note:- holiday homework is compulsory for all the students ... · note:- holiday homework is...

Post on 26-Oct-2020






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  • NOTE:-

    Holiday homework is compulsory for all the students and it carries


    Revise all the bookwork and copy work done in Nov. & Dec.

    Do all the Mock Papers in A4 size rulled sheets.

    Written Mock Paper to be done in Neat handwriting.


  • Your success and happiness lies in

    you. Resolve to keep happy and

    your joy and you shall form an

    invincible host

    against difficulties.

    NAME : ___________________ CLASS: _________ SEC: __________ ROLL NO: _______________

    DATE : ________________



    SUBJECT : ENGLISH Time : 2:30 hr MM: 60 Marks General Instructions: - Read the questions carefully and attempt all the questions. * Do the paper in neat handwriting * All sections are compulsory. * This paper is divided into four sections: Section-A : Reading – 10 Marks Section-B : Writing – 10 Marks Section-c : Grammar – 20 Marks Section-D : Literature – 20 Marks Section-A( Reading ) : 10 Marks Q.1 Read the given passage below and answer the following questions: Father: Salim, why are you wearing sherwani to school today? Salim: We are doing a play on Chacha Nehru,today. Today is 14th November and we are going to stage a play on Chacha Nehru. Nehru was fond of children. So, we celebrate this day as children’s day. We call him as Chacha Ahmed: I am going to play the role of Gandhi. Gandhi was called ‘Bapu’. The Father ofNation. A)Answer the following questions : (6) i)Who is going to play the role of Nehru? ii) Who is going to play the role of Gandhi? iii) On which day we celebrate Chacha’s birthday? iv) Who is known as Chacha? v) Who was fond of children? vi) Who is known as father of Nation? B) Give examples of each given below : (3) i) Noun: ii) Verb: iii) Pronoun : C) Write the plural of the following : (1)


    People -


    Q.2 You are not well and doctor has advised you to take rest .Write a sick leave application

    addressing to the Principal of your school. (5)

    Q.3 Look at the picture and write five sentences about it. (5)


    Q.4 Choose the correct word to fill in each gap. (4*0.5= 2)

    a) I shouted but he could not ______ me. ( here,hear)

    b) That is ______ house. ( their,there)

    c) The teacher told us an amusing ________. ( tail,tale)

    d) There are seven days in a ________ . ( weak,week)

    Q.5 Fill in the blanks with suitable interjections. (2)

    a)_________ ! I have burnt my hand on the kettle.

    b) _________ ! What a tall building!

    Q.6 Choose the correct conjunction with the help of words given below to fill in each

    blank. (4*0.5= 2)

    But, so , and , because

    a) He is ill, _____ he has not gone to school.

    b) I phoned him, ______ there was no reply.

  • c) She was angry with me _________ I was late.

    d) I have a pen ________ a pencil .

    Q.7 Underline the prepositions in the following sentences . (4*0.5= 2)

    a) The cows are in the field.

    b) I got up at 5:30 this morning.

    c) We will go after lunch.

    d) The letter is from Govind.

    Q.8 Complete the sentences using must with the verbs in given below: (2)

    ( tall, eat, see, stop, buy, have)

    a) You are too fat. You _____________________ less.

    b) This sari would suit you. You _________________________ it.

    Q.9 Fill in the blanks with the suitable prepositions. . (4*0.5= 2)

    a) We went ________ Chennai _______ train.

    b) I had a letter ________ Ashok. He often writes _______ me.

    Q.10 make sentences using can I...? (2)

    a) to sharpen your pencil

    b) to switch off the light

    Q.11 Ask somebody to do these thing. Use will. (3)

    a) tell you the time

    b) play the CD again

    c) turn the tap off

    Q.12 The teacher said these things to you yesterday. You did the things. Now say what you

    did. (3)

    a) Answer the questions.

    b) Turn to page 17. c) Listen carefully.


    Q.13 Answer the following questions. (4*2= 8)

    a) where were the miller and his son going?

    b) Jack took the hen from the giant. Did he do the right thing?

    c) What did the oxen do after the work was done?


    Why did the oxen go their separate ways?

    d) If a lady frog passes by, what does the lazy frog do?

