norway questionnaire results 2015

Post on 25-Jan-2017






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School of Bergen

Questionnaire Results

Survey Method

We took the decision to conduct the survey using the net based survey monkey tool.

The reason for this decision was because this is a tool the school currently use and parents are familiar with using.

They survey was launched online.

The parents were notified thorough the weekly newsletter.

The parents were given 3 weeks to take the opportunity to complete the survey.

Teacher Questionnaire Results

4 out of 5 teachers completed the survey.

Questionnaire was only issued to Homeroom Lower school teachers.

 Q1 Do you find your job satisfying in terms of self realisation? 

75% responded average to their job being satisfying in terms of self realisation.

25% responded a little.

Q2 Do you characterise your relations with your colleagues as helpful, constructive and cooperative?

All teachers responded a lot or average to feeling that their relationship with colleagues is helpful, constructive and cooperative.

Q3 Do you find that classroom hours allow you to get to know your pupils well?

There was a 50% response to both a lot and average that classroom hours allow for teachers to get to know their pupils.

Q4 Would you like to involve your pupils in activities other than those related to the subjects you teach?

All teachers responded with a lot or average showing that they would like to involve pupils in activities other than those related to the subject they teach.

Having a curriculum to follow with deadlines etc it can make it difficult at times to do extra activities which teachers would really like to do.

Q5 Do you think that your families are sufficiently involved in your pupils school life and education?

There were mixed responses to this question but all in the upper end of scale.

25% A lot50% Average25% A little

Q6 Have you met your pupils family members - parents or grandparents?

All teachers have met their pupils parents. Very few have met their pupils grandparents due to the status of the school environment being International with a lot of expat pupils.

Q7 Do you think your school proposes enough opportunities to increase pupils families participation in the school?

Teachers believe that there is enough opportunities for families to participate in school activities and their child`s learning.

Q8 Do you feel that you sometimes fail to understand your pupils because of a generation gap?

50% responded average25% responded a little and not at all

There is a range of generation changes between staff members making some more confident with the modern day than others.

Q9 Do you think you are creative and innovative in your teaching practices?

100% response that they are creative and innovative in teaching practices. The PYP curriculum lends itself to creative and innovative learning.

Q10 Do you handle with ease IT told and modern means of communication?

Teachers feel confident using IT in their teaching.The school has had a focus on IT in the last few years and supported teachers a lot in this area to ensure they feel confident when teaching.

Q11 Do you get enough opportunities to benefit from other teachers experience and good practice?

The majority of responses felt that they get enough opportunities to benefit from colleagues experiences and good practice.

Q12 Do you think that your teaching practices are efficient in preparing your pupils to confront the demands of modern society?

100% responded at the top range of the scale feeling that their teaching practices are efficient in preparing students to confront the demand of modern society.

Q13 Do you think in your job, creativity is frustrated by rules of bureaucracy?

The results here were spread across the board ranging from a lot to not at all.

Q14 Do you receive enough trust and support by school administration and school system?

Respondents feel that they get an average amount of trust and support from the school administration and school system.

15 Do you feel sometimes you fail to build bridges with pupils families?

50% felt on average 50% felt a littleWhen it comes to failing to build bridges with their pupils families.

16.Is your professionalism recognised also in economic terms?

75% felt that their professionalism is recognised in economic terms.25% felt that their professionalism is not recognised at all.

 Q17 Is your professionalism recognised by your community context?

100% responded that they feel their professionalism is recognised by the community.


The main points which have come out of the questionnaire are

•Teachers have a positive attitude towards their work.•Good working collaborative team.•Excellent teacher/pupil relationships•Time constraint is the main problem with regards to teaching extra chosen activities.•Teachers are confident with modern technology.•Good working relationship with parents but not grandparents due to the nature of the school.•Parents have a lot of opportunities to attend school events.

Q1 Do you feel that the time you spent with your grandchild makes any difference/contributes to his or her learning, behaviours and attitudes?

A lot

A little


5 responded a lot1 responded average1 responded a little

Q2 How often can you meet with your grandchild?

a) During the school term

b) During holidays

a) 7 responded less than once a month (100%)

b) 5 responded less than once a month with 1 responding that they see their grandchild everyday.

Important to remember that ISB is an international school and many live far away from their grandparents.

Q3 How much time did your grandparents spend with you in your childhood?

A lot


A little

None at all

3 responded a lot 3 responded a little1 responded none at all

Q4 How much time do you spend with your grandchild compared to the time your grandparents spent with you in your childhood?

A lot


A little

None at all

Over half of the respondents feel that they spend more time now with their grandchildren than they did with their grandparents.

Q5 What part of the time you spend with your grandchild do you spend playing games?

There were very mixed views on this question with some respondents ranking at the very high and very low end of the scale.

Over 40% responded in the middle, this may be due to the fact that many of our grandparents see their grandchildren all the time when they have the opportunity to see them.

Q6 Who plays the leading role when spending time with your grandchild?

 Me My grandchild Both of us

The majority find that it is their grandchild who takes the leading role when spending time with their grandchild.

Q7 Do you feel it difficult to find something that may be interesting for your grandchild?

Most of the time Some of the time Never

The results show that there are mixed views on finding something interesting for their grandchild. We must remember that the grandparents surveyed are of a wide multi cultural background and most likely live in a different part of the world than their grandchild.

Q8 Thinking of the games you played during your childhood, can these games still be played today?

Yes   No I am not sure

All respondents felt that their childhood games can still be played today by children.

Q9 Do you think schools should encourage grandparents to be involved in school projects, field trips, festivals and events?

Yes   No I am not sure

Despite most grandparents being unable to attend events in their grandchild`s school they feel that it is important for those who are able to be involved in school events.

Q10 How often have you been encouraged to assist your grandchild with school activities, projects, research, crafts etc since your grandchild started school?


Once More than once

Just over one quarter of respondents have been encouraged to assist in school events since their grandchild started school.

Due to the nature of our pupils this could have been in another school before commencing their education at ISB.

Q11 Would you like to participate in some school activities with your grandchild?


 No I would consider it

Just over one quarter of respondents would consider participating in some school activities and nearly three quarters said yes.

Despite answering yes, many of the grandparents are unable to due to living far away.

Q12 Have you visited your grandchild's school website?

Yes No

Almost three quarters of respondents have not visited their grandchild`s school website.

Reasons for this is most likely to be due to language barriers.

Q13 Have you learnt something from your grandchild/ren?

Answers included

•How to use a smartphone•Importance to stay in touch regarding days at school•How to use the internet•Importance of expressing feelings •Cultural differences

•Important to note that modern technology plays an important part in the grandparents/grandchilds life due to the distance apart many of them live.

 Q14 Do you like to see your grandchild/ren play and enjoy traditional games and toys?

Yes   No No opinion

All respondents like to see their grandchildren play and enjoy traditional games and play with traditional toys.


The response from the grandparents survey was disappointing but not really surprising since most of the pupils grandparents live in another country and many miles away.

From the responses the main points are

•Grandparents feel that it is important that children still play traditional games but also teach them new skills.•Despite living far away Grandparents feel it is important to be involved in their grandchilds school life.

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