nov. 2015 - weebly

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United Presbyterian Congregational Church 214 Vaughn Avenue, Ashland WI 54806

(715) 682-3093

also your own efforts. Sometimes we think our efforts are inarticulate or somehow not worthy of God’s atten-tion. But who are we to know what kind of prayer or effort is cherished or worthy by God? Just remember that human parents take great delight in the stumbling attempts of an infant learning to walk or babbling inarticulate efforts to talk. If God understands us humans at all, God knows we are not perfect but actu-ally mean well. And we must attempt to live faithfully from where we are. Very few of us are saints in this world. Like the learner in the Chinese story, let us take aim at faith and love, even it the effort doesn’t seem up to the work of a master. We can draw a halo around it later or better yet let God draw a circle of light around our feeble efforts. So this season of Thanksgiving and hunting let your pray-

ers and good works abound! Just be sure of what you are

aiming at and enjoy the efforts as best you can.

Nov. 2015

Chinese Canonization (or is it ‘Cannnon’ization) It is November, the time when we give thanks and pre-pare for the winter holiday season. It is also the time when many households also prepare for the coming or present hunting seasons. Please take the following as a story about both. The Chinese people have a story about a man who asked a hunter to teach him how to shoot birds. The hunter agreed, but his pupil not only failed to shoot a bird in flight, he could not even hit a stationary bird target! Finally as a last resort, the hunter sent the poor man home and told him to fire his gun at a piece of blank cardboard. The hunter said, “Just concentrate on firing at the cardboard. When you have finished, you can draw a bird around each bullet hole.” Sometimes that is how trying to be holy or praying goes. We feel we have missed the mark. Rather than giving up on our efforts at faith, perhaps we need to do something that is within our range of capabilities. Please, do not evaluate your efforts at prayer and doing “good deeds.” The first and cardinal rule of all efforts to live a faithful life is “Thou shalt not judge.” This means not only those others you encounter in life, but



Please join us for our

Church Family Thanksgiving Dinner

Sunday, November 8th

After church

Page 2 Good News! NOVEMBER NEWS

Bazaar Ideas: Don’t do crafts? How about making a theme basket? Get together

with a friend and gather up a variety of related items and put in an appropriate

container. Here are some ideas to get you started: Kitchen Up-Grade—

measuring spoons and cups, pot holders, towel and dishcloth, and maybe a sugar

cookie scented candle all placed in bowl; Game Box—children’s board and card

games, puzzles; or Home Movie Night—movies or video store gift card, popcorn

boxes, popcorn, and a cozy blanket. Then there’s Death-by-Chocolate, Fisher-

man’s Delight, Hunter’s Necessities, Car Safety Kits, Snow Day Fun, Emergency Gift-Wrapping Set, and Spa-at-

Home. Don’t forget the birds and pets. Gather up the goodies, put in a container, wrap in cellophane and come

join the fun at the Bazaar Saturday, December 5, from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The PONY EXPRESS will ride this month. As we look forward to the coming year 2016, our stewardship campaign will take the form of a Pony Express relay. The PONY EXPRESS “RUN” will start November 1st. Sometime in the next week or two, a fellow member of the church will deliver you a SPECIAL SADDLEBAG, containing church mail, just like the Pony Express riders of old. Here is all you need do: 1. Lift the saddlebag flap marked 1 & 2. Remove from the pouch stewardship reading material you will find there.

Reflect on the message it contains. Then, return this printed material to the same pouch.

2. Next, remove from this pouch the envelope bearing your family name. Inside you will find a pink “ESTIMATE OF GIVING CARD” and a “TIME AND TALENT SHEET”. Please fill in the amount of tithe/offering(s) you expect to present to God through the church during 2016. Tear off and keep the stub for your records. Please also fill out a “TIME AND TALENT SHEET” for each member in your family. Extra sheets are in the pouch. Seal both the card and sheet(s) in the named envelope and place the envelope in the pouch on the other side of the saddlebag.

3. Now – and this is extremely important – complete your part of the RUN by quickly relaying the saddlebag of CHURCH MAIL to the next family on the Route List attached to the inside cover of the bag. You may want to phone ahead to make sure they are home. Please make every effort to complete your part of the RUN within 24 hours after receiving the saddlebag… and sooner if possible! Please deliver the saddlebag to an actual person and do not leave it on a doorstep.

