nobmt* «ft» 4*>uth, y §^mm ar at i •< h ^ a-v^^o4^i^^ 9/sag...

Post on 13-Mar-2018






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NOBMt* « f t » 4*>UTH, now m nee£ fer/op&filcH.

It *g»rtftCtt-

rowpieteb/d fcheorbf

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wearing CIAL TEETH, M"&>A ;

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tm&sr whose notice it

* o u M certain rthrm

[* an o*ea*a for wbt$b there is no excuse



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G E N U I N E P R E P A R A T I O N S , V i » t


4. V C' . *

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can b*- procurad. Many persons carry wlih them a bad breathy

greatly to ^ ^ f a W ^ * 1 - 1 ^ 0 * *<>-# e d 5 V

gust of tJiose wnn^whjyp,tney' dome iu con-. tatt^|iflhftji4ffwg o rH i^fy^rif«ctf TToti Use Dr. ttm!WflffrWM«tfii Wash.

('Jeanliuc3S_pL Ulf PTptfflS is of great Jmport-fti, ~\WrtJh JB-'ofon af-

nnfrequendy seriously in> idNtf £$£pe£ attention

•nee to t fected, and not paired, through this anbject. UsafDr.

Prepare 57 Fojjr.



MK$*r tattle. i*ati*te> dealers a

rbune BinJ-' AifeFiftft Ave-

For Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Stiff Keck and| Joints, iforains, Bruises, Cutsj

and Wouhda, Piles, Headache, and all Rheumatpand Nervous Disorders.

For all,of wbieh it is a speedy and certain reija-edy, and never fails. This Liniment is prepared

- f r o r m , t h e recipe pf Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Coh-SFs+^^h ''^TjiQM^l neetfcut; the famous bone setter, and i has Wen v; , T ^ ^ . , * r ^ ^ l u s . M i n b w p m d c e f » » r m o r e than twenty yctjrs

with the most astonishing success, • j . ' ;' ' ' I

As an alleviator of pain it is • unrivaled by any preparation before the public, of which the most skeptical may be convinced oy a singly trial.

"I i;

This l in iment will cure rapidly and (radically, RHEUMATIC DisortnEiis of every 'kind, and in thou­sands of cases.wiers it has been used itj has never been known to. fold, j >-. I ", i ,


This Powder possesses the. JABBOSIC WITHOUT THE INJU-


u l b free from ad aci }« or alkalies that can tik the Jeaet injure the Teeth.

m. Win & Hurd's- Tooth Powder is recommended by all eminent dentists.

Fwpared at Dr Hurd's dental office, No 77 Forartb street, Brooklyn, E. D.

Price 2 5 C e n t s per box-A liberal discount madd to dealers.

Address Principal cfiitJjvtribune Buil-d ing ,^o l Spruce St., N. Y


' fOp. T i ? E CURR OF

TOOTHACHE j»r»dticed by exposed nerv*s.

It;» particularly adapted to all cases of chil­dren aiiiicled with.

- I X > 0 £ B A € I J E r/stttilk can r«jliffvf;t>emsftlv.«s from tbat dis-

Crewing wearinf-s^ caused by LOSS OF S L E E P ,

asd their children frojn ^rcat suffering, bv Wpini; a bottle of

Dr Wm B. Hurd's Tootliache Drops in the house. • „ f

Prepared at; DrJ^nrd's dental o'f]fice, Xo 77 Fourth street/ Jjro^fyn^ K fr

Price on ly 12 cents per bottle. A liberal discount made to dealers,

.AddressPrincipal office, Tr ibune Buil-.dtrigs, N o 1 Spruce street, N e w York. Sold also by Caswell, iiack & co. Fifth Av­

enue hotel; J & I. Coddingtot),715 Broadway ; I> 91.' Uarties>liW Broadway, and by all drng-fi*ta. , 26vl


T U B 44



•iTsothacbe'produced by colds. LOCAL NIOJKALGJA

it immediately cured by their application. ; Tfcfy act like a charm, and are perfectly

>arnilehS in Uioir n;»fi;re; do not produce a SKdtC.r, »|»<1 !<jave no ''unpleasant results . ffrVfhi B,' liurd'i Neuralgia Plasters

arver J«H to give satisfaction U> all who test their vj«tiw.

Preparetl ai Dr Iiunl's dpni^i office, Xo. 77 i\ »;;i» St., Brooklyn, K. !>.

Price, niily 15 Cents, crch. A Lii*craJ discount nuyiy to dealers.

