
Post on 25-Feb-2016






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NextBook. Cassius Miller Preston Dunlap Miguel Velazquez Jair Garrido. Cassius . 23 year old full-time student Business Major at UTD Comes from Single Parent household Has worked 3 jobs at a time Helps provide for Mom and little brother Uses Textbooks every semester. Cassius. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


NextBookCassius Miller

Preston Dunlap Miguel Velazquez

Jair Garrido


Cassius23 year old full-time studentBusiness Major at UTDComes from Single Parent householdHas worked 3 jobs at a timeHelps provide for Mom and little

brotherUses Textbooks every semester

Text Books: Today• Textbooks are expensive• The average student spends $650-1100 on

textbooks every year• The average student takes 5 years to complete an

undergraduate degree.• (5 years or school x average

cost of books)= $3250-5500 on textbooks for college

Textbook costs for buying used/new books past 12 monthsMarketing book:$120-160Finance book: $150-220Real Estate: $65-100Operations Management: $190-240Statistics: $120-175Tax Accounting: $260-300International Business: $80-100Entrepreneurship: $120-216Total Cost (used or new)= $1,105 to $1511

Textbook costs for used books past 12 monthsMarketing book:$80Finance book: $120 Real Estate: $56 dollarsOperations Management: $140Statistics: $90Tax Accounting: $200International Business: $60Entrepreneurship: $102Total Cost (rented)= $848


Nextbook OverviewProvide students necessary textbooks at

low costEliminate the stress of getting

unnecessary textbooksAllow students unlimited textbook rentals

throughout their college career

How the Nextbook Membership worksMembership Start-Up Fee: $50One Semester Cost: $350One Year Cost: $ 600Two Year Commitment: $800Four+ Year Commitment: $1250Early Cancellation Fee: $100 flat ratePayment Plan Fee: $50 flat rate

The Order of our Target Market1. Business Students at UTD (7000+)2. ALL of UTD (29000+)3. Students in college in Texas (over 1

million)4. America (over 20 million people start

college annually)5. College Students around the globe

(over 200 million)


Strengths • Easily Accessible

• Strong School Culture

• Excellent customer service

• Wide variety • Low Prices

• Provides digital Books

• Targets all of Book Market

Weaknesses • Extremely overpriced

• Low inventory

• Too many other products

• No customer culture

• Inconsistent Shipping

• Digital Textbooks are not popular

Start-Up FinancialsStart-Up Expenses

Legal $2000.00Storage for Book Inventory $1500.00

Computer and Office Equipment


Pre-opening Marketing $15,000.00

Used/New Books: Inventory $100,000.00Total Expenses $123,500.00

Start-Up AssetsCash in bank $10,000.00

Website $2000.00Total Assets $12,000.00

Recurring CostsRent (in future) $600.00Utilities $250.00Inventory $1000.00

Marketing $500.00Number of months 12Total Recurring Expenses(Annually)


Total Estimated Start-Up Costs: $164,000

Your Investment is the Golden Ticket

Calculated start-up cost: $164,000*We estimate that we will be able to pay back within 1

year.If we get 164 students to commit to the $1,250

membership we have already surpassed breaking even*.

College Textbook Total Market: 18 BillionUTD Total Market: $37,700,000Your investment of $164,000 earns an

equity stake of 20%, and 25% of all fee’s.

Recap of Fees and Membership costMembership Start-Up Fee: $50One Semester Cost: $350One Year Cost: $ 600Two Year Commitment: $800Four+ Year Commitment: $1250Early Cancellation Fee: $100 flat ratePayment Plan Fee: $50 flat rate

25% of all fee’s also go to investors

Skills Profile and Benefits

Cassius: Business Administration, Founder, Motivational Speaker, Sales

Jair: Marketing Manager, CMOPreston: Sales/Public Relations/CCOMiguel: Production/MarketingNextbook: Students who face the issue of expensive textbooksBenefit: There are new students joining UTD everyday, which gives us a reoccurring customer basis

Partnership GoalsPartner with UTDPartner with Lupus Foundations to help

find a cure.Partner with charities to provide books to

underprivileged children


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