ns week9 ns2 tutorial iii.v2

Post on 26-Nov-2015






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  • Outline An introduction to ns-2

    What is ns-2 Fundamentals writing ns-2 codes Wireless support Traces support and visualization Emulation Related work

  • Writing ns-2 codes

    Extending ns In OTcl In C++


  • ns Directory Structure

    TK8.3 OTcl tclclTcl8.3 ns-2 nam-1


    ex test lib



    examples validation tests

    C++ code

    OTcl code



    ensure new changes do not

    break the old codes

  • Validation test

    old ns-2 test.tcl Standard output

    new ns-2That contains Your changes

    test.tcl new output

    If standard output new output THEN something is broken

  • Extending ns in OTcl

    If you dont want to compile source your changes in your simulation

    scripts Otherwise

    Modifying code; recompile Adding new files

    Change Makefile (NS_TCL_LIB), tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl Recompile

  • Example: Agent/Message

    n0 n1





    128Kb, 50ms

    10Mb, 1ms 10Mb, 1ms

    C Ccrosstraffic

    S Rmessage agent

  • Agent/Message

    An UDP agent (without UDP header) Up to 64 bytes user message Good for fast prototyping a simple idea Usage requires extending ns functionality

    SS RR

    pkt: 64 bytesof arbitrary string


  • Agent

    A protocol endpoint/enity Provide

    a local and destination address (like an IP-layer sender) Functions to generate or fill in packet fields

    To create a new agent Decide its inheritance structure Create recv function (and timeout if necessary) to process

    the packets Define OTcl linkage if necessary Create new header if necessary

  • Exercise

    Define a new class Sender and a new class Receiver which are based on class Agent/Message

    Sender Send a message to the Receiver every 0.1 sec Message contains its address and a sequence number

    Receiver Receive message from the Sender Acknowledge the receive message to the sender The acknowledgement contains its address and the

    sequence number of received message How would you implement Ping with Agent/Message?

  • Agent/Message: Step 1

    Define senderclass Sender class Sender superclasssuperclass Agent/MessageAgent/Message

    # Message format: # Message format: AddrAddr Op Op SeqNoSeqNoSender Sender instprocinstproc sendsend--next {} {next {} {

    $self $self instvarinstvar seqseq_ _ agent_addragent_addr__$self send $self send $$agent_addragent_addr_ send $_ send $seqseq__incrincr seqseq__global nsglobal ns$ns at [$ns at [exprexpr [$ns now]+0.1] "$self send[$ns now]+0.1] "$self send--next"next"


  • Agent/Message: Step 2

    Define sender packet processing

    Sender Sender instprocinstproc recvrecv msgmsg {{$self $self instvarinstvar agent_addragent_addr__set set sdrsdr [[lindexlindex $$msgmsg 0]0]set set seqseq [[lindexlindex $$msgmsg 2]2]puts "Sender gets puts "Sender gets ackack $$seqseq from $from $sdrsdr""


  • Agent/Message: Step 3

    Define receiver packet processing

    Class Receiver Class Receiver superclasssuperclass Agent/MessageAgent/MessageReceiver Receiver instprocinstproc recvrecv msgmsg {{

    $self $self instvarinstvar agent_addragent_addr__set set sdrsdr [[lindexlindex $$msgmsg 0]0]set set seqseq [[lindexlindex $$msgmsg 2]2]puts puts Receiver gets Receiver gets seqseq $$seqseq from $from $sdrsdr$self send $self send $$addraddr_ _ ackack $$seqseq