4. After you have “delivered the mail,” CALLTHE TRAIL BOSS” whose name and phone number are at the bottom of the Route List. Tell the Trail Boss that you have completed your part of the RUN. (If your Trail Boss does not hear from you within one day, this person will be phoning you.)

5. These instructions will also be in the saddlebag.

Is it as simple as it sounds? Yes. And it will be highly effective IF you and other members keep the Church Mail moving along the Trail. Like the early day riders of the Pony Express, the success of our church’s relay effort depends on the dedication, commitment, and teamwork of every person. And – as a key member of our team – we are counting on you. Together we can make the work of Unit-ed Presbyterian Congregational Church fruitful and faithful.

Kim Bro goes over the material for the Pony Express with Anne Wickman, one of the Trail Bosses.


FILL THE BOX!! The large wicker box in the Narthex of the church is empty! Let’s fill it! This month, the 2nd Sunday is Novem-ber 8th!! Please bring your non-perishable food items to worship. The children will help collect the items dur-ing the Children’s Chat and bring the items to the front of the sanctuary to help fill the box. The items will be taken to The Brick for the food pantry. Let’s Fill the Box each second Sunday with non-perishable food items and a noisy collection of coins with everything going to The Brick. REMEMBER……. to bring….Your non-perishable food item(s) every 2nd Sunday to worship. These items go to The BRICK each month and are much appreci-ated.

Work of Pastor Nominating Committee Continues Since the completion of the rather mundane and drawn out organizational activities involved with our denomina-tional process for the calling of a pastor, the activities of the committee are moving forward quickly. The commit-tee is currently reviewing 68 candidate profiles. As part of the review process, committee members have visited web based links provided within the application materials and listened to on-line sermons when available. All the candidates reviewed by the committee have been referred to it by the Presbytery of Northern Waters. Presbytery’s referrals are based upon the criteria and com-petencies identified by the committee from the survey of the congregation conducted last spring. The pool of can-didates stretches from coast to coast. To date 23 of the 68 candidates have been discussed and ranked by the committee and four have been identified for telephone interviews. A fair number of candidates open to a call from our church have entered the ministry after careers in the secular world. Almost half (47%) percent of the candidates are women. Although sifting through the profiles of 68 candidates is a bit daunting, the committee is excited to be at actually reviewing candidates for filling the pulpit. As the committee continues to pursue the charge given to it by session and the congregation, we ask for your continued prayers for the successful conclusion of our work.

CONFIRMATION….. News and Upcoming Activities…. UPCC Confirmation class, all 13 youth, had a wonderful time at Crosswoods October 17-18, accompanied by confirmation leaders, Chuck Whiting and Jocelyn Langholz and youth leader, Allison Radke. Youth participated in a range of adventure activities including low ropes for team building and high ropes for individual challenge. We also covered topics including How God Changes Lives, How to Read the Bible, and Prayer. Thanks to parents and church members who sent food and to the congregation for helping with financial support. We had a great time ALSO….The UPCC Confirmation class will be attending the UU (Universal Unitarians) Sunday Service on November 8th. We will be meeting at 9:30 at Northland College for our morning snack and checking in time (highs and lows) prior to the service at 10 AM. Maria Langholz will be the guest speaker. Maria will be talking about creation care and justice in context of the UN Climate Negotiations in Paris, where she will be partici-pating with youth and leaders from around the world in early December. Parents and others are welcome to join us.

SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS Preschool through Kindergarten Julie McKuen & Sieja Anderson Grades 1, 2 and 3 Cheryl Drevlow & Mary Zinnecker Grades 4, 5 and 6 Rebecca Crumb-Johnson & Tina Hagstrom Confirmation Class Jocelyn Langholz & Chuck Whiting High School Allison Radke

