non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (nafld) primary care …...repeat liver function tests after 3-6...

Post on 07-Aug-2020






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1. Possible NAFLD diagnosis (at least one of)• Incidental ultrasound finding of fatty liver• Incidental finding of abnormal alanine transaminase (ALT)Note: this pathway is not designed for use in patients with significant alcohol consumption because FIB-4 has not been validated in this population.

4. Baseline investigations• Liver tests: ALT and AST, ALP, GGT• Liver function tests if cirrhosis suspected: INR, bilirubin, albumin• CBC with platelets• HbA1C, lipid profile

• Medication review (including herbals and supplements)• Liver ultrasound (if not completed within one year)• HBsAg and HCV antibody, ANA, anti-actin/anti-smooth muscle antibody (depending onlocal availability), immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM)

• Ferritin and iron/TIBC• Celiac screen• Serum ceruloplasmin (if age <30 years)

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BackgroundProvider resources

Patient resources



2. Rule out other causes of liver disease in addition to NAFLDthrough the following stepwise testing

NAFLD diagnosis suspected (and alternative causes of abnormal ALT investigated)

3. Lifestyle and medication review

Abnormal results

• Complete medication review if not already done in Step 2. Stop or modify offending agent, if possible.• Review and address alcohol use.

5. NAFLD diagnosedFurther follow-up is dependent on risk stratification by FIB-4 score calculation

6. Assess risk of liver fibrosis using FIB-4

6a. Low risk (FIB-4 Score <1.30) 6b. Indeterminate/High risk (FIB-4 Score ≥1.30)

• Exercise and weight loss (target 10% of body weight)• Improve diet (increase fibre, lower sugars and saturated fats, choose lean proteins)• Limit alcohol intake• Consider vaccination for hepatitis A and B• Screen for Type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. Treat/optimize therapy.

• Re-calculate FIB-4 score every 2-3 years (order ALT, AST, platelets)• If FIB-4 score continues to be <1.30, continue care within Medical Home

Patient care within the Medical Home

Is ALT >2x ULN for 6 months?

Refer to Specialist trained in management of liver disease

If FIB-4 Score becomes ≥1.30

Treat or refer for consultation

(see expanded details)

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Primary Care PathwayQuicklinks: Expanded detailsPathway primer Advice options Patient pathway

Pre-referral checklist

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NAFLD PATHWAY PRIMER • NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) results from liver damage due to the accumulation of fat

(triglycerides) within liver cells.

• It is the most common liver disease in Canada, occurring in up to 25% of the population, and is oftenassociated with obesity, diabetes, and/or hyperlipidemia.

• The term “NAFLD” actually refers to a group of related liver conditions, including simple fatty liver (i.e.steatosis), non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (steatosis with liver damage/NASH), fatty liver with liver fibrosis (i.e.liver scarring), or fatty liver with advanced liver fibrosis/cirrhosis.

o In general, steatosis is considered to be relatively benign, but can still progress to cirrhosis in 2-3%of people within 1-2 decades (even when ALT levels are persistently normal).

o In contrast, NASH is considered a potentially progressive disease that can lead to cirrhosis in up to20% of people within 20 years1. The gold standard for NASH diagnosis is a liver biopsy, though thisis rarely done in practice.

o Increasing liver fibrosis in people with NAFLD is associated with an exponential increase in risk ofliver-related mortality2, which appears to be most pronounced in people with NAFLD who havedeveloped moderate to severe liver fibrosis.

o NAFLD that has progressed to cirrhosis is an increasingly common indication for livertransplantation and liver cancer in North America. Therefore, it is critical to identify people withNAFLD who have developed significant liver fibrosis in order to better manage these individuals totry to prevent progressive liver fibrosis.

• Given the prevalence of NAFLD, specialist consultation for all patients with NAFLD is not feasible.o This clinical care pathway helps to identify people with NAFLD who are more likely to have

advanced liver scarring, and, therefore, may benefit from specialist care.

