nqt differentiation ideas 2010

Post on 01-Jul-2015






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DifferentiationUseful strategies for pupils with SEN

As part of the induction programme, the NQT group have been trying out different techniques for differentiation aimed at pupils with SEN. Below are some of the strategies they found especially effective:

• Listening frames: having a prepared structure or focus for pupils whenever they need to listen for an extended period of time. If necessary this can be partially completed first

• Text correction: providing a text with mistakes on it that pupils have to correct. The mistakes can be highlighted already if needed, or not for extra challenge

• Repetition: asking pupils to repeat instructions/objectives. Can be done with whole class, or targeted at individuals in a 1 to 1 situation. Knowledge of the needs of pupils in each class should enable you to know where to target this.

• Help envelopes: provide a challenge or mystery to solve. Give pupils an envelope with hints/extra help in it, but pupils only open if they need to. Returning it unopened gains extra points. Important to debrief this well, e.g. If you used the envelope how did this help, if you didn’t was it too difficult, what would you do if you did this task again?

• Task lists: providing pupils with a sequenced check list of tasks where concentration is an issue (e.g. ADHD) then tick off as they complete them. Could also be done with post-it notes during a lesson.

• Pairing: careful pairing of pupils with BESD with other pupils of lower ability but better concentration. Both develop each other and build confidence

• Multiple Answers: rather than asking pupils to complete an exam answer, give them three different ones and ask them to identify strengths and weaknesses/rank order and explain why. Then move on to own version

• Key word focus: Invest time in starters that involve crucial key words. Many ways of doing this, e.g. simple crosswords. Check again for application of these in a plenary at the end.

Swanmore College of Technology 2010

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