    Q.14 Mark T or F. (4*0.5= 2)

    a) Fred pretend to be deaf. ____

    b) Four oxen were not good friends. _____

    c) Jack got 5 magical beans in exchange of Milky. ____

    d) The women called the miller cruel. _____

    Q.15 RTC -1 (3*1=3)

    ‘ You are not our leader just because you are older. ‘

    a) Whose words are these?

    b) Did everyone feel the same way?

    c) What happened to the oxen in the end?

    Q.16 RTC-2 (3*1=3)

    ‘ I have got a golden hen. It will lay golden eggs. ‘

    a)Who said this?

    b)To whom did the speaker say these words?

    c)Where did they live?

  • Q.17 Fill in the blanks (4*0.5= 2)

    a) The only possession that Jack and his mother had was a __________________ .

    b) __________ pounced upon oxen and killed him.

    c) ____________ is a very lazy frog.

    d) _____________ was really a very kind- hearted man.

    Q.18 Write the meaning of the following: (2)

    a) Lolls

    b) Meadow

  • अभ्मास प्रश्न ऩत्र (२०१९-२०)

    कऺा : तीसयी

    विषम : हहॊदी

    सभम : 2.45 घॊटे ऩूणाांक : 60

    साभान्म ननदेश :

    १) प्रशन -ऩत्र भें तीन खॊड है – क ,ख ,ग २) प्रत्मेक खॊड अननिामय है | ३) स्ऩष्ट ि सुन्दय रेखन का ध्मान यखें |

    प्र.१ ऩहित गद्ाॊश को ऩढ़कय ननम्न प्रश्नों के लरए सही विकल्ऩ चनुो | (5)

    ककसी ने सही कहा है –“सफसे फड़ा सखु ननयोगी कामा है |” हभाये ऩास चाहे ककतना बी ऩसैा हो रेककन शयीय अस्िस्थ हो तो सफ व्मथय है | अिस्थ व्मक्ति का स्िबाि चचडचचडा हो जाता है | ककसी बी कामय भें उसे आनॊद नहीॊ आता –- न खेरन-ेकूदने भें औय न ही ऩढने-लरखने भें | शयीय स्िस्थ हो तो भन बी स्िस्थ औय प्रसन्न यहता है |

    क) सफसे फड़ा सखु क्मा है? कीटाणु ,लभिाई ,ननयोगी कामा

    ख) अस्िस्थ व्मक्ति का स्िबाि कैसा हो जाता है ? प्रसन्न ,चचडचचडा ,स्िच्छ

    ग) महद शयीय अस्िस्थ है तो सफ _____है | नाक ,फहुत ,व्मथय

    घ) विरोभ फताओ ----स्िस्थ ,प्रसन्न ङ) िाक्म फनाओ | सखु

    प्र.२ अऩहित गद्ाॊश को ऩढ़कय ऩछेू गए प्रश्नों के उत्तय दो |(एक शब्द भें) (5)

    साम्प्रदानमक सदबाि हभाये देश की विशषेता है | हभाये देश भें अनेक धभो के रोग यहते है | सफ एक-दसूये के त्मोहाय लभर-जुरकय भनाते है | हभाये देश भें हहन्द,ू भसु्स्रभ, लसख, इसाई सबी धभो के त्मोहायों –हदिारी , ईद, गुरुऩिय, किसभस, आहद को सभान रूऩ से

  • भहत्ि हदमा जाता है | मह अनेकता भें एकता ही हभाये विशार देश को एकसतू्र भें फाॊधे हुए है |

    क) हभाये देश भें ककस धभय के रोग यहते है ? ख) हभाये देश को ककसने एकसतू्र भें फाॉधा हुआ है ? ग) हभाये देश की विशषेता क्मा है ? घ) क्मा हभाये देश भें सबी त्मोहायों को सभान रूऩ से भहत्ि हदमा जाता है ? ङ) िाक्म फनाओ ---एकता

    खॊड -ख (व्मािाहरयक व्माकयण +रेखन कौशर)

    प्र.३ विरोभ शब्द लरखो | (2)

    भौखखक , हदन

    प्र.४ ऩमायमिाची शब्द लरखो (दो-दो) (2)

