numerologist’s 2017 prosperity planner pg |...

Post on 30-Jan-2018






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Universal Year What It Is & Why It Matters 6
How To Prepare For The End Of A 9 Universal Year 8
How To Prepare For A 1 Universal Year 12
Achievement Number What It Is & How It Impacts Your 2017 16
How To Calculate Your Achievement Number 17
Achievement Number 1: Your 2017 Personal Energy Forecast 23
Achievement Number 2: Your 2017 Personal Energy Forecast 30
Achievement Number 3: Your 2017 Personal Energy Forecast 37
Achievement Number 4: Your 2017 Personal Energy Forecast 45
Achievement Number 5: Your 2017 Personal Energy Forecast 53
Achievement Number 6: Your 2017 Personal Energy Forecast 61
Achievement Number 7: Your 2017 Personal Energy Forecast 69
Achievement Number 8: Your 2017 Personal Energy Forecast 77
Achievement Number 9: Your 2017 Personal Energy Forecast 85
Achievement Number 11: Your 2017 Personal Energy Forecast 93
Achievement Number 13: Your 2017 Personal Energy Forecast 101
Achievement Number 14: Your 2017 Personal Energy Forecast 109
Achievement Number 16: Your 2017 Personal Energy Forecast 117
Achievement Number 19: Your 2017 Personal Energy Forecast 126
Achievement Number 22: Your 2017 Personal Energy Forecast 134
Achievement Number 33: Your 2017 Personal Energy Forecast 142
NEXT STEPS How To Make The Most Of This Planner 150
Numerologist’s 2017 Prosperity Planner PG | 3© Copyright
Welcome To Numerologist’s 2017 Prosperity Planner
Congratulations! You made the wise decision to invest in Numerologist’s 2017 Prosperity Planner.
This Prosperity Planner contains precise information that will help you achieve your true potential and assist you in avoiding (and overcoming) the challenges you might encounter in the year ahead.
Whether your goals are romantic, material or spiritual, Numerology can help you reach them with less difficulty and fewer delays. It can also help you to
learn how to emphasize your strengths and overcome your weaknesses – almost anything you need to know can be found within the vibrational patterns and cycles defined “by the numbers.”
With the science of Numerology and this Prosperity Planner, you have a system that allows you to understand the qualities of the universal and personal vibrational patterns that make up your life.
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Specifically, Numerologist’s 2017 Prosperity Planner uses the power of Numerology to:
• Review the qualities of the current 9 Universal Year and the forth-coming 1 Universal Year to assist you in transitioning into a new 9 year cycle with ease.
• Analyze and explain the importance of your personal Achievement Number.
• Explain how your personal Achievement Number interacts with the Universal Year.
• Share your Personal Monthly Forecast (based on your Personal Year Number) for the entire 2017 year.
• Plus more!
We’ve also included custom exercises throughout this planner. These exercises are designed to help you transition from the current 9 Universal Year into the upcoming 1 Universal Year with ease, grace and gusto!
Now it’s time for you to dive into your 2017 Prosperity Planner.
Head over to the next section to learn about the power of the Universal Year, then continue reading your personal monthly forecasts for 2017.
Universal Year
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To attain your full potential in life and prosper with ease, it’s necessary to understand two things:
1. The external environment around you, and
2. Your internal tendencies for interacting with your external surroundings.
This is where the power of the Universal Year and your personal Numerology come into play.
Just as the 4 seasons of each year naturally exist (Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer), so to exists a 9 year universal energy cycle. As with all numbers, each Universal Year embodies certain patterns and tendencies.
The Universal Year is calculated by adding the digits of the calendar year together, then reducing to a single digit number.
Example 1:
The Universal Year for 2016 is 9. 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9
Example 2:
The Universal Year for 2017 is 1. 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10
The 10, then reduces to 1. 1 + 0 = 1
What It Is & Why It Matters
Numerologist’s 2017 Prosperity Planner PG | 7© Copyright
Let’s take a closer look at the significance of the Universal Year….