• This pathway employs blood tests to assess a patient’s risk of significant liver scarring, based on calculatingtheir Fibrosis-4 score (FIB-4) using the following formula:

o A FIB-4 score of < 1.30 essentially rules out significant liver fibrosis. A FIB-4 score ≥ 1.30 couldpotentially indicate risk of liver fibrosis and warrants further evaluation.

Checklist to guide in-clinic review of your patient with NAFLD

□ Finding of fatty liver on ultrasound or abnormal ALT

□ If ALT >2x ULN for >6 months, order further investigations to rule out other causes of liver disease in addition to NAFLD (see algorithm Box 2)

□ Identify and address medication and lifestyle factors that may cause or contribute to fatty liver or abnormal liver tests. For example, excess alcohol consumption (>2 drinks per day for males and >1 drink per day for females) or medications (e.g. amiodarone, methotrexate, tamoxifen, valproic acid, corticosteroids).

□ Complete baseline investigations (see algorithm Box 4)

□ Assess risk of liver fibrosis using the FIB-4 Index

□ If FIB-4 score <1.3, continue to provide care in the Medical Home (see algorithm Box 6a) If FIB-4 score ≥1.3, consider referral to a specialist trained in management of liver disease

1 Rinella, M. E., & Sanyal, A. J. (2016). Management of NAFLD: a stage-based approach. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 13(4), 196. 2 Dulai, P. S., Singh, S., Patel, J., Soni, M., Prokop, L. J., Younossi, Z., ... & Stal, P. (2017). Increased risk of mortality by fibrosis stage in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: systematic review and meta‐analysis. Hepatology, 65(5), 1557-1565.

*FIB-4 score = Age in Years x AST level (U/L) / Platelet Count (109/L) x √ALT level (U/L)(see

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EXPANDED DETAILS 1. Possible NAFLD diagnosis

• NAFLD should be considered for patients with one or more of the following:o Abnormal liver tests (persistent elevation of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT); repeat >6

months. In patients with NAFLD, ALT is usually <200 U/L). NB – patients with NAFLD will not necessarily have elevated liver enzymes.

o Ultrasound finding of fatty liver (current or past, if risk factors, such as obesity, have not changedsignificantly).

NB – patients with NAFLD will not necessarily have fatty liver documented on anultrasound report (more than 30% fat infiltration is required to visualize fatty liver onultrasound).

• Risk factors for NAFLD include obesity, type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, metabolic syndrome, andhypertension.

• The pathway is not designed for use with patients with significant alcohol consumption (>2 drinks per day formales, >1 drink per day for females) because FIB-4 has not been validated in this population.

o Counsel patients to reduce their alcohol consumption below these levels. After 6-8 weeks, retestALT. If it remains abnormal, use of this pathway is appropriate.

2. (If ALT >2x Upper Limit of Normal (ULN) for 6 months) Rule out other causes of liver disease in additionto NAFLD through the following stepwise testing:a) Medication profile review

• When assessing whether/how medications or other products may be contributing to abnormal livertests, consider both the relationship between initiation of the medication and the time of onset ofliver problems (if known), and any improvement in liver function tests after the medication isdiscontinued.

• Any new or recently prescribed medication, over the counter, or herbal/natural product may beimplicated. Some medications and other products may also cause liver damage over a longer termof use.

• Potential culprits include medications (e.g. amiodarone, methotrexate, tamoxifen, valproic acid,corticosteroids), herbal products, health supplements (e.g. green tea extract), illicit substances (e.g.cocaine).

o The Medication and Herbal Advice Line through AHS PADIS is a free service thatprovides information on a wide range of products, including information on toxicity. Visit

• Discontinue or change medication, reduce dosage, or consider dose frequency modifications.Always weigh risks and benefits of therapy changes. If changes are made, repeat liver tests after 3-6 months.

b) Liver ultrasound• Order if not completed within one year.

c) Hepatitis B and C screening• Hepatitis B surface antigen (HbsAg) – if positive, consider referral to hepatology.