A ..iro<s Prin<tijxrf iUilice, Tribune Bnil-?d!rf^ Ntt 1 ^^ritee^f, New York. &.!<; also by iJvUjM'ull, M.vijk & . o. Fiftli-Ave-

%nt hotel; J*o. I. Coddington, 715 Broadway ; h S IW-rs, &r± l»r i«!vf;iy, & by all druggists

For Xcmalgia [it will afford Immediate reliefdn every case, howeyer distressing. j |

• i I I t will relieve the worst cases of Headachejin

three minutes and is warrantee! to do it.

TOOTUACWB ah4 wiH i t c u r e instantly. For Xervoiuk bebiiitj ' and General {Lassitude

arising,from irapjradence or excess, this Liniment is a most" happy land unfailing semedyj. Acting directly upon the nervous tisues, it sti-engthtfns and revivifies the system, and restores \t to eljis-ticity and vigor. I I .

• ; ! • i Foa PILES—As an external remedy, we claim

that it is the besjt known, and; we challenge the world to produce an equal. Every vietnm of this distressing complaint should give it a traai, for it will not tail toaaord immediate relief, and in a majority 61 eases will effect a radical cure. |

Quinsy and scire throat are sometimes extreme­ly malignant aoid dangerous, but a timely appli­cation of this Liniment will never fail Go cure.

! I I Sprains are sometimes very obstinate-; and en­

largement of the h-ints is ii ible to occur if he-glected. The w'orst #case may be conijueredj by this Linement hi two or three day.

Bruises, wountls, cuts, sores._ burns and scalds, yield to the wohjlerful healing properties of Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment, when used according fo directions. ^Iso. Chilblains, Frosted Feet, -aid irisoct bites juid stings. j

Dr. Stephen* Sweet, of Connecticut the Great Natural Bone Setter.

Dr. Stephen £>weet, of Connecticut, is known all over the United States. j

Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, I Is the author of Dr. Sweet's Infallible Lininltnt.

Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Hheuraattsm and never fails.

Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment ! Is a certain cure for Neuralgia. j

I -" ; Dr. Sweets Infallible Liniment

Cures-Burns and'Scalds immediately. I

Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment,; Is the best known remedy for sprains and burns.

- • • • « • • • - . t , . .

I i ;

Dr. Sweet^s Infallible Liniment Cures headache immediately & was never knows

t o f a i l . " * : > • - • • •-- . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ . - . - > . .

Dr. SweAt^ Ii|fallible Liniment Auords immedLute relief for, FBes,; ailii selaom

faBs tor cure. v -Mx ..; '.•. V'/;" ;^ : T - , $W4i t*s Jbfellible^ Liniment J

H E L arJ^OSCXD^S « Eft V I If E P R E p , 4 H AT ION,

••HIGHLY GONCENTBATED" ,c C ' • ' • • • ' - C O M K W J N P : •:••• ••'.•;;':.>• ,, , v ; . . . ; : :

F L U I D E X T R A C T B V C H I I ' A Positive and Specific Remedy

For Diseases of' the <i;-B L A D D E R , J K l D M * S , O R A V J E X , &

P R J O P S I C 4 L S W E C i I \ US.

f This Medicine dncreases the power of digestion aihd excites the absorbents into, healthy action, by which the WATERY ox CALCEROVSdiepQsi-twns; and alt UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are reduced, as well as pain.and inflamation, and is good for MEN, WOM EN or CHILDREN.



Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation*. Early Indiscretion, or Abuse,


Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power. Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, WakefulprsH Dimness of Vision, Pain in ' the Back Universal Lassitude of the Flushing of the liody

Muscular'System, Eruption»>uff the Face Hot Hands, Pallid Counteuance. Dryness of the skin " "

These symptoms, if allowed to go pn, which this medicine invariably removes, soion follow

Impotency, Patuity, Kpileptic Fils, In one of which the patient m a y expire.' Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "direful diseases," I \ S A r % I T ¥ A!%I> ( O U S U I T I B ' T B O W .

Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, but none wilZ confess. The records of the Insane Asylums and the melancholly deaths by Con­sumption, bear ample the truth pf the assertion.

The Constitution once affected with Organic Weakhess,

Requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which HELMBODD'S h.X-TBACT BUCHU invariably does. A trial wiJl convince the most-skeptical. -


Old or Young. Single, Married, or Contemplating Marriage.

