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cdm Guide v4.7 series

Nimsoft Monitor

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Contents 5


Chapter 1: cdm 4.7 7

cdm Overview .............................................................................................................................................................. 7

Notes ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9

Chapter 2: cdm Probe Deployment 11

Supported Platforms .................................................................................................................................................. 11

System Requirements ................................................................................................................................................ 11

Software Requirements ............................................................................................................................................. 11

Monitoring System Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 12

Probe Deployment Information ................................................................................................................................. 12

Chapter 3: cdm Configuration 13

Probe Defaults ............................................................................................................................................................ 13

Probe Configuration Interface Installation ................................................................................................................. 14

Probe Configuration ................................................................................................................................................... 14

The Setup Tab ..................................................................................................................................................... 14

The Status Tab ..................................................................................................................................................... 23

The Multi CPU Tab .............................................................................................................................................. 30

The Advanced Tab ............................................................................................................................................... 31

The Custom Tab .................................................................................................................................................. 35

Options Configured Using Raw Configure ........................................................................................................... 36

How to Copy Probe Configuration Parameters .......................................................................................................... 36

Chapter 4: QoS Threshold Metrics 37

cdm QoS Metrics ........................................................................................................................................................ 37

cdm Alert Metrics Default Settings ............................................................................................................................ 38

Chapter 5: Troubleshooting and FAQs 41

Guidelines for Sending Bug Reports ........................................................................................................................... 41

Chapter 1: cdm 4.7 7

Chapter 1: cdm 4.7

This description applies to cdm probe version 4.7x.

This section contains the following topics:

cdm Overview (see page 7) Documentation Changes (see page 8) Notes (see page 9)

cdm Overview

Monitors CPU, disk, and memory.

The Nimsoft CPU, Disk & Memory (cdm) probe monitors performance and load on critical system resources as below:


■ Disk

■ Memory

The cdm probe is included in the Basic Server, Application Server and all Vblock Packs. See Getting Started with Probes for more information on probe packs.

The probe operates in two modes:

■ Generates alarms: Based on configured threshold values it generates alarms to take corrective actions immediately.

■ Generates trending data: The trending data is sent as Quality of Service (QoS) data to the data_engine probe. This facilitates capacity planning for the monitored system. For example, you can see how disks are filling up over time and plan batch jobs based on CPU utilization.

cdm Overview

8 cdm Guide

Documentation Changes

This table describes the version history for this document.

Version Date What's New?

4.8 March 2014 ■ No documentation updates, only document version is updated.

4.7 April 2013 ■ Added Timeout option to avoid hang situations.

■ Added information for memory and paging properties. Updated information for CPU usage options and space monitoring.

■ Added information for memory usage graphs.

■ Added support for Debian and Ubuntu platforms.

■ Added snapshots for better understanding of the probe.

4.6 March 2012 Added information for general preferences section.

4.5 November 2011 The following documentation updates have been made since the last release of this documentation:

■ Reorganized the content of this probe documentation.

■ QoS Threshold Metrics—Added this section with checkpoint metrics and benchmark data.

Related Documentation

Documentation for other versions of the cdm probe

The Release Notes for the cdm probe

Monitor Metrics Reference Information for CA Nimsoft Probes (


Documentation Changes 9

Notes ■ The 32-bit versions of this probe are unable to monitor terabyte (TByte) sized disks.

■ When running this probe in a clustered environment you should not set the flag /disk/fixed_default/active=yes since this will cause problems with the disks that appear and disappear with the resource groups. This flag is unavailable through the GUI, and only reached through raw configure or by directly modifying the cdm.cfg file.

■ Version 4.0x: Changed behavior when running in a cluster together with cluster probe version 2.2x. The probe will receive information about cluster disk resources from the cluster probe and create monitoring profiles for these based on the 'fixed_default' settings. These profiles are automatically registered with the cluster probe to ensure continuous monitoring on cluster group failover. The cluster group is used as Alarm and Quality of Service source instead of the cluster node. Note that on upgrade, old monitoring profiles for the cluster disks are overwritten with the new ones.

Chapter 2: cdm Probe Deployment 11

Chapter 2: cdm Probe Deployment

This section contains the prerequisites, system requirements and deployment information for the cdm probe.

This section contains the following topics:

Supported Platforms (see page 11) System Requirements (see page 11) Software Requirements (see page 11) Monitoring System Requirements (see page 12) Probe Deployment Information (see page 12)

Supported Platforms

The cdm probe is supported on the same set of operating systems and databases as the Nimsoft Monitor Server solution. Please refer to the:

■ Nimsoft Compatibility Support Matrix for the latest information on supported platforms.

■ Support Matrix for Nimsoft Probes for additional information on the cdm probe.