• Hepatitis C antibody (anti-HCV) – if positive, see Hepatitis C pathway.d) Other testing

• Anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), anti-actin/anti-smooth muscle antibody, and immunoglobulins (IgG,IgM, IgA) - to evaluate for possible autoimmune cause of liver injury.

o Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH): ANA (>1:80 titer) and/or anti-smooth muscle antibody (>1:20titer) and elevated serum immunoglobulin levels (especially IgG) may suggest AIH andwarrant consideration for a referral to hepatology.

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• Ferritin and iron/TIBC (done while fasting) to assess for hemochromatosiso Note: ferritin is often significantly elevated in NAFLD (as an acute phase reactant related

to liver inflammation), but transferrin saturation is typically <50%. These patients do nothave iron overload.

o If fasting ferritin elevated and % transferrin saturation is >50% in females or >60% inmales, consider molecular genetic testing for hemochromatosis. If genetic testingsuggests increased risk for hemochromatosis, assessment of liver fibrosis isrecommended as patients with hemochromatosis and advanced liver fibrosis are at highrisk of liver cancer. If genetic testing is negative, it is highly unlikely that the patient hashereditary hemochromatosis.

• Celiac screen – if positive, consider referral for gastroscopy to confirm diagnosis.o Once under control for 6 months, repeat liver function tests.

• Serum ceruloplasmin (if age <30 years) – if positive, consider referral to hepatology.e) Note: In the evaluation of abnormal liver tests, abdominal MRI and/or CT are unlikely to add

diagnostic benefit and should not be routinely ordered.

3. Lifestyle and medication review• Complete medication review if not already done in Step 2. Stop or modify offending agent, if possible, then

repeat liver function tests after 3-6 months.

• Review and address alcohol use.o Excess alcohol consumption (>2 drinks per day for males, >1 drink per day for females) may

contribute to abnormal liver tests.o Counsel patients to reduce their alcohol consumption below these levels. After 6-8 weeks, retest

ALT. If it remains abnormal, elevated ALT is unlikely to be the result of alcohol consumption.

4. Baseline investigations• ALT and AST (to assess for liver cell death or damage)

• ALP and GGT (to assess for impairment of bile flow)o If elevated, and extra-hepatic biliary obstruction ruled out by ultrasound, test anti-mitochondrial

antibody. Any positive titer is significant and is highly specific for primary biliary cholangitis (whichaffects ~1:1000 women over the age of 40). If positive, consider referral to hepatology.

• CBC with platelets (to assess liver function and enable FIB-4 score calculation)o Platelets are included in the FIB-4 calculation as thrombocytopenia can be an initial sign of


• HbA1C and lipid profiles (to assess for common comorbidities)

• If cirrhosis is suspected, also test INR, bilirubin, albumin (to assess liver function)

5. NAFLD diagnosed• NAFLD is the diagnosis of exclusion if no other causes of fatty liver/elevated liver enzymes have been

identified, even in the presence of normal ultrasound. Remember that 30% fat infiltration in the liver isrequired for it to be visualized on ultrasound.

If increased ALT workup suggests a non-NAFLD diagnosis, consider appropriate referral to specialist.

If workup for increased ALT is negative, NAFLD diagnosis is strongly suspected based on risk factors, elevated liver enzymes, and/or ultrasound findings.

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6. Assess risk of liver fibrosis risk using FIB-4 index• The Fibrosis-4 (FIB-4) score is a non-invasive scoring system based on several laboratory tests that help to

estimate the amount of scarring in the liver.

• A free FIB-4 calculator is available at:

a) Low risk (FIB-4 <1.30)Patient care within the Medical Home

• Lifestyle modifications are the cornerstone of NAFLD management.o Exercise: 20+ minutes of moderate exercise almost daily, aiming for 150 min/week (can

be in 10-15 minute sessions). Moderate exercise is when someone is a little tired, is a littleshort of breath, is sweating, but can still hold a conversation (e.g. brisk walking, biking,yard work). See Canadian Physical Activity guidelines.

o Diet: Aim to choose more high-fibre carbohydrates, less refined starches, less addedsugars, and less saturated fats. Replace foods high in saturated fat with monounsaturatedfat and omega-3 fats. Choose lean meats and plant-based proteins to preserve lean bodymass while losing body fat. Consider referral to a dietitian for support.

o Weight loss: As needed, target weight loss of ~10% of body weight over 6 months.Patients may benefit from handouts on healthy eating for weight management and samplemenus.

