Family, My Responsibility

“So out of the ground the Lord God formed every

beast of the field and every bird of the air, and

brought them to the man to see what he would call

them; and whatever the man called every living crea-

ture, that was its name.” (Genesis 2:19)

The creation story reminds us of two important points.

First, since the start, God has put the entire world into our

care. Second, stewardship has been around since the be-

ginning of mankind, it isn’t something recently invented

by the Church. Just as past generations built our Church,

it is now our responsibility to continue to nurture and de-

velop these gifts for future generations.

Receipts From Last Week………...……….$4,371.00

Parish Giving…………………...………….$ 2,143.00

Social Concerns…………………………….$ 22.00

There was magic in the air at our Septemberfest last Fri-

day evening, September 24


. The weather was stunning,

the food was delicious and the music was entertain-

ing. But what made it truly special was the people. It

really wasn’t a Septemberfest, it was a reunion or wel-

come back party. The ambiance was that of a street fair

in a piazza in Europe. The sound of people laughing

and talking to one another while enjoying pretzels and

appetizers under the lights of our outside tent; people

and children dancing; people tasting different German

and Italian foods all brought smiles to everyone’s

faces. All left with joy, hope and love in their hearts!

Thank you!! Special gratitude to all of you that took the

time to come to our feast, “break bread” together and

to celebrate as a Parish Family! Special thanks to our

sponsors for their generosity and kindness. Although

this was not a Fund Raiser, $1200 was raised for our

Parish. So greatly appreciated! It was a success because

of all of you!!! Thank You!! Looking forward to our

Christmas Concert on Friday, December 17th. A cele-

bration with professional entertainment, tree lighting,

and a wine and cheese celebration. More surprises

ahead. God bless you and your families!!



Faith Formation News

The month of October each year is dedicated to

the Most Holy Rosary. This is primarily due to the fact

that the liturgical feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is cele-

brated annually on October 7. It was instituted to honor

the Blessed Virgin Mary in gratitude for the protection

that she gives the Church in answer to the praying of the

Rosary by the faithful.

The feast was introduced by Pope St. Pius V

(1504-1572) in the year 1571 to commemorate the mi-

raculous victory of the Christian forces in the Battle of

Lepanto on October 7, 1571.

Legend tells us that the Rosary as a form of

prayer was given to St. Dominic (1170-1221) by Mary,

the Mother of Our Lord, who entrusted it to him as an

aid in the conflicts with the Albigensians. St. Pius V, did

much to further the spread of the Rosary and it thereaf-

ter became one of the most popular devotions in Chris-

tendom. He approved the Rosary in its present form in

1569 with the Papal Bull, Consueverunt Romani Pontifices. It

had been completed by the addition of the second half

of the "Hail Mary" and the "Glory be to the Father" at

the conclusion of each mystery.

Important Dates for Faith Formation

Theme: Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Wed., Oct. 6 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm, Faith Formation

Class Grades 1-6, Our Lady of the


Wed., Oct. 13 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm, Faith Formation

Class Grades 1-6, St. Edward, the


Wed., Oct. 20 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm, Faith Formation

Class Grades 1-6, St. Irene

Sun., Oct. 24 10:30 am to 1:00 pm Confirmation

Orientation, 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm

Youth JAM Orientation

Wed., Oct. 27 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm, Faith Formation

Class Grades 1-6, Ss. Cosmas and


Registration for Faith Formation 2021-2022

We look forward to working with you in helping

you child grow in the Faith. You can still register

this week. There is one fee ($215) and one form per

family. Please email: faithformationolmc@gmail if

you are new to the parish, have any questions, or

would like to volunteer as a Catechist! The Faith

Formation Registration Form is at this link:


email: faithformationolmc@gmail.com, to request

for this to be sent directly to you.

Question of the Week? Win a Gift Card to Dairy


This week’s question: How many Gifts of the

Holy Spirit are there? Last week’s answer: There

are seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit of Mary from

the Bible. To enter this week’s raffle, email your

answer to faithformationolmc@gmail.com by 3pm

on Wednesday. All correct answers will be en-

tered in a raffle for a gift card to Dairy Queen.

Travelling Prayer Cross

Our Traveling Prayer Cross is available to take

home for a week! Thank you to the Sabol Family

who took the Cross home. You can foster family

prayer and pray for one another as a family. This is

available to all families in the parish. Please consider

reserving the Cross for your family by e-mail: faith-


Kids Bulletin: Win a Gift card to DAIRY


Each week we send out the Kid’s bulletin by email

which focuses on the Sunday readings with fun ac-

tivities. To enter the drawing for a $5 Dairy Queen

gift card, send the completed bulletin to Faith For-

mation by email.

Pope Francis says: “In the Gospel of the

Day, Jesus exhorts us: instead of judging every-

thing and everyone, let us be careful of our-

selves! Indeed, the risk is that of being inflexi-

ble towards others and indulgent towards our-

selves.” September 26, 2021


The Sanctuary Lamp will burn before the Blessed

Sacrament for the month of September

In memory of

Jack D’Ambrosi

Requested by Karen & Emily D’Ambrosi

& Jackie Scales


Thank you to all who responded by

signing up to help feed the hungry.

