north carolina teacher evaluation process training region 1 august, 2012

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Region 1Region 1August, 2012August, 2012

Before We Begin…

Visit: Add the Region 1 wikispace to your


Click “Region 1 Events” in the left menu.

Click “Beginning teachers NCEES Training” to access the interactive agenda for today.

Click “Agenda”.


Norms • To be actively involved• Value differences• Agree to disagree• Listen• Don’t take it personally• Be honest• Stay focused on

established purpose and goals

• Refrain from conducting ‘sidebar’ conversations



• Your Name

• School System

• Your Role

• Identify 1 Professional Learning Goal for

this Session


• Parking Lot

• Record Reflections: Penzu Journal


• Breaks

• Evaluation Opportunity -Your input is essential and valued!

• Participants will gain an understanding of the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System (NCEES)

• Participants will engage with the standards and describe what the elements ‘look like’ in an observation.

• Participants will determine how to self assess their teaching potential

• Participants will develop a basic understanding of the NCEES Rating system and will develop ideas for a Professional Development Plan




State Board of Education’s Mission Statement The guiding mission of the North

Carolina State Board of Education is that every public school student will graduate from high school, globally competitive for workand postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21st Century.

Produce globally competitive students

Be led by 21st century professionals

Be governed and supported by 21st Century Systems

Produce globally competitive students

Be led by 21st century professionals

Be governed and supported by 21st Century Systems

Let’s Review the Teacher Evaluation


Component 1: TrainingBefore participating in the evaluation process, all teachers, principals and peer evaluators must complete training on the evaluation process.

Component 2: Orientation

Within two weeks of teacher’s first day, the principal will provide:

A. The Rubric for Evaluating North Carolina Teachers;

B. Teacher Evaluation Policy ID Number: TCP-C-004

C. A schedule for completing evaluation process.

Before Week 3 of School Year


Training and Orientation

Component 4: Pre-Observation Conference Before the first formal observation, the principal meets with the teacher to discuss: self assessment, professional development plan, and a written description of the lesson(s) to be observed. Goal: To prepare principal for the observation.

Before First Formal Observation


Self-Assessment, Goal Setting and Pre-Conference

Component 3: Teacher Self-AssessmentUsing the Rubric , the teacher shall rate their performance and reflect on his or her performance throughout the year.

Self AssessmentThe purpose of the self assessment is allow

educators to reflect on their practice, identifying their own professional

strengths and areas of development. Your Self‐Assessment will lead directly into the

development of your Professional Development Plan Goals.Lets Look at the Self Assessment.

Go to McRel or look at manual:

The New Preliminary Professional Development Plan and Professional Development Plan are nearly identical.

The New Preliminary Professional Development Plan is created by the teacher.

The teacher and the administrator have the ability to add content to the form.

The Professional Development Plan is created by the administrator. The teacher and the administrator have the ability to add content to the form.

Professional Development Plans

Professional Development Plans

Individual PDP Monitored PDP Directed PDPRated “Proficient” or higher on all standards

Rated “Developing” on one or more standards

Rated “Not Demonstrated” on any standard orRated “Developing” on one or more standards for two consecutive years

Teacher sets individual goals for growth

Not recommended for dismissal, demotion, or non-renewal at this time

Not recommended for dismissal, demotion, or non-renewal at this time

Administrator and teacher meet to discuss PDP 3 times – Beginning of the year, Mid-year, End-of-Year

Administrator and teacher meet to discuss and set goals together – Meet at least 3 times (beginning of the year, mid-year, and end-of-year to review progress)

Administrator sets goals for teacher based on observations and documentation – meets with teacher to review the development plan. Meet at least 3 times to review progress.

One school year to reach proficiency

One school year or less to reach proficiency (as determined by the LEA)

Let’s Practice with the Online Tool


McRel Demo Site:

North Carolina Educator Evaluation System Wiki:

Component 5: Observations

A. Formal observation:

45 min. or entire class period

B. Probationary Teachers:

3 formal by principal and 1 formal by peer

C. Career Status Teachers: Evaluated annually.

During the renewal year: 3 total- 1 must be formal

Observations shall be noted using the Rubric.

Within the 1st Nine Weeks


Observation Cycle

(Administrative and Peer)


Observation Cycle

(Administrative and


Component 6: Post-Observation ConferenceThe principal shall conduct a post-observation conference no later than ten school days after each formal observation. Discuss and Document strengths and weaknesses on the Rubric

Component 7: Summary Evaluation Conference and Scoring the Teacher Summary Rating Form-

A. Give rating for each Element in Rubric B. Comment on “Not Demonstrated” C. Overall rating of each Standard D. Provide teacher with opportunity to add comments to the Summary Rating Form E. Review completed Teacher Summary Rating Form with teacher and F. Secure the teacher’s signature on the Record of Teacher Evaluation Activities and Teacher Summary Rating Form.

Component 8: PD PlansIndividual Growth Plans-“Proficient” or better Monitored Growth Plans-At least 1 “Developing” Directed Growth Plans-“not Demonstrated” or“Developing” rating for 2 sequential yrs.

