nova pedestrian stacker - carretil · 2014. 5. 20. · the nova range to store and retrieve pallets...

Post on 05-Feb-2021






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    Tifón Corporación Industrial, S.A. | Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Alicante, Castellón 902 115 371 | |

  • The NOVA in manufacturingand production

    In manufacturing workshops trucksneed to be able to handle pallets invery tight spaces. The standardNOVA is very easy to operate undersuch conditions. If very light steering

    is needed the truck can be fitted witha servo which reduces the angle of thetiller arm and gives no awkward,extreme positions so driving issmooth and easy.

    Feeding and fetching between machi-nes and conveyor often requiresmanual work, so a truck needs to beable to work in different positions.The NOVA is particularly suitable as a mobile assembly station, since itsworking height is adjustable and thefork length can be adapted. Conse-quently it is possible for the NOVA

    can do this, as is the case with theNOVA. Foot injuries, caused by be-ing run over, are virtually impossible,as are the crushing injuries, thanks tothe design of the tiller arm.

    With the pedestrian stacker the driv-ing platform is the key to safe hand-ling, the NOVA offering side restraintsas well as a permanent guard.

    And as driving characteristics alsoinfluence safety, the NOVA doesn’thave a centrally placed, spring-loadeddrive wheel, but one that is placed atthe rear edge of a four-point con-struction giving maximum friction.



    estrian stacker may not even have aplatform).

    Most of these incidents occur to feet,which can be caught under a wheel ortrapped under the chassis. In otherinstances drivers have been pinned bythe tiller arm.

    Even though not all of these incidentslead to real injury, they are neverthe-less worrying and need to be reducedas much as possible. Careful design

    While trucks have become ever morespecialized and designed for specifictasks there is still a great need for asimple reliable truck which can beused for a wide range of duties.

    If you like an all rounder, the pedes-trian stacker is just that. Hence theprominent part it plays in most truckfleets.


    But despite this popularity the ped-estrian stacker is involved in its fairshare of accidents. The reason for thislies in the way such trucks are drivenand handled, drivers often walk orstand beside the truck when it ismoving, or are unprotected when thedriving platform raised for working in confined spaces (indeed the ped-

    Tifón Corporación Industrial, S.A. | Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Alicante, Castellón 902 115 371 | |


    to store and retrieve pallets in pro-duction warehouses from heights upto 4.8m.

    The NOVA in distributionwarehouses

    From stacking to order-picking theNOVA is a perfect performer for dis-tribution and goods warehouses.And, depending on goods flow it canmake an attractive alternative to riderstackers and reach trucks.

    If stacking is combined with order-picking the NOVA is an excellentsolution as the driver/picker canalways choose a convenient forkheight on which to place the goods.

    NOVA, the Terminal Truck

    To give more efficient use of lorrycapacity a terminal truck needs to beable to load two levels of pallets ontothe lorry. For such usage the NOVAis available in a special terminal ver-sion, equipped for double-pallethandling and with a modified mast.

    With the NOVA the handling chaincan be extended. Intermediate storageis possible in racking at reception andgoods can be taken straight into thewarehouse or to work stations.

    NOVA, the All-Round Truck

    Many customers look for a truckwhich can cope with every type ofhandling which arises. In such casesthe NOVA is outstanding, combin-ing user-friendliness with maximumsafety. Even inexperienced drivers canmove goods safely and quickly.

    The NOVA’s highly developedmodular system allows it to be adapt-ed to customers’ requirements andchanged to suit both driver and duty.

    NOVA with folding driving platform

    Gives greatest driving efficiency and easy ‘get on and get off.’

    NOVA with fixed drivingplatform and side guard

    Gives the safest and speediest drivingcombination with full driver protection.Able to travel at maximum speed when

    lift height is below 1.8m.

    NOVA without drivingplatform

    Suitable for light handling duties.Pedestrian operation. Short cycles.

    Tifón Corporación Industrial, S.A. | Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Alicante, Castellón 902 115 371 | |

  • The NOVA has been designed for maximum safety. This applies to thegoods and the driver as well as others working nearby.

    Tiller arm: an emergency stop button and control unit are of tried andtested design, with a control button shield to prevent accidental opera-tion.