    ऩहाड़ ____, ______

    पूर ______, _____

    प्र.५ िाक्माॊश के लरए एक शब्द लरखो | (2)

    जो अऩने देश का हो - ______

    सार भें एक फाय होने िारा - ______

    प्र.६ ननम्न िाक्मों भें उचचत किमा शब्द छाॉटकय लरखो | (2)

    क) तुभ रोग कफ ( ?______खाए ,आमे) ख) भैं फाज़ाय ______हूॉ ( | बागता ,जाता)

  • प्र.७ विशषेण शब्दों को उचचत सॊऻा से लभराओ | (2)

    क) पूर १ कारा ख) कौआ २ रार ग) खयगोश ३ पुतीरा घ) कऩडा ४ दो भीटय

    प्र.८ अशवुि -शोधन कयो | (3)

    ऩड़ौसी , स्िास्थ , अविष्काय

    प्र.९ सही ितयनी ऩय घेया Ọ रगाओ | (2)

    क) ऩहाड़ ऩाहड ऩहदा ख) बलूभ बभूी बभुी

    प्र१०. चगनती लरखो :- (शब्दों भें) (2)

    २८ , ३४

    (अॊको भें)

    तीस , उनतारीस

    प्र११ . ननम्न भें से ककसी एक विषम ऩय ननफॊध लरखो | (4)

    ऩेड़ो का भहत्ि


    सभम का भहत्ि

    प्र१२. दादाजी को अऩने नए लभत्र के फाये भें फताते हुए ऩत्र लरखो | (4)

  • खॊड – ग (नमी उड़ान + भधुय कहाननमाॉ )

    प्र१३ . शब्दाथय लरखो | (3)

    सयोिय , अनबुि , अधय

    प्र१४. रयि स्थान बयो | (2)

    क) िह एक के फाद एक _______कयता चरा गमा | ख) ग्राभोफ़ोन का आविष्काय बी ________ने ककमा |

    प्र१५. सही िाक्म ऩय √ तथा गरत िाक्म ऩय × का ननशान रगाओ | (2)

    क) स्नान कयने से योभ -नछद्र फॊद हो जाते है ) ( | ख) हभे आसऩास की स्िच्छता ऩय बी ध्मान देना होगा ) ( |

    प्र१६. सही विकल्ऩ चनुकय लरखो | (3)

    क) ककशन ककस प्रकाय के कामय कयना चाहता था ?

    िीयता के , ऩसॊद के , सेिा के

    ख) एक्तडसन ने ककस उम्र भें अखफाय फेचना शरुू ककमा ? पास्पोयोस ,तेर ,ऩेट्रोर

    ग) नीभ का कौन सा बाग दाॊतों के लरए राबकायी है ?

    जड़ , पर, टहनी

    प्र१७ . ऩॊक्तिमाॉ ऩयूी कयो | (2)

    चरो नमी लभसार हो


    फढ़ो नमा कभार हो


  • प्र१८. नीभ के कोई चाय राबदामक बाग फताओ | (2)

    प्र१८. ननम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तय ऩयेू िाक्म भें दो | (कोई दो) (4)

    क) ककशन ने अॊत भें शये के साथ क्मा ककमा ? ख) एक्तडसन का ऩयूा नाभ क्मा था ? ग) एक्तडसन ने ककन चीजो की खोज की ? घ) हभाये स्िस््म का आधाय क्मा है?

    प्र२०. उच्च स्तयीम प्रशन :- (2)

    भाता वऩता के ननदेशों का ऩारन कयने से क्मा होता है ?

    प्र२१ . ननम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तय एक शब्द भें दो | (5)

    क) नेिरे ने ऩतु्र की ककससे यऺा की ? ख) ब्राह्मण ऩतु्र की यऺा के लरए ककसको छोड़कय गमा / ग) कॊ जूस ने गड्ढे के ऊऩय क्मा यख हदमा ? घ) हरयदत्त अऩनी जीविका कैसे चराता था ? ङ) हरयदत्त के ऩतु्र को ककसने डस लरमा ?