Before the End of the School Year


Summary Evaluation and Goal Setting

Rubric for Evaluating North Carolina Teachers

Rating Scale


Performance Rating Scale





Demonstrated adequate growth during the period of performance, but did not demonstrate competence on standard(s) of performance

Demonstrated basic competence on standards of performance

Exceeded basic competence on standards for performance most of the time

Consistently and significantly exceeded basic competence on standards of performance

Not Demonstrated

Did not demonstrate competence on, or adequate growth

toward, achieving standard(s) of performance

*Requires documentation

Knowledge and skills replicatedExemplar of performance

Innovation + High Performance

Skill not mature or unsuccessful

Solid, effective application + success

Never demonstrated

The developing teacher tells

The proficient teacher explains

The accomplished teacher demonstrates

The distinguished teacher inspires



Let’s Summarize

20th Century vs. 21st Century

• Teacher Centered• Students work in

isolation• Memorizing facts• Textbook Driven

• Student Centered• Students work

collaboratively• Solving Problems• Research Driven


Exploring 21st Century Student Attributes

• Sit with your preferred level

– Elementary

Future Ready Elementary Student “Nicky”

– Middle

Future Ready Middle School Student

– High

Future Read Graduate• Choose at least 3 attributes found on your 21st Century


• Discuss the “teaching” necessary to develop each attribute (What would you see in the classroom?)

• Creatively Chart your response.

North Carolina Professional Teaching



Focusing on the “Why”

So why is the State focusing on educator effectiveness in the face of so many other


NC is implementing a new curriculum, new assessments, new technology tools to improve instruction, new ways of engaging students, and the list goes on

Because all our efforts in other areas depend on an effective teacher in every classroom and an effective leader in every school building!


The Standards and Evaluation System

Formative, Growth


PD Alignment

Standard I Teachers Demonstrate


5 Elements

• Teachers lead in the classroomclassroom

• Teachers lead in the schoolschool

• Teachers lead in the professionprofession

• Teachers advocateadvocate for school and students

• Teachers demonstrate high ethical ethical standards

Standard 1 Teachers Demonstrate LeadershipLeadership


Carousel AssessmentIn what ways can a teacher model or demonstrate teacher leadership in the classroom, school and

the teaching profession?

Count off by three’s Go to the numbered posterIdentify a recorder Record your answer to the question aboveMove to the next poster when you hear the signal

Ms. NoonanManaging Transitions

Standard II Teachers Establish a Respectful

Environment for a Diverse Population of Students

5 Elements

• Teachers provide an environment with a positive, nurturing relationshiprelationship

• Teachers embrace diversity embrace diversity in school and world

• Teachers treat students as individualsindividuals

• Teachers adaptadapt their teaching for the benefit of students with special needs

• Teachers work collaboratively with familiescollaboratively with families

Standard 2 Teachers Establish a Respectful Environment

for a Diverse Population of Students

Universal Design for Learning at a Glance

Six-Step Partner Share

• Walk 6 steps, find a colleague:

Share one strategy you have seen or done that models an environment that is inviting, respectful, supportive, inclusive and flexible.

• When time is called, go to a second person:

Share one strategy for maintaining high expectations for students.

Standard 2Teachers establish a

respectful environment for a diverse population of


Element:A.Provide an environment in which each child has a positive nurturing relationship with caring adultsB.Embrace diversity in the school community and in the worldC.Treat students as individualsD.Adapt their teaching for the benefit of students with special needsE.Work collaboratively with the families and significant adults in the lives of their students

Reflective Question: Record your answer in your Penzu or turn to a table buddy and discuss.

Do you have any ideas for involving those hard to get parents in a project

with your class?

Standard III Teachers know the content

they teach

4 Elements

• Teachers align their instruction with the NCSCS

• Teachers know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty

• Teachers recognize the interconnectedness of content areas/ disciplines

• Teachers make instruction relevant to students

Standard 3 Teachers Know the Content they Teach

Standard 3 Teachers know the content they teach

Element:A.Align their instruction with the NCSCSB.Know the content appropriate to their teaching specialtyC.Recognize the interconnectedness of content areas/ disciplinesD.Make instruction relevant to students

How will you integrate literacy skills into all content areas?

Reflective Question: Record your answer in your Penzu or turn to a table buddy and discuss.

Standard IV Teachers Facilitate Learning

for their Students

Standard 4 Teachers Facilitate Learning for

their Students8 Elements

• Teachers know the ways in which learning takes place, and they know the appropriate levels of intellectual, intellectual, physical, social, and emotional developmentphysical, social, and emotional development of their students

• Teachers plan instruction appropriateappropriate for their students

• Teachers use a variety of instructional methodsvariety of instructional methods

• Teachers integrate and utilize technologytechnology in their instruction

Continued Standard 4

• Teachers help students develop critical thinking and critical thinking and problem solving skillsproblem solving skills

• Teachers help students work in teams and develop leadership qualitiesleadership qualities

• Teachers communicate effectivelycommunicate effectively

• Teachers use a variety of methods to assess variety of methods to assess what each student has learned

Standard IV: Group Activity

• Count off a-h

• Meet with your element partners

• Using your corresponding element (a - h) for your group, select 2 of the indicators under your element (page 9 or 10 in your manual)

• Brainstorm 2-3 specific behaviors a teacher might use to demonstrate each of the items selected (What would the students be doing?)