Just as we follow and honor the 12 month cycle of the calendar year, Numerology honors the unfolding of a 9 year cycle.
Starting at 1 and moving in ascending order all the way to number 9, the world naturally transitions through a 9 year Universal Energy cycle, hence the term, “Universal Year”.
While each Universal Year shares equally in sustaining the world through their associated powers and ideas, they phase in and out of importance and compatibility as various cycles that are easy to compute pass by, such as the Years of the common calendar.
As with all numbers in Numerology, the particular number of any given Universal Year brings with it certain qualities, attributes and patterns.
This means that each Universal Year has a mass global impact that affects all species on earth.
Every person is born into this world with their unique set of individual numbers.
How you interact and interpret the energies of a specific Universal Year depends on your personal numbers.
When you understand the natural tendencies of any given Universal Year and how your personal Numerology chart interacts with them, you have the ability to make decisions that lead you to the path of prosperity and fulfillment.
Continue reading to learn more about the current 9 Universal Year, the upcoming 1 Universal Year and how you can smoothly transition to the year ahead.
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We are currently at the end of a 9 Universal Year, which also happens to be the end of the current 9 year energetic cycle.
Universal Year 9 ends this cycle and is a time of completion. It is the harvesting of the fruit of the previous cycle, and often, “the end of an era” for things as they are.
Great successes and great failures are in the news during a 9 Universal year. Events
this year, such as the “Brexit” vote that separates Great Britain from the European Union, speak to the fact that something must end before a new cycle can begin. In the previous Universal year 9, 2007, the final book in J.K. Rowling’s magical Harry Potter series was released, and the 240 year old monarchy in the nation of Nepal was abolished, both of which were 9-ish events.
How To Move Through A 9 Universal Year With Grace
The main theme of a 9 Universal Year year is to release and let go.
“To release” does not mean to acquiesce and simply stop caring. Rather, the process of releasing includes reflecting upon the past to honor what the previous cycle has brought forth into your life.
The process of reflection and letting go is absolutely necessary to create space for new things to come into your life.
When you can learn and grow from past situations, both positive and negative, you can move into the future with the necessary clarity and space to create all that you desire.
How To Prepare For The End Of A 9 Universal Year
Numerologist’s 2017 Prosperity Planner PG | 9© Copyright
If the thought of “letting go” is challenging for you, ponder this for a moment…
By the time you get to a 9 Universal Year, you’ve picked up a lot of “junk” - physically, emotionally and mentally.
To successfully move into your future, you have to release the junk that no longer serves you. This process creates space for new thoughts, patterns, behaviors, people, places, projects and events that align with you are becoming.
This is similar to cleaning out your fridge or taking out the garbage. You don’t hold onto rotting food or garbage, hoping it will become edible and nutritious again. You simply get rid of it so you can make space for the new food that meets your present needs.
To assist you in getting the most out of this 9 Universal Year, we have created the activity below.
Dedicate time to this process and get ready for the upcoming new 9 year cycle ahead.
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Step 1: Reflect
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Step 2: Take An Inventory
Next, take a few minutes to think about your current life circumstances. What patterns, thoughts and behaviors no longer serve you? What physical objects can you let go to create more space in your life? What people or circumstances are no longer serving you?
Be honest with yourself and record your thoughts below.
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Step 3: Release
Now it’s time to get clear on what you’re ready to release. Write down at least 3 (we recommend 9) things you identified in step 2 that you are ready to release.
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Congratulations on completing this activity!
It takes courage to asses your life and you are bound to reap the benefits of your hard work.
Now, continue to the next section to learn about upcoming 1 Universal Year. As you’ll soon discover, this is a very exciting time!
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It’s time to celebrate!!
2017 is right around the corner and it’s waiting to greet you with the positive and inspiring energies of a 1 Universal Year.