In many affections peculiar to females the ex­tract Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Pain-fulness, or Suppression of the customary Evacu-, iitions. Ulcerated or-Schirrous state of the Uterus Lencorrbea or Whites, Sterility, and for all com­plaints incident to the sex, whether arising from indiscretion, habits of dissipation, of in the

Decline or Change of Life.

being duly sworu, doth tain no narcotic, no drugs, but are purely

Swornand subscribed of November, 1854,S^4i"

Alderman, Address Let

Depot 104 nut, Phiiadelph

B E W A J E I E ^ ^ C ^ N *

S preparations con-other injurious

LMBOLD. 23d day BARD. .

Phila. nfidence.

emist. iw Chest-


AN UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, ,.,..,. ~Who endeavor to dispose i ,0'FtHEtR GWN" and "other" articles on the reputation attained by .

Helmbold's Genuine Preparations. 44 . «« Extract Bachu.

2 ;" v * " ''- ,Sju>«iparilla.. f

• v* '*l i j " Improved Rose t7aih'. -v

Sold by all Druggists everywhere. , ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S—TAKE NO OTHER.'

Cutout the advertisement, and sand for ft, and avoid IMPOSITION atnd EXPOSURE." 38yi


•N. B. GRIFFTNG. DENTIST, 257 Fulton St Brook'lvn, and 258 Grand St., New York,

opposite Lord & Taylors, (formerly 370 Grand St.) have the LARGEST and CHEAPEST

Dentid Establishment in the World, j We are now extracting teeth paxitiody without

pain by the use, of Nitrous,_oxydc.gas. ,com/n»inly Called laughing gas: We are also pVep.uted to fur­nish to dentists the nparatus .for manufacturing the gas. and als<»full i-tfstrjjctioiis'^or administer­ing the same. N B; .-No ehargev^piaile for ex­tracting when artificial teeth^are t&fte inserted.

""' m s e r f e / 5 | L i - | j « c i t t | ' T c e t l * ,

And all other kbii grocery hoUse.

Goods deKve»^i|tri5,€iJ

Uil«r-i<nji mtmmmm kept in a first class

No 2o0 Green Mr/}-

n't forget.

^Murrayy .^e^York. r::'^ • p . %


They are without the aid "of ,m$alftc " p|ate oxclasps,' which for durability anj^ccrtjif(^t to the wearer, cannot be surpassed 'iifyft w.Wtehrf"% about two-thirds lighter-th&v P i s*e , ! i *R^^J^

They are also inser t ing ' .Cbl l^ i l i^ lOt ls G u m T e e t S a j witnout H e ^ s b r i c r e ^ j a s ; which can be m»'dc wo as to give ajiy^de^ed^rajness of expres­sion to the face. T^lsie^et^d^^loTstection from the closest scrutiny, ^OTg'Tn^dfe'fqi'lsuch a manner as to'show the lights, shades, and continuations of the natural gum.

The enlargement of our facilities for manufac­turing Artificial Teeth, enable us to furnish Don-istry, of a very superior style, at least FIFTY PER CENT, below the usual prices. We are now in­serting full sets of.Teeth, on our improved at­mospheric plates, (with or without extracting the roots,) on

Fine Gold. Platina

Partial Sets on Gold " " S i lve r . . . .

{iir^All work warranted

• t * 1 1 1 1 .$25.00 ...30,00 . .10.00 . , , 2.00 per tooth . . . 1 .00 •' •« as represented. No

charge for extracting where artificial teeth are in­serted. Extracting 2|> cents.

<N. B. GRIFFIN '& BROS., Dentists, 257 Fulton St., Brooklyn,

n2yl ' and 258 Grand St.. New York.

See Symptoms Aboye,

No Family should be Without It,

Take no Balsam, Mercury, or Unpleasant Medi­cine for Unplejisant and Dangerous Diseases.

U L L i f l l l O L D ' a E X T R A C T B U C I 1 U


SECRET DISEASES. little or no

in one minute.

SO •» -WV are Lwty reviving onlers to ^-rx] J*.-.IU^ oue or more of Dr. Hurd's Denud

wHffh we ra»iii-'t b ib* Nune ure mail-tbl« ex<-ryl, ekcepl (JUv-A**rvlai*. 1'bniter, "which we •rml m a n en'velopevn receipt of price {15 ctsi «aooueKtamp. But u> (•ccmuuttMhUe persons in *4lff«*«rl>er« tbf druvxUU und store keepers art-Mh.nd n.e »gr, we have put up packages m white •a»U ?* -l t» xr-i. >e\> it iin h*-» !•) four, with c>an-%vX'.iuent» rtn-li IH>X containing « bottle of Dr. Hui'i » i;---;iii Yv.k.-;,. u:.d 'IV-om Ache Di-optt, a •ox yJ £ouU. IV-wder. Ji.e Neumfgni Plaster, and