• Pick one of the two items and be prepared to report out to the group


Standard V Teachers Reflect on their Practice

Standard 5 Teachers Reflect on Their

Practice 3 Elements

• Teachers analyze student learninganalyze student learning

• Teachers link professional growth link professional growth to their professional goals

• Teachers function effectively function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment

4 Questions to Think About

1. What do we want students to learn? 2. How will we know if they have learned

it? 3. How will we respond when they don’t

learn it? 4. How will we respond when they already

know it? Summer Institute 2011-2012 Rebecca DuFour

Standard VI Teachers Contribute to the

Academic Success of Students

What is our goal?

Student ReadinessAchievement and growth for all students

Great Teachers and LeadersAn effective teacher in every classroom and leader in every school

Before Teaching and LeadingDevelop effective teachers and leaders in preparation programs

During Teaching and LeadingUse meaningful evaluation and professional development to increase effectiveness of teachers and leaders

04/21/23 • page 53

Standard 6 is a measure of


Teacher Ratings Categories


1 65432Demonstrate Leadership

Establish Environment


Facilitate Learning

Reflect on Practice

Contribute to Academic


5 Rating CategoriesNot Demonstrated





3 Rating CategoriesDoes Not Meet Expected Growth

Meets Expected Growth

Exceeds Expected Growth

Teacher Ratings in 2012-13

School-wideEVAAS Growth

Teacher EVAAS Growth

Weighted Average

Yearly Rating•Does not Expected Growth

•Meets Expected Growth

•Exceeds Expected Growth

6Student Surveys


2012 – 2013 is the first year of data for all teachers and school administrators who have their own data

Possible additional element


Key Notes

What is the difference between ratings and a



Ratings Status• Teachers

6 separate ratings to help teachers grow each year

• A single overall status that is determined once a teacher has three years of growth data to populate Standard 6

• Categories for Status1. In Need of Improvement

2. Effective

3. Highly Effective



Three Years of Data


Any three years of data attributable to a teacher will be combined and used:

•Any grades•Any subjects•Any schools•Any districts

The three years of data do not start until they are specific to that teacher and his or her students

What will teachers see?

Four Buckets of Assessments for Growth


Focused on Performance

Locally Developed Courses


• Assessment Common Across Districts

• Growth using EVAAS

• Guidance from DPI with local implementation options

• Growth determined by evaluator


Administration – Fall Semester


Earth/Environmental Science Physics

Chemistry Physical Science

English Language Arts I English Language Arts III

English Language Arts IV Pre-Calculus

Advanced Functions and Modeling Geometry*

Algebra II/Integrated Math III World History

Civics and Economics U.S. History (2003 standards)

American History I American History II

OCS English Language Arts I OCS English Language Arts III

OCS English Language Arts IV OCS Financial Management

OCS Applied Science OCS Introductory Math

Administration – Spring Semester


Grade Four Science Grade Six Science

Grade Seven Science Grade Four Social Studies

Grade Five Social Studies Grade Six Social Studies

Grade Seven Social Studies Grade Eight Social Studies

Coming in 2013 - 2014

Literacy Assessment (running record) for grades K-3

Pre- and Post-Assessments for Healthful Living

Analysis of Student Work Protocols for the Arts, World Languages, and District


New Resources for Teacher Effectiveness

“Rapid Response” Email Address:

New Educator Effectiveness Website:

Just a Reminder for Beginning Teachers

Effective 2010–2011, beginning teachers must be rated “Proficient” on all five North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards

on the most recent Teacher Summary Rating Form in order to be eligible for the

Standard Professional 2 License.


Answer each question using your Penzu journal

How will you use feedback from your observations to improve your practice?

What artifacts demonstrate the ways you are a reflective practitioner?

Need Professional Development?

New NC DPI Online Modules Connecting with Our 21st Century Learners Introduction to Data Literacy NC School Executive Standards and Evaluation Process Digital Literacies in the K-12 Classroom Understanding the Young Student Behavior in the Classroom Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects

Additional modules: The North Carolina Educator Evaluation System; Online Tutorials for Administrators NC FALCON: Student Ownership modules The North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards

NC Education site (You will need an NC Education account to enroll

Session Evaluation

• Visit:

Complete the evaluation/session reflection by clicking on the link found on the bottom of the agenda.

Your feedback is important to us!

Contact Information

Dianne Meiggs, PD Consultant, Region (252) 340-0113

Beth Edwards, PD Consultant, Region (252) 916-6842

Abbey Futrell, PD Consultant, Region 1 (252) 227-0838

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