System Requirements

The cdm probe should be installed on systems with the following minimum resources:

■ Memory: 2-4 GB of RAM. This probe OOTB configuration requires 256 MB of RAM.

■ CPU: 3 GHz dual-core processor, 32-bit or 64-bit

Software Requirements

The cdm probe requires the following software environment:

■ Nimsoft Monitor Server 6.5 or later

■ Nimsoft Robot 5.70 or later

■ Java Virtual Machine 1.6 or later (typically installed with NMS)

■ Any one of the following Web Browsers (for configuration of probe attribute within Admin Console):

■ Google Chrome

■ Mozilla Firefox 15.0 or later

Monitoring System Requirements

12 cdm Guide

Monitoring System Requirements

The cdm probe monitors CPU, Disk, and Memory.

Probe Deployment Information

There are three ways to distribute archive packages. You can distribute the package within the web-based Admin Console (for supported probes), from within Infrastructure Manager, or use the standalone Nimsoft Distribution application.See Probe Deployment for more information on deploying probes.

Chapter 3: cdm Configuration 13

Chapter 3: cdm Configuration

You can configure the probe to monitor local disks as well as shared disks (cluster). When monitoring shared disks (such as NFS mounts) over low-performance or over-utilized lines, you may experience slow response times.

This section describes the configuration concepts and procedures for setting up the CPU, Disk and Memory Monitor (cdm) probe.

When configuring the cdm probe you will be directed into the Status tab. The status tab displays graphs of the CPU usage, Memory usage, and Paging activity, and a list of file systems being monitored.

This probe can be configured using the probe configuration interface or by copying configuration parameters from another cdm probe (see the Infrastructure Manager documentation).

If quota is turned on for a disk on a Windows system, the size reported is the total size, and the free disk space is calculated after quota.

This section contains the following topics:

Probe Defaults (see page 13) Probe Configuration Interface Installation (see page 14) Probe Configuration (see page 14) How to Copy Probe Configuration Parameters (see page 36)

Probe Defaults

You can use the sample configuration file to configure a probe with default monitoring values.

Follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the Program Files\Nimsoft\Probes\Network\<probe_name> folder.

2. Rename the <probe_name>.cfg file to <probe_name>_bkp.cfg to take the backup of the existing file.

3. Rename the sample_<probe_name>.cfg file to <probe_name>.cfg.

4. Run/restart the probe in Infrastructure Manager to initialize the configuration.

You can now use the newly added default monitoring values, such as templates, in the left pane as per requirement.

Probe Configuration Interface Installation

14 cdm Guide

Probe Configuration Interface Installation

The probe configuration interface is automatically downloaded and installed by the Nimsoft Infrastructure Manager when the probe is deployed on a robot.

Probe Configuration

The CPU, Disk and Memory Monitor (cdm) probe configuration interface displays a screen with tabs for configuring sections of this probe. This probe can be set up in three types of environments: single computer, multi-CPU and cluster.

There are five main tabs, as listed below:

■ Setup (see page 14)

■ Status (see page 23)

■ Multi CPU (see page 30)

■ Advanced (see page 31)

■ Custom (see page 31)

The Setup Tab

The Setup Tab is used to configure general preferences for the probe. There are tabs within this tab that you can use to specify general, control properties and message definitions. A fourth tab (cluster) displays if the probe is running within a clustered environment.

This tab contains the below listed sub tabs:

■ General (see page 15)

■ Control properties (see page 16)

■ Message definitions (see page 20)

■ Cluster (see page 21)

Probe Configuration

Chapter 3: cdm Configuration 15

The General Tab

The fields in the above dialog are explained below:

Log level

Sets the level of detail written to the log file. Log as little as possible during normal operation, to minimize disk consumption.

Log size

Sets the size of the probe's log file where probe-internal log messages are written. Upon reaching this size, the contents of the file are cleared. The default size is 100 KB.

Send alarm on each sample

If selected, the probe generates an alarm on each sample. If not selected, the probe waits for the number of samples (specified in the samples field of the Control properties tab) before sending the alarm. This check box is selected by default.

For example, Interval values is set to 1 minute and number of sample is set to 2 and:

Option is Unchecked: the first alarm will be generated in 2 minutes and the respective alarms will generate in 1 minute time interval each.

Option is Checked: the first alarm will be generated in 1 minute and the respective alarms will generate in 1 minute time interval each.

Note: The sample collected at the start of the probe is considered to be the first sample. The sample count is cleared on de-activation of the probe. For more details about the samples, see The Control properties tab. (see page 16)

Probe Configuration

16 cdm Guide

Send short name for QoS source

If selected, sends only the host name. If not selected, sends the full host name with domain.

