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The Perfect One JUL/AUG 2010EDWJextra Every Day with Jesus group resource

Session 1: Christ superior to prophets and angels 1—7 July


If you had to write a phrase or sentence to

describe yourself to your yet unborn great-

great grandchild, what would you say? How

would this form of communication compare to

a video diary of you?

key ThOughT

In a world of many faiths and of many different

views about Jesus, the writer to the Hebrews

wants to establish beyond all doubt that Christ

is the visible human incarnation of the

invisible God. In a world of many prophets,

philosophies and ways to fulfilment, Jesus

Christ is God’s last Word.

key verSe

‘The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the

exact representation of his being ...’ Hebrews 1:3


1. Why might we describe the Old Testament

as God speaking with a stutter?

2. Why is hell a result of what we don’t do

rather than what we do?

3. List the characteristics of Jesus that help us

understand what God is like.

4. In what sense did Jesus stagger to a


5. What role do angels perform today?

6. What do you understand about eternity?

7. Why does the worship of Jesus not break

the first two commandments? (See

Exodus 20:1—6.)

The examPle Of JeSuS

‘He is the image of the invisible God ...’

Colossians 1:15

Prayer POInTerS

* Worship God the Father that He gave us His

only Son. Worship God the Son that He came

to reveal God to us and to die for our sins.

Worship the Holy Spirit that He continues to

help us discover more about God.

* Pray for churches and initiatives such as

the Alpha course, that there will be a clear

message that Christianity is not about a godly

philosophy but a Person who is God.


As we are considering the building of God’s

house, you could introduce a game such as

Jenga, involving building ‘bricks’ or building a

‘house’ of cards. Alternatively, ask people to

share a testimony of how God has brought them

through a difficult period into a new time of


key ThOughT

This session contains warnings about unbelief

producing hard hearts and consequent rebellion

against God. We need to need to acknowledge

all that Christ has done for us and continue

to trust Him when faced with temptations and


key verSe

‘Jesus has been found worthy of greater honour

than Moses, just as the builder of a house has

greater honour than the house itself.’

Hebrews 3:3


1. Why are Christ’s words important?

2. What is our lost inheritance? (See Genesis

1:27—28; Revelation 5:9—10.)

3. How is our lost unity demonstrated and how

can the Church reveal its recovery?

4. How has Satan lost his whip of deathly


5. Why was the woman restored in

Mark 5:25—34?

6. Compare and contrast the achievements of

Moses and Jesus.

7. How may our hearts be hardened against


8. What is the difference between doubt and


The examPle Of JeSuS

‘But Christ is faithful as a son over God’s house.’

Hebrews 3:6

Prayer POInTerS

* Thank God that He is building you and those

in your group into His spiritual house.

* Pray that we will always have soft hearts,

trusting souls and obedient wills towards God.

Session 2: Superior to Moses 8—15 July

The Perfect One JUL/AUG 2010EDWJextra Every Day with Jesus group resource

Session 4: Superior to Melchizedek 25 July — 2 auguST


What difficulties (or disasters!) have you

experienced in growing up (eg schooldays,

learning to drive or cook(!), dating, finding a job,

leaving home etc)? Life (and particularly the

Christian life) is about growing in maturity and

overcoming challenges.

key ThOughT

We need to set our wills in the direction of

moving ahead to become mature believers in


key verSeS

‘… until we all reach unity in the faith and in

the knowledge of the Son of God and become

mature, attaining to the whole measure of the

fullness of Christ ... we will in all things grow

up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.’

Ephesians 4:13,15

‘But grow in the grace and knowledge of our

Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory

both now and for ever! Amen.’ 2 Peter 3:18


1. Why may people be contented with


2. What are the causes of a hardened heart

towards God? (See Hebrews 3:13.)

3. How vital is personal discipline to being an

effective and growing Christian?

4. In Psalm 37 David uses the words ‘fret’ and

‘trust’. How can a decision overcome an


5. Does your own soul currently need an

anchor in a tempestuous time?

6. How could there be priests of God before

Aaron and the Levitical priesthood?

7. Compare and contrast Melchizedek and


8. Why was a new order of priesthood


9. Briefly share your own story of knowing

Christ as your personal Saviour.

The examPle Of JeSuS

‘… but because Jesus lives for ever, he has

a permanent priesthood. Therefore he is

able to save completely those who come to

God through him, because he always lives to

intercede for them.’ Hebrews 7:24—25

Prayer POInTerS

* Thank God that Christ is a perfect priest and

perfect Saviour who has perfectly removed

our sin and perfectly won our perfect


* Pray that those who are experiencing the

storms of life will be anchored in God’s love

and presence.


What is your favourite form of rest and


key ThOughT

Because Christ is superior to Old Testament

priests we can stop striving to please God

through religious ritual and enter into a place

of rest by faith in the One whose whole being is

one of perfect peace and confidence.

key verSe

‘Therefore, since the promise of entering his

rest still stands, let us be careful that none of

you be found to have fallen short of it.’

Hebrews 4:1


1. What is the difference between belief

and faith?

2. How can we enter into God’s rest?

3. How should Christians keep the Sabbath?

4. Why is it important to expose ourselves to

the written Word of God?

5. What is easier — meeting the Queen of

England or spending time with God?

6. How did Jesus fulfil the qualifications of a


7. Why can Christ fully sympathise with


8. What is your spiritual age and in which

areas do you need to mature?

9. Outline the basic doctrines of spiritual milk;

or do you need a refresher course?

The examPle Of JeSuS

‘During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he

offered up prayers and petitions with loud

cries and tears to the one who could save him

from death, and he was heard because of his

reverent submission ... and was designated

by God to be high priest in the order of

Melchizedek.’ Hebrews 5:7,10

Prayer POInTerS

* Pray for a maturity in the Body of Christ.