"- * T»;u*W«» 'little Treatki- i n 7Vr.'A and their DU«IJ><* —.Um km »w»m* •/ prntrctmj tj\cu», ami I'M yrnptr Wm^Mti \ Piuii/cu's Jittfi, worth, of itn< it the en-«*** £*H to f \ n y ym.nv: man «T woman, or part-nt.-< «jri^l ftwrii «"U4v.mi; w»U» »Uiuii> other necessary ert i t ie* .P11*** i" r l«»*-k«ge one doUar, or sis-pack-

*<tpt tofIB* stsit b r rxptvM* sui dlrecterl. As the r ex*resi cktrgfv arr IH»C :m:« h. tf any. more on a

4 tMn Hfttt *+ *'»•'. it fa far i henper to add six or a §mmr\*U* **+*<** thnr . A lar>ce ftutiily will aei '^or the imrplu* can l< riixpoKed of U>

l<vrt with publie \*-nrui. i'or no one tan eati-how much ptdu. surte: u>-,\ tmhappiiiew »ujd

' <Th.MttTH(nfit'niiii i k*s of time «IK1 moo«> •^W«t^*'«a4»«l ID Ifce ctmntry if every family to^

-JUT k*d oneof th«w»»packa-wi, wldeh. iu it*eif. * • " Ui ;>'••• ^ t <f DeiiUl Remedies. Addre.-*-t f m H. DmwJt Co. TrilMine Uuildiugy, New York MH! mim neme^aikU +Mi*rm rd»i»ty. - t h a t iv

Griffith/, Pmd»hul of the Furmer* and Citizen's U*»r t o U i t / a i l t o f of the American

>Joy Co* k C«x, pub-ii*her*A»trot», New York.;, to P. T. Buruum.

&.1!tmM>Wm3 JM£ 1%CM>0 Asi'iu* Wan ted

? • l»tr.duc« 1>T. ilnid'* Dental Kcmrdfes into »T«rjtra4»^r, lf#tt or woine|i who want to wake • . . l ^ f .jukCiy. can do with thet«e artklta* than amthl t tg io "tn> market They are new, «a»M. tew'frfniti. emlwsaeg.yettding thowatula

I^Mh-Wfrtl-^'tttheni Ut the U-m-rit ot afvuU.—. l e u * M^mvnX***, <tmtminlxte • doam of the one JWUwT**k»ge»aW»>ecc*^l , with cirenhu* « ilj •e^set**, ^ U O T A l ^ « « • * * * • ; l*Mit helf price tejlryfxt^w^biep t^ te^ t hw or* her in

Bjrl Sjref Vt FnfaJHbh?; Liniir|ent Cures cuts and founds immediately ,_and leaves

n o s e a r . -. l "' : '•-"•'.- :•• -;.- \.".- . j

5fesWel?t i fnfejiibte Liniment I Is th^^^ireme^y forsores In ihc known we|id.

Bf: Sweeps Infallible Liniment I Has been used by more than a million people and

ail praise it, j

Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniynent Taken int«rnaliyjcures colic, cholera .morbus and


Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment j Is truly a 'friend [iuneed*'and every family should • have it at hand;

Or. Sweejt's Infallible Lininiefat j Is for sale by all druggists. Price 25 and 50^cts.

A Frierid in Need. Try it. \ Dr Sweet's lnft>l/ible Liniment, a an external

remedy, is without a rival, and will alleviate ;xun more speedily than anv other preparation!-— r'or al l Rheumatic and nervous disorders it i s t rul infallible; and asj a curative for sores, wounjds, sprains, bruises, ^c . its soothing, healing, qnd powerful strengthening properties, excite the jjust vronder and astonishment of. all who have ever criven it a trial, i Uvtr one thousand certifiattes of remarkable cures, jx-rtormed by j t within the last two vears, attest the fact. ;

! — S \ Toj Horse Owners.

Dr. Sweet's Injfallil e Liniment for horses j is unrivalled by any and in all eases of Lameness, ariamg from sprains, bruises or wrenching, its ef­fect is magical and certain. Harness or sadtjLte sralls^ scratches, inange.'&c. i t will also cure spee­dily. Sparinatjd ringlx»«e may be easily pre­vented and curetjl in their Incipient stages, Hut confirmed cases jare beyond the possibility of a radical cure- Njo case of the kind, hotvever,! is

>s«o desperate or hopeiejis but it may be Alleviated y this Unimenjt, and its faithful applkitioti eiill

always remove j the Lameness, and euable the h o m » to travel k i th comparative ease. 1

Ev^ry Horse Owner j should have this remedy at hand, fori ts t imdly

a t tha. Hint appearance of Lameness will ef-fectuulty prevent these formidable diseases' [to whicb^atl horseti are liable, and which render so tuany otherwise valuable hoi^esnearly worthless.



