nur al-idha end of term 2 test

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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The Book of Purification- Wudhu- Ghusl- Tayammum- Khuffain- Menstrual Period/Postnatal & Istihadha- Filth


Noor-uz-Zamaan AcademyProphetic Footsteps

Nur al-IdhaEnd Of Term 2 Test


1. What are the pillars of Wudhu?

2. What is the definition of غسل (Ghasl) and مسح (Masah)?

3. Choose from the following words to complete the sentences:

recommended obligatory sunnah necessary disliked permitted

a. When there is inadequate time left for the obligatory prayer it

is ........... to perform Wudhu.

b. To rinse the mouth three times is .......... in Wudhu.

c. It is ........... to face the Qiblah whilst performing Wudhu.

d. It is .............. to move around the tight ring during Wudhu.

e. To speak words of general speech is ............

f. If washing of cuts would cause harm or pain, it is ............ to pass

water over that place.

4. Explain in detail the three categories of Wudhu.

5. Answer true or false:

True / Falsea) It is recommended to perform Wudhu after laughing out loudly in Namaz.b) It is Wajib to perform Wudhu for Tawaaf.c) It is necessary to perform Wudhu when one wishes to prayer Quran from memory.d) The flowing of blood or pus from anywhere, other than the two passages nullifies Wudhu.e) It is recommended to perform Wudhu before Ghusl.f) Vomiting less than a mouthful does not break Wudhu.g) It is Sunnah to wipe the neck in Wudhu.

Noor-uz-Zamaan AcademyProphetic Footsteps

6. To perform Wudhu in chronological order is Sunnah according to the

Hanafi School. Explain why the Hanafi’s consider it a Sunnah and what are

the views of Imam Malik (ra) and Imam Shafi’i (ra).

7. Write 3 disliked actions of Wudhu.

8. What are the three types/categories of Wudhu? Give two examples for

each category.

9. Vomiting a mouthful nullifies Wudhu.

a. What is the definition of a mouthful?

b. If a person vomits a few times and the cause is the same for each

time, then these several occurrences are deemed as one

occurrence. What are the views of the Sahabain regarding this?

10. If a piece of flesh or scab is separated from the body without the flowing

of blood from its place, does this break ones Wudhu? Explain your answer.


1. What is the meaning of the word Janabah?

2. What are the things that make the major bath obligatory? Name 4 points.

3. If a person ejaculates due to a punch in the back, what are the views of

Imam Abu Hanafi (ra) and Imam Shafi’ (ra) regarding this person having a

major bath?

4. What is the difference regarding Ghusl between one who converts to

Islam in a pure state and one who converts in an impure state?

5. What is the view of Imam Abu Hanifah (ra) and Imam Shafi’ (ra) regarding

gargling the mouth and inserting water into the nostrils in a major bath?

Mention they proofs.

6. Why is it disliked to face the Qiblah during the major bath?

Noor-uz-Zamaan AcademyProphetic Footsteps

7. What are the occasions that is Sunnah to perform Ghusl? Mention Hazrat

Shaykh Zakariyyah (ra) advice on this.

8. What is the view of Imam Abu Yusuf (ra) regarding the bath of Jumu’ah

and Eid?

9. What was the amount of water the Prophet (s.a.w) used to perform

Wudhu and Ghusl?

10. Translate the following terms

1) Mani 2) Madhi 3) Kadhi 4) Wadi

And write if each requires:

a. A major bath or

b. Wudhu

c. Washing of the clothes, if the fluid touches it.


1. What is the meaning of the word Tayammum, linguistic meaning and

according to the Fuqaha?

2. Write the proofs of Tayammum in Shari’ah from the four sources of Fiqh.

3. Explain the view of Imam Zufar (ra) regarding the stipulation of an

intention in Tayammum.

4. One who only intends Tayammum, is he allowed praying Salah. Why?

5. One must have a valid reason to permit Tayammum such as the absence

of water. This absence is split into two types. What are the two types of

absences and give an example for each?

6. What is the reason for one allowed to perform Tayammum on fear of

missing the Janazah prayer or Eid prayers and not Jumu’ah?

7. What are the two pillars of Tayammum?

Noor-uz-Zamaan AcademyProphetic Footsteps

8. A group of people are travelling and they stop on the road side to

perform Salah. This area is well known that people will not give water

under any circumstances (i.e. at such a place where there is no access to

water and one is convinced that he will be refused).

a. What are the three conditions that require the purchase of the


b. If one performs Tayammum before requesting or demanding water,

is this valid. What are the views of Imam Sahib and the Sahibain.

