nextgen di stowe day 1...nextgen personalized learning stowe, vt - july 28-31, 2014 summer design...

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  • NextGen Personalized Learning Stowe, VT - July 28-31, 2014



    AGENDAThursday, March 207:30 a.m. Registration – Foyer

    8:30 a.m. Pre-Conference Sessions (Pre-registration required)

    Lunch on your own

    Ple Our Commitment to Personalized Learning and Voices From Our Schools – Tiffany Ballroom

    Concurrent Sessions (9 sessions)

    3:30 p.m. Break – Break Stations

    Concurrent Sessions (10 sessions)



    Educator Networking – Foyer

    7:00 p.m. Dinner on your own

    8:00 p.m.

    Friday, March 217:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast – Ballroom Terrace + Foyer

    Plenary Session: Student Voice in the Learning Process – Tiffany Ballroom

    Concurrent Sessions (10 sessions)

    Break – Break Stations

    Concurrent Sessions (10 sessions)

    Lunch and NESSC Awards Ceremony – Tiffany Ballroom + Foyer

    Concurrent Sessions (9 sessions)

    2:30 p.m. Adjournment (no closing ceremony) #NESSCall materials at:

    NGLC Regional Funds for Breakthrough Schools

  • Welcome: NextGen SchoolsCT High School in the Community

    CT Lyman Hall High School

    CT Mark T. Sheehan High School

    ME Deer Isle - Stonington High School

    ME Hall-Dale Middle/High School

    ME Monmouth Academy

    ME Richmond Middle/High School

    NH Campbell High School

    NH Fall Mountain Regional High School

    NH Making Community Connections Charter School

    NH Winnacunnet High School

    RI Central Falls High School

    VT Cabot School

    VT Champlain Valley Union High School

    VT Harwood Union High School

    VT Rochester School

    VT Twinfield Union School

    VT Vergennes Union High School

  • Welcome: NESSC

    CT Janet Garagliano (NESSC)

    NH Rob Tenney (DOE)

    RI Cali Cornell (RIDE)

    VT Debi Price (AOE), John Fisher (AOE), Chris Case (AOE), Tom Alderman (AOE)

    NGLC Stefanie Blouin

  • Welcome: GSP• Duke Albanese

    • Reed Dyer

    • Jean Haeger

    • Angela Hardy

    • Jon Ingram

    • Mark Kostin

    • Alex MacPhail

    • Gwen Merrick

    • Ken Templeton

    • Katie Thompson

    • Don Weafer

    • Becky Wilusz

  • Our Opportunity… Our Challenge

  • image courtesy MVIFI


  • Rapid Design Thinking45 minutes !

    1. Discover + Define 2. Empathize 3. Explore 4. Produce

  • Rapid Design Thinking1. Discover + Define - 5 minutes 2. Empathize 3. Explore 4. Produce

    DESIGN CHALLENGE: What might personalized learning look like at your school?

  • Rapid Design Thinking1. Discover + Define 2. Empathize 3. Explore - 5 minutes 4. Produce

    Explore Resources + Generate Ideas • What do we already know about personalized

    learning? !• What can we learn from each other? !• If you were to share with another team, what

    would you say about personalized learning?

  • Rapid Design Thinking1. Discover + Define 2. Empathize 3. Explore 4. Produce - 15 minutes

    Prototype - Generate a Visual Solution !

    Using the resources available to you, build a model representing what personalized learning might look like at your school.

  • Rapid Design Thinking1. Discover + Define 2. Empathize 3. Explore 4. Produce - 5 minutes for review 2 minutes for turn + talk

    Gallery Walk View the solutions around the room. At your tables, turn + talk.

    I noticed...I wonder...I wish...

  • Rapid Design Thinking1. Discover + Define 2. Empathize 3. Explore 4. Produce

    What was missing?

  • Rapid Design Thinking1. Discover + Define 2. Empathize 3. Explore 4. Produce

  • Design Thinking1. Discover + Define 2. Empathize 3. Explore 4. Produce

    At first we thought...., now we think....

  • Design Thinking

  • Design Thinking

  • Design Thinking

  • Personalized Learning Partners






    NGLC Regional Funds for Breakthrough Schools

    Colorado - New Orleans - Chicago - Washington, DC - Oakland, CA


    Draft learning design model


    Identify steps for school & community engagement


    Clarify readiness for launch (’15, ’16, or beyond)


    Develop & deepen network of support

  • Institute Organization• Whole group sessions • School team sessions • Break out sessions • Tuning sessions • Coaching

  • NextGen Resources

    Find all materials on our website:

  • 26

  • 27


  • 28

  • Establishing Norms

    Accept !

    Communicate !


  • • Support the facilitation of the Design Thinking process


    • Enhance the capacity of the school team


    • Remain a point of contact through September 5

    Role of the Coach

  • DT Step One: Discover (1:30-3:00)

    Pinnacle A

    Richmond Middle/High School Champlain Valley Union HS Fall Mountain HS Rochester HS High School in the Community

    Pinnacle C

    Monmouth HS MC2 Lyman Hall HS and Mark T. Sheehan HS Cabot HS Twinfield HS Deer-Isle Stonington HS


    Campbell HS Central Falls HS Harwood Union HS
Vergennes HS Hall-Dale Middle/High School Winnacunnet HS

  • Lunch

  • Norms• Respect time • Monitor “air time” • Listen well • Respect differences • Support a culture of


    • Freely attend to personal needs

    • Foster good humor

    • Maintain confidentiality

    What else do you need in order to do your work well this week?

  • DT Step 2: Empathy

  • Constructivist Listening

  • Student Profiles


    Write each student’s name in the space provided. Then jot notes in each personalized learning category. Add other categories if necessary. If you don’t know a piece of information, leave the space blank – and now you know what you need to know!

    Personalized Learning Student A: _____________ Student B: _____________ Student C: _____________ Student D: _____________

    Academic Strengths

    Social Strengths



    Co-curricular activities

    Out of school activities (job, community/religious organization, …)

    Family information

    Academic Challenges

    Social Challenges

  • Break

  • DT Step 2: Empathy

  • Empathy Maps

  • DT Step 2: EmpathyPoint Of View: user + need + insight

  • DT Step 2: EmpathyPoint Of View: user needs to ___________ because ____________

  • DT Step 2: Empathy

  • DT Step 2: EmpathyPoint Of View: A desperate mother needs to have the means to give her baby a chance to live because medical care is inaccessible or too expensive.

  • DT Step 2: Empathy

  • DT Step 2: EmpathyPoint Of View: A child getting an MRI needs to feel at ease because anxiety for the child produces anxiety for the adults caring for him/her.

  • DT Step 2: Empathy

  • DT Step 2: EmpathyPoint Of View: A student who aspires to be the first in her family to attend college needs to ___________ because ____________

  • DT Step 2: EmpathyImagine !

    Ask !


  • Dinner

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