nhs e-referral service any to any referral to a provider in a different part of the country patient...

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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NHS e-Referral Service

Any to AnyReferral to a provider in a different part of the country

Patient and User Journey: The Vision …….

Any to Any

Patient sees GP

Matthew, a 19 year old student in Leeds, sees his GP with severe lower back pain that has been bothering him for a long time. He is also having numbness and weakness in his right leg. After examining him, Dr Challenor suspects that Matthew might have a disc prolapse and would benefit from seeing a specialist who can assess his problem.


GP refers to local Clinical Assessment Service

Dr Challenor searches on the NHS e-Referral Service for ‘disc prolapse’. She notes there is a locally-commissioned multidisciplinary Clinical Assessment Service (CAS) that assesses all musculoskeletal problems. Matthew agrees to attend an assessment and chooses to be sent the booking instructions electronically. He is then able to book an appointment.


Any to Any

Patient attends the assessment appointment

Matthew is seen by Gill, a consultant physiotherapist, who assesses him and feels he needs a scan of his lower back. The MRI scan confirms a large disc prolapse. As his symptoms are so severe, Gill advises that surgery might be indicated and would like to refer him to a back surgeon.


Any to Any

Consultant Physiotherapist refers to provider in Cambridge

Matthew would rather have surgery near his parent’s home in Cambridge, so that they canhelp him after any possible operation. Gill logs onto the NHS e-Referral Service and searches for disc prolapse services near Cambridge. She sends Matthew a list of options electronically and he books his appointment online.


Any to Any

Consultant Surgeon reviews referral information

Mr Delaney, the spinal surgeon in Cambridge, reviews the clinical referral information and MRI report provided by Dr Challenor and Gill. He accepts the referral into his service and records an instruction for his administrator to requestMatthew’s MRI images from the PACS portal.


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Patient attends consultant appointment

Matthew attends his appointment and subsequently has surgery at his chosen hospital near his parents.


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Patient gives feedback

After his operation, Matthew is invited to provide online feedback on the referral and booking process. He is pleased to be able to provide positive feedback about his experience.


Any to Any

NHS e-Referral Service vision – making paperless referrals a reality

How can YOU get involved?

• Take part in the consultation at: www.hscic.gov.uk/ers

• Contact us on email: nhs.ers@hscic.gov.uk

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