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Mark Potok Attacks the Nation of Islam, Harold Brackman Fails His Own History Lesson, John Conyers' Shameful Capitulation to Abraham Foxman & the ADL


Weekly Newsletter • Volume 4, Number 14


From: Jackie MuhammadOn April 27, 2013, on the Rock Newman Show, an

international Internet radio program, you launched a fact-less, distorted, lies-filled diatribe against the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. This short response is just a summary of our defense against your wicked distortions of who we are and what we believe.

One of your initial attacks against the Nation of Islam was to invoke the name of Dr. Martin Luther King. You allege that Dr. King made a statement in 1959 in which he disparaged the Nation of Islam. In 1959 Dr. King was 30 years old. I am sure you will agree that Dr. King’s views evolved over the years. The evolution of his thought process made him one of America’s most hated men by the government and the power elite who run the country. An aspect of that evolutionary growth process is depicted in comments Harry Belafonte, King’s close friend, confidant and supporter, made in a speech he gave in Oakland, California, 2005, at the National Gathering for Justice, where he revealed that Dr. King had said to Mr. Belafonte, “I wonder if I have invited my people to integrate into a burning building.”

Moreover, on February 23, 1966, Dr. King met with The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad at his home in Chicago.

In a famous photograph of the two men in deep thought, Dr. King is pictured listening intently to his brother, Mr. Muham-mad. Shortly after that meeting, on July 6, 1966, Mr. Muham-mad sent a letter to Dr. King and the leadership of the Civil Rights groups calling for a unity meeting to discuss their com-mon goals of freedom, justice and equality for the Black masses.

Min. FARRAKHAN Calls for

SHOWDOWNAsks: Will the REAL ANTI-SEMITE Please Stand Up!

Memo to Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center:

Re: Your Attack on Minister FarrakhanIt appears to me that if the SPLC were so enamored with

Dr. King and his legacy, your organization would use your vast investigative resources and expertise and delve into the assassination of Dr. King. Since your organization is said to be dedicated to eliminating extremism and hatred, then why not investigate one of America’s best examples of extremism and hatred—the murder of one of America’s premier leaders.

The next fallacious charge you leveled against the Nation of Islam is that we teach a philosophy of Black supremacy and that at one point in history the world was run by 14-foot-tall Black giants. Personally, I would love to meet such Black super-men. But this, like many of your previ-ous statements, is a figment of your active imagination.

The reality is that in one point in our history Black people did rule the planet. This point is indisputably sup-ported by some of the world’s leading White and Black historians, anthropol-ogists, archeologists and philosophers.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan gave you one example of this when he mentioned the great paleoanthro-pologist Richard Leakey. Mr. Leakey’s research and that of his parents, Dr. Louis and Mary Leakey, document the fact that Black people left their footprints in the sands of time millions of years ago. And by the way, the Leakeys were not card-carrying members of the Nation of Islam. For that matter, neither were the great White anthropologists Riane Eisler and Marija Gimbutas, or the countless Black historians like Ivan Van Sertima, Legrand Clegg, J.A. Rogers, Cheik Anta Diop, and the legions of ancient Greek and Egyptian historians whose research testifies to the truthfulness of Minister Far-rakhan’s assertions.

Ms. Eisler is an Austrian-born American scholar, writer, and social activist whose family fled the Nazis to Cuba when

she was a child. She has been identified as one of 20 great peacemakers that include Mahat-ma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Mother Teresa, and the Dalai Lama. Dr. Eisler is considered a cultural historian and evolution-ary theorist. In her book The Chalice and the Blade, she coined

Read the words of Malcolm X’s grandson Hajj Malcolm El Shabazz at

2the term “dominator culture” to describe the Indo-European societies that emerged in Europe six thousand years ago that were characterized by their brutal, racist, anti-female rule in Europe that later spread to Africa and Asia. Prior to the emergence of this new species of human beings, Dr. Eisler maintains, the Earth was governed by people who maintained a peaceful, egalitarian society. The people of whom she spoke who ruled the world were Black people.

