nuclear fusion. what is nuclear fusion 1 nuclear fusion is multiple like charged atomic nuclei...

Post on 17-Jan-2018






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Nuclear fusion What is Nuclear Fusion 1 Nuclear fusion is multiple like charged atomic nuclei joined together to form a heavier nucleus. 2 Fusion reactions power the stars and produce all but the lightest elemets in a process called nucleosynthesis. NUCLEAR FUSION(SUN1) THE NUCLEAR FUSION SHOWEN IN THIS PICTURE IS COMING FROM THE SUN. NUCLEAR FUSION(SUN2) IN THIS PICTURE THERE SHOWN THE SUN BEING ZOOMED UP BY A TELASCOPE AND THE NUCLEAR FUSION AND REACTIONS AT ONE TIME Fusion on Earth Fusion is a process by witch two or more molecular structures are focused togather on atomic level. The amount of energy nessacry to create molecular fusion is astronimal as a result it has become suggested that nuclear fusion is rear. Places fusion take place There is only one place known to mankind where fusion can take place that is at the very core of a star this happens by one of two process depends on the size of the star. In our own sun there is a temputure 10,000,000 degrees kelvin hydrogen fuses with more hydrogen to form kelivn in Wat is known as a proton chain reaction Places fusion could not take place Fusion cannot take place on earth for two simple reasons, we dont have the sheer mass or temputure requred for fusion even jupiter whitch makes up 99 percent of the mass of all planets. Earth gravatial pull does not have a suffient size pressure to reach critical needs to take place Tokamak A tokamak is a machine producing a toridal magnetic field for confining a plasma whitch is charactized and the use of the plasma borne to generate the helical componet of the magnetic field it is one of several types of magnectic confinement devices and is one of the most researched canidates Reactors There are two types of reactors just as there are different approches to desinging a building airplanes and automobiles engineers have devolped different types of nuclear power plants two types are called Boiling reactors and pressurized water reactors as shown in the pictures below. Why is nuclear fusion widely used??? Nuclear fusion is used as the principle of operation for a total of 104 nuclear power reactors in the U.S producing billion KWH of eletricity in 2007 world wide figures in 2006 were billion KWH nuclear fusion has no use at present except in H-bombs witch hopefully will never be used in anger Why will fusion be important in future. By the middle of next century the worlds population will double and energy demand will triple this will be due in large part to the industrialization and economic growth of developing nations. Differents between nuclear fusion and fission Nuclear fission allows nuclear things to be spilt apart when this is done a tremendous amount of energy is released the energy is both heat and light energy this energy when it is let out all at once it can make a tremendous explosion. Nuclear fission Nuclear fission is a nucler reaction in witch the nucleus of a atom spilts into smaller parts often producing free nutrons and a lighter nuclei witch eventually produce photons. Nuclear fuel The fuel most widely used by nuclear plants for nuclear fission is uranium. Uranium is a nonrenewable though it is a common metal found in rocks all over the world nuclear plants use a certain kind of uranium is used because its atoms are usaully split apart. Work sited

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