Allow QoS source as target

A number of QoS messages by default use the host name as their target. If selected, the target name is changed to be the same as the QoS source name.

Important: If the Set QoS source to robot name option is set in the controller you will get the robot name also as target.

The Control Properties Tab

The Control properties tab define time limit after that the probe asks for data and the number of samples the probe should store to calculate the values used to determine the threshold breaches.

Probe Configuration

Chapter 3: cdm Configuration 17

The fields displayed in the above dialog are separated into the following three sections:

■ Disk properties

■ CPU properties

■ Memory & Paging properties

The field description of each section is given below:


Specify the time limit in minutes between probe requests for data. This field is common for all three sections.

Probe Configuration

18 cdm Guide


Allows you to specify how many samples the probe should store for calculating values used to determine threshold breaches. This field is common for all three sections.

QoS Interval (Multiple of 'Interval')

Allows you to specify the time limit in minutes between sending of QoS data. For example, If the interval is set to 5 minutes and number of samples is set to 5, the CPU utilization will be the average for the last 25 minutes. This field is common for all three sections.

Ignore Filesystems

Defines the filesystem to be excluded from monitoring. This field is specific to Disk properties section only. For example, *C:* will not monitor the disk usage matching the given regular expression *C:* i.e. Disk C.


Specifies the time limit for the probe to collect CPU, Disk and Memory related data. This option is useful at time of disk fail/crash in stale File system to avoid hang situation for the probe. A default timeout of 5 seconds was used to avoid hang situation to get disk statistics. But when system is having high cpu load, 5 seconds timeout is not good enough in certain situations. Recommended timeout is 10 seconds and should be increased under situations like high cpu load.

Note: This option is available for non–windows platforms only, like Linux.

Set QoS Target as 'Total' (CPU)

If selected, the QoS for Total (Individual as well as Average) will be changed to Total. The default is the hostname.

The following SQL scripts demonstrate how to update old data to confirm with when the QoS Target as „Total‟ is changed:


To see the rows to be changed or updated rows:

SELECT * FROM dbo.s_qos_data WHERE probe LIKE 'cdm' AND qos LIKE

'qos_cpu_usage' AND target NOT IN('user','system','wait','idle')

To update table for new target:

Declare @Target varchar(100) Declare @Source varchar(100)

SELECT @Target = 'Total' SELECT @Source = 'tsuse10-32' UPDATE dbo.s_qos_data

SET target=@Target WHERE source LIKE @Source AND probe LIKE 'cdm' AND qos LIKE

'qos_cpu_usage' AND target NOT IN('user','system','wait','idle')

Here, Target is the new QoS target to be set and Source is the QoS source for which target need to be changed. Both of these can be configured by user.


To see the rows to be changed or updated rows:

Probe Configuration

Chapter 3: cdm Configuration 19

SELECT * FROM dbo.s_qos_data WHERE probe LIKE 'cdm' AND qos LIKE

'qos_cpu_multi_usage' AND (target NOT LIKE 'User%' AND target NOT LIKE

'System%' AND target NOT LIKE 'Wait%' AND target NOT LIKE 'Idle%')

To update table for new target:

Declare @Target varchar(100) Declare @Source varchar(100) SELECT @Target =

'Total' SELECT @Source = 'tsuse10-32' UPDATE dbo.s_qos_data SET

target=@Target+RIGHT(target,2) WHERE source LIKE @Source AND probe LIKE 'cdm'

AND qos IN ('qos_cpu_multi_usage') AND (target NOT LIKE 'User%' AND target

NOT LIKE 'System%' AND target NOT LIKE 'Wait%' AND target NOT LIKE 'Idle%')

Here, Target is the new QoS target to be set and Source is the QoS source for which target need to be changed. Both of these can be configured by user.

Set QoS target as 'Memory'

If selected, QoS target for memory and paging is set as Memory.

The following SQL scripts demonstrate how to update old data in the database when the QoS Target as "Memory" is changed:

To see the rows to be changed or updated rows:

SELECT * FROM dbo.s_qos_data

WHERE probe LIKE 'cdm'





To update table for new target:

Declare @Target varchar(100)

SELECT @Target = 'Memory'

UPDATE dbo.s_qos_data

SET target=@Target


probe LIKE 'cdm'





Note: Here, Target is the new QoS target to be set.

Probe Configuration

20 cdm Guide

The Message Definitions Tab

The Message definition tab offers functionality to customize the messages sent whenever a threshold is breached. A message is defined as a text string with a severity level. Each message has a token that identifies the associated alarm condition.

The Fields displayed in the above dialog are explained below:

Message Pool

This section lists all messages with their associated message ID. You can right-click in the message pool window to create new message and edit/delete an existing message.