  • Agent/Message: Step 4

    Scheduler and tracing

    # Create scheduler# Create schedulerset ns [new Simulator]set ns [new Simulator]

    # Turn on Tracing# Turn on Tracingset set fdfd [new [new message.trmessage.tr w]w]$ns trace$ns trace--all $all $fdfd

  • Agent/Message: Step 5

    Topologyfor {set i 0} {$i < 6} {for {set i 0} {$i < 6} {incrincr i} {i} {

    set n($i) [$ns node]set n($i) [$ns node]}}$ns duplex$ns duplex--link $n(0) $n(1) 128kb 50ms link $n(0) $n(1) 128kb 50ms DropTailDropTail$ns duplex$ns duplex--link $n(1) $n(4) 10Mb 1ms link $n(1) $n(4) 10Mb 1ms DropTailDropTail$ns duplex$ns duplex--link $n(1) $n(5) 10Mb 1ms link $n(1) $n(5) 10Mb 1ms DropTailDropTail$ns duplex$ns duplex--link $n(0) $n(2) 10Mb 1ms link $n(0) $n(2) 10Mb 1ms DropTailDropTail$ns duplex$ns duplex--link $n(0) $n(3) 10Mb 1ms link $n(0) $n(3) 10Mb 1ms DropTailDropTail

    $ns queue$ns queue--limit $n(0) $n(1) 5limit $n(0) $n(1) 5$ns queue$ns queue--limit $n(1) $n(0) 5limit $n(1) $n(0) 5

  • Agent/Message: Step 6


    # Packet loss produced by # Packet loss produced by queueingqueueing

    # Routing protocol: let# Routing protocol: lets run distance vectors run distance vector$ns $ns rtprotortproto DVDV

  • Agent/Message: Step 7

    Cross trafficset udp0 [new Agent/UDP]set udp0 [new Agent/UDP]$ns attach$ns attach--agent $n(2) $udp0agent $n(2) $udp0set null0 [new Agent/NULL]set null0 [new Agent/NULL]$ns attach$ns attach--agent $n(4) $null0agent $n(4) $null0$ns connect $udp0 $null0$ns connect $udp0 $null0

    set exp0 [new Application/Traffic/Exponential]set exp0 [new Application/Traffic/Exponential]$exp0 set rate_ 128k$exp0 set rate_ 128k$exp0 attach$exp0 attach--agent $udp0agent $udp0$ns at 1.0 $ns at 1.0 $exp0 start$exp0 start

  • Agent/Message: Step 8 Message agents

    set set sdrsdr [new Sender][new Sender]$$sdrsdr set set seqseq_ 0_ 0$$sdrsdr set set packetSizepacketSize_ 1000_ 1000

    set set rcvrrcvr [new Receiver][new Receiver]$$rcvrrcvr set set packetSizepacketSize_ 40_ 40

    $ns attach$ns attach--agent $n(3) $agent $n(3) $sdrsdr$ns attach$ns attach--agent $n(5) $agent $n(5) $rcvrrcvr$ns connect $$ns connect $sdrsdr $$rcvrrcvr$ns at 1.1 $ns at 1.1 $$sdrsdr sendsend--nextnext

  • Agent/Message: Step 9

    End-of-simulation wrapper (as usual)

    $ns at 2.0 finish$ns at 2.0 finishproc finish {} {proc finish {} {

    global ns global ns fdfd$ns flush$ns flush--tracetraceclose $close $fdfdexit 0exit 0

    }}$ns run$ns run

  • Agent/Message: Result

    Example output> ./ns > ./ns msg.tclmsg.tclReceiver gets Receiver gets seqseq 0 from 30 from 3Sender gets Sender gets ackack 0 from 50 from 5Receiver gets Receiver gets seqseq 1 from 31 from 3Sender gets Sender gets ackack 1 from 51 from 5Receiver gets Receiver gets seqseq 2 from 32 from 3Sender gets Sender gets ackack 2 from 52 from 5Receiver gets Receiver gets seqseq 3 from 33 from 3Sender gets Sender gets ackack 3 from 53 from 5Receiver gets Receiver gets seqseq 4 from 34 from 3Sender gets Sender gets ackack 4 from 54 from 5Receiver gets Receiver gets seqseq 5 from 35 from 3

  • Add Your Changes into ns

    TK8.3 OTcl tclclTcl8.3 ns-2 nam-1


    ex test lib



    examples validation tests

    C++ code

    OTcl code




  • Add Your Change into ns tcl/lib/ns-lib.tclClass SimulatorClass Simulatorsource ../source ../mysrc/msg.tclmysrc/msg.tcl

    MakefileNS_TCL_LIB = NS_TCL_LIB = \\tcl/mysrc/msg.tcltcl/mysrc/msg.tcl \\

    Or: change Makefile.in, make make distcleandistclean, then ./configure ./configure ----enableenable--debug ,debug ,make depend make depend andand makemake

  • Writing ns-2 codes

    Extending ns In OTcl In C++

    New components

  • Extending ns in C++

    Modifying code make depend Recompile

    Adding code in new files Change Makefile make depend recompile

  • Creating New Components

    Guidelines Two styles

    New agent based on existing packet headers Add new packet header

  • Guidelines

    Decide position in class hierarchy I.e., which class to derive from?

