notes for the olympic test

Post on 11-Jul-2015






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The Olyimpic Games

Hello everyone. I give you a document about the Olympic Games. I also

enclose you the list with the Olyimpic sports you said the first session. This

information can be helpful for the end of the unit test about the Olympics and

Jocs dels petits estats I attach you this document as well.


The first Olympic Games started 2,700 years ago in Olympia (Greece)

The modern Olympic Games started in Athens (Greece) in 1896. There were

200 men from 14 countries and 9 sports.

In 1900 women participated in the Olympics

The first winter Olympics were celebrated in Chamonix in 1924. The sports

were skiing, skating, sledging and ice hockey.

In 1992 The Olympic Games were hold in Barcelona! The Paralympic archer

Antonio Rebello started the Olympic flame by shooting a fire-arrow.

In Atlanta’96 we celebrated 100 years of Olympic Games. There were 10,000

athletes from 96 countries and 26 sports.

Barcelona wants to celebrate the Winter Olympics in 2022 (Barcelona-Pirineus).

It could be the first country holding Summer and Winter Olympic Games!

We must wait!!!!

Interesting facts

The Olympic Games are celebrated every 4 years.

The Olympic flag has five rings who represent the 5 Continents.

When the Olympic Games are near, the Olympic flame goes from Olympia to

the county who organize the Olympics. There are thousands of relays who take

the flame to the Olympic Stadium.

Jocs dels petits estats

1.- When were the last Jocs dels Petits estats hold in Andorra?

The last “Jocs dels petits estats in Andorra” were in 2005.

2.-What were the sports represented?

The sports represented were: Athletics, Basketball, Volleyball, Beach Volley,

Cycling, Mountain Bike, Swimming, Tennis table, Taekwondo, Judo, Tennis,


3.- Have ever been celebrated any Winter “Jocs dels petits estats”?

No never.

4.- What are the Countries or “Petits estats” who participate in this Olympics?.

The countries who participated in the Jocs dels petits estats d’Andorra were:

Andorra, Malta, Monaco, Island, Cyiprus, Luxemburg, Lienchestein and San


Olympic Word bank

Olympic sports Winter Olympics

Swimming Skiing (Downhill, Super G

Athletics Giant, Slalom)

Archery Ski Jumping

Cycling (Road, MTB, Track) Acrobatic Ski

Football Free Style

Basketball Cross Country Skiing

Tennis Curling

Volleyball (Court, Beach Volley) Ice Hockey

Badminton Sledging

Canoeing and rowing







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