nymboida public school

Post on 18-Feb-2022






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Nymboida Public School

Innovation, Opportunity and Success

3890 Armidale Rd Nymboida NSW 2460

T 02 6649 4137 F 02 6649 4238 E nymboida-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au


NEWSLETTER Week 2 Term 3 30 July 2020

A supportive, diverse and engaging learning environment that develops confident and creative students.

Principals Message

This week has seen the return of Positive Behaviour For

Learning (PBL) in our classrooms and playground. We will be

having a weekly focus on our school values, ‘Respectful,

Responsible and Safe’. During this time the students are

awarded smileys and dojo points for exhibiting these

characteristics. This week’s focus was on listening

attentively. There was an improvement in listening but

further work is needed to master this goal. We will continue

to work on this.

We have just started using ‘Smiling Minds’ in our classroom,

this is a meditation program developed by psychologists and

educators to help bring mindfulness into young peoples

lives. This is part of our commitment to student wellbeing in

light of the recent traumatic events affecting our students.

All staff are implementing ‘Smiling Minds’ daily into the


Renee Cooper , Principal.

Athletics Carnival

The weather looks amazing for tomorrow, the carnival will

commence at 9.30am. A sausage sizzle ($2.00 ea) will be

available from the canteen as well as poppers ($1.50)

Pumpkin soup ($2.00) and Muffins ($1.00). Students are to

bring their lunchbox or money, hats, a drink bottle and wear

their uniform and running shoes (no boots please) for the


Parents are welcome to attend but please remember to

practice social distancing from non-family members.

Education Week ‘Learning Together’ 3-7 August 2020

Due to Covid19 and the restrictions imposed on us, we are

unable to open our school up for Education Week. The

students will be completing a variety of activities next week

with a focus of Education Week being on ‘Learning

Together’. During this week we will tune into various

Podcasts, complete ‘Jump Rope for Heart’, participate in

‘Jeans for Genes Day’ and even have an information visit

from NBN News Coffs Harbour to explain how they pick

stories, film, edit and upload this information for viewing. A

couple of students will then be invited to participate in a

story which will feature Education Week ‘Learning Together’

and will be aired on the NBN Coffs Harbour news that night.

We will contact the parents of the students selected to

participate prior to the visit to gain permission.

Jeans for Genes

For a gold coin donation, students and

staff may wear jeans on Friday 7

August. Every dollar you donate goes directly to the Institute

to find cures for children’s genetic diseases.

Additional donations may be made in the collection box in

the office. We also have Jeans for Genes wristbands ($3),

pins ($5), pens ($6) and key rings ($8) available for purchase.

Please support this wonderful fundraiser.


Fri 30 Jul - NPS Athletics Carnival

3 - 7 Aug - Education Week

Fri 7 Aug - Jeans for Genes / Jump Rope

Assembly Award Recipients

CANTEEN Fri 7 Aug - Nina Fri 14 Aug - Sian Fri 21 Aug - Jamee Fri 28 Aug - Sarah


We have 4 iPads which we are unable to update with the latest applications for school use (our apps use IOS9 or

higher) that we are selling off to the community. They are in perfect condition and work well for internet browsing,

playing games etc.

They will be sold on a ‘first in’ bases.

The ipads are iPad 2’s, 16GB, 2011 model - $100 each

Unfortunately they do not have cords or chargers but you can easily buy them from a shop that sells computer prod-

ucts. If you are interested in purchasing any of the iPads please contact the school.

Aussie Bread Tags / Milk Bottle Tops for Wheelchairs Fundraiser

Our school is taking part in collecting plastic bread tags /plastic bottle tops for a fundraiser which provides wheel-

chairs for disadvantaged people. You can drop bread tags or milk bottle tops into the school and we will pass them

on to the local Fuji Xerox Business Centre.

Sleep and Screen Time: What does the research


It may seem like an easy form of entertainment and distraction, but tots and tech don’t mix well. Research

shows that high use of screen-based devices may be linked to cognitive delays and obesity in little ones. What’s

more, they can also impact a child’s sleep. Children who spend a lot of time in

front of a screen tend to go to bed later, take longer to fall asleep, and sleep fewer

hours than those that use these devices less.

That lost sleep is significant - For every hour spent using a tablet device, infants

and toddlers get about 16 minutes less sleep. Older children miss out on about 26

minutes of sleep nightly per hour spent on a device. It is recommended that in-

fants get 12 to 15 hours of sleep a day, while 1- to 2-year-olds require 11 to 14

hours. Every missed minute matters!

To improve your child’s chances for a good night’s sleep, follow these three rules

when it comes to screen-based devices:

Keep kids younger than 2 years away from touchscreens altogether, with the exception of video


Should you decide to introduce your child to screens after that age, look for apps and shows that will

engage a child’s mental and motor skills? Use the device together where possible!

Avoid screens the hour or two prior to bed time. Screen time may excite your child, and the blue light

from the screen can suppress melatonin levels, delaying sleepiness.

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