And thousands have found it tauly A FRIEND IN NEED! [

I Caution.

in all their stages: at little expence; change in diet; no inconvenience .

V*I\D s o i :x«osu i{E , It causes frequent desire, and gives strength to

urinate, thereby removing obstructions, prevent­ing and curing strictuies of the Urethra, allaying pain and inrlamatioo, so frequent in this class of diseases, & expelling POISONOUS, DISEASED and WORN OCT MATTER. '

Thousands upon Thousands

Who have been the victim of

Q U A C K S And who have paid HEAVY FEr^S to be cured in a short time, have found tney were deceived and that the '• Poison" has, by the use of 'Pow­erful Astringents" been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and ,- •


U S E H e l m b o l d ' s E v t i a < t B n c l i l i

For all affections and diseases of

The Urinary Organs, Whether existing in MALE or FEMALE, from

whatever cause originating, and no matter

Of How Long standing Diseases of these organs require the aid of a Diu

re tic. H c I m b o l d N E x t r a c t B u c h u

Is the Great Diuretic. And i£ as certain to have the desired effect in all

diseases for which ?t is recommended.

BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! Helmbold's highly concentrated compound

Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla S I P H l L I S y

ThjLs is an affection of the .bipod, and attacks the .Sexual Organs, Linings of the Nose, Ears. Throat, Windpipe, and other Mucus. surfaces, making its appearance in the form_ of ulCcrs.— HelmbohJ's Extract Sar.sjiparilla.purilies the biood and temoves all sc'aly eruptions of the skiu, giv-. ing to the complexion "a clear and healthy color. I t being prepared expressly for this class of com: phunts. its blood purifying properties are preserv­ed toji greater extent than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla.

Helmbold's Rose Wash-,-An excellent lotiop for, diseases of a Syphilitic nature, and as an excellent' injection in diseases of the Urinary organs, arising frem habits of dis­sipation, used in connection with the extract Bu­chu and Sarsaparilla, in such diseases as recom­mended. ;

Evidence of the most responsible and reliable character"will accompany the medicines.

Certificates of Cures from eight to twenty years standing, with names known tu SCIENCE AND FAME.

For medical properties of BUCHU, see Dispen­satory of United States.

See Professot DEWEES' valuable works on the Practice of Phyeic.

See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr* P1IYS1CE, Philadelphia.

See remarks made by Dr. Ephraim McDowell,: acelebnited physieian 'andiheuiberof the Royal College of "Surgeons, Ireland, and pnblished in the 'I ransactious of the King and Queen's Jour­n a l . . '•. • $.&. '•''•• jtL'i;l«V ' r'kl.

See Medico-Cirurgiad Review, published by Benjamin Travers, i^ellbw of tfxe Royal College of burgeons. ' ) ' ,

See most of the late Standard Works oj-t Medi­cine. .•.' r • •

1 *

I T H l M k C


» «y~MMrw-« iMfw i

mf Su« m tl

To avoid imposition, observe tue oigtature and Likeness of Dr. -Stephen, Sweet on evfcry label,

. and also " Steplfjeto Sweet's Inialable lhniment!" •cent — • Mown in the ghfc& of each bottle, without wbiih

ra6Wr i none :ue genuice. RICHUVRDSON & QO.i rtST/ttjir'oUifc.

l*e time to go into the busbar**.— •aeeeova.^

iSck ProprietontH Norwich, Cdhn., v V o * a a i * f e l t U « > General Agents,

46 Cliff St., Ndw York, i ^ 8 e U bv s i l deslsrtaTsrjwkare. fc>"jl

Extract Buchu, $1 00 per bottle, or six for So " Sarsaparilla, 1 00 •• •• 5 00

Improved Rose Wash, 60 " " 2 50 Ot half a dozen of each for $12 00, Which will be suflicient to cure the most obstinate cages, if directions are adhered to.

Delivered to any address, securely packed from ! observation. • j H T Describe symptoms in a l l communic^tious j Cures guaranteed. Advice gratis.



Indian'At emedy F O R F E p A J L E S .