Active Messages

This section contains tabs to allow you to associate messages with the thresholds. You can drag the alarm message from the message pool and drop it into the threshold field. The available tabs are explained below:


High (error) and Low (warning) threshold for total CPU usage.

High (error) threshold for individual CPU usage (alarms are sent when one of the CPUs in multi-CPU systems breaches the threshold).

CPU difference threshold (alarms are sent when the difference in CPU usage between different CPUs in multi-CPU systems breaches the threshold).


The thresholds for disks can be modified by double-clicking the disk-entries under the Status tab.

Probe Configuration

Chapter 3: cdm Configuration 21


Depends on what memory view is selected in the memory usage graph, where you may toggle among three views (see the Status tab).

■ Memory usage

■ High (error) and Low (warning) threshold for pagefile usage and paging activity

■ Physical memory

■ Swap memory (Unix systems)


Allows you to select the alarm message to be issued if the computer is rebooted.

Default: The time when the computer was rebooted.


You can select the alarm message to be sent if the probe is not able to fetch data.

Default: Contains information about the error condition.

The Cluster Tab

The Cluster tab is displayed only when the cdm probe is hosted in clustered environment and it is configured as a part of a cluster.

Probe Configuration

22 cdm Guide

It displays a list of detected virtual groups belonging to the cluster. By editing the entries (refer Edit Alarm or QoS source section (see page 22)), you can set the alarm source and QoS source to be used for disks belonging to that virtual group.

The available options for alarm source and QoS source are:

■ <cluster ip>

■ <cluster name>

■ <cluster name>.<group name>

Edit Alarm or QoS Source

To edit the alarm source or QoS source, follow these steps:

1. Double click a virtual group entry.

The Group Sources dialog appears.

2. Select the Alarm source and QoS source and then click OK.

Note: Quality of Service messages can also be sent on Disk usage (both in % and MB), and availability for shared disks (also disk usage on NFS file systems if the Enable space monitoring option is set for the file system as described in the section Setup > Cluster). These options can be selected when defining the threshold values for these options under the Status tab

Probe Configuration

Chapter 3: cdm Configuration 23

The Status Tab

The Status tab sets up high and low thresholds for the CPU, memory and paging activity for the selected file system. It also the default tab of the cdm probe GUI.

The fields displayed in the above dialog are explained below:


The graphs display actual samples in purple, averages in blue, error threshold (if configured) in red, and warning threshold (if configured) in yellow.

■ CPU usage: graph of the CPU usage.

■ Memory usage: three separate graphs (% of total available memory, physical, and virtual memory). Use the buttons M, S, and P on the top right corner of the graph to toggle through the three graphs.

■ % of available memory: in % of total available memory

■ Physical memory: in % of available physical memory (RAM).

■ Swap memory: on UNIX systems, this value refers to the % of available swap space.

Note: Typing <Ctrl>+S on your keyboard will save the current view for this graph, and this view will be shown the next time you open the probe GUI.

■ Paging activity: graph of the paging activity.

You can enter the Threshold values by clicking the up/down indicator for High and Low, or by typing the value into the text field. Please note that the cdm probe uses average value as the reference value when it determines if a threshold is breached.

Probe Configuration

24 cdm Guide

Disk usage

The disk usage list displays the disks installed on the system and the amount of free space on each disk. You can monitor each disk individually, with individual threshold values, messages and severity levels. See section Disk Usage Modifications (see page 24).

Disk Usage Modification

You can modify the monitoring properties of disk by right-clicking on a monitored disk in the list.

You have the following options, depending on the disk type:

■ New share... (see page 24)

■ Edit (see page 26)

■ Delete (see page 28)

■ Modify Default Disk Parameters (see page 29)

■ Enable space monitoring (see page 29)

New Share Properties

On selecting the New Share... option from right-click menu to modify the disk usage properties, the following dialog appears:

Using the New Share... option you can specify the network disk or folder to be monitored by the cdm probe. The network location is specified in the \\computer\share format.

Probe Configuration

Chapter 3: cdm Configuration 25

Once the share is specified, you can specify a user name and password to be used when testing the availability of the share, and the message ID to be sent if a share is determined to be unavailable. You can use the domain user if the machine is a member of a domain as shown in figure below:

You can also select the Folder Availability Quality of Service Message option to send QoS messages on availability of the shared folder.

Note: For UNIX platforms this option is used to monitor NFS file systems.

To enable/disable space monitoring of the windows share/mounted drive, right-click a monitored windows share/mounted drive in the list and select the enable/disable space monitoring option.

Note: the shares are tested from the service context, and the cdm probe just checks that it is possible to mount the share.

