numeracy number of the day 11, 12, 13

Post on 21-May-2022






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P2 Home Learning. Week beginning Monday 18. 1. 2021

Numeracy 1. Do some Maths and Numeracy activities every day.2. Log in and play Sumdog

Number of the Day 11, 12, 13This week we will post a different number on

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.Ask an adult to ask the Number of

the Day questions (on Resources pdf).

Say the answer or write it down.

Count from 100

Listen to the Count backwards from 100 song

and practise counting backwards from 100.

Practise your maths by

completing the weekly Sumdog


Write numbers to 100

Find the missing numbers and write them in the gaps. Can you read the number you

wrote? (on Resources pdf).

ReadingClick on the name and read the e-book every day.

1. Ask an adult to ask the questions afterwards.

2. Practice all sounds and read the story words, speedy words and red words before

reading every day.

Literacy and English 1. Do some English and Literacy activities every day.

2. Find extra books here

Click on the my class login button and enter Username: stda2 Password: Primary2

Grey Group: Sound Blending 3

Red Group: Nog in the Fog and Grrrr!

Green Group: Nip and Chip and

Gran's Van

Orange Group: Jim's House in 1874

WritingWrite a sentence for each of the story

words in your ebook. You may include

more than 1 word in a single sentence.


-Capital letter.


-Finger spaces.

-Cursive (fancy-pancy) writing.

Listening and TalkingListen to the story, Ingenious Jean. Attached is our Postcard with our 5 new Word Boost words.

1. amazing2. finally3. mixture4. scoop5. vehicle




This week's writing is linked to our science

topic. You will need to use your picture

from last week before you do your writing.

• Discuss your picture with an adult.

• Label you picture.

• You can find an example

on Resources pdf.

• Tuesday

• Watch the video Ice is

nice about Noth and South Pole.

• What else do you know?

• Discuss with an adult.


• Wednesday

• Think of 5 facts about cold places.

• You can discuss with an adult and

use google to find information.

• Make a fact file with information you

find important.

• You need to write 5 facts.

Look at our example fact file on

the Resources PDF for ideas of layout

and your success

criteria. *Remember success criteria is a

list of key things we must include to be

successful in our learning.

Health and Wellbeing

We all love the song, ‘I can make a difference’.

Watch the video clip and then think of someone in yourhouse that might need some help just now. Try to think of

idea that will make them feel better. Don't forget to share it with us on


Be Your Own Best Friend

What is great about you? Would you be friends with you?

Create a poster to advertise your best attributes as a friend.

Calm Yoga

Complete this calm yoga. Do all the poses to make you feel strong,

brave and kind. Click here.



Long jump (5 times)

1. Stand at end of rope.2. Jump as far as possible down the rope.3. Measure and repeat trying to go further.

• Squat low.

Explode up and forward.Mark jump on rope where

HEELS landed.


2 foot jumps

1. Stand at end of rope.2. Jump side to side (2 feet)down the rope.

3. Repeat 10 times.

• Stay on balls of feet.Try not to touch rope.Skier motion.


1 foot hop

1. Stand at end of rope. 2. Hopside-to-side (1 foot) down therope.3. Repeat 10 times.

• Stay on balls of feet.Try not to touch rope.Keep Balanced.



1. Stand at end of rope.2. Jump and cross then uncross legs down the rope.3. Repeat 10 times.

• Stay on balls of feet.Try not to touch rope.Cross- uncross- cross-



½ turnover

1. Stand at end of rope.2. Jump and turn halfway around (each jump) down the rope.3. Repeat 10 times.

• Stay on balls of feet.Try not to touch rope.Do not go too fast.


PEL.I. We are learning how to control gross and fine motor movements.

We are going to explore some jumping activities. Try the challenges below:

You will need:

•A skipping rope (click here to find out how to make your own from plastic bags – ask an adult

to help you!)

•Something to use as a marker

Can you challenge your families to see who can jump the furthest or who can do the most in 30 seconds?


This week we will be learning about Jesus and his first visit to the Temple. When Jesus was a child he visited his Father to the Temple. Watch the video Jesus in the

Temple and discuss with an adults the questions below:

1. Jesus is the son of _________ .2. Who blessed Jesus?3. Who said to everyone in Jerusalem that Jesus was the savour?4. When Jesus was 12 he went to Jerusalem with Mary and Joseph but they lost him for 3 days. Where did they find them?5. When Mary asked Jesus why he disappeared,

where did Jesus say he was?

SpanishModern Languages

It is really important that we keep washing our

hands to stay safe and healthy. Listen to this song

about hand washing. Can you sing along in



Scrub your palms

Between the fingers

Wash the back, wash the back

Twirl the tips around

Scrub them upside-down

Thumb attack, thumb attack


Tállate las palmas

Entre los dedos

Lava por detrás, lava por detrás

Circula las puntas

Talla arriba abajo

Limpia tu pulgar, limpia tu pulgar

Expressive Arts – ArtLI - We are learning to create using a variety of methods.

Task – Create your marbled paper.

Follow the instructions to complete the task.


As part of our IDL we will learn to make our own snow to play with. For this experiment you will only need hair conditioner and cornflour.

Add 1 bag (500gr) of cornflour with 1 cup of conditioner.

If you find it’s a little too sticky, just add more cornflour.

If you find it’s too dry, add a little more conditioner.

You want the consistency to not be sticky. It should let you form it into little balls to make your own snowman!

IDL Social studies:

This week we will explore the coldest places of the planet. Use the google maps and spot the coldest places on the map. Talk with an adult about why these places are colder than the rest

of the planet.

After your discussion what the video climate zones on the Earth check if your answers are correct.

Challenge: Now that you know the coldest parts of the planet, find the hottest place too!

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