A contemporary of Dr. Eisler was Mirija Gimbutas, a Lithuanian-American archeologist known for her research into Neolithic and Bronze Age cultures of “Old Europe,” or Europe during the period when Black humanity dominated Europe. The book African Presence in Early Europe, edited by Ivan Van Sertima, contends that during this period Afri-cans were Europe’s “masters.” These Black people taught the Europeans civilization. And from historian Martin Bernal, the author of Black Athena, we learn of the Egyptian influence on Greece, including the fact that the ancient Egyptians taught the Greeks the names of the gods and how to worship them.

This characterization of early European rule is in tune with The Most Honorable Elijah’s depiction of Europe’s impact on civilization over 6,000 years ago, a depiction that you disparage. So to challenge Minister Farra-khan on this issue is both foolish and ignorant; therefore, before you challenge us on this point you may want to study this history—then you may be quali-fied to challenge us on the facts of this matter.

Another point you make in your false depiction of the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is that we hate White people because of the color of their skin. This is false, and either you unknowingly or purposely have lied. You should know that The Minister has a growing White follow-ing. And The Minister has a legion of ardent White followers in Russia, Turkey and Iran, among other nations, who have pledged their lives to protect his life.

What the Minister said to you was that Black people are genetically superior to Whites. We are not in the position of superiority today because obviously White people rule here in America and all over the world. However, what he did say was that genetically we are superior. Let’s look at this assertion from a biological point of view.

Science teaches us that one of the main distinguishing characteristics between White and Black people is the chemi-cal known as melanin. According to a book by Dr. Alfred Pas-teur and Dr. Ivory Toldson called Roots of Soul, among a sea of other documents, Black people are imbued with a chemical called melanin.

“Melanin,” according to Drs. Pasteur and Toldson, is a term that derives from the Greek word melanos, meaning “black.” It is further described in the July 2, 1977, issue of Science News magazine as an indestructible “chemical glob”

of black substance. According to the article, melanin’s chemi-cal composition is impervious to destruction. It cannot be destroyed, either by boiling water or by acid. Also it cannot be altered by time. It has been found in archeological findings to be as old as 150 million years.

Among melanin’s other properties is its ability to turn harmful free radicals (atoms, molecules) into useful energy in the body; it also protects the body from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation (UVA). UVA affects human characteris-tics by contributing to genetic mutation.

The presence of melanin in the body changes negative en-ergy to positive energy; its presence in the body brings about quick physical response time in the central nervous system and unifies the right and left hemispheres of the brain, result-ing in a superior human being.

Melanin is more than just a substance that makes the skin black. Its power far exceeds that which contributes to the color of the skin. It affects a person’s spirituality, artistic skills, mental-ity, and athletic ability, thereby contributing to a human being who exhibits superior human qualities. That’s why Black histo-rian J.A. Rogers, referring to the ancient Black man, titled one of his books From Superman to Man, and that’s why Minister Farrakhan said that Black people are geneti-cally superior to Whites.

Finally, you appeared quite disturbed by the Nation’s recita-

tion of the history and work of Yacub, which, by the way, you grossly distorted. A close examination of the work of Mr. Yacub will show that by extracting the elements from which melanin is composed one could produce a species of human being that is genetically inferior to the original human be-ing. This is why Dr. Francis Cress Welsing, one of America’s leading Black psychiatrists, stated that Europeans are the by-products of the absence of the amount of melanin found in Blacks. This condition, known as albinism, is a malady that leads to diseases that contribute to an early death.

Therefore, to ridicule The Honorable Minister Louis Far-rakhan on these facts is both ignorant and futile. His words are not opinions: they are scientifically based facts.

On behalf of the Nation of Islam’s Research Group I would like to reiterate the Minister’s challenge to you and the mem-bers of your group and the leaders and representatives of the 12 Jewish groups who for years have castigated the Nation of Islam to engage in a sound, sober discussion of these and other issues with which we may have differences.

Let’s put our various viewpoints before the public and let the people decide who is the truth-teller and who is not.

