niacin benefits

Post on 29-Mar-2016






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If you don’t know what niacin is and how it is helpful then you really need to read this report


Niacin Benefits

If you don’t know what niacin is and how it is

helpful then you really need to read this report

Click on the link below for a free guide to choosing

supplement products!

In this article I’m going to share the major niacin benefits that this substance has to offer, as

well as some of its history and the best way to get it. Niacin or vitamin B3 is one of the 8 B

vitamins that are needed so that the human body operates correctly.

In fact if someone doesn’t consume enough of this substance then all kinds of health problems

could be created. This could include scurvy that loosens teeth, causes nerve damage,

convulsions and death.

Pellagra is another medical condition which results in the 4 d’s. These are diarrhea, dermatitis,

dementia and death.

Also someone can experience beriberi, which could result in mental confusion, speech

problems and paralysis.

What is interesting about beriberi is that in 1905 a gentleman named William Fletcher

discovered there were certain nutrients in the husks of rice that prevented this disease. Then

someone named Casimir Funk took Mr. Fletchers findings and created the term vitamin.

So the disease beriberi, which was a major problem in the early 1900’s, really lead to the

discovery of vitamins.

So, as you can already see, it is very important for someone to consume niacin and I didn’t even

mention something called rickets yet that softens bones.

Niacin was discovered by Conrad Elvehjem a biochemist from Wisconsin in 1937. It was initially

known as nicotinic acid due to oxidizing nicotine, which basically means it gives it oxygen.

Yes, it’s the same nicotine found in tobacco. It changed its name to niacin by combining the first

two letters of nicotinic, the next two letters from acid and the last 2 letters from vitamin.

Besides preventing all these horrible medical conditions niacin actually has many benefits. Did

you know that doctors actually prescribe this vitamin to help with high cholesterol?

Yep, it lowers unhealthy LDL cholesterol and raises good HDL cholesterol, which not only

prevents heart disease, but nearly every organ since more blood flow equals organs working

better. Oh and vitamin B3, which is niacin actually helps remove toxins from the body.

What it does is rupture fat cells that store toxins and this helps the body remove them.

There is also some evidence that this vitamin enhances muscle strength and reduces muscle

and joint fatigue.

This means that it’s beneficial to osteoarthritis and strength training. Lastly, a study was done

on 10 people that took 1,000 mg of this substance 3 times a day and 5 people totally recovered

from being senile and 2 had significant improvements. This means that it is great for the brain

and memory.

Other interested advantages to it could be helping with diabetes, skin care, motion sickness and

really just tons and tons of other advantages. I could probably go on listing many others.

Just take my word and ensure you get enough of this vitamin daily.

You can easily acquire niacin through eating fish, chicken, beef, nuts and fresh green peas. I

strongly recommend taking a good supplement to be safe. The nutritional quality of the food

that is available to many of us has diminished from chemicals, packaging and cooking.

Supplements also offer many other advantages such as being convenient, easy to take and have

many other positive features like antioxidants and some herbs.

Of course not everything is blue sky’s and rainbows with supplements and there are some

dangers to avoid. To make things somewhat easier for you I actually have created a written

guide that can walk someone through what to look for in a supplement brand and what to


Just reading this guide can enable you to get a supplement that not only is the best price, but

provides the most benefits with the least risk.

Oh, and it’s completely free so you really have no excuse not to at least check it out. You can

view this guide by clicking on the link free guide to buying supplements.

You can also watch a video on this topic by clicking on this link here.

Click on the link below for a free guide to choosing

supplement products!

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