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Nursing Management of Delirium

updated 2011

Sutisa Rengratsamee RN. 18 August 2011


According to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) IV TR

Delirium is characterized by a

disturbance of consciousness and a change in cognition that develop rapidly over a period of time.


Delirium is a common problem in all health

care settings, with a prevalence of

0.4% in general population,

1.1% in general population aged >55 years,

9–30% in general hospital admissions,

5–55% in elderly general hospital admissions

Predisposing factors

2. Endocrine causes

3. Drugs

4. Nutritional deficiencies

5. Systemic infections

6. Intracranial causes

7. Miscellaneous


1. Metabolic Causes

1. Metabolic causes



Hepatic Encephalopathy

Uremic Encephalopathy

Cardiac failure, Cardiac arrhythmias

Water and Electrolyte Imbalance

Metabolic Acidosis

Fever, Anemia, Hypovolemic Shock

2. Endocrine causes

Hypo-hyper pitutairism

Hypo-hyper –thyroidism

Hypo-hyper –parathyroidism

Hypo-hyper –adrenalism

3. Drugs

both ingestion and withdrawal causes delirium and polypharmacy

Digitalis, quinidine, anti-hypertensive’s

Alcohol, sedatives, hypnonitics

Tri cyclic antidepressants and antipsychotics

Anti convulsants –levo dopa

Salicylates, steroids, pencillin, insulin

Methyl alcohol, heavy metals

4. Nutritional deficiencies




Folic acid


5. Systemic infections:

Acute and chronic





6. Intracranial causes


Head injury, subarachnoid hemorrhage, sub dural hematoma

Intracranial infections e.g. meningitis, encephalitis cerebral malaria

Stroke, hypertensive encephalopathy

Focal lesions e.g. right parietal lesions

7. Miscellaneous

Multiple medical problems

Cognitive impairment, dementia

Perception impairment, visual impairment

Post operative states, Fractures

Fever, hypothermia

Sleep deprivation

Heat, electricity and radiation

Clinical features

Impairment of consciousness

Appearance and behavior







Memory disturbances


The disturbance of sleep wake cycle

Diurnal variation


According ICD 10, symptoms should be present in each one of the following areas.

Impairment of the consciousness and attention

Global disturbance of cognition

Psychomotor disturbances

Disturbance of sleep walk cycle

Emotional disturbances

The onset is usually rapid

Physical and laboratory examinations

Physical Examination & Mental Status

Consciousness, V/S

DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for delirium

The Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)

Delirium Symptoms Interview (DSI)

Delirium Rating Scale (DRS)

The Memorial Delirium Assessment Scale (MDAS)

Nursing Delirium Screening Scale (Nu-DESC)

Physical and laboratory examinations




Renal and Lever Function Test

Thyroid Function Test

Urine Analysis

Urine and Blood Drug screen workup,

online publication update Jan,3, 2011

Thiamine and vitamin B12 levels

Test for Bacteriological and Viral etiology

Sedimentation rate

Drug screen including alcohol level


Laboratory Examination

Other Tests

• Lumbar puncture

• Brain Computerized Tomography (CT)

• Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

• Electroencephalography (EEG)

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)

• Published by the American Psychiatric Association and provides a common language and standard criteria for the classification of mental disorders

• There have been five revisions since it was first published in 1952 The last major revision was the fourth edition (DSM-IV), published in 1994, although a "text revision" was produced in 2000.

• The fifth edition (DSM-5) is currently in consultation, planning and preparation, due for publication in May 2013 , last modified on 3 August 2011

DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for delirium

• Disturbance of consciousness occurs, with reduce ability to focus, sustain, or shift attention

• Change in cognition; memory deficit, disorientation,

language disturbance, perceptual disturbance

• The disturbance develop over short period (usually hours to days) and tends to fluctuate during the course of day

• Evidence from history, physical examination, or laboratory finding, that indicates the disturbance is cause by direct physiologic consequence of general medicine condition, an toxicating substance, medication use, or more than one cause clinical, online publication update Jan,3, 2011

Confusion Assessment Method

Best Tool: The Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) includes two parts.

• Part one is an assessment instrument that screens for overall cognitive impairment.

• Part two includes only those four features that were found to have the greatest ability to distinguish delirium or reversible confusion from other types of cognitive impairment.

• Card2bCAM.pdf

Confusion Assessment Method

Delirium Symptoms Interview (DSI)

• Developed by an interdisciplinary group of investigators

• This interview had good validity and reliability. The sensitivity of the DSI = .90 and the specificity = .80 (compared with the clinical judgment of a psychiatrist and neurologist)

• Interrater reliability, using lay interviewers, was .90 for the detection of major symptoms of delirium.

• delirium_dsi.pdf

(J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol 1992;5:14–21).