This celebrated Female Medicine, possessing virtues unknown of any­thing else of the kind, and proving effectual after all others have failed, is designed expressly for both piarrud and singh ladies, and iy th^o very best thing known for the purpose, as it will bring on the Monthly jSick-ness'm cases of obstruction from any cause, and after all other1 remedies of the kind have been tried in vain. If taken as directed it will cure any case, NO MATTER HOW OBSTZNATB', and it is also perfectly |.safe at all times.

0 " I t ' is put. up in bottles,of three different strengths, with full direction* for using, and sent by Express, c/.nseh/ sealed, toall pa;ts of the country., . P R I C E S - F u j i strength, S10; half strength, $5 ; quarter strength, $3 per bottle.— N. B — Some are cured be the weaker, while oth­ers may require the stronger preparation ; the full strength is always the best. ftsT' Sent by Ex-rREss. in in a sealed package, on receipt of the price by MAIL. ^ T REMEMBER—This Medicine i\ desiyiwd exfyressbi for OBSTIXATE CASra, which all other'remediet of die kind have failed to cure; also that it is warrenltd as represented IN KVEJiY RESPECT,, or the price, -will be refunded. {*?** BEWARE OF IMIIA TIOXS !—None genuine and warranted unless pur-chafivH.dire.ctly of Dr. Mchtiort, at his REMEDIAL INSTITUTEFORSPECIAL- DISEASES,- No. 28 Union""Striip'ti Providence. R. I. AcComtmodations

f<n~-i9i^-^himto;Tmtti^.^s^tlimtiri the city for

treatment. :

";;;f'.C'AWTIOM» ff'Tlt is estimated thaftover Three Hundred thou­

sand Dollars are paid to'swindling quacks annually in New England alone, kvhich is tcorsellwn thrown away. This comes from' trusting to the" false and deceptive advertisements * of men ealling them-s-.dves Doctors., who have no medical education, and"whose Only recommendation is what tlity say of themselves The only way to avoid imposition is to take no man's word, no matter what Ids pretentioi t are, but MAKE INQUIRY. It will cost you noth-irjg, andmay save you many regrets, for, as ad­vertising physicians in nine eases out of ten arn impostors, there is no safety in trusting any of them, unless you know who and what they are. J^f" Dr M. will send free, by enclosing one stamp for postage, a Pamphlet on DISEASES OF WOMEN, and on Private Diseases generally, giving full in­formation, with the most undoubted referencea and testimonials, wit bout which no advertising physician or medicine of this kind is deserving of ANY CON FII >ENCE WHATEVER. Dr. M. is a regu-laaly educated physician of twenty years' exj>eri ence ten of which^were spent in an extensive gcrloral practice, until, by reason of declining health, h. {was (ddiged to relinquish that, and adopt the specialty to which for the last ten years he has devoted his whole attention. J g ^ Orders by mail promptly attended to. Write your hame, town and State plainly, and direct to Lock Box No. XX. Providence, Post Office, or to Dr. MAT TISON, No. i.'8 Union St.. Providence, R. I.

Groce r i e s for the


N6W THAT | Heavy Taxes arc'to be paid. ! Heavy Duties are to be paid,

Heavy Rents are to he paid. High Prices viust be paid,

Then save on your


, §^mm H^ A-v^^o4^i^^

mer.ts ip the internal arraagemehr 61 his Office and Laboratory, and enjoying facilities not heretofore attainable by4him, takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and thepjublie generally tlrat he is enabled to reduce his prices to the fol­lowing : : ./_ j

UNPRECEnENTEDLY LOW FIGURES, VIZ : Full sets of Premium Porcelain Teeth,

inserted on gold plate, from.. $25 to $35 Former price, from 40 to 56 Full sets of Continuous Gum Teeth, in-

; serted on platina plate, from 25 to 35 Former price 46 to 60 Full sets on Vulcanized Rubber 15 to 25 Former price 25 to 35 Full sets on pure silver 10 to 15 Former price 20 to 25 Full sets on Cheoplastic 16 to 20 Former price. . 25 to 35

Partial sets inserted on plate at from $2 to S3 per Tooth : on silver at from $1 to $1.60. Teeth-tilled with gold at 75 cents per cavity ; with Cement at 50 cents ; with artificial bone, (a new and valuable tilling,) 50 cents. Cleaning teeth, removing tartar, &c , 60 cts. to $1. Extracting, 15 to 25 cents.

No charge for extracting when artificial teeth are inserted. All work warranted as represeted. Ether administered in extracting teeth whenever desired. Dr. Howell pledges himself that for the above prices his work will be equal, if not superior to' that of any <»ther Dentist on the Island.