UNIX platforms

To enable/disable space monitoring of the file system, right-click a monitored NFS file system in the list and select the enable/disable space monitoring option. Enabling space monitoring of a NFS file system may cause problems for the cdm probe if the communication with the NFS server is disrupted (e.g. stale NFS handles). By default, the NFS file systems are monitored for availability only.

Probe Configuration

26 cdm Guide

Edit Disk Properties

On selecting the Edit... option from right-click menu to modify the disk usage properties, the following dialog appears:

The disk usage configuration GUI displays tabs for each section of the disk configuration, which are explained below:

Disk usage and thresholds Tab

The page displays the amount of total, used, and free disk space for the file system.

You can configure the following threshold settings:

Monitor disk using either Mbytes or %.

■ High threshold for the disk. If you select this option, set the value (based on either Mbytes or %) and select the alarm message to be sent. When the amount of free space gets below this value, the specified alarm message will be sent. This threshold is evaluated first and if it is not exceeded, then the low threshold is evaluated.

Probe Configuration

Chapter 3: cdm Configuration 27

■ Low threshold for the disk. If you select this option, set the value (based on either Mbytes or %) and select the alarm message to be sent. When the amount of free space gets below this value, the specified alarm message will be sent. This threshold is evaluated only if the high threshold has not been exceeded.

You can configure the Quality of Service message, which can have information about the disk usage in Mbytes, % or both depending on your selections.

Inode Usage and Thresholds tab

This tab is only available for UNIX systems; otherwise it remains disabled. The tab indicates the amount of total, used, and free inodes on the file system.

You can configure the following threshold settings:

Monitor disk using either inodes or %.

■ High threshold for the disk. If you select this option, set the value (based on either inodes or %) and select the alarm message to be sent. When the amount of free space gets below this value, the specified alarm message will be sent.

■ Low threshold for the disk. If you select this option, set the value (based on either inodes or %) and select the alarm message to be sent. When the amount of free space gets below this value, the specified alarm message will be issued.

You can configure the Quality of Service message, which can have information about the disk usage in inodes, % or both depending on your selections.

Disk usage change and thresholds tab

This tab lets you specify the alarm conditions for alarms to be sent when changes in disk usage occur.

Disk usage change calculation

You can select one of the following:

Change summarized over all samples. The change in disk usage is the difference between the latest sample and the first sample in the "samples window". The number of samples the cdm probe will keep in memory for threshold comparison is set as Samples on the Setup > Control Properties tab.

■ Change between each sample. The change in disk usage will be calculated after each sample is collected.

Threshold settings

This section allows you to define the alarm conditions:

■ Type of change. You can select whether alarms should be issued on increase, decrease or both increase and decrease in disk usage.

Probe Configuration

28 cdm Guide

■ High threshold for the disk. If you select this option, set the value in Mbytes and select the alarm message to be sent. When the amount of free space gets below this value, the specified alarm message will be sent. The default value is 2 Mbytes.

■ Low threshold for the disk. If you select this option, set the value in Mbytes and select the alarm message to be sent. When the amount of free space gets below this value, the specified alarm message will be issued. The default value is 2 Mbytes.


You can send QoS messages on disk usage change in Mbytes.

Delete a Disk

This option allows you to delete the disk from being monitored by the cdm probe.

On selecting the Delete option a confirmation dialog appears. Click Yes to delete the disk from the list.

Probe Configuration

Chapter 3: cdm Configuration 29

Modify Default Disk Parameters

On selecting the Modify Default Disk Paramaters option from right-click menu to modify the disk usage properties, the following dialog appears:

This section allows you to change fixed disk properties. If you modify the default settings than every disk that you add from that point forward will have the new settings as the default disk properties.

Enable Space Monitoring

The Enable space monitoring option appears only for the shared drive/folder (using the New Share... option) being monitored by the cdm probe.

To enable/disable space monitoring of the windows share/mounted drive/NFS file system, right-click a monitored windows share/mounted drive/ NFS file system in the list and select the enable/disable space monitoring option.

Probe Configuration

30 cdm Guide

The Multi CPU Tab

The Multi CPU displays the alarm threshold and the CPU usage for the different CPUs in a multi-CPU configuration. You can specify the maximum threshold, CPU difference threshold and processors to display.

Note: This tab only visible when the cdm probe is running on a multi-CPU computer.

A multi-core processor (multi-CPU) is a single computing component with two or more independent actual processors (called "cores"), which are the units that read and execute program instructions. A multi-core processor implements multiprocessing in a single physical package.

This tab contains a graph displaying the alarm threshold and the CPU usage for each processor in a multi-CPU configuration.

