nst expansion application - daniel corrales

Post on 03-Apr-2016






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NST Expansions Applicant

• Born on June 2nd, 1995 in Alajuela, Costa Rica

• Passport number: 116070816

• Address: Alajuela

• Phone Number: 83759467

• E-Mail: daniel.corrales@aiesec.net

• Skype ID: daniel.corrales5

• Languages: Native Spanish, Excellent english and basic german

• This application is for the role of NST

Expansions for the period of 6 months, but

given theres already three months that

have passed since the initial time period

started, any questions regarding the lenght

of my term can be discused, always

thinking of 6 months as the minimum.

• First entered AIESEC in the first National

Introductory Seminar in Costa Rica, 2013.

• Started as a Team Member for oGIP,

where I learned AIESEC basics and raised

my first EP.

• Served as OCVP Special details for a

National Event in late 2013.

• Served as VP ICX in UNA from January to

June 2014.

• I am currently working as OCVP Logistics

for a National Conference (Step Up).

My experience in KammSum, a

Middle Management 5 day conference

in Germany, as the knowledge i gained

there has proved more than valuable

for my personal and AIESEC goals.

My VP Term, as working as a VP in the

ICX area, focused on both Sales and

RA-MA-RE was challenging and made

me recognize my personal

weaknesses and strengths, and gave

me a deeper understanding on

AIESEC procedures as well as

gaining experience on team


START (SI) 2013 Delegate

iGrow 2013 Delegate

NatCo Panama 2013 Delegate

Aspire 2013 Delegate

Power of Now Summit 2013 Delegate

Karlsruhe Middle

Management Summit 2013 Delegate

NITRO 2014 Delegate

Rise Up 2014 Delegate

• One of my main motivations for applying

for NST is because i am well aware of the

POTENTIAL AIESEC in Costa Rica has,

and i want to be part of the people who

help to make it GROW to meet AIESEC


• Getting to know how

national strategies are managed and


• Knowing how Costa Rican

social structure works and directing that to

AIESEC Start-Up Units, supporting SUPs and SU Managers.

• The work was well oriented with the MC.

• International NST members aligned accordingly with

Costa Rican reality.

• There was not enough LCVP to NST coordination.

• AIESEC C-R’s membership was not aware of NST

work or results for the country.

• MC can align goals with LCVP’s directly

through NSTs!

• NSTs results can be exposed to a major


• LC’s can be more active in National

Strategy Planning!

• NST and MC should have a close working

relationship, given that the success of both

depends on coordinated work and early

goal and expectation settings.

• Given the recent growth of LC Growth in

Costa Rica, and that being but the start of

the MC’s efforts to make a better Costa

Rica through AIESEC, my point of view is

that Costa Rica must push farther than

ever in terms of exchange results, so as to

become stable and relevant regionally.

• Through smart positioning and hard

working, my contribution will be to make

professionalize the approach AIESEC

Costa Rica makes to new colleges, who

will become in time the new SUs and LCs


• AIESEC in UNA has been, since I started my AIESEC career and due to leadership or results problems on the verge of closing or downgrading to SU. Previously as a Team Member and more recently as a VP I have been well aware of what this represented for the comitee and its members, and worked to ensure the entity advanced to the next level.

• Thanks to this, the Start-Up evolution is not unknown to me.

Given the Expansion has 3 months running and has gone already through Ra-Ma-Re, the next step would be the focusing on getting strong bases for it to apply to higher levels of development and responsability, such as an Initiative Group and eventually a fully independent LC. This involves achieving:

• Strong NGO relationships

• Strong university relation

• Active membership criteria

Right now, as is the interest of the MC to support Start Ups, the market requirements are as follow:

• Must have the campus in the Central Valley.

• Classes should be given in semesters, and it is much easier to offer GCDP in longer breaks than 2-3 week breaks given by quadrimesters.

• Candidates should have a career affinity with AIESEC (as Management, for example).

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