nsaf bi-fold brochure updated 5mar€¦ · may 1-2 jun. 4-6 feb. 13-16 mar. 12 mar. 13-15 may 29-30...

Post on 09-Aug-2020






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Then Now

Opening Doors to the World Through Track & Field

NSAF Alumni Olympians: Rio 2016 Recap

115 22NSAF Alumni Olympians Represented

Countr ies


Team USA Represented by 70 NSAF Alumni in Rio

Since 1984, 323 NSAF Alumni Olympians earned 498 Olympic berths in 601 Olympic events and won 148 Olympic Medals . Each quadrennium the number of NSAF Alumni Olympians has grown and in Rio 2016:

NSAF Alumni in their 3rd OlympicsNSAF Alumni in their 4th Olympics

NSAF Alumni in their 2nd Olympics

NSAF Alumni in their Olympic Debut

Allyson Fel ix Shalane Flanagan

Meb Keflezighi

Chaunte Howard


Michel le Carter

Kerron Clement

Just in Gatl in Tyson Gay LaShawn Merr itt

Shannon Rowbury

Galen RuppJenny Barr inger Simpson

Tianna Madison


Donn Cabral

Francena McCorory

Jeff Porter

Matt Centrowitz

Emma Coburn

Natasha Hast ings

Amy Hast ings


Molly Huddle

Evan Jager Kibwe Johnson

Erik Kynard Maria Michta-Coffey

Sean Furey

Nia Al i Devon Al len Robbie Andrews

Ronnie Ash Trayvon Bromell

Kr ist i Castl in Christ ian Coleman

Logan Cunningham

Abbey D’Agost ino

Taylor El l is-Watson

Andrew EvansTavis Bai ley

Mason Finley Phyl l is Francis

Sam Kendricks

Joe Kovacs

Conor McCullough

Sydney McLaughl in

Inka McPherson

Hassan Mead Sandi Morr is Dal i lah Muhammad

Keturah Orj iMiranda Melvi l le

Raven Saunders

Deajah Stevens

David Verburg

Lexi Weeks Ajee Wilson Rudy Winkler

Hunter Woodhall

Kendell Wil l iams

Engl ish Gardner

Andrea Geubelle

Mariel le Hal l Darrel l Hi l l Shelby Houl ihan

Emily Infeld Charles JockArman Hal l

54% of Team USA Track& Field athletes in Rio part ic ipated in NSAF events .

of Team USA Rio individual medal ists

were NSAF Alumni (18 of 29) .


Byron Robinson

Brianna Roll ins-McNeal

Colleen Quigley

Gil Roberts

of Team USA Rio relay medal ists

were NSAF Alumni (12 of 17) .


NB Nationals , Great American XC Fest ival & HBCU Chal lenge

2020 NSAF Select Meets

2020 NSAF Programs

Since 1991, the NSAF has partnered with premier regional and nat ional cal iber t rack & field invi tat ional meets to grow and develop the sport . By earning the designat ion as a NSAF Select Meet , these invi tat ionals receive NSAF's financial support to invi te el i te high school athletes to compete. Together , the 20 NSAF Select Meets wi l l provide premier competi t ions to more than 40,000 athletes in 2020 .

I f you are interested in having your invi tat ional meet considered as a member of the NSAF Select Meet program, please contact Joy Kamani at selectmeets@nationalscholastic.org.

National Scholast ic Athlet ics Foundation

2020 NSAF Meets , Performance Cl inics & Programs

2020 NSAF Internat ional Programs

Triple Jump Winter Cl inic | Havana, Cuba

Team NSAF Reykjavik Int ' l Games | Reykjavik, Iceland

Team NSAF Barr ientos Memorial | Havana, Cuba

Team NSAF Boysen Memorial | Oslo, Norway

Ocean Breeze Big 3 Ser ies | Staten Is land, NY

Bul ldog Invitat ional | Lynchburg, VA

Virginia Showcase | Lynchburg, VA

South Carol ina Youth Meets | Columbia , SC

Bul l is Champion Speed Invite | New York, NY

Mondo El i te HS Invite | Winston-Salem, NC

Simplot Games | Pocatel lo, ID

Kentucky HS Invite | Lexington, KY

Chandler Rotary Invi tat ional | Chandler , AZ

Mobile Chal lenge of Champions | Mobi le , AL

Beach Run Invitat ional | Myrt le Beach, SC

Arcadia Invi tat ional | Arcadia , CA

Bojangles Class ic | Columbia, SC

Bul l is Bul ldog Invitat ional | Potomac, MD

Mt. SAC Relays | Walnut , CA

Howard Wood Dakota Relays | S ioux Fal ls , SD

Great Southwest Class ic | Albuquerque, NM

Since 2013, the NSAF has awarded funds through the Cedr ic Walker and Tony Wel ls Development Grants based on demonstrated need to high school and youth programs. These development grants have helped track and field teams and clubs defray expenses, enable coaches educat ion, and purchase equipment and uniforms.