Page 4 Good News! NOVEMBER NEWS

I was born at Cook County Hospital in Chicago IL, March 18, 1951. My folks adopted me at age one month. I grew up in Wisconsin Rapids, WI until we moved to Madison, WI in 1964. We had dogs as pets growing up. A blonde cocker spaniel named Mike and later a miniature red dachshund named Duchess. Dad was a Medical Doctor, a “GP”, in private practice in Wisconsin Rapids from 1947 to 1964. His medical career began at Rush Medical School in Chicago from 1938-41. After enrolling in the U of MN School of Public Health in 1962 and receiving a MPH degree (Master in Public Health), he began work in Madison in 1964 with the WI Division of Public Health, eventually becoming the State Health Officer and Administrator of that Division. Prior to private practice, he served as an MD in the Army Air Corp in England and Germany during WWII from 1942 to 1947. Mom was trained as a RN in Chicago and was working as a nurse when she and Dad met (he was a med student at the time) in Chicago. They married prior to Dad’s military “hitch”. During WWII she worked as a nurse stateside. When they moved to Wisconsin Rapids follow-ing the war she gave up her nursing career and became a stay at home Mom when my younger sister Sally and I were adopted. Both Mom and Dad were active in church (Congregational/UCC), community, and organizations. Both were involved in Sally’s and my lives as children: schools/PTA, Scouts, encouraging music lessons, sports, etc. They set the pattern that we both follow in our adult lives of service and careers. There was never any doubt in our lives that they were our Mom and Dad and that we were loved and chosen children. High School was James Madison Memorial High School in Madison, WI. It was a brand new school and I was in the first class to attend all three years, a graduate in 1969. Ninth graders were in a Junior High system at that time. I was a letter winner in football, basketball, and track during High School. My favorite was track as a sprinter (100 yds. through 440 yds.). I was in Latin club and National Honor Society. I was also in band (trombone), choir, and part of the photography team for yearbook and activities. I went to Carroll College (now Carroll University) in Waukesha WI. Received a B.S. degree in Biology with a Religion minor in 1973. I was originally planning to fol-low a pre-med path, hence the Biology degree with a Chemistry almost minor (one course short). Carroll College was and still is a liberal arts school, so I received exposure to a broad spectrum of courses and disciplines.

Getting to Know Bill Handy...

Senior year I decided to apply to Seminaries for a theological education. I was a member of the Biology academic fraternity, Beta Beta Beta, and a member of a local social Fraternity, Delta Rho Upsilon, eventually serving as President. No sports other than through the frat! I also sang in the Chamber Choir, and was a member of the Carrolleers (an eight member pop-swing-jazz choir group), and played for one year in the jazz band. The choir “toured” Europe for three weeks in January 1971 for a series of concerts in five countries. I also was a lab asst. as a Junior and Senior in the Biology Department. I received an M-Div degree (Master of Divinity) from United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities in New Brighton MN in 1977. This is the “practical” degree that leads to ordination and service as a pastor/minister in a local church. My first “job” was as a maintenance person/lifeguard at Moon Beach Camp, a church camp of the UCC in St. Germain, WI in 1965. I got paid all of $18.25 per week plus room and board. I returned for three summers at Moon Beach. My first job as a Pastor was as the new church start pastor of McFarland UCC in McFarland, WI. It actually began while I was still in Seminary and Sharon was a Med Student at UW Madison Medical School. We lived in Madison at the time and later in McFarland. In addition to working at Moon Beach Camp I have also worked in a fast food hamburger restaurant kitchen; as an Orderly/Housekeeping on a surgical floor of a Hos-pital (second shift); as a lab/lecture asst. for college Biolo-gy courses (Comparative Anatomy, Microbiology, Bio 101/2); in a Pizza Hut kitchen; as a part-time school bus driver; and most importantly, as a stay at home Dad when our girls were young. Sharon and I married in 1973 when I was a college grad going to Seminary and she was finishing her under-grad degree (she finished at the U of MN). She went on to Med School in Madison. In 1979 our first daughter, Am-ber, was born while Sharon was in Med School and I was at the McFarland UCC. Our second daughter, Beth, was born in 1982 in Lansing MI while Sharon was in her Fam-ily Practice Residency. We moved there in 1980. I was stay at home Dad for both Amber and Beth. Amber and husband Derek live in Columbus MS where both have positions on the administration/faculty of the Mississippi University for Women. Amber teaches History (PhD) and is also running an administration program to help profes-sors teach students more effectively. Derek is Archivist for the University and also teaches classes in the same. They have a daughter, Eleanor, age five months; our first grandchild. Beth lives in Halethorpe MD outside of Balti-