    Create new packet header (if necessary) Create C++ class, fill in methods Define OTcl linkage (if any) Write OTcl code (if any) Build (and debug)

  • New Agent, Old Header

    Exercise: TCP jump start Wide-open transmission window at the

    beginning From cwndcwnd_ += 1_ += 1 To cwndcwnd_ = MAXWIN__ = MAXWIN_ Useful for deep space communication Useful for deep space communication

  • TCP Jump Start Decide position in class hierarchy



    Connector Classifier

    Delay AddrClassifierAgent McastClasifierQueue Trace

    DropTail RED TCP Enq Deq Drop

    Reno SACK JS


  • TCP Jump Start Create C++ class

    New file: tcp-js.h

    class class JSTCPAgentJSTCPAgent : public : public TcpAgentTcpAgent {{public:public:

    virtual void set_initial_window() {virtual void set_initial_window() {cwndcwnd_ = MAXWIN_;_ = MAXWIN_;


    intint MAXWIN_;MAXWIN_;};};

  • TCP Jump Start Define OTcllinkage

    New file: tcp-js.ccstatic JSTcpClass : public TclClass {public:

    JSTcpClass() : TclClass("Agent/TCP/JS") {}TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {

    return (new JSTcpAgent());}

    };JSTcpAgent::JSTcpAgent() {

    bind(MAXWIN_, MAXWIN_);}

  • TCP Jump Start Build

    Create an instance of jump-start TCP in your tcl script tcp-js.tcl

    Set MAXWIN_ value in tcl Add tcp-js.o in Makefile.in Re-configure, make depend and recompile Run yr tcl script tcp-js.tcl

  • Packet Format


    dataip header

    tcp header

    rtp header

    trace header

    cmn header







    remove-all-packet-headers ;# removes all except commonadd-packet-header IP Message ;# hdrs reqd for cbr traffic

  • New Packet Header

    Create new header structure Create static class for OTcl linkage (packet.h) Enable tracing support of new header(trace.cc) Enable new header in OTcl (tcl/lib/ns-packet.tcl) This does not apply when you add a new field

    into an existing header!

  • packet.h

    PT_REALAUDIO, name_[PT_REALAUDIO] = "ra";

  • ns-packet.tcl

    foreach prot {Common FlagsIP

    } {add-packet-header $prot


  • How Packet Header WorksPacket



    bits_ size determinedat compile time

    size determinedat compile time

    size determinedat compile time




    size determinedat simulatorstartup time





  • Example: Agent/Message

    New packet header for 64-byte message New transport agent to process this new


  • New Packet Header Step 1

    Create header structurestructstruct hdr_msghdr_msg {{

    char msg_[64];char msg_[64];static static intint offset_;offset_;inline static inline static intint& offset() { return offset_; }& offset() { return offset_; }inline static inline static hdr_msghdr_msg* access(Packet* p) {* access(Packet* p) {return (return (hdr_msghdr_msg*) p*) p-->access(offset_);>access(offset_);

    }}/* per/* per--field member functions */field member functions */char* char* msgmsg() { return (() { return (msgmsg_); }_); }intint maxmsgmaxmsg() { return (() { return (sizeof(msgsizeof(msg_)); }_)); }


  • New Packet Header Step 2

    Otcl linkage: PacketHeader/Messagestatic class static class MessageHeaderClassMessageHeaderClass : :

    public public PacketHeaderClassPacketHeaderClass {{public:public:MessageHeaderClassMessageHeaderClass() : () : PacketHeaderClass("PacketHeaderClass("PacketHeaderPacketHeader/Message/Message",",

    sizeof(hdr_msgsizeof(hdr_msg)) {)) {bind_offset(&hdr_msg::offsetbind_offset(&hdr_msg::offset_);_);

