november 2017 workers compensation for · pdf fileships that decline...

Post on 08-Mar-2018






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November 2017November 2017November 2017November 2017

Kentucky’s Pension Crisis Must Kentucky’s Pension Crisis Must Kentucky’s Pension Crisis Must Kentucky’s Pension Crisis Must Be Solved …………………………….......………2Be Solved …………………………….......………2Be Solved …………………………….......………2Be Solved …………………………….......………2

Find Us On Facebook………...……………..2Find Us On Facebook………...……………..2Find Us On Facebook………...……………..2Find Us On Facebook………...……………..2

Chris Terry, Terry Logging Inc, Names Chris Terry, Terry Logging Inc, Names Chris Terry, Terry Logging Inc, Names Chris Terry, Terry Logging Inc, Names 2017 Appalachian Logger of the 2017 Appalachian Logger of the 2017 Appalachian Logger of the 2017 Appalachian Logger of the Year……………………………………...…………...3Year……………………………………...…………...3Year……………………………………...…………...3Year……………………………………...…………...3

Chris Terry (Cont.)......………………………..4Chris Terry (Cont.)......………………………..4Chris Terry (Cont.)......………………………..4Chris Terry (Cont.)......………………………..4

New Logging BMP’s Go Into Affect New Logging BMP’s Go Into Affect New Logging BMP’s Go Into Affect New Logging BMP’s Go Into Affect January 1 …..……………………………..……..4January 1 …..……………………………..……..4January 1 …..……………………………..……..4January 1 …..……………………………..……..4

From and About………………………………..5From and About………………………………..5From and About………………………………..5From and About………………………………..5

Welcome New KFIA Members…………..6Welcome New KFIA Members…………..6Welcome New KFIA Members…………..6Welcome New KFIA Members…………..6

Kentucky Division of Forestry Tree Kentucky Division of Forestry Tree Kentucky Division of Forestry Tree Kentucky Division of Forestry Tree Seedlings Available to Order....…………6Seedlings Available to Order....…………6Seedlings Available to Order....…………6Seedlings Available to Order....…………6

KFIA Holiday Hours..……………………......6KFIA Holiday Hours..……………………......6KFIA Holiday Hours..……………………......6KFIA Holiday Hours..……………………......6

Win With Wood Competition…………..7Win With Wood Competition…………..7Win With Wood Competition…………..7Win With Wood Competition…………..7

106 Progress Drive,

Frankfort, KY 40601

Tel: 502/695-3979 Fax: 502/695-8343


Bob Bauer, Executive Director

Michele Brewer, Administrative Assistant

“Serving the Industry Since 1965”




he Kentucky Forest Industries Association (KFIA) has become involved with recent developments dealing with workers com-

pensation requirements for logging in Kentucky. KFIA and the Ken-tucky Master Logger program has been contacted by the Division of Workers Claims Enforcement Division which is looking at compli-ance with workers comp laws in the state’s logging industry. The Association has met with the head of enforcement to discuss the issue and concerns about the extremely high rates for non-

mechanized logging operations. An initiative is being undertaken to educate on the need for workers compensation insurance in the logging industry and requirements in cases where coverage is declined.

This has become an issue due to complaints from insured log-gers to legislators and the Governor’s office that are having a hard time competing against those loggers that do not carry coverage. The Association is very aware of the high cost of workers compen-sation insurance costs for loggers and has been following this issue for a long time. We have been successful in the past for getting a reduced cost mechanized logging rate approved in the state a few years ago and have had numerous meetings on the issue with a wide range of partners.

KFIA is working with the Master Logger Program to develop and get information out to the industry. If the logging operation does not have insurance coverage it will be critical that the business is filed with the Secretary of State and/or has legal papers explaining that insurance has been declined and how the operation is orga-nized. There are a number of requirements that need to be met for workers to be considered an independent contractor and partner-ships that decline coverage must have qualified partners that all share in the financial and management decisions of the Company.