Cedric Walker & Tony Wells Development Grants

The NSAF manages a v igorous grant program that enables high school athletes to compete at meets around the country , including the USATF U-20 Outdoor Championships .

$3,300,000Provided by NSAF s ince 1990

NSAF Athlete Travel Grants

The NSAF launched the Car ibbean Scholast ic Invi tat ional (CSI ) in Puerto Rico in 2006, each year careful ly select ing top prep athletes who have demonstrated talent that could qual i fy for Junior and Senior U.S . teams, for exposure to internat ional competi t ion. S ince 2015, we've had the opportunity to br ing these teams to Cuba for the Barr ientos Memorial . To date, athletes who competed on Team NSAF have earned 171 medals for Team USA, including 93 gold, 52 s i lver and 26 bronze. With this program's success , the NSAF has also sent teams to the Reykjavik Internat ional Games in Iceland (2019-20) and is launching a Team NSAF tr ip to Norway this year .

Team NSAF Internat ional Competit ion

Javel in Winter Cl inic | Baton Rouge, LA

Nat ional HS Track & F ie ld HOF Induct ion | New York , NY

New Balance Nationals Indoor | New York, NY

I ronwood Throws | Coeur D’Alene, ID

New Balance Nationals Outdoor | Greensboro, NC

American JavFest | East Stroudsburg, PA

Javel in & Tr ip le Jump Performance Cl in ic | S ioux Fal ls , SD

Great American Cross Country Fest ival | Cary, NC

Fal l Javel in & Tr iple Jump Cl in ics | TBA

Dec. 30-Jan. 26

Jan. 4

Jan. 17-19

Jan. 19, Feb. 23

Jan. 25

Jan. 31-Feb. 1

Feb. 13-15

Feb. 15

Mar. 20-21

Apr . 3-4

Apr . 3-4

Apr . 10-11

Apr . 10-11

Apr . 11

Apr . 16-18

May 1-2

Jun. 4-6

Feb. 13-16

Mar. 12

Mar. 13-15

May 29-30

Jun . 18-21

Jul . 17-18

Aug. 5-9

Oct . 3

Fal l 2020

The NSAF hosts four major meets per year: The New Balance Nationals Indoor & Outdoor Championships and the Great American Cross Country Fest ival and Cedric Walker HBCU Challenge. The NBN meets draw over 11,000 athletes annually and are the premier showcases for the country’s top track and field student-athletes. Athletes have set 165 high school records at these meets. The GAXC Fest ival and HBCU Challenge are co-current mid-season cross country competit ions that attract more than 3,000 athletes total .

J an . 18 - 2 1

J an . 3 1 - Feb . 3

Jun . 3 - 7

Jun . 25-Jul . 2 , 2020

National High School Track & Field Hal l of Fame

Bob Peoples , 1937

Jim Brewer, 1957

Charlotte Cook, 1966

Jerry Proctor , 1967

The Nat ional Scholast ic Athlet ics Foundat ion is an athlete-centr ic organizat ion focused on providing el i te competi t ions and developmental programs to American youth and high school t rack and field athletes . The NSAF is a tax exempt, non-profit 501 (c) 3 organizat ion and a member organizat ion of USA Track & F ield in accordance with Art ic le 5-D of the USATF handbook. The NSAF also adheres to the pr incipals of SafeSport .

To donate to NSAF programs or to learn more about NSAF’s events and projects , please v is i t nat ionalscholast ic .org.

Save the Date: NHSTFHOF 2020 Class Induction | New York Athlet ic Club | Thursday, March 12, 2020

Bob Peoples Candy Young

Francie Larr ieu, 1970

Craig Virgin, 1973

Houston McTear , 1976

Candy Young, 1980

Dr. Norbert Sander Jr .

Dr. Norbert Sander Jr . , Armory Foundat ion

Barney Hyman, New Utrecht HS

Since the NSAF establ ished the Hal l was establ ished in 2018, i t has inducted 47 athletes, coaches and contr ibutors in the f i rst two classes. For 2020, NSAF has selected 10 inductees ( l isted below). To learn

more about these inductees and their high school accomplishments, please vis i t : www.nationalhighschooltrackandfieldhof.org

John Blackburn

Chelo Canino

Robert Jones, M.D.

Joy Kamani

Paul L immer

Larry Rawson

Josh Rowe

James Spier

Tracy Sundlun

NSAF Board of Directors

Foundation Partners




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