newton’s laws practice

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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Practice problems about Newton's Laws


Newton’s LawsNewton’s Laws



• The kilogram is a measure of an object’s:

• A) weight

• B) gravity

• C) force

• D) mass


• Whirl a rock at the end of a string and it follows a circular path. If the string breaks, the tendency is of the rock is to:

• A) continue to follow a circular path

• B) follow a straight line path


• A sheet of paper can be withdrawn from under a milk carton without toppling it as long as the sheet is pulled quickly. This demonstrates:

• A) gravity tends to hold the carton to the ground

• B) the carton has inertia• C) for every action there’s an equal



• Your weight is:

• A) a property of mechanical equilibrium

• B) actually your mass

• C) the gravitational attraction between your body and the earth


• One object has twice as much mass as another object, and also has twice as much:

• A) volume

• B) velocity

• C) inertia

• D) gravitational acceleration


• Jupiter has 3 times the gravitational force of Earth. So on Jupiter, a 100kg object would have a mass of:

• A) 100kg

• B) 30kg

• C) 300kg

• D) 600kg


• An object weighs 20lbs on the Earth, another object weighs 20lbs on the moon. Which object has more mass?

• A) Object on the Earth

• B) Object on the Moon

• C) Not enough information to say


• The law of inertia applies to:

• A) objects at rest

• B) objects in motion

• C) both moving and nonmoving objects


• A force is a vector quantity because it has both:

• A) mass and acceleration

• B) action and reaction counterparts

• C) magnitude and direction


• 10kg brick and a 1kg brick are dropped in a vacuum, the force of gravity on the 10kg brick is:

• A) zero

• B) 10 times as much as the 1kg brick

• C) the same as the 1kg brick


• An object is propelled along a straight-line path. If it’s force were doubled, then it’s acceleration would:

• A) halve

• B) quadruple

• C) double

• D) stay the same


• An object is propelled in a straight-line path by a force. If the mass of the object is somehow doubles, it’s acceleration:

• A) halves

• B) quadruples

• C) doubles

• D) stays the same


• An object is pulled northward at 20N and southward at 15N. What magnitude of the net force?

• 75N

• 10n

• 0N

• 15N


• A 10N falling object encounters 10N of air resistance. The magnitude of the net force is:

• A) 100N

• B) 10N

• C) 0N

• D) Infinite


• An apple is held at rest above your head. The magnitude of the net force of the apple is:

• A) 10N

• B) 0N

• C) 100N

• D) between 10N and 0N


• Which has zero acceleration? An object_____

• A) at rest

• B) changing its direction

• C) changing its speed

• D) all of these


• Whenever the net force on an object is zero, the acceleration

• A) may be zero

• B) is zero


• A car has a mass of 3000kg and accelerates at 2 m/s/s. What is the magnitude of the force exerted on the car?

• 1500N

• 3000N

• 6000N

• 2000N


• A tow truck exerts a 2 m/s/s acceleration on a car with a force of 300N. The mass of the car is

• A) 600N

• B) 3000kg

• C) 150kg

• D) 1500kg


• A girl pulls a 10kg wagon with a constant force of 300N. What is the wagon’s acceleration in m/s/s?

• A) .3

• B) 3000

• C) 30

• D) 1/30


• Whenever an object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts a force of the same magnitude but in the opposite direction.

• A) Always true

• B) Sometimes true

• C) Usually true


• A high school student hits a nail with a hammer. During the collision there is a force:

• A) On the hammer but not the nail

• B) On the nail but not the hammer

• C) On both hammer and nail


• Forces always occur:

• A) in singles

• B) in pairs

• C) in triplets

• D) in space


• A rocket is able to propel itself in in the vacuum of space by firing its engines. The force that propels the rocket is:

• A) The exhaust gasses pushing on space

• B) The exhaust gasses heating up the ship

• C) The exhaust gasses rushing away from the ship


• An archer shoots an arrow. Consider the action force to be the bowstring pushing against the arrow. The reaction force is:

• A) air resistance pushing against the arrow

• B) the grip of the archers hand on the bow

• C) the push of the arrow against the bowstring

• D) none of these


• A baseball player bats a ball with a force of 1000N, the ball exerts a reaction force against the bat of

• A) 100N

• B) 1000N

• C) A little less than 1000N

• D) Not enough information


• As the ball falls, the action force is the mass of the earth pulling on the ball. The reaction force is

• A) the ball’s pull on the earth

• B) nonexistent in this case

• C) the pull of the opposing fans’ minds

• D) air resistence


• A karate chop delivers a blow of 3,000N to a board that breaks. The force that acts on the hand is actually:

• A) more than 3000N

• B) less than 3000N

• C) exactly 3000N

• D) depends if the board was oak or ash


• Arnold Strongman and Suzy Small pull hard in opposite directions in a tug of war. The greatest force on the rope is exerted by:

• A) Suzy, suprisingly

• B) Arnold, of course

• C) both the same


• Are you getting tired of questions about Newton’s Laws?

• A) No way, I love Physics!

• B) No, I can do this all day

• C) Please give me more questions!!!

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