(Jackie Muhammad is a former presidential appointee, member of the Oxford round table, educator, youth-trainer and businessman and member of the Nation of Islam Research Group. He can be reached at jacrb519@


NOI Research Group

When the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan addressed the Detroit City Council last month, the exuberant reaction of that audience of lawmakers was identical to the response he received on his last visit

to Detroit in 2007, when 50,000 enthusiastic people greeted him at Ford Field.

After his City Hall engagement The Minister went to the Fellowship Chapel, pastored by the distinguished NAACP branch president the Reverend Wendell Anthony. Black De-troiters wrapped around the church and felt privileged to get a seat in the overflow room to hear the analytical genius and time-honored wisdom of the greatest speaker in world history.

The distinguished congressman John Conyers was among the attendees seated on the rostrum, enjoying the hospital-ity of the great Fellowship Chapel family. As the recognized Dean and founding member of the Congressional Black Caucus, his words have special resonance. And in his 84 years—a remarkable 48 of them in the U.S. Congress—Rep. Conyers has seen and heard the most powerful world fig-ures, the best and the bright-est, the cream of the crop. Anyone who has seen our brother interrogating a wit-ness at a congressional hear-ing knows that he makes no rash judgments, thoughtless pronouncements, unmea-sured assertions. That is his well-deserved reputation among our people.

So when Mr. Conyers nodded enthusiastically in agreement throughout Minister Farrakhan’s two-hour speech and then joined the standing ovation at its conclusion, he was making a statement—a judgment that he confirmed to the waiting press. He said: “This was a historic occasion in terms of how we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and re-ally start putting the city and our minds together for moving forward.” It mirrored the assessment of the Reverend Hor-ace Sheffield, III, of the New Destiny Baptist Church, who said of Min. Farrakhan: “I believe we have a leader here that can organize us.” The Reverend David Bullock of Greater St. Matthew Baptist Church stated that the message was “im-pactful,” “timely,” and left him “inspired.”

That was May 17th, 2013. But on May 22nd—a full 5 days after The Minister’s speech—Mr. Conyers seemed to have had a change of heart. He issued “an apology FOR Min. Far-rakhan” and charged that “Farrakhan made unacceptable racist, anti-Semitic and homophobic statements, which I condemn in the strongest possible terms.”

What possibly could have happened to Mr. Conyers with-in that five days that could account for such a drastic rever-sal, a sudden about-face, a veritable flip-flop? A review of the Fellowship Chapel video confirms that The Minister deliv-ered his speech in the English language, and Mr. Conyers is known to be fluent in that very same language and dialect. The content of the speech remained unchanged and unal-tered from the moment he gave it to the day of Conyers’ puz-zling change of heart. Did Rep. Conyers receive a delegation from among his nearly 100 percent Black constituents, whom he is sworn to represent, that brought him to his senses?

The Jewish reporter Jeff Wattrick clears the mystery up in his enlightening column of May 24th titled “John Conyers Can Take His Louis Farrakhan Apology And Shove It.” Wat-trick reviewed the whole episode and decreed that “Cony-ers saw fit to condemn the minister, not so much because he

was offended — after all, he went a week without saying anything — but because the Anti-Defamation League…didn’t like it.”

Wattrick did not need to tarry around the issue. He was unambiguous and resolute: only one thing, he insists, could have forced a powerful 50-year United States government high-level official, the second-most se-nior member in the House of Representatives, to at first

nod in harmony with a Black speaker, stand in solidarity with the Black Congregation to applaud said speaker, and opine ap-provingly of that speaker to a Black news reporter—only to ex-press to white people the exact opposite opinion five days later.

Mr. Wattrick, a proud Jew, has openly admitted what ev-erybody already knows and can now plainly see—that the American government operates under Jewish power by its manipulative use of threats and intimidation. A day after Mr. Conyers’ pitiable surrender, he was congratulated by ADL director Abraham Foxman, who issued his own sanctimo-nious approval: “Your public outreach exemplifies the no-tion that what hurts one of us, offends all of us, and helps


4empower Americans to stand up against injustice and for equality for all.” This hypocritical arrogance only proved that he, Foxman, orchestrated the whole sorry 13th Congressio-nal District episode in Michigan—from his office in the 12th Congressional District of New York 623 miles away.