* Thank God that you do not have to strive to

please Him, but simply enter into the rest

prepared for us by Jesus.

Session 3: Superior to the priesthood 16—24 July

The Perfect One JUL/AUG 2010EDWJextra Every Day with Jesus group resource


We are considering the concept of making

sacrifices for the benefit of others. As an

introduction to this subject, contemplate the

question: ‘What sacrifices do parents make for

their children?’ Any examples are but a shadow

of Christ’s sacrifice for us.

key ThOughT

The old covenant provided for the covering

of sin by the death of an innocent animal

substitute. The only acceptable ultimate

penalty for sin was the death of the sinner. If a

substitute was to be provided as a completely

suitable penalty for human sin, it could only be

the death of a perfect human being. Christ, the

perfect man, has paid the penalty of sin for us.


key verSe

‘In fact, the law requires that nearly everything

be cleansed with blood, and without the

shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.’

Hebrews 9:22


1. In what sense is the cross a timeless event

rather than an historic event? Could you

consider other events such as the Magna

Carta or Declaration of Independence in a

similar way?

2. Why did God instruct Moses to build the

tabernacle? (See Exodus 25:8.)

3. Why was the first covenant replaced?

4. What is the difference between a contract

and a covenant?

5. Why should guilt or inferiority not prevent

us worshipping God?

6. How much do we work for God for Him to

love us, and how much do we work for God

because He loves us?

7. Why are man’s attempts to remove guilt and

sin unsuccessful?

8. Is an understanding of Old Testament

sacrifices necessary to understand the


The examPle Of JeSuS

‘How much more, then, will the blood of Christ,

who through the eternal Spirit offered himself

unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences

from acts that lead to death, so that we may

serve the living God! For this reason Christ is

the mediator of a new covenant ...’

Hebrews 9:14—15

Prayer POInTerS

* Thank God for so great a way of salvation and

the sacrifice of His Son.

* Pray for the Holy Spirit’s help to be able to

fully understand Christ’s sacrifice and explain

it to others.

Session 5: Superior to the Mosaic sacrifices 3—10 auguST Session 6: Heroes of faith 11—19 auguST


Who are your heroes from the Bible, history and

the present day? Should we have heroes?

key ThOughT

Faith in God is the oxygen for the vitality and

effectiveness of our spiritual life. We can gain

much inspiration from past and present heroes

of the faith who overcame great obstacles

through their trust in God.

key verSeS

‘Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and

certain of what we do not see ... And without

faith it is impossible to please God, because

anyone who comes to him must believe that he

exists and that he rewards those who earnestly

seek him.’ Hebrews 11:1,6


1. How can rituals and shadows replace a

Redeemer and Saviour?

2. Describe the character of a person who

lives in utter dependence in God.

3. Is there a difference between forgiving sin

and forgetting sin?

4. Should confession precede worship?

5. Define ‘perseverance’. What are the

characteristics of a person who perseveres

under pressure?

6. Why may discontent be a positive spiritual


7. Is faith an emotion or a decision?

8. How can we see things that are invisible?

9. How can our faith grow stronger?

The examPle Of JeSuS

‘... he [Jesus] entrusted himself to him who

judges justly.’ 1 Peter 2:23

Prayer POInTerS

* Pray for greater faith. (See Luke 17:5.)

* Pray that you will be an inspiration to others

and pass your faith on to them.

The Perfect One JUL/AUG 2010EDWJextra Every Day with Jesus group resource

Session 7: Superior to heroes of the faith 20—25 auguST


How has discipline helped improve your life (eg

studying for qualifications, dieting, physical

exercise etc)?

key ThOughT

We will all experience trials and discipline

which we can use to strengthen our faith if we

keep our eyes on Jesus and continue to receive

His grace.

key verSe

‘Consider him who endured such opposition

from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary

and lose heart.’ Hebrews 12:3


1. Is faith incomplete without endurance?

2. Why does God allow trials?

3. How may we treat spiritual things in a light-

hearted way?

4. Have we lost a sense of the fear or

reverence of the Lord?

5. Why may a church not allow the Son of God

to speak to it?

6. How can we be shaken but not moved? (See

Acts 20:24, NKJV.)

The examPle Of JeSuS

‘Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and

perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before

him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and

sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.’

Hebrews 12:2

Prayer POInTerS

* Pray for those experiencing trials.

* Pray that you may experience the joy of the

Lord as you take Scripture seriously and

reverence Him.

* Pray that you may be so deeply rooted in

God that you will not be moved by earth-

shattering events.

Session 8: The final Word! 26—31 auguST


What has most impacted you from our studies

of the book of Hebrews?

key ThOughT

Because of all that Jesus is and has done

for us, our lives should be full of love, grace,

compassion, contentment, purity, praise and

Christian service to His glory.

key verSe

‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today

and for ever.’ Hebrews 13:8


1. How could you be involved in a ministry

of compassion?

2. How do you cope with change?

3. Why may Christians face embarrassment

and shame? (See Luke 21:10—19; Romans

1:16—17; 1 Corinthians 1:18—25; 2 Timothy 1:8.)

4. Why is submission (or willingness to yield)

to authority so important?

5. What is the secret of effective Christian


6. How does the book of Hebrews complete

and fulfil the story of the Old Testament?

The examPle Of JeSuS

‘May the God of peace, who through the blood

of the eternal covenant brought back from the

dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of

the sheep, equip you with everything good for

doing his will, and may he work in us what is

pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom

be glory for ever and ever. Amen.’

Hebrews 13:20—21

Prayer POInTerS

* Thank God for the blessings of the new

covenant available to us through faith in the

blood of Jesus.

* Pray that the written words we have studied

will become living words in our daily lives.

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