Explain their reasoning in detail.

9. If one forgets water during his journey, performs Tayammum and prayers

Salah, but later remembers he has water. What are the views of the

Imams in this situation?

10. Write true or false for the following statements:


1) According to Imam Abu Yusuf (ra) Tayammum is only valid

with earth and sand.

2) If one has been promised water, it is Wajib to delay

Tayammum, even if one fears that he will miss the Salah.

3) It is valid to perform Tayammum before the entry of the

prayer time.

4) A person is the state of Tayammum sees water prior to

offering Salah, his Tayammum is not void.

5) One may offer as many obligatory and optional prayers he

desires with only one Tayammum, according to Imam Shafi’.

Noor-uz-Zamaan AcademyProphetic Footsteps


1. How is wiping on Khuffain established in Sharia’h?

2. Write the Arabic terminology next to its description:

Wetting the whole limb, in such a manner that some drops of

water fall off the limbs

Wiping the wet hands over the area

Leather socks

Socks with leather soles

Normal cotton socks

Open toe sandals

Boots or wellingtons

A resident

A traveller

3. Is one allowed to perform Masah on Khuffain in the state of major

impurity? Why?

4. What are the seven conditions that validate the wiping on leather socks?

5. What are the conditions for one to be accepted as a traveller?

6. How many hours/days are travellers permitted to wipe and when does

their time begin?

7. A resident’s time for wiping expires while in prayer. Is his prayer accepted

and why?

8. What are the conditions that nullify the wiping over leather socks?

9. What is the portion obligatory to wipe over the leather socks?

Noor-uz-Zamaan AcademyProphetic Footsteps

10. Ali puts on his leather socks at 8 am on Monday. He is intending to travel

from Manchester to London and stay at his relatives (in one area) for 10

days. Before he starts his journey at 10 am he performs Wudhu due to

excessive bleeding from his arm.

a. What time does his wiping begin?

b. How many days will he be allowed to wipe?

c. What is considered as ‘one area’ for a traveller?

d. Due to unforeseen circumstances Ali has to return back to

Manchester after 40 hours. What will be the ruling for him to wipe

over his leather socks?

11. What is the time period for wiping over bandages?

12. Is it permissible to wipe the bandage of one foot and wash the other?

13. What is the ruling for a person in the state of Janabah who has to perform

Ghusl with:

a. A bandage over his foot.

b. Wearing Khuffain.

Menstrual Periods, Postnatal And Chronic Vaginal Discharge

1. What are the minimum days of menstrual periods according to Imam Abu

Hanifah (ra) and Imam Shafi’ (ra).

2. A girl is said to be an adult if she experiences one of four things.

3. What is Istihada?

4. What is the minimum days of purification that separates two menstrual


5. A woman in the state of Nifaas is not allowed to touch the Quran. Which

parts of the Quran does that include? e.g. the attached covering. Mention

3 more.

Noor-uz-Zamaan AcademyProphetic Footsteps

6. What is the ruling for woman whose menstrual periods begin whilst

fasting during Ramadhan?

7. What is the recommended advice for a woman with menstrual periods or

postnatal bleeding during each prayer time?

8. What actions are forbidden in the state of Hadath?

9. What should a person do to perform Salah who suffers from a permanent

nose bleed or Istihada?

10. When is a person deemed excused?

Filth And Its Purification

1. What are the two types of filth? Write the Arabic terminologies and give

an example for each.

2. With respect to solid heavy filth, how much is excused of one’s dress or


3. Light filth which has afflicted less than one quarter of one’s dress or body

is excused. Which item of clothing is the quarter measured against?

4. If a child urinated or soiled on the carpet, and due to ones feet being wet

the traces of filth appear on the feet:

a. What is the ruling in this scenario?

b. What are the traces of filth?

5. If the filth is invisible on clothes, what is the procedure of washing this

filth? Write the Hanafi and Imam Shafi’ (ra) views.

6. Which parts of a dog is impure?

7. A dog urinated in the garden lawn. When the traces of filth disappear

from the ground and it becomes dry. What is the ruling:

a. To perform Salah on that very ground.

b. To perform Tayammum on that very ground.

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