This is the perfect time to act on those underlying thoughts and ideas that have been floating around for awhile. (You know…”those” ideas.)
Thinking of starting a business? Making a career change? Moving to a new city? Starting a healthy, new routine? Taking up a new hobby or learning a new language? Starting a new relationship?
The time to act is now!
With the qualities of a 1 Universal Year on your side, stepping outside of your comfort zone and starting something new is easier than it has been in the past.
Capitalize on this power and feel assured, knowing that the positive actions you take will be supported by the underlying 1 universal energy current.
Universal Year 1, from a process-oriented perspective, is the point of beginning and emergence. It’s the year in which new things, processes or activities can easily begin. It’s also the start of new trends and “firsts” that affect large numbers of people.
Innovations and firsts are not uncommon, as we can see in the historical events of previous 1 Universal Years. 2008 brought the the election of America’s first black president; 1999 – the establishment of the first true international currency, the Euro; 1990 – the birth of the internet took place and forever changed how we interact with information and the world around us.
How To Prepare For A 1 Universal Year
Numerologist’s 2017 Prosperity Planner PG | 13© Copyright
How To Reap The Rewards Of A 1 Universal Year
In addition to moving into a 1 Universal Year, we are also moving into a new 9 year energetic cycle.
What does this mean for you?
It means that now is the time to make goals and set your intentions for the upcoming 1 Universal Year, while at the same time, planting future seeds for the new 9 year cycle we are about to enter.
To reap the benefits of this powerful period that is upon you, we have created the activity below.
The time you invest in this activity now will carry you through the upcoming year and into the new 9 year energetic we are about to begin.
Step 1: Envision
To move into the future with confidence, ease and prosperity, you need to know where you want to go.
Take a few moments to envision your ideal life in 2017 and beyond.
What changes do you want to call into your life in 2017? What would you like to achieve? Where would you like to go? How do you want to feel everyday? Who do you want to surround yourself with?
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Step 2: Clarity
One the most important (but commonly overlooked) steps in setting goals is to gain clarity. It’s far too common to set vague, unclear goals and then to look back with disappoint when your goals don’t come to fruition.
With the power of the 1 Universal Energy, now is the time to get clear on what you truly desire.
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Step 3: Take Action
Now that you’re clear on what you want to achieve in 2017, the next step is to take action.
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Achievement Number
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As we end the current 9 Universal Year and move into the upcoming 1 year that lies ahead, the entire globe will experience similar energetic trends.
That being said, these events on the macro and micro scale don’t affect everyone in the same way, so how do we take part in this Universal Energy cycle as individuals?
Every personal Numerology Chart contains a factor that describes the synchronization of our personal 9-Year cycle to the Universal Cycle. This factor is derived from your personal Achievement Number.
Let’s take a closer look at how your personal Numerology interacts with the energies of the Universal Year…
Your date of birth has three components:
The day of birth, the month of birth and the year of birth.
When these numbers are summed up using the arithmetic method, the result is the most well known number in the field of Numerology, the Life Path.
Well, guess what?
You were born into a specific Universal Year. When the month and day are added to it, it becomes your 1st Personal Year.
This sum of the day and month of birth is one of the handiest tools of Numerology, not only because it puts a personal spin
on character analysis that usually cannot be seen by studying the Life Path alone, but because when this sum is added to any Universal Year it gives us a Personal Year to work with; a special position within the 9-fold cycle that applies to each of us.
We call this sum the Achievement Number. It can show you the type of problems that may arise at any period during the Universal cyclic patterns, and gives suggestions to help bring the troublesome quality into balance.
The Achievement Number also highlights the positive personal trends that will grace you so that you can experience the best of each of the primal energetic vibrations.
Continue reading to discover your Achievement Number, your Personal Universal Year number, and your Personal Monthly Energy Forecasts for 2017.
