nude body scanners in airports and railway stations

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  • 8/17/2019 Nude Body Scanners in Airports and Railway Stations


    English Fatwa Translation

    Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband


    Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 9:24 PMTo: 

    Subject: RE: Nude Body Scanners in Airports & Railway Stations using Millimetre Wave Radiation & Other Technology.

    6th October 2012

    Nude Body Scanners in Airports & Railway Stations using Millimetre Wave Radiation & Other Technology.

    Dear respected Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom, Deoband.

     Assalaam wa’alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.

    A fatwa has already been issued on the use of “Full Body Scanners using Backscatter X-Ray radiation” (see fatwa

    496/202/H=1433) however, many governments have started to use another type of “Nude Body Scanner” using radiationknown as Millimetre Waves,  and other technology is also being

    investigated. (See: Forward Scatter X-Ray “Total Recall” Security System).

    The scanner is capable of producing high resolution images. The scanned images can be extremely explicit and degrading.

    The images may show the body as unclothed down to the skin, clearly showing the curves, genitals and private parts. One

    is instructed to stand with arms and legs apart to give a more explicit view of the body leaving no place hidden. (Imagesattached). Again, this amounts to a virtual strip search, just like the backscatter x-ray scanners. It is also possible that

    image resolution may be even higher than that shown to the public. Advances in technology will no doubt improve on


    Governments are knowingly violating many religious and human rights laws by using nude body scanners. The UK

    government has further exceeded the limits and broken EU Laws by not allowing passengers to opt out of scanning andhave a manual search by hand. Passengers who refuse to be scanned for any purpose are not allowed to fly, even if they

    need to travel abroad for life saving medical treatment and convalescence! Passengers who dare to challenge the

    authorities are penalized for simply “SAYING NO”, even when reasonable alternatives are available!

    Nude images are created and can be retrieved, saved or sent. Governments claim that scanned images are not saved, but

    this has been proven incorrect and law suits have been filed against the US government, due to images being saved and

    leaked onto the internet. Now they say that images may not be viewed by operatives and may be shown on a screen as astick figure or gingerbread man. Never the less, explicit images are still generated inside the scanner and it is still possible

    to retrieve, save and send images. It is a sad fact that a large and growing number of ministers, councilors and high status

    figures have already been charged and convicted of sex offences against children. Ministers, or anyone for that fact,

    cannot be trusted with any system that generates naked images of men, women and children. Despite safeguards, there is

    always potential for abuse.

    Little boys and girls are illegally scanned. Little children are parted from their parents, frightened. The governments are

    knowingly violating child pornography laws by creating nude images of children, despite warnings from Human & Civil

    Rights Groups. A screening agent has been charged with uploading images of children onto the internet!

    Naked Body Scanners have not been independently tested for effectiveness, according to some. Reports state that the

    scanners are useless in detecting hidden explosives and concealed items. One report states security expert, Mr Rafi Sela,

    former chief of security at the Israel Airport Authority as saying they are a waste of time and money, “I can overcome thebody scanners with enough explosives to bring down a Boeing 747”.  Some individuals claim to have successfully

    smuggled concealed items through the scanners to prove how useless they are at detecting concealed items. Governments

    state that nude body scanners were introduced after the “underpants bomber” incident, yet many doubt that the scanners

    would have actually detected such explosives!

    Independent safety tests do not exist, according to some medical experts. Reports state that Millimetre Wave radiation is a

    newly created man made type of radiation. As such, the long term health effects are unknown. However, some reports

    already say that millimetre waves damage cells, DNA, genes and electrical systems in the body. Higher risk individualssuch as children, pregnant women, individuals with cancer and those with compromised immune systems or cellular

    dysfunction may suffer even greater harm. Long term safety data does not exist, but there are already reports of cancer

    clusters amongst airport screening agents that use the machines!

    Methodology for validation of scanner safety is seriously flawed. The present method is to say that scanners “are not proven to be harmful” and to ignore the fact that “scanners have not been proven to be safe”! Tests may only look for

    immediate damage by heat, but what about harm from non-heat damage? Backscatter X-ray full body scanners were said

    to be tested using machine spare parts and not an actual scanning machine, using computer simulations, but I am not sure

    about the millimetre wave scanner? However, unscientific results were compiled using man made radiation and

    comparing it to natural radiation that is totally different! X-rays were thought to be safe decades ago, but now it is widely

    accepted that X-rays are dangerous and harmful, causing cancer. Unfortunately, this does not help thousands who may

  • 8/17/2019 Nude Body Scanners in Airports and Railway Stations


    English Fatwa Translation

    Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband

    now have x-ray induced cancer and it will not help millions who may become ill or die in ten to fifty years, due to nude

    body scanners!