    }}} } class_msghdrclass_msghdr;;

  • New Packet Header Step 3

    Enable tracing (packet.h):enumenum packet_t {packet_t {


    };};class p_info {class p_info {

    name_[PT_MESSAGE] = name_[PT_MESSAGE] = messagemessage;;name_[PT_NTYPE]= "undefined";name_[PT_NTYPE]= "undefined";


  • New Packet Header Step 4

    Register new header (tcl/lib/ns-packet.tcl)

    foreachforeach protprot {{{ Common { Common off_cmnoff_cmn_ }_ }{ { Message Message off_msgoff_msg__ }}

    }}addadd--packetpacket--header $header $protprot

  • Packet Header: Caution

    Some old code, e.g.:RtpAgent::RtpAgentRtpAgent::RtpAgent() {() {bind(bind(off_rtpoff_rtp__, &, &off_rtpoff_rtp););

    }}hdr_rtphdr_rtp* * rhrh = (= (hdr_rtphdr_rtp*)p*)p-->>access(off_rtpaccess(off_rtp_);_);

    Dont follow this example!

  • Agent/Message Step 1



    Connector Classifier

    Delay AddrClassifierAgent McastClasifierQueue Trace

    DropTail RED TCP Enq Deq Drop

    Reno SACK


  • Agent/Message Step 2

    C++ class definition// Standard split object declaration// Standard split object declarationstatic static

    class class MessageAgentMessageAgent : public Agent {: public Agent {public:public:

    MessageAgentMessageAgent() : Agent(() : Agent(PT_MESSAGEPT_MESSAGE) {}) {}virtual virtual intint command(intcommand(int argcargc, const char*const* , const char*const* argvargv););virtual void virtual void recv(Packetrecv(Packet*, Handler*);*, Handler*);


  • Agent/Message Step 3 Packet processing: $msgAgent send data1

    intint MessageAgent::command(intMessageAgent::command(int, const char*const* , const char*const* argvargv)){{

    TclTcl& & tcltcl = = Tcl::instanceTcl::instance();();if (strcmp(argv[1], "send") == 0) {if (strcmp(argv[1], "send") == 0) {Packet* Packet* pktpkt = = allocpktallocpkt();();hdr_msghdr_msg* * mhmh = = hdr_msg::access(pkthdr_msg::access(pkt););// We ignore message size check...// We ignore message size check...strcpy(mhstrcpy(mh-->>msgmsg(), argv[2]);(), argv[2]);send(pktsend(pkt, 0);, 0);return (TCL_OK);return (TCL_OK);

    }}return (return (Agent::command(argcAgent::command(argc, , argvargv));));


  • Agent/Message Step 4 Packet processing: receive

    void void MessageAgent::recv(PacketMessageAgent::recv(Packet* * pktpkt, Handler*), Handler*){{

    hdr_msghdr_msg* * mhmh = = hdr_msg::access(pkthdr_msg::access(pkt););

    // // OTclOTcl callbackcallbackchar wrk[128];char wrk[128];sprintf(wrksprintf(wrk, "%s , "%s recvrecv {%s}", name(), {%s}", name(), mhmh-->>msgmsg());());TclTcl& & tcltcl = = Tcl::instanceTcl::instance();();tcl.eval(wrktcl.eval(wrk););


  • Writing ns-2 codes

    Extending ns In OTcl In C++ Debugging: OTcl/C++, memory Pitfalls

  • Debugging C++ in ns

    C++/OTcl debugging

    Memory debugging (memory leak is a common bug) purify dmalloc

  • C++/OTcl Debugging

    Usual technique Break inside command() Cannot examine states inside OTcl!