Page 5 Good News! NOVEMBER NEWS more. Beth works as Communications and Marketing Director at the Maryland University for Integrative Health, which seeks to promote and train students for fus-ing Eastern medical practices with Western medicine. Beth recently became engaged (in Paris no less) but she and Jujliya have not set a firm wedding date other than possi-bly spring in 2017 when both have finished graduate stud-ies. I think I admire the women in our family the most. All of them, my Mom, Sharon’s Mom, Sharon, Amber and Beth (it is too soon to know about Eleanor!) were valedictorians of their High School class. They seem able to integrate life, children, education, careers, family, and all with grace and love. And, of course, they had the smarts and grace to marry us men in the family. As for a cause beyond the church to be devoted to, I would choose the environment.

My most memorable travel experience was the gift my parents gave me for my High School graduation. It was a ten day trip to New York City sponsored by the Wisconsin Council of Churches, led by two pastors from Tomahawk WI who happened to be at Seminary together in New York. It was on that trip that I met a young woman named Sharon Anderson … The farthest away from home I have been had been to Europe, most likely Italy specifically Venice. This was the second trip to Europe we took with the girls, the first being to Ireland and Britain. The funniest (in retrospect) thing that happened to me was our return from our honeymoon. We stopped for gas in the Minocqua area and received the best and most total service ever from the station attendant. This was back in the era when the station attendant actually came out and pumped gas into your car. He checked every belt on the engine, every fluid level, the tire pressure, everything. I chalked it up to the partially removed Just Married soap sign on the back of the car. Next thing I knew a local po-lice car pulled into the other side of the pumps and the officer greeted the attendant, “Hi Fred” and was respond-ed to with “Hi George.” I was suddenly spun to the side of the car in the spread, arrest position, the officer with his hand on his weapon. Turns out, there was a “note” in the gas cap saying, “Help. I’m being kidnapped and held against my will. He’ll say we are married …”. Also turns out that a “white slave ring” between the Twin Cities and Chicago had be broken up with arrests in the Minocqua area. Thank goodness the marriage was going well. It took me five years to track down the fraternity brother who put the note in the gas cap at the wedding. The greatest effect was that the police called Sharon’s folks to confirm our “story”, and by the time we returned to Tom-ahawk later in the day, all her relatives had gathered at her parent’s house to hear the episode …

In my spare time I enjoy reading, TV, and puttering in my workshop at the back of the garage making items in wood. With a new home and a new grandchild there are lots of projects to do and dream. The place of religion in my life? Sort of like asking whether the Pope is Catholic and does a bear visit the lava-tree. It is my lifelong quest for knowledge, under-standing, and mystery. Favorite food – all of them, except for rutabagas & olives. A tie for favorite season between Fall and Winter. Lessons in life: patience, forgiveness, and love.

The Women’s Association purchased bibles again for the third graders. They were presented by Rev. Bill Handy and their teacher Cheryl Drevlow. Shown is Bill Handy

and from left to right: Wyatt Nyara, Carter Evanson, Portia Torres, Bella Roman, Hope Swanson, Molly McKuen, (Not pictured, Hank Martinson_

Bibles Presented to Third Graders

Page 6 Good News! NOVEMBER NEWS

Thank you to everyone who par ticipat-ed last month with the Chili Cook Off Fund-raiser organized for The Brick by Eileen VanPernis raised $575.00 for The Brick! Thank you everyone and Eileen and Paul! Thank you…… To Bob Mahnke, who repaired the 2nd floor windows in the Education Wing Thank you…..To Sally MacGregor, Alice Whiting and Evie Roguski for coordinating meetings last month for Sunday School kids and parents. This meeting was de-signed to get more planning and participation of events for this important group here at our church! Thank you….. to Kim Bro… for kick starting the Pony