Your great outpouring of generosity

and support to help feed the hungry

at St. John’s Soup Kitchen has been

a real witness for how you truly live the Corporal Works

of Mercy. Our next tentative date for 2021 is Dec 4



Please contact Pat Keenaghan patkeena-

ghan@yahoo.com to donate or help bake. “For I was

hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was

thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was

a stranger, and you invited Me in.” Matthew 25:35

My name is Gina Franco and

I have started a grief group

here at OLMC. Through the

loss of my amazing daughter,

Dominique, who was only 21 when she passed unexpectedly

on 2/16/19, I have struggled to find my way. I have most

recently lost my mother on 3/14/21, also unexpectedly and I

am grateful for all the people who have helped in holding me

up. Thanks to the many who have helped me with much love

and support, I am beginning a new chapter. I have created a

Facebook Page, Grief Warriors, that gives people a safe, sa-

cred space and now am looking forward to give people here

at OLMC a place to share their stories, give HOPE and

FAITH in healing together. I am just a mom and a daughter

who is walking the grief walk and want to help those of you

to find your way back to LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE. We

will next meet on October 4th. Hope to see you in cele-

brating all the love our loved one continues to give us.


October 17

This year will mark the 48


year congre-

gations in our area will be participating in

the CROP Walk for Hunger on Sunday, October 17. Our

parishioners have been very generous in the past. If you

would like to help sign up walkers and collect donations

after the masses, please feel free to contact John Frey who

needs assistance at 201.391.1460 or email jfrey4@aol.com.

We will begin to recruit walkers and donors after the

masses in early September. Thank you.

Thanks to everyone for your

generous donations to the Food

Pantry in September. Our next

collection will be held This week-

end. The special needs and

requests for this month are:

hot cereal, cold cereal, and Canned fruit. While we

are grateful for ALL donations, the food pantry cannot

distribute expired food items. Please make sure you

check the expiration dates on all the donated food

items. Any other donations are of course welcome as

well. All those concerned at the food pantry deeply ap-

preciate your continued generosity.

Vine and Branches:

Inspiring the faithful, Revitalizing

the community, reaching out and

reconnecting. As part of this Arch-

diocesan initiative, all are invited to

join together with the faithful of

Bergen County this Sunday October 3rd at

6:00pm at St. Luke’s in Ho ho kus - Bishop Mi-

chael Saporito will lead a Eucharistic Adoration

Prayer Service, as we invoke the Holy Spirit for

the reopening of our parishes.

Redemptoris Mater

Seminary Open

House-Thank You!

A big thank you to

all who participated

in the Open House

this past Sunday at

Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Kearny. A large group

of our parents and children attended and enjoyed tours

of the seminary, the 5K run, a picnic and evening prayer

with the seminarians.

Singing is praying twice! Please consider sing-

ing with the children’s choir. Most months, the

Children’s Choir sings on the first Sunday of

the month at the 10:30 mass. For more infor-

mation, call Marie Ruppel at 201 396-2947. All

Are Welcome!


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Our Lady Mother of the Church

Prayers for Vocations

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

October 3, 2021

That men and women will be open to the voice

of the Lord, asking the Holy Spirit and our

Blessed Mother to help them recognize and an-

swer His call to serve Him as a priest, deacon or

in the consecrated life.

Life Source Hospice Services is looking for volun-


Healthcare facilities, in Bergen County, have opened up

to allow the visitation of volunteers to provide compan-

ionship for our patients. We have found that the total

welfare of a patient improves dramatically with the addi-

tion of a gentle touch, a book reading, the sharing of

music or even just a friendly smile. It enhances the work

of our doctors, nurses, and aides and is, certainly, a min-

istry of service for God. If you have the time to give just

an hour or two per week, you will find the rewards im-

measurable. To qualify, you will need the full COVID

regimen. We will provide you with all the train-

ing. Perhaps it will be through your service that a patient

will say that, "You have turned my morning into danc-

ing; you have taken off my sackcloth and clothed me

with joy, so that my soul may praise God and not be

silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks to you for-

ever (Psalm 30:11-12). CONTACT US AT LIFE


Our Lady of Fatima “3K Rosary for Life” on Wed.,

Oct. 13th at 7:00 PM

Please join the virtual “3K Rosary for Life Conference

Call” on Wednesday, October 13th at 7:00 PM which is being

organized by LIFENET in partnership with Array of

Hope. Join Bishop Arthur J. Serratelli and priests from

throughout NJ to pray for the Protection of Babies in the

Womb and in reparation for the sin of abortion. Note: Oc-

tober 13th is the 104th anniversary of the ‘Miracle of the Sun’

at Fatima. Our Lady wants us to pray the rosary! For more

info: 973-497-4500.

To view on-line, register at: watch.arrayofhope.net/


Family Promise Update

Family Promise Has Boots on the Ground

Hurricane Ida hit Englewood and the rest of Bergen

County on Wednesday evening. Thursday morning,

Councilman Wayne Hamer was on the phone with

Board President, Paul Shackford asking for meals. The

area north of Demarest Avenue, where Family Promise

had distributed 46,000 meals at the beginning of

COVID, was especially hard hit by the storm. Family

Promise responded immediately!

We are currently accepting the following donations: Gift

cards by mail or appointment, all other items by ap-

pointment only please. Call the office, (201) 833-

8009. Shoprite and other gift cards can be mailed to our

office at 100 Dayton Street, Ridgewood, NJ

07450. Please include your name, address and the value

of the gift cards so we may send you an acknowledge-

ment letter for your donation. We also will accept Cases

of bottled water, (16-ounce bottles preferred), and

wrapped/ single serving, shelf stable desserts (example:



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