    Solution Execute tcl-debug inside gdb http://expect.nist.gov/tcl-debug/tcl-debug.ps.Z

  • C++/OTcl Debugging

    C++ OTcl

    debug 1debug 1

    debug 1debug 1

    OtclOtcl commandcommand

    OtclOtcl commandcommand

  • C++/OTcl Debugging

    ((gdbgdb) ) call call Tcl::instance().eval(Tcl::instance().eval(debugdebug 11))15: 15: lappendlappend auto_path $auto_path $dbg_librarydbg_librarydbg15.3> wdbg15.3> w*0: application*0: application15: 15: lappendlappend auto_path $auto_path $dbg_librarydbg_library

    dbg15.4> Simulator info instancesdbg15.4> Simulator info instances_o1_o1dbg15.5> _o1 nowdbg15.5> _o1 now00dbg15.6> # and other fun stuffdbg15.6> # and other fun stuffdbg15.7> dbg15.7> cc((gdbgdb) where) where#0 0x102218 in write()#0 0x102218 in write()............

  • Memory Debugging in ns

    Purify Set PURIFY macro in ns Makefile Usually, put -colloctor=

    Gray Watsons dmalloc library http://www.dmalloc.com make distclean ./configure --with-dmalloc= Analyze results: dmalloc_summarize

  • dmalloc: Usage

    Turn on dmalloc alias dmalloc eval \dmalloc C \!*` dmalloc -l log low

    dmalloc_summarize ns < logfile ns must be in current directory Itemize how much memory is allocated in

    each function

  • Homework

    Run ns-2 on http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/tutorial/examples/example2.tcl

    Execute dmalloc Submit the memory profile to TA Due date: May 30

  • Pitfalls

    Scalability vs flexibility Or, how to write scalable simulation?

    Memory conservation tips Memory leaks

  • Scalability vs Flexibility

    Its tempting to write all-OTcl simulation Benefit: quick prototyping Cost: memory + runtime

    Solution Control the granularity of your split object by

    migrating methods from OTcl to C++

  • THE Merit of OTcl

    Program size, complexity

    C/C++ OTcl

    Smoothly adjust the granularity of scripting to balance extensibility and performance

    With complete compatibility with existing simulation scripts

    high low

    split objects

  • Object Granularity Tips

    Functionality Per-packet processing C++ Hooks, frequently changing code OTcl

    Data management Complex/large data structure C++ One-time configuration variables OTcl

  • Memory usage

    Simulator 268KBUnicast node 2KBMulticast node 6KBDuplex link 9KBPacket 2KB

  • Memory Conservation Tips

    Remove unused packet headers Avoid tracetrace--allall Use arrays for a sequence of variables

    Instead of n$in$i, say n($i)n($i) Avoid OTcl temporary variables

    temp=A; B=temp Use dynamic binding

    delay_bind()delay_bind() instead of bind()bind() See object.{h,cc}

    Use different routing strategies Computing routing tables dominate the simulation setup time

    Run on FreeBSD use less memory for malloc()

  • Memory Leaks

    Purify or dmalloc, but be careful about split objects: for {set i 0} {$i < 500} {for {set i 0} {$i < 500} {incrincr i} {i} { set a [new set a [new RandomVariableRandomVariable/Constant]/Constant] }} It leaks memory, but cant be detected!

    Solution Explicitly delete EVERY split object that was new-ed

  • Final Word

    My extended ns dumps OTcl scripts! Find the last 10-20 lines of the dump Is the error related to _o*** cmd ?

    Check your command() Otherwise, check the otcl script pointed by the

    error message

  • Questions?

  • Outline

    An introduction to ns-2 What is ns-2 Fundamentals Writing ns-2 codes Traces support and visualization Wireless support Emulation Related work

  • nsnam Interface Color Node manipulation Link manipulation Topology layout Protocol state Misc

  • nam Interface: Color

    Color mapping$ns color 40 red$ns color 40 red$ns color 41 blue$ns color 41 blue$ns color 42 chocolate$ns color 42 chocolate

    Color flow id association$tcp0 set fid_ 40$tcp0 set fid_ 40 ;# red packets;# red packets$tcp1 set fid_ 41$tcp1 set fid_ 41 ;# blue packets;# blue packets

  • nam Interface: Nodes Color

    $node color red$node color red Shape (cant be changed after sim starts)

    $node shape box$node shape box ;# circle, box, hexagon;# circle, box, hexagon Marks (concentric shapes)

    $ns at 1.0 $ns at 1.0 $n0 add$n0 add--mark m0 blue boxmark m0 blue box$ns at 2.0 $ns at 2.0 $n0 delete$n0 delete--mark m0mark m0

