nicholas lea presentation

Post on 21-Oct-2014






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Project LEAP! - Did we LEAP far enough?A case study of Stockland Retail implementing new Leasing

Processes & SystemsJune 2011


Context: Stockland and Retail

Retail’s Challenge

Project LEAP!

Lessons Learned – Positive

Lessons Learned – Do Better

New Technology

A Thought to Ponder

Key Change Activities by Workstream

What worked – what didnt



Stockland is a large, diversified property

company. It is listed on the ASX (top 30). It has

approximately 1350 employees, geographically

spread over QLD, NSW, VIC and WA.

Vision: Become a world class property group




Stockland Retail

• Manages and operates approximately 39 Shopping Centres around the country

• Combined asset value of $ 4.2B

• Focus on customer (tenant)


Retails Challenge


Project LEAP!

Project LEAP! was established in January 2010. LEAP! aimed to standardize key leasing

processes and supporting roles across Retail through implementing a Siebel CRM system.

Project Vision: Simpler for our Employees, Better for our Customers, Smarter for Stockland

Change Management Challenge

Project LEAP! – Change Management Solution Map

Project Phase

Business Case

Detailed Design

Build Test Implement Adopt

Planning: impact assessments & stakeholder updates

Training planning, design, development, delivery

Communication planning, development, delivery

Business readiness : process workshops, policies

Role definition & reward structures

Project Leadership and Sponsorship

Project LEAP!

Project Phase

Business case

Detailed Design

Build Test Implement Adopt

Planning: impact assessments & stakeholder updates

Activities:• High level change plan• Impact assessments and validation against plans• Detailed change plan• Stakeholder assessments and SME/ Champion identification • Formalise Change and SME roles in the project

Outcomes:• Business validation of key impacts and plans to “bridge the gap”• Business agreement to roles, tasks and times• Stakeholder recognition & acceptance that change for our employees doesn’t stop at go live, it progresses into adoption – institutionalisation

Project LEAP!

Project Phase

Business case

Detailed Design

Build Test Implement Adopt

Activities:• High level & tactical communications plans• Audience analysis • Communications measurement• Execution of communications plan

• Team Site• Newsletters• Team Briefings• MS Live Meeting

Outcomes:• Employees start the journey from Contact – Awareness – Understanding – Readiness• Reinforcement

Communication planning, development, delivery

Project LEAP!

Project Phase

Business case

Detailed Design

Build Test Implement Adopt

Activities:• Process workshops• Identification and tracking of supporting policies, procedures, manuals, updated documents, integration with other systems and stakeholder testing and training• 3 x Business readiness surveys

Outcomes:• Alignment between processes, systems, supporting structures and roles• Reduced risk that project would not be adopted

Business Readiness : process workshops, policies, documents

Project LEAP!

Project Phase

Business case

Detailed Design

Build Test Implement Adopt

Activities:• Definitions of role Accountability/ Responsibility statements• Define and gain agreement that a component of each impacted employees annual ‘at risk’ pay be based on adoption of LEAP!• Business owner role created• Define post go live success criteria & measures

Outcomes:• Alignment between processes, roles and behaviours• Reduced risk that project would not be adopted

Role definition & reward structures

Project LEAP!

Project Phase

Business case

Detailed Design

Build Test Implement Adopt

Activities:•Training Needs Analysis• Curriculum Design• Training Development – linking of process, system, business rule and roles• Training Logistics• Training Delivery • Evaluation

Outcomes:• Employees now “how” to use the new leasing processes and systems•

Training planning, design, development, delivery

Project LEAP!

Project Phase

Business case

Detailed Design

Build Test Implement Adopt

Activities:• Sponsor as Leader • Their involvement as a coach to SME• Story telling• Rewarded people as behaviour came into alignment

Outcomes:• Sponsor kept communicating the vision for the project• Actively & visibly supported the SME & Project Team to achieve the goals of the project• Alignment of sponsor with processes, system and behaviours

Project Leadership and Sponsorship

Project LEAP! Success

Stockland Retail

October 2010: Retail went live with Project LEAP!

100% Hindsight


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