What It Is & How It Impacts Your 2017
Numerologist’s 2017 Prosperity Planner PG | 17© Copyright
How To Calculate Your Achievement Number
To calculate your Achievement Number, follow the formula below or simply find your birth month and birth day in the automated Achievement Number chart we created for you.
Note: Achievement Numbers follow the standard 9 numbers used in Numerology (1-9), the Master Numbers (11, 22 and 33) and the Karmic Numbers (13, 14, 16 and 19).
Steps To Calculating Your Achievement Number:
1. Start by writing down the number of your day of birth.
2. Then, write the number of your month of birth.
3. Now we add them together.
If the sum of your birth month and birthday is between 1-9, you have found your Achievement Number.
4. If the sum of your birth month and birth day is a double digit number, continue to sum the digits until you arrive at a single-digit number between 1 and 9. Unless the resulting number is the Master Number 11, 22, or 33... or Karmic Numbers 13, 14, 16, or 19.
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Month / Day
Achievement Num
Month / Day
Achievement Num
Month / Day
Achievement Num
Jan 30 4 Mar 30 33
Jan 31 5 Mar 31 7
Numerologist’s Achievement Number Chart
Numerologist’s 2017 Prosperity Planner PG | 19© Copyright
Month / Day
Achievement Num
Month / Day
Achievement Num
Month / Day
Achievement Num
May 31 9
Jul 31 11 Aug 31 3
Numerologist’s 2017 Prosperity Planner PG | 21© Copyright
Month / Day
Achievement Num
Month / Day
Achievement Num
Month / Day
Achievement Num
Oct 31 5 Dec 31 7
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Achievement Number 1: Your 2017 Personal Energy Forecast
Your Achievement Number, 1, is a sign of a self-directed, innovative and individualistic person. You will need to cooperate with others, even when you’re “ahead of the game.” Chances are good that you’ll find it easy to get things started, but it may not be easy to keep up momentum or finish them, so having the willingness to work with others will almost always help you accomplish your goals.
One is a vibration of leadership, which is
something you can achieve, no matter how challenging the obstacles are that you might face. At the same time, you need to stand up for yourself without putting pride before compassion and tolerance. But you can do it, as long as you learn to listen to your heart, which can guide you to the right course of action, if you believe in yourself.
Achieving a state of balanced self-esteem is not easy; too little can turn you into a doormat, and too much can make you arrogant. There will be times when your emotions swing from one side to the other of this equation. If you let go of the ego-based desire to control situations and people, you’ll find that your internal guidance system will work perfectly, and attract the conditions in life by which you can truly thrive.
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Achievement Number 1 + Universal Year 1 = Personal Year 2
Your relationship to the Universal Year 1 is found by adding 1 to 2017 and arriving at 2018: 2+0+1+8 = 11, 1+1 = 2, the number of your Personal Year.
Vibration 2, in everyday life, carries the themes of exchange and togetherness; you’ll tend to focus on partnership, cooperation and teamwork throughout the year. You can expect issues related to this area of human activity to take the foreground from time to time during 2017. You need not be too aggressive in pursuing your goals, because if you are patient with others, they will be of great help in your ability to achieve them. This can be a favorable year for you financially if you are involved in any joint or cooperative ventures, because one of the phrases for Personal Year 2 is “benefits that come through others.” Try to focus on individual efforts or new beginnings during the remaining days of 2016, because you’ll be able to bring in whatever help you need after the New Year.
You are likely to meet people who can help you improve all aspects of your life, so take their advice seriously, because people are more likely to have your best interest at heart during a 2 Personal Year than in any other year in the entire nine- year cycle.
One thing to watch out for, however, is the intensity of your emotions, especially concerning relationship matters, because this vibration can be just as good at
creating discord as it is for cultivating harmony. During this year of cooperative progress, make sure to put others’ ideas to use, because trust and compassion is your personal key to success at this time. Practicing these virtues will almost certainly attract more fulfilling and prosperous circumstances…

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