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Post on 26-Jan-2021






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Date: 6/5/20

Student name: Samantha Thomsen

Student ID number: 1536638

Research task sheet

To complete this research task sheet, you are required to included:

•Answers to the inquiry questions of ONE artist / designer

•3 quotes from the artist / designer or from a person who has commented on their work

•6 images of the artist / designer’s work

•Minimum three different sources (E.g. Artist websites, videos on YouTube, journal articles, interviews on blogs)

•Correct APA referencing in bibliography

Inquiry questions (Minimum 3 sentences for each point)

1. What is the name of the artist / designer?

· Lex Wilson

2. What is their website or social media handle?

· Wilson runs his own website where you can find his work and more about him - You can also find more of his works on websites such as

3. What is some general information about them? E.g. Where they are based, age, or artistic experience…

· Wilson is an artist/designer from Cambridge, UK. He began his career in 3D Typography in 2012 but before that had been creating illustrated floral text pieces.

4. How would you describe their practice?

· While having quite a broad spectrum of skills within both graphic design and illustration, he has become well known for his work within 3D typography. His work is very technical and engaging.

5.Using key words, what are some themes that they explore in their work?

- Wilson has embraced a theme of playing with perspectives, playing eye tricks on its viewers, using light and angles to create interesting and engaging works that make it hard to comprehend at first glance.

6.What cultural references or influences does the artist / designer draw from?

- Wilson explains that his main influence of his works comes from his own want and interest in optical illusions and has let that effects all his typographic 3D designs. He also mentions that he takes inspiration from an artist named Escher who uses 3D in a very skilled way while using very technical skills.

7.How would you describe their approach to color?

- I can see that he tends to use the block colours which gives his work a sharp and bold look. While he also uses quite neutral tones within all kinds of colours, he never uses very bright colours which works well within his designs.

8.What mediums / materials are used to create the work?

- Wilson uses a very tradition approach in the beginning of his concepts, starting with paper and pencil to create the foundation of each of his works. Then later he transfers it digitally to refine and complete his works.

9.What context are the artworks seen and how does it affect how we interpret or value their work? E.g. Gallery, advertisements, or in public spaces…

- He is well known for creating designs for different brands, creating works that advertise their brand and bring interest to their logos and slogans.

10.Why have you chosen this particular artist / designer?

- I chose this artist because of his unique take on typography. He took the traditional concept of typography and took a different approach, creating unique style that he could embrace for himself.

11.Is the person you have researched an artist or designer and how have you come to this conclusion?

- Wilson would be considered a designer as his works are clear cut and made for the purpose of representing something.

12.What have you learned about their creative processes / practice and how might you apply their ideas to your own work?

- Wilson uses a very traditional beginning process of his works. He begins with sketching up ideas and concepts, adding in vanishing points and experimenting with potential lighting positions. Once he has found the design is where he want it to be, he then draws the outline, completes the design, and transfers it to photoshop to refine the details. I would like to take his development of skills, the way he has used hard work to improve and refine his skills and style.

Quotes (Verbatim E.g. word for word)

1. “Since I got a dog, I’ve been walking miles every day, and I use this time to just play with ideas in my mind – free from distractions and out in the open air.” – Lex Wilson

2. “I’ve always felt that if you’re passionate about your work and you do it with love, you’ll produce something of value to people.” – Lex Wilson

3. “People can distinguish work made with love from the rest – it stands out.” – Lex Wilson

Images (Include title of work, date of creation, and medium)

1. Nike #1 (2018)

2. 3D Type (2018)

3. Swoosh City, Nike Commission (2018)

4. 3D Type, (2020)

Bibliography (Correctly referenced sources using APA.

1. Lettering Daily. (2019) A Chat with Lex Wilson.

2. Wilson, L. (2015) Lex Wilson.

3. Elusive Muse. (2019) The Daily Muse: Lex Wilson Illustrator and Graphic Artist.

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