KFIA has been successful in working on a partnership concern-ing this issue that will allow time for education and working toward getting the logging force into compliance. We want to make all members aware of this important development and work toward getting all operations into compliance. We do not feel that we will see a sudden increase in enforcement as we work to educate the logging industry but know that as we move forward we will need to make progress on the issue.

We invite membership input on this matter and ask you to con-tact the KFIA office with any questions or concerns. The Associa-tion is very aware of the importance of this issue and will be working to look at all angles to address this problem and keep our industry strong and profitable.

Jim Burris

Sales Representative

Cell: 919/270-2464

PO Box 471

Chattanooga, TN 37401

Tel: 423/698-0284 Fax: 423/622-3258

Tyrone-Berry Lewis Controls

Carriage Drives Optimization

Page 2


We encourage KFIA Members and

Friends to Like our pages on

Facebook, we will be posting

news, activities and other infor-

mation related to the wood

products industry in Kentucky.






elow is a message from Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin concerning the large State Retirement Pension problem in

Kentucky. This problem affects all tax payers in the state and if not dealt with will result in huge additional cuts to basic services and result in tax increases for everyone in the state. The first step is to make prudent changes to the pension system and stop the bleeding.

As governor, I am committed to running a fiscally responsible government that provides a better place for employers to grow, prosper and create jobs. One of the greatest impediments to Kentucky's economic success is our pension crisis. Although a few sounded the alarm over the years, kicking the can down the road became the status quo and led to a pension liability that is more than seven times greater than the amount of the Common-wealth’s entire General Fund. We now have leadership in Kentucky that not only understands the magnitude of this issue, but also is willing and ready to solve it.

Kentuckians can no longer afford to bury our heads in the sand. Our pension crisis threatens adequate funding for educa-tion, workforce training, roads and bridges, public safety, healthcare and other services critical for a vibrant business community. It has led to a repeated downgrading of our credit rating and has increased our cost of borrowing. With the help of our Senate President and new House Speaker, this administra-tion has developed a fair and equitable plan to solve this problem.

This comprehensive pension reform plan, “Keeping the Promise,” is simple. First and foremost, it will fulfill our moral and legal obligation to uphold promises made to public employees and teachers while simultaneously ending any continued fiscal abuse of these systems. Additionally, it will stop digging a deeper liability hole by offering a mandatory defined contribution plan for future employees, comparable to those typically offered by private employers. “Keeping the Promise” will look honestly at unfunded liability, rather than simply hiding it or allowing politically motivated or unqualified boards to manipulate funding models. This will ensure we pay off the debts incurred while limiting future growth of these debts.

This plan was developed after reviewing an extensive multi-stage study by a reputable, pension-consulting firm, months of listening to feedback, and multiple meetings with stakeholders, financial experts and lawmakers. It is a financially prudent and fair plan that will meet our obligations to current and retired teachers, firefighters, police officers and other public servants. It will also set Kentucky on a fiscally sustainable path and will clear the way for more investment in the component of our economy that matters most – our employers.

As a business who deeply cares about the direction of our great state, I ask you for your support. Failure to act will result in the collapse of the entire pension system. This is not an acceptable option. Please call your legislators immediately and

Continued on Page 7 - Kentucky Pension

American Wood Fibers

Four Generations of Experience

Buyers of Red Cedar Logs

and Pine Logs


Visit our web site at:

Page 3

Monte Pope

District Sales Supervisor

416 East Brooks Road

Memphis, Tennessee, USA 38109

Phone: 800/238-2523


2.75” x 1.75” (Actual Size) $30/month

4”x2” - $55/month (example- Stihl Ad)

4.5” x 3 - $80/month (example - Graf

Discounted if run 12 consecutive issues




he Forest Resources Association and STIHL Incorporated honored Chris Terry, owner of Terry Logging, Inc. in

Morehead, Kentucky, as the Appalachian Region 2017 Outstand-ing Logger at the recent Forest Resources Association (FRA) Appalachian Region Awards Dinner in Chillicothe, Ohio. FRA’s AR Chairman Ervin Bielmyer presented Terry with a wooden crosscut-saw plaque and a STIHL MS 461 chain saw gift certificate and $250 check (chain saw and check compliments of STIHL). Terry

Logging is only the second logging operation in Kentucky to ever receive the regional award and is a past Kentucky Logger of the year.