The thresholds and options available in the above dialog are explained below:


High (error) threshold (in %) for individual CPU usage (alarms are sent when one of the CPUs in multi-CPU systems breaches the threshold).


CPU difference threshold (in %). Alarms are sent when the difference in CPU usage among the CPUs in a multi-CPU system breaches the threshold).

Probe Configuration

Chapter 3: cdm Configuration 31

Select processors to view

Select the processor(s) to view in the graph. By default all available processor are shown.

Click the Update button to refresh the graph with the most current sample values.

The Advanced Tab

The Advanced tab allows you to customize the QoS messages like, alarm on processor queue length, alarm on detected reboot and paging measurements.

The fields displayed in the above dialog are explained below:

Quality of Service Messages

Selecting any of the following settings enables QoS messages to be sent as per the time intervals defined under Control properties (see page 16) tab.

Processor Queue Length (Windows only)

Measures the number of queued processes, divided by the number of processors, waiting for time on the CPU for Windows system. For AIX, SGI, Linux and Solaris, this QoS message refers to System Load.

Computer uptime (hourly)

Measures the computer uptime in seconds every hour.

Probe Configuration

32 cdm Guide

Memory Usage

Measures the amount of total available memory (physical + virtual memory) used in Mbytes.

Memory in %

Measures the amount of total available memory (physical + virtual memory) used in %.

Memory Paging in Kb/s

Measures the amount of memory that has been sent to or read from virtual memory in Kbytes/second.

Memory Paging in Pg/s

Measures the amount of memory that has been sent to or read from virtual memory in pages per second.

Note: If you have been running CDM version 3.70 or earlier, the QoS settings in the cdm probe GUI are different than CDM version 3.72. However, if CDM version 3.70 or earlier already has created QoS entries in the database for kilobytes per second (Kb/s) and/or pages per second (Pg/s), these entries will be kept and updated with QoS data from the newer CDM version (3.72 and higher).

Physical Memory Usage

Measures the amount of total available physical memory used in Kbytes.

Physical Memory in %

Measures the amount of total available physical memory used in %.

Swap Memory Usage

Measures the space on the disk used for the swap file in Kbytes.

Swap Memory in %

Measures the space on the disk used for the swap file in %.

CPU Usage

This section is divided into two tabs: Total CPU and Individual CPU. These measurements are all in %.

Note: The Individual CPU tab remains disabled in a single CPU configuration.

Probe Configuration

Chapter 3: cdm Configuration 33

CPU Usage (Total/Individual)

Measures how much time the CPU spends on user applications and high-level system functions. Even when the CPU usage is 0%, the CPU is still performing basic system tasks, like responding to mouse movements and keyboard input. The QoS message includes CPU User, CPU System and optionally CPU Wait information. The optional CPU Wait information requires you to select the CPU Wait is included in CPU Usage (Total) option at the bottom of this page.

CPU User

Measures the time spent by the CPU on user tasks.

CPU System

Measures the time the CPU spends on system tasks.

CPU Wait

Measures the time the CPU waits when accessing external memory or another device.

CPU Idle

Measures the time the CPU runs idle without processing anything.

Alarm on Processor Queue Length

For AIX, SGI Linux and Solaris, this option monitors system load.

Select this alarm setting to check the processor queue length. The processor queue length measures the number of threads that are in the server's processor queue waiting to be executed by the CPU. All servers, whether they have a single CPU, or multiple CPUs, have only one processor queue. The processor queue length is a measurement of the last observed value, and it is not an average of any kind. Alarm messages are generated according to the threshold value you specify. The default value is 4.

Note: If running on a multi-CPU system, the queued processes will be shared on the number of processors. For example, if running on a system with four processors and using the default Max Queue Length value (4), alarm messages will be generated if the number of queued processes exceeds 16.

Alarm on Detected Reboot

Select this option if you want an alarm to be sent if this computer is rebooted.

CPU Usage options:

CPU Wait is included in CPU Usage (Total)

Select this option if you want the QoS message on CPU Total to include CPU User, CPU System and CPU Wait. Otherwise, the CPU Total includes only CPU User and CPU System values.

Probe Configuration

34 cdm Guide

CPU stats. against entitled capacity

Calculates CPU usage as per lpar on AIX system. This option is visible only on AIX system.

The formula to calculate CPU usage on AIX system is:

Lparstat –i command

Total Capacity =( maxVirtualCPU/ maxCapacity)*100;

CPU User = CPU user *EntCap)/TotCapacity;

cpuStats->fSystem = (double)((cpuStats->fSystem *


cpuStats->fWait = (double)((cpuStats->fWait *


cpuStats->fIdle = (double)((cpuStats->fIdle *


Paging measured in

Paging can be measured in Kilobytes per second or pages per second.

