nutrition - science form 2 ( chapter 2 )

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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The importance of nutritious food.

Nutritious food means a diet which contains all sorts of

nutrients in it. They are:-

a) Vitamins

b) Carbohydrates

c) Minerals

d) Water

e) Dietary fibre

So, nutritious food is very important to the human body because:-

~ We need energy to do different types of activities every day.

~ We need them to grow.

~ To maintain our body’s health from dangerous diseases.

~ To build a strong body.

~ To control the rate of obesity.

How to practice a proper nutrition?

Eating on time

Avoid eating late on night

Make an eating schedule to be followed on a daily


Control yourself from eating too much

Reduce junk food diet.

Planning a nutrition


MONDAY ~ Quaker oats

TUESDAY ~ Whole meal bread with sausages

WEDNESDAY ~ Cornflakes with milk

THURSDAY ~ Whole meal bread with tuna

FRIDAY ~ Half boiled egg and bun

SATURDAY ~ Baked beans and sausages

SUNDAY ~ Thosai with dhal curry


MONDAY ~ ½ Plate of rice ~ A piece of grilled fish

~ Vegetables ~ A glass of plain water

TUESDAY ~ A bowl of noodles with chicken, fish balls and vegetables

WEDNESDAY ~ ½ plate of rice ~ A piece of grilled chicken

~ Vegetables

THURSDAY ~ 5 pieces of Yong Tau Fu

~ Vegetables

FRIDAY ~ A bowl of wanton mee with chicken, fish balls and


SATURDAY ~ 1 set of Kenny Rogers Quarter Meal (1/4 chicken and salad)

SUNDAY ~ 1 plate of spaghetti

~ 1 plate of Fresh Garden salad


MONDAY ~ A piece of tandoori chicken

~ Vegetable salad such as tomatoes and salary

TUESDAY ~ A piece of grilled salmon

~ Mix vegetables

WEDNESDAY ~ Vegetable soup and taufu with fish balls

THURSDAY ~ omelette with button mushrooms

~ Vegetable salad

FRIDAY ~ A piece of grilled chicken

~ Fried vegetables

SATURDAY ~ Steamboat (fishballs, small sized prawns, taufu and


SUNDAY ~ A plate of spaghetti with tomato sauce

~ Green vegetable salad

Distribution of food to the less fortunate

and the needy

We should be thankful to God to have been born with a life

of luxury. But we must remember, not all humans are born

with pleasure. So, we should appreciate every thing

bestowed by God to us. We should use our lives to help

people who are less fortunate. For example, the excess

food at home can be donated to the poor and needy. But

most men are selfish and do not appreciate the food more

willingly remove the excess food into the trash. Besides

that, we should eat in moderation. Do not be greedy when

seeing the diversity of food. We must remember people

who was then living hunger and let us not forget to say

thank you and express our gratitude to God for giving us

the pleasures of life.

Eating manners that meet the

sensitivity and religious beliefs

Our country is a country with a multi-racial citizens.

Every community in our country have different

nutritional manners. They kind of have different dietary

sensitivity. For people who live in harmony, we should

respect their culture to create a prosperous nation.

Here is the practice of eating in the race.


Malay people like to eat with the

family or with friends. In the past,

most of the Malays sit on the floor.

This is considered an orderly

manner. The Malays eat with

fingers, right hand of course.


Chinese people usually eat with

chopsticks. It is a tradition for them

to drink soup before eating rice.

Elderly people starts eating

before the younger ones.

It is impolite to lick the tip of the



Indian people usually eat on

banana leaves with their hands. It

is important to know that a younger

one should not walk out from the

table before all the elderly ones

complete eating.


Most people today eat western

nowadays especially at any big

restaurants because they look

formal and polite.

They usually eat with a spoon in

their right hand and a fork in the

left hand.

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