nutrition for women topic 11. positive thinking! how do you view yourself? accept alter appreciate

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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Nutrition For Women

Topic 11

Positive Thinking! How Do You View Yourself?




Woman Vs. Man

Women have more body fat

Women have less muscle mass

Women tend to gain weight in the hips, thighs and leg regions

Be You-tiful

Statistics: Top Threats To

1: Heart Disease2: Cancer3: Stroke4: Chronic lower respiratory diseases5: Alzheimer’s Disease6: Accidents7: Type 2 Diabetes

How Is Nutrition Related? Heart Disease And CancerBoth associated with a high-fat dietAim to consume low-fat foods Aim to decrease red meat consumptionAim to increase fish consumptionEat fresh and/or frozen fruits/vegetablesPlan to lower weight by 5-10% (if needed)

Breast Cancer Prevention

Maintain a healthy weight

Physical activity

Moderation in alcohol

Avoid exposure to pollutants

Discontinue hormone therapy

Breast feed

The Aging Process: Promote Longevity, Happiness and

Good Health

Healthy Bones

Consume adequate calcium and vitamin D

Weight bearing/strength training

Smoking cessation

Moderation in alcohol

If greater than 50 years old

get a bone density scan!

Importance Of

Low levels associated with menstrual cycle and poor iron absorption

Symptoms of low levels may include poor health and low energy

Aim to consume iron rich food sources

If you are concerned that your iron levels are low speak to your

health care provider.


Menopause And Weight Gain

Maintaining a healthy weight as one gets older can be challenging…

Have you gained weight with age?

Where have you gained weight?

Can you associate weight gain with any specific factors?

You can do something about it!

Maintaining A Healthy Weight

Engage in physical activity!

Maintaining A Healthy Weight (Cont’d)

Practice healthy eating and portion control

Plate Method

Support, support, support!!!

Start Today By Making Healthy Lifestyle Changes!

How will you do this?

What will you change?


Reference Materials

National Organization For Women

Mayo Clinic

American Dietetic Association

My Pyramid

American Heart Association

American Diabetes Association

Center For Science In The Public Interest

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