Hello Everyone! This year I have agreed to direct this year’s Children's Christmas pageant. It will be based off of the story "A Special Place for Santa". I am working closely with Nancy Dufek on the music and Bill Handy has already offered to play a role if need be. I want it to really be something we can all be proud of, which is why I am asking for everyone's help in making this play memorable for everyone. I am listing the things I know as of now. 1. Costume coordinator - -There will not be much to this since we have most of what we need. You would be main-ly responsible for making sure kids had the right ones. As well as making sure they all got put back. 2. Set design coordinator - As far as set design, we need someone who can help kids paint some fake store, wrap presents, possibly the stable 3. Casting agent - -Picks out the cast 4. Snack coordinator - Plans a snack for practices and the day of the play (You can ask parents to bring the snacks.) 5.Stage set-up and take-down crew -Does just that, gets the stage set-up and then put away. Wow that's a lot. Please let me know where you can help. On another note. I also need to know when it is best for everyone to get together to create sets, make props, and of course practice. There was mention of practicing on the Wed. when the children have early release. As of now these would be great days to do props and set work. We may not have Nancy on these days to help me go through play practice. Thoughts on when play practices could take place? Thank you! Jill Zifko

Children’s Christmas Pageant is in the Planning Stages

Shoe Box Gifts: Dear Friends at Presbyterian Congregational Church, I am hopeful that you are preparing shoe box gifts again this year. The following are drop-off hours at Grace Bi-ble Fellowship. If you have any questions, please call (715 373-5663) or email me. Thank you! Marilyn Jaeger Church Relations / Relay Center Coordinator for OCC Nov 16: 2-3 pm; 17th-18th: 1-3 pm; Nov 19: 5-7 pm; Nov. 20-21st: 10 am - noon;

Community Christmas Concert This year’s Community Christmas will be held on Sunday, December 6th at 4 p.m. in our church. This concert originated by the Wednes-day Music Club features musical selections from area churches and schools. Come and enjoy this free concert. For more information contact Lynn Adams at

Page 7 Good News! NOVEMBER NEWS

Standing meetings for out of facility groups: 1) Wednesdays Noon: AA group meets in lounge / 2) Wednesdays in Dining room from Noon to 2 pm: Ceramics Class for disabled adults /3) Sundays at 7:00 pm – NA group meets in lounge

Calendar Items for Church members: 11/1: DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS – turn clocks BACK 1 hour 9:15 am Sunday School / 9:15 am Adult Bible Study 10:30 am Worship with communion 1:00 pm – Sunday school kids and families: HAYRIDE at Pat & Sharon Hammonds with sandwiches & s’mores! 7:00 pm – SNL – high school youth 11/3: 9:00 am Staff Meeting 7:00 pm PNC Meeting in Youth Room 6-7:30 pm – Grief Support Group meet in Dining Room 11/4 1 pm – Women’s Canasta in Dining Room 5-6:30 pm – Middle School youth meet 7:00 pm – Choir 11/5 1 0-Noon – Mom’s playgroup in Ed Wing Nursery 11/6 5:00 pm – PNC Meeting in Dining Room 11/7 7:30 pm Chamber Music Concert 11/8 9:15 am – Sunday School / 9:15 am Adult Bible Study 10:30 Worship; Stewardship Sunday with Liturgical Dance and Thanks giving Potluck Meal to follow worship 7:00 pm – SNL for high school youth 11/9: 9:30 am – TEAM Meeting 6:30 pm – PNC Meeting in Dining Room 11/10 4 pm – Stewardship Meeting 5 pm – Buildings & Grounds Meeting 6-7:30 pm – Grief Support Group Meeting in Dining Room 7:00 pm – Chamber Music Society Meeting in Youth Room 11/11 5-6:30 pm – Middle School youth meet 11/12 8:30 am - AAMA Meeting in Dining Room 10 am – Mom’s playgroup in Ed Wing Nursery 1:30 GAME DAY at Court Manor 11/14: Mini Women’s Retreat & Brunch in Dining Room 11/15 9:15 am Sunday School / 9:15 am Adult Bible Study 10:30 am – Worship service 7 pm – SNL for high school youth 11/16 1 pm – Mary Martha Meet in Dining Room 7 pm – Deborah Circle meet at Marian Penn’s 11/18 1 pm – Women’s canasta in Dining room 5-6:30 pm Middle School youth meet 5:30 pm – SESSION 7:00 pm – Choir 11/19 10-noon Mom’s playgroup in Ed wing nursery 11/22 9:15 am Sunday School / 9:15 am Adult Bible Study 10:30 am – Thanksgiving Worship service 7:00 pm – SNL meet for High school youth 11/23 Newsletter submission deadline 11/25 6-7 pm – Ecumenical Worship service at Saron Lutheran Church 11/26 THANSKGIVING – Office Closed 11/27 DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING – Office closed 11/28 10:00 am – Decorate Sanctuary for Christmas and put up Christmas Tree 11/29 8:15 am Sunday School / 8:15 am Adult Bible Study 10:30 am Worship service – 1st Sunday in Advent 7:00 pm – SNL for high School youth