  • Mock paper CLASS III

    SUBJECT-MATHEMATICS Time: 2.30hrs MM: 60MARKS Note: 1) Attempt all the questions 2) Use sharpened pencil and eraser 3) Draw margins lines on both the sides Q1) Fill in the blanks. (5x1=5) i. We can express seven nineths using numerals as................... ii. Fifty five rupees and twenty three paise in short form is ............... iii. The minutes hand goes .................round the clock in one hour. iv.8000grams v. Piece of information ,in the language of mathematics ,are called............... Q2) Write T for ‘True’ and F for ‘False’. (5x1=5) i. The numerator of a unit fraction is 10. ii. The currency of India is rupees. iii .The sun is over head at 12o’clock noon. iv. 5m34cm =534cm. v. The top number in the fraction is the denominator. Q3) Tick the correct answer. (5x1=5) I. Two or more fractions with the same denominator is called...... A)Unit fractions B) like fractions C)unlike fraction D)none of these II. We write 6 rupees as........paise. A)60 B) 600 C) 6000 D) 6 III. There are ......days in the month of May A)30 B) 31 C)29 D)28 IV.1cm A)10 B) 100 C) 1000 D)10000 V) 2kg +400g=........g A)2400g B)240g C)24g D)4200g Q4) Write answer in one word . (5X1=5) i. How much 4 five rupee note will make? ii. To convert L into mL we multiply by. iii. The pictograph shows the number of fruits:

  • Apples ѼѼѼ

    Pears ѼѼѼѼ

    Oranges ѼѼѼѼѼ

    Mangoes ѼѼѼѼѼѼѼ

    Write down 3 facts by looking at the pictograph. Q5. Short answer type question. TYPE -1 i)Write the fractions : Shaded =.......... Unshaded =.............

    (2) ii)Arrange in vertical columns and add 58.35 + 21.46 (2) iii)Ram starts his yoga at 6:30 am and finishes at 8:30am.How long does he do yoga? (2) iv)Last year Jolly’s height was 2m34cm.This year she has grown taller by 5cm.How much is her height now. (2) v)Convert (2x2=4) a) b) Q6)Short answer type question TYPE-2 (3X4=12)

    I) a )Add :4

    9 +


    9b) Subtract


    8 -



    II) Multiply 24.50 by 12. III) Subtract 36kg from 45kg 30g. IV) The pictograph shows the number of things. 1 picture=1 item





    1)Which item is maximum. 2)Which item is minimum. 3)How many scales are there. Q7. Answer the long type question? (4X4=16)

  • i)Meera bought a skirt for 210.56 and a shirt for 45.50. How much money did she spend altogether. ii)One litre petrol costs 70.45 .How much would 6 litre petrol cost. iii)Tanu goes to school at 7:00am and returns at 1:00pm .How long is she away from the home. iv)Draw a pictograph of the instrument given below.

    Violin Guitar Drums Piano Tabla 80 20 30 70 30

    Q8. Dodging table. (1x5=5) i) 12x3= ii)13x5= iii)15x7= iv)14x8= v)10x7= Q9. HHW (5)


    SUBJECT- SCIENCE Instructions: *All questions are compulsory *Attempt the paper in neat handwriting. Q1. Choose correct answer (9) i)Force can do 1.Nothing 2. one thing 3. many thing ii)At what time is the shadow shortest 1.sunset 2.sunrise 3.noon iii)At what time is the shadow longest 1. sunset 2.sunrise 3.noon iv)The planet closet to the earth 1. neptune 2. venus 3.jupiter v)Earth spins from ____ 1. East and west 2.West and east 3.north to south vi) ____spacecraft went first time in the moon. 1. Apollo11 2.Apollo12 3.Apollo10 vii)Kalpana chawla died when she was 1. going into space 2.returning from space space viii) ___ Three states of water 1. ice, water and vapour 2. Ice, water and bubbles 3. Ice and water ix) Astronauts wear special suits that contain a supply of 1. petrol 2. Water 3. air Q2. Write true and false and rectify false. (7) i) Unpleasant sounds are called noise. ii)A solar eclipse occurs when the moon blocks the light of the sun. iii)The shape of the earth is flat. iv)The revolution of the earth on its axis causes days and nights. v)Neil Armstrong was the first man who went to the moon. vi)Weather changes from hours to hours. vii)Light travels faster than sound.