Chris Terry’s dream of being president of a logging company started in high school. He began cutting and selling firewood at age 16, moved onto pine posts at 18, and then to logging. Starting with old, used equipment, he grew his business to the point where it is now a fully mechanized logging operation, utilizing a tracked feller-buncher but

also maintaining the capability of hand-felling where necessary for certain timber in eastern Kentucky’s mountainous terrain. Terry Logging’s reputation for being a safe, dependable, and environ-mentally conscious operation has helped it secure many logging contracts. Terry Logging is especially noted for its leadership on logging issues in Kentucky:

• Chris and his brother (Vice President) Nathan Terry are Kentucky Master Loggers. Chris has taught continuing education classes for the KY Master Logger Program.

• Chris is a member of Kentucky’s Best Management Practices Board and was actively involved in influencing the BMP revisions that will be effective January 2018.

• Chris is a member of the Kentucky Forest Industries Associa-tion (KFIA) Board. He has also served on KFIA’s Daniel Boone National Forest Advisory Committee, where his input has resulted in positive changes in utilization standards for USFS timber sales and the way sales are promoted and conducted.

• Chris has worked hard to achieve a workers compensation insurance rate that recognizes his business classification as a mechanical operation and to promote programs designed to make workers compensation coverage more affordable for logging operations in Kentucky.

• Terry Logging has developed and actively uses a logging safety manual; crew members all wear high visibility vests; the operation uses “trucks entering highway” signs; Terry Logging applies and enforces a lockout/tagout program for any

Chris and Nathan Terry receive FRA’s 2017 Appalachian Region (AR) Outstanding Logger Award. From left to right: Deb Hawkinson (FRA President), Nathan Terry, Chris Terry, Ervin Bielmyer (AR Chairman). Courtesy: FRA

Continued on Page 4 - Terry Logging

Page 4






April 10-12, 2018

Brown Hotel, Louisville, KY

Kentucky Master Logger

3-Day Course

2017 Classes have concluded -

we will post the schedule for

2018 once it is available.

Kentucky Master Logger

Continuing Education

2017 Classes have concluded -

we will post the schedule for

2018 once it is available.

equipment that is down or in need of repair; the company implements a drug testing program for employees.

• Terry Logging uses “ONX Hunt,” which is a smartphone app that assists in locating surrounding property boundaries during harvest; Terry Logging contacts all adjoining landowners by certified mail to inform them of the timber harvest and to prevent potential trespass issues.

• Terry Logging has been involved in local road issues to assure the logging industry is treated fairly and consistently with other issues.

• Terry Logging actively supports and contributes to the Kentucky Log a Load for Kids Program.

Upon receiving the award, Chris Terry cited the importance of his family members in making this a successful logging operation: His father, for encouraging him and helping him as he started in the logging business; his brother Nathan for managing the harvesting operation especially when Chris is away from the job to work on industry issues; his wife Carla for providing excellent administrative advice and service.

FRA’s Outstanding Logger Award program is designed to raise the visibility of professional logging contractors and to encourage other loggers to adopt the performance of the award winners. The Regional Award winner becomes a nominee for FRA’s National Outstanding Logger recognition.

The Kentucky Forest Industries Association is the state wide trade association representing the forest products industry and forestry interests throughout Kentucky. The Forest Resources Association Inc. is a trade association concerned with the safe, efficient, and sustainable harvest of forest products and their transport from woods to mill. FRA represents wood consumers, independent logging contractors, and wood dealers, as well as businesses providing products and services to the forest resource-

based industries.

STIHL Incorporated serves as the sponsor of FRA’s Regional and National Outstanding Logger Awards.