Dr. h* tenders his sincere thanks to his numer-fus natron.4 a m ' friends for their liberal support

during the 'pa at ten years, and hopes by an honest endeavor to giv;'- satisfaction in all cases, to merit a continuance of their patronage.

( I T Office a t his reBute-ice, hrst house west of D. H. Osborn's Main £treet.

CARD. -The undersigned1, beh?g well acquaint­ed with Dr. Geo. Howell, of Rive.'head, having employed him during the past ten years, take pleasure in recommending him to all i. lose who need the services of a skillful and Iht/roug/i Den­tist.

A. B. LUCE, M. D. SPICER D. DATTON, A t t y -N. A. SAXTON, M. D. JOHN C. DAVIS, Merchant i GEO. MILLER, Att 'y . JOSHUA L. WELLS, " j

Riverhead, Aug. 16, I860. 13tf


O I L S A N D CABflPirl

ar A T AMf. stiomm* i •< ALCOHOL. CAMPHENE & BURNING^ FLVt9, }j

•\ No. 1 7 5 W a t e r S t r e e t ,


w WA

temper IDaratus.



N E W Y O R K C 1 T V .

Bil ls Col lected.


^"Col lec t ionsmade and al \is. to his aire.promptly attended t?. the store of James E. Sinitr

tsss <=c trugte C*a \ ?eeo



Just Published in a sealed envelope. Price G cts. LECTURE on the Nature, Tre;iflrrrenc, and Radical Bure of Spermatorrhea or Seminal

Weakness, sexual debility, nervousness, and in­voluntary emissions, including impotency, con sumption, and mental and physical debility,

BY ROB'T J . CULVERWELL, M. D. The important fact that the awful consequen-

ces'of self-abuse may be effectually removed with out internal medicines or the dangerous applica­tion of caustics instruments, medicated bougies, and other empirical devices, is here clearly dem­onstrated, and the entirely new and highly sue-' cessful treatment as adopted by the celebrated au­thor, fully explained, by means of which ever5-one is enabled to cure himself perfectly, and a t the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands.

Seqt under seal, \o a plain envelope, to any ad­dress, post paid on receipt of two postage stamps by addressing the publishers,

CHAS. J. 0 . KLINEE, & CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office, 45^6.



Village, takes this opportunity to say, that he may be found at the office formerly occupied by Dr. Stihvell, on Main street, every afternoon between the '

Hours of 1 and 2, and at the residence of Mrs. Charles T. Derini? in Hampton street, at all other hours. 45


A T L A \ Y ,



TOPPING'S B'.oc.y.]

Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages, Leases. Agreement?, Copartnership Articles, Powers of Attorney, Sat­isfaction Pieces, a u j all other legal documents prepared.



Acknowledgements to Deeds, and all Document*" for Record attended to at the shortest notice.

fljgT' Documents sent quired.

to Conuty Clerk when fe-[48vl

PRTER LORlIJ.ARf), Snuff &, Tobacco Manufacturer,

1(3 & 18 CHAMBERS ST, (Formerfy 42 Chambers Street, New York,)

Would call tlie attention of dealers to the articles of his manufacture, viz :

BROWN SNUFF, Macaboy, Deraigros,

Fine Rappee, I'ure Virginia Coarse Rappee, Nachitoches,

American Gentleman, Copenhagen YELLOW SNUFF.

Scotch, Honey i>— Scotch, High Toast Scotch, Fresh Honey Dew Scotch

Irish T' :"'. ''"'vigt Fresh Scotch, or Lundyfoot,

fET Attention is called to the large reduction in prices of Fine cut chewing and smoking 'to­baccos, which will be found of a superior quality

TOBACCO. SMOK1KO. FINK CUt CHEWING. SMOKING. Long, P. A. L. or plain, S. Jago,

No. 1. Cavendish or Sweet, Spanish. No. 2. Sweet Scented Oronoco Canaster.

Nos. 1 & 2 mixed, The Foil Cavendish, Turkish Granulated. \

N. B.—A circular of prices will fee sent on ap­plication, ^-y*



Kegulariy educated in Europe in the artofTax-fdermv, oilers his services to the public.

Orders left at O W. 'labor's promptly fdled.

A T L A N T I C H O U S E ,

Ih'ibfjcljampton £ . 3.