Rep. Conyers would have fared much better in the hearts and minds of his own Black constituents had he stood up and told the truth to the Jews like Vice President Joseph A. Biden did earlier that week. He officially proclaimed on May 21 to a gathering of Jews celebrating Jewish American Heri-tage Month: “No group has had such an out-sized influence per capita.” And then, referring to the American social and political trends and movements (and specifically to same-sex marriage), Vice President Biden made a star-tling statement: “I bet you 85 percent of those changes, whether it’s in Hollywood or social media, are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry. The influence is immense, the in-fluence is immense.”

Then Mr. Biden contradicted Jews like those at the ADL who have spent decades destroying the reputations of people who say exactly what Biden was about to say next: “I think you vastly underestimate the impact you’ve [Jews] had on the development of this nation. We owe you, we owe generations who came before you.”

There was no condemnation of Mr. Biden for having made “bigoted” and “bizarre” “ca-nards” about “Jewish control,” and the ADL website to this day has made no mention of this stunning pronouncement from the Obama White House.

Joe Biden and Jeff Wattrick join a flood of others who have acknowledged Jewish power and what The Hon. Min. Louis Farrakhan calls “your power to misuse, to mislabel, your power with the media, your power with Black leadership, your power with Black preachers, your power with Black intellectuals, your power with black sports and entertainment figures.”

Jewish political commentator Bill Maher stated flatly on his TV show, “the Israelis are controlling our government,” after which his white American studio audience gave him a hearty applause. The new Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel was much like Conyers. He brashly admitted that the Israel lobby “intimidates a lot of people up here [but] I’m a United States senator. I’m not an Israeli senator.” Hagel actually be-lieved that being a United States senator freed him to speak truthfully! Not anymore. He did a very public pirouette even more severe than that of Conyers.

But Biden and Hagel and Wattrick and Maher are yet trumped by United States President Barack Obama. Accord-

ing to the UK Telegraph, when French President Nicolas Sarkozy privately whispered to him in 2011, “I cannot bear [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu, he’s a liar.” Mr. Obama replied, “You may be sick of him, but me, I have to deal with him every day.” Not only did they agree that Netan-yahu is a “liar” (John 8:44)—that is, one who lies constant-ly—but of the 196 nations of the earth and their leaders, our Black American President is forced to deal with this “liar,” “every day.”

And yet only one man today finally asks, Why? Finally, someone with divine authority steps forward to free everyone from what Jesus Himself called the Synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9, 3:9). White and Black, Jew and Gentile can now make peace with the unexpurgated truth. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s weekly series of broadcasts, titled “The Time And What MUST Be Done,” is where we witness a man who has had fear entirely removed from him and replaced with an indomitable faith in the One True God, Allah. And This God, by the way, has never had to have an office in the 12th Congressional District of New York—He is universal, everlasting.

Vice President Biden seems to have been listening. He has now joined The Minister in the national dialogue about Jewish domi-nance in American society. Mr. Conyers’ forced condemnation of Minister Farrakhan by the ADL is yet more proof of Jewish con-trol over Black destiny. Rep. Conyers should join the discussion.

The power our great Brother will have when he assumes the mantle that his people have entrusted to him for 50 years is immea-surable. Rep. Conyers should start by taking The Minister’s sage advice. Call on Mr. Fox-man to gather up his scholars to come to Detroit for an intellectual SHOWDOWN of scholarship right in the middle of his 13th

District. Let us show our people how the “im-mense influence” of the Jews has affected our place in Ameri-can society. Bro. Conyers should use that congressional sub-poena power and compel Mr. Foxman’s appearance.

Assure him that he can be sworn on the Talmud if he’d like. As The Minister put it to all those who have succumbed to ADL terrorism, “Why don’t you stand to the side, my be-loved so-called Negro brothers and sisters, and ask them to come out now. They’ve always pushed you out front. This time push them out.”

