nikki plyem ux portfolio

Post on 12-Aug-2015






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Nikki Plyem

UX Portfolio

In 2014, I decided to make the transition from being an

improv actor to being an Executive Assistant to the

CEO at a luxury design agency. There, I nurtured my

passion and creativity and my ability to pick up any

design software by assisting in the branding and

design strategy of the packaging.

I quickly realized that I wanted to pivot from packaging

design to interactive design. I pursued being a UX

designer because it would allow me to incorporate my

love of storytelling with my passion to create.

I could be your designer!

Hi, I’m Nikki!

My Story:December 2008Graduated from SUNY Plattsburgh with a

BA in Theatre and minor in Criminal Justice

January 2009Joined MopCo, an improvisational theatre company

and got inducted into the cult of “Yes, And!”

August 2010Moved to Chicago

May 2011Moved to New York City

Feburary 2012Toured with Off-Broadway show Tony ’n’ Tina's


June 2014Started working at L.O.V.E New York as

Executive Assistant to the CEO

March 2015Started the User Experience Design Immersive at

General AssemblyMay 2015Graduated from User Experience Design

Immersive at General Assembly

My Process:

1 2

3 4


Design Test

Strategy Stakeholder InterviewsCompetitive AnalysisUsability TestingUser InterviewsUser FlowsResearch Reports

User JourneysPersonasUser ScenariosSitemapsResearch Distillation Affinity Mapping

Usability TestingResult DistillationDocumentationIteration



Microsoft Office

Adobe Acrobat



Mail Chimp

Adobe InVision



Hype 3

Adobe InDesign

Sketch 3


Google Drive


Axure RP Pro 7

My UX Toolkit:

Humans vs. Zombies


Timeframe & Team

My Role




2 weeks, team of 2

Researcher, Interaction Designer, UX Designer, Visual


Humans vs. Zombies (HvZ) is a

live action role-playing game. It

is most often played by college

students. is currently the only way to update the

conversions of humans to zombies in the game. It

requires being at a desktop, or going through a series

of browsers on a mobile phone.

We decided to solve that issue with a native app.


Finding users to interview who have actually played the

game was difficult.

Balancing the simplicity of the current branding while

making the native app visually appealing.

Research Design TestingUser Interviews

The current HvZ website is very simple in both

style and usability. This is because the founders

have other full time jobs that dictate a lot of their

time. They are able to spend about 4 days a year

on the entire maintenance and upkeep of the

site. We wanted to keep with the simplicity of

the brand, while taking it to the next level of


Style GuideCurrent Branding

HvZ’s brand as a personality is kitschy,

cartoony, and fun. It's playful and non-

graphic, unlike many color styles and

schemes of other Zombie culture. Orange,

grey, white and black are their primary

colors. The font is Helvetica Neue.

Research Design TestingUser Interviews

Finding people who had actually played HvZ was a bit of a challenge, but

after posting our survey on various Facebook, Reddit and HvZ forums we

finally managed to get a hold of a few subject matter experts, such as Joe,

the creator of the game, and Marcus, the president of the Cornwall chapter

of HvZ.

Marcus Joe

Finding the Right Users

Research Design Testing

The updates board can filter between tabs for moderator

only and all comments, so the

important messages don’t get lost.

User Interviews

To keep the brand image consistent

throughout, we used the zombie

logo as the conversion meter.

When the moderator is

logged in, they can see separate pages. These are marked

by the orange banner at the top.

The map is aligned with the grid so

players can know where the play zone

is and when they leave it.

High-Fidelity Mockups

Research Design TestingUser Interviews

Iteration of Homepage Notification

The first iteration had a line as the marker for the

conversion meter. It had a pop up notification with a

‘done’ button that announced a new

notification, along with the 1 above the message button

in the tab bar.

The second iteration had two options added to the pop up so users could go directly to the updates

menu. Also the message button was changed to

updates for better clarity. The conversion meter had color added to it instead of

a line.

The third iteration had the pop up removed all together. The 1 symbol above the updates was

turned into a solid circle. The Map and

Report Tag tabs were switched for better

hierarchy arrangement.

Research Design TestingUser Interviews

Usability Testing

During user testing on the first iteration, users felt that the pop up button was redundant if all

they could do was acknowledge it. The term ‘messages’ was

confusing because users thought they were going to an inbox or

mail system. Using a solid line as a marker for the conversions of

humans to zombies also confused some users, as it was

not clear enough what its purpose was.

During user testing on the second iteration, users felt that the pop

up button was too forceful. They did not appreciate how it broke their flow and was pushed upon them, even with the option to go

to updates or dismiss it. Users understood what the ‘Updates’ tab was without any confusion. Some users had a little trouble finding the ‘Report Tag’ button

when prompted. Users understood and enjoyed the conversion meter that filled in

with color.

During user testing on the third iteration, users

understood that they had a notification and intuitively

clicked on the updates tab. Users also found the ‘Report

Tag’ tab faster, now that it was second from the left.

Thank you!

If you want to get a hold of me for questions, comments or coffee, call or email me!


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