Continued from Page 3 - Terry Logging




he new logging Best Management Prac-

tices have now been approved by the state Legislature and will go into affect on January 1, 2018. Starting then the Kentucky Division of Forestry will start enforc-ing the changes on all logging inspections. The changes can be found on the KFIA website at

Page 5


Advertising is available in the KFIA “LINK” newsletter and on the web-site at Running an ad in these outlets is a very affordable way to put your company in the spot-light while supporting the associa-tion. We are sure your company will benefit from its exposure in these resources.


Business Card Size - $30/month 4 inch x 2 inch - $55/month 4.5 inch x 3 inch - $80/month

For more details contact Michele at 5 0 2 / 6 9 5 - 3 9 7 9 o r e - m a i l :


Banner Ad - $75/mo. or $500/ year (450 pixels wide x 110 pixels tall). Visit for an example.


Green Poplar

4/4, 5/4 and 6/4

Contact: Bill Perry

Phone: (606) 663-0974


Think Poplar. Think Powell Valley.



ongratulations is in order to Isaiah Harville at Woodcraft Industries, on two big accomplishments. First he

welcomed a new son Ezekiel Shelton Harville in September and also was recently accepted the position as Plant Manager at the Woodcraft Industries Plant in Bowling Green, KY. Additionally the plant has named long time KFIA member Tommy Steele as the new Lumber buyer and we are glad to see him back in the wood industry.

New KFIA member Smart Wood USA (Eurosticks), Corbin, KY is getting their recently dedicated plant up and running. They are looking for beech logs and will be producing popsicle sticks and ice cream spoons. Contact Ulrich Debacker at 606.304.8003 for

additional information.

Congratulations to GreenTree Forest Products, Wallingford, KY on receiving the Flem-ing County Chamber of Commerce's 2017 Business of the Year Award.

Greg Wells and David Wells Pictured with Fleming County High School FBLA student Taylor Kielman). Photo Courtesy of Fleming County

Chamber of Commerce.

KFIA Member Froedge Ma-chine & Supply Co. Inc., Tompkinsville, KY which provides repair services to local industries, will

invest $690,000 and create 12 full time jobs to locate a new opera-tion in Barren County.

Froedge supplies equipment to the wood products industry and will maintain its headquarters shop in Tompkinsville and locate its new facility in a 6,300 sq. ft. former machine shop just outside the Glas-gow city limits on US 68. The new building will bring room to ex-pand it CNC Machine work, create opportunities for future growth.

Correction from October Newsletter:

Benjamin Bevins son

of long time KFIA

member Damon

Bevins, Wingo, KY

(Farrow Lumber) was

the guest Auctioneer at

the Kentucky Wood

Expo and did an

amazing job.

Thank you


Page 6




The Kentucky Division of Forestry offers 51 species of trees includ-ing hardwoods and conifers for sale for planting on open crop

or pasture land, developing a Christmas tree plantation, enhancing wildlife habitat, improving urban areas and reclaiming surface mining sites. Seed-lings are available to Kentucky land-owners at a reasonable price and are shipped to individuals from January through April.

To order your tree seedlings visit or call 502.564.4496.


November 23 & 24 - CLOSED in observance of Thanksgiving

December 25 & 26 - CLOSED in observance of Christmas

January 1, 2017 - CLOSED in observance of New Years Day




Graf and Thomas Lumber - Contact: Damon Graf PO Box 555, Vanceburg KY 41179 T: 606.796.3133

Laurel Wood Products LLC - Contact: Ronnie Robinson

7877 W. Hal Rogers Pkwy, London, KY 40741, T: 606.864.3706

Service/Supplier SEMCO - Contact: Jim Fletcher

PO Box 4724, Gulf Shores, AL 36547 T: 251.747.0501


Jamie Jent, 141 Freeman Road, Hillsboro, KY 41049 T: 606.876.5493


Matt Bennett, PO Box 7331, Maryville TN, 37802 T: 865.333.8227

Penny Martin, 1050 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510

T: 502.744.9859

Help support our new members, all new members are reviewed by the KFIA Board of Directors at our quarterly meetings. These are our recently approved members. We would like to thank all of our new and current members for you continu-ous support. If you or your company is in need of assistance, please contact the KFIA Office.