• Modify cardiac risk factors where appropriate. NAFLD patients are 3-5 times more likely to suffer aheart attack or stroke compared with the general population.

o Statin therapy is strongly recommended in patients with increased LDL cholesterol. Ingeneral, statins are safe in patients with liver disease; however, ALT monitoring can beconsidered in NASH patients. Tests should be done three months after starting therapy. IfALT doubles during this time, the statin should be stopped in favor of a different lipidlowering agent.

o Screen for type 2 diabetes and hypertension. Treat and/or optimize therapy.o Encourage smoking cessation. Provide information, treatment, or referral as appropriate.

• Alcohol intake:o Patients with NAFLD should not consume heavy amounts of alcohol. The risk of moderate

alcohol consumption for patients with NAFLD is unknown. As a guideline: An acceptable intake for NAFLD patients with low risk of significant liver fibrosis

(i.e. “Low Risk” NAFLD; FIB-4 score <1.30), up to 4-5 drinks per week for menand 3-4 drinks per week for women.

Abstinence is recommended for patients with cirrhosis.

• There is inconclusive evidence that 2-3 cups of coffee per day (preferably filtered) may bebeneficial for patients with fatty liver.

• Consider vaccinating NAFLD patients for hepatitis A and B, to avoid superimposed preventableliver disease.

Ongoing monitoring • Re-calculate FIB-4 score every 2-3 years to reassess risk of significant liver fibrosis. Continue

management in Medical Home if FIB-4 score remains <1.3 or consider referral for specialty care,outlining history and care provided to date if FIB-4 score increases to above 1.3.

Therapeutic considerations for NAFLD patients within the Medical Home • Vitamin E is an antioxidant. Studies are ongoing to determine whether it is beneficial in treating

NASH in non-cirrhotic and non-diabetic patients.o Until further data supporting its effectiveness become available, vitamin E is not

recommended toroutinely treat NASH in diabetic patients, NAFLD without liver biopsy,NASH cirrhosis, or cryptogenic cirrhosis.

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o If patients choose to trial Vitamin E, they should be counselled about weakepidemiological evidence suggesting increased cardiovascular and prostate cancer risk.

o The suggested dose is 400-800IU/day.

• Omega 3 fatty acid (FA) (Note: this is not the same as OMEGA 3-6-9) may have an anti-inflammatory benefit for NASH patients with high serum triglycerides, but this has not been wellproven in NAFLD on its own. In some studies, Omega 3 FA have been shown to help decreasehepatic steatosis and triglyceride levels.

o The therapeutic dose of Omega 3 FA would be 2-4 grams/day of ecosapentaenoic acid(EPA) + docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) combined.

o Patients should be encouraged to eat a diet including fatty fish (salmon, trout, sardines),however a supplement is normally required to obtain sufficient daily EPA + DHA.

o NOTE: Omega 3 FA supplements have an anticoagulant effect in doses >3 grams per day(equivalent to a baby aspirin). Consider other medications and disease states beforerecommending, and monitor as appropriate.

b) Indeterminate/high risk (FIB-4 ≥1.30)• For patients with FIB-4 ≥1.30, consider referral to a specialist trained in the management of liver


BACKGROUND About this Pathway

• Digestive health primary care pathways were originally developed in 2015 as part of the Calgary Zone’sSpecialist LINK initiative. They were co-developed by the Department of Gastroenterology and the CalgaryZone’s specialty integration group, which includes medical leadership and staff from Calgary and areaPrimary Care Networks, the Department of Family Medicine, and Alberta Health Services.

• The pathways were intended to provide evidence-based guidance to support primary care providers incaring for patients with common digestive health conditions within the Patient Medical Home.