    Governments and media try to mislead the nation. Press reports state airport officials saying that everyone is happy withthe scanners and there are no problems. However the UK governments very own consultation paper “Response to the

    consultation on the use of security scanners in an aviation security environment” (document attached) says organizations

    were consulted and a massive 80% were against the use of nude body scanners. Public opinion was completely ignored

    and a further paper titled “Updated Security Scanners Q&A” then offered a poor excuse on why the needs of the nationwere ignored (document attached).

    Information from scanner manufacturers, airport staff, governments and their media cannot be trusted due to fear of being

    reprimanded, fired or due to vested interests and commission payments for machine sales. Any data or scientific studies

    are carefully selected or manipulated and some questions are evaded using fancy words. Contrary to what they say, some

    state that using these scanners actually makes flying more dangerous and not safer. To rely on these automated machines

    may save the airports time and money, but it does not provide proper safety and security to the passengers, it provides

    less! This suggests that they are unnecessary even as a last resort and even after all other methods of detection have failed.

    Ministers are abusing their power of authority by serving themselves and not the nation. Millions of passengers are being

    humiliated and abused. Law abiding citizens are being forced not to fly, causing great hardship. Contrary to misleading

    opinion polls and media bias, it seems clear that the majority of the “informed public” do not want nude body scanners.

    Yet, the common folk suffer whilst the elite and wealthy may evade such security measures by hiring a Boeing BusinessJet! Some believe that the introduction of nude body scanners and random selections will gradually become compulsory

    on all passengers and on all flights, railway journeys and even for entry into public buildings, not to mention being

    unknowingly scanned by hidden mobile scanners. Despite the government’s efforts to suppress all opposition, there are

    petitions from countries around the world, from angry individuals of all beliefs and social status, even ex-governors,

    pilots and air crew. Not so long ago, such ministers would have been physically removed from office and punished for

    such abuse of authority!

    Ministers are the cause of this security threat by invading foreign countries and meddling in foreign affairs. To force

    millions of law abiding passengers to such inhumane and degrading treatment is unacceptable, especially when

    reasonable and effective alternatives are available. Ministers are trying to treat the symptoms of terrorism, and not the

    cause, which is due to their corrupt foreign policies. The most logical solution is simple. Remove the cause and you

    remove the threat!

    Petitions: UK  USA  

    Questions: In light of the attached information and your own investigation…


    Does the nude body scanner (Millimetre Wave) violate Islamic Law (Shariah)?


    Is it permissible for a Muslim to be screened by these nude body scanners?

    3.  Can the scanned image of a Muslim be viewed by a person of the same sex?

    4.  Should a Muslim refuse to be screened by a nude body scanner?


    What should a Muslim do when requested to have a nude body scan?

    6.  Do the same rulings apply to any future technology that may produce such explicit images or potential harm to


     Assalaam wa’alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.

    Mohammed-Yaaseen Zaman

    United Kingdom

    Fatwa: 1047/216/TH=1434  



    This wicked method of nude body scanning is obviously haram and unlawful as per theIslamic Shariah. One who has some reason, justice, humanity and faith he can see that

    this unholy practice is not only a severe crime rather a gross breaching of human rights.

    In short, this cursed way of scanning is absolutely an evil practice that has no sense.

    (2) It is severely haram (unlawful and forbidden).

  • 8/17/2019 Nude Body Scanners in Airports and Railway Stations


    English Fatwa Translation

    Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband

    (3) It is haram to see it, to show it to other as well as it is devastating to haya (modesty) and

    iman (faith).

    (4) It should be rejected with utmost assertion.

    (5) One should not be ready for it until he is threatened to face unbearable trouble.

