nillo infants school newsletter · 2019-10-23 · monday 31.10.16 $9 per child music count us in...

Post on 05-Aug-2020






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Phone: 4933 5323 Fax: 4934 5074


Week 3 Term 4 Date: 28th October 2016

Upcoming Events:

School Assemblies Every 2nd Wednesday 2.15pm


Every Thursday at 11.30am

Music Lessons with Dr. David Banney

Every Friday 9-11 am

Musica Viva ‘Zeeko’ Concert

Monday 31.10.16 $9 per child

Music Count Us In Thursday 3.10.16 12.30pm

Grandparent’s Day Friday 4.11.16 1.30pm

Kindergarten 2017 Orientation

Monday 7.11.16 9.30am -11.30am

Year 2 Transition to Maitland

Monday 14.11.16

Schools Spectacular

Friday 25.11.16

From the Principal I would like to commence this newsletter by saying thank you to our parents and community. We have had a busy start to the term and it was certainly eased in by the parent assistance every time we asked for it. The swimming School ran very smoothly, due to your assistance with taking students to the toilet and supporting students at dressing time. We have had discussions on the value of swimming school, as it takes its toll on students and teachers. However, when you see the growth in confidence and skills it is certainly worth it. I would also like to make mention of the parents and grandparents who completed the Tell Them From Me survey. We received a total of 35 respondents which is great compared to last year’s total of 14. We will be posting results in future newsletters. And last but not least, The Spring Fair. This is the P&C’s major fundraiser for the year and it was a delight to see how many parents contributed to the success of this event, in spite of threatening weather. Congratulations on a job well done. I would also like to thank our dedicated staff members, who have supported and enabled

these events and many other activities to occur to benefit our students. You are truly appreciated. And on a final note for this newsletter, we would like to welcome Eric back to our school. He has recovered from his illness and is well enough to drive. The students have really missed him. Vicki Sellens PRINCIPAL Assembly Awards Congratulations to the following students:

K WHITE 19.10.16

Ben Egan Tim Egan Liam Macklinshaw

1 RED 19.10.16

Nyree Brown Lily Szabo Tess Wallett

2 GREEN 19.10.16

Zack Day Ernie Leayr Charlee Lomas

YCDI! 19.10.16

Lilly Greenaway


Christian McCann

SUPERREADERS 75 19.10.16

Molly Belcher

SUPERREADERS 125 19.10.16

Ruby Scanlan

SUPERREADERS 150 19.10.16

Bella Johnson Ruby Scanlan

SUPERREADERS 175 19.10.16

Lila Brown Bella Johnson Aggie McGrath Isabella Muddle

SUPERREADERS 200 19.10.16

Lila Brown Charlotte Leayr Hamish McCann Isabella Muddle Alyssa Thomson

Parent Online Payments (POP) Don’t forget you can pay any school event or requirement by credit/debit card online now. Please see the Parent/Carer Instructions publication attached to the last newsletter. If you have misplaced the POP instructions or have any further enquiries regarding POP please contact Mrs. Mortimer in the office. Also, if you have changed addresses, phone numbers or emergency contacts, please call in and let Mrs. Mortimer know so that we have up to date details of your student. Swimming School We have completed our 2 weeks of swimming school. Our students have behaved beautifully, and have developed greater skills and stamina. The 10 successive days makes a great difference to a child’s confidence in their own ability and improved capabilities. Musica Viva Our final Musica Viva performance will take place on Monday 31st October. The performance is by a group called ‘Zeeko’ and Mrs. Lane has been introducing the music and instruments to our students over the last few weeks. Please remember, parents and preschoolers are most welcome. Grandparent’s Day Celebrations We are looking forward to Friday 4th November, for our Grandparent’s Day Celebration. A separate invitation was sent home last week from your child to their Grandparents to come to our school for afternoon tea and entertainment. Please remind the Grandparents that we love them to bring something from their youth to share with the children. Afternoon Tea will commence at 1.30pm. Also, parents are welcome to attend if it is not possible for your child’s Grandparents to attend. Kindergarten 2017 Orientation Our future Kindergarten students have now had two visits to our school. We will be allocating Year 2 Buddies in the coming week so that these Buddies will assist the kinder students for the last 2 Orientations. The dates and times for these visits are as follows:

Monday 7th November 9.30am – 11.30am

Wednesday 16th November 9.30am – 2.00pm T

Year 2 Transition to Maitland Public School A Boomerang Blue will be sent home for Year 2 next week for their Transition times for Maitland Public School. The proposed dates are:

Monday 12th November

Monday 5th December

Wednesday 7th December

Friday 9th December We will leave our school at 12.30pm and return by 3.00pm. We are also considering a full day visit at some point. Year 2 Fundraiser We sold out of the Nilympics DVD at the Spring Fair. However, we are taking orders and our production is underway again. If you missed your copy please visit the Year 2 room and complete the order form and we will deliver as soon as possible. Remember, they are a bargain at only $10. Emergency Drills We have now completed our mandatory drills to keep our students safe. We are required to practice our Evacuation Drills, in case we need to remove the students from the school and also Lockdown Drills, in case we need to secure the students in the school buildings. This week, we included a practice of a Lockdown Drill while the students were at play. We are required to complete 4 Drills each year so we have now finalised this requirement. School Spectacular On Friday 25th November our school will be attending the Schools Spectacular in Sydney. This is a very exciting event where schools from all over NSW present musical performances. We will not be performing, but will have the opportunity to be part of the audience. Thanks to the support of the P&C once more, students will only be paying for the cost of the entry ticket. The P&C will cover the cost of the bus which is over $1100. Please look for the Boomerang Blue attached to this newsletter. It will have the times of departure and anticipated time of return. If you have any difficulties please come in and let us know. Term 4 News In the coming weeks we will commence our assessing and reporting process on our

student’s academic success. Staff will be allocated a number of days to complete assessments, and we will endeavor to have our regular casual teachers in our school. This will cause the least disruption as possible. You can expect your child’s report to be sent home in Week 10, Wednesday 14th December. The Spring Fair The Spring Fair was a lovely event to attend and participate in. The P&C worked beautifully to ensure everything went smoothly and found many great helpers and sponsers to make this event a success. The P&C would appreciate workers or stall managers completing their Feedback sheet as soon as possible. These make planning for next year so much simpler.

We also have a number of pots painted by your children available for sale for $5. Thank you Leigh Thompson for organising this with Bunnings. Payment can be made with Mrs. Mortimer. Congratulations on a lovely family night and please have a look at the photos included in this newsletter and on our website. Newsletter Draw Amelia de Jong was the lucky winner of the free lunch from Week 1 Term 4 and will collect it in Week 3. Remember we will be drawing this week’s winner at Assembly next Wednesday so please return your slip as soon as you have read the newsletter.

Swimming Photos


Newsletter Draw Week 3 Term 4 Please sign below to indicate you have read the newsletter and return to the office for your child/ren to go into a fortnightly draw for a free canteen lunch. SIGNED: _________________________________ CHILDREN: ____________________________________________________________________

PERMISSION NOTE: SCHOOLS SPECTACULAR 25.11.16 I give permission for my child ______________________________________________ to participate in the excursion to see the Schools Spectacular at Qudos Bank Arena at Home Bush on Friday 25th November. I understand that travel will be by coach, leaving school at 8.00am and returning by 5.00pm. I enclose $_________ (being $23.00 per child). If paying by POP please enter ‘Schools Spectacular’ in the Payment Description under ‘Excursions’. Parents are reminded that the school holds funds to support families who may be suffering temporary financial hardship. To access these funds please speak to Mrs. Sellens or Mrs. Mortimer. SIGNED: __________________________________________ DATED: _________________

I have made an Online payment for Schools Spectacular 25.11.16 My receipt number is ……………………………

Child: ………………………………………………….. Class: …………………… Parent/Carer’s Name: …………………………….………………………………………. Signed ………………………………………………….. Dated …………………….

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