nursing & midwifery · nursing & midwifery 16 - 17 september 2019 | brussels, belgium...

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NURSING & MIDWIFERY16 - 17 September 2019 | Brussels, Belgium

Aurelius Corporate Solutions Pvt. Ltd.18 Soho Square , London, Greater London, W1D 3QL, United Kingdom.

Nursing Meet 2019


Opening Ceremony 9:30-10:00Keynote Sessions 10:00-11:00Refreshments Break 11:00-11:15

Session Talks 11:15-13:00Lunch Break 13:00-14:00Session Talks 14:00-16:00

Network & Refreshments 16:00-16:15Workshop & Symposium 16:15-18:00

Note: Event Program is subjected to change with � nal allotment of Speaker slots


September 16, 2019


Nursing And HealthcareMidwifery And Women

Health Nursing

Pediatric Nursing

Psychiatric And Mental Health Nursing

Holistic NursingOccupational Health Nursing

Community Nursing And Family Health Nursing

Advances In Nursing

Critical Care And Emergency NursingCardiovascular Nursing

Surgical Nursing

Clinical Nursing

Linda Sage has her expertise & passion in improving personal psychological health &wellbeing. Her signi� cant list of global clients, range from hospitals, educational institutions, prisons and corporate entities; throughout the UK, US, Europe & Middle East. In all caring environments the professionals are less likely to care for themselves; changing that mindset is at the core of Linda’s message. It is possible to be, do & have everything you want, by helping others and looking a� er yourself. An international speaker, author, trainer & mentor, with decades of experience & knowledge, energize any event and attendees. Her simpli� ed message of self-worth, instantly e� ects all levels of personnel, to achieve, do and be more with a positive frame of mind; demolishing the irrational fears, phobias, beliefs & habits that Compassion Fatigue can compound. Building a more resilient person provides the individual, employer and patient/client a much more competent and con� dent professional.

Linda Sage(International speaker)Lindasagementoring Organization

United Kingdom


Organizing Committee Member

Keynote TalkTitle: Community Nurse in Substance Abuse Disorder: Prevention & Rehabilitation Focus on Opioid EpidemicArinze (Ari) Onwuamaegbu- Moma, Union Leader Interfaith Medical Center & NYSNA, USATitle: � erapeutic Communication in Nursing & Midmiferyand Patient Treatment outcomes in Healthcare Delivery in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan AfricaLanre Jacob, Lanre Jacob Sarcoma Foundation, Nigeria

Professor (Emeritus) Nay leads the Victorian Hub of the DCRC-CC and is Director of TIME for Dementia the Study Centre for Victoria and Tasmania. Rhonda has signi� cant experience and expertise in care of older people and sits on the Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency Board. Rhonda’s research interest is in person centred, evidence based care environments for older people, especially people with dementia. Her research areas include: sta� -family relationships, sexual expression and sexuality, person-centred care and pain management. Rhonda has been a member of numerous government and professional committees including the Commonwealth Aged Care Workforce Committee and the AHCA Reference Group on Continuum of Care, the National Advisory Committee on Ageing. She has led and/or been a senior consultant on a large number of research projects. Rhonda has supervised 18 doctoral students to successful completion, has given over 100 major conference papers and published extensively.

Rhonda Nay (Emeritus Professor)Consultant LISA ACE



Organizing Committee Member

SESSION TALKSTitle: As Health Care Technology Advances: Bene� ts and RisksPadmalatha Chetpalli, Sahara College of Nursing and Paramedical Sciences, IndiaTitle: Coronary Artery Disease as a Risk Factor of Alzheimer’sDiseaseLaura Lappalainen, University Of Eastern Finland, FinlandTitle: A study to evaluate the e� ectiveness of stress reduction programme on stress among wives of alcoholics in a selected rural area, Bangalore Susan Wesley Nalli, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health sciences, India

Abdulqadir Nashwan is a Director of Nursing for Education and Practice Development at HMGH a member of Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) in Qatar. In 2015, he has been appointed as a Senior Adjunct Instructor at the faculty of nursing at the University of Calgary in Qatar (UCQ). His current research interests include Research Utilization, Evidenced-Based Practice, Clinical Hematology, Medical Oncology, Nursing Informatics, and Cancer Immunotherapy. Mr. Nashwan has published more than 50 research articles in peer-reviewed journals such as the Blood, BMJ, and Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. In November 2015, he has received Award of Merit for Placing HMC at the Cutting Edge of Cancer Research as a part of Stars of Excellence Program introduced by HMC. In October 2016, Mr. Nashwan has completed a Cancer Biology & � erapeutics (CBT) Program; provided by Harvard Medical School (HMS). Mr. Nashwan has been committed to mentoring and encouraging young clinical investigators throughout his career; he has formally supervised the training of more than a dozen MSc candidates and nursing fellows. His expertise is routinely sought in an advisory capacity both nationally and internationally;

Abdulqadir Nashwan (Director of Nursing)

Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) Qatar


Organizing Committee Member

SESSION TALKSTitle: Holistic nursing care & holistic health careAntionette D Potgieter, Santro Nursing Care (Pty)Ltd, South AfricaTitle: What Factors A� ect Patient Satisfaction in Public Sector Hospitals: Evidence from an Emerging Economy Abid Hussain, Zhejiang University, China

She graduated in � rst place from Hacettepe University in 1989. She won the İhsan Dogramacı Superior Merit Award and Science Incentive Award. She earned her pilot’s license from Republic of Turkey Ministry of Transport.She earned a certi� cate in management and leadership in nursing. She is an active member of � ematic Network leadership work group. She studied as a research scholar at Kent State University College of Nursing in 2006. In 2007, she worked on a project named “Development of Leadership Skills in Nursing Doctoral Students” at University of Michigan Faculty of Nursing on an international research scholarship which was supported by International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing (INDEN) and Sigma � eta Tau and provided to only three people around the world every year.She worked as a Co-Head of Nursing Department, Erasmus Department Coordinator, Head of Strategic Planning Group and board member of Hacettepe University Women’s Research and Implementation Center (HUWRICH) between 2009 and 2011. Her interest subjects are sexuality and reproductive health and management and leadership. She is member of national and international nurse’s organizations such as INDEN and Sigma � eta Tau. She has been working as a Director of Nursing Services at Hacettepe University Hospitals between 2012-2016 and Founding Dean of Faculty of Nursing.

Fusun TerziogluAtilim University



Organizing Committee Member

SESSION TALKSTitle: � e Use of Remote Sensing and GIS in Public Health: A Case Study: Geospatial Risk Analysis for Schistosomiasis in a marginalized community, Kenya.John Kyalo Muthuka, Kenya Medical Training College, KenyaTitle: Home care � erapeutic appoachAntionette D Potgieter, Santro Nursing Care (Pty)Ltd, South Africa

9 Speaker Slots Available

Dolce La Hulpe BrusselsChaussée de Bruxelles

135, 1310 La Hulpe, Belgium


Contact: John Hunt Tel: +44-2070974626


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