Delirium Rating Scale (DRS)

• A 10-item rating scale, each item has specific descriptors that can be scored from 0 to a maximum either of 2, 3, or 4 points, depending on the item

• The sum of all item scores comprises the total DRS score; the maximum possible score is 32 points, ranged from 12 to 30 in a sample of individuals that showed symptoms of delirium

• It is suggested that symptoms be rated over a 24-hour period because of the fluctuating nature of delirium symptom severity and to better detect the disruption of the sleepwake cycle

Delirium Rating Scale (DRS)

1. Temporal onset

2. Perceptual disturbances

3. Hallucinations

4. Delusions

5. Psychomotor behavior

6. Cognitive status 7. Physical disorder 8. Sleep-wake cycle disturbance 9. Lability of mood 10. Variability of


The DRS is a 10-item rating scale

ขอ 1. ระยะเวลาทเรมมอาการ

ขอ 2. ความผดปกตดานการรบร

ขอ 3. ชนดของอาการประสาท หลอน

ขอ 4. อาการหลงผด

ขอ 5. พฤตกรรมการเคลอนไหว

ขอ 6. Cognitive status

ขณะท าการประเมน

Thai Delirium Rating Scale (TDRS)

ขอ 7. โรคทางกาย

ขอ 8. ความผดปกตของวงจรการหลบตน

ขอ 9. ความแปรปรวนดานอารมณ

ขอ 10. การเปลยนแปลงของอาการตาง ๆ

วารสารสมาคมจตแพทยแหงประเทศไทย 2543; 45(4):325-332.

The Memorial Delirium Assessment Scale (MDAS)

is specifically designed to quantify the severity of delirium symptoms.

• It is composed of 10 observer-rated 4-point items, summed for range of 0 – 30, cut-off score of 13 for delirium and 30 worst/ most severe

It integrates objective cognitive testing and evaluation of behavioral symptoms.


..\แนวทางการวนจฉยภาวะสมองเสอม (TMSE).doc


Nursing Delirium Screening Scale (Nu-DESC)

• The Nu-DESC is a five symptoms rating scale and the screening score is 0-2, high score mean severe delirium

• It is easy to use, time-efficient (1 minute/ 1 patient), and accurate, and could lead to prompt delirium recognition and treatment

• useful concomitant delirium research tool, allowing continuous screening, symptom monitoring, and severity rating

Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Vol. 29 No. 4 April 2005

Nursing Delirium Screening Scale (Nu-DESC)

Features and description Symptoms Rating (0-2)

Time Period Symptom

Midnight – 8 AM

8 Am – 4 AM

4 AM - Midnight

1. Disorientation Verbal or behavioral manifestation of not

being oriented to time or place or misperceiving persons in the environment

2. Inappropriate behavior Behavior inappropriate to place and/or for

the person; e.g., pulling at tubes or dressing, attempting to get out of bed when that is contraindicated, and the like (Gaudreau, Gagnon, Harel, Tremblay, and Roy, 2005)

Features and description Symptoms Rating (0-2)

Time Period Symptom

Midnight – 8 AM

8 Am – 4 AM

4 AM - Midnight

3. Inappropriate communication Communication inappropriate to place

and/or for the person; e.g., incoherence, noncommunicativeness, nonsensical or unintelligible speech

4. Illusion/Hallucinations Seeing or hearing things that are not there;

distortions of visual objects

5. Psychomotor retardation Delayed responsiveness, few or no

spontaneous actions/words; e.g., when the patient is prodded, reaction is deferred and/ or the patient is unarousable (Gaudreau, Gagnon, Harel, Tremblay, and Roy, 2005)


• All Examination Tools can be used to document the cognitive impairment and to provide a base line from which to measure the patient’s clinical course

• Don’t forget to document

all exiting results in to

patient file


Four key steps in management of delirium are

1. Addressing the underlying causes

2. Maintaining behavioral control

3. Preventing complications

4. Supporting functional needs

The management strategies include both nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic interventions

Nursing management


Physical assessment Nursing


Nursing management


Physical assessment Nursing



Client history: Nurses should assess the following areas of concern

Orientation to person, place, date and situation

Cognitive changes such as problems with attention, thinking process, personality and behavioral changes

Type, frequency, and severity of mood swings

Catastrophic emotional reactions

Appropriateness of social behavior

Language difficulties

Assessment (Cont.)