    Label (single string)$ns at 1.1 $ns at 1.1 $n0 label $n0 label \\web cache 0web cache 0\\$node label$node label--at upat up$node label$node label--color bluecolor blue

  • nam Interfaces: Links

    Color$ns duplex$ns duplex--linklink--op $n0 $n1 color "green"op $n0 $n1 color "green"

    Label$ns duplex$ns duplex--linklink--op $n0 $n1 label "op $n0 $n1 label "abcedabced$ns duplex$ns duplex--linklink--op $n1 $n2 labelop $n1 $n2 label--color bluecolor blue$ns duplex$ns duplex--linklink--op $n1 $n2 labelop $n1 $n2 label--at downat down

    Queue position$ns duplex-link-op queuePos right

    Dynamics (automatically handled)$ns $ns rtmodelrtmodel Deterministic {2.0 0.9 0.1} $n0 $n1Deterministic {2.0 0.9 0.1} $n0 $n1

    Asymmetric links not allowed

  • nam Interface: Topology Layout

    Manual layout: specify everything$ns duplex$ns duplex--linklink--op $n(0) $n(1) orient rightop $n(0) $n(1) orient right$ns duplex$ns duplex--linklink--op $n(1) $n(2) orient rightop $n(1) $n(2) orient right$ns duplex$ns duplex--linklink--op $n(2) $n(3) orient rightop $n(2) $n(3) orient right$ns duplex$ns duplex--linklink--op $n(3) $n(4) orient 60degop $n(3) $n(4) orient 60deg

    If anything missing automatic layout

  • nam Interface: Misc

    Packet color$ns color $n blue$ns color $n blue$agent set fid_ $n$agent set fid_ $n

    Annotation Add textual explanation to your simulation$ns at 3.5 "$ns trace$ns at 3.5 "$ns trace--annotate annotate \\packet droppacket drop\\""

    Control playback $ns at 0.0 "$ns set$ns at 0.0 "$ns set--animationanimation--rate 0.1ms"rate 0.1ms"

  • The nam user interface

  • Summary of nam

    Turn on nam tracing in your Tcl script As easy as turning on normal tracing

    $ns namtrace $file Specify color/shape/label of node/link

    $ns duplex-link-op $node1 $node2 orient left

    Execute nam exec nam $filename

  • A live demoNam.exe

  • namgraph

    Display a graph showing when packets are received/dropped.

    Enabling namgraph Run the namfilter script on your nam trace file:

    exec tclsh /path/to/namfilter.tcl out.nam

  • namgraph

  • The nam editor

    Create simple scenarios graphically Good for those who dont want to learn Tcl,

    but only a limited subset of ns is currently available

  • The nam editor

  • Topology generator


  • Inet topology generator

    from University of Michigan AS level Internet topology Create topologies with accurate degree

    distributions Conversion of Inet output to ns-2 format

    inet2ns < inet.topology > ns.topology

  • GT-ITM Installation

    Comes with ns-allinone Require Knuths cweb and SGB

    Usage itm

    Three graph models Flat random: Waxman n-level hierarchy Transit-stub

  • GT-ITM: Transit-Stub Model



    transit-transit link

    stub-stub link

  • Converters for GT-ITM

    sgb2ns Convert SGB format to ns config file sgb2ns ts2nsts2ns: output lists of transit and stub nodes

    sgb2hier Convert transit-stub information into

    hierarchical addresses sgb2hierns

  • Tiers topology generator 3-level hierarchy Conversion of Tiers output to ns-2 format

    an awk script tiers2ns.awk is included in ~ns-2/bin to convert the output of tiers into ns-2 scripts.

  • BRITE From Boston University Supports multiple generation models

    flat AS flat Router hierarchical topologies

    Object-oriented design to allow the flexibility to add new topology models

    Can import from Inet, GT-ITM, Skitter,.. Can export to ns-2, JavaSim, SSFNET format Written in Java and C++ GUI support

  • Summary


    Packages Graphs Edge Method

    NTG n-level probabilistic

    RTG Flat random Waxman

    GT-ITM Flat random, n-level, Transit-stub various

    TIERS 3-level spanning tree

top related