    The emergency stop plateon the tiller arm has beenexhaustively tested and beenfound to be the safest solu-tion. It allows for graduatedoperation so there is mini-mal strain during use andsmooth changes of direc-tion.

    The fork design is veryrigid minimising deflection

    and later-al twisting.

    The castor is hiddenunder the chassis so that it never protrudes frombeneath the truck, so elimi-nating the risk of foot injuryand the fouling of wheels.

    Tifón Corporación Industrial, S.A. | Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Alicante, Castellón 902 115 371 | |

  • The lifting movement is controlled by a slide valve with the control unit com-fortably placed to the right of the tiller arm and giving fingertip precision.

    If extremely precise lifting movement is required, electric lift is an option withthe control mounted on the tiller arm handle.

    Additional bins, tape holder, writing surfaces and the like can all be easilymounted on the truck’s free surfaces.

    Foot injuries are no longer possiblesince the NOVA has such a low chas-sis that feet or rather safety shoes can-not get beneath it. Castor and drivewheel are both retracted. If the truckmakes contact with a foot it just pus-hes it out of the way.

    The driving platform has a verystable construction so it will notdroop and is capable of withstandingharder collisions than even the truckitself. The platform is covered with anon-slip rubber mat for extra safetyand folds easily and quickly.

    The machine housing has a wrap-around shape for extra safety and isalso reinforced with a bumper,important for heavy duty work anddemanding environments.

    The position of the drive wheel givesthe NOVA optimum handling per-formance. Most trucks have a drivewheel that is centrally positionedwith spring loading creating friction.The NOVA’s is at the rear (as withother Atlet stackers) ensuring that the wheel always has the correct press-ure. Movements are consequentlysmoother with improved lateral stab-ility and dangerous lurching elimin-ated. This wheel arrangement alsoreduces servicing and running costs.

    The driver’s platform comes in two versions with either a folding side restraintor a permanent protective guard that gives a relaxing position for long cycles.

    Tifón Corporación Industrial, S.A. | Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Alicante, Castellón 902 115 371 | |

  • THE NOVA IN PRACTICEThe NOVA offers a wide range ofpossible settings that makes it suitablefor heavy industrial to light handlingtasks, intensive shift work to inter-mittent usage.

    Whatever the environment and thedegree of handling required, opera-

    tional reliability and economicalhandling are always vital.

    The NOVA is built to Atlet’s stan-dard modular concept, with everycomponent design tested and guaran-teed for optimum operation. Stan-dard components used in all Atlet

    models offer an availability that isunsurpassed in the industry givingminimum servicing costs.

    Minimum Servicing Time

    Regular servicing ensures safe hand-ling. For maximum efficiency Atletuses mobile workshops for its back-up. Service engineers can deal with96% of all possible faults and compo-nent replacements on their first visit.Regular servicing and proper dailyinspections give an operational re-liability of 100%. All of NOVA’scomponents are easily accessible byjust opening an inspection cover.

    Tifón Corporación Industrial, S.A. | Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Alicante, Castellón 902 115 371 | |

  • Tifón Corporación Industrial, S.A. | Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Alicante, Castellón 902 115 371 | |

  • Atlet AB, S-435 82 Mölnlycke, SwedenTel: +46 31-98 40 00 Fax: +46 31-88 46 86

    ATLET Ltd., THAME Oxon OX9 3 SPTelephone: 01844 215501. Telefax: 01844 216492



    The NOVA can beadapted for particu-lar applications anddrivers’ needs.Trans-port distance, safetyrequirements, liftheight and single or double pallethandling can all beaccomodated usingAtlet’s modular sys-tem.

    A wide-straddle ver-sion of the NOVA isan optional extra.The NOVA is alsoavailable with cold-store protection.




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    Standard componentsgive advantages

    Atlet has developed a consistent component stan-dard for all its trucks, with 3,000 componentscovering the whole range.

    The advantages of this include:

    • Tried and tested components of very high qual-ity resulting in fewer stoppages;

    • Immediate availability of the most frequentlyrequired components—about 400—giving aservice level of no less than 96%;

    • New models and individual customer adapta-tions that are based on proven components.

    Atlet offers a complete truck range for internalmaterials handling, all developed and manufac-tured at the company’s factory at Mölnlycke.

    Tifón Corporación Industrial, S.A. | Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Alicante, Castellón 902 115 371 | |

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