Full drugs history

Substance abuse; alcohol, recreational drugs

Previous delirium

Sensory deficits and or aids; hearing aids, glasses)

History by proxies

Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 62, (2007): 371-383

Nursing management


Physical assessment Nursing


Physical assessment

Assessment should focus on two main areas

1. Signs of damage to the nervous system

2. Evidence of diseases of other organs

Nursing management


Physical assessment Nursing


Nursing diagnoses

1. Risk for trauma related to impairment in cognitive and psychomotor function

Outcome criteria:

Client will not experience injury


Arrange furniture and other items in the room to accommodate clients disabilities

Store frequently used items within easy access

Nursing diagnoses


Do not keep bed in elevated position

Assist the client with ambulation

Keep a dim light on at night

Frequently orient the client to place, time and situation

Soft restraints may be required if client is very disoriented and hyperactive

2. Disturbed thought process related to cerebral degeneration as evidenced by disorientation, confusion, memory deficits and inaccurate interpretation of the environment

Outcome criteria:

client will interpret the environment accurately and maintain reality orientation to the best of his or her cognitive ability

Nursing diagnoses


Frequently orient the client to reality: clock and

calendars with large numbers that are easy to read

Notes and large bold signs may be used as reminders

Keep explanation simple

Discourage rumination of delusional thinking

Talk about real people and real events

Monitor for medication side effect

Nursing diagnoses

3. Self care deficit related to disorientation, confusion and memory deficits as evidenced by inability to fulfill the ADL

Outcome criteria:

Client will accomplish the ADLs to the best of his or her ability

Unfulfilled activities may be kept by caregivers

Nursing diagnoses


Identify the self care deficits and provide assistance as required

Provide guidance and assistance for independent actions

Provide a structured schedule of activities that does not change from day to day

Provide for consistency in assignment of daily caregivers

Nursing diagnoses


Perform ongoing assessment of clients ability to fulfill nutritional needs ,ensure personal safety ,follow medication regimen and communicate need for assistance with activities that she or he cannot accomplish independently

Involve the family members in the care of the patient conclusion

Nursing diagnoses

Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline

การสรางแนวปฏบตการพยาบาลเพอปองกนภาวะ Delirium ของผสงอายโรงพยาบาลศรราช (สวรรณา สกประเสรฐ, พรทตา วศาจารย, และภรภา แสงจนทร, 2549)

• การศกษานไดท าการสบคนและคดเลอกงานวจยทมความเกยวของมา 7 เรอง และ Guideline 2 เรอง

• น ามาวเคราะห และสรปขอเสนอแนะ เพอปองกนภาวะ Delirium ของผสงอายในโรงพยาบาล ดงน

Algorithm of Clinical Practice Guideline for Delirium

ผปวยสงอาย > 65 ป

TMSE Risk factor for delirium

แนวปฏบตท 3.

มปจจยเสยงปานกลาง (1-3 ปจจย)

มปจจยเสยงสง > 3 ปจจย

TMSE < 23 ไมมปจจยเสยง TMSE >23

แนวปฏบตท 2.

แนวปฏบตท 1.

แรกรบใน 24 ชม.



(สวรรณา สกประเสรฐ, พรทตา วศาจารย, และภรภา แสงจนทร, 2549)

แนวปฏบตท 1. • ใหขอมลแกผปวยเรองบคคล สถานทเวลา

• ตดตอสอสารกบผปวยดวยภาษาทเขาใจงาย ชดเจน ทาทสภาพออนโยน

• จดสงแวดลอมใหใกลเคยงกบทผปวยคนเคย หองแสงสวางเพยงพอ เงยบ ไมมเสยงดงรบกวน

• กระตนใหผปวยท ากจวตรประจ าวนทผปวยเคยท า ตามความเหมาะสมกบสภาพความเจบปวยของผปวย

• ประเมน Risk Factor และ TMSE สปดาหละ 1 ครง

Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline

(สวรรณา สกประเสรฐ, พรทตา วศาจารย, และภรภา แสงจนทร, 2549)

แนวปฏบตท 2. ปฏบตตามแนวปฏบตท 1. และเพม

• จดการกบปจจยเสยงแตละตวทผปวยม เชน ถาผปวยมการฟงทผดปกต ใหปฏบตดงน

• ประเมนวาผปวยไมมขหอดตว, ควรพดใกลๆ หขางทผปวยสามารถไดยนชดเจนทสด,พดโดยหนหนาเขาหาผปวยเพอใหสามารถอานปากคนพดได, พดชาๆ ชดเจน อยาตะโกนและใหพดทวนค าส าคญ

• ประเมน Risk Factor และ TMSE วนละ 1 ครง

• ใหความรกบญาต/ผดแลเรองการปองกนการเกด Delirium

Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline

(สวรรณา สกประเสรฐ, พรทตา วศาจารย, และภรภา แสงจนทร, 2549)

แนวปฏบตท 3. ปฏบตตามแนวปฏบตท 2. และเพม

• ประสานงาน/รายงานแพทยเจาของไขเพอรวมประเมนดแลและใหการรกษาทเหมาะสม รวมถงปรกษาแพทยผเชยวชาญดานผสงอายใหรวมประเมนและรกษาตอไป

Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline

(สวรรณา สกประเสรฐ, พรทตา วศาจารย, และภรภา แสงจนทร, 2549)


Delirium or acute confusional state is a medical emergency associated with increased morbidity and mortality rates

Early diagnosis and resolution of symptoms are correlated with the most favorable outcomes

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