The Honorable Minister Farrakhan won’t need a sub-poena. He testifies by God’s Grace and Authority every Sat-urday evening 6 p.m. CT at

Foxman, Biden, Maher


The Hypocrisy and Fraud of Harold

BrackmanBy Demetric Muhammad

On May 11, 2013, the poor and the oppressed of the world celebrated the 80th birth anniversary of their champion, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. The beloved leader and charismatic minister for the down-trodden received well-wishes and happy birthdays from all over the globe. But while many of us were prayerfully thanking the Almighty God for the long life of one of His anointed servants, the enemies of the resurrection and rise of the world’s poor and oppressed boiled with rage and venom, being moved even to hurl racist propaganda at the 80-year-old truth-teller.

Specifically, Dr. Harold Brackman of the Simon Wi-esenthal Center posted an ugly diatribe against Minister Louis Farrakhan on the Louis D. Brandeis Center’s web-page. But Brackman and his fellow so-called anti anti-Semite crusaders are legendary for their record of circulating negative publicity against Black leaders and passing off propaganda as scholarship.

In 1994 as Brackman attacked the Nation of Islam’s book The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 1, he wrote in the New York Times, under the heading “Jews Had Negligible Role in Slave Trade.” As a result he was mocked and condemned by Jewish writer Lenni Brenner. When the ADL’s Marc Caplan came against the NOI by writing the pamphlet “Jew Hatred as History,” he was also soundly condemned by Brenner. According to Brenner’s ar-ticle published in the Amsterdam News, “the Brackman and Ca-plan works demonstrate that, for all their monkey-chatter about serious scholarship, they are incapable of it. Again and again we see them minimizing the Jewish role or, as with Caplan vis-a-vis the B’nai B’rith, evading the facts in true fanatic fashion.”

Brenner criticized Brackman for haranguing the Nation of Is-lam while actually falsifying quotes from The Secret Relationship

between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 1 (TSRv1). Brenner writes: “I re-viewed Brackman in the October 3, 1992 edition of New Amster-dam News and documented that he had cobbled together what he claimed was a quote from The Secret Relationship from two sen-tences dozens of pages apart and that he had even reversed their

order. Then, genius that he is, Brackman wrote the paper, confessing his impropri-ety…” Brenner further destroys Harold Brackman’s (Simon Wiesenthal Center) and Marc Caplan’s (ADL) scholarly cred-ibility when he says:

“Nevertheless, all serious Jewish scholars emphasize that Southern Jewry was nearly unanimous in support of slavery, and that only an insignificant percentage of Northern Jews were abo-litionists. German-Jewish immigrants were prominent in the cotton trade be-tween the South and Britain, which was brokered in New York. The city’s rich

Jews would have nothing to do with a fac-tion that threatened the exploitative base of their lucrative traffic. The ADL’s mendacity regarding this aspect of Jewish history is best seen or, more precisely, best not seen, in Caplan’s silence regarding the posture of the B’nai B’rith fraternal lodges on the slavery is-sue. The Secret Relationship cites Bertram Korn, a universally well-regarded Jewish historian: ‘B’nai B’rith…ignored the South–North turmoil in the pre-war years.’ (TSRv1, p. 155) Southern members of the B’nai B’rith were pro-slavery, so its national leaders kept si-lent about the burning question of the day in the interest of or-ganizational unity. The ADL was founded in 1913 as a branch of B’nai B’rith, to which it is still affiliated.”

What so thoroughly condemns Harold Brackman are his own words that make him sound more like a member of the Nation of Islam Research Group than a fellow at the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Brackman’s explosive 1977 doctoral dissertation on the history of Black–Jewish relations literally shines a bright light on the mysterious origins of the genocidal legendary belief and phi-losophy known as the Curse of Ham. The Curse of Ham is part of the Bible’s narrative concerning the Prophet Noah and his de-


STOREOrder with


Harold Brackman


creeing a divine curse on his son Ham’s offspring. According to the Farrakhan-bashing Brackman, “There is no denying that the Babylonian Talmud was the first source to read a Negrophobic content into the [Noachic] episode. . . .The Talmudic glosses of the episode added the stigma of blackness to the fate of enslavement that Noah predicted for Ham’s progeny…” (“The Ebb and Flow of Conflict: A History of Black–Jewish Relations Through 1900, Part 1,” pages 79-81).