  • Q3. Fill in the blank (6) i)Light travels in a straight line as thin beams of _____________ ii)_____________ are the patterns formed by stars. iii)If you throw an object up in the air, it will ______________ iv)On cooling tiny drops of water become ________________ Q4. Give answer in one word. (6) i)Which is natural satellite of the earth. ii)More than half of the moon is called __________. iii)First man landed on the moon in the year ______________. iv)Who is second woman of Indian origin to go into space? v)Name three main season of India. vi)What do is too much rain cause? Q5. Match the following (3) A Honking 1. Planet B Orion 2. Noise C Saturn 3. Constellation Q6. Answer the following (2X5= 10) i)Name two luminous objects. ii)What does the rotation of the earth cause? iii)Name two astronauts who travelled in the spacecraft with Neil Armstrong. iv)Why is noon the hottest part of the day? v)What is your weight in the moon, if your weight on earth is 48kg? Q7. Answer the following (3x3= 9) i)Explain phases of moon with help of diagram. ii)Draw water cycle and label. iii)Why does the earth appear flat to us? Q8. Answer the following (2x5=10) a)Explain force with an example. Mention effects of force on an object. 1.Why is a cloudy night warmer than a night when the sky is clear?

  • 2. Identify in which season these are used a.



  • Mock paper CLASS III

    SUBJECT-S.ST Time: 2.30hrs MM: 60MARKS Note 1) Attempt all the questions 2) Use sharpened pencil and eraser 3) Draw margins lines on both the sides Q1) Fill in the blanks. (4x1=4)

    I. _____ is very popular sweet dish in Mumbai.

    II. Mumbai has large number of _______ mills.

    III. The people of Kolkata speak ______

    IV. Chennai is the ____ largest city in India.

    Q2) Write T for ‘True’ and F for ‘False’. (3x1=3)

    I. The new name of Howrah Bridge is Vidyasagar Setu.

    II. Chennai faces the Arabian Sea.

    III. Early man was a food gatherer.

    Q3) Match the following (4x1=4)

    1) Sea beach a) Pongal

    2) Trams b) Animal skin 3) Festival c) Marine Drive

    4) Clothes d) Transport

    Q4) Tick the correct answer. (4x1=4)

    I. Chennai gets rainfall in

    A) Summer B) Winter C) Both of these

    II. Kolkata is the capital of

    A) Odisha B) West Bengal C) Assam

    III. Avadi in Chennai is famous for manufacturing of

    A) Tanks B) Guns C) Aeroplanes

    IV. The climate of Mumbai can be described as

    A) Moderate B) Extreme C) Hot and Humid

    Q5. Short answer type question. (6x2=12) i)Describe the climate of Kolkata?

  • ii)Name any 4 famous buildings of Kolkata? iii)Which city is the financial capital of India? Where are Elephanta caves? iv)Why is Bombay High famous? v)How is Kolkata connected to the sea? vi)Explain the term Rasam? vii)Describe the most popular festival of Chennai? viii)How did early man made fire? ix)What did early man eat? Where did early man live? x)Name any 4 important industries of Chennai? xi)Give 2 examples: *Languages spoken in Kolkata *Clothes worn by people of Kolkata Q6) Answer the long type questions? (Answer any 4) (4X3=12) i)How did he make fire? ii)What do you know about the religious beliefs of early man? iii)How was Chennai founded? iv)Why was the Gateway of India Built? v)Which virtues of Mother Teresa would you like to inculcate? Q7) Answer the following questions? (Answer any 1) (1X4=4) i)Why is a lot of trade done from Chennai by the sea route? ii)Why did the British set up their capital in Kolkata? Q8) Identify the given pictures. (4X1=4)

    i)___________ iii)_________

    ii)___________ iv ____________

  • Q9) Locate the following on the political map of India. (5x1=5) *Arabian Sea *Bay of Bengal *Indian Oceans *Mumbai *West Bengal


    *Prepare a letter in MS word 2010 in the form invitation card to invite your friends at your home for New Year Party. Take a print out and paste it in N.B *Do periodic Assessment- 2 Pg no. 102 and Final Examination Q.P Pg no 103, 104 in book.

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