    (6) It also carries the same ruling which was mentioned above. Allah Almighty says in the


                                                    Allah enjoins to do justice and to adopt good behavior and to give relatives (their due

    rights), and forbids shameful acts, evil deeds and oppressive attitude. He exhorts you, sothat you may be mindful. [16:90]

    While He says at another place:


    Do not even go close to fornication. It is indeed a shameful act, and an evil way tofollow. [17:32]

    The Prophet ( ) also said:

     ) ( Haya (self-respect, modesty, bashfulness) is a part of faith.

    In brief, as per the Quran, Hadith and principles of justice, the demonic way of nude bodyscanning is absolutely haram a horrible crime. Every Muslim rather every just human beingshould spare no effort to stop such evil acts.

    Written By:  Mahmood Hasan, Mufti, Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband  21/08/1434 / 01/07/2013Verified by: Habibur Rahman, Zainul Islam/Waqar Ali, Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband

    Translated by: Muhammadullah QasmiOnline Darul Ifta, Internet Dept, Darul Uloom Deoband

  • 8/17/2019 Nude Body Scanners in Airports and Railway Stations


    English Fatwa Translation

    Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband

    From: Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2012 5:44 PMSubject: Re: Fatwa on Airport body scanners.

    Full Body Scanners in Airports & Railway Stations.

    Dear respected Darul Ifta

     Assalaam wa’alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.

    On 11th December 2011, my family travelled by airplane from Manchester Airport, UK. We were quickly rushed through

    security checks and I was instructed to be scanned by the new “backscatter” full body scanner, followed by my son aged

    six and my daughter aged nine. There was no prior warning or information given. It was only on scan completion that I

    realised what had happened, after previously reading a headline on the internet. I was furious and outraged andcomplained to the manager. I was told that we would not be permitted to board the plane without the body scan. I also

    believe that my fully veiled wife would have been scanned if I had not complained strongly.

    I requested a manual search to be performed but was declined. I repeatedly requested to speak to the superiors and was

    declined. I repeatedly asked for contact details to submit a complaint and was eventually given an information leaflet thatbriefly explained the body scanning process and contact details to complain. The information leaflet stated that passengers

    have the right to have their scanned image viewed by a staff member of the same sex, yet this protocol was ignored. This

    information was not available or given until after the scan was performed, leaving my family no choice. Had the

    information been given before, then my family would have declined to have the body scan, rather than violate IslamicLaw and be humiliated and degraded. I was further told that all religious representatives had been consulted and they said

    that this scan was acceptable. I believe this to be untrue and further investigations should indeed confirm this.

    According to Wikipedia, “A full-body scanner is a device that creates an image of a person's nude body through their

    clothing to look for hidden objects without physically removing their clothes or making physical contact. They are

    increasingly being deployed at airports and train stations in many countries” & “Full-body scanning technology allows

    screeners to see the nude surface of the skin under clothing”. See Ref: 

    The scanner seems to be capable of producing high resolution images. The scanned images can be extremely explicit and

    degrading. The images may show the body as unclothed down to the skin, clearly showing the curves, genitals and private

    parts. One is instructed to stand with arms and legs apart to give a more explicit view of the body leaving no place hidden.

    (Images of “backscatter” body scanner images attached).

    Some world experts in biochemistry and biophysics have also expressed serious concerns over harmful radiationgenerated by these scanning machines.

    1.  Does the full body scanner violate Islamic Law (Shariah)?

    2.  Is it permissible for a Muslim to be screened by full body scanners?3.


    Can the scanned image of a Muslim be viewed by a person of the same sex?

    4.  Should a Muslim refuse to be screened by a full body scanner?

    5.  What should a Muslim do when requested to have a full body scan?

     Assalaam wa’alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.

    Mohammed-Yaaseen Zaman

    United Kingdom

    Fatwa: 496/202/H=1433



    It is haram (prohibited), rather severely haram.

    (2)  No Muslim is permitted to allow it by his own will.(3)


    Taking such pictures, seeing and showing them is severly haram.


    One should refuse to be scanned.

    (5)  One should try to avoid it as much as can, rather influential Muslims have a duty to make every possible effort to

    get Muslims exempted legally from such scanning.

    Written By:  Mahmood Hasan, Mufti, Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband   11/03/1433

    Verified by: Fakhrul Islam/Waqar Ali/Muhammad Noman Sitapuri,

    Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom DeobandTranslated by: Muhammadullah Qasmi

    Online Darul Ifta, Internet Dept, Darul Uloom Deoband

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