• Based on the successful adoption of the primary care pathways within the Calgary Zone, and their impact ontimely access to quality care, in 2017 the Digestive Health Strategic Clinical Network (DHSCN) led aninitiative to validate the applicability of the pathways for Alberta and to spread availability and foster adoptionof the pathways across the province.

Authors & Conflict of Interest Declaration This pathway was reviewed and revised under the auspices of the DHSCN in 2020 by a multi-disciplinary team led by family physicians and gastroenterologists. For more information, contact the DHSCN at

Pathway Review Process Primary care pathways undergo scheduled review every three years, or earlier, if there is a clinically significant change in knowledge or practice. The next scheduled review is June 2023. However, we welcome feedback at any time. Please email comments to

Copyright Information

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-commercial-Share Alike 4.0 International license. You are free to copy, distribute, and adapt the work for non-commercial purposes, as long as you attribute the work to Alberta Health Services and Primary Care Networks and abide by the other license terms. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same, similar, or compatible license. The license does not apply to content for which the Alberta Health Services is not the copyright owner.

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This pathway represents evidence-based best practice, but does not override the individual responsibility of healthcare professionals to make decisions appropriate to their patients using their own clinical judgment given their patients’ specific clinical conditions, in consultation with patients/alternate decision makers. The pathway is not a substitute for clinical judgment or advice of a qualified healthcare professional. It is expected that all users will seek advice of other appropriately qualified and regulated healthcare providers with any issues transcending their specific knowledge, scope of regulated practice or professional competence.

PROVIDER RESOURCES Advice Options Non-urgent advice is available to support family physicians.

• Gastroenterology advice is available across the province via Alberta Netcare eReferral Advice Request(responses are received within five calendar days). Visit for more information.

• Non-urgent telephone advice connects family physicians and specialists in real time via a tele-advice line.Family physicians can request non-urgent advice from a gastroenterologist:

o In the Calgary Zone at or by calling 403-910-2551. This service is available from8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday (excluding statutory holidays). Calls are returned withinone hour.

o In the Edmonton Zone by calling 1-844-633-2263 or visiting This serviceis available from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Thursday and 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Friday(excluding statutory holidays and Christmas break). Calls are returned within two business days.

Resources and References Cassinotto, C., Boursier, J., de Lédinghen, V., Lebigot, J., Lapuyade, B., Cales, P., ... & Mouries, A. (2016). Liver stiffness in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: A comparison of supersonic shear imaging, FibroScan, and ARFI with liver biopsy. Hepatology, 63(6), 1817-1827.

Chalasani, N., Younossi, Z., Lavine, J. E., Charlton, M., Cusi, K., Rinella, M., ... & Sanyal, A. J. (2018). The diagnosis and management of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: practice guidance from the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Hepatology, 67(1), 328-357.

European Association for The Study of The Liver, & European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). (2016). EASL-EASD-EASO Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Obesity Facts, 9(2), 65-90.

Festi, D., Schiumerini, R., Marzi, L., Di Biase, A. R., Mandolesi, D., Montrone, L., ... & Colecchia, A. (2013). the diagnosis of non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease–availability and accuracy of non‐invasive methods. Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics, 37(4), 392-400.

National institutes of health, office of dietary supplements. (2019, October 17). Omega-3 fatty acids – fact sheet for health professionals.

Xiao, G., Zhu, S., Xiao, X., Yan, L., Yang, J., & Wu, G. (2017). Comparison of laboratory tests, ultrasound, or magnetic resonance elastography to detect fibrosis in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a meta‐analysis. Hepatology, 66(5), 1486-1501.