THIS Summer resort, miles from Sag-Harbor, and near

pleasantly situated a few the Ocean,

thoroughly refurnished with every >{ its guests, is now

H a i r o w s ! H a r r o w s ! Coalter Harrow, Nishwitz's SHARES' Paten*

Pul verizing Harrow. The above valuable im plements are kept constantly on hand . and will be sold at reasonable prices by


TURKS ISLAND SALT. n lots to Jl i s t received 1,000 bushels T. I . Salt, m lots

'bUit, cheap. H. Sf S. FRESC-B. "•. - ~ - : L : '

having Ix'en provision for the comfort open to the public.

Unusual facilities are offered for Bathing, Sport­ing, and other rural amusements. The subscriber *vill use every endeavor to make it a COMFORT-ABLE HOME toall who may visit him.

[jif" Carriages always in waiting at the several Sag-Harbor Boats, and easy and regular commu­nication with other neighboring' villages.

JAMES S. HEDGES, Proprietor.

Bridgehainpton, July, 18G0. 9tf

: ^ S C O U W I J V OL M U N S E L L ,

Long Island Rail Road Express-


93yl NEW-YORK.

A. D. SITU Ti l , Agent. §ag-HarI>or


G r i n d s t o n e s ! Or ind^tor ies!


""*•"•£'$& *\\ *s~r AFFIDAVIT. .TJf *<'<l#

Personally appesued before me an Aluemian of tha eity of Philadelchia, H. T.£ HEUIEOLO, who

J f T T l i o i u a s R . Agite^v purchased fbe fo*e the rise in the Markets large stocks 01 Teas,

Coffees, Sugars,

Flour and j Provisions, &c.

which enables him to sell lower than any body else. He has the largest stock in New York citv of F'our, City Cured.-Hams. s

Cheese, City Cured" Shoulders, Laid, Mackerel, 8oap, Gaudies, all kinds, Starch, Sugar,' Raw and Refined, Coffee, New Orleans Molasses, H

Butter, Porto Rico Molasses, Choice Tea Black, Simps, "* Choice Tea Green, and Kice.

He sells equally oheap, -, ^ #5oest Old Brandiea

For medidaal purposeo.

A LARGE and well selected assortment of gen­uine Ohio Borea Grindstones for sale very cheap by : E . & S. FRENCH •


OF all kinds apd of excellent quality for sale cheap by

C u l t i v a t o r s !


C u l t i v a t o r s !

A LARGE assortment of Cultivators, including Cramer's, Beckham's an/1 McNalley's, have

just been received and will be sold asl ow as pos­sible by H. Ik S. FRENCH.

S H E A R ' S P A T E N T H A R R O W .

THIS IMPROVED HARROW has been thor oughly tested by many practical and expe

rienced farmers, and is pronounced the best yet introduced. For sale by

SHERRY & PAYNE, April 14. Corn Exchange.

Offict— In the DeBevouYe Building, first floor in the rear of the new jPostOffice. Eut rance th rough the Hall. |j

Acknowledgements';, taken. Deeds, Bonds, Mortages, a?id other instruments of writing pre pared to order. \

fji?r Dooumenic for recOrc forwarded to th» County Clerk for tha t nrptfyc when desired. > "."

^ 5 Photographic*

SEEDS. L,\RGE assortment, includingOrchard grass, red top, potatoes, oats, with a-great variety

of Garrdens. SHERRY & PAYNE,



Saturday Dec. 20.

SALT For sale by




P H O T O G R A P H I C A L & U R M S

Latest patcrns. AH sizes and varieties.

H T Over J. Winters' Hat Store



WOULD INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT HE. is a Licensed Auctioneer in this.

place, and that he is now ready to attend to al t business that the public may entrust to him as an Auctioneer.

Sag-Harbor, Oct. 6th, 1861 19tf

J . F R E t T D E N T U A L ,

/Elliott 's building. Main Street, Sag Harbo., L. 1.,

i 17hoUude and Retail Dealer an

Q E G A R S AND TOBACCO, KEEPS CONSTANT O ly on hand a large and varied assortment of the lx-st Spanish and American brands of Tobacco and Segars,' which he oirers to the public at the lowest rates. Segars xuatlc toorderat the«horle^

THE SUBSCRIBERS ARE AGENTS FOR THE • sale of the above Machine, which ia said to

be the most successful

Combined Mower and Reaper ever offered to the public.

fgf° Farmers would do well to {call and see; u'.] notice and motst reasonable terms. A numbA* ot before purchasing elsewhere. j hands are kept constontly^ a t work 8b thalortfcni

SHERRY & PAYNE ^ u m abroad wfll receive prompt-atttaatium. £7tf


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