Page 7


he Kentucky Master Logger Program works closely with KFIA on logger ed-

ucation in Kentucky. In conjunction with the three-day program loggers are educat-ed about the Kentucky Log a Load for Kids program that benefits the Kentucky Chil-dren’s Hospital at the University of Ken-tucky.

A number of loggers donate money to the program at the classes and each year a name is drawn from the donors to win a full set of logging safety equipment.

The equipment is donated by KFIA Member Bryan Equipment Sales, Love-land, OH which is the regional dealer for all Stihl equipment. The winner this year was Byron Burkhart of Bledsoe, KY. Congratu-lations to Byron and special thanks to Bryan Equipment for their support of the Log a Load for Kids Program.



in With Wood 2017 was held on October 03, 2017 at the UK Wood Utilization Center, Robinson Center for Appalachian

Resource Sustainability, Quicksand, KY and had over 125 stu-dents from Southeastern Kentucky schools and clubs participate in the Youth Competition and Wood Technology in Forestry. This program brings together the youth of the region, along with forest and wood industries owners/businessmen, Extension agents, leaders, and UK specialists in a collaborative project to introduce the youth of the region to forestry and wood industries. Win With Wood is a unique opportunity for Kentucky’s youth to learn more about the forest products industries and to showcase their talents and skills. This annual fun-filled competition incorporates both pri-mary and secondary forest products events as well as forestry events.

The students spent most of the day competing individually in the following events. Compass and Pacing, Forestry Equipment/Tools ID, Land Resource Judging and Invasive Plant Species ID, Tree ID, Tree Measurement, Wildlife ID, Wood ID, Woodworking Tool ID. No individual points are awarded for these two events: Team Woodworking, and Individual Woodwork-ing. The senior student with the highest overall score wins a $500.00 scholarship to the College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky. The schol-arship is endowed by the Kentucky Forest Indus-tries Association and the University Of Kentucky College Of Agriculture.

The Senior Overall Winner who received a medallion was: Jacob Peterson (first place win-

ner), Magoffin Co. 4-H, Elijah Rudd, Magoffin Co. 4-H, second place winner and Skylar Campbell. Lee Co. FFA (third place winner). Jacob Peterson, the overall winner received the $500 to at-tend the UK College of Agriculture. This scholar-ship has been endowed by the Kentucky Forest

Industries Association and the University of Kentucky. The Junior Overall Winners who re-ceived medallions: Emma Riggs (first place win-ner), Carter Co. 4-H, Neveah Kouns (second place winner), Carter County 4-H, and Jennings Ewing (third place winner) Carter County 4-H. The schools that participated were: Breathitt County FFA, Buckhorn High School FFA, Carter County 4-H, Cordia High School FFA, Knott County Central High School FFA, Lee County High School FFA, and Magoffin County 4-H.

The WWW Event was supported by many including: University of KY Cooperative Extension Service, KY Forest Industries Assn., UK Family and Consumer Sciences, KY Division of Forestry, Uni-versity of KY Department of Forestry, Pepsi Bottling Group in Hazard KY, Breathitt County Conservation District and RCARS (Robinson Center for Appalachian Resource Sustainability).

tell them to support this plan. They will un-doubtedly be hearing from those for whom this solution is a threat to their political power and from those who have intention-ally been misinformed. They also need to hear from their local employers.

With one call to the Legislative Message line at 1-800-372-7181, you can make sure your State Senator and State Representative know how important this is. You can identify your personal Repre-sentative and Senator at:

J. Peterson with Bob


Senior Winners

Junior Winners

Continued from Page 2 - Kentucky Pension





Jackie Williams from North Middle School in Somerset, KY won the Tablet with a guess of

2,000 lbs with an actual weight of 1,940 lbs. Bob presented Jackie her tablet and she was “super excited”.

106 Progress Drive

Frankfort, Kentucky 40601

Tel: 502/695-3979

PO Box 1779 * 1240 Fair Way St.

Bowling Green, KY 42102-1779

Tel: 270/781-2020

Still Standing behind a firm handshake

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