number 2

Post on 03-Feb-2016






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A collection of spreads I've contributed to WK12's bi-monthly zine


Issue 1

Theme: Number 2

Issue 2

Theme: Dance

CHOOSE SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN:1) Pick something to worship.2) Take the image of your faith to Studio and make a button

so you can wear your belief with pride.3) Convert your friends and coworkers!

4) Make rules for your faith. Ten is a good round number. Put a ban on stuff you don’t like, for example email attachments over 2mb or leaving leftovers in the refrigerator for longer than a week.

5) Celebrate your faith! Conduct a crusade, televangelize, do some picketing or construct an alter and burn some sacrifices.

6) First one to reach eternal happiness wins!

Issue 3

CHOOSE SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN:1) Pick something to worship.2) Take the image of your faith to Studio and make a button

so you can wear your belief with pride.3) Convert your friends and coworkers!

4) Make rules for your faith. Ten is a good round number. Put a ban on stuff you don’t like, for example email attachments over 2mb or leaving leftovers in the refrigerator for longer than a week.

5) Celebrate your faith! Conduct a crusade, televangelize, do some picketing or construct an alter and burn some sacrifices.

6) First one to reach eternal happiness wins!

Theme: Blind Faith

This zine has been sent to you for good luck!

It has been sent around the world 9 times, the original is in the Amsterdam office of Wieden+Kennedy. It was started when a senior copywriter was microwaving his pad thai and the container exploded on his face. His eyesight was saved because of this letter. The luck has now been sent to you!

A junior planner in London broke the chain 5 years ago, and now she is still a junior planner.

You will receive good luck within 12 days of receiving this message if you make 12 copies of this zine and place them in 12 bathrooms within 12 hours. You will become as famous and successful as Dan Wieden himself. You will become witty and popular at parties. People will respect your taste. Joe Staples will retweet you.

A young team in Tokyo once sent this message out and they immediately won a Cannes Titanium Lion for a 30 second radio spot. An account exec in New York made copies for every bathroom on her floor. The next day she found $40 million extra in a budget for a campaign she was managing.

Place 12 copies of this zine in 12 bathrooms within 12 hours or all the work you do for the next 12 months will be killed.

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Issue 4

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Do not do the following: Constantine Dias received this chain in 1998. He asked his intern to make 12 copies and send them out. A few days later, the intern won a new business pitch and replaced Dias as Creative Director.

You may laugh and say this is superstition, but many people have already sent this letter. And in an agency where clowns walk on their hands and severed arms are manufactured for video games, clearly weirder things have happened.

Good luck but please remember: 12 copies of this message must leave your hand. Do not delay! Make 12 copies right now. There’s a copier right down the hall from this bathroom.

The next time you hear a knock while using a restroom, it could be a person with a small bladder, or it could be Fate.

Do not ignore this letter!Do not break the chain!

Theme: Dumb Luck

*bonus: if you can locate the hole shown in this picture, you will win a handsome prize!

Issue 5

*bonus: if you can locate the hole shown in this picture, you will win a handsome prize!

Theme: Procrastination

Issue 6

Theme: Transportation

Dan& Dave the Unauthorized Interview

Issue 7

Dan& Dave the Unauthorized Interview

Theme: Interview


Infant space program. Blast your baby into its future!

Issue 8


Infant space program. Blast your baby into its future!

Theme: Outer Space

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