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Description Website General information on NAFLD (Canadian Liver Foundation)

General information on weight management (

Online learning module on weight management (

Resources on healthy eating (Alberta Health Services)

AHS patient handout on healthy eating for weight management

AHS patient handout with sample menus for healthy eating

AHS patient handout on omega 3 fatty acids

Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines

Services Available

Description Website Services for patients with chronic conditions, including how to achieve a healthy weight (Alberta Healthy Living Program - AHS)

Supports for working towards healthy lifestyle goals and weight management (Weight Management – AHS)

Services for people who are struggling with substance use, addiction, or a mental health problem (Addiction and Mental Health Services – AHS)

Toll free confidential phone service which provides alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and problem gambling support, information and referral to services. The Addiction Helpline operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week (Addiction Helpline – AHS)


5. Reduce your health risks (see over for details)

• Exercise • Make changes to your diet• Lose weight if you need to• Limit alcohol use• Complete screening for heart disease,

high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol, and treat as required

• Redo blood tests every 2 to 3 years to monitor risk for severe liver damage

2. Explore possible causes of liver problems other than NAFLD

• Review all medicines, herbals, and supplements you are taking

• Review your use of alcohol• Make the changes recommended by

your healthcare provider(s), then your liver tests will be repeated

It is a map for you and your healthcare provider(s) to follow. It makes sure the care you are receiving for NAFLD is safe and effective.

You and your healthcare provider(s) may modify the pathway to best suit your healthcare needs.

If your NAFLD cannot be managed over time, you and your healthcare provider(s) may decide a referral to a specialist would be helpful.

What is the NAFLD patient pathway?

• NAFLD stands for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.

• NAFLD is a build-up of fat within the liver than can lead to liver damage.

• NAFLD often occurs with obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and/or high cholesterol.

• NAFLD is the most common liver disease in Canada and occurs in up to 25% of the population.

NAFLD is usually cared for by healthcare provider(s) in your family doctor’s office.

What is NAFLD?

A Patient’s Pathway for Managing NAFLD

Most people with NAFLD do not develop severe liver damage.

Ongoing monitoring is important because NAFLD can cause serious health problems in some people.

If you are concerned about your liver health, ask your primary care provider.

• Blood tests to check for other causes of liver disease

• Blood tests to check for other conditions that can be associated with NAFLD (e.g. diabetes)

3. Tests that may be done

• Abnormal bloodwork/liver test results• Fatty liver seen on an ultrasound

1. Findings of possible liver problems suggesting NAFLD

• Based on your blood test results• If higher risk, you may be referred to a

specialist for further assessment• If lower risk, you and your healthcare

provider(s) will work together to reduce your risks of liver damage and other health problems

4. Assess risk of severe liver damage (scarring of the liver)

Once you find something that works for you, stick with it.

You may need to keep trying other options to find what works best to improve your health.

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What do I need to know about NAFLD?

Working through the NAFLD patient pathway can take several months or be ongoing for years:• Your healthcare provider(s) will ask you questions about your

health, review medicines and other treatments you are taking, and review your use of alcohol. They may make some changes with you.

• They may suggest certain tests to look for other causes of liver disease and use your blood tests to check your risk of having severe liver damage.

• If you are at higher risk, you may be referred to a specialist for further assessment.

• If you are at lower risk, you and your healthcare provider(s) will make a plan to reduce your risk and improve your health.

• This plan will address your liver health and other health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease risk that may occur at the same time.

• Your healthcare provider(s) will recheck your blood tests every 2-3 years to monitor your risk of severe liver damage.

• Exercise moderately for 150 minutes/week (can be 10-15 minute sessions). Moderate exercise is when you are a little tired, a little short of breath, and you are sweating, but you can still hold a conversation.

• Improve your diet. Choose more high-fibre carbohydrates, less refined starches, and less added sugars. Avoid saturated fats. Choose lean meats and plant-based proteins.

• Lose weight if you need to (target 10% of body weight).• Limit alcohol use to no more than 4-5 drinks/week for men and 3-4

drinks/week for women.• Drinking up to 2-3 cups of coffee/day may be helpful.

To manage your condition:

Seeing a specialist is only recommended if:

• Your blood tests suggest you have a higher risk of severe liver damage.

• Concerning symptoms are identified by you and your healthcare provider.

You can find more information in these great resources:

Write any notes or questions you may have here:

If you have any feedback about this patient pathway, contact us

Canadian Liver

AHS nutrition

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