Paging is the amount of memory which has been sent to or read from virtual memory. This option lets you select the paging to be measured in one of the following units:

■ Kilobytes per second (KB/s)

■ Pages per second (Pg/s). Note that the size of the pages may vary between different operating systems.

Note: When changing the paging selection, the header of the Paging graph on the Status tab will immediately change to show the selected unit, but the values in the graph will not change until the next sample is measured.

QoS messages for NFS file systems

For NFS file systems, you can select QoS message on Disk availability to be sent. For this, right-click the filesystem on the Status tab and select Edit. Select the Disk Available Quality of Service in the properties dialog and click OK. Refer the Edit Disk Properties (see page 26) section.

Memory usage on Solaris systems

There seems to be some confusion about the memory usage the cdm probe reports on Solaris systems. Most often, the issue is that cdm does not provide the same numbers that the popular TOP utility does. The main reason for this is that TOP and CDM gather swap information differently.

CDM gathers swap information in a similar way as the Solaris utility swap-l does, but using pages instead of blocks. To compare the swap information between CDM and the swap utility you take the blocks swap reports and run it through the formula: (blocks * 512) / (1024 * 1024) = total_swap Mb. This is the same number of MB the CDM probe uses in its calculations.

Probe Configuration

Chapter 3: cdm Configuration 35

TOP on the other hand gathers information about anonymous pages in the VM, which is quicker and easier to gather but do not represent a true picture of the amount of swap space available and used. The reason is that anonymous pages also take into account physical memory that is potentially available for use as swap space. Thus, the TOP utility will report more total swap space since it is also factoring in physical memory not in use at this time.

CDM and TOP gather physical memory information in similar ways, so the differences in available physical memory should be insignificant.

Since CDM does not differentiate between available swap and physical memory (after all, it is only when you run out of both the resources that things stop working on the system), the accumulated numbers are used. The accumulated numbers for TOP will be off, since the free portions of physical memory will be counted twice in many instances. While we could easily represent the data in the same format that TOP does, we feel it does not give a correct picture of the memory/swap usage on the system.

The Custom Tab

The Custom tab displays a list of all currently defined custom profiles. Custom profiles are used to get additional thresholds and alarms for checkpoints that are available in the probe. All the alarm situations are available, except for those available for multi-CPU and cluster disks. A custom profile allows you to fine-tune monitoring of resources for alarming purposes.

The alarms for each custom profile will be sent using suppression keys unique to the profile so that you can get multiple alarms for what is basically the same alarm situation (for instance, the a breach of the memory usage threshold).

How to Copy Probe Configuration Parameters

36 cdm Guide

You can right-click inside the above dialog to create new custom profiles to monitor the CPU, disk or memory. Once a custom profile is created you can select one or more custom profiles to edit, delete or activate/deactivate as and when required.

Options Configured Using Raw Configure

To access the raw configuration pages hold the Shift key and right click the cdm probe in Infrastructure Manager. Then select the Raw Configure option from the right-click menu. The raw configuration allows you to edit the configuration file or edit the data file.

Below are some useful options that can be set, using the Raw Configuration tool:

■ ignore_device

■ ignore_filesystem

To ignore certain disks and/or file systems, you can edit one of these two keys in the <disk> section:

■ ignore_device = /<regular expression>/

■ ignore_filesysem = /<regular expression>/

The value should be a regular expression that would match all disks and/or filesystems that you want the probe to ignore. Here is an example to ignore Auto-mounted disks that are recognized on each "disk interval":

ignore_device = /autofosmount.*|.*:V.*/

How to Copy Probe Configuration Parameters

If you want to configure the cdm probe the same way on multiple robots, you can copy the probe configuration from one probe to another.

Note: When performing this operation with the cdm probe, you must ensure that the disk partitions are the same on the source and the target computers.

For example: If the source computer has a C: and a D: partition, and you copy the cdm probe configuration to a cdm probe on a computer with only a C: partition, the cdm probe on this computer will try to monitor a D: partition (which is missing) and report an error.

Chapter 4: QoS Threshold Metrics 37

Chapter 4: QoS Threshold Metrics

Many Nimsoft Monitor probes ship with default QoS threshold values set. The default threshold values provide an idea of the type of values to be entered in the fields and are not necessarily recommended best practice values. To aid in tuning thresholds and reducing false-positive alarms, this section describes the QoS metrics and provides the default QoS thresholds.

This section contains the following topics:

cdm QoS Metrics (see page 37) cdm Alert Metrics Default Settings (see page 38)

cdm QoS Metrics

This section contains the QoS metrics for the cdm probe.