This is a ground-breaking revelation that, since exposed by the Historical Re-search Department of the Nation of Islam, Brackman has tried to run from, even going so far as to blame the Muslims and not the Talmudic rabbis for creating the myth that Blackness was part of the punitive condi-tions of the Curse of Ham. Yet the religion of Islam prohibits the practice of enslaving human beings: the enslavement of any hu-man being is diametrically opposed to and completely antithetical to the teachings and dictates of Islam’s sacred texts. Thus, any Muslim participating in the slave trade is in violation of his religion, his actions di-vorced from the teachings of the religion of Islam itself. This is not the case where Jewish slavers are concerned. As Brackman’s dissertation makes plain, Jewish slavers could maneuver within the global slavocracy just as they might in any other industry—with the complete blessings of the Talmud. And this is a critical distinction. But don’t just take my word for it; let’s examine more of Brackman’s important dissertation.

The following excerpts from Harold Brackman’s 1977 doctoral dissertation have been made available via the Nation of Islam Re-search Group’s website at

On page 46 Brackman takes up the subject of Slavery in Jewish Law:

“Two legal fictions were evolved which legitimated slave trad-ing without openly repudiating precedent. The first of these actu-ally seized on a provision of the Talmudic slave law itself. For in ruling out forced circumcision, the Sages had declared that, under certain circumstances, a master could purchase a heathen bonds-man, retain him for up to a year in hopes of gaining his consent to the operation, but then resell him outside the Jewish fold if such consent was not finally given. Half a millennia after the Talmu-dic era had drawn to a close; one geonic responsa stretched this proviso into a blanket sanction for slave trading by Jews. Answer-ing a question raised by an unnamed Jewish community where most slaves were apparently held as speculative investments, it endorsed the practice of reselling to Gentiles any and all of those who during such a period of trial ownership demonstrated an un-

willingness to live up to the rudimentary moral obligations which the Jewish law imposed on them.”

On page 268 Brackman takes up the subject of Southern Jews as Slave Owners:

“One in four Southern Jews held slaves — exactly the same proportion that held for all Southern whites. They actively par-ticipated in the internal slave trade, owning three of Richmond’s

seventy, and four of Charleston’s forty-four, slave-auctioning emporiums. They pro-duced the full panoply of classic Southern types — from plantation overseer to planta-tion mistress to plantation-owning practi[ti]oner of the aristocratic refinements of inter-racial sex, and from temporizing Unionist Whig to fire-eating Democratic politician to embittered poor white hating nothing so much as free Blacks…Charleston’s Congre-gation Beth Elohim, the first American Re-form congregation, was also the first to raise an explicit membership bar against ‘people of color.’”

Years later, Brackman, in his 2008 article for the Encyclopedia of American Jewish His-

tory, wrote: “Jews were about twice as likely to be slave owners as the average white Southerner.” (The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 2, 2d ed., page 23)

On page 6 of his dissertation Brackman writes on Jews and Slavery:

“For the American Jews, too, the twentieth-century encounter with Blacks grew out of long past roots which, however, remain very alive with contemporary implications…They had owned slaves —black slaves — in Brazil, and their ancestors had lived for a thousand years…Moreover, they were heirs of a distinctive Jewish law of slavery that continued to develop in its own right and shape underlying attitudes up through the Karo-Isserles Code of the sixteenth century and also a distinctive Jewish lore of race relations with its own special mix of unflattering allusions to the color and character of dark-skinned Africans…”

As a follower of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan I greatly appreciate Mr. Brackman’s words that permit us to clear the Minister of the false charge of anti-Semitism. His words pro-vide for us the much-needed ability to demonstrate to a truth-seeking public, the harmony between the words of leading Jewish scholars and the impassioned liberation message of the Honor-able Minister Louis Farrakhan.

Thank you, Dr. Brackman.———————Demetric Muhammad is a student minister and member of

the Nation of Islam Research Group on-line at Reach him at

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