During the summer months both Pastor Bill’s email and Office Administrator Kate Bernar-do’s email addresses CHANGED. We have made an effort to be in contact with all of our Church Family members to make you aware of these changes, but sometimes someone slips through, so we are PUBLISHING the NEW EMAIL ADDRESSES to be used for contacting the Pastor and the church office:



have a health concern, or wish to place

someone on the prayer chain please call Julie

Radke at 715-373-0265 or you can email her

at You can also leave

information with the church office and they

will make sure Julie gets the information.

Thank you!

The MIF (Ministry Information

Form) has been approved for this

church by the Presbytery of North-

ern Waters. This form has now

been forwarded to the National of-

fice and will appear in the next edi-

tion of vacancies for Pastors and/or

Teaching Elders.

3 Tom Waby, Anna Mertig

4 Julia Waggoner, Bella Roman, Dan Dundovich

5 Reggie Habas

6 Ike Brunsvold, Denise Minor

7 Karen Pauley, Justine Barningham

8 Laurel Shanks

9 David Zeis

10 Hazel Biglow, Marena Beilfuss, Ahnali Zifko

11 Sara Heisler, Mike Hudack, Brenda Mattson

12 Della Bro, Dausyn Torres

14 Carla Bremner, Mike Sheils, Ashley Mahnke, Dane Gottschall, Glenn Samuelson, Molly MacGregor

15 David Joyal, Scott Kramer, Heidi Austin, Warren Kolwitz

16 Hannah Bochler, John Habas

17 Greg Radke

19 Aaron Adams, Kim Bro, Diane Flanders

22 Nathan Zoesch, Portia Torres

23 Bonnie Erickson, Victoria York

26 George Eder, Angela Michler

27 Keith Dallenbach, Jr., Gavin Thomas Schultz

29 Terry Biglow


Coffee Fellowship Hosts

1 Bea Hayen and Vicki York

8 Thanksgiving Meal Potluck Dinner

15 Jim and Anna Fridsma

22 Gerald and Rebecca Nelson

Recording/Radio (played at 10:30 am 1400 AM)

1 Joe Shultz

8 Aaron Mainguth

15 Chuck Gottschall

22 T.Jay Jones

29 Bruce Beilfuss

Acolyte Schedule

1 Peter and Molly MacGregor

8 Marshall and Hope Swanson

15 Tony and Trista Richardson

22 Colton and Carter Evenson

29 Avria Dugger and Abby Traaholt

Children’s Chat Schedule

1 Tina Hagstrom

8 Bill Handy

15 Mark Sneed

22 Julie McKuen

29 Julia Waggoner

Lay Readers

1 Jocelyn Langholz

8 Kathy Miller

15 Cheryl Drevlow

22 Amanda Krueger

29 Kay Despard

Communition Assistants

11/1 Julie Radke, Jane Kulbacki and Sherry Hanson

Counters (for worship contributions)

Month of November: Alice Evenson and Kathy Miller

The Holiday Bazaar

Saturday, December 5, from 9:30 a.m.—1 p.m.

In the church dining room and lounge. There will be tables with baked goods and candy and crafts for sale as well as many treasures in Granny's Attic.

Moving or new email address? Please give all information for your address or email change to the church office. Information for the church newsletter. Please forward your information for the December issue of Good News! to the church office by Nov. 22nd.

United Presbyterian-Congregational Church 214 Vaughn Avenue Ashland WI 54806 (715) 682-3093

Our Vision: “To be a welcoming family of God that

joyfully embraces the servant

life in Christ.”

Contact Information

Ben Cogger



Bill Handy Interim Pastor


Kate Bernardo Secretary


Allison Radke Youth Minister


Cindy Johnson Treasurer


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