Monitor Name Units QoS Metric



(all of these metrics are calculated from this monitor)

Percent Individual CPU Idle

Percent Individual CPU System

Percent Individual CPU Usage (Total)

Percent Individual CPU User

Percent Individual CPU Wait


(all of these metrics are calculated from this monitor)

Percent CPU System

Percent CPU Usage

Percent CPU User

Percent CPU Wait

QOS_DISK_DELTA Megabytes Disk usage change

QOS_DISK_USAGE Megabytes Disk usage

QOS_DISK_USAGE_PERC Percent Disk usage (%)

QOS_INODE_USAGE Inodes Inode usage

QOS_INODE_USAGE_PERC Percent Inode usage (%)

QOS_MEMORY_USAGE Megabytes Memory usage

cdm Alert Metrics Default Settings

38 cdm Guide

QOS_MEMORY_PAGING Kilobytes/ Second

Memory Paging in Kilobytes per second

QOS_MEMORY_PAGING_PGPS Pages/ Second Memory Paging in Pages per second

QOS_MEMORY_PERC_USAGE Percent Memory Usage (%)

QOS_MEMORY_PHYSICAL Megabytes Physical memory usage

QOS_MEMORY_PHYSICAL_PERC Percent Physical memory usage (%)

QOS_MEMORY_SWAP Megabytes Swap memory usage

QOS_MEMORY_SWAP_PERC Percent Swap memory usage (%)

QOS_PROC_QUEUE_LEN Processes Processor queue length

QOS_SHARED_FOLDER Available Folder availability

QOS_DISK_AVAILABLE Available Disk availability

QOS_COMPUTER_UPTIME Seconds Computer uptime

cdm Alert Metrics Default Settings

This section contains the Alert Metrics Default Settings for the cdm probe.

QoS Metric Warning Threshold

Warning Severity

Error Threshold

Error Severity Description

CPU Usage 75% Warning 90% Major Total CPU above error threshold

Memory Usage in percent 50% Warning 90% Major Memory Percent Usage

Physical memory usage 85% 95%

Swap memory usage 60% 85%

Memory Paging Activity 150KB/ sec Warning 400 KB/ sec Major Amount of paging that is occurring

Disk Usage and Thresholds (Disk Error)

Disk usage (%) 20% Major 10%

Disk usage (Mb)

default should be 20% of total disk space

default should be 10% of total disk space

Disk Usage Change and Thresholds (Delta Error)

cdm Alert Metrics Default Settings

Chapter 4: QoS Threshold Metrics 39

QoS Metric Warning Threshold

Warning Severity

Error Threshold

Error Severity Description

Disk usage 8 10

Inode Usage and Thresholds

Inode usage (%) 20 10

Inode usage (inodes) 20 10

Inode Free 20 10

Disk Metric delta 5 10

Max Queue Length

Processor Queue Length 4 Warning - - The number of processes waiting to run


MultiCPU CPU usage of single cpu - 90


MultiCPU Difference in CPU usage between CPUs - 50

Chapter 5: Troubleshooting and FAQs 41

Chapter 5: Troubleshooting and FAQs

This section contains troubleshooting information for the cdm probe.

This section contains the following topics:

Guidelines for Sending Bug Reports (see page 41)

Guidelines for Sending Bug Reports

The following is a list of files and commands that should be run on the affected system before a bug report is filed. The files and output from the commands should be attached to the bug report if possible. By providing this information with the bug report saves time during the evaluation of the issue.

■ Files for all platforms

Loglevel should be set to 3 and the error reproduced prior to sending these files. Since this will generate quite a lot of log information, you can either increase the size of the log files in the cdm GUI or set the Loglevel to 13, which will not truncate the log file.

■ cdm.cfg

■ cdm.log

■ _cdm.log

■ Windows

The version of Windows and SP level should be provided. Individual patches applied are not necessary unless explicitly requested. A screen shot of the Performance tab in the Task Manager would be helpful if the problem is CPU or Memory related. A screen shot of the disks in Windows Explorer would be helpful for disk issues.

■ Unix (all platforms)

# uname -a

# mount

# df -k (on systems that support the -k option)


# /usr/bin/vmstat

# /usr/sbin/sar -P ALL

# /usr/bin/uptime

■ HP-ux

No commands need to be executed on this platform.

Guidelines for Sending Bug Reports

42 cdm Guide


# cat /proc/stat

# cat /proc/vmstat (if applicable)

# cat /proc/meminfo

# cat /proc/loadavg

■ Solaris

# /usr/bin/mpstat 60 (note: runs until stopped with Ctrl-C, get at least two


# /usr/bin/uptime

■ Tru64

# /usr/sbin/collect -s c -t -i0 (note: runs until